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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1907, p. 7

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FADELESS DYES color nd Cotton at oae boiling, colors. 10c per paakajie. CHtNEftr HAD FIRST ZOO Inatltution of Menageries Wm Dim to Two InMntiv**. WITHDRAWS HIS NAME AS CAN­ DIDATE FOR REELECTION. not endured the by nervous head- the awful agony of Worst of all, tie ordin- it cannot be relied upon to i*ve reltet Some *w mim if a person is ft. woman to these headaches there is >wH that can be done to prevent their recurrence; • ̂ _ Nervous headaches, as wen as neo- ralgia, are caused fcy lack of nutrition A .k --the nerves are starved. The only to feed the nerves 1b through the Mood and it is i|| this way that Dr. Williams' Pink mi have accom­ plished so mai«rremarkable cures. Mrs. Addle Uferrill, of 39 Union Street, . Antnlb, Me., says; "For years I sugared from nervous Stead- aches, whif®'#0uld ootne on WBevery live or six rifeeks and continue for several 4ay*- Tbe*aln was so sever® that I VNtold be obliged to go to ted fior three cr four days each time. It wis particularly Intense over my right eye. I tried medicines but got no re­ lief. I jumrp* appetite and when the hea#eb« passed away I felt as if I bajl tffe$lk trick for a month. My blood v&s thin and I was pale, weak and redtaeed In weight "I *###? About Dr. Williams* Pink mis tft * paper and decided to try thea^. 1 first noticed that they be- ganto give me an appetite and I commenced to gain in Weight and color. My headaches stopped and have not returned and 1 have never felt so well as I do now." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold l>y aii dfjfgists or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes $2,SO, by the Dr. Williams Medi cine Company. Schenectady, N. Y. _ Africa Highest tel. who inquired home for. The ften the sister burst out: *VW1, say, me mudder MO* does oar •*$•!« come here to git smell or/toV-PnNPttn-:' United »tat«a' The banklllF pewer of the United States, capital. Surplus and circula­ tion, as revealed by Comptroller Ridgely's 1S06 report, is 466. All foreign countries combined have a banking power of only f2S,r 962,600,090, oronly $6,490,029,535 more than that of the tfttlted StAtes atone. In 16 years the United States has in­ creased Its ban kins power by 219 per cent, against 102.6 per cent increase in that of ail foreign countries com­ bined. . Observe what direction your thoughts and feelings most readily take when you are alone, and you will then form a tolerably correct opinion of yourself.--Bengel. FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free, $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St.,^ Philadelphia, Pa. And people who stand up for their rights usually want to sit on the rights of others. rastopass xs s to a* MJra PAZO DIN I'M UN T is guaranteed to cur* n; < of ttobTni. Blind, Bleeding or protrodolfili f to 14 pars or money refunded. 60c. lis Be (honest in your business rela­ tions. It pays to be honest. -m i*4 !<• v v" y^rr«t /'«?• pt'i iSRW JAMES 3TER for more The first requisite of a* good mother is good health, and the ex­ perience of maternity should not be approached without careful physical preparation, as a woman who is in good physical condition transmits to Sear children the blessings of a good constitution. * Preparation for healthy mater* nity is accomplished by. Igrdia IS. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. which is made from native roots and fectrb9> more successfully than by any Other medicine because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine organism, curing displacements, ul­ ceration and inflammation* and tike result is less suffering and more children healthy atWrth. than thirty years Lydia E Ptakham'sVegetaWe Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. KotewbatMrs. JamesChester,of427 W. 35th St, New York says In this letter :--Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-"Iwish every expectant mother knew about X<ydia S, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned Of its great value at this trying period of a womiya's life urged me to try it wad I did so, and I cannot say enough in regard to the good it did me. I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now.* Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses apa ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensa­ tions, Weak Back. Falling and Displacementa, Inflammation, Ulcera­ tions and. Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women ; Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to writ# Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. For Emergencies at Home Fbr the Stock on the Farni J Is & whole medicine c : Price 25c 50c 6 !* I OO 5*rtd For Free booklet on Address Dr. s,C«ttfe.Hofis €r faAiy* % t̂ oston, Mass. tv- Paint Your Floors 1 •• ) Nothing will lend more elegance and refinement to%yonr home than nicely I painted floors. For your parlor, dining-room and bed-rooms a painted border surrounding a rug gives you floor perfection, sanitar y conditions and all around satisfaction. The painted border the rug an< 1 gives the room that finj|hed abearance. The rug can be easily taken up for airii g and cleaning. Buffalo Paint is SfW^ehdljr made for painting floors; Is made of the kind of materials that, stand scrubbing with soap and water; is made to walk on, ail d holds its finish long after other so-called floor paints have been WOrn off. Buffalo Floor Paints are made in different shades, and are easily sad quickly applied! eVCr^ W^° ^laS a fl°or to axu^ w^° sc,u^s 113 *ke name of her dealer, we1 stion on floor finishing, which will surely inj Soaveair Baftato^Heiul H^ PIn ra*] Boftalo OU Palat a V send our booklet of valuable inform- t you, aljid our beautiful silvered * * * i FREE BOOKLET OF PLANS. Write to-day giving names of at least two prospective home builders and FKEE S0Q{> |FT with full^particulars will be sent. ;#BUY SASH AND BOORS MOM SCaAUm-HOEW'S.'* CO, 4I3M Bl » •-1-- CHJCACO.SLL. / 2SWZ«&i m+c** ?aa«° VMS FREE PLANS FOK It cl Jieals the di brane. tarrh away " ' '•!-^M- tz drives in Btf- ON ADVICE In Precarious Health Beeause of Long 8traln-^-8tatsment New Jersey Man's Private Seeretary. - Washington.--United States Senator John E. Dryden, of New Jersey, Sun­ day night authorized- the announce­ ment that he bad withdrawn his name as a candidate for reelection to the United States senate. This action was taken on the advice of the senator's physician^, who warned him of the danger to his health If he persisted in attending the public meeting arranged at his re­ quest to be held ki Trenton Monday. It was Senator Dryden's intention to address the Republican members of the legislature and set forth the rea­ sons, in his opinion, why he should be reelected to the senate. Following the senator's decision to withdraw his name, his physicians, Drs Edward J. Ill and Charles L. Ill, sent the following telegram to the Republican leaders in the New Jersey senate and house of assembly: "The condition of Senator J. F. Dryden's health is such, on account of the long and severe strain under Which he has been, that we, his phy­ sicians, have advised him' that it is Of imperative importance that he should not attend the proposed con­ ference at Trenton on Monday," Senator Dryden said he had hoped at this meeting to be able to convince the eight Republicans who refused to be bound by the action of the party caucus that their opposition to him Is based upon mistaken grounds. The speech which the senator Intended to deliver before the Republican caucus at Trenton will be made public Mon- day. , 1 In explaining the senator's with­ draw*! from the senatorial race his private secretary made the following statement: "Senator Dryden concluded that a continuance of the deadlock would tend to Injure the party and the state. Accordingly he formally announced his intention to withdraw. Senator Dfyden is not dangerously ill. His condition is such, however, that his physicians and family consider it of vital importance that he should be re­ lieved at once of any further strain upon his strength and that complete rest from all cares is absolutely nec­ essary." K1LL8 HIMSELF AT WEDDING. Unknown Man Throws Gotham Bridal Party In hysterics. New York.--Standing in the door­ way of an apartment where guests had assembled to witness a wedding Sunday night a stranger, supposed to be Ulderlc Hugron, of Waterbury, Conn., blew out his brains. Death was instantaneous and the body tumbled backward down a flight of stairs. The bride and many women guests became hysterical and the marriage ceremony was delayed while the coro- ner held an impromptu inquiry. The .guests viewed the body, declaring ig­ norance* of the suicide's Identity. An hour later the wedding was sol­ emnized. v " The guests had gathered at the apartment of James Feeney, on Am­ sterdam avenue, for the marriage of Feeney's niece, Bessie Feeney, and Michael Leyton. The presence of the stranger was not noticed until tbe shot was fired. The Chinese had the first soo. Me­ nageries are thought to owe origin partly to the cult of saerM animals and partly to the ambition of rulers to possess specimens of rare and valuable creatures from foreign lands or savage beasts from their own. In the simplest forms zoological gar­ dens were one of the earliest develop­ ments of culture, and were familiar to the Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Romans, and pre-Spanish Mexicans in ancient times. The oldest recorded menagerie la Chinese, dating from 1150 B. C. The den of lions kept by Darius, as de­ scribed in the book of Daniel, is an ex­ ample of one of those primitive me­ nageries, While the cult of sacred white horses by the ancient Greeks and Romans and that of so-called white elephants in Burma and Siam are instances of a second, type. A live giraffe was received at the menagerie of Schonbrunn as early as 1828. Don't bo too sure of the man who } boasts of being sure of htmwi^f, FEARFUL BURNING 80REB. •oy Ira Misery 12 Years--IHczemA In Rough Scales, Itching anc£ In* flamed--Cured by Cuticura. **I wish to inform yon that your wonderful Cuticura has put a stop to twelve years of misery I passed with my son. As an Infant I noticed on his body a red spot and treated same with different remedies for about five years, but when the spot began to get larger I put him under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The lcnger the doctors treated him the worse it became. Dur­ ing the day it would get rough and form like scales. At night it would be cracked, inflamed, and badly swol­ len, with terrible burning and itch­ ing. When I think of his suffering, it nearly breaks my heart His screams could be heard downstairs. The suffering of my son made me full of misery. I had no ambition to work, jto eat, nor could I sleep. One doctor told me that my son's eczema was incurable, and gave it up tor a bad job. One evening I saw an article in the paper about the wonder­ ful Cuticura and decided to give it a trial. I tell you that Cuticura Ointment is worth its weight in gold, and when I had used the first box of Ointment there was a great improvement, and by the time I had used the second set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Oint­ ment, and Cuticura Resolvent, my child was cured. He Is now twelve years old, and his skin is as fine and smooth as silk. Michael Steln- man, ? Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 16, 1905." Where Jt Really Does Rain. There is one man in San Francisco who is not bothered by the rain. He IS F. S. Morris, of Portland, who is at the Imperial. Morris came in drip­ ping with .water yesterday afternoon, and somebody remarked: "Gracious isn't this rain a fright?" "Naw, noth­ ing much," said the man from Port­ land. "You just ought to live in my country. Why, at home;" and the Jifegonlan swelled with pride, "in my ocrttetry the rain falls so fast that the rl^Crs frequently fill up two feet above their banks."--San . Pranoisco Chronicle. Big Task for Engineer*. •Engineers have never doubted AO possibility of transmitting power from the Victoria falls of the Zambesi river to the great gold fields of the Trans­ vaal, 750 miles distant, but they have questioned the economic soundness of such an undertaking, on a commercial scale. Nevertheless, contacts have been let which shew that the work will be undertaken. It - is the most extraordinary electric power scheme ever attempted. Garfield Tea, an unusually practical household remedy; take it for constipation, to keep the liver normal, to purify the blood, to dispel colds, to cure rheumatism, to keep well! And by not getting married some men manage to live happily aver after. Lewis' is' Single Binder straight 5c cigar made of rich, mellow tobacco. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L A cheerful lie is often better than the solemn truth. THRfE FROZEN TO DEATH. Woman and Two Children Dead In Grand Rapids. Mrs. Wlnslow's SootMav Syrup. For children teething, soften* th* ffttnx, reaiXMS Found mmbuuuiou, mllityt pain, cures wind oollu. 25c '3SS Grand Rapids, Mich.---A woman Andj, two children were found frosen 40 death Sunday afternoon in an up^< ^ stairs tenement here, with a third child in an adjoining room badly frozen but alive. The dead are: Emma K. Livingston, single, aged 50; Alfred L. Livingston, aged seven, an^ Lincoln B. Livingston, aged three. Helen Livingston, aged ten, is the third child. The children lived with Miss Livingston, who was their aunt. It is supposed that after they retired Thursday night they became partial­ ly asphyxiated by ooal gas, and the fire dying out they were frosen to death. Heart failure and cash failure often go together. * Lewis'Single Binder straight Be. V»*y tthokers prefer them to 10c cigars. Youi dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, Dl. A reform champion's hnsbsnd be­ lieves a reformation would be good. tocvikacolbimokkdat Take LAXATIVE DKOMO Quinine Tablet*. Dror- (Isc* rotund mooe* if It fall* to cur*. K. W tiROVE'S signature it on each box. 2StT Men never fully appreciate the blessings of poverty until after they break into the millionaire class. It Is great folly not to part with ynur own faults, which is possible, but to try, Instead, to escape from others people's faults, which is impos­ sible.--Marcus Aurelius. Oats--Heads 2 Foot Long. The John A. Salter Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., are bringing out a new oats this year with heads 2 foot long! That's a wonder. Their catalog tells! Speta-- the greatest cereal 'hay food America ever saw! Catalog tells! OwTWf*p» TMCnmuM Our mammoth 148-page Seed and Tool Catalog is mailed free to all intending buyers, or send (5c in stamps and receive free samples of new Two Foot Long Oats and other cereals and big catalog free. John A. Saiaer Seed Co., Box W, I* Crosse. Wis. Caution. Imitations have been placed upon the market so closely resembling All- cock's Plasters in general appearance as to be well calculated to deceive. It is, however, in general appearance only that they compare with AUcock'a, for they are not only lacking in the best elements which have made All- cock's so efficient, but are often harm­ ful in their effects. Remember that Allcock's are the original and only genuine porous plasters--the best ex­ ternal remedy known--and when pur­ chasing plasters the only safe way Is to always insist upon having AUcock'k >.r iy Endless Chain. "Speaking of the endless chain prayer that is going the rounds," said the woman With the cheerful voice, "I can't see what good that can do, un­ less, maybe, it might start some poor wretch on the road to glory, but I got an awfully nice silk petticoat through an endless chain once. The manufac­ turers sent letters asking for five names and a ten-cent piece. I sent five names and the ten-cent piece, not thinking much about it, Just trying it, and it wasn't long before they sent me this lovely silk petticoat It was the nicest sort of silk, too. As long as I wore It it didn't crock." 3001<?500 Net CProfiU from land costing but $25 per acre. That is what they are doing in the Texas Gulf Coast Courstjy. It's tatff there, because this land yields double crops • every month if a producing month--a money-making month. Think of it 1 $500 per acre in cabbage--fOoo per acre in 1 per acre in mid-winter tomatoes. These and fliany actual ever plishments in fruit culture also, can be proved to you. I cas; :|^v^;^u 'the names and addresses of people who are doing these things while yo» are read­ ing this advertisement and the snow and cold weather are keeping you idle. Warm, Dry .Climate, f > ^ the healthiest in the country. Irrigated land--the kind yon can $25 per acre--is the richest in productiveness. The railroad place your products in the markets ahead of every other s country. Health and prosperity await iiltm- •; you. Let nja se nd you a trated book about the Coast Country, and tell you very low excursion rates fori trips. Write me TO-DAY. Sixteen car­ loads of people went d«Mrn on our excursion of January 15th. ACT NOW. join stusiu* f--v Mfc a*. t£8sz~i - m tOCK ISUKD-FR1SC0 LDIES. ;2mf. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BUSTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTEIWA1. COUNTRR-lRItTANT. -CAPISICIJM , VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPHB& PLANT ; PAIM * WICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY . I Sc.--IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES--AT ALL DRUGG! BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTACE SW T I L L THB P A I N COMES-KEEP A TUBS HAI A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and wiU !*•#" blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allsying and curstiVa ̂ M ̂' ' * the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at ODBC'snd"1 Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains In andslomschand all Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Gouty onsiplpMll. will prove what we claim for it, and It will he found to be lt household and for children. Once used no family will be wit! people say "it is the best of all your preparations." AOCeptl of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It lanoti SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASfi- LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO.- *-r ' v 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY •». ' ! • 'if' . ? , it.; *,V 4 11 aflieted with t HmmmA £m WMaf ssfeefM, UMI • •»!» A. N. K.--A (1907--«) 2164. HURT, BRUISE OR 8PRAIN . .i THE OLD-MONK-CURE RELIEVES FROM PAW Price flSs and 90c OF Unexcelled for General Farming* Stock Raising, Barries, Fruit and Vegetables. Cantaloupes, Strawberries, Peachev Apples, Grapes, etc., give handsome returns. Cattle need but little winter feed. HEALTHY CLIMATE. * I GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING SEASON. AMras (L A. PARK. 6«a. I*. * raft ML la I ItaM* R. R. 6a LOL'.CViLLE, ICY. Bark Sunk by 8teamer. Norfolk, Va.--The hark Charles Loring, carrying 380,000 feet of lum­ ber from Savannah to New York, was run into and sent to the bottom by the Old Dominion steamer Seneca Sat­ urday night, four miles off Sea Girt, N. J. No lives were lost. E. A. Conway, Sioux City, Olea. Sioux City, la.--E. A. Conway, prea?»; ident of the Conway COai company^ and for years one of the leading busi­ ness men of the city, died Sunday^ 8 aged 53. ^ 4 Mrs. Longworth Has the Grip. Washington.--Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, wife of Representative* Longworth, of Ohio, sod daughter of the president, Is ill at her home in thi^. city with what is stated at her boa to he a slight attack of the grip. *- Personal knowledge is tho winning (actor in tbe rulminwhng contests,of this competitive age and when of ample character it place* ill foftunaflt possessor ia the front ranks of The Well Informed of the World. 2 A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the iugliest excellence in any field of human effort A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knonrf- edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and heaUk when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an ethical product which has met with the approval of too most eminent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy of ̂ Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component ( Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the mat and best of family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made ̂ This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of--Syrup of Figs--and has attained to wodd- wide acceptance as die most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Soona. are well known to physicians ana die Wett di&n Young Thompson Not Gtiifty. Tacoma, Wash.--Chester Thompson, on trial for the murder" of Judge George Meade Emery In Seattle, was found "not guilty by reason of in­ sanity" Sunday. The boy was rgmaJid- ed to await the court's orders. ;: ' 4 • /• • Hotel Man Commits 8u!clde. New York.--G. Sinclair Moulton, su well known hotel man, committed sui­ cide by shooting in the Grand Union hotel. He was president of tbe Park Gate Hotel company, owners of the Manhattan Square hotel. • of the world to be the best we have adopted die more elaborate name of--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Seum--as more fully descriptive of the remedy, hut doubtless it will always be called for by the shorta name of-"Syrup of Figs--and to get > beneficial effects* always note, when purchasing the fulr rant of the Company--California Fig Syrup Co.--printed on the front of every package, r ' whether you call for--Syrup of Figs --*«r by the full name--Syrup of Figs Fl™* of Senna. 7 I Some of the A Tbe phenomenal lncretM ta railway a*l£ main line* and braneiMM--luia tMrtalmcata* Mun of tbe oonau-j within eon rwafc o* et schools, warketa, ahaas ftm convenience. TbeSlSBTT: of ibis year m Western Canada. iftainiaiHl flattie. For adrtee and i nformat I on addraas At INTKNDKJTr OF UUUUKaTlOM. r or aay autbortied Govern**** r C. J. HOUGHTON, lata Ckicaca, H.; V. I. | Tractiaa Tansint BUg., Miaaapasa, ml; ar T. a CUUIS, Kssa 12 B. f atiliaa M, Mwpshi. Wia. ' Eastern Washington Farm Lands Offer the best advantages foe a home or investment. Climate nnrrnrpaanrd destructive wind or hail storms. ' pests. Crops sure. We offer the raw and improved lands at low p: and easy terms, near good towns markets. Railroad fare refunded1 to; chasers. Low excursion rates, Tift once for illustrated pamphlet and THE BIG BEND LAND C 3 Washington Street Spokane, * 1 Wel̂ Known Note Broker Olid. New York.--Howard P. Prothing- a well knqjyn note broker, who( while delirious jumped from the see- end j^ory q£ his bom§ ̂ West b^#eT0Oth street Saturday, died* before midnight.; ^ * LOUISVILLE, KYf SAN FRANCISCO. GAL. <V U.S.A. LONDON,ENGLAND. NEW YORK, -si*, MA '"K {•§»»& nrftiriiii msirn uiiexceUed Uatry

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