E*fVs;-r • V * *•> . *. 5^" f* -1. lU- VV'": * rua down, Worry n of It to b* veik is called ma**** which I* tin medical term lor "blcKjdim," The common symp- Coma are palesess of the lips, gums and cheeks, shortnesg of breath and palpitation of the heart after the slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of appetite. Mr. Louis L. Clark, a painter, of 19 Lincoln Place, Plainfleld, N. J., says: "Last May I was obliged to undergo an operation for appendicitis and white tbe operation in itself was suc cessful, I did not recover my strength and health. I was confined to my bed for over a month and was under the doctor's care. When I was able to *et up my legs were so weak and un steady that I could only walk'with a cane with difficulty. % i "I was getting no better and could not think of going: back to work. I Was discouraged, when a neighbor told me that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had cured her and advised me to try them. I began taking them about tha middle of June and #x»n felt so much better that I kept oft and was cured. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cur ed rheumatism, chlorosis, after-effects of the grip and fevers, and, as the health of the nerves depends upon the purity of the blood, they are invalu able In neuralgia, nervous debility, sleeplessness, dfeztaess and even lo comotor ataxia and paralysis. • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold fcy all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes $2.50. by the Dr. Williams Med icine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. *v> & P*:' ss "l'V fe"r $ • n- * L A N D S Cheap EasyTerms In tfae Best Section ofthi South Unexcelled for General Farming! Stock Raising, Berries, Fruit and Vegetables. Cantaloupes, Strawberries, Peaches, Apples, Grapes, etc., give handsome returns.' Cattle need bat little winter feed. HEALTHY CLIMATE. GOOD WATER. LONG GROWING SEASON. Address G. A. PARK, 6m. Im. k liuTI AgL Louisville It NaskviU* R. R, Go, LOUI8VILLE. KY. 'Mi if/ *> SIGK HEADACHE CARTER'S Positively cared by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress trom Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty A perfect rein Bad In the Month. Coated Tongue, Pain in the Bide, TORPID LIVER. Tbay regulate tbe Bomta. Purely Vegetable. mmntL iwtttwsi. smu.PRICE. Sarin Must Bar Fae-SMI* Signtura HfUtE SUISTITUTES. THAT BROW "HO. I HARD" WHEAT (Sixty-three Pounds to tl»e Bushel). Are situ ated in the Canadian West where Home- I steads of 160 acres can [be obtained free by •*ery settler willing and able to comply | with the Homestead . . . Regulations. During .. / tbepreaeat year a large portion of , * N|I Wheat Browing Territory HAS iMbk mads accessible to mar- ;i KKTS BY RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION > that lias been poshed forward so vigorously by J the three gt**t railway companies. f. • •>•'} FortUermtnr* and particulars address SUPBR- i i INT«Ni>8NT OF IMMIGRATION, Ottawa, Canada, or tbe following authorised Canadian ; . Coveratnent Agent: lea* 4)0 Qaiacy BMF.» | W. H. ROGERS, tkirJ fleer, Tnrilw TtnaMi BUg., hiiM^iHi, U.; at T. 0. CUR1EE, Re* 12 B, CsBdw Black, Whraakte, Wis. Mention this paper. a FR« SCH ALLERHOERR'S" • in.'I* - 8*41* AOK CATALOGUE FREE gaowisa prices on M1LLWOKK AND- BUILDERS SUPl'^IKS. rxEieaT PAIB TO YODR 8TAT10N. PLANS FREE FOB Toca BUMS. ASK toaraaa Booklet _,vmw AMU Proposition. wmuuw. SOULUMttll CO.. CHICA0O, ILL. «SK not ISLAim AVE. of MOUMMI onnlie vi to Keo* sources** rev- was «fiieil>illty fi&ffee tbe rupture no longer AtNong the luc mae of tlanofcfr tie toll or lis m Md 6< die Vh opim tke etratjfolfiig titles and dec- oratfcms of the holy father. To have tfr* H*ht to wear the Vatican ribbon, or to be called count, it was necessary to obtain a Mfefirmation of title. This gave naucl» perplexity to the candi dates. The quf'-ttion has just been settled. Queen W^helmina has consented to validate s^ich titles and distinctions. The resuft has been an amusing pil grimage to The Hague--and also In an increase in the price of these pon tifical favors. / In ttte last few weeks the French Knights of the Golden Spur, of the Holy Sepulcher, of Christ, of Gregory the Creat, of Plu^ DC^have greatly J*. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHINCL Rath Covered Face and Feet--Would 'i Cry Until Tired Out--Speedy Cure by Cuticura. "My baby was about nine months -old when she had rash on her face and feet Her feet seemed to irritate her most; * especially nights. They would cause her to be broken in her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she was tired out. I had alwayB used Cuticura Soap myself, and had heard of so many cureB by the Cuti; cura Remedies that I thought I would give them a trial. The improvement was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cu ticura Ointment her feet were qpfcell and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what is known as "cradle cap" from her head, and it worked like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the same time. Now I keep Cuticura Ointment on hand In case of any little rash or insect bites, as it takes out the inflammation at once. Per haps this may be the means of help ing other suffering babies. Mrs. Hat- tie C mirier, Tbomaston, Me.* 9, ' :£;• f 9*he "Thunderer.* Judge Rentoul's reference on the bench to the Times as the "Thunder er" reminds us how remarkably this nicknamed has persisted. The Monr ing Post is no k longer "Jeames;" the Standard has not been "Mrs. Gamp" since the decease of the Morning Her ald--the "Mrs. Harris" to whom It would allude as an Independent au thority, and the two represented the t>roprietor. But the Times is still 'fcae "Thunderer." It owes that name to Captain Edward Sterling, who is said to have begun a Times article with the words: "We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and political reform.**---Lon don Chronicle. ^ The revelation^ regarding fraudu lent paint materials which have been made by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Fargo, N. D., and published by Prof. E. F. Ladd, state commis sioner, have occasioned almost as much of a sensation as the exposure of adulteration in food products did when the latter first began to appear. It has been shown that kegs marked "Pure White Lead" often contain other substances such as chalk, barytes, silica, etc., and that oil supposed to be linseed often contains petroleum adulterants, to say nothing of water in large proportions. . Sometimes, so- called "White Leads" contain not an iota of genuine White Lead. The farmer is a large user of paint. Mo one is more Interested than he is, that the label should enable him to get what he supposes he is paying for. There should be a law in every state requiring that all paint packages be labeled exactly according to their con tents. That would enable every palnt- buyer to buy intelligently. Eastern Washington Farm Lands -" Treasures of Methodism. The Derbyshire (Eng.) Vfettefans have become possessed of some al most priceless Methodist treasures, including the minutes of the first Wes- leyan conference, from which the original preachers' books were de rived; a copy of a letter given by John Wesley to John Bennett, with founder's note and signature attached, being dated 1752; and also original let ters written by Mrs. John Wesley, Mrs. Charles Wesley, Mrs. George Whitefleld, and John Bennett's diary from 1748 to 1752. These valuable documents have had their home in the Peak district for more than 160 years. v Two Rules for Good Carriage. ^ you are walking along the street and wake up to the fact that you are carrying yourself poorly take the men tal attitude of standing straight, as I well as the physical one. Look at the I men you meet and imagine that each j of them owes you a dollar. Put even | a suggestion of arrogance into your j position. Hold your head well back; j look people squarely in the face. This will not only give the impression to others that you possess the power you want, but it will actually tend to bring that power. Keep the neck against the collar.--World's Work, 411 Offer the beet ad vantages for a home or investment. Clfeiate unsurpassed. 2fo destructive wind tor hiH storms. No pests. Oops sure. We offer the best raw and improved lands at low prices and easy tectns, near good towna Mid markets. Railroad fanerefaaded topnp- ehasers. Low excursion rates. Write at once for illustrated pamphlet and map. TBE US BEND LAND COMPANY. 3 WasfciaCioa Street, Spetaaa, Waafciajd**. Unexoelied for iaf, iioci, d«i ail the Tolnrte and Toide. Hooligan was sufferta* from common complaint of having more to do than there was time to do it in. She looked up at the clock and then slapped the Iron she had lifted from the stove back on the lid with a clat ter. "Talk about toime and toide wait- in' fer no man," she muttered as she hurried into the pantry; "there's tolmes they waits,?an' toimes they don't. Ylshterday/at this blessed min- it 'twas but tin oUock, an' to-day it's a quarther to twelve."--Everybody'*. In Eagle Eyes. "Where's the bahbah?" asked the aoft young chap frym the east. "I'm the barberA sonny." drawled the big man in the Wide hat and red shirt. do yoV^know how to clip haih say so. Just stand about and if I can't clip off every shots, fll set oy the lick- Read ; the - CiqMrleiM^-oK a Woman and Take Heart. If your hack aches, and you fOel sk&» tsngnid, weak and miserable day after day -- don't irony. Doan's Kid- Bey Pills have cured thousands of women tn the same condition. Mrs. A. Heiman of Stillwater, Minn., says: "But for Doan's Kidney Pills I would not be living now. They cured me in 1899 and I've been well since. I used to have such pain in my back that once I fainted. The kidney secretions were much disor dered, and I was so far gone that I was thought to' be at death's door. Since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I feel as if I had been polled back from the tomb.** Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. >mftt and wabt to," Almost Too Methodical. "You may talk about prom careful bookkeeping all you said a Boston man, "but a case' came under my observation a Sunday or two ago which I think is without parallel. I was attending a service at the Mount Vernon church. When the contribu tion box was passed the worshiper sitting next to me put in a coin, and immediately took from his pocket a notebook and a pencil and made a memorandum of the amount which I could not help Seeing without turning my head around, as it was done right under my eye. His cash account will foot up all right" Proper Method ®f Walklfi^. ^ To derivfe any real benefit from walking, the step must be light and elastic; swing the body so feasily from one leg to the other that its weight is not felt. The harmonious play of the muscles imparts a supple grace and litheness that is felt mentally as well as physically, and produces a healthy glow, showing that the slug gish blood is stirred to action in the most remote veins. This manner of walking, as may be Imagined, strengthens thfe whole body, giving tone to the nerves and producing just the sort of healthful fatigue which encourages sound rest and beautifol Slumber. -C • " • / .i Clover 4 urass oeeda* n : - Everybody loves lots and lots of Clover Grasses for hogs, cows, sheep and swine. We are known w» the largest growers of Grasses, Clovers, Oats, Barley, Corn, Po tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper ate over 5,000 acres. - ' rasa Our mammoth 148-page catalog u mailed free to all intending buyers; or send 8c IN 8TA.MP9 and receive eample of "perfect balance ra tion graps seed," together with Fodder Plants, Clover, etc., etc., and big Plant and Seed Catalog free. John A. Saber, Seed Co., Box W, La Croese, Wis. ONC WAY OUT OF DIFFICULTY. Match Twins with Twins, Fond Mothers Idea. A little woman entered a drug store and asked the proprietor if he had "an other picture." "What kind of a picture do 70a mean?" the druggist asked. "One like this,'" said the woman, holding up an attractive advertising print. "I may have one or two of theso left," the proprietor said/ "but I haven't many of them." The woman said she only wanted one, and her tone indicated that she was anxious for that one. She ex plained that the one she had with her had been given to one of her children. Another child, she stated, was sick, and was crying for a picture such as his brother had. "That's a bad way to bring up your children," ventured a woman customer in the store. "Do you try to give a child everything he cries for just be cause his brother is more fortunate?" "But," said the mother of the chil dren, "you don't know. The children are twins and what one has the other wants." "Suppose," objected the moralist, "when your children get older, they fall in love with the same girl, what will they do?" But the mother was ready. She promptly replied: "Find twins and fall In lova with them." DREADED TO EAT. A-$uaker Couple's ExperiefM*. V iST. Daily New* -5 havoc and loss of life oceasloMl # fir# In the United States within the 12 months covered by a *MUI!jijtv$&' of these losses for 1908. 4^ fward shows that nearly Uraa|<^*rare lost and more than $eii><H)i|,0b&"Worth of property was destroysdl^r ire dar ing that period. In nb other covntT? in the world is the fire low, tn bulk or pro rata, anywhere near omr own. Last year, owing to the devastating fire that followed the earthquake in San Francisco, this loss was in great excess of the average, hot the average for some years past has been $200,- 000,000 a year. HOME-MADE CATARRH CURE. 8u«rerere Should Make This Up tntf £ Try It Anyway. Atfy one can, mix right at home the remedy of its kind known. The if ansatie- It isnt always the people wno jolly you most that are your best friends. Take Garfield Tea, the mild Herb lax ative, to purify the blood, eradicate dis ease*; end maintain Good Health. Most people would fall short li measured by the golden rtile. Smokers have to call for Lewis' Single Binder cigar to set it. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. n • Clothes do not make the van, but they have the first crack at making Impressions of the man. How's This? W» Offer One Hundred Dollars Re wart for an* mm mt Catarrh that caanot b« cured by Ball** Caurrb CurO. F. J. CHKHKY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, hare known K. J. Cheney for the iMt ii Tear*, and believe htm perfectly hon orable la »U nutlnesa trciMctton* and flonuclaUy able to carry out any obligation* made by hie arm. WALDIire. KlKMAX 4 >iAFVIX, TaKe tat constipation. Wholesale Dn>Rgl*t». Totedo. O. Sail's Catarrh Cure 1* when tnteroaiiy, acting i»m. "Cyclone" 1. given to the fol- j "5JS -K&SSiffitSfSS lowing prescription, it is supposed, be- K K~ " ' cause of its promptness In driving^ from the blood and system every ves-' tige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease, no matter where located. To prepare tbe mix ture: Get from any good pharmacy one half-ounce Fluid Extract Dande lion, one ounce Compound Kargon and three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsa- parilla. Shake well and use In tea- spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to filter and strain from the blood and system all ca tarrhal poisons, which, if not eradi cated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore or ca tarrh Is the result. Prepare, some and try ft, as It is the prescription of an eminent catarrh Specialist of national reputation. A Mortifying Answer. ' Richard, aged seven years, in com pany with his parents, was visiting a friend. At the dinner table he was asked to have some cake.. He hesi tated. "Say, quickly, Richard! Will yon have some cake?" said ills mother. Imagine ber chagrin when Richard replied: "If It's the kind we have at hoiw^f llon't *t want any." 1847--1907. m The Way You Look at It. "Case upon that pure, beautiful eve ning star, and swear to be true while its light shall shine! Swear, my love! Swear by Venus!" exclaimed a youth in impassioned accents. "How stupid you are!" answered the Girton girl. "That is not Venus. The right ascension of Venus this month is 16 hours, 9 minutes; her declination Is 17 degrees, 25 minutes south, and her diameter is 10.2 seconds."--Ex change. . Irrigated Lands. Do you know that at this time you can secure irrigated land In the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, for but little more than the cost of water for irri gating? It will not be so, very much longer. If interested, let me tell you about the present opportunities to get land in this new country, where crops never fail, and where there is a good 5 home market for everything produced.;. Homeseekers' excursion tickets, on; sale the first and. third Tuesdays 9t each month. . D. CLEM DEAVER, Oen'l. Agfe ^ Land Seekers' Information Bureaus, 1004 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Laws of Health. Tramp--Thankee kindly, mum; I'd no hope of gettin' sich a fine trapper ' today, mum. May heaven blesB ye! Housekeeper--As you've had a good ; supper, I think you might chop some 4 wood. | "Yes, mum; but you know the old< adage: "After dinner rest awhile;1 after supper walk a mile.' I'll walk: the mile first, mum."--N. Y. Weekly, : 60 years ago Allcock's Plasters were first introduced to the public. They are to-day the world's standard plasters. This invention has been one of the greatest blessings imaginable and af fords the quickest, cheapest and best means ever discovered for healing and relief of certain ailments. Allcock's are the original and gen uine porous plasters and are sold by Druggists all over the world^ Sensitiveness of Deeiy ^ How sensitive deer are in the mat ter of food was proved once again during the hearing of a case at Felt- ham, England, where three men were charged with Bleeping in a deer pen in Bushey park. A keeper said they had pulled down from the racks about ten shillings' worth of hay, which the deer would not afterward touch be cause it had been lain upon. In fact, the deer would not go near the pens* as tiie men had slept there. " I-' * '• ,5" " The Kind Xm m* Always Buigbt Bears the tore AN^getahle PrepaczdkHiibrAs- tingtheStomacteandBowe IM AN ls/< HilDKI N Promotes Digestion.Cfaeerfiil- ness and Rest.Contains neither upium.Morphme nor Mineral. Not Narc otxc . *" M. ^ * V. «•!.*• iV; ja^^ardjtsaemmamt Aiqalat M - A.J'mm * AnUirfcfe- -Amtt $--d- * wm --I/5*' ; *3$ Aperfed Remedy forConsBpa- Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish- ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of XEW YOXBC. V ! (i :n»»n1i,s o J (i I M S EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. A Positive CURE Fences Ely's Cream Balm •nbaUltoyMMft RMSoa., a ~ it quickly absorMd Gi«*t Reiiei at It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseased mem brane. It euros Ca tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Re stores the Senses of NMBFttTOKI WUftt Introduce tb*m Md ToareuctomMa will do |»t. so, u« STENOeXAfflT Made K«sy; Text Wri Tiiste and Smell. Full size 50ct»., at Drug ie W. A. MARH. Teacher. gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail, j Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street. New York. A. N. K.- I3&00 Personally Conducted lxew« slons. Colonists' one-way tickets Chicago to the Pacific coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern line, are on sale dally during March and April at the rate of $33.00. Corre spondingly low rates from all points. Double berth in tourist sleeping car only $7.00, through without change to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Port land. No extra charge on our person ally conducted tours. Write for itin erary and full particulars to S. A. Hutchinson, Manager Tourist Depart ment, 212 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. Often do the spirits of great events stride on before the events, and in to day already walks to-morrow.--Cole ridge. ONLY ONE "BRONO QUINIXI1 Tint Is LAXATIVK HIIUMO nuied remediea orifrfnalCold Tablet black >od red lenerinK. and K.W.GHOVK. 25c. 1TIVK BltOMU Quinine. Similartr: easometlmeB deceive. Tbe Bret uc> 'ablei It a WHITB PACKAUB with t)M •Icnator* of * One of the Important Duties of Physicians an|| 4 ^ the Well-Informed of the World 'n: • L' 4...: . . ' • * is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well 'known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of j its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name oi the a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. v ' • ' '• TRUTH AND QUALITY, ^ appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention t>f all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each boat of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the C&lifornia Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known,to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of-- Syrup of Figs--and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent ol family laxatives, and as its pura laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are weU known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the Jaest of natural laxatives* we have adopted the more elaborate name of--Syrup of Figs and Elixir ol Senna--as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by tfee shorter name of Syrup of Figs--and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company -- California Fig Syrup Co.^-- plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for -- Syrup of Figs--or by the full name--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--as--Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna--is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofore known by the name -- Syrup of Figs--which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout, the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C., that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. fe'.i -I V-f-: What we at* stretches past what w« do, beyond what we possess.--Drum- mond. Itewit* Single Binder Cigar has a ri<& taste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. CALIFORNIA FIG STSUP CO. vv, Louisville, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. London, England. [|Jew Yarfc,lt.T. ikt' ; J<£; m i"t - , * j How many persons dread to eat their meals, although actually hungry near ly all the time! Nature never intended this should be so, for we are rgiven a thing called appetite that should guide us as to what the system needs at any time and can digest But we get in a hurry, swallow our food very much as we shovel coal into the furnace, and our sense of appetite becomes unnatural and perverted. Then we eat the wrong kind of food or eat too much, and there you are-- Indigestion and Its accompanying miseries. A Phlla. lady said, the other day: "My husband and I have been sick and nervous for 15 or 20 years from drinking coffee--feverish, indigeBtion, totally unfit, a good part of the time, for work or pleasure. We actually dreaded to eat our meals> "We tried doctors and patent medi cines that counted up into hundreds of dollars, with little If any benefit. "AccidentHy, a small package of Postum came tato my hands. I made some according to directions, with sur prising results. We both liked it and have not used any coffee since. "The dull feeling after meals hasi left us and we feel better every way1 We are so well satisfied with Postum that we recommend it to our friends who have been made sick and nervous and miserable by coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road Wellville," in pkga. "There's a B«»- " * . k< ilztmJi *.*'« The Eoubrette has the laugh on the comedian who gets none. "... ml LYDIAE.PIKKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Is acknowledged to be the most sne- cessful remedy in the country for those painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 80 years it has been curing Female Complaints, such as Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and consequent Spinal Weakness, Backache, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. Records show that it has cored more cases of Female Ills than any other one remedy known, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage of development. Dragging Sensations causing pain,weight, and headache arerelieved and permanently cured by its use. It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions, Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, floating, Nervous Prostration, Headache, Gene ral Debility; also, Dizziness, Faintness Extreme Lassitude. "Don't care andwanttobeleftalone" feeling, Irritability, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Blues." These are sure indications of female weakness or some organic derangement. For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a most excellent remedy. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham, Lyrnt, Mass. for advice. She is the Mrs. Plnkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty " " " er gu! health. Ber advice is free and always helpful, rge to ears, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pinkham advising. Thus she is well qualified to guide sick wopen back to • jV r' * % NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER* THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT^ CAPISICUM V A S E L I N E ' ttPTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLAWf ^ A OUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.--PRICE 15c --IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DON'T WAIT T I L L T H E P A I N C O M E S - K E E P A T U B E H A N D Y . A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other piaster, and vill not blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the article are wonderful, ft will stop the toothache at once, and relim* Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external : counter-irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the l&iist and stomach and ali Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. Atrial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable tn tbt household and for chi Idren. Once used no family will be without It. Ifaqy people say "it is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise It is not ganuiae.. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND TE WILL MAIL 0UR vAS&t UN6 PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU, CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO* 17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CHY Western Kansas UAD Th<- land that will increase in value. Wit! pro duce wheat, barley, com, kaffir and alfalfa, W« have forty thousand acre* at J3 to |U per acre. One crop will pay for thft land. Ideal oppor tunity to get cheap home* in tlte land of Ma- shine. Easy term*. Send for lists. WLUKENJCCKX» REALTY CO* MePHetraoA. Kansas. nMfB-TIIti III ill wum.* STOP ALL ?^55«2Pffi UHTS WMUI X> wfth S 1 :t- ."/V lv.< .