- ^ '1*,. 4s^-5t **,. ' ' *•** ¥• *j3I *"*,: jj-V sf4,*r £., .. <TjS FVR* > '; Wr« / ^ ".if x- ([fp , . i' T> \̂ ; &* : ; x . &<•* Ztk •'- % .£ ' f . '/^ ,. i *A "V ^ . K-r ' «.» IJiljl" • • *•' '/ JiS.iife. iiW *"' *5 --..v.- • *»*»->" •'>*••* i? •" **?.*•? > -r Hi fo. The Medical Profession Recognises J The Grip ms ' Epidemic Catarrh. „VJ i- r-i. 'Vf "v- •„' v1/ 9i* $ .IrV, f ^ "5f - !• S- •! SM &. 7 -7 ^ OTLPV* MTJMCWE FOR LA GRIPPE. Rit&t 1*. Madleonu A. M., Principal of Cullowhea High School, Painter, N. C., •writes: "Peruna is the most "effective medicine that*! have ever tried for la grippe. It also "cured my wife of nasal teatarrh. Her condition at one time was such that she could not at night breathe through her nostrils." I^ENMAND SYSTEMIC CATARRH: Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White Oak, Ind. Ter., writes: "Six years ago I had la grippe, fol lowed by systemic catarrh. The only thing I used was Peruna and Manalin, and I have been in better health the last three years than for years be fore." Mrs. Jane Gift, Athens, Ohio, writes: "Six years ago I had la grippe very bad. My husband bought me a bottle .Off Peruna, I was soon able to do my work." ~ SUFFERED TWELVE YEARS FROM AFTER EFFECTS OF LA GRIPPE. Mr. Victor Patneaude, 328 Madison' St., Topeka, Kan., writes: "Twelve years ago I had a severe attack of la grippe and I never really recovered my health until two years ago. I bfegan using Peruna and it built up my strength so that in a.cou ple of months I nas able to go to work again." PNEUMONIA FOLLOWED LA GRIPPE* Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, On tario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneu monia after having la grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when I be came quite well." PE-RU-NA--A TONIC AFTER LA GRIPPE. Mrs. Chas. E, Wells, Sr., Delaware, Chio, writes: "After a severe attack of la grippe, I took Peruna and found it a very good tonic. v.- 6 ALL-STONE CURE. "CrawntrtCalculit Gun" " • ""*• "»•••• |a a Certain Kuntdy FOR GALL 8TONK9, Stones In the * I Stones In the Urlnarj Blidderor tttml, jniiomiirM, Sallow Complexion. Jaundlo* and ail I ti ng from Billoosnfws. Write far circular. OK AIM F.B. tM* Kmrtk Brill* Ati>«*i tT. LOIIU> MO. C"** f '-'-j n \ ;^S- -4 • i - j [ j V sm> f- ' sm> f- te A 0 ^•*1 w. *X N \ Used Him as Eraser. The late Dr. Henry Martyn Fieli •ome years ago related at a Williams alumni dinner a rather amusing inci dent of his freshman days at college. Being only 12 years old when he entered^ he had not reached the point where the natural friction between the big boy and the small boy ceases and lie was at particular feud with one oi His fellows, a stalwart country youth fresh from the farm. One day young Held went early to the classroom and put upon the big blockboard a very exasperating caricature of his en emy, with his name beneath. When the aggrieved party saw what had been done he said not a word; but catching up his youthful tormentor, he used him as an eraser and after rub bing out the offensive picture quietly took his seat. ______ A Big Bargain for 12 Cents Postpaid. The year of 1906 was one of prodigal Slenty on our seed farms. Never before id vegetable and farm seeds return such enormous yields. « Now we wish to gain 200,000 Dew cus tomers this year and hence offer for 12c itpaid .Garden City Beet Earliest Ripe Cabbage Earliest Emerald Cucumber.... La Crosse Market Lettuce. 13 Day Radish Blue Blood Tomato Juicy Turnip MOO kernels gloriously beautiful flow er seeds 10c 10c 15c 15c 10c 15c 10c 15c %'} ** ji* ^ S>1 ,! ¥ . ', §tH I : . -d > . " - v & H 't i-: Total ....$1.00 All for 12c postpaid in order to intro duce our warranted seeds, and if you will send 16c we will add one package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower, together with our mammoth plant, nursery stock, vegetable and farm seed and tool catalog. This catalog is mailed free to all in tending purchasers. Write to-day. John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box W, La Crosse, Wis. Wonder of Plant Memory. Hant memory is a problem for the Inquisitive botanist, says the Dundee Advertiser. In 1901 a plant allied to the. squash and pumpkin was taken to New York from the desert of Sonora, in Mexico, and since then it has been kept--without watering--in a strange climate 3,600 miles from home. Dur ing the six Weeks of tain in the des ert the plant grows its leaves and flowers and perfects its seed. Then tt dries up and leaves only a water- filled gourd, which a thick, hard shell seals against animals and evaporation. The transplanted specimen still re members the rainy season of six weeks. It wakes, Bends out rootlets, stems and leaves, and then dries up again until the following year. Irrigated Lands. Do you know that at this time yon can secure irrigated land in the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, for but little more than the cost of water for irrL gating? It will not be so, very much longer. If interested, let me tell you about the present opportunities to get land in this new country, where crops never fail, and|whei% there is a good home market for everything produced. Homeseekera' excursion tickets, on sale the first and third Tuesdays of each month. D. CLIGM DEAVER, Oen'l. Agt., * Land Seekers* Information Bureau, ,-'1004 Farnam St.. Ona*ha, Neb. ^-- s*t each endeavor to be of use to himself and others. This is mot a pre cept or a counsel, but the utterance of life itself.--Goethe. ' riLM CVKXD IKf • TO UOAT*. Be careful not to ask for favors to which yon are not entitled. Mrs. Wlnstow'a Boothia* Cfcmft rifna iim« .* »!»•»• • ' . _ ' B'yy g ~ wuei flfponxsi7<; > Of Interest to Wome^^.";'"• Every woman naturally should be healthy and strong, but a great many women, unfortunately, are not, owing to the unnatural condition of the lives we lead. Headache, backache and a general tired condition are prevalent amongst the women of to-day, and to relieve these conditions women rush to the druggists for a bottle of some preparation supposed to be particular ly for them, and containing--nobody knows what. If they would Just get a box of Brandreth's Pills, and take them regularly every night for a time, all their trouble would disappear, as these pills regulate the organs of the feminine system. The same dose al ways has the same effect, no matter how long they are used. Brandreth's pills have been in use for over a century, and are for sale everywhere, plain or sugar-coated. Cyellst Amuses Sultan. The sultan of Turkey occasionally finds amusement in watching the per formance of Mustafa, the court cy clist, who is said to be the only per son who has ever made hiB majesty laugh- Mustafa accompanies his gy rations with frequent bursts of mono- togue, showing himself to be almoet a* good a wit as he la a cyclist. ^t|e famous Your dealer or lAfL Henry Clay and Lew Wallace. "Mr. Clay was of a personality once seen never to be forgotten. Tall, Blender, graceful, he had besides the air majestic which kings affect, im agining it exclusive property. "Throughout Mr. Clay's performance my eyes scarcely left his countenance, which, as he proceeded, sank from sight until, by the familiar optical illusions, nothing of it remained but the mouth, and that kept enlarging and widening until It* seemed an elas tic link holding the ears together. Indeed, at' this late writing, my one distinct recollection of the man and his speech is the mouth and its capac ity for infinite distension."--Autobiog raphy of Lew Wallace. RELIEF PROM ECZEMA - ' For Over Two Years--Patent Medi cines, Quack Cures, and Doctors jp,:; Fail--Cutlcura Succeeds. | %ras very badly afBicted with ec zema for more than two years. The parts affected were my limbs below the knees. I tried all the physicians in the town and some in the surround ing towns, and I also tried all the pat ent remedies that I heard of, besides all the cures advised by old women and quacks, and found no relief what ever until I commenced using the Cu tlcura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, • and Cuticura Resolvent. In the Cutlcura Remedies I found immediate relief, and was soon sound and well. C. V. Beits, Tippecanoe, Ind., Nov. lfij, '06." A Precious .Heritage* ̂ - Sweetness of temper is a precious heritage. It gives beauty to every thing. It keeps its windows open to wards the spice country, ahd fills the home with perpetual delight. The for tunate possessor of a sunny soul is j God's evangel in a dark world. He is a living Gospel, which no one will ever repudiate, and the blessedness of which all men will appreciate. The body will grow old and. the smooth brow will be furrowed, but a happy disposition is an aureole to the grey crown of age. Blessed is he whose life looks out upon the land of Beulah, and whose soul is responsive to the outlying vision."--Exchange. Lewis' Single Binder straight Se cigar, always r Lewis' Factory, Peoria quality. •ria, m will save an3" scrimp on the bills, and haggle with the Y epd make over ter last year's ,attd th$n--8he will take all the. «^|^:a^|^yiM»8ed by this painful process and stuff it into a flimsy chate- laine bag with a weak clasp and walk towenety down among the 40 thieves of Broadway, says tite New York Press. She will spend hours writing a long letter, imploring an answer by return mail, and then--she will post it with out a stamp and without having once mentioned Iter'address. She will stand before the mirror for 20 minutes putting her hat on at ex actly the light angle and will suffer tortures at the sight of a picture that hangs crooked, or a sofa pillow that is turned the wrong way, or a chair, that Is out of* place, and then--ehe will sign a thousand dollar check up side down. She will waste a fortune at the masseuse's having her flesh reduced and will walk and bant and exercise herself into nervous hysteria, and then --she will go home and eat enough chocolate fudge to give a strong man fatty degeneration of the chin. She will cut a woman she dislikes dead in the street and talk about her to the whole community, and then-- she will go straight home and wear her fingers out trying to make her hat over like that same woman's. , She will go without a lot of things she really wants, and mend her old clothes until they drop to pieces, and then--she will spend the money she has thus saved on a pink and gilt an gel for the parlor mantel. She will trot around hi the rain hunting for three-quarters of a yard of ribbon or a new patent hairpin until she is exhausted, ruining her best clothes and wearing her shoes and her nerves to tatters, ahd then--come home and weep because the dampness has taken the wave out of her fifty- cent marcel. She will spank, her little boy until he cries for mercy because he told a lie about his pet dog and filchea a penny from her pocketbook, and then --she will calmly put him on a street oar and look the conductor squarely in the eye while she perjures herself about the boy's age and cheats the car company out of a nickel. She is a puszle, an enigma, a para dox, but then--she is a woman. " - v . A' imm PUTNAM FADELE8S DYES color „ per padj)«®Si than others, and the aMMM &re bi lanes and farter. -- f**• K PXA,,- .& First Time Under Fire. "How did you feel the first time you were in battle?" Sergt. J. E. Williams was asked by a Kansas City Star re porter. "Mighty shaky," the sergeant said. "And I was in charge of a squad of men, too. My first engagement was in 1899 in the Philippine islands. I was a corporal then. I belonged to Battery 0 of the Sixth artillery. We had been in the islands two days and were sta tioned in Luzon. My squad--seven men and myself--were sent out kto do post duty. We started early in the morning and about five o'clock in the evening arrived at our post, a lonely place, overgrown with tropical vegeta tion and generally depressing. "We camped and--waited. A little after dark I saw a flash from a clump of dark vegetation about a thousand yards away. At the same time I h^ard a bullet whing over my head. I never Was scared so badly before. It seemed that that bullet went right through me. The men were waiting for orders. 1 tried to give them, but the only re sult was an inarticulate gurgle. • "There I stood, with seven men waiting for orders. My kneejB were shaking and I felt that every hair on my head was standing on end. Then several more flashes came and one of my men fell, wounded by one of the bullets. "Well, sir, that made me mad. I started to cussing. I swore at every one, the natives, the Philippines, my soldiers. When that man fell all my fear left me." The Immigration During « - 216,000. White It well to heed errery word of caution from the leaders La commerce and finance and to afraid all speculative ventures that lack * solid business foundation, it is clearly evident that there is no conspicuous weak spot in Canada's present era of prosperity. The Toronto Globe says: "The Dominion has in a commercial sense plenty of money, and our lead ing financial institutions are in a po sition to lend freely In the United States. The chief productive enter prises of Canada are not buoyed up by an era of dangerous speculation, but are following substantial busi ness methods and finding safe and continuous markets for their goods. We are not bolstering up any indus tries by extensive export bonuses that must impoverish the people as a whole, and ultimately lead to col lapse through the failure of the arti ficial aid. , There is no extreme pro tection in Canada such as would cre ate great fortunes for a few at the expense of the general public and lead to disruption and catastrophe. The prosperity of Canada has no ar tificial foundation being based on a healthy and substantial expansion of trade arid industry, with a proportion ate extension of productive settlement to new areas. It is true that we are borrowing extensively for railway construction, but every line will bring, new terri tory within the limits of profitable occupation, and will create prosper ous settlements to bear the burdens and repay the outlay. We are not exhausting mineral resources, for it is quite reasonable to assume that, although mineral 'wealth is never permanent, ours will during the measurable future develop a far greater productive capacity than at present. Our timber wealth can be made continuous by a judicious pol icy. And agriculture, the real foun dation of our prosperity, is expanding with every new expenditure on rail way construction. We are not in the flush of a railway mania that could bring its punishment through the useless duplication of lines. The gigantic railway enterprises that now stimulate every line of business In Canada will create a new Domin ion, and thus render easy the heavy burdens of debt now freely assumed. Canada's era of prosperity has been unprecedented, but there is no sign of weakness and no cause for lack of confidence. While our growth is normal and healthy, we need have no alarm at its rapidity." This article might have gone on to relate the great growth that is taking place in Central Canada, where thousands of Americans have made their homes during the past few years. The pa^t calendar year has given to Canada by Importation an addition of 216,000 to its population. Of this the United States contributed 63,781. The agents of the Canadian government, whoSQ advertisement appears elsewhere, say that this number will be largely In creased durins: 1907. IX r!'* Willie man wanVs but little here fe* low, be never gets quite enough. Smokers appreciate the quality value of Iiewis' Single Binder cigar. Your dealer or Leww' Factory, Peoria, 111. Sometimes a woman's face overdoes It In the matter of telling her age. Take mevi ! ULXATI ! A COI.II IN OMR BAT lATTVH BBuMO Quinine Tablets. DrM-J&fiUSSW »o»®y it it to euro. It W. OftOWS denature Is on each box. 25c. Strenuous Treatment. A Trio of Husbands, n) The traveled girl was explaining the strange looking locket she had about he&neck on a thin gold chain. "It is a Buddhist charm," she said, "to keep off bad luck. A swarthy lit tle woman in Tibet gave it to me. She took a great fancy to mei It is hand some, if the back is of tin. The face is of turquoise. They make them like that in Tibet. The little woman's hus bands came up to her one by one, begging her to go home with them, but she wouldn't till she had finished talking to me. I felt very much flat tered. Oh, yes, she had three hus bands. The women are very scarce, you know, in Tibet. It was lovely to see them dancing attendance on her; tall fellows they were, too, and hand some. "She asked me bow many husbands I had. It was very humiliating to have to acknowledge to her that I hadn't any," she sighed. ••A tight man aad a fttwiDjr da&swMi^ : Had a Feeling of Curiosity. "I was asked to find out when you would pay this little account," said th# collector, pleasantly. "Really," answered the debtor, "I am unable to enlighten you. However, there is a soothsayer in the next block who throws a fit and reveals the fu ture at 50 cents a throw.** "I've no money to waste," growled the collector. "Just add the 60 cents to my ac count," continued the other, "for I have a curiosity on the point myself." Same Here. Bacon--I see the married man in Corea follows a strange custom. If he should meet his wife in the street, he does not recognize her, but passes on as if she were a stranger." Egbert--Well, that 1b the custom In this country too, when the married man happens to be in the company of another woman. "-Y onkers Statea- "Grandpa bad the lumbago the other day." "Indeed! What did they do for him!" "Oh, they used the old-fashioned remedies. They soaked his feet in a tub and put ten home-made plasters and poultices on him. Then they dosed him with herb teas until he was red as a beet. After the lumbago was gone they put him In bed and sent for the doctor.". "Gracious, what 4id they need the doctor for?" "Why, to cure him of the effects of the old-fashioned remedies." { i Professor Jones to Retire. Prof. George W. Jones, head of the department of mathematics of Cornell university will retire at the end of the present year. The ooard of trus tees will ask the Carnegie endowment fund for a pension for him. Prof. Jdnes w«nt to Cornell as the head of the department of mathematics In 1877 and has occupied that place over since. He is one of the oldest men in point of service on the Cornell facul ty. He is the author of several treatises and textbooks, pĵ ffg Work and Pray* w')' 'When we pray for any virtue, we should cultivate the virtue as well as pray for it; the form of your prayer should be the rule of your life; every petition to God is a precept to man. Look not, therefore, upon your pray ers as a method of good and salvation only, but as a perpetual motion of duty. By whq£ we require of God we see what He requires of us.--Jeremy Taylor. Get Presents from Princess. Two pink woolen petticoats of beau tiful crochet work, made by the princess of Wales for the Essex Needlework guild, have been given as presents to two little girls at Haver- ing-atte-Bower, Essex. -r Ir eUIDES CHILDREN. :£'i a %*©;*»- Dangerous. "Do you consider yachting a danger ous pastime for a man who cannot swim?" "It is a dangerous pastime for a man who can swim. Why, the most expert swimmer I ever kneto met the woman be afterward ; married * yachting trip."--Houston Post t Experience and a Mother's Leva tffike Advice Valuable. An Ills, mother writes about feeding children: "If mothers would use Grape-Nuts more for their little ones, there would be less need for medicines and fewer doctor bills. "If those suffering from indigestion and stomach troubles would live on Grape-Nuts, toast and good milk for a short period they would experience more than they otherwise would be lieve. ' > • "Our children have all learned to know the benefit of Grape-Nuts as an appetizing, strengthening food. It is every evening, with few variations, like this: 'Mamma, let's have toast and Grape-Xuts for breakfast; or, let's have gs and Grape-Nuts'--never forget ting the latter. ^One of our boys in school and 16 years of age repeatedly tells me his mind is so much brighter after having Grape-Nuts as a part if not all his breakfast." Name given byf FoMnm Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Reaft th* Btr tie book, "The Road to W pkga. «Tbefe'« * Reason." Our idea of a aeIflsEv^ersdn is one who is unable to reemember a favor. No "Dead Ones" Wanted. We' need hustlers who can sell hmd. Northern Land & Inv. Co., St. Paul, Minn. Be willing to start anew if fall. The experience yon have will count you had Be courteous in business. Manners are as necessary to business as pol- tab ia to a parquet floor. For a timet take Nature's medicine, Garfield Tea; it Cleanses the system, pur ifies the blood and insures a normal action of liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. Made o£ Herbs, A kind thought toward a fellow mor tal has but little virtue in it if it be not transmuted into a generous deed. --Rev. J. L. Spalding. We . make nothing; we only form aad discowr what is already there, but which without our assistance can not release itself from shapeless chaos.--Auerbach. It Cures While You Walk. > Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot, sweating, callous, and swollen, aching feet. Sold by all druggists. Price 25c. Don't acceptanv substitute. Trial package FREE. Alien S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Valuable Relics Unearthed. Jerusalem papers report that on the opening of graves at Pergamos a num ber of rare relics were brought to light In one grave lay a golden ro sary. * In two other tomhn wreaths were found, representing artistically- made gold imitations of oak leaves. A wolf's head in gold was discovered, as well as various farming utensils, swords and other weapons. The an tiquities were sent to the Museum of Constantinople. ,, * * English Tongue-Twlstlw. • ' The English language has its own peculiar terrors. Who would not pity the foreigner attempting to under stand such sentences as "It was put in case in case it should rain." "The first one won one sovereign." "I will come by-and-by and? buy a bicycle?" And how could you expect a German to get at the real meaning of the metaphors in the following sentence-- "Beiag unhonsed he dogged bis man and soon had him cowed?" That Dr. Williams' pink Pitta Have Cured Even the Most Stubborn Cases of Rheumatism. "When I was a boy of sixteen," says Mr. Otto H. Rose, a retired grocer, oi 1226 Lexington Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., "I met with a serious accident which injured the bone of my head over the right eye. I recovered from the accident to all appearances, but not many years after I began to have intense pains in the injured bone, which came on every year and would last from a few days to several weeks. "I consulted the doctors who told me that I was suffering from neural gia. The sight of my right eye was affected, so that at times I could scarcely see out of it, while both eyes watered constantly. During these at tacks I was often dizzy from the ter rible pains. The pains came on every morning and passed away in the after noon. I never suffered from the at night. "I tried without success to get re lief until a friend told me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I had taken a few boxes I felt the pain growing less intense and in a much shorter time than I had hoped for I was entirely cured. I have recom mended the pills to several persons, who have used them with good results. "My wife uses Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for nervous headaches and finds} them the best medicine she has ever used as they give relief where "all oth ers, fail." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid on receipt erf price, 50 cents per box, six boxes $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. An instructive booklet, entitled "Nervous Disorders," will be sent free on request to anyone interested. A Positive CURE FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Bain is quicker absorbed. Givas Relist at One*. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased membrane. and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmeU. Full size 50 cts. at Druggistf or by mail; Trial sise 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers, i>6 Wacraa Street. New York. £30 It cures Catarrh If | . J I For winter irritations of the _ skin, eczemas, rashes, frost 'V bites, chappings, chafings, ^ itchings, redness and rough* ness, especially of face and \ ? hands, for lameness and *. soreness incidental to winter sports, for sanative, antisep tic cleansing,for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, and| for all the purposes of the i toilet,bath,and nursery,Cuti- % cura Soap, assisted by Cuth J cura Ointment, is priceless* % Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may ^ be used from the hour of birth. rfr} -» i - - STOPS sbessTHESSBS TICKLE DR. DYSON'S RES0LE1N TABLETS will slop that cough nri.l nive you sleep. A remedy that has stcKxi the test for 30 years, an unfailing cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, I^ungs, Stom ach or Bowels. Sold by druggists, or by mail on receipt of SO cents per bo*. (70 tablets.) DYSON MEDICINE CO., Bloomington. Illinois' PATENTS Terns Imtublr. SwniM Prwyt, laformnUoa ftwlj |lm. W. I. atUCH.Jr, r»eM« BM(, Wuh,D.C. PATENTS W*i*m K. CatMBM, Patent Attorney. Washington. 1). C. Advice frae. Terawow. Highest ntf. IN ' .. _ ! 4 ^ - r A WOMAN'S LIFE 1 '• -O «-*' ? X *-Ss „( '-•« 311 MRS. ELVA BARBER EDWARDS / There are three critical stages ia a woman's life which leave their mark in her career. The first ot these stages is womanhood, or the change from a care free girl to budding womanhood, The second is motherhood, and the third is Change of Life. Perils surround each of these stages, and most of the misery that comes to women through ill health dates from one or another of these im portant crises. Womenshouid remember that Lydla B. Ptakham'a Vegetable, Cempoaad made from native roots and herbs has carried thousands of young girls over the critical period of puberty, has prepared mothers for childbirth, and in later years carried them safely through the change of life more suc cessfully than any other remedy^ in the world. Thousands,of testimonials from grateful persons, two of which* are here published, substantiate this faet beyond contradiction. Mrs. George Walters of Woodlavrn, III. writes t Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- "I feel it my duty to toll you of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me in preparing for childbirth. After suffering and losing my children a friend adviseame to try your valuable me- dfcine, and the result was that I had very little inconvenience, a quick recovery and MR8. GEORGE WALTERS as healthy a child as can be found anywhere. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a blessing to all expectant mothers." Mrs, Elva Barber Bdwardfc of Cathlamet, Wash., writes: Dear Mra, Pinkham:-- "I want to tell you how Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound carried me through the critical period of the Changn of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured me of a very severe female weakness, I cannot say enough iA-praise of what your medicine has dons for me." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Edwards it will do for other wo men in their condition. Every suf fering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following in vitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life, Mrs. Plakluutfs Invitation to Woacn. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice ia free and helpful. Sold UOTIKhmit the world. Depots: CharwrhouBB So.; Paris. r> Rue de la Patx; ABtMi as R. TOWBS a Co., Sydney; India. B. It. Calcutta; China, Hone 'Konk JL>ru>.Co.: J»p>gT kararKuOwto: Riwrta,rwreUullasioy: SonMi Harura,Ltd.,Ttokto: Kusnta, r«m Africa. Lennoojjud.. Cat* Towt Potter DnwaCheia. Onn.,Sole . m Puatnaa.CuuaaraBoofcMt. Fertile Farming vv» ft Iii MM of (bo tbhailcelled for 'Stock Raising, gertiea. Fruit.-, aad VesMpi: Cantaloupes. Strawfeerrfes, Peabha^ Apples, Grapes, etc., give w handsome returns. Caflfls need but little winter feed. , • ' • • • HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING 5EASOH. JUMnm «. A. PARK. Gen. lm.aiMri«et LwriavIHa t I. R. fe a ... ' LOUISVILLE. KY, ^ NEW WHEAT LAM THE MR gJH addittewal During its long record of more than thirty years its long list of actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person. Lydia £. PiDkfaam's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Wefl. Paint Your Floors I Nothing wiB lead mora elegance and refinement to your home than nicely ® paiatM floors. For your parlor, dining-room and bed-rooms a painted border •unrounding a nig gives you floor perfection, sanitary conditions and all around satisfaction. The painted border sets off the i ug and gives the room that finished ajgpeappce. The rag can be easily taken up for airing and cleaning. Buffalo Ftttfw Paint year have largely toty to Um ; fanners oi Canada a«4 tte- i ernment of the Si ioa cootia««s to QJTB Bt SIXTY ACRES FRKE to awefy THE COUNTRY.NISI NO SUPERIOR 1 Coa1. wood aad water (a abundance; i:hMnf>Mjf and schools convenient: marketse»*jr»f IMK taxes low: climate the beat in the iiOitlwmtiJS- peralezone. I«aw and order preTailai. in IjWljijfc _ For advice ana information addnM tM* - ' SUPERINTENDENT OF IMMIGR&TU9>» , ifiv . Ottawa, Canada, or any authorized Government Agent. C. J. BROUGHTON, Rna 430 Qwkt Mfc*- i Chicago. IB.; W. H. ROGERS* IM Am* Traction Tinaawl BMg., hfaasfsBs, h&feV , T. 0. CURR1E, JUms 12 B» CJULm IU, > Jf . IBwfcss. Wis. ' !! 11- * ** j ^ ; Farm Lan . Offer the best advantages for a h68he**'S> l' investment. Climate tins urp*iea*. »# / • destructive wind or hail s&orjoa. pests. Crops sure. We offer t|l* ' •• raw and improved lands at low prltaw '** / and easy terms, near good taWtoa markets, ltailroad farerefnad<jj|j chasers. Low excursion rates. T| once for illustrated pamphlataMl Map* ̂ /V-" THE BIG BEND LAND COIKMlff: ^ 3 Washington Street." Property in live littl* village, near consisting of 3 acre lot. i siojy K>-<c Store building, hotel turnisltieiai* of general merchandise. Also, sol cultivation, with two bnildjnga bearing. All within coiporatioa 1 , up an estate, and will Mil any part sep*C together. Price for alL co»pl«te J. w. Hooas. oai* •* 1 tllng Works. HOMUE, iV ; Beautiful ealutlaa K» WHEATOI £ ber« daii* KOtxi itnis with drab'e. U> VkMN WMI Writ* TOM UMBOS 480J m mmm Unexcelled eh- . osiTnintM taMo* raeU1U«-< M. V. R]r. a«4 MlM i • s. ChM*. Waafc..Sc£, FWDE CATALCMSUC R.B.CHAFF1N * CO. tmu N. K.--A is specially made for painting floors; is made of the kind of materials that stand scrubbing with soap and water; is made to walk on, and holds its finish long after other so-called floor paints have been worn off. Buffalo Floor Paints are aiade In different shades, and ;je easily and quickly applied. V QlflAfi • To every lady who has a floor to finish and who sends ns the mjCRWU^p9 • name of her dealer, we will send oar booklet of valuable inform ation qq floor finishing, which will surely interest you, and oar beautiful silvered ree. atioo QQ floor finishing, which win surely .Soaveair Buffalo-Head Hat Pin Fr Buffalo OH Paint & Varnish Co.