r<\ « • M m pjvt I" ht • A*fV If he tells you to tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your tevere cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he his anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. "Sold for OT«r sixty yw»." m*m&!i£S3SS#ulum' 9 SAKSAPAOLU. />rc PtLLS. C^f O bak runt' a* Morota! wi p«blte «f ail our: "*-- with on® ^WffKTWC.rsS'.t' onfe lie McHenry PlaiRdealer PUBLISHED EVERT T^UESDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. ooo* lit Bank Building. Telephone, Mo. 87*. tor Assessor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of village assessor, sub ject to the decision of the township pri mary next Saturday. Hoping to re ceive the support of the legal voters, for which t shall be thankful, I am, ,l;- Eespectfuily yotur*,, , John KimbaiX. fob justice of the peace. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of justice of the peace, to fill vacancy, subject to the decision of the Republican town primary next Saturday, and will be thanhful for the support of the legal voters of the town- Bhip. E. C. Hawley, Ringwood»,IlJ^ TtRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: .......tuo Thne months. iOeta. JOiT •• *#ix noattas, nets. « . ' v r* ' Thursday, March 14, 1907. TOWN CAUCUS. Notice la hereby given that the annu- jpll' ̂ il township primary of the Republican V: / lfil voters of the township of McHen- f-^4}' . *y will be held in the Tillage hall at 1^- McHenry on Saturday, March 16, for ,.'v the purpoee of placing in nomination p4-: the various town officers to be elected at the coming April election, to-wit: |; 1 One anpervidor, one town clerk, one llj^l commissioner of highways, one collect- ff or, one assessor, one justice of the peace, to fill vacancy. Polls will be open from one o'clock p. m. until fiye &1 *' o'dook p. m. Township Com. |§^ AUDITOR'S MKETf :V«. .if . Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, oooaty of McHenry, and state of Illi- $ note, will meet on Tuesday, March 26, ^ ,1 1907, in the town clerk's office, McHen- !>:' ry, ni, at two o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to transact such hraunFM as may come before the meeting. I.?'; BfQsagainst said town of McHenry 'V * may be left with the supervisor or with fc; ' the uadexsignecL ^ Dated at McHenry this 11th day of J' r March, 1907. N. H. Petesch, -- . Town Clerk $-f *' mam couranoinut of highways. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to tiw Republican primaries, and will be thankful for the support of the voters. M«r l4* James Conway. FOB TRUSTEE. I hareby announce myself a candidate for the office of member of the village board, subject to the decision of the village primaries. Thanking the voten for any support they may extend, lam, Respectfully yours, FsbSf;"', F. J. HEBBES. TOE SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of supervisor for the town of McHenry, subject to the deci- son of the voters of the Republican 8-7 3t. J. C. LADD. FOR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of township collector, sub ject to the decision of the Republican town primary. Thanking my friends for tiie support tendered me last year and hoping that their support will be again given me, I am, Respectfully yours, March 14. John Niesen. VOB VILLAGE TRUSTEE. After many urgent requests from my friends, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of village trus tee for the village of McHenry and will be thankful for the support of the legal voters at the coming primary and elec tion. Wm. S imes. Feb. 28 FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. " " Thru .the many requests of my friends I hereb^ announce myself as a candi date for the office of village trustee subject to the decision of the village primary and will be very thankful for the export of the legal voters of Mc- ~ Bespeotfully, Found at Lasit. J. A. Harmon, of Lizemore, West Va., says: "At last 1 have found a | perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipa tion, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 35c at N H. Petesch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West Mc Henry, druggists. HOLCOBIBVXLLE. Mr, and Mrs. F. Peck of Chicago are visiting relatives here. Misses Ester and Pearl Zenk called on Mrs. W. Zenk Saturday. Miss Hildebrand of McHenry visited at Mr. Hildebrand's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. >W. Zenk and children were McHenry callers Tuesday. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Mrs. C. Colby and daughter, Edna, were callers at T. L. Flanderf' Friday. Mrs. H. McMillan and children of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with Mrs. B, F. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children visited with relatives in Ring- wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutson visited at Charles Page's Sunday. Mrs. J. Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow of Ringwood visited at Charlee Har rison's Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Welch and daugh ter, Mildred, of Griswold Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers. Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine ules" is a kidney remedy that will re lieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or monkey refunded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Petesch s (Jrug Btore. Thirty of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert responded to invitations issued them to attend a party at their home Saturday evening. All enjoyed a inoet pleasant evening at progressive cinch, The honors were won by Mrs. C. Sher man and F. Bolander. After partaking of dainty refreshments prepared by the hostess all departed for their homes. To News--No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, if the Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Care is--and has been for twenty years. The National Law now requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the label or pack age. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particularly with your chil dren. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison marks there! You can al ways be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cougb Cure. Simply refuse to accept any other. Sold by .$L B. Petesch. Mar^Sf A. M. Brown. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. 91.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from ypn. For Catarrh, let me send you, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and Bee. Address Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Prof. F. M. Goodman resumed his duties in Chicago Wednesday morning, after a six weeks' illness. GbBiood mad Scoffs Emuisfon an Hi® gnl who ta&& Sco f f s Emt t f - sion has plenty of rich, reel blood; she is active mod energetic* The reason is that at a period when a girTs digestion is weak, Scoffs Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in M&j digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a gift's strength. ALL DRUGGI8T81 SOo. AND SI .00. iOOD LUCK CHARM. The Swastika is the oldest symbol in the world. Since time began, it has been considered a sign of welfare by all prim itive tribes and ra ces, from the Norse men of Iceland to the Brahmins of India, from the Ancients of China to the Abori gines of America. To the wearer of the Swastika will come from the four winds of Heaven, good luck long life and pros perity. The Swas tika Cross as adapt ed to th% jewelry is m a k i n g t h e h i t p f _ the season. The arms of the Swastika must turn to the right if good luck is signified. Call in and see our handsome line. That's what Mrs. Lion said when'somebody asked her about the size of her family. "One--but a Lion!*' Quality--that's the idea! We'd rather have one SCHULZ PIANO a year to our credit than fifty of the ordinary kind. Why? Because the Schulz has individual merit. The Schulzj name means something. Because the "SCHULZ tone" is a human voice tone. Because SCHULZ construction is reliable construc tion. We're safe m backing it with a ten-year guaranty. Because, in a word. SCHULZ PIANOS SATISFY. That's why#we handle them. * Come in and let further explain the merits of this PIAJ^O. N. A. * „ - ^ : • • We Have Cut Deep into the Prices of all Winter Goods in Order to Clear them out Quickly. Come and Se% Men's Best Wool Felt Boots with snag proof rolled edge overs, |3 quality . .2.60 Men's Russian Felts with combination overs now . 2. 10 Men's Heavy German Socks with two buckle overs now.... .v,.. C.-.'... .2,75 Boys' Heavy German Socks frith two buckle 0TfEa.n0Wn..•"*• • .2.10 r j < i'-'i * 1.75 .4 £.... 98c .......1.18 Boys' Wool Felts with Perfection overs noW Boys' Storm Proof Coats, worth $1.25, only... Men's Storm Proof Coats, worth fl.50, only v.vvw., Men's Storm Proof Coats, worth $2, only Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth 50c. now Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, worth $1.00, now.... .1 Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 1.25, now Men's Heavy Wool Underwear^ worth 1.75, now .;. Ladies' Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 1.00, now. Ladies' Heavy Rib Fleeced Underwear, worth 50c, now. Ladies' Heavy Rib Fleeced Underwear, worth 25c, now. Boys' & Girls' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, worth 25& 85c, now 19 & 25c Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers worth $1.40 now .1.10 Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers worth $1.00 now . .. . .79c Ladies' Percale Wrappers, size32 and34. worth 1.00now. 50o ladies' Percale Wrappers, sizes 36 to 42, worth 1.00 now 79c Ladies' Dress Skirts in tan, navy, gray and black at 25 per cent discount. ...1.50 ....89c ....79c ...1.00 ...1.88 ...79c ... 89c ...19c Ladies' Fleeced Hose worth 15c and 25c now,.. >;.%; N. H. Corsets in gray and black 50c now.. Flannelettes 28 inches wide worth 10 and 12c now. Flannelettes 36 inches wide worth 15 and 17c now.. Men's Heavy Lined Gloves and mittens at . Good Heavy Blankets, all grades, at cost , ' " 'v ' 10-pound sack best Yellow Corn MealV*....... i. 10-pound sack best Graham Flour only 10-pound sack best Buck Wheat Flour only. ...* .i 10 pound sack Blue Cross Buckwheat Floor only........ .*. t. .... 3 packages Boyal Blue Mince Meat only........... 8 cans Condensed Soup only 1 dozen cans Eagle Condensed Milk *%£+ - ?»»> J1 and 19c 85c -v ..'fS »».*8c ...85c .80c iS^5c .t.25c ...1.80 lawthorn Corn only 25c 5 cans Baraboo Corn .*>.. . .25c "Dunham's 10c Cocoaunt..l5c 2 pkgs. Queen 8c Cocoanut. ... .10c ' o f P o s t u m o r G r a i n - O , 2 5 c s i z e , o s d y . . . i ^ V > 1 7 c 2 bottles Tomato Catsup, 10c sice, only 2 jars Royal Blue Strained Honey only. A good Jap tea, 25c quality, 5 pounds for .... <v. ... <>» A good Jap tea, 40c quality, 8 pounds for... 8 lbs. best Rolled Oats for 10 -6 boxes Axle Grease _ ......15c -. «r« . » • • • 15C .•^.^'4.00 ». . .J..OO ' 35c GOODS DELIVERED TELEPHONE No. 363 M BARGAINS ALWAYS RIGHT IN PRICES ' A Fatal Omelet. Ignorance of cooking is not often the direct cause of a man's death, but such an instance is related in "The Story of Two Salons." In the time of the French revolution one M. Condor- cet, upon whose head as an aristocrat a price was set, sought refuge with a friend, M. Suard, who bade him return at nightfall, when means of escape would be provided. Unhappily Con- dorcet, being unable to exist without tobacco, went into a tavern to buy some. Still prostrate from fatigue, he thought he would take^advantage of this opportunity to get'some dinner and ordered an omelet "How many eggs do you wish to be used?" Inquired the landlord, who had been eying him suspiciously. The in nocent Condorcet was at his wits' end. He reflected on the size of the ordi nary omelet. "Twelve," he boldly replied. His fate was sealed. None but an aristocrat could be so ignorant or so extravagant He was arrested and led away to prison, from which he never emetged. j. ^Mountains. There used to be held in accordanct with Murchison's well known geolog ical views the general theory that mountains were^ mainly due to cracks which took place in the surface of the earth in remote periods, but this idea is no longer entertained by scientific men. As to the form of mountains, that which is known as table mountain finds the best example, curiously emough, at the Cape of Good Hope, a mountain, it is believed, due not to any action or phenomenon of upheaval, but to the sinking of the surrounding districts or territory. Why these pe culiarly defined areas did not sink was owing, it is thought, to the probable fact that the ground under them cooled before the rest of the section, and thus the table mountain had the earlier foundation and has long retained its place. There would always be denuda tion, however, though proportionate with its surroundings, and therefore, owing to this fact of being higher at the start, it still keeps to its approxi mate elevation. Everyone knows that Spring is the season of they year when the system needs cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly recommended. Try them. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug 8tore. ' '"••v- r-1-. HI* Sim. Cholly Nowltt -- D'ye kn«#,' Smart, though I've only Just met you, there seems to be a sort of intellectual sympathy between us. You know just how to appeal to my tastes, you see. Are you a literary woman? Dolly Smart---No; I'm a kindergarten teacher. Distinguished Paper Hangers. The paper hanger was not so much of a necessity in the old days as now, writes Miss Kate Sanborn in her book, "Old Time Wall Papers." The fam ily often joined in the task of making the paste, cutting the paper and plac ing it on the walls. This not be neath the dignity of George Washing ton, who, with the assistance of La fayette, hung on the walls at Mount Vernon paper which he had purchased abroad. The story goes that the good Martha lamented in the presence of Lafayette that she would be unable to get the new paper hung in the ban quet room in time for the morrow's ball in honor of the young marquis. There were no men to be found for such work. Lafayette at once pointed out to Mrs. Washington that she had three ablebodied men at her service- General Washington, Lafayette him self and his ali-de-camp--whereupon the company fell immediately to work, and the paper was. hung ia time f<?c the ball. ________ ,f Artful Autograph Fiiftlh 5 "One of the most interesting collec tions of autographs is owned by a man who cultivated the art of kicking in order to secure them," said an auto graph expert. "Every signature in the collection was appended to a letter written by some prominent person In reply to a complaint made by the in defatigable Mcker. He complained about everything under the sun, to rail road presidents about delays on the road, to public officials about abuses In their systems of managing public interests, to literary men and artists about shortcomings in their work, to actors and singers about some defects In a favorite role, and always his com plaints were couched in such virile language as to win consideration and a reply, not from some secretary, but from the celebrity whose autograph he coveted."--Milwaukee Sentinel. #5* Anawer Eair. Nurse (to fond mother of celebrated musical prodigy)--Please, mum, is Mas ter Willy to. 'ave 'Is morning sleep or go on wiv 'Is Sixteenth Sympheroyt-- Punch. If thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength Is small.--Book of Pror To Find th« Hors«pow«r. A rule for finding horsepower of a pulley is to multiply the circumfer ence of the pulley in feet by the revo lutions per minute, and the product thus obtained by the width of the belt in inches, and divide the result by 600. The quotient will be the horsepower which the pulley is capable of trans mitting. This rule is founded on the fact that good, ordinary single leather belting, with a tension of fifty-five pounds per inch wide;, will require fifty square feet of belt surface passing over the pulley per minute for one horsepower. Fifty square feet per minute are equal to a belt one inch wide running 600 feet per minute. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. j sells the McVi.'ber Gasoline -4 Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggfcn, Wind Hills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and , Machine Oil a Specialty. rrttklh Rod Works! am agent for the above. We •put the Bods on your Build- and should they be struck toy lightning we pay damages < If no more than $500. O&ll and •get full particulars. ((Kin BiKksiiitual ' Mcu ilwiys KUSBHMt Want Column. All advertisements inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or low, U cents for first insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Uore than five lines, & cents a line for first insertion, and Scents a line for additiona insertions. T7*ABM FOR BALE--H. O. Mead offers his •E farm, consisting of 15M acres, model farm house, two good barns, poultry house, spring house; within one mile of depot at McHenry, condensing factory, butter factory and grist mill. Terms reasonable and made known on application. H. O. Mead, West McHenry, III. A GOOD all around grey mare for sale; single or double or heavy work. 34 H. O. Mead, West McHenry, 111. "CV3R SALE--Fresh eggs; also eggs for hatch- lng, from Single Comb Wnlte Leghorn and Bose Comb Black Mlnorcas; also about twenty White Plymouth Bock hens and pul- Big Oak Poultry Fahm, lets. Half mile north German Catholic Churc' y- in. 84-4t* TjM)B BENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of J mill pond, near the standplpe. Good for canning products. O. N. Ow*k, 36 Bank of McHenry, 111. TXT ANTED--Good married couple to manage VV jjne farm and do the work. Good wages. John S. Reynolds, Richmond, 111. xr*OR SALE--Gobbler turkey, large, young, " part bronze. 12H cents. M, A. Guam}in. Route 2, McHenry, 111. w: ALE8MEW WANTED--To look after our o interest in McHenry'and adjacent coun ties. Salary < r commission. Address TM Victoh oil. C< MPAWY, Cleveland, Ohio. t*o ' SALE-A top buggy, nearly new. For X1 f irther Information apply at J. W. Staf fer's blacksmith shop, West McHenry. TTMJB SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands " Homesteads located. For further Infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc Henry, III. tt\OR RENT--Eight nice light the Anton Schneider grocery over ther Ynfo?matYon appljTat the store on "Water street, McHenry. Are you tired, fagged out, neryous, sleepless, (eel mean? Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea strengthens the nerves, aids digestion, brings refreshing sleep. 85 cents. Tea or tablets. Ask vour druggist. Amlabllttr. Bogg--Did he hurt himself when be fell downstairs? Fogg--I think not. He died without making a sound*-- The Mew Pare Food and Drag Ltw. We are pleased to announoe that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, cold and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. G. W. Besley. Are you an office seeker? If so, would it not be a good idea to have your wants known to the public? The best way to do this is to insert your card in The Plaindealer columns. Come, gen tlemen, don't wait till the last moment but start the wheel going at onoe. The publio is anxious to know wbo the can d i d a t e s w i U b e t h i s j m • • • » * - - a - . PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes and sizes. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz en finished in different styles. Price, S3 .00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, view* f buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. EiiSn.rgem«nt!i. Copied from any smalt picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENBY, ILL. Telephone, 493 Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 18,1900. WUK DAT TRAMS. OUCaw-v northbound McHenry. 7.00 a m.... Via Elgin 10.17 a m 9.00 a m......... Via Des Plaines 10.17 am 3.SBpm ...Via DesPiaiaeS l.30pm 4.00 p m»...v . --Via Elgin 4.40 p m 4.37 pm.«.,M. Via Des Plaines 0.40pm SUNDAY TRAIHS. 8.46 a mi U -- Via Elgin 11.14am 9.10a m...., ..Via Des Plaines 11.14 am £.02 p m*v». -- Via Elgin 4.56 p m WEKK DAY TRAIHS. SOUTHBOUND. Leave McHenry. 7J0am..... Via Elgin. ... g,M a m...\ Via Des Plaines. Arrive Chicago. . 10.10 a m 19.55 a m .6.15 p m 4.28 p Via Des Plaines.. 4.23 p m«i..'.., Via Elgin 7.10 p m 8UNDAT TRAIHS. 7.80 a m............Via Elgin 10.36 a m 5.00 p ni........ Via Des Plaines «.» p m 5.00 pm Via Elgin. 7.50 pm .*;r4'y ' . * " V* ... j ., :: - ». Rheumatic sufferers can have a free sample of Dr. Shoop's Remedy with book on Rheumatism by simply writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. This book will explain how Dr. Shoop's Rheumat ic Renedy successfully drives Rheumat ism out of the blood. This remedy is not a relief only. It aims to clear the blood entirely °f Rheumatic poisions, and then Rheumatism must die a nat ural death. Sold by N. H. Petesch. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time nnteaa otfrex wise ordered. Try it. v - ' *'V; pHYSICfA!?, SURGEO^y" AND OCUL1 1 Oflttee and residence corner El in •Green i&feets. McHenry... Telephone •jCV; : PEGERS & FEGKRS ; vJ- V ' pHYStCIANS AND SUBGEONS, McHea *• 111. Office at Residence, corner Court! Elm streets. Telephone 383. P. T. SMILEY ,<•, J PAKitEK S. WEBSTER ^ Y AWYER. 701,702 Rector ballding, 122 roe street, Chicago. Telephone Oen W. P. STONE, D. D. ^Successor to Dr. P. C. Boss.) 'Office Hours from 9 a. m. until 5:80 p. got. Also open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS Office and Residence over Petesch's DriM , Store. Telephones" No. 274. fefc. DR. R. 0. OHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Offi^ j|U?4l Residence over IT. J. Wiiih'| Sti|f • 1 F . v Hoars: 8:oo to 5:30. ' sv ̂ WEST MOHINR;. III. y.jf r ppf'* n-M' Telephone No. 393, vi SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classeeof property in the best Compani West McHenry, if'"' r:% FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR / ?-<,!•*VAND PA ER HANGER #i:; CARRIAGE PAINTING. 55.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one bloSfe: west of rhrer. Telephone No.2S4. ft; * ; M cHenry. - - - Illinoi(| John J* Vyoita|K DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and .Oils. Tin and chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 54ft McHENBX*.-fv.-^vA,;^ . ILLINOIS* Telephone, No. 694, ) Office in Ben er bldg., Oentervl Ik A; WILLEY.M.D.C i v Veterinary surgeon * * AND DENTIST. McHENRY, jMJNOii, --=--i i. • Well-drilling a specialty. 'Phone WM. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Pi - Welt Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, Tel. Mala WHY S do people of Henry, Lake other count :irop In at Lambert § Q. Senfr# se,Fifth Aye CHICAGO* Because It Is 10 - home like. , i kil l™?, COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WTH Dr. King's New Discovery «c ONSUMPTION Price OUGHSand 69c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONET BACK. PATENTS promptly obtained, or rCC RETURNED. CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our OHJMQCS AMI THE LOWEST. Send modal, photoorttaKohfor expert search and free report on p>tnntaMU*y. HIFRWGCMENT conducted before *U courts. Patents obtained through us, MW TISED and SOLD, free. TRAIM MASKS, SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly ohttlWWI. Opposite U. 8. Patent Ollloe* WA8HIMOTOW, P. O. DSWIFT&0 =fii HOLLISTER'S % ^ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolae for Busy Peopls. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. for Constipation, Indigestion, Livi iCidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impuf •*!, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headacli > backache. It's Rooky Mountain Tea in tu| rorm, S5 cents a bo*. Genuine made " '/.isteh Daua Company, Madison, Wis. . .DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLt • ' / T H E O R I G I N A L LAXATIVE COUGH Best tor Couflh*. Cold*, Croup, Whooplna Cough, Etc. BEES L A X A T I V E . Tbe rM Ketw *Bwii on C O N T A I N I N G HONEY-TAR AOcongti «rng» eontalBlB< wtatM eoMti. Mto th# bowel*. Bee's Lazattv* iHMmttetnnliutmuiHMi ̂ Mo -P£T£SCH« ' 13 ; •' - ̂ r i-rAi JC. A