OF WEST MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. * *« *• X •EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. ' V= v V "*35? -J V? 9&r S. WEBSTER, Vice-President SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President ' CARL W. fTENGER, Cashi«r. CHECK I NO ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC COUNTS. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT; DONESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS. NOTARY PUBLIC. : : paid on Savings Ac counts and Time Cer tificates of Deposit. 19 • IT PAYS TO BUY fOR (ASH i* • 20c * , » » - 2 5 c Bakers' Cocoa, per 25c can. Uneeda Biscuit, 4 packages rot Postum Cereal, per large package?. ..'V ** - 20c Triscuit Breakfast Food, per 15c package 9c Sorghum, 100 per cent pure, per 40cpail. .30c Ben Hur Flour, Minnesota patent, guaran teed, per sack . . . . . . . . . $1.10 4tb package Johnson Washing powder... .15c Wisdom Washing Powder, per package... 3c Armour's fanned Meats, 3 10c cans for.. .10c Armouc's Canned Meats, 3 5c cans for.".'.. *5c Reo Plug Tobacco, per 20oz plug ... .25c Country Club Smoking Tobacco lib pail, .29c v . / 6 bars Lighthouse Soap, 1 package^, ̂ ^:^\'./iSgJithottse-So»pf-:Powd€|r, 2 bars of V t*£ Flotilla Soap, the combination for 25(1" Ml JOHN STORFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. An ^•i New Year's Bargains should induce "17* activity /at'tke'-* kittle Store. > Tt^ ^ . '-v.- - "" . .25 cent* ' k -<-lv" , , * yg.- A- Pound Plu< Squ«wr»- „v & £ * * Heal Toba.cco-.. *5 cents >\<* -' • V f* ' ' Powder. . > »••• ft <* " jk , V **.- t . * 4 Washing -•h'l' *%*-* x„ }» - Extra Heavy Flannel- cents em -Hcent ' • • • ; . » • r - » » ; . ** < • > » v < « • * . . iV?*vgr.- .•: •*» . Wt Bid You Welcome ' * :• -kjc: • i-y; J' • • % A* f* P H I L I P , J A E G E R GENERAL COIIMISSION MERCHANT %®CIAX. ATTENTIOW OIVKN TO TH* SALB OF " "Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, VM|, RpHfyr"" >:'V; Hides, Etc., Butter and Egg» This ia the oldMt house on the street. Tags and pifoe lMi CQMJ STOSAOB FREE application. Stall «'A 3. PadtM St*L,. Wb*leMle Mwkrt. 5X- ' ' CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. o > < Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgli Illinois. Mils the MeVi -ker Gasdhu ' Engine, Duplex Grinding Milki Rock Island P1«-.VB, Wagons,. ^ Carriages, Baggie-, Wind Mills, Well SU^piiee, Sarness Oil,, Paint Oil ilid Machine OH a Specialty. FH** UP*I M Wlrtul mb a«en* to* theabow*. F« • • ; |>ct tike Rods, on joar BuUd- • trie aiwl be sttutk by llKbtaiiw «w par damktfe* If Kaon ttuw IM chil iad . get fall particulars. ^t,?v hkti awiys RHMMHP ̂#• -*• /; SSS©£ i'I wiiwuif^ NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUJt ABLE CORPS OF 'COKMESPONDENTS y ^OEKSBCKGH. Peter Freond and family moYed to MeHenry Monday. Miss Snsie Frennd Bpent Sunday with Miss Rena Michels. . C. M. Adams transacled hpsiness in Chicago Wednesday. Wm. Brits of Yolo spent .Tuesday with his mother here. Mrs. G. Wirfs spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Klein.. Mrs. Jacob Frennd spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jos. Schaefe*. Joe May and son, Joe, of King wood, were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Murray drove to McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mathifta Lay and Joe Miller of Spring ©rov« were Sunday callers here. MiasXdzsie M&y spent Taesday with Misses Delia and Martha Niesen. Mlsa BOM Jnsten of MoHenry spent Sunday with Miss Susie Meyers Misses Rose and Clara Lay sprat one day last weak at Jos. J. Jnsten's. Mead&taes M. Freana and J. Schaefer called on Mrs. J. J. Michels Sunday. Mia* Martha Niesen spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Emma Bugner. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller of Zenda. Wis., spent Sunday at John Miller's. The ice harvest is on in earnest here. Joe. J. Michels bouse was filled Tuesday Miss Anfta Oetiling spent Thursday last with her friend .Misp Eva Huemann Mies Susie Frennd was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Frennd. Tues day. Mr. and Mire. Ben Tonian of Ringwood spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Wed nesday. Mrs. Stephen Freund and son, John, spent one day last week with Mrs. Joe. Schaefer. Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and children spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Jos. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingart of Volo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math- ias Steffqp. Mrs. Anna .Bugner spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Frennd, at Ringwood. John Oeffling and Mike Pitsen of Volo •pent Sunday at the home of their nncie Wm. Oeffling.; About afty boys and girls enjoyed the excellent skating on the river last SUD- dAy afternoon. JochFreuod and family from near Mc Henry spent Sunday at the' home of Frank Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C." M. Adams were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Joe. Diedrich at McHenry Monday. Mrs. Martin Freund and daughter, •Nary, of Ingleside spent Monday at the home of Mathias Lay. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pitien and chil dren of Volo spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with the formsrl parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hay. Mrs. Wm. Meyers entertained the fol lowing ladies last Thursday afternoon: Mesdames Theo. Meyers, John King, John P. Lay, Stephen 3 . Smith, ft J. Nye. . •» Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup contain ing Honey and Tar is espf ially appro priate for cu.idren, no opiates or poi sons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drag Law, June 80, 1006. For croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels the Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. Last Tuesday afternoon while looking OQ as a gang of men were cutting ice on the creek little Joseph Freund be came too interested in the work and fell into the open channel.» Prompt assist ance saved the little fellow from a wat ery grave but not until he had received a thoro ducking. The victim, after being rescued, made for his home as fast as his navigators would allow. Joe is all right. If you are Constipated, dull or bilious, or have a shallow lifeless complexion, try Lax-ets just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ets are little tooth some Candy tablets--nice to eat, nice in effect. No griping, rfo pain. Jnst a gentle laxative effect that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or purse, Lax-ets meets every desire. ^ax-e|s <?omes to you in beautiful litho graphed metal boxes at 5 cents and 25 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Mr. Oscar O'Shea. who plays the title role In "The King of Tramps," which will be at the Central opera house Sunday, is a comedian of wide reputation. He has been connected with Hoyt's, Schubert's and Frohman's pro ductions for many seasons, and is known as one of the best entertainers on the American stage. He has made a specialty of character work and in this particular part with his quaint sayings, singing and dancing has made the hit of his career. He is supported by a clever company of comedians. Tfce Right Name. Mr. August Sherpe, the popular over- of the poor at Fort Madison, Iowa, •ays: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably, do more good^nd make one feel better than any other laxative." Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation. 25c at N E Petesch's, McHenry, G. W., Beelay'js, West, McHenry, drug stores. ; Wegive yon One news of town and county, and give 'it to. you right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the graphic news of America and the news of all the world. $1.$$ tor both papers one year. . , V BesleyV; ^ to gt* y**fr SPRIN« OROVK. <8. J". Orvis wan » Fox, Lake visitor Monday. /- Dr Arthur Bremken was a Chicago visitor recently. • " ^ Miss Mande Blauchard was^ %^le» Wis ..visitor Snnday. - John Collins shipped a carload of hogs from this station Tuesday evening. Misses Ida Westlake and Ina James were Richmond visitors Wednesday. Mat, Rauen and Nick Etten were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Miss Belle Neish of Fox Lake spent the Sabbath here with Miss Ada Weet- .lake. \ ' Mrs. W. H. Sanborn; and Mrs J. W. Bell were RlngWbod visltors Friday ot last week. * James Turner and daughter, Clara, pf Hebron were Sunday visitors at J. B. Richardson's. Mr. »nd Mrs. J B. Richardson enter tained soine of their friends at cards Saturday evening. f ^ ; Attorney Ed Wabh of Waukewha. Wis., attended to business matters here the first of the week. Silas Pierce has rented the John l£er- rill farm down near Lake and will move there soon. Miss Lenora Stevens of Chicago is visiting a few days with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. Rockey and family have moved from Grass Lake^ into the living rooms of the Lichty building. The Spring GroVe Telephone Co. are busy putting in several new phones at Ringwood and vicinity. James Ox to by will sell his farm and entire stock of cattle, horses and Duroc jersey hogs, February 5. * Walter Shotlitf of Beloit, Wis., spent the Sabbath here with hi* sister, Mrs. Joseph James, and family. Eafl Westlake, who is attending school in Chicago spent Saturday and Sun day here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Loody the great singers are here from Joliet assisting the Rev.; Bly with the revival services. George Wieland has a force of .about forty men at work on his pond putting: up an excellent quantity of ict^ Mesdames J. M Westlake and Joseph James attended the organization of the new R. N. of A. camp at Solon Mills Tuesdoy afternoon. Ed Hopper and family movedM their new home near Barnard's Mills Tues day. Frank Cairns will work ther Cain farm vacated by Hopper. Mrs. B. A. Stevens was taken sud denly ill the last of the week but at last reports was on the gain. Mrs. William James is there caring for her. Howard Westlake drove over to Silver Lake Sunday to see his brother, Robert, who is now on the gain. His father, J. M. Westlake, is still with him. Alec Anderson and Ed Walsh have a sale on the Walsh farm, east of here, February 7. Mr. Anderson will then become a resident of Wilmont, Wis. Peter May will work the Walsh farm after March 1. v ; i Croup can positively be stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting--noth ing to sicken or distress yonr child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr. hSoop's Croup Cure, does the wbrk and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a doaan ailments. It's for Cronp, that's alL Sold by N. H. Petesch. • . • ' f ' • RIDQEimiH F. E. Fa>; was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. T. Corkill was in Nunda one day last week.. Miss Sophia Wille was in Nnndalast Saturday. Airs. R. L. Dafleld was a Nunda visit or Saturday. r-^: Mr. and Mrs. Klina waiMj iit W00^* stock Mgoeay. W. Eichkoff of Woodstock waacalling on friends here Snnday, Mrs. Dufield and son, Arthur, were in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. French was confined to the house last week with tonsilitis. Miss Harriet Babcock of Nunda visit ed at S. Thayer's Sunday. Mr. Wayne visiter at Nunda Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Miss Agnes Throop of Nunda. visited with J. G. Hartman Snnday. Miss Elsie Hanghawont was in Wood stock Tuesday and Wednesday. W. Levey of Franklinviile spent Sun day with his parents add sister. Mrs. Anners and Mrs. E. Smith were in. Woodstock one day last week. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. J. B. Lynch Tuesday, February 5. 8. Bannister of Chicago visited Satur day and Sunday with George Doolittle. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with aqd Mr?. IX L. <dGribgon Thursday, February 7. School was closed three - d#ya last week on account of the death of Mr. Fay's stepfather. . L. J. Gibson and friend of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents^ Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson. Miss Catherine O'Flaherty returned to Chicago Sunday after a short visit with her mother. Something special! The Weekly In ter Ocean and this paper for $1.55 for one year. Aak ns what it meane. A little stranger. Charles Wesley, came to reside permanently with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner, Monday, Jan uary 28. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and children returned to thefr home in Richmond Tuesday after a few weeks* visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. It's pretty tough on "Uncle Doc" when he has .to answer to the call of grandpa twice in such short time. He received word this morning (Wednes day) that he had a new grandson at Waltbam, January 37. ; ^ .V "> '_7;v :^> </". J - f r CLOCKS! CLOCKSI CLOCKS! C To buy an eight-day , half-hour strike, kitchen clock, in walnut or oak finish. To reduce our stock we will sell all of our above mentioned clocks at $2.50 each. Values $3.50. to $4.00. \ . On all our re> 'or mantel clocks we will allow ten per c e n t r e d u c t i o n . : , , . * " - • . ̂ ̂J ' / -R \ { ^ & not miss this opportunity to. provide yourself a fine clock at this low price. Jacob & Company, - MCHENRY, imi^OIS. THWlE, 773. VOLO. of Waukegan waa here : ;'rV • J' . -v. C. Dillon recently. Ed Lusk of Round Lake was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Mies Catherine Dowell of West Fre mont was in town Snnday. Miss Maude Walton of Round Lake was at home Sunday afternoon Mrs. John Brown, Jr., of Wauoonda was a Volo caller last Friday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Anna Compton were Wauconda callers Satur day. Misses Anna Miller and Elsie Walton were Round Lake visitors Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah S. Torrance of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at A. J. Raymond's. , Mrs. Charles Rfeught of Waukegan spent last Thursday and Friday at Raught Bros. Miss Ruby Cooke of Wauconda visit ed Hellen Raymond Thursday and Fri day of last week. John Rosing and son, Joe, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Henry Thiele, at Goshen, Iud., last week. It's a pleasure to tell our readers about a Cough Core like Dr. Shoop's. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use of Opium, Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Dr. Shoop, it seems, has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law recently enacted, for he has work' ed along similar lines many years. For nearly twenty years Dr. Shoop's Cough Care containers Jiave had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic poisons. He has thus made it possible for mothers to protect their children by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure, Sold by N. H. Petesch. KMERALO PARK. John Gibba spent Snnday with. Elgin friends. Margaret Sutton returned to Elgin Sunday. Mr. Wm Robinson spent Sunday at Mr. Berkircher's. "'f . Rev. P. Bonrke called on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Emerald Park school spent Monday afternoon at Miss Knox's school.. Ed Sutton of Sioux Falls, S. D., re turned to his home last Tuesday. , Mr. Lawrence Huck returned to Chi cago Monday after spending a few days at his cottage. Miss Mary Sutton returned to Chica go Sunday evening after spending a few wealn at her home,. .. To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it after wards. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will head off all Colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pnenmpnia' or Bronchitis. Preventics are little toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and please you. Sold by N. H. Pet»sch. • On Monday, January 28, occurred the death of Sarah Elizabeth Berkircher, wife of Charles Berkircher, at her home at Emerald Park, aged 42 years, 8 months and 5 days, after an illness of one and a half years. Altho a compara tive stranger when moving here with her husband and brother-in-law fonr years ago, Mrs. Berkircher has, by her hospitable manner and kind disposition, won numerous friends who will mourn her death. Her remains were taken to Independence, la., her old home, for burial. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. *,'7;, "*> Tbeoeanda Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. FU} a bottle or common glass with your waWr and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Bo. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tellsi more about it. both sent! absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Bom* of Swmmp-Koot Co., Binghamton, N. X. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but reniem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N, Y., on every bottle. 'h - MdlEHRY, HUMS * . r ' SIR HKHT OdlY ,, V"' HOLCOMBVllXJt. Mr. McKeown visited at Mr. Olson's recently. » ~ George Zenk waa a caller at W. Zenk's Monday. W. Gilbert was a business caller in Nunda Monday. Miss Jessie Winklman visited Mends in McHenry Snnday. Miss Ella Knoblauch call Ott Miss Irene Davoll Saturday. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Sunday at her home at Emerald Park. , - * Mr. and Mrs. B.* Peck and Mrs. A. Peck visited at F. Davoll's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan and ohildren called at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson visited rela tives in McHenry one day last week. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville visited her sister, Mrs. T. L Flanders, recently. Captain Mahoney of Springfield was a caller at W, Doherty's Thursday even- in*. if , • " Two days1 treatment free. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets fo!r impaired indi gestion, impure breath, perfect assimi lation of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist B«*d Tha Plaindealer "T' Auction. Having decided to quit farming the undersigned will sell at auction on the *6ld Slocuni farm, on Slocutn's lake, 1| miles west of Wauconda, Wednesday, Feb. 6, commencing at one o'clock p. in. sharp: Twenty choice dairy cows, IS being new milchs, 6 having calves by Side and balance springers; 2-year-old Holstein bull; 2 IS-months-old bulls; 4 2-year-old heifers; 8 milk cans; 9 9- months-old bulls; 4 yearling heifers; 4 brood sows to farrow in March; 9shoats weighing 120 pounds each; black hdrse, T years old, 1500 wfc.; black mare in foal, 1800 wt.; sorrel horse, 1800 wt. ; brown mare, 1100 wt.; 8-year-old brown mare, 2-year old gelding, both by Star Pointer and are well matched; lumber wagon; wagon box; truck; hay racks; top buggy; road wagon; 2 set double harness; 2 set single harness; 10 bn. seed 9»rn; 100 bu. oats; IS bu. wheat; 200 bu. barley; 800 bu. corn in crib; 10 tons alfalfa r 4 tons timothy; 6 tons wild hay; 2 stacks corn fodder and stack straw; 3 turkeys and gobbler; pair of geese and gander; pair of ducks and drake; 200 chickens; 240-egg incubator and brooder; McCor- mick binder, nearly new; corn binder; pulverizer; Deere planter and 80 rods wire check row; hay rake; mower; har row; grain drill, neW; 4 plows; 2 culti vators; pair bobs; cutter; 30 grain bags and fanning mill; 3 row boats; cook stove, heater and cauldron; about 25 gallons vinegarjutd a quantity of house hold furniture. Terms: Ten dollars and under, cash; over $10, nine months on good approved notes at 6 per cent interest. R. R. Kimberly, auctioneer; A. 8. Powers, clerk. . X W. W. BIRKSTT. Cure Chilblains. ^'X'To enjoy freedom fr6m chilblains/* writes John Kemp, East Otisfield, Me^: "I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Have also used it for salt rhestn with excel" lent results." Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burn^ wounds, rrost bites and skin diseases, 26c at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's. West McHenry, drug stores. > ^ Why not get in line? Yes, It Is.a special--a very special--rate, fl.55 fbr this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from you. " Pine-ules" (non- alcoholic) mad*from resin from our Pine Forests, used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kid ney diseases. Medicine for thirty days $1.00. Guaranteed to give satisfacti n or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from N. H- Petesch, druggist. Are you square with OH? If not what Is tha reason T . V • ̂ ' >; Possesses wonderful medicinal power over the human body, removing all dis orders from your system, is what Hol- lieter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you welL 3S cants, Tea or Tablets. Ask yonr drug gist. • Tha Plaindealer and Chicago Dally Chronicle, both papers one year fo* 18.00. Orderatonceaatilwtimeoftfria otfar la limited ̂*t Ai EstcrtHmtit m 4 ftiaSttta •BhT H witt Specul it*,: lie Stow YN Hive Bra tte fmUti OSCAR O'SHEA Sajprud ly i PRICES 25,35, YourCou Wliif^'; tl^ ^nllanimatioti11 caused by a cold invadea 1 tissues of the lungs mill' l|ftpir ~ chial tubes we have a The way to cure a cough ia tfjij: allay the infiattitnttiou. Antf'^ that is just what our ' White Pfno-j and does--it gela at (he seat trouble and removea the cansa. > A cough will not teatlMg with this tnatment. are coughing. WeguMantaai tfurtu (ft m sAv , aiCenU. McHenry,