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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jan 1907, p. 5

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NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED OUR ABLE CdRPS OF CORRESPONDENTS , ili .11 H,lW mi . EDWIN L. WAGNER, President* f. '*'S** ;> ••'*•••*» --1 "•"•'S. WWSUt, Vice-President.? , SIMON STOF#EI,, Vice-President, v CARL W. STENGER, Gashief. tmrn ' -/"Va_. -V- CHECKINQ ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT, ION EXCHANOE, "ARY PUBLIC. : *. .paid oa Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer­ tificates of deposit. -7% yuv ,'„V Winter Medicinete - ;^There are certam lines an4 remedies that are in special demand at particulai seasons. This store is always prepared to Cttpply thein. We strive to meet every need of the community and to anticipate needs before they are express^!. Whatever drugs, medicines or sundries yota may require this season we can supply. We can give assurance that the quality will be the highest and the prae tlie lowest' - ' I ipl Qet the habit of coming to us for > 5/. 'r'.U drug store goods. It is a habit r^~*- /•'c that pays. .k • ' •;•••. L>- £ r Vf- . V . O J t l M l a I S T McHeni^J^i:s§y^^ Ulinolif Tonionsre girl. arerejoic- 'edoesday A Bakers* Cocoa, per 25c can •.. • »20c Uneeda Biscuit, 6 packages for... ...25c Postum Cereal, per large package. .?, .% . .20c • Triscuit Breakfast Food, per 15c paclcage 9c Sorghum, 100 per cent pure, per 40c pail. .30c Ben Hur Flour, Minnesota patent, guaran­ t e e d , p e r s a c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . $ 1 . 1 0 ' 4lt> package Johnson Washing powder.l .. 15c Wisdom Washing Powder, per packagt;. V 3c Armour's Canned Meats, 3 10c cans for.. »10c Armour's Qantied Mfeats, 3 cans for*-.,. 5c Reo Plug Tobacco, per 20oz plug v. .25c Country Club Smoking Tobacco 1ft pail, ,29c V, j . . 6 bars Lighthouse Soap, 1 package ; ,t!>' Lighthouse Soap Powder, 2 bars of . Flotilla Soap, the combination for Kc * * JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. w w vv V V WW1 EVANSON'S ' - > - r ' • ' * .New Year's Bargains should* induce r ^ 1 •' * " - ' ir* . Bars Kirk's Cabinet , ̂ ̂ . v i-O V . • \l Pound Plu* Squ&iw- , g * ; < 9 - * f r - •£-vw.V',* V; v- * •| '* •. J #x V' Born;' to Mm Lissie Majr sprat Taeaday »o<« »nth )^|fe*£«ftfiMro. MW HmA. want Tandtv wfBiBflM Mr. and Mrs. W the happy parents of Mr. iqdlifas teg over tka arrival <rf a Mrs. Sasan with Mr. mad Mrs. Hubert Frennd. George Nell retarned home from Qnincy, III.. o# ff4^|iday aMAiog. Mat Webfr (dMoBimrf iqpMt Btmda.v afternoon with Mr>^« M«- Gasper Adams. Miss Itra Hoffmann of Braing Grove passed tfcroogh here on her wiy to Holcowbvttia. Mr. aad Mra Hettermann are enter- tainix^ from Bryden and Nsw MoMterthta week. • Mrs. Stephen 9. Prennd of McHenry •pent one day lattl week with her sister, Mrs. Nick Frond. Mr. anrMr*. lCat8chmitt of Zeoda, ffia, spwil Sunday with Mr. John Miller and children. Simon Michels aiur aia Iiuie Schmitt vftited a few days with Aurora reiatMp* and friends. J|r ̂ and Mrs. John Oeffling and darters, Lily and Hilda, of Volo spentBncday at Wm. Oeffling's. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and daugh­ ter, Caroline, of Volo spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt'a. Mn. Tnecph Kuttntr aH of Spring Orove spent Snndtfy afternoon With her sister, Mrs. John Schmitt. Mr. Peter Niesen and daughter, Delia, went to Kenoeha, Wis., to attrad the funeral of Peter Niesen Wednesday. Mrs. Snsan Frennd, Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer spent Wed­ nesday of last week with Miss Susie Miller. >&• • Mrs. JohjQ Mertos entertained the. following ladies on^Thnrsday afternoon, namely: Mrs. Joseph J. Niche)*.' Mrs, Joseph Hueman. Mrs. Sasan l̂ rennd and Mrs. Stephen H. Schmitt ^ If yon are Constipated, dull orhUions, or have a shallow lifeless complexion, toy Laz-ets just once to see what they will do lor you. Lax*etSM« little tooMi- some Candy tablets--nice to eat. nice in effect No griping, no pain. Jnst a gentle laxative effect that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or purse, Lax-eta meets every desire. Lax-ets comes to yon in beaotifal Hthj graphed metal boxes at 5 cents and cents. Sold By N. H. Petescfc* ; HI VOIAK * ' r t yX. John Gift spent Tuesday in Elgin. Mr. Hendrioln of Ingleside was in Volo Friday. •Miss Lucy Donnill b yisitin« with Elgin relative^. • f " ' Mrs.' Jack Frost and John Efflnger were Fox Lake visitors last Friday. George Wegener made a business trip to Chicago last Tuesday. 4 " Miss Bessie Dnnnill spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Messrs. Fuller and Fairweather of Wauconda were Volo callers Sunday. 'Mrs. Efiinger df Wauconda visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stadfield, Sunday. Mrs. Straits of Palatine is now mak­ ing her home with her daughter, Mrs. John Richardson. ^ Mrs. Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of McHenry spent Friday frith Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Ronnd Lake visited the for­ mer's mother, Mts. Richard Oompton, Sunday. ^ Chancy Jepson of North Adams, Mass., who is well known in and around this vicinity, visited friends here the first of last week. The relief of Gougha and Colds thru laxative influence originated with Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup containing Hon­ ey and Tar, a -cough syrup contain ng no opiates or poisons, which is exten­ sively sold. Secure a bottle at once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and if not folly satisfied with results your money if ill be, refunded. Soid by N-JBU eech, druggist. v^:"v Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt were McHenfy nailers Friday. Miss Mary Gibbs viaited at W. Doherty's* Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert went to Chicago Saturday to visit relatives. Miss Katie LaughUn of McHenry visited relatives here last week. Mrs. George Weidner and daughter, Hanoa, and son, Mike, of Marengo visited at W. Zenk's the first of the week. / ManZan Pile Remedy put up in -col­ lapsible tubee with noule attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very «Ntt of trouble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaran­ teed or money refunded. Sold by N. H. Petesch. druggist. Will Doher^r was pleasantly surpris­ ed last Thursday evening when about fifteen of hi« friends catne to spend the evening with him. Games were play­ ed and refreshments served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs W. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers. Mr. and Mix. C. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt, Misses Katie Langhlin, Anna Powers, Mary Gibbs, Etta Powers, Messrs. Will Doherty and David Powers. RIDOEFIJStll. R, L. Dntield was :"N. in N* . . . 8 t c e n t s " ^etto *. i» :-s* 1 8|welal Annonne#»«iit IcaiAlsg tk* H*> ttonal Pare Food md Drttj( Iaw. We are pleased to annmmoe that Foley 'a Honey and Tar for oottgta, colds and lung troubles is oot eflectea by tiie NaUomd PareFood contains no opiatla or other and we veaommend it <m a safe for child|mi and adults. G. W. * * -J M*8, Fridajr Miss J. A&bton is ywiting with friends in Chicago. Mrs. i . B. Lynch was a Chicago visit­ or Wednesday. * Mist Sopha Wille visited al Stock Monday. ' Mrs. D. L. Gibson is visiting her parents at Woodstock. Miss Sadie Wood of Nunda visited friends here Tuesday. Mrs. S Wakefield returned timday from a week 'a visit at McHenry. Mrs. F R. Jackman of Woodstock spent Saturday with her parents.* William Smith and lady friend of Elgin spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Nettie Strath, left Tuesday for Ft. Madison, Zowa, to visit her daugh­ ter. , Mr. and Mrs. MunSon are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl, born Friday, January 11. - . Mrs. J. W. Garrison awg daughter, Haeel, visited her imother at Oreen- wood Monday and Thesday. Miss Lura Davis of Austin visited from Saturday until Monday with her grandfather, J. C. Button, and his sister. The receipts from the M. W. A. oys ter supper amounted to $29.50. The singing by the Oliver quartet was exoel jent. Mrs. Clara Allen of Woodstock at­ tended the meeting of the W. C. T. U. and Missionary society at Mrs.* E. Smith's Tuesday. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contain­ ing Honey and Tar is especially appro­ priate for children, no opiates or poi­ son* of any charaoter, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30r' 1906. For cronp, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels the Conghs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Peteech, druggist. --*-#' GREEK WOOB. W . Glacier--a very steep hill.(?) Choir practice at the parsonage Thure> day evening. Why can't Greenwood township have a high school? Charles Thompson was a 'Woodetoek caller Saturday Miss Hasel Kinney spent Bunday al her home near Woodstock. The ninth grade is nearly ready for higher arithmetic Miss Haeel Wester man and Miss Mabel Allefc were in Elgin Wednesday. Wallace and Royal Garrison are back to school after' an illneas of several weeks. v : Several attend the Teacher's and Farmer's institute at Hebron Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toles attended the Y. M. O. A. lecture at Woodstock on Monday evening. B. L Thomas of this place is on the program to talk on "Practical Dairy Farming" at the annual meeting of the Illinois State Dairy association which meets at Joliet this w$ek, from Wed­ nesday until Saturjliy. i Croup can positively he stopped itt twenty inmates. No vomiting--noth­ ing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe Svrnp. called Dr. bSoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cnrej^or Cmnp alono, remember. It does not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold by N. H. Petesch. ^ ' t Bad Error. "That Was a "rather serious mistake the types made in speakliMK Of . youi)g Golightly." ^ "In what wayT*' < '* "CSjanged a 'u* Into ail V attA said be was a ragged specimen of athletic manhood." ' » 1 ^ An Bxceytlea. never heard snch a lot ot gossip. The, walls In that boarding house have ears, havenH they?" "Yes, everywhere except abont the dumb waiter."--Baltimore American. m our practice, • ff * iSifc ' •Sa|»|s- m our facilities, £ ientious in our method ̂ in our ready to e, - is} >- When in need ©If spectacles or eye*-. glasses call on u&j Appointments can ̂ ̂ -- s-ie J&fir |Styie and elegance in our glasses, v ior Satur": because we deserve it. t , day® and Sundays. "JS E. C. Jacob & 'PHONE McHE In the SwUa MovntalM. "Ethel, that awfully handsome guid^ kissed me a mwnent ago. Do yon think I ought to deduct something from his pay or sdd to It?"--Fliegend* Blatter. Thoee edges soonest torn that are most keen. A sober moderation stands sure. No violent extremes endur*-- Aleyn. Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, removing all dis­ orders from your system, is what Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do Makes you well, keeps you Welt. 85 cents, Tsa or Tablets., Ask your drug­ gist. Parental Iiflnence. "Sir." said tlie young uiau, "I trust you will object to my marriage with your daughter?" "Why so?" queried the astonished parent. "Because," explained the young man, "If j*>n do t think she will consent to have me/V-Chicago News, What Site S«M. Jack--1 thought you were very at­ tentive to Miss Banker. Tom--I was, but after what she said I shall have nothing more to do with her. Jack-- What did she say? Tom--She said »N©,^. ' itatfty •! •«" It Hnnoi be too often of all food that comes to tofcle there is nothing so pore as bread. -- Loudon Bakers'Times. Mm who lives after nature shall newer fife poor; after opinion shall never lie rich.--Seneca. . The Plaindealer will i>e sent to any address on trial Hire# miuftsfwf tsttily* flye cents, and will be dieoontteed ai the of that time anises other­ wise cwderod. Try it. •nglaa<% Siatwie !Xb«. 3otm Ca»dcn Neild ̂ whose magsdt* •ent bequest to Queen Victoria sup­ plied the funds out of which the prince consort built the present Balmoral castlS, deserves a place among the great fnisers and was as mmarkable a man as any of them. He was educat­ ed at Eton and Trinity college, Cam­ bridge, and was a barrister at Lin­ coln's Inn.N At the age of thirty-four his father's death placed him in pos­ session of a fortune of £200^000, and from that moment he became a cook Armed miser. Neild lived at 5 Cheyne walk, Chelsea. His big house was so meanly furnished that it did not even boast of a bed. Two old women, who did his chores* and a black cat were his sole companions. When he visited his large estates in the Midlands, which he did frequently, he generally 'walked unless he could get a lift for nothing, and he was not even above taking a gratuitous seat on a dung cart. Sometimes be was compelled by the weather to take a seat on the stagecoach, and there he would sit outside, shivering end dripping, for he never wore ft an object of commiseration to Ids fellow passen- UkmII'I BcMk*. The saying that there are few est lawyers did not hold true in the case of Lincoln. A man oncd called to retain htm on a suit "State your ease," said honest Abe. The man did, and then Lincoln said: "I cannot represent you, for you are wrong, and the other party Is right" "Ttyit is none of your business if I employ you," said the client "Pardon me," said the man who aft­ erward became president; "my busi­ ness is never to defend wrong. I nev­ er take a esse that to manifestly wrong." "Well, but you en make trouble for the other fellow." "Yes," said Lincoln, "I c»n set a whole community at loggerheads, i can make trouble for tills widow and her fatherless children- and by so doing get you *600 that rightfully belongs to bar, but I won't do it." / "Not If I pay you wetlf* "Not for all the money jrem are worth,* wga the reply. ^ ' a WwrW Tee. • -.i?'*,* The wooden boards that had marked the graves in a certain rural cemetery rotted off and were raked up in the spring cleaning. Consequently on Memorial day when the delegation from the Q. A, R. arrived with flags and appropriate floral decorations for their departed comrades the decorat­ ing committee found itself somewhat in doubt as to which grave belonged" to Captain Blodgett and which to jganwah BjHwmn. The mistaken dele­ gates heaped their offerings upon Han­ nah's last resting place and departed. That afternoon Ericson, the widower, drifted, with the rest of his world, to the cemetery. When he11 saw the flag and . the flowers above Hannah the astonished Swede fell to chuckling joyously. "Veil," he exclaimed delightedly, "dose faller bane pooty smart too! Ay tank dat vor all right and som gttde yoke on Hannah--he vor pooty gude fighter herselluf."--Youth's Companion. 4 i Devonshire Terrace. Dickens was twenty-seven years old when, in 1839; he uafoved from Doughty street to Devonshire terrace. George du Maurler lived for some years in 1 Devonshire terrace. In this celebrated house Dickens wrote no fewer than ten of his books-"The Old Curiosity Shop," "Barnaby Rudge," "The Christ­ mas Carol," "American Notes," "Mar­ tin Chuzzlewlt," "The Haunted Man/* "The Battle of Life," "Dombey and Son," "The Cricket on the Hearth" and "David Copperfield." Devonshire ter­ race was situated at the corner of the Marylebone road qnd.used to be called tht smallest terrace in London. P H I L I P J A E G JPNBRAL. COriMISSION MERCHA£££. . SWOOIAI. ATTENTION OIVKU TO THK SUA OT "" -V*.- Dressed Beef, flattoa, Hogs, Ve»I, Poultry^ ^ tlkles, Etc., Butter and 6ns "k 'This Is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price fists furnished ttn ftppSSOftttOll* _ •; ̂ COLD STORAOE FREE ̂ • SSMASSr* " GHICAQO, ILLINOIS. Jos. H. Huemann "f** w Johnsburfk Illinois. sells the McVl^ker' GasoliiW ^ Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggitr., Wind Mills,. Well Supplies, Harness Oil, ' Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. £ am agent for the sl^gii^Tjjj put the Rods on yosff Bitlli fcgs and should they be'-Sti«•>>•/ by Ughtninjt we pay damage if no more than $500. Call aad\ get full particulars. €nciii Prices Hw«ys •mmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmm * • It Vartea. • 1 " . The late Judge Baunders or tWfth Csrtrflna was noted as an angler, but he bad a poor memory as to the weight of tile fish he had taken. On one oe- a friend, trying to entrap him, •aid, "Say, judge, what was the weight of that big catfish you. caught the other dayr The Jnlgto turned to his waiter and "BoK what did I say that catfish ffTrlytiCil y*' "What time yesterday, boss--in de mawnin*, at dinner or after suppah?" The Moob. Astronomers long since came to the eonelnston that the moon's surface Is very hot during the height of the lunar day, which, as will be remembered, two weeks, and very cold during the lanar nigbt, which is equally long. These 'iaSfemes of temperature reach ad^kt at the lunar moon , Jit and are jwalK «h«u* any BtttRl temperaturss on the earth. This paper and The WeeklyJtttler Oneptl gets tor bolh one year OiMildeaL SkootfBB a R»bbtt. In Sullivan county there ^ is a man who spent a whole day hunting, and at nightfall he was returning homeward empty babded when he found i rab- iblt In a snare and still kicking. Be released it and was about to dispatch It with the back of his hand when it occurred to him that he could not say he shot it, as no shot marks would be found to corroborate his story. So he tied a string to one of the hind legs of the rabbity tied the other end to the fence, backed away twenty yards and fired. The shot cut the string and bunny ran away. Such a good Joke on himself was too good to keep, and he told It at the village grocery, little thinking that It would be handed about, until now if you .want to anger him the mere mention of the yam opens the old sore.--Forest and Stream. * Practlcias by Bast. Whan Grover Cleveland was practic­ ing law at Buffalo among his associ­ ates was a young lawyer who, though a bright fellow, was rsther incliasd to laslness. He was forever bothering Cleveland about points of law rather than look them up himself. At last Cleveland became tired at it and ftps next time the young man sauntered in Cleveland knew what he wanted and, getting up, pointed to his bookesse and said: "There are my books. Ton are welcome to them. You can reed your own case." The fellow was caught, but he rose to the occasion. "See here, Grover Cleveland," he said, "I want you to understand I don't read law. I practice entirely by ear, and you and your books can go to thunder!" •m m 'VP.'V<A ... s . r; fcr.*; 1 ' • ft rw$s W.; tV: Women Rale aa Bafctea De. Uae ordinary flan would still much rather glorify women and set them on a mock throne, whence be can depose them at wM» than have to acknowl­ edge in them a real title to xegstd. It is difficult far a man to overcome his esstatlsl self importance. Most of us peiiMq* prefer to have inferiors round us--an abject trait of character, but natural. And only very slowly have we men been getting to prefer our womankind aa friends and equals rather than as queens and pets, ruling us as a baby or a spoiled dog does.-- Loudon Saturday Review.,̂ A Clever Hto% "You are so popular," sighs the swain. "You have so many suitors!" "The idea!" Bmiles the fair young thing. "Why, I can count them all on the lingers of my left hand. See. The index finger is Mr. Smugforth, the sec­ ond finger is Mr. Balder, and the third finger--the third finger of my left hand --the third finger is you." Next day he got the ring for it-- Chicago Post i 'V H* If/ = 41--- •• v'i*" » f" ->r T. Ik idee lest if frsecf Ks tf tins it tk bw >: estpfids. ^ y wtx. i- ' £ ' * 't; : - a '•I.1!, % ' 1 " >1 y-v ^ Also i fik li« H fie traits (osttftly ttpt i stock. ::^v () -A *; *>, 5 J *'y m- „,v» . Ifawa to Hte. '* l "The beauty of this great *ttd gwt*- ous republic," said, the American proudly, "is that any boy born here may become president." "Fawncy!" excaimed the British tourist "I was under the impression that the president had to be at least forty years of a ge."--Catholic Stand­ ard a«d Times. A AltaMflwi %. phitosopher is a man he. has hard luck, due to his own care- and idiocy and other, short­ comings, can blame It all ftts gomervlile Journal. > \£ni r:> • ;: v:r .f • * . Y •\ It 1 V--< Hrtotr SBse to l<*olt W®6e. She--Mr. Dodlef̂ is looking mo«w dont you thiqkt' Chappie -T»-*a. Bfs twin bratherrls dead.- V ockv HmM • . A 1 • Joaga i f&i Bud The nslnrtmator ^ ; ' - V-C \ 4. .•'. J&MjJlidLi L:_J!

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