$5Mnr • fif' ' ^ Is * fr * „ 4t -X^y^T«f 4 - '{ s*rX\\ !«^7 T| ^ " ^T?^T "7 g?»tVJ** 3Fr$*t Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction ! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glorsy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The best kind of a testimonial-- "Sold for over sixty yew." , """TSTES! Au by J. C. Aj*r Oo., Icwoll, AIM m«nnflxrtarerj of yers SARSAPARK.LA. raxs. CSEtSY PECTOSAL. Tie Ncllenry PlaMeiler PUBLISHED EVKKV THURSDAY BY tNf MCHMRY PLAIRMAUR COMPANY. '"W.A. CRISTY, L. T. HOY, Vlce^res. • Secretary. JAMES B. PKRBY, President and General Manager. P. G. SOHRKINBB, Editor. 10Ace ID Bank Building. Telephone, No. 278. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tiftayear 9kM , 81* months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts^ official ballot. Iam nnder great obli gations to the republicans of this dis trict for their support in the past and I shall try to merit their approval in the • fatal*. !f,lfery respectfully, EDWARD D. SHrRTLilf, aukekmknt. We, the undersigned, being Repnbiic- an candidates for the various county offices for which nomination* are to be made in McHeury county. Illinois, at the primary to be held on August 4th, 1906, hereby agree that we will abide by the result of the party vote at said primary. We farther agree to consider the highest number of Republican votes re ceived by any candidate for each office in any one of the primary districts in said connty as an instruction to the del egates from such districts to vote tor such candidates in the county conven tion to be held on August 9, 1906. And we further recommend that our friends and supporters use tbeir best endeavors in the vat ions districts to agree upon one set of delegates from such district to be voted for at said pri mary election. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 94th , 11"11 '» " " "'Un i ' 4..,,^ ' FOR 8TATE TREASURER. . KtffM C*u(} PraMitU tli* Haas* of Aa- *»--'tM far ImmHamt PMC. Morgan ooanty is asking the support of the Republicans of Illinois for An drew Russei, who is a candidate for the nomination for state treasurer. Mr. Russei has for years been one of the leading Republicans of his home county ami more recently has come into busi ness and political prominence thruout the state. Today he is known in every county in Illinois and is recognised as a man of unquestioned integrity and one eminently qualified for the position to which he aspires. Want Column. --Utiitn uudsr Ibis ; foijowtn* r«t#e Five lines or lens, 85 cento for flrit insertion i 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Mere than five lines. 5 cents a line for (list liuei ttou and S cent* t line tor additional tnaeitlorm. I^OR SALE--One dozen fuil-blood To louse Geese. For further particulars Inquire of F.-O. l'"ltl,TZ, tlie drayman. WR SALE r hoars, ail full Four young sows and three hlood I) uroc Jersey red. . ,»iy to W. B. .TOIIONNOTT. Kingwood, III. For further Information aupiy to - ~ * . Ki dai o£ J J- " " 1906 O. H. Gillmore r D.T. Smiley Geo. W. Lemmect Q. F Enshton : C. Wandrack W. S. M<0>nneli G. W. Conn. Jr. ?;£ Thursday, August a, 1906. BRPUBUCAK COUNTY CONVENTION. By direction of the McHenry County Republican Central committee the Re publican voters of McHenry county, 111., are hereby requested to meet in a Re publican county convention, hereby called to assemble at the city hall in Woodstock, 111., on Thursday, August 9, 1906, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose of nominating Republican candi dates for the following county offices, to-wit: County judge, county clerk, sheriff, county treasurer and county superintendent of schools, and to trans act such other business as may properly oome before said convention. The nomination for said county offices shall be made under the provisions of the primary election law at a primary election to be held in the various towns and election precincts of McHenry coun ty on Saturday, August 4, 1906, between the tours of 7 o'clock a. m. and 5 o'clock p. m. The total number of delegates to said convention shall be 272, and the follow ing comprises a list of the townships and election precincts and the number of delegates to which each township and election precinct is entitled, on the basis of one delegate to each 90 votes cast for Roosevelt in 1904 and one dele gate for each fraction of 10 or more: Town Del. Town Del. Riley 7 Dorr, 4th dist 4 Marengo, 1st dist.... 12 Greenwood. 6 Marengo, 2nd dist. ...13 Hebron 17 Dunham . 9 Richmond 15 Chemung. 1st dist....16 Burton 3 Chemung. 2nd dist. ..19 McHenry, 1st dist....5 Alden 8 McHenry,, 2nd dist . It Hartland... 3 Nunda. Istdist 5 Seneca. 9 Nunda, 2nd dist 13 Coral I...-., .12 Algonquin. 1st dist. .11 Grafton., 8 Algonquin, 2nd dist...9 Dorr, 1st dist. . 17 Algonquin, 3rd dist. ..9 Dorr, 2nd dist 17 -- Dorr, 3rd dist 13 Total 272 _ M. L. HOY, Chairman. WALSH, Secretary. ;.iK3 CMgNHiooa) Convention fillti. ' A republican convention for the 11th congressional district of Illinois is here by called to meet in the city hall in the city of Aurora, Thursday, August 16, 1906, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for member of congress and selecting a congressional committeee and to trans act euch other business as may proper ly oome before it. The batois of repre sentation in said convention shall be one delegate for each 200 votes, or major part thereof, cast for Roosevelt in 1904, on which basis each county is entitled t^^Um following number of delegates: s Counties Vote Delegates DuPage.. jU... *4,078 20 Kane.........,12,638 68 McHenryJ 1.5,409. .27 ....10,001 50 H. T. ROCKWELL, CHAS. P. RENICH, THOS. M. HULL, JOHN T. CLYNB, 0 Congressional Com. WTHK KEfl'KLICANS OF THE STH SENATORIAL DI8TKICT. I hereby announce myself as a repub bean candidate for representative in the General Assembly, subject to the de cision of the Republican Senatorial con vention in the 8th Senatorial district. ' It was the purpose of the law makers in passing the last primary act that the voters should each have one vote for a candidate for representative, so that each connty in a district, like ours, should have a representative in the Gen eral Assembly. Lake county has the ••Bator. X. therefore, solicit the votes of re publicans in McHenry and Lake coun ties at the primary to be held August 4th next, for the office of representative and request that they mark a cross in the square opposite my name upon the . TSWY LIKE THIS MAN. ¥. December 1, 1905 We, the undersigned, members of the board of supervisors of McHenry county, Illinois, appreciating the value of a faithful public servant and realizing that the best interests of the public are ever conserved when an officer, who has faithfully and ably performed his duties, is retained in his position as long as possible. Therefore, we hereby declare ourselves as recognszmg in our present county clerk, George F. Rushton, such an officer, who has for the past ten years or more filled that position and conduct ed his office in a highly satisfactory manner to the public and to this board of supervisors in particular; an officer under whom by his systematic methods and his executive ability the office his attained a standard equal to any in the state. We further declare ourselves as unqualifiedly favoring the retention of said George F. Rushton in his said posi tion as county clerk and hereby endorse his candidacy in case he should decide to become a candidate for another term. N. Brotzman, Riley; A. A. Crissey, Ma rengo; H. E. Whipple, Dunham; James Lake, Chemung; John Baldock, Alden; Wm. Desmond, Hartland; J. H. Calbow, Coral; John Weitzien, Grafton; W. S. McConnell, Dorr; M. Long, Greenwood; Hi M. Turner, Hebrou; L. B. Uovell, Richmond: Jesse Richardson, Burton; J. C. Ladd, McHenry; Ben Throop, Nunda; L. EL Mentch, Algonquin;Simon Stoffel, ex-sup. town of McHenry; F. F. Axtellj ex-snp. town of Chemung; F. W. Hatch, ex-sup. town of Burton. 1*7ANTED--At once, good tinsmith to build " gal vanl*ed Iron row bouts, launches. Water tanks. &c. Steady work to the right man. HUNTSR-WCCKLER BOAT CO., McHenry, III. W. C. T. U. PREgS DEPARTMENT i THE COUNTY JUDGESHIP. The Elgin Advocate of July 14 has (he following to say in regard to the candidacy of D. T. Smiley for county judge: "Attorney D. T. Smiley of Woodstock was here on legal business Tuesday. Mr. Smiley is a candidate for Republican nomination for county judge, subject to the county primaries to be held August 4, and has hosts of friends down this way who hope he will get the nomination. He has been a faithful worker for the party for many years, has never received any office or favors at the party's hands, and as the present incumbent has held the office for sixteen years, the people feel that as a matter of justness and fairness there should be a change. Those who have known Mr. Smiley longest and best speak in high praise of his abiltiy and fitness for the position, and are most earnest is tbeir advocacy of his nomi nation." Hump Back I SCOTTS EMULSION won't msks a _ hump back straight, neither will it make % a abort kg long, bat it feeds soft bone I sad heals diseased beat sad it amoeg % BOWNE, 'v<iV Cavad Hay »»f«r and Summer Cold. A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress ing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fe ver, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medi cines which seemed to only aggravate my case. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar and it quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." Sold by Gh W. Besley; •75.00 to the Pacific Count and return from Chicago. Correspondingly Low Round Trip Rates from other Points, Via the Chicago, Union Pacific A North western Line daily, June 1 to Sept 80, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port land, Seattle and Tacoma and other Pacific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los An geles and Portland, through without change. Double berth only $7.00 from Chicago and $5.75 from Omaha. Choice of routes. For rates, tickets, etc., ap ply to agents Chicago & North-Western &'y. 50 alt Aug 11 In Self Defense Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked four years ago by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It cured me in ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25c at N. H Pet- esch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Eicnislon Ticket* to Chaatamiaa Amn* bly at Elgin, 111., Via the North-Western line, will be sold at reduced rates on two dates, August 8 and 10, limited to return until August 18, inclusive. Octher dates of sale and limits on certificate plan. Apply to agents Chicago * tfarthWeetern By. Aug. 10. Mr. Russei was born in Morgan conn, ty in 1866 and all of his life has been spent there. He is of Scotch Presbyter ian descent and the strict, sturdy quali ties of his ancestors are exemplified in his character. As is doubtless known to most readers, Mr. Russei has been for over five years chairman of the State Board of Pardons and he also holds numerous positions of trust in his home city of Jacksonville. There for thirty years be has been engaged in the bank ing business and he is recognized today as one of the first bankers of the state. In 1892 he was elected president of the Bankers' Association of Illinois and is at present a member of the executive council of the association. Aside from his business and political work Mr. Rus sei finds some time for the social side of life and is identified with various lodge organizations. All in all, Mr. Russei is of the stal wart type of manhood and his personal and business qualifications are such as to equip him fully for the office of state treasurer, an office of great responsibil ity. Should he be nominated at the pri maries Augnst 4, the Republican party will have a candidate whua$- muy Will assure victory at the polls, ^ RINGWOOIK Mrs. Mary Carey was a Chicago pas senger Friday morning. Leo and Frances Adams are visiting with Chicago relatives this week. Miss Grace Hopper of Spring Grove called on friends in Ringwood Saturday. Frank Hawley spent several days recently with Elgin relatives and friends Ben Tonyan and sons, Bernhard and Joseph, were Waukegan visitors one day recently. Miss Gertrude Wolkoe it entertaining her sister and gentleman friend from Milwaukee this week. Willis Kittle, who has been taking care of I. Harsh for the pa&t several weeks, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Stevens, in Ringwood. The lawn social at C. C. Harrison's' Friday evening proved quite a success. A large crowd was in attendance and all said they had a good time. The Univenalist church of McHenry will hold a lawn social and musical at the church. A good program is ar ranged fqr the occasion. Everybody in vited. Clarence Tuttle, Richard Aylward and lady friends had a tip-over while going from the main road to a side road near Sherman corners, while out for a spin Sunday evening. RimiErau* Mrs. Shepard has oompcray from the city. Mrs. C. James was" a Dundee caller Tuesday. T. J. Wells of Chicago is visiting his daughter. F. Hartman and wife were in Wood stock Saturday. Willie Eichoff spent Snnday with his father an£ sister. W. Garrison was in Elgin on business the last of the week. Sophia Willie and Miss O'Flarity were Nunda oallers one day last week. Lyman Levey of Chicago and A. Levey, his brother, attended the grocers' annual picnic at Rockford one day last week. Miss Lolo Lynch and sister, Madelene, also her nephew, Der wood Merchant, are visitsng relatives at Rush Lake, Ripon and Green Lake, Wis. Mr. Garrison, wife and daughter are taking a vacation. Where is not known. Their many friends wish them a happy and safe journey in their auto. Mrs. Bertha Levey and two children have been visiting with relatives and friends for the past two weeks in this vicinity, returning to their home in Rockford Saturday. Her husband's mother accompanied her for a week's visit The End of the Worli •'-« of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I never would have survived had I not taken Electric Bitten. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for ail Stomach, Liver and Kidney com plaints, Blood Diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by N. H. Pet- •sob's, McHenry, G. W. BmI^t's, Wist McHenry, drag storss. .sf;;'r." ..ki Vt .4* JL-ifiL . t \ i:>»£* [The Plaindealer noes not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed in this col umn.-- ED.] 18 THE PROHIBITION OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC RIGHT? A study of economics teaches us that all production is for the sake qf man and consumption is its final term. All consumption, that lessens bodily vigor, i blunts the perception and in any way | detracts from the delicacy of the human I organism the economist must deprecate. If the enormous amount of money spent for grains in the form of liquors were expended for food to Batisfy the rational wants of the thousands of families it would purchase at least seven times as umch grain in the form of flour as it does in the form of liquor. It would be better if farmers by ministering to the higher wants which strengthen human nature and enable the consumer to pro duce in turn by satisfying the demands of appetite that lessen the wealth-pro ducing power of the country. We find that $700,000,000 yearly is wasted in the use of intoxicants, but the indirect cost is far more tremendous. We must all help to pay for policemen, detectives, lawyers, judges, prisons, penitentiaries, insane asylums, almshouses, for 50 per cent of the inhabitants of these institu tions are so because of the liquor traffic. So, from an economic standpoint that prohibition^ the liquor traffic is right congress, by removing the tax on alco hol which has been rendered unfit for drinking purposes by the mixture of some poisonous or noxious substance, has made alcohol cheap enough to use for heating and lighting purposes and as a motor power. This ought to lay on the shelf such questions as what to do with distilleries or where to find a market for grain, and also for potatoes. Who knows but that some day one of our great enemies--the distillery--will be engaged in a legiti mate traffic, by giving us light instead of making ns lightheaded; furnishing fuel to burn in our furnaces and our motor cars, and that even our white ribbons will be speeding along on their errands of loye and mercy, patronizing the still instead of the Standard Oil company. Is it right to license a system' that is directly or indirectly the commonest cause of insanity t From a moral stand point, is it right? Is it right to license a traffic that takes a boy and baits him with cigarets, cocaine, cards and other evils? Is it right to contaminate the young girl? Is she safe? What are the records of our great cities showing for this? Must we not conclude that the only answer to be given to all these things and the national preservative is the unconditional prohibition of* the liquor traffic?--Mrs Anna Wheeler. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find, Conld they be made to see,. How grace and beauty are combtmid < By using Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. ADMINISTRATRIX' SALE OF REAL ES TATE. . f-v"; C. P. BARNES, Attorney..', STATE OF ILLINOIS, ( M * MCHENRY COUNTY, f In the County Court of McHenry County to the July Term, A. D. 1906. Nina N. Sherman. A<*mlni«-1 tratrix of the Estate of Ben son Q. Sherman, Deceased. Petition for sale Petitioner. )• of Real Estate. VS. | Decree. Villa Sherman, et al. I Defendants. J By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made and entered of record on the 2nd day of July, A. I). 190tJ, on a petition for the sale of real estate formerly owned by Benson G. Sherman, deceased, to pay debts, as Adminis tratrix of said Estate. I shall, on Saturday, the 11th day of August. A. I). 1900, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at the dwellinir honse formerly occupied by the said Benson G. Sherman, deceased, in the Village of West McHenry. County of McHenry, and State- of Illinois, on the premises hereinafter describ ed, sell at public sale to the hitchest and best bidder, the following descried real estate, situated In the said County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lots Six (0), Seven (7), and sub-lot One (1) of the County Clerk's Plat of lot number One (t), all in Block Twelve (12) of the Village of West McHenry, also out- lot number Six «i> of the Village of West Mc Henry. Terms of sale: Cash. Possession of said premises to be given to the purchaser or Burchasers on the first day of December, A. >. 1906. Abstract of Title furnished purchas er. Dated this 10th day of July. A. D. 1006. , , ... NINA N. SHEBMAN, Administratrix of Estate of Benson G. Sher man, Deceased. July 12-5t gammer Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot weather of the sum mer months the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have immedi ate attention, so as to check the disease before it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev. M. O. Stock la nd, pastor of the First M. E. church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarahoea Remedy for several years and find it a valuaole remedy, especial ly for summer disorders in children." 8old by G. W. Besley. HOLCOMHV1LLK. Earle Peck is visiting at Marengo. Miss Ida Hoffman Suudayed at Henry McMillan's. Dr. Fegers of McHenry was seen on our streets Tuesday. - Mrs. Ben. Peck is visiting with rela tives at Lake Geneva. Ray McMillan and Merton Gracy passed thru here Sunday evening. Miss Lizzie Ames of Terra Cotta is assisting Mrs. P. Hunt with her house-. work. Mrs. Henry McMillan and ehiidren spent Tuesday at Henry Shales of Terra Cotta, Mrs. B. F. Peck and little grand daughter, Eva, spent last week at Spring- Grove, r«i onow ADMISSION FREE! WE NOW have on exhibition iri our store more than 500 beautiful samples of INTERNATIONAL woolens gathered from the fam ous looms of the world. It won't cost you a cent to come here and have a peep at them. If you see what yovx like, order it; if you aon't, don't order and you've lost nothing but a little time. $ut we know that among this choice assortment from The International Tailoring Co. The Largest Cu»tom Tailuring Concern in the World you are bound to find some satisfy you. Remember: every to your own measures and order pattern to please you--some style to r INTERNATIONAL garment is made Every garment perfe^^ We take your measures and guarantee satis/action. --v '.. * - M. J. WALSH, W. McHENRY go once With thp summer rapidly passing by we find our selves in a position not very often experienced in our line of business. Our quarters, as everyone knowns, are far too small to allow us to carry over our line of Summer Goods. At this time of the year the merchant is placing his orders for winter goods and as a consequence he must have room for the in-coming stock. We have not the room to handle our forth-coming winter's stock so are forced to begin making room at once. With the room-making idea in view, we will during the month of August sell all Summer Goods at the lowest possible prices as we must make room. LITTLE SI TOOTH BRUSHES f)AIR BRUSHES N. H. Petesch. QruSSis*. Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles -A Square Deal- S * THAT'S WHAT YOU GET when buying youi^ | Groceries and Fruits of us. No matter hovvp * !£ large or small your purchase may be, we always# exercise as much care with a we 4^ a $5.00 purchase. five-cent order as .W. McHenry GROCERY. UP-TO-DATE P H I L I P J A E G GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL* ATTENTION GIVEN TO TH* 8ALB OT Dressed Beef, Dutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ; This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnishad on application. :# Stall S WM COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Professional. Society V «.uu uuiiacSSs Cams te*; E>AVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYSlClAN, SURGEON AND OCCLlHT „ Office and residence corner Elm mm Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No.«tf FEGERS & FEGERS pHYSICIANH AND-StTRGEONS. McHevy 111. Office at Res Me nee. corner OnurtMK l' D. T. SMILBr se % A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will to* properly and promptly attended to. W. F. STONE, O.I3.S , (Successor to Dr. F. O. Boss.) :' Office Honrs from 9 a. m. until 5:W ~ p. m. Also open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petesch's Drag Store. Telephone No. 274. ^R, 5E.,G. CHAMBERJUlif DENTIST. p ' Mteauid Residence over n. J. Wtbli't Hours: 8:00 to 3:30. WisusiT MoITKKTKY. In,!*, .V * Gipo. Meyeri . General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. ncHENRY ~ ILLINOIS As*?'- •t1 JV V • i- Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Ihsurance Agent for all classes of f property in the best Companies. West McHenry. IIIImU FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER ^ CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north tow»4ni€ wes. of river. ie one block MCHENRY, ILLINOIS • R . H . O W E N PU&OS Sale and rent. Tuning lng at reasonable prices. First class Work only. ^ ^ MoHENRY. f *«», - ILLINOIS ' T'*" ' ' .'.jtJ't.i • •! John J. Vyoital DEALER. IN GeneraJ Hardware ; . Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and aoa* chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. '*1 "I f\'i .....I II fc.Hl! m'SMir ' , ••--!!! • - NllfffijtfrH r": Tel. Male 1714. ' WHY do people of Mc Henry. Lake and other counties drop in at Lambert Q. Sen{*»« VZ Fifth Ayl^ ; CMICAOO* Because it is SO home like. Abir:1 K I L LTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR Q "" 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 LDS Fr* Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or HONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FCC RCTURNCD. SO YEARS' KXPSMKNOK. Oar OtMMMS Ml TUB lOWCST. Send paodel, photo or sketch (or expert march and free report on patentability. mrHIHOIMSWT suits eonduoted before aU courts. Patents obtained through us, WW- tiiid and SOLO, free. TRAM1 MASKS, Wl> SIOMS and OOrVMMHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. a. Patent Offloe* WAaHINOTON, D. O. DSWIFT&0 HOLLISTER'S 3ocky mountain Tea It A Busy Hedioine for Busy People. ^ Cringe Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor., . vipriflc for Constipation, Indigestion, LIPS' >- .•CkJiu y Troubles, Pimples, Eczema. Impure i, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bourela, Headach-) •ittCfaohe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. * conn, 85 cents a box. Genuine made PJT m ISTKR Dsua COMPANY, Madison, Wis. NUGGETS FOR SALLOW FE0Pf§ F, ORIGINAL LAXATIVE. homey Stall • a 3, Pulton S£ WMelssale.Msrt^t. We do Job Work. ,*,> '• - Aa fmproYement over all Crafftjf Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cure* Coughs, Strengthens tha Lungs, gently moves the Bowel* Pleasant to the taste and goojl alike for Young and Old. twssisOyMHOU MUICHUt"« ""-j- Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA it STORY. Mcnenry; jfife W. BESLET, West McHenry. *.v