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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1906, p. 8

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"-I j that 'is better than made-to-order SujJLgk and $5.00 cheaper. Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that is thi:1 ;a use v^hy good ready-made Bulls will keep their shape better than made-to-order Suits. JOS. W. FR.EUND, WERT MeftKNRY. ILLINOIS. and Window Screens! l|l ill ill ill III ^1 lj' LET US FIT YOU, UP IN THIS LINE. WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND DO IT REASONABLE. t^i «•« «•* »T» A »T* »•« A A A Jacob lusten Paints! J? _• # #§• V^: V)> Our line of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly Painter's Supplies! We also handle a com­ plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be found here. F. L. He Is Not Dressed Like Everybody Else" is a remark that every man likes to hear about himself. Men the world over are beginning to realize that there are really no ungainly men. Those ""who appear so are simply the men who do not know ho^g to dress. Let some one choose for them the right fabric and color, see that it is made up with right lines and PRESTO! they blossom out with a charm of which nobody has even dreamed. *" THE FIRST STfP IN THE BATTIE Of APPEARAND HAVK* ccvcn wide range in choice of woolens is displayed WE HAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED SAMPLES of the latest domestic and roteign staples--novelties, etc. Every garment we sell is made ex- ^ the We&rer- Sfcyle unquestionably the latest - f • , h ~ at men who only have a limited amount to spend money11* ° in t^le,n the opportunity to dress right for little Dy|p!HJ^*sSURED by Our Responsible Guarantee of High Omde riaterlals and Skilled Workmanship. f SUITS, riADE TO ORDRR, $12.00 TO $36.00 OVERCOATS, " " 13.00 TO 34.00 PANTS. - . . . 3i78 TO ,,.a5 FANCY VESlfe, - - 3.90 TO 7.50 ONCE YOUR TAILOR! ALWAYS YOUR TAILOR! JOHN D LODTZ, McHENRY, ILLINOIS M'HENRYTAKESCONTEST COLUMBIA GIANTS* PITCHER IS EASY FOR BLUES. ThlHofii Hum! red Pftipltt Svp tl»«- Cotum- l»l« niidit* of Oh »«•••*«» Nil Bftoro H»» HtuM-Wrlwr PI»«•!»«•* lirwt (iatlif. Thirteen haudml people tnrn«-<l «>nt at the West Side HHII ttmnrxls I«st Sun­ day afternoon to tvifrow th»» between th* Columbia Giants of Chirn aro and rbe McUenry Bint*. Ir was by far the largest crowd that ever atteudwi a baseball game in McHenry. Weber, who was 111 the box for the locals, was at Jiis best and had Hi^ heavy-hitting Giants at his cotimjan<l thrnont the entire contest, allowing bnt five hits and issninx bat one pass. On the other hand, Havnes, of the Giants, proved ens.v picking for the local--, a total ol fonrleeu liingles being itrnde off liis delivory. So well did NVener have liis opponents in hand that, only three of the colored gents reached third base during the entire gauie, and at no time of the contest did the locals fear for the result. For seven innings the visitors srere held to a no score, bat in the eighth a can was gathered in by a short batting rally. In this round, Haynes opened up with a threebase hit into the trees and a little later was brought home on Pol­ lard's two-base hty. Pollard was a mo­ ment later caught off second, and Lee flew out to pitcher. Boss put an easy fly to Cook, who gobbled it up in a hur­ ry. This was all the visitors could do, which luckily saved them from & shut­ out The Bines opened 'the game with a rush, and after the first inning had been finished the fans were convinced that the locals' chances of winning the game looked exceptionally bright. "Smiling" Scully, who, thru his baseball ability has made himself a popular favorite with the fans, opened up with a single, but was nipped at second when Bending sent one to the second-baseman. UI- rich put one down to short and Bending was doubled at the second station. Ul- rich immediately afterward stole second and came home on Cook's good-for-two- base hit. Voeltz, the sturdy collegian, smashed the sphere for two Racks, and Cook trotted home with tally No. 2. Evanson fanned and the inning was ended. There was no scoring for the locals in the second inning, aB the colored gents could not see it that way. The third proved a most heart-breaking one for the Giants, as it was in this round that the game was carefnlly stored away in the Blues' knapsack. Scully picked o«t his old, reliable stick and took his place in the batter's box, and waited there antil Mr. Haynes put one where be could meet it with the best effect The little sonth-paw pitcher evidently did not find the batter's weak spot, a8 be put the sphere in the exact place where "Smiley" was anxiuos to have it come. There was a connection and the ball went sailing over the field of green antil it reached a place of safety. When it was relayed to the infield Scully was seen shaking hands with the man who held down the second pillow. Bending put one down to short, but the latter made a bad throw to first, the error let­ ting Scully score, Bending going to sec­ ond. Ulrich helped Bending to home with a two-base hit, xiuidrhe himself scored on Cook's singly Voeltz flew out to second and Evanson put out a long fly to left field, which the fielder failed to hold, the error resulting in Cook's scoring and Evauson's going to second. Kappler sacrificed and was put out via short to first. G. Weber connected for a single and Evanson scored. Phil Weber ended the inning with a bit to short, the latter easily throwing the runner out at first. • THE SCORE McHENRY. Hcully, 2nd b Bending. 88 ririch, 1st. b Cook,3rd b Voeltz. <;f Evanson, C Kiippler, rf G Weber, If P Weber, p Totals COLOMBIA GIANTa Pollard. 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee, cf Koss, If... Oliver, c.. Duffy, 3d b Jackson, 1st b....... Williams, 2nd l>.. TCugeln, cf ' Haynes, p E H PO A E 3 0 3 • 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 3 0 7 14 27 15 2 K H PO A E .0 2 3 0 1 2 0 13 2 0 3 6 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 »' 1 2 0 right hand, and for a time it looked &* if he would be forced to retire from the game. It spite of the great pain this injury caused him, Walter stuck behind the plate and finished the game. GAME NEXT SUNDAY. The Woodstock White Sox come to McHenry next Sunday for the thin! and deciding gauie of the season. Tbns far the te<»m stands on equal terms with the Bines,..having won and lost Vi (fame hero already this season. The connty Heaters promise to brius to McHenry the best team they can pnt together and j with an imported battery will give the locals a game that will be one of inter­ est. During the past two seasons Mc Henry has put it all over the best that Woodstock was able to send over, and will go into the game next Sunday with the intention of holding their nast fine record The Bines will be on ffie battle field in full strength and a red hot game may be expected. Game called at 2:45 p in. General ad minion, 25 cents; la dies and childien, 10 cents: ' . JOHNSBURGH GRAYS WlNk ; ' The game at .Tohnsbnrgh last between the local aggregation and tli« Long Lake team resulted in a victory ~Td$4:he Johnsburghs. the score being 6 to 8. The Grays played their usual snappy game, allowing the visitors to score in but one inning, the second, when three runners crossed the home plate. Johnsburgh secured eight hits off Graham's delivery, while Long Lake could connect but only five times safely off Freundf. The Nippersinks will be the attraction, at the Johnsburgh grounds next Sunday. The following is the score by innings: Johnsburgh. .0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 x---6 Long Lane...0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--3 "Make Hay WLII« the Snn Slilnea." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea, and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy, which i^ the best known medicine for these diseases, sbonld al­ ways be kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary ant) delay may prove fatal. For sale by G. W. Besley. Special Low Rate*--$7.65 From McHenry 111., Miimeapollx, Minn., and Return on AngUHt 11, 18 and 13, will apply for tickets with favorable re­ turn limits on account of National G. A. R. encampment, via the North­ western line. Direct route. Splendid train service. Extra fast schedules. Spdcial G A. R. trains. The best of everything. For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 13. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I never would have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver and. Kidney com­ plaints, Blood Diseases, Headache, Diz­ ziness and Weakness or bodily declme; Price f)0c. Guaranteed by N. H. Pet- esch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, Weet McHenry, drug stores. Totals 1 5 24 14 5 SOOBK BY INNINGS. McHenry 2 0 5 0 0 0 00 x-- 7 Columbia Giants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 1 0-- 1 Earned runs--McHenry, 5; Columbia Giants 1. Left on bases--McHenry, 9; Columbia Gi­ ants, 5. Stolen bases-- Ulrich (2),Weber, Pol­ lard (2i, Koss, Jackson. Double play -Scully to Cook, to Ulrlcli. Struck out--by Weber, 7; by fiaynes, 2. Two-base hits--Scully (2), Llricli, Cook, Voeltz. Duffy, Pollard. Three- base hit -Haynes. liases on balls- -off Weber, 1. Time of game, 1:30. Umpire, Spurting. Attendance, 1,300. NOTES FOR FANS. Woodstock White Sox next "Toddy" Engeln played right field for the Giants. Hebron defeated Crystal Lake at Ge­ noa Junction last Sunday. Genoa Junction last Sunday defeated the Elgin White Rocks by the score of 9 to 7. The Elgin White Sox were shut out by the belyidere team on the latter'a grounds last Sunday by a 8-to-0 score. Cook played a star game at third for the Blaee. He has signed with McHen­ ry and will be with ns regularly here- after. Pollard played a good game at short for the Giants, accepting six ont of eight chances. He certainly had a busy day of it. The Giants' right fielder almost got a home run. His fielding was errorless and, in short, he was about as good as the rest of 'em. With a line-up like that of laat Sun­ day the locals can go np against some first class teams. Why not get the Olivers of Woodstock over? Evanson received a bad injury to his right hand during the game, a fonl tip from the b»t striking him on tfa#* ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP Be sure to be properly equlpi,r'1--obtain the STEV- "ENSand you CANNOT CO whlinc;. We make RIFLES . . PISTOLS . . SHOTGUNS. from $2.25 to $160.00 from 2.fi0to 00.00 from 7.60 to 35.00 Ask your dealer and Insist on our popular make. If yout anuot obtain, we ship direct, carriage charges prepaid, upon receipt of catalog price. trated catalog, ^f i n t e r ­ ested In SHOOTING, you ou^bttohave it. Mailed for four cents in stamps to cover postage. Our attractive three-color Aluminum Hanger will be tent anywhere for io cents In stamps, i. STXVSNS ABMS AND TOOL 00* ^ P. O. Box 4096 Chioopee Falls, Mass., 0. S. A. BHGirS DISUSE Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid­ neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid­ neys strain out the impurities f r o m t h e b l o o d a s i t p a s s e s through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing d i z z i n e s s , b a c k a c h e , s t o m a c h trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak­ ing FOLEY'S KIDNEYCURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis­ order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kid* neys are out of order by setting asldA for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passea upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should bo takes at once. & B* lurhaas Testifies After Four Years. a a Bwtass of CtrBsta Carter, N. Y, wrftiK "About (our rears ago I wrote you atatiaff that 1 bad been entirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by talcing less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped tbe brick- dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never bad a return of any of those symp­ toms during tbe four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily reoommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any --l suffering from kidney or bladder trouble. Two Sizes, SOo and 100. SOLD AID RECOHHEIOED IT •75.OO to the Pacific Coast and return from Chicago. Correspondingly Low Round Trip Rate* from other Points, Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North­ western Line daily, June 1 to Sept. 30, to San Francisco, LOB Angeles, Port­ land, Seattle , and Taconia and other Pacific Coast points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pnllman tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco, Los An­ geles and Portland, through without change. -. Double berth only $7.00 from Chicago and $5.75 from Omaha. Choice of routes. For rates, tickets, etc., ap< ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y> 50 alt Ang 11 Given np to Die. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St, Ev- ansville, Ind., writes: "For oyer five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which cansed me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely.' I had three of the beet physicians who did me no good and I was practically given np to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recom­ mended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely enred." sfltbld by G. W. Besley. Excnrslon Ticket* to Chautauqua Assem­ bly at Elgin, III., Via the North-Western line, will be sold at reduced rates on two dates, August 8 and 10, limited to return until August 18, inclusive. Octher dates of sale and limits on certificate plan. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 10. fregini* Friday, July 13, for two Weekly '• t!*" -V' .ALL SUMMER GOODS WILL B® SOLI? AT COST AND BELOV0 LADIES' WAISTS and SKIRTS, jfAW^S. DIMITIES, BATISTE, * ' v", 5 • •* -•» **, '-p * » \ < M o o • • A«£ 3ohlandef, Phone 291. West ncHenry, III. y ' -vv ,,,'H Why Doesn't He stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to .turn his back 2 on the COAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near jjmd any orders that are left with us will be filled promptly* \ ORDER NOWV We carry a full line of Lumber, Lath/ Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. OJilbur Cumber Co. We have just received one of the most beautiful lines of LAMPS ever brought to McHenry and would be pleased to have you call a4d see them. The *line is made up of Lamps of every description making it easy for the purchaser to make a select­ ion. We wish also to impress upon the minds of the public that^ our drugs are clean and up-to-date BESLEY Fine sheer fig­ ured Lawn, per yard, 6 Cents. BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE 54* Special Bargains! We have just opened a special purchase of Men's Trou­ pers which we purchased at a big loss to the manufact­ urer, consisting of pants sold at $4, $5 up to $8 per pr. The entire lot has been placed pn sale at $2.69, $2.98, $3.25 and $3.50. See them, * Ladies' white wash Belts. . .10c, 15c and 25c. Ladies' and Children's Sun Hats, choice >.. 25c Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed,- at....... 15c, 20c, 25c, 39c and 49c. McCALL'S FASHION SHEETS FREE. ^.....MUSLIN GOWNS ' ; Ladies' Muslin Night'Gowns, made of fine quality Mus­ lin, neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery, special values, at .'......... 49c, 69c, 87c, 98c, $1.29 Ladies' Shirt Waists, broken sizes, 38 Cents. Special Shoe Values Ladies' fine Kid Shoes, made for' comfort and wear, patent leather tip, Cuban, very stylish, only..'....$1.98 Ladies' patent leather and French Kid Shoes, at. ......... \ ..,.....,.. ... .$1.98, $2.29, $2.49 and $2.98 We still have a complete line of Ladies' high grade ox­ fords and strap Sandals in kid and patent leather. Children's »&.. .> ..50c, 69c, 87c. 90c, $1.10, $1.19, $1.29 Ladies'.. .... ..$1.29, $1.35, $1.49, $1.75 and $1.98 We compare values on our Shoes. None better. ......WAIST PATTERNS Ladie^^Tafst Patterns, lace and eyelet embroidery in­ sertion, special at 98«' and $1.35 Eyelet embroidered Shirk Waist JP&tttjni, special while they last ,*V. «..! $6.00

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