?%.-•< *£$ ' M M THE WEST SIDE JfWfLRT smL ""SfilS Here can be found, at all times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianos, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifts is unsurpassable and we invite you to inspect same before purchasing. Prices are always right. v • 'mm N. A. Hll-MANN, West flcHenry, Illinois. * OPERA HOUSE CENTRAL • 19804 :McHENRY, ILLINOIS: Jos. H. liuemann Johnsburgb Illinois. will the McVi-ker Gasoline- Engine, Duplex Cn-inding Mills, Rock Island PU.vs, Wagons, Carriages, Buggi» Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine 0:l a Specialty. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY BVENlNQS, August 11 and 12 Franklin littitoing Rod Works!} aid agent for the above. We put the l^ods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we ptiy damages if no more thau $500. Call and get full particulars. Oeuril Blttksmittitag Prices always Reisindblej iwimnmiimnj C. S. Primrose PRESENTS- Uncle Si Haskins A Beautiful Piety with ft. great cast. A mag nificent production elegantly staged. A play that has made millions laugh. 9 • PLEASING SPECIALTIES • 9 5 BEST OF SINGING AND DANCING SUPERB BAND Prof. P. A. Leach To the Residents of McHenry and Vicinity I will Gladly Mail My Testimonial Booklet You will know me better by having it. This booklet was pub lished by me while located at Ot tawa, and contains the unsolicit ed testimonials of Northeastern Illinois people and others who were happily cured by my mag netic powers. I will gladly send »t to persons suffering from any ailment whatever who are inter ested in knowing how easily they can be restored to perfect health. A postal card request will bring it to you. I have on file testimonials coyering every known ailment. If you will write me and tell me with what you believe you are suffering I will mail you a letter- copy of testimonials of patients I have cured of trouble similar to yours. NO CHARGE FOR DIAGNOSIS. Calls made to Any Part of the State.' Prof. F. A. Leach Office, Sparling Build ing Elgin, -- Illinois Long Distance Phones to Office and Residence. ' Watch for the Parade at M F j RUBBER TIRES -- = t I PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50CI SEATS ON SALE AT GILBERT'S ••••••••••••••••••••••••IP A Square Deal THAT'S WHAT YOU GET when buying your Groceries and Fruits of us. No matter how large or small your purchase may be, we always exercise as much care with a five-cent order as we do with a $5.00 purchase. Try. us. U . John Stoffel, W. McHenry UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. | 8 v % I PHILIP JAEGER j GENERAL COnMISSION JVlERCHANT S 8 „ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF ' , t C Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultryi Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs Thlfl is the oldest house on the street Tags and pricelists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Stall 1 & 3. Fulton St. Wholesale Market. • ̂ BKsxDmsiaisi saacs# CHICAGX ILLINOIS. | i \ Why be wltliout Rubber Tires when you can them so cheap? SET % WARRANTED TIRES FOR ONLY $12.00. We also do Tire Setting. Machine Re pairing, Grinding Knives, etc. Woodwork of all kinds neatly executed. We DO fVERYTRINO in the Blacksmitbing line with the exception of horseshoeing. We place twenty-one mower or binder sections on your scythe lor $1.00. Twenty-five per cent, off for cash on all our work. Give us a call. i JOHN PINT, MCHENRY, ILL PROBATE NEWS Li [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary Turner to Elizabeth Turner, It. 5, blk 22. McHenry, w. side river f I Sx Jewsie Furlong to Chas Furlong. Its M & 27, Orchard Beach. McHenry 130 00 Albert L liowe and w to Clias Furlong, same 450 00 MARjUAGE LICENSES. Newton W. McLean, 89 .Harvard Vera Wakely, 19. Harvard Will C. Linooln, 21....... .Crystal Lake Sabrina J. Knipfel, 18... ..Crystal Lake Win. Jackson, 28... .Powers Lake, Wis. Marie Watson, 23......Kenosha, Wis. Arthur W. Haeger, 84 ...... Algonquin Mary Fredericke Ritt, 29 ...Algonquin Charles Smith, 26...... ̂ ,....... Capron Mattie Haskin, 21,. Harvard Andrew Matson, 86.... St. Charles Hattie Gibson, 23,. ........ .St. Charles Are you square with us? If no what s the reason! VOU). L. V. Lusk was a Volo caller Sunday. Thos. Fisher was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. Mrs. A. J..Raymond was a Fremont caller Sunday. " Mr.'and Mrs. O. Sable were McHenry visitors Monday. Elmer Nicholls was to Wheeling San- day on business. Miss Delia Beck with was a McHenry caller Wednesday. ' Charles Potter and family were Rol lins visitors Sundiy. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Walton were Waukegan visit rs Friday. Misses Maud and Elsie Walton visit ed friends in Waukegan Sunday. S. J. Russell and children took in (he sights of the White City Monday. Miss Anna Miller visited friends in Waukegan Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. McKenny and Jennie Pot ter were McHenry visitors Friday. O. A. Cheska of Highland Park spent the past week at A. J. Raymond's. Mr. and Mrs. John Myer and daugh ters were McHenry callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkle and chil dren were Fremont visitors Sunday. L. Turnbull of Wanconda was very a pleasant caller here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter were Fremont callers Sunday. Mrs. B. C. Shultes of Highland Park spent Sunday and Monday with Raught Bros. Miss Amanda Hanson visited relatives in Janesville and Stonghton, Wis., Re cently. Mrs. John Richardson entertained relatives from Desplaines and Palatine recently. Miss Mildred Shultes of Highland Park spent the past week with Miss Hellen Raymond. Mrs. William Dillon and son, Arthur, spent several days the past week with relatives in Waukegan. Quite a number of Voloites attended the ball game at McHenry last Sunday, between the Columbia Giants of Chica go and the McHenry Blues. The old time method of purging the system with Cathartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and intestines is superseded by Dade's Little Liver Pills. They cleanse the liver, and instead of weakening, build up and strengthen the whole sys tem. Relieve headache, biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold by N. H. Pet- esch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Bes- ley, West McHenry. Don't Slide the Banister. No need to hurry down stairs to an swer the telephone. Get an extension. Formerly $1.00 per month, now fifty oents. Anyone can afford it. Telephone the manager and place your order-- now. Chicago Telephone Company. In Great Demand. The demand for Chamberlin's Colic, "Cholera and Diarrhoea Retqedy here has been so great that I have scarcely been able to keep...it in stock. It has cured cases of dysentery here when all other remedies have failed. FRANK JONES, Pikeville, Ind. This remedy is for sale by G. W. Besley. Cider Mill. We are now prepared to grind your Apples and grapes. Will press every Wednesday and Saturday. Good work guaranteed. T. W. WINKELS, 7 5t# McHenry. A woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she would have neither. Bright, smiling face follows its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. Kxcursiou Ticket* to Milwauke, Wis., Via the North-Western line, will be sold August 12, 13 and 14, with favorable r®» turn limits, on account of grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 11 UGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RING WOOD. Jake Adams was over at Wilmot Fri day last. . E A Smith van a business ca'ler in Chicago Friday last Mr. and Mrs Will Beth are the hap py parents of a twelve-pound boy. Mies Ida Westlake of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Miss Agnes l 'odge. Supervisor James C. Ladd transacted business in the county seat Monday. Amos Smith shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago from this station Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C D Bacon have been entertaining the latter's mother and her sister. _ Miss May Cristy spent the past several days with relatives in Des Plaines. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell spent Sun day with Spring -Grove relatives and friends. Mrs. Ed. Hopper of Grove is visiting with relatives itf ^fchis vicinity this week. Geo. E. Adams and sisters, Misses Ida and Vera, spent Sunday with friend* at Spring Grove. Minard Francisco and family of Wan" conda spent Sunday with A. L. Fran cisco and family in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherburne of Nebraska visited with C. C. Harrison and family several days the past week. W. B. Bradley returned from his East ern visit last Friday, He says he had a fine time. Mrs. Bradley and family remained for a longer stay. Joe E. Cristy returned home Tues day morning, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harsh. Mrs Cristy ac companied him as far as Chicago. A. Whiting, who for the past year has been traveling in Minnesota and North and South Dakota, was shaking hands with old acquaintances in Ring- wood the past several days. A hundred years ago a physician would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medi cines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Hooey and Tar acts on the bowels --drives out the cold--clears the head, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens the mucous membranes of throat, chest, lunge and bronchial tnbes. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, Mc Henry; G. W Besley, W. McHenry. drOHNSBURGH. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen, a baby girl. Miss Rose Huemann of McHenry WM a caller here Tuesday. Mat Niesen and children visited at Mrs. Geo. Nell's Thursday. Mrs. John Mertes visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Heimer, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen of Volo spent Sunday at John Thelen's. Charlie Liepold of Batavia is spend ing a few days at Columbia Park. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt and chil dren spent Tuesday at Joe. Frennd's. Jos. Mehring of St. Lonis, Mo., is vis iting his uncle, Rev. Henry Mehring. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen of Spring Grove spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Frennd's. Mrs. Henry Heimer and daughters of McHenry spent Thursday with her sis ter, Mrs. John Mertes. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes and daugh ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Bauer and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz and sons of Volo spent Tuesday at Mrs. Britz's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffiing and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huemann visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kattner at Spring Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Weingarten of Ve to spent Sunday at Mrs. Mat Schaefer's. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frennd and chil dren of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Freund and family and Mrs. Snsan Freund spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jake Frennd's. Yon can see the poison Pine-ules clear out of the kidneys and bladder. A sin gle dose at bedtime will show you more poison upon arising the next morning than is expelled from the system in any other way. Pine-ules dissolve the im purities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do away with backache speedily, pleasantly and permanently. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Kxeurslon Tickets to National Encamp- ment Sons ot Veterans, Peoria, 111., Via the North-Western line, will be sold August 19 and 20 with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Aug. 15. In Self Defense Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when he was fiercely attacked four years ago by Piles, bought a box of Bncklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It enred me in ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores, Cuts and Wounds. 25c at N. H. Pet esch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley 'B, West McHenry, drag stores. Bargains. Extension telephones for the residence are reduced from $1.00 to fifty cents per month You need this valuable instru ment. Order now before the supply is exhausted. Telephone the manager. Chicago Telephone Company. Old maids would be scarce and hard to find, . . Could they be made to see, How grace and beauty are combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. T PARK. Sunday with his \ EMERALD D. W. Hill spent family here. • F. Blum spent a week's vacation with his family last week. ; E. J. Cohan of Chicago is spending the week with his family, • ^ ~~ Miss Lillian Burns of Chicago is spending this week at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Einns and daugh ter visited at M. Johnston's Sunday. Miss Alice McManaman of Chicago is yisiting Miss Lucy Sutton this week. . Miss Frances Johnston is spenditig this week with her sister, Mrs. Kinns. Messrs. Ed. Walsh and Chas. Gibbs of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Frazier of Chicago is spending a two-weeks' vacation at the Haxton cot tage. Mrs. Joanna Wall of Chicago is spend ing a few weeks with R. J. Sutton and family. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago spent several days the last of the week with her'p&rents here. Preston Chamberiin and lady friend of Chicago spent Sunday at the Cohan cottage. Raphael Corr of Woodstock is spend ing a few weeks with his uncle, W. Bolger, and family. FredPeegle, Jr., and a number of friends from Chicago are camping at the Park this week. Mrs. T. F. Hayes of Harvard visited at Ed Knox's and other friends in this vicinity the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haxton and son returned to the city Stinday, after a pleasant outing at the Haxton cottage. Mrs. John Huck and children of Chi cago arrived at L. Buck's cottage this week, where they will spend a few weeks. ; Miss Ida Cornell, who has been spend ing the summer at Buffalo, N. Y., is spending a week with Miss Margaret Sutton. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby of Mc Henry and Lucy Sutton spent Friday afternoon with Misses Walsh at Gris- wold Lake. Messrs. W. K. and W. M. Burns and friend, Earl Sargeant, of Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Burns cottage. Miss Ada Merchant of Barreville, cousin, Miss Lelah Carr of Chicago, and Miss Lulu Byrd of McHenry called at R. J. Sutton's Fridaj . J. A. Farrell of Chicago spent Satur day evening and Sunday with relatives here. He expects to start to New York this week, where he will work. When applied and covered with a hot cloth Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best for boils, burns, bruises, eczema, skin diseases, etc. Sold by N. H. Pet esch, Julia A. Story, , McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, Mrs. Derim; and Miss Ethel Griffin returned to their homes Sunday evening, after a pleasant sojourn at the Park. Mr. Watson and family of Chicago are now occupying their cottage. The launch which Chas. A. Cohan has been at work upon Saturdays this spring and the past month is completed, and it's certainly a beauty. The launch ing took place last Sunday, and was witnessed by a large crowd. Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is inside. ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle so the medicine can be ap plied where it will do the most good, and do it quickly. If you are suffering with Piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Very Low Excursion Rates to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Via the North-Western line, will be in effect from all stations, September 1!) fo 22. inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Pike's Peak cen tennial celebration. For full informa tion apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. Sept 22 SINGLE AND <• - . A Happy Home chddfen enough •CARDUI A Tonic for Women Itvfil SMS all year palo, redoes lartaauaatfon, care leacerrhea, (whites), faUng iraert), ovarian trouble, disoidsied manses, back ache. headache. stc.» aad make chfldnrtti aaftiral and easy. Try it. At aQ debars in <1.00 bottles. msdidnet, in "DUX TO CAKDUI is my befcy rW, aow two waeks old," wrttM J- Prttst, of Web ster CUV, Iowa. "She to a ine healthy toe sad wears both doing sicaty. I asi soft taUqg Cardui, aad weaK} not be wftSbut ft la flteboan." i Give us your order fpr thai new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices kre right. See our elegant line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY I M A . T H E L E N J McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J * ^ $ Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a *£| «ESCRAL BANKIIK NISIRBl We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given, to collections..... INSURANCE* in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. rlcHeniy Always a complete line of Bakery Goods on hand. FRESH EVERY DAY Orders for parties and Weddings promptly attended to. When you buy Bakery in- \ sist upon your dealer to give you the home made goods which an always the best. Ml ZIMMERMAN?, McHENRY, ILL. miimimiiiiBHiiiii WEST SIDE Always a complete line of Fresh and Salt Meats,! Sausages, Etc. Highest jnarket prices paid for_ Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-clase city market to offer? A.CMATTHLWS Tel ep boost- No! 094. Office in Helni* er bid*-. OentervUl# D. A. ,M. D.C VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. . McHENRY, JUiNOIS* Read-The Plaiudealer