SIDE THE W mm -- * h-1* - .1 Here can be found, at all finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianos, ^ Talking Machines, Sewing Machines,: Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifts is unsurpassable and we invite yon to inspect same before pu£cka*E04$|, Prices are always right ' ̂ !; N. A. HUEMAim West ricHenry, Illinois. -A Square Deal- THAT'S WHAT YOU GET when buying your Groceries and Fruits of us. No matter how large or small jour purchase may be, we always exercise as much care with a five-cent order as we do with a $5.00 purchase. Try us. John Stoffel, W. McHenry UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. P H I L I P J A E G E R | Jk GENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT 9 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALB OF Beef, Jlutton, Hoes, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists famished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Stall i ft 3, rtrffrtlt St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh Illinois. Mils the McVi-ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex (frinding Mills, Bock Mand Pit -• ws, Wagons, ^ferriages, Buggit Wind Mills, Well Supplier Harness Oil,, Plaint Oil and » Machine OH a Specialty. i. MB agent (or the above. We put the Rods on your Bulld- Icrs and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than (BOO. Call and get full particulars. Geieral BMcksnitttg Prices ilwtys ReuouMe) SINGLE AND J | Driving Harney! j Give us your order for that new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is th$ best and prices are * right. See our elegant J line of Dusters and Lap J Robes, J: :: T: ' j (.mm TfelMMIIK A SPECIALTY 4 m . a . THELEN > * 1 McHENBY, ILLINOIS. ' J fNortftfc Dakota • L The richest and best land in Eastern North Dakota for sale at reasonable prices and on good terms. Send or call on our local representative for advertising matter, maps and full information in re gard to these lands. MUR RAY BROS. LAND COM PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. Bcd Stilling. - local Ajeot. WEST SIDE rket Always a complete line of Fresh and Salt i Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first claat city market to offer? A. (.MATTHEWS HHNINIIilHIIIIIIHl sr RUBBER TIRES I: Why to without lubber Tin when you cap them «o cheap? »RT % WA8BAWTRP Tf»f» Ftm 0NIY flff.60, W« «laq f!<) fir? MhcMi.'U He- j'iiirfi *} * t H d t n f* WMlt-CJ; ett'. of all kiilfix hMitjr tttectffckl; DO t v m n i i i i d lu the BlacksDiitliliiK lluo with the exception of horseshoeing. We place twenty-one mower or bidder sections on your scythe lor ft.00. Twenty-Ate per cent, off for cash on nil our work# Give ug h call. JOHN PINT, Mchenry, ILL Office in Helm et bldg., Oentervlll e D. A. WILLfY, M. D. C. VETERINARY SURQEON AND OENT|$T. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Want Column. All adTertUementa Inaarted under thU b«*d at the follovliigrttw: Five Unas or 1«M, 16 ceata for first insertion; 1SV aenta for each •ubneqneat Imitlia More than llye lines, & cent* a line for Brat Insertion, and S cento »line for additional Insertions. W ANT$i)At once, good tinsmith to build ** galvittilzed Iron row Ixiats, launches, water tanicft, &c. Steady work to the right man. HUNTER-WCCKLER BOAT CO., McHeury, 111. rjo YOir -WANT 47 acres of land? If so, will sell tat. less than the bare land is worth and throwls the buildings, which are worth $2500.00. ; BANK or MCHKNRY. 8-tf XjV>R SA'UE--Three young sows and ± boars,;all full blood Uuroc Jersey For furtherlnformatlon apply to W. B. JOHQSSOTT. Klngwood, 111 two red. l/inois CentralR. R. Annual Stockholders' fleeting at Chl- cafOi October 17. Personal Attendance of IndlvMial | Holders Desired. FREE TKKETS tt tk Meeting Public notice Is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the Htock holders of tne Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office la Chicago, Illi nois, on Wednesday, October 17, 1806, at 18 o'clock noon. - To permit personal attendance at said meeting there will be Issued To each holder of one or more Shares of the capital stock of tha Illinois Central Kail road Company, as registered on the books of the Compauy at the close of business on Monday. Sept. 24.1WW, win <• o< full age, A Ticket Enabling Him or her to Travel Free ?Jr?r».t.'?e Company 's lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to CHICAGO AND RETURN such ticket to be good tor the Journey to Chi cago only during the Four Days Immediately Preceding and the day of the meeting, and for the re turn journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the Four Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours ow ar kaforw Saturday, October, ao, 1906-that la to say between 9:00 it. m. and 5.00 p. m.--in the office of the Assist ant Secretary, Mr. W. O. Bruen, In Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, on application, In writing, to the President of the Company In chlcago, but each stockholder m ust ladrvM- ually apply for his or her ticket. Each appli cation must state the full turns and adores* of tne Stockholder exactly as given in his or her Certlflcate of Stock, together with tha number and date •( such Certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in re spect to any one holding of stock as regis tered on the books of the Company. A. ii. HACKSTAFF, Oct 17 Secretary. PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL StTATE TBAN8F1M. Mrs Mary Powers to Peter .Toha Nerd* strom & w, Its « * », blk 1, PrCH Yeften addnf McHenry. Jos Heltnerjk w to Joseph W Mehrlnjr Its 7, S, •- wT jvoodiaWB Parki slso orlrewar adjolalo|7ln nSi MClPi Wt 90 I to i*tiry MAltltlAOl UCfSWKES. Bayfimsry,91. Woodstock Ada M. Bardeh, 31... < , Woodstock Henfy W. (Jaolke, 40. jJatieflVlU^ Maty Manil, 84.. < < i i,: isanesville W i l l i a m P e a c o c k , O f e . j f i t i e b m o n d MatafadS K. Mj'efs, flS....;.' Richmond Oscar B. Thomas, tt Hebrofl Ida May Hewes, 19.. ... 4 Johan Sramm, ,«<<dttleca Twp 8opbia Knopp, 78. i,'. •«. I . <. «0otal Twp F r a n k C J o r t o n . y i M a r f O g o Frandes M. Tobay. < WU. gyeM'**" • • • • • iSSffiS (IatD WLFLFIHIM.I M H K U WMslfWl 9)MNPaW«f. M99V9. willndPorfiH rfM, f,,,,talon, ft! i . ' 1111111 t i l l fimi!m vluj^u k Solved i keep off jJfeHbdic aHlUikl 6'f biliobeiiSifl add HatiitdSl bdnsti^dtioii was k tflyStfei-y ihHt Of. king'g fceW Life Pills solvfed for hie," writes johii N. Pleasant of Magnolia; Ind. Thfc oiily pills thai lire guaranteed id gite perfect satisfaction to iter^bod^ or toonsy re> fended. -Only M oante it N. H, Pet- aeob's, MoHehr>, Q, W. Betley'a, W«it McHenry, drag storw. Why not get In line? Tec, !t ii a special--« rery special-rate. $1.88 ftfe this paper and The Weekly Inter Oceati for one foil year. Don't let it get Away fromyoh. __ Jkt'tloml tha '%Mlad"^tea( " .. VPWNHIN JOHK&BCIUSH. Miss Delia Nieeen spent a recent day at McHenry. Mrs. Anna Frtond spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Freand. A hay rack load of people from Pista- kee Bay spent a recent day at Colombia Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling spent last week Wedneeday at the home of Mat. Steffes. Mrs. Nick Freand of Spring Grove spent Tneeday afternoon with Mrs. Snsan Freand. Mrs. Jos. Frennd is spending a tew weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mat Mnel* lenback, in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Nidk Martin and two sons of Chicago &e visiting at the home of idrs. George Nell. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes and child ren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thelen. Mr. and Mrs Jos. Rothermel and ohildren of McHenry spent Snn^ay at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels*. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrieh and two daughters spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ranen at Spring Grove, Mesdames Rose and Walter Neckof of Chicago are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt. Mesdames Jacob Schumacher, Peter Nieeen, Math. Freund and Stephen Schuiitt and children spent a recent day at Mrn John Freund's. Martin Lay and family, J. C. De- breeht and family, Misses Tillie Better- man and Mamie Wiederman drove to the lotus beds in a hay rack Tuesday. A woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea she wonld have neither. Bright, smiling face follows its use. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley MIDOBIULU R. L. Dufield was in Cary on bnsineas Monday. Miss Liuie Fnrney spent Wedneeday in Nunda. Mrs. Nettie Smith was an Elgin vis itor Tuesday. Mrs. E. £. Knilans is visiting relatives at Delevan, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Levey were Nunda visitors last Thursday. Mrs. E. M. Stepheueen and daughters are visiting relatives at McHenry. Miss Edith Hobart of Richmond, oal- led on friends here last Thursday, Mrs. Florence Barden of Woodstock visited at the Manse last Thursday. Mine Flora Harback of Cary visited friei ds here last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter, Haxel, were Woodstock visitors last Fri day. Mrs. •. Cadwallader visited with friends at Nonda last Friday and Satur day. Mrs. S. Simmons and daughter, Elian, visited in Chicago from Thursday until Sunday N. J. (Hrriaon, F, W, Hartman and A. F. Davis w«rf Woodttwll visitors last Thursday. Miss BAMI WUrniian ot Qnn* Wood visited her sis tar, Mrs. H. i. Oar* Hsoti< rs<jently. Mft. Wilson dud d«(mhC«r of Rock' fdrd Visited hex' eotisin/ Mrs. E. fetepth ehsSb. tbd past Week. x Scrub your face daily j ^ou'fS not lean inside. Clean inside msans dean stom ach, bowels, blood, cleitt, healthy tissue in evefy organ. MORALL Take Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 oaflts, Taa or Tablets. G. W. Besisy, Ar«m«|M»wttbtwT Um «M istkaraaaMiT Whin and aavinir • M «l9lk WMHIII MTT lit# § ytfltiff, for botii, M««r MMRK, d*ae*e«j n!t. Iftoid M ft. 8. T tenth: Jalitf A. btqfji iAmthtf, G^. o» df. Knobb's-They say poviltty teggm blm oil {8 the sfeae, gilobbl^mM, and the tfiilHi hiid oflL-PrtdSetea rigan Old itiaids would be scaroe aitit hard to find, Could they tie mads tosaa, Bow graoe and beauty are oomoined By using Rooky Mountain Tia. Wi Baalsy. CMiel rate's VmrmUti ilia Poet^My toAii cootatorf but rejected tnahuMrtpts! Bw^Wife^ And frothing but NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS FOLU Stadtfeld was a Wi itor last Friday. Will Kretscbnmr of yinVolo. Sid Ruseelt transacted bosi Lake last Friday. Mrs. C. Dryer i her SMU in Miss Kate Do well of on friends here Sunday. Geo. Hironimus Waukegan over Sunday Ed. Mills of W isinees here last Saturday. I. A. Barms and grandchildren via- ited at Wauconda Sunday. Miss Ella Moore spent Friday and Sat- day with relatives in Wauconda. Miss Kittie Dowell of West Fremont mnt Saturday and Sunday in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton visited relatives in Ch'cago Saturday day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson of Fort Hill spent Saturday at Raught Rwa.. ; , / $,• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon and son, Arthur, were Chicago visitors last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown are re- tha arrival of a little son 14. Miss Nettie Russell visited I at Fort Hill and Round Lake part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle and child ren of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable. Mr. and Mm. & J. Wegener and daughter, Clara, of Fremont spent Sun- ay at Chris Sable's Mr. and Mrs. George Kueblerof Pala tine visited Mr and Mrs. John Richard son Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Clough and daughter, Bes- sie, of Wauconda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mrs. W. M. Huson of Des Moines, la., and Miss Hellen Raymond visited rela tives in Libert«'il1e last Friday. You can see the poison Pine-nles clear out of the kidneys and bladder. A sin gle dose at bedtime will show yon more poison upon arising the next morning than is expelled from the system in any other way. Pine-ules dissolve the im purities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the blailder, relieve pain and do away with backache speedily, pleasantly and permanently. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, Weat McHenry. v RINGWOOD. ; Ed. Reefe spent several dfcy« l® OliB- cago recently. John M. Su^itb-pf Oeborn, Kansas, is visiting with relatives here. A number of Ringwooditea have been to the lotus beds during the past week. Miss Eleanor Hawley has been enter taining a cousin from Elgin the past week, Miss Mayme Knox of McHenry visited with relatives in thia vicinity Sunday afternoon. C. C. Harrison entertained company from Chicago and Liberty villa the tirst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison of Ong, Nebraska, are visiting the formers's brothers here this week. John Carey, son, Gerald, and daugh ter, Florence, spent Saturday evening and Snnday with relatives at Wilmot. Miss Lora Mason of Richmond has been engaged to teacL the primary room of our public school the coming term. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Harrison and daughter, Miss Ethel, have been visiting with friends in Anrora and Elgin the past week. The farmers in this vicinity ate basy threshing and owing to the shortness of the straw it is a shorter job than in for mer years. The old time method of purging the system with Cathartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stoiuach and intestines is superseded by Dade's Little Liver Pills. They cleanse the liver, and instead of weakening, build np and strengthen the whole sys tem. Relieve headache, biliousness, constipation, etc. Sold by N. H. Pst- asob, J. A. Story, MoHeury,*?. W. Baa* lay, Waat McHenry. Where V An English mayor Mia thia story: "A Woman, speaking at a masting in support of woman's rights, repeatedly •mod Her aodietioa, 'Wnaw would use find themselves without women r "A wMfc Joie« frets tte roar ef haili " In paradise, ttHittf " Ate 04 MIS Band* Bhilth--1 hear Jon^S, the n&ftfftllfSl bid a bad accident. What was it? llMWn--Why, somebody gayd hlni a young tiger cub and said H Was so tame it would eat off his hand. Smith -Weill Brown--Well, it did. LD PARK. W. K Burns and son of Chicago were at their cottage Sunday. Joseph Sntton spent Sunday and Mon day with Elgin relatives. Mrs. Caatello of Elgin was a recent guest at the home of P. Walsh. Pearl and Ruby Claxton visited the Misses Smith last Thursday. A hay rack party was given by the U. P. D. A club last Wedneeday. Mrs. Dal ton and children were guests at the home of Ed. Knox Tuesday. Miss Margaret Sutton is the guest of Elgin relatives and friends this week. John Aylward has returned after a few days' visit with relatives in Elgin. Mrs. J. Walsh and friend, Mrs. Calla- ku, were visitors at Ed. Knox's Tues day. eedames R. J. Sntton and J. Wall e callers at the Walmsley home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes and child ren called at J. I A. Bolger Tries- Martin Knox and T were callers at the Bun day evening. f Clarence Whiting and Glenn Francis co of Ringwood were visitors at Ed. Knox's Sunday. Attorney C. R. ThurlweD of Chicago visited his sister, Mra. J. R. Smith and family Saturday. Miss Ella Kelter, Afiss Doheriy and D. Cooney of Chicago were oallera at R. J. Sutton's Tuesday. "The Helen" can again be seen on the river, making daily trips up and down this beautiful stream. Miss Alice McManaman of Chicago and Lucy Sutton visited the Misses Knox one day recently. Cassius McManaman haa returned to Chicago after a pleasant week's visit at the home of R. J. Satton. " Ed. Kennealy and Thomas Cleary and their families of Chicago are now oc cupying the Aylward cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haxton, J. Hax- ton, Sr., and daughter, Isabel, arrived at. their cottage last Saturday . D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Snnday at the park. His daughter, Mrs. Me- Leaud, accompanied him home. Dick Aylward while at work at Wheeler'8 one day recently had tike mis fortune of stepping onto a nail and is now at Elgin for repairs. For bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad breath, malassimilation of food and all symptons of indigestion, Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient corrective. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, MoHenry; G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. A dance was given for the cottagers at the Haxton cottage last Saturday evening. A short program consisting of musical numbers was given and refresh ments were served after which the Kuests departed for their various homes. A most delightful time was enjoyed by those present. A hundred year) ago a physician wonld give yon a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough and cold medi cines invariably bind the bowels. This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts on the bowels --drives ont the cold--clears the bead, relieves all coughs, cleanses and strengthens the mucous membranes of throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, Mc Henry; G. W. Besley, W. MoHenry. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for 98.50. Order at onoe as the time of this offer if limited. Every form of distressing ailment known as Piles originates internally. The real cause of the trouble is inside. ManZan is put up in collapsibls tubes with nozzle so the medicine can be ap plied where it will do the most good, and do it quickly. If yon are suffering with Piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. Sold by N. H. Petesch, J. A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley West McHenry. p»r 5k Isapweeed. yent papa gat tlked tlit flfitgr ttfUfUNll (MM, M dee#a't hit« to pvMtfM **? gPii" *fU#l *• Mr. "Hi (IN--II I MI I "I R !*• did m tin that fnan for? 8u^geoii--Fivd iitioditSd <ka- lars. "I ineaii what did tie JUttr* -Five' hundred dollarir-Pufck. la tiraSt tfentaad; ^The detiiedd tai kfestnbettih'i dolic, dkblera add EHarrhoea Bsmsdy hsfs has bMih so grant that t bit* lettcalr been abU to keep it in atook. It baa ourod oaaM of dysentery bare when all other ramtdiea have failed. FRANK JOTRIS, Pikevlile, Ind. This remedy la Cor aale by G. W. Besley. My tincle From New York." Sep- >tember 1 Afid & Central opera houae. Bm& The Plaindaito troubles rt ka am «Wc,jldt in MraTT riis.H.Y Msnnevlis,N.Y. "Mjrdei aa aMikine weaM haip «a. t*ki« Cartel t gave up a C e n t r a l T H E A T R E COMING! Ml 8:2 3®an:making, v; - ' • j " Farce Comedy, MY mn f NEW YORK! best line of new||j Vaudeville Acts wm Bank of McHenry This Buik receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a AAAUI IARKIIK IDSHHSS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention givea to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Tours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public* * -Banker*. Always * PR6SI1 BVERV DAV OMllfl fitf pWtlM tiA Wfeddingi attfeided to. Vhferi iron btiy feikery iii- Sist upon yotii- dealer tbgi+Syouthe hoifae tbSde goods which a*« aiwayt the best. • - MAX ZIMMERMAKN, lKoH£NHY, ILL. mmm* The Weekly