" - r \ •r, - . ' T . , » • . ' > , v\ *"'- * , > .i-U'*it»-'.b>|fjii' ? V ., ..#:•• . *1 ' ".w ' - > . r ' W > . that is better made-to-order Suits {«id $5»oo f 4 Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that Is thp why good ready-made Suits will keep their stytepe better than made-to-order Suits. JOS WEST McHENFY. ILLINOIS. % and Window ScreertS! tET US FIT YOU UP IN THIS INE. WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND DO IT REASO: lacobluslcn 'Our Hile of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly rs Supplies! We also handle a com plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be found here. F. L. ricOHBER Be Careful! Be as careful about who is going to make your Suit as you are about the particular pattern of goods and you will get much better looking, fitting and wearing Garments. Get a Suit of us and you'll look and feel like a perfect gentle man. The practical features in tailoring can only be found in a garment made by hand. If I could take you into my shop and show you the care with which every garment is made you would understand why our garments are the best; why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other Garments. We have increased the volume of our business yearly by superior cut and fitting Garments, best goods and trimmings, honest business methods and in the end giving our cus tomers value recei ved for each and every dollar of their patronage and we believe that your best interets and success lie with us. 11 . * " "" 1 |ii , : John D. Lodtz WOCA4.SRECEIVE OF SEASON. Th« Corpus Christi team of Chicago was responsible for MdHenry'a third deftat of the seasOo last Snnday after noon at the West Side ball tfroonds, the victory making sixteen straight for the visitors this season. x The scoring for the visitors began in the second inning. Bnsh was safe at first on Binding's error and caiue - home on Cnrry's doable. The next three bat ters fanned. In the fifth another ran Stringer opened np with a single, Heckinger was safe on an error by P. Weber, Stringer going to third on Murray flew ont to P. Web- flew out to center, String er coming home on the ont, Carlsted's fly to third ending the inning. ^ Two scores were brought in by the visitors in the seventh, giving them a total of foar, while the looals were hug ging a large goose egg. Neath, in the seventh, was hit by a pitched ball, stole second and came home on Stringer's neat bingle. Hex&inger pat one down to Bending, the latter doubling String er at second. Hedbinger stole second a moment later and came home on Mur ray's hit. Moran singled and Murray was nipped at the plate by a fast relay of the ball. Carls ted ont short to first. The ninth looked very disastrous to the visitors tacked the away in safety. Stringer opened the fatal ninth with a single and was bronght home when Heckinger landed on the ball for the three sacks. Not satisfied with three bases, the runner tried to stretoh the hit into a home run and was caught by a quarter of a block. Murray put one into the woods for three bases. Moran struck out, Carl- sled was safe at first on Ulrich's and Murray crossed the home with the sixth and last tally of the day for the visitors. Hennescy ended the round by fanning. The Blues could not connect to any advantage except in one inning, the lucky seventh, when our friend, Mr. Heckinger. was touched up at a lively rate, four safe drives being made off his delivery in this inning. Voeltz started the baH a-rolling with a single. Kap- pler was passed and Weber struok out. Howard singled and the bases were full. Scnlly flew out to third. With two out and no vans, Bending stopped up to the plate with ,a bad look. All was excitement A hit was needed--a fact of which the batter was very well aware. After placing the little sphere into his strong left hand, one Mr. Heck inger delivered the ball into the very spot where Bending always cats them. There was a connection and out went the pig skin into the tall and uncut, the hit being good for two bases, and as a result two runners crossed the plate. Ulrich duplicated Bonding's stunt Mid the base rnnaers registered, making four tallies all told, and thereby tying up the score. G. Weber put all future hopes to the bad by striking out. The neore: ' ' **** McHENBY. B B PO A E Scully, 2nd b'., B e n d W « • . . 1 Ulrich. 1st b.. >^.0 U. Weber, If . ......0 Buss, ct it i,».0 Voltzrf&cf.. i. .... .... i.l Kappler. 3rd by .. ....1 „ , Weber, D 0 0 1 HowiirU, c ....i t 1 18 Eviinsoii,rf ..0 0 0 Totals OOBPU8 Ol Murray, ss. Moran, If . ...... < 'urlvLod, 3d b*..... Heiiuecy, lfct h...... Hijz.li, rf. Curry, trd b ....... Neutb, cf Htrinster, c Heckinger, Totals.. "V l . . i . 0 »**... .1 0 4 > K B H PO 6 13 tt 5 9 sooaa »T IHIOAGS. McHenry., 0000004 0 0--4 Corpus Christl 0 1 00 1 020 2-- 6 Btolen bases--Utticb, Moran, Carlsted,Bush, Curry, Neuth, Heckinger. Struck out--By Weber, 4; by Heckinger, 12. Hit by pitched ball-Neuth. Base on balls--Off Heckinger, 4. 1 wo-base hits--Bending, Ulrich, (2), Curry. Three-base hits--Murray, Hec-kinger l»eft on bases--McHenry, #; Corpus Christl, 7. Time of i<ame--one-hour and 45 minutes. Umpire, SpurlieK- Attendance, 400. JOHNSBURGH LOSES TO LONG LAKE. The Johnsborgh Grays lest to Long Lake last Snnday by a score of 6 to 4. The Grays pot up an excellent article of baseball, but luck seemed against them. The Johnsborgh team is putting up an Article of ball that is worthy of more than a little comment. This is only their third season in the basebdl world but tbey now have a team that they need not be ashamed of. A pick* 'Op bunch from McHenry crossed bats •with them about two weeks ago Mid ex- jpected to find Johnsburgh an easy mark, ftrat to their great surprise they found "that they had met a real baseball team, the McHenryites being defeated to the tune of 28 to 8. The score of S u n d a y ' s g a m e i s a s f o l l o w s : S H E Long Lake (HHMMMMM)»x- 6-8-8 Johnsburgh 2-1-0-0-0-1-0-0--0--4-- &-1 NOTES FOB FANS. Colombia Giants next Snnday. Neath's catch of Scully's fly la the Hfth was a beauty. Buss' catch of Moran's short fly in the fifth was a fine piece of work. 8tringer is about the beet catcher we have yet seen on the home grounds Weber pitched a good game and shonld have won, bat as it was, the er rors came in at the most critical stages of the game. The Columbia Gian*» of Chicago d*- feated the Union, 111., team on the lat ter s ground on Monday, July 88, by the score of 10 to 4. With Bosworth in the game, tlie score would have been different. How ard, who caught the game, was off on throwing to second and as a result six visitors stole bases. So scarce is help in Kansas that base ball score boards have been placed at the wheat fields of the Forsha raneh, 'nine miles from Wichita, in order to keep fhtt harvwti bands at " T-W - • • » ; - • as lost but three out of the fourteen played. It has the best record of any team in the pounty The Harvards defe.ited the Janesville, Wis., team in a ten inning straggle last Sunday on the home grounds by a score of 5 to 8. By a tcore of 8 to 1 the Olivers of Woodstock deteated the Oak Leas of Chicago at the National last Sunday. GAME NEXT 8UNDAV. The Columbia Giants who were billed to appear here three weeks ago, but thru a railway accident were unable to fill .the date, will positively appeal or the local grounds next Sunday after noon. The Colombia Giants have a world-wide reputation as one of *tl e leading colored teams now in existence. This will be the first visit of aggregation to McHenry and it is pected that the largest crowd of the season will be in attendance. Besides playing an exceptionally good article of ball, the colored gents keep the crowds good natnred thru their fanny sayings and pranks. All tarn out and witness the one big game of the season. Game called at 2:45 p. m. Usual will W charged. Unneceauu-jr KxpenM». *V Acute attacks of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtaiued. There is no nececessity of incurring the expense of a physician's service in such eases if Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this medicine will relieve the patient before a doctor could arrive, ft has never been known to fail, even in the most severe and dangerous cases, and no family shonld be without it. For sale by G. W. Besley. ^ Yellowstone P*»-k. A splendid arranged all expense tour to Yellowstone Park and return leaves Chicago August 4, under the auspices of the tourist department of Union Pacific & North-Westevn line. All expenses of the journey included in the initial cost. All arrangements for hotels, train sched ules, checking of baggage, etc,, are ar ranged in advance. Write for itinerar ies and particulars to S. A, Hutchinson, Manager, 212 Clark street, Chicago. Aug. 4. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attiiSf^of biliousness and habitual constipation a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money re funded. Only 25 cents at N. H. Pet- esch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. A LHWII Fete and entertainment will be given on the Catholic church grounds, Wauconda, 111., on Saturday evening, Angnst 4, 1906. A very interesting program is be ing arranged for the entertaimeut. Ice cream and cake, lemonade, poffee and sandwiches will be served in abundance by the ladies. The grounds will be artistically decorated by the young men and ladies of the parish. All are in vited. Bring your friends. A joyous time is assured to everybody. I-;. v begins Friday, July 13, for two J People Have Kidney Trouble and Do Not Know If. HOW TO FIND OUT. It is the function of the kidneys to filter and purify the blood which is constantly passing through them. < When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are kffected immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailments, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order, if you are sick Foley's Kidney lire will strengthen and build up the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they Will act properly and the symptons of ness, heart, stomach and liver trouble will disappear and you will bo restored to perfect health. How to Till If You Hava Kidney Tronbfs. Yofl can easily determine if your kid- Beys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed iment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and Foley's "Mney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cure is pleasant to take and acts directly upon the parts affected and you begin to feel better at once. It corrects slight disorders in a few days and it has cured many obstinate after other treatment had failed. Said Hs Peter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes: STEVENS WHEN YOUSHOOT I Yon want to HIT what you are aiming at ! --be it bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS. For 41 years STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Ask your Dealer--in sist on the STBVBNS. If you cannot obtain, we ship direct, ex- fress prepaid^ upon recciptof catalog price Send 4 cts. in stamps for no-page Catalog of complete output. A valuable book ofrefrr- em e for present and prospective shooters. Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hangejr will be lorwankdJor so ceoti in stamp*. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., ,*.0. Box40M CKXCOm TALL8, MASS.,U.S.a. "After doctoring for two years with the ns in Waynesburg, and still g worse, the doctors advised me if\ physicians in Wa and still had any business to attend to I had bet ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and X immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be* gan to get better and continued Jtp iia- until I was entirely well."' ' 6O0 andS1.0«L SILD AND RECOMMENDED BY to Co Utah and the Black HHIH, Via the North-Western Line. Begin ning J one 1 excursion tickets will be sold daily to Denver, Colorado Spring?, Pueblo, Salt Lake City, Hot Springs, Deadwood, Lead and Custer, S. D., etc., good to return until Oct. 31. Specially low rates to these and other points, with favorable return limits, will be sold the first and third Tuesday of each month until Sept. 18, inclusive. As len- did opportunity is oifered for an enjoy able vacation trip. Several fine train's via the North-Western Line~daily. Ap ply to agents Chicago & North-West ern R'y. 50 nit Aug 11, Galveston's Sea Wall : makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who resides on Dutton St., in Waco, Texas, needs no sea wall for safety. He writes- "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption the past five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for y<?ars had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, LaOrippe, Cronp Whooping Cough and prevents Pneu monia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, Mctfen- ry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. ' - Kxcuntlon ticket* to Nttionlt Srimmp-, inent Son* of Vet«miiK, Peoria, III.,. Via the North-Western line, will be sold August 19 and 20 with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 15. Read Tbp Plaindealer "want" ad*. ALL SUMMER GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT COST AND BELOW. ' LAPiKS' WAISTS and SKIRTS, , , LAW ?: :: :: i ; ; 'Phone 291 West ricH WWW stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back (On the COAL QUES TION, it's the burning |juestion of the day. We iound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near aind any orders that are left with us will be filled protnptly. * ORDER NOW. We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. •J"':3 ! Ulilbur Cumber Co. J We have just received one of the most beautiful lines of LAMPS ever brought to McHenry and ^uld be pleased to have you and see 'them. The line is made up of Lamps of every description making it easy for the purchaser to make a select ion. v We wish also to impress upon the minds of the public that our drugs are clean and up-to-date Q. BESLEY Fine sheer fig ured Lawn, per yard, 6 Cents. BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE 541 Ladles' Shirt Waists, broken sixes, 38 Cents. SpecieJ Bargains! We have just opened a special purchase of Men's Trou sers which we purchased at a big loss to the manufact urer, consisting of pants sold at $4, $5 up to $8 per pr. The entire lot has been placed on sale at $2.69, $2.98, $3.25 and $3.50. See them. Ladies' white wash Belts 10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies' and Children's Sun Hats, choice .> .25c Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed,' it.... 4. 15c, 20c, 25c, 39c and 49c. McCALL'S FASHION SHEETS FREE. - " I MUSLIN GOWNS....** Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, made of (inequality Mus lin, neatly trimmed with, lace and embroidery, special values,' at............../.....,49c, 69c, 87c, 98c, $1.29 Special Shoe Values Ladies' line Kid Shoes, made for comfort and wear, patent leather tip, Cuban, very stylish, only $1.98 •. French Kid Shoes, at $1.98, $2.29, $2.49and $2.98 We still a Coliiplefe line of Ladies* high grade ox fords and strap Sandals in kid and patent leather. Children's *50c, 69c, 87c. 90c, $1.10, $1.19, $1.29 Ladies'.. .,.^$1.29, $1.85, $1.49, $1.75 and $1.98 We compare values on our Shoes. None better. • WAIST PATTERNS ^ Waist Patterns, lace and eyelet^embroidery fn- , sertion, special at. 98<*. and $1.35 Eyelet embroi4^fi Waist while they last - $6.00 ' i I j 3 * . . . » \ " i . . A . , ' j W . A . J ' l u j