<*£&'•i:w,- ' • - . ; v - ? , ^ .. .< .y s^* • Si# 'tftr; jf/Jv + rs- .,;* •< *:y&-'~-£ Vv 1 ^ * y lite OLD WAV Real estate adverti? J. ' *>*•- properties, m? " t f i • is alluring. % hen you g6 to examine the it of them fizzle out. The reason for this is <* -, •' generally the buildings are not proper)v constructed. V f"" - ' ' * :'-v" ' :V • •'• ' . $n buying Clothing mm abe frequently led astray *wii0, .v 'f :/iOLEVER ADVERTISING AND THE SLICK TALK 6P THE SALESMAN BUT* * Vi\ " tffE CLOTHES FIZZLE OUT BECAUSE NOT PROPERLY MADE, ): r ^ You want a good, solid, substantial, well built house--don't you? And you want good, #bHd, substantial, well built gartaents. All of our tailoring is the result of master workman ship and durable materials in which ts embodied the latest and accepted styles. We take just, as much care with the inside work as that which goes on the Outside. This is one of the several good reasons why our garments look almost new at the end of n season's wear and at the same time enables us to give yon a tailor's insurance of complete satisfaction. . , ' • We feel confident that if you will take the time and calf at our establishment--carefully look over our 1,800 samples of cloth, let us quote you prices--you will then be thoroly convinced that we can serve your best interests in the tailoring line. Our prices for strictly made-to-order garments start at $12.50 and even at this extremely low figure we show a large assortment of styles, fabrics and patterns. You can have your coat cut single or double-breasted, shaped to the waist or»loose hanging, plain back with center and side vents; broad lapels--in fact it will be made especially along the lines which will insure you ihoim comfort, profitable1 wear and individuality in dress. You will not be urged to place an order--this will be left to your judgment. Every garment we make is solid with our iron clad guarantee and if my any chance they fail to come up AS represented WF will take them back. character Md honest quality of - our garments will please you. Pants ONCE YOUR TAILOR Free of Charge. OUR PRESENT WAY -ALWAYS YOUR TAILOR. Telephone Number 251, flcHenry, Illinois am CAN now be obtained at my store, having secured the agency for this celebrated brand. This tea is well and favorably known to most 'of the housewives in and around McHenry on account of its pleasant aroma and excellent cup quality, and is just as good or of better quality than you can get from tea wagons or mail order houses for the same money. It is put up in hermetically sealed packages^ thus preserving its aroma and flavor. I quote a few mail order house prices on* " - - mail order house terms. » Choice Cat Prunes, 2 It*..... ..I80 Evaporated Peaches, 2 1M. --83c Fancy Cal. Apricots, per can. .32e Cal. Yellow Crawforil Peaches.22c Peerless Milk per 20-os can. .9}c Eagle Milk per can... 1 16c Standard Early Jnne peas, can 10c Uneeda Biscuit...............4*c Graham Crackers per pkg. 9c Oatmeal Crackers per pkg..... .9c Select Sodas per pkg .... .9c San cared Japan Tea per lb. ..89c Combination Coffee per lb.... .15c Poetum Cereal, per 30 os pkg. -90c JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cash. West McHenry, Illinois. PROBATE NBWS American Field % ,y Fence As art - Inducement for eari> leiice building I will give a liberal discount forc^shon all before March ist. » " 4 - I Surely Can Make Honey For You If jfou ,»Jye me your fen^e htnlnww wist SIDE HARDWARE [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. lUiuols.l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Andrew McAnsh & w to Joseph F Hans, It 10, lake side, sec 20, McHen ry, and pleco adjoining 4 2300 00 Joseph Hcbaefer & w to John B -Tung, eJttwX & nwMswX sec 35. McHenry. 1I20OM MARRIAGE LICENSES. Floyd E. Covalt, 32 Crystal Lake Caroline E. Hitulet, 89 Crystal Lake Joseph Nickels, 21 Algonquin Emma Roguian, 31 .Algonquin Rheumatic Fains Balked. Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieves rhematic pains and makes sleep and rest possible, which is alone worth many times its cost. B. F. Crocker, Esq., now 84 yeari of age, and for twenty years Justice of the Peace of Martinebarg, Iowa, says: "l am terribly afflicted with sciatiQ rheumatism in my left arm and right hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did me lots of good " For sale by all drug gists. MMKKALD PARK. Mrs. JT. Wslsb and children spent Tuesday at P. Walsh's. Miss Margaret Ay 1 ward of Elgin call ed in this vicinity Sunday. Min« Alice Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Benlah Larkiir Tuesday. Mias Mary Gibbs spent a few days this week with Chicago friend*. R. J. Button and sou. Joe, rpentTues day and Wednesday .in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, of Chicago spent Sandfly -»t their cottage. William and Lacy Sutton returned Monday night after spending a few days in Chicago Misses Ethel Harbangh and Katie Knox closed their schools to attend institute at Woodstock thin week Mr. and Mrs George Frazer and chil dren, J. Haxton and daughter, Isabel, spent Sunday at the Haxtyn cottage. Chuuiburltil'i Cvagh Remedy la Bnlh A(recsble and Krfrctfrc. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, cold* and croup, and the fact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way inju rious baa wade it a favorite with moth er*. Mr W. 8. Pelhniu, a men-hunt «»f Kfrksvilie, Iowa; sat*: "For mor* tiixti twenty years Chamberlain* Co»t;h Remedy has been uiy leading rein. dy for all throat trouble*. It ia eapt-ciaSly successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my customers who; have n**d it will not take any other." iTor sale by all druggists. The postofHo department is being criticised for permitting the postoffice name of Cberrytree in rvnnKvlrania fo be changed to Skiddoj It is probable the petition for another change, signed by the twenty-three inhabitants, will be considered. This paper Ooean--fl.55 gets and The Weekly Inter for both one year. MSIGHBQRl^iP ^S.CliiiONlCLEp BY chYr am.f. coups s-f corkespondents «< mm. JORNSBlBf.n, William Meyers waa a Chicaato visitor last Friday -John Pit/«u of Volo» was a Sunday caller here. Miss Eva Miller is spending the week in McHenry. > , •< Ben Schjutfer of Chicago r a(M-nt Sunday with houie f#>lks. ^ - Misses Dena end Anna Ju»tett were guests at Schaefer's Sunday. . *> Mrs. Mat May of Spring Grove wax a caller here one day last week. Be an re n<>t to mis* lji*> itaiire at Smith's next Monday eveuing. "Charley Frett. ot McHeprv attended chnrch servi«;es here last Sunday. Misses Mary and Lena Pitzen of Vol«« were seen in towu on Satnrdav- Simon Miehels was for Frank Schumacher a few days lriist week Mat Bauer and family of Volo spept Sunday at the home of Mrs. Britz. > Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mnrtay and chil dren were McHenry visitors Friday. C. M. Adams and Mat Jnnger tuade a bu*ine«s trip to Chicago last Friday. Mrs. Jacob Miller spent Tnesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Miller George. Nell was at Woo istock Tues day attending the school teachers' meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and son, Tony, were Chicmto' Tlfitorn Wedn»*s- day. . ' '•> Peter Williams and dtanghiers. Katie and Gertie, of Volo were callers here Friday. Miss Dora Rothermel spent onH day last week with her sister. Mrs Jacob Frennd. Mr. and Mm. .Take Jnsten and Mrs John Bowers were McHenry mllers Tuesday. Miss May me Stilling is visiting with her sister. Mra. P. F. Mailer, a few days this week. Mrs. J. C. T)ebreoht, and Mis* Ada Schumacher visited Monday with Mrs. Tharnas Lay. Mr. and Mrs. William Defiling spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs John Oeff- ling of Volo. . ^ Miss Adelaine Schumacher of Pista* kee Bay spent a few days with Mrs. J. C. Debrecht. John Bentler of Chicago spent Snn- day heie aud looked over his cottage at German Village. Misses Margret A^arns and Lizzie May boarded the train .for Chicago Tnesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Frennd of Mc Henry were visitors at Mrs. Klapper- ich's on Saturday. Mrs Fred Schneider and son of Mc. Henry visited Monday with her sister, Mrs. Mat Steffe?, here. Miss Eva StofTel of McHenry is visit ing a few days with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Williams. Mr. and Mts. John Jasten of Mo* Henrv spent Tuesday with Mr. aijS Mrs. Stephen F. Smith. Mn. Nick L. Freund and Mrs. John P. Lay spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Anna Bugner. Mrs. W. F. Holtz, Mrs. Peter Engeln and daughter, Dorothy, of McHenry spent one afternoon here last wWk. Mrs. Anton Meyers spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Schu macher, who is at the hospital in Chica- go. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frennd and daughter, Anna, of Ingleside were visit ors at Mr. and Mrs., Martin Lay's on Sunday. mn Peter Williams and daughters, Katie and Gerirqde, of Spring Grove were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Will iams, Monday. , Mrs. John Thelen and daughters, Mrs Wi'fiun O^ffling and littl« son. Misses Annie OefBing and Eva Huemann spent Monday with Mrs. Jacob Hnemann. i •Prcventics" will promptly check a cold or the (3rippe when taken early oi| at the 'sneeze stage." Preventics cnr4 seatefl colds as well. Prevent^ a«f| little candy ctdd « nr«> tablets, and Dr* Shoop, Rjicine. Wis., will gladly mail yon samples and a book on <'olds free; if yon will write tiiui. The sample^ prove their merit.. Cheeks early Coldi wjf.h Preventics and stop Pneumonia^ Sold in Sr iml 3Ac hoses JJ. H* Petesch. • y "• RIDUEF1EL1). Mrs. French was in Nnnda Saturday, Mrs. S. Levey was in Woodstock Tnesday. Mrs Peterson was in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. R L. Dnfield WM in Nunda Saturday. Mrs Wilson was in Chicago Monday and Tnesday. - . - Miss Mabel I Skinner was hi Wood stock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Waterman were in Nnnda Saturday, V. Shales and family of Nanda visit ed at W. Jayne's Snnday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs Wakefield Tnesday, April Miss Elsie Haughawontf an4 sister were in Woodstock Monday. Mr* W. Jayne and children visited relatives in Nnnda Monday. Mr and Mrs F. Wille visited their son at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs Leminers of Woodstock i-» visit inir her sister, Mrs. Wakefield H ^Thaver of Chicago visited hi«« par ents here Fridsy ai d Saturday. Mr. atid Mrs. Clavton Wilson of Rock ford are visit'ng at F. French's. The Ladies' Aid society will meet in the church parlors Thursday, April 4 Mrs. Jordy of Ft. Madison, Iowa, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Nettie Smith. Mrs. W. H. Muuroe visited her daugh ter at Woodstock the first of the week. Mrs. H. Cooper and Miss Sopha Wille visited friends in Chicago Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant of Richmond visited their parents Satur day and Sunday. In the treatment of piles it becomes necessary to have the remedy put np in snch a form that it can be applied to the parts. affected. Man Zan Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help bat reach the spot Relieves blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. 5Q centB with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. v*« You'll like our service . lile want your tradi" k Cet's Combine **• ' " •!« * I ; - "SK; • /r This is an age of combination and we should like to enter into an unwritten agreement to this effect with all the careful drug buyers of the locality. ' , We see to it that every drug or 4>pher article supplied is of high- es/possible quality and sold at the fairest possible price. The buyer •fiV^»erely to agree to make this his l':-'y^s if he ever finds the slightest (; '.'ijfause-for dissatisfaction. ' We are carrying out our part of such an agreement all the time in the belief that the public will do its part. We have evidence that the combination is getting stronger all the time. -•>v- • % >< f--- $ '>/' v : V"" V : v ~ ' T i A } i i a N. H. PETESCH sv t«V" DRUGGIST, McHENRY. ILLINOIS Of conrse, an alienist may answer a 18,600-word hypothetical question any way he please!1, aud with perfect safety, How is anyone to prove that his answer isn't true, except by the testimony of another alienist? And then no one wonld know any more abont it than he knew in the beginning. Spring Winds chap, tan and canse freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carb^oliz- ed applied at night will relieve /that burning sensation. Nature's own/ rem edy. Acts like a poultice and draws ont inflammation. Sold at N. H. Petjesch's drug store. I NOW open and doing business and vve will be pleaseji to have the ladies of McHenry and the surround ing-country call and look over our elegant display. Thru years of experience in the business we believe we can please yon. ^ Let us quote you our * extremely km BONNETS AND I^TYLISH LACES •>y .J r-J spwldinf Block, West Mdtowy • V " -: i *' ' •v. ' J f f . " ' . h > ^ * . ' • -* t r J® V V ' Complete Warren Paints That's the time when every house wife ^ finds that her carpets have become badly . . worn during the winter months and must 1 be replaced. We have a fine line of Rich ardson's superlative carpets which catt- ^ not lie beaten. :: :: . I: RUGS, LINOLEUM, AND H LACE CURTAINS One line of rugs is the finest we have been able to show in many years. Linoleum in any grade and width. We want to fill your lace curtain wants to. For the low est prices and best goods give us a call. m g >• ';*w a Jacob Justen, ricHenry's Furniture flan, i ^ yottr fcotfseholct Light, whole some Biscait made with Dr. PRICE'S' i' v ,' • - • • * the celebrated Art Wall l^i^er MlffT" line of samples to select your paper from. KALKAMO V^-'- J A sanitary* durable calcimine. The correct wall finish in all co^orau Clil-NAMEL 4 In all shades, the finest varnisirfor making old furniture and \V|^ work look like new. 1 11 "ft: off ttflwhofesoine ilftm baking powder? . M is worth yxtt vMe to tnqatre. A complete HneoT paSiit SWwet|-, thing required in house cleaning time. C '{ »/ \ !«• i S. W. BROWN. mm , \v5c: mmim -hm&'M