iMf-w- m fpe chance of a year to Supply yourself with clean, wholesome food stuif. Each, and every article guaranteed to comply with the new federal Pure Food Law. FLOUR PilUbary's Beet Floor, best Flour on «u*h- Cbrona Patent Flour, good as any other brand, per bag $1.00 Victor Patent Flour, good wholesome Flour, per bag 90c Faricy N. Y. State Buckwheat Flour, per pound Sic Fancy Pillsbury's Graham Flour, 101b bags 38c To further introduce Pillsburv's Flour the PillsDury-W«sh- burne company have sent us 100 351b bags ^hich w will sell until gone at 49c Best Boiled Oats, per pound 51b bags best Boiled Oats, Mother's Crisp, 10c size, per Orange Breakfast Food, 10c i Tobacco Plow Boy Smoking in lib. pails, per pouqd Ynm-Yum Smoking in lib. pails, per pou^d Soldier Boy Smoking in lib. pails, per pound Fabian Cut Plug Smoking in lib. pails, per pound Spear Head plug per pound Square Deal plug per pound "* Navy Tobacco per pound Good Fine Cut per pound Giant or Cuban Star per pkg. ' % . Plow Boy per pkg. Yum Yno ̂per pkg, ' SPECIAL! Large Fancy Cuspidors, worth 25c Large Covered Chambers, worth 50c Large Dinner Plates, each t 88c SBc SBc Sfcc 88c 85c *8c 88c 8c 8c 8c 10c 1% 4c 3= Soaps and Washing Powders Grandma? Washing Powder. 10c size «fc ' Ho Pels Naptha Soap, per bar • \ > SfB' American Family Soap, per tawr '^ Sic U. S. Mail Soap, per Bar * , '2*c Brag Soap, large bars, per bar Sic Imported Castile Soaps, 10c size (as 3lc •'V' Tea and Coffee Mocha and Java, W: goods, best in Mcllenry, per pound 38c Old Java Blend, 25c goods, per pound . 19c Gk>lden Rio Coffee, 30c goods, the k ind you pay 25c for to peddlers, at per pound Oar best Uncolored Japan Tea, regular 50o goods, if not the finest Japan grown your money refunded, 5 lb. limit to a customer, per pound 86c Choice Japan Tea. uncolored, regular 40c goods, per lb % 19c PEAS AIVjD BEANS--Fancy Hand Picked Navy Beans per pound 8}c New Scotch Green Peas, per pound 8ic BAKERY <iOODS-- National Biscuit Co, nalect Soda Crackers, per lb 5c National Biscnit Co., Fancy Ginger Snaps, per lb 6c " " " Nabiscoes in packages, per P*f | 7ic " " " Graham Crackers, per pkg <Hc POTAT06S--Fane jr Minnesota large rural potatoesfotf one week only, per bushel . 55c Large, N. Y. State, King Apples, per barrel $fe.50 Goods delivered to C. & N. W. Railway station. Terms, cash with order. We refer you to Bank of McHenry. No goods delivered in city. - Silver Thread Saurkraut, per barrel $3.90 Fancy London Layer Raisins, 23 lt» boxes, per $2.35 Large Florida Oranges, 300 size, per box - $2.50 New Prunes. 35 to boxes, lirge size, per box $1.75 Fancy California Raising, 50 ft box, at Tic, per box $3.75 Fine Canned Corn, 3 doz. in case, per doz. 48c 3tt> can Tomatoes, 3 doz. in case, per doz 65c U. S. Mail Soap, 100 bars in box, per box $3.75 American Family Soap, 100 bars in box, per box $3 50 R & R Matches, 13 cartons in box, per box 95c Grandma's Washing Powder, GO 10c packages, per box $1.85 501t> can Fairbanks Lard, per pound 8Jc SUOARS--Best Cane Granulated, per pound 4}c Confectionery Sugar, finest grade, per pound 6|c SYRUP AND MOLASSES--Fancy Table Syrup In one-gal lon cans, per gallon 28c Fancy New Orleans Molas&es, 50c grade, per. gallon 38c Fancy Illinois Sorghum, per gallon 43c Fancy Illinois Sorghum, per £ gallon can ' 23c Fancy Pure Maple Syrup,on one pint glass 15c DRIED FRUITS- Extra Fancy California Prunes, 40 to the pounds per ponnd ' r ~ ' 7|c Extra fancy large California Peaches, per poand 12ic Extra faucy Currant?, in packages, per package 7ic Extra fancy Seeded Raisins, per package 7£c Large Layer Raisins, per pound . 13|c Fancy California Figs, per pound 9c Quart glass frnit jars Syrnp Tic Beat Granulated Sugar per pound 4$c Finest Confectionery Sngar per pound 6£c Maple Svrup in glass jars 15c Fancy Groceries Vanilla Extract, worth ISc^ tg* Extra strong, pure. Lemon Extract, worth 15c, (ft Pineapple, Orange, Raspberry, Rose,. Strawberry, all fruit colors, Red, Pink, Blue, YeUo%, Green i 15c. <rf> " Dr. Price's Baking Powder, 35c size, (« Walter Baker's Chocolate per cake Chapman's New Chicago Baking Powder, best b yowder on the market, 25c Size 0i STARCH--Elastic or Webb's fineStarch ^est Gloss Starch per pound Canned Goods Fancy 31b. can Tomatoes per can Fancy 3lb. can Corn per can Fancy 31b. can Baked Bean&ffer can Potted Ham, 15c size (ft Potted Tongue, 15 size (tf Veal Loaf, Armour's, 15c size @ ( Chicken Loaf, Armour's, 15c size(ffi Campbell's Soups, 10c sise Potted Chicken, 15c size @ Potted Turkey, 15c size @ Fancy Bonei Chicken. 35c size (<i Heinz's Mustard, 10c size @ Heinz'8 Horseradish, 10c size @ Fancy Mustard Sardines, 10c 8iKe„ @ Fancy Oi! Sardines, 5c size (« Fancy, Pure Catsup, 15c size @ Minute Tapioca, 10c size (<i TELEPHONE It Z71 i88a88S8B88SS88S88888E8SS8888SEE£8S8BSSS883S8SBgS OUR LINE OF HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER BEFORE AND IS AT ALL TII1ES READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. LET US aiVE YOU OUR PRICES. THEY PLEASE. ft Cranberries '^Turkey without cranberries! ffever, and especially not when they are good as mine <t pef quart. Mince Meat Yes, genuine Mince Meat, pure, lean and not a bad dream in it, ckage only .... 106 Pumpkin £$•* crop pumpkin in cans, tare food pack, per can ioc, fresh |umpkins the large size ioc, extra . Apples Eating apples,, cooking apples, have a good variety, from 30c 75c per pk. Bananas The nice fat kind, ripe per doz. :M 13c and aoc Candies If the candy is forgotton you will be reminded of it more than once, so don't forget it. I have everything $rom nice mixed at ioc per lb. to fancy chocolates at per ponnd. ••J*##® Nuts After dinner is over the next thing is nnts. I have all one kind or inixi>d. per lb.... 18c and aoc Celery Fresb, crisp, tqpder and well bleached. IMUMI HIMIM »•*••••>••• !•*•#*MM * * ##t - . <.-«•• ««««•--m NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS VOlAft. . Miss Mary Ranght of Elgia spent Sunday at home. Miss Katie Dowell of West Fremont was in Volo Snnday. Miss Hellen Raymond spent this week with relatives in Elgin. George Eatinger visited relatives in Dundee Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Gib Burnett of Wauconda visit ed Mrs. G§o. Huson Saturday. Messrs. Fuller and Turnbull of Wau conda were Volo callers Sunday. Mrs. John Richardson and Miss Lncy Dunnill were in McHenry Saturday. Mesdames Gallaher and Lamphere of McHenry were Volo callers Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Raughtof Wauconda spent several days recently at Ranght Bros. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rosing and son of Round Lai^e were Volo visitors Snn day. Arthur, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon, has been ill during the past week. Mrs. Fayette Huson has returned to her home here, after spending several weeks in Chicago. John Richardson, who has been under the treatment of a specialist in Elgin, returned to bis home last week. Messrs. Klmberly and Golding of Wauconda assisted Harry T. Fuller at his auction in the Cash store at Volo last Saturday. HOLCOMWILLK. Wm. Harrison is visiting friends in Iowa. Mrs. W. Sehroeder spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Etta Powers visited at Jas. Pow ers' Saturday. Miss Pearl Zenk was a oaller at W. Zenk's Saturday. Frank Peck of Chicago visited at Mrs. B. Peck's last week. Cbas. Harrison was a business visitor in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Silver and children VIB- ited at Mr. Holarbush's Sunday. Mrs. W. Gilbert entertained the Cher ry Valley society last Thursday. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, attended the stock show in Chicago Friday, Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers and sons, Raymond and Will, spent Sunday at John Phalen's . "L Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller of Iowa are visiting tbe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiston. * I JOHN STOFFEL McHenry, Illinois .Excursion Kittea for the Holiday*, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates on nine dates: December 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1906, and January 1, 1907, good returning until and inclnding Jan uary 7, 1907, to stations on the North western Line, (including C. St. P. M. # O. Rk'y.), and to points on certain other lines, for full details of which ap ply to ag&o#Chica*o Western B'y, 81 RING WOOD. Untversalist church. Rev. Arthur Roberts, pastor. Remeq^er that we are having regular services Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. and preaching at 2:30 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. The M. E. church gave an interesting and profitable Bong service last Sunday evening. It was conducted by the choir and consisted of instrumental and vocal mnsic. Great credit is due to tbe choir for the excellent t endering of the pro gram. „ They will give another concert in the near future. The last night was stormy and only a fair sized audience was present. It is hoped that the next time the church will be full. The following standings are of the three highest in each grade of the gram mar room dnring the fall term: Month ending October 13, 19M^ Seventh Grade. Arthur Peet ... .90 Karl Bradley 86.8 Evelyn Carey ........ .85.8 Sixth Grade--Class 3. Lora Smith 87.8 Leon Dod«e .'80 Willie Lawrence 78.6 Sixth Grade--Class 1. Gertrude Fay 87.4 Ethel Harrison .85.6 Leo Adams 84.6 Fifth ̂ Grade Margaret Fay. 88 7 Louie Tonyan .78 The pupils neither absent nor tardy were: Karl Bradley, Jennie Beatty, Viola Beatty, Harold Kelley, Leo Ad ams, Ethel Harrison, Ethel Watson, ...84.8 ...83 . . M A .>.17.1 ...It. 8 .,..76 ,.84.2 . . . . 6 6 Lonnie Smith. Gertrude Fay, Margaret Fay. Number of pupils enrolled, 21. Montb ending November 8, 1906, Seventh Grade. Arthur Peet '. Karl Bradley.. ... Jennie Beatty Sixth Grade--Class 2. Lora Smith Harry Stephenson Leon Dodge........... -- A. Sixth Grade--Class 1. Elsie Smith ... Viola Beatty. ' Harold Keliy. Fifth Grade. Margaret Fay Louie Tonyan • vPApils neither absent uor tardy were: Kam Bradley, Jennie Beatty, Jftttfa Be atty, Ethel Harrison, Londfie Smith, Margaret Fay, Harry Stephenson, Wil lie Lawrence. Number of pupils en rolled, 32. Month ending December 8, 1906. Seventh Grade. Arthur Peet .' .98.6 Karl Bradley.. -89.6 Allen Noonan. 85.8 Sixth G**de--Class 2. Harry Stephenson 86 Lora Smith " 84.4 Leon Dodge ..79.3 Sixth Grade--Class 1. Ethel Harrison Harold Kelley -- • Gertrude Fay Fifth Grade. Margaret Fay Louie Tonyan Pupils neither absent nor tardy were: Jennie Beatty, Viola Beatty, Leo Adams, Ethel Harrison, Gertrude Fay, Margaret Fay. Harrv Stephenson. Willie Law rence, Arthur ,Peet, Evelyn Carey, Arthur Bell. Number of pupils en rolled, 24. Number of cases of corpor al punishment during term, 0. ....79 ..78.9 . ..78 . .85.4 ...80.b OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS.- Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:; EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. BARKER S. WEBSTER, vke-Presideat, SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOflESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : paid on Savings Aci^ counts and Time Cer^ tificates of Deposit. DR.PRICETS CREAM Made from poref grape eream of tartar 6 Makes home Hbakhsgf easy. Nothing can be substituted for it in making, quickly and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot-breads, muffins, cake and pastry* Insures the food against alum. Pure, Healthful, Reliable X.i'. mixtures called haknig powder M* offered you at lower price, remember . nuoi BAKING powoan OHIOAGO -• r - '.H ^ '4-: thev att- rnostlv made from alum, a metallic acid deleterious to health. <4* «*t*« •*!*» *1*1 A »•» A A A A mtAl 'J1 ,4»l l«JJ l4#J l4»l lV ^ 1^1 ^1 ̂ 1 ^ The little store, in the Simes Building, V invites you to the December iClearing Sate »t||8ic •4 - -9c • «c *l0o ...15c :46c Beginning this week Saturday., Here are a few items you inay need: Printw of all descriptions Best Ginghams, double width, Percales Extra heavy Flannelettes. OntiuR Flannels. Tnrkey Red Damask-- Extra heavy Linen Crash Extra heavy, twilted. Cotton Crash One lot, child's Fleeced Untlerwear... 1. One lot, child"* F1 eced Underwear Ladies' Flf^ced Ribbed, per suit .... Ladies' Fleeced Ribbed, extra sizes, per suit ' 59c 200 bales fine Cotton Butts, the 12ic quality for 9c, the 15cquality 11c Men's all wool Cudt-rwear ... 90c and op Men's Fleeced Underwear ........... .23 to 48c One lot. grey Cotton Blankets, have 65 10 75y^iir'cBoice(.i 59c Fleischer blk Knitting Yarn, p.r skein.... 89c Saxony, in all staple colors, per skein ......V 6c Indies' Furs, have been 1 95 to 5 00 1.50 to $8.50 Ladie s warm lined shoes of extra quality ...... . . . $1.20 The entire shoe stock ladies' and gents* Alasias and Rubbers all on the bargain counters. Sweet Orr & Co. s Overall 85 and $1.00 qoalit^Jrour <#..?5c Choice Lam<»n8, per d<^zen .... ........23c Choice Florida Orange*, per dozen ,.;v „.Wc Best Cap% Cod Cranberries, per quart.. ..........1^5 Coine to the Little Store and help carry the stuff away--it will pay you. - "A Mm c > ..