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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1907, p. 7

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Consisting of SCARF PINS, HAT PINS, BROOCHES ̂ AND FOBS IS A DANDY W . *r*> Remember we have everything in op- Don't fail to call on ys before buying to-date Jewelry. If #<>* Ml*** wiU;.O^ W^^ always the lowest^. f i}..;yt»p.!!|,!!» ,V- }fr •PHONE, 773 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. | NEIGHBORING 27r.A '2171C 22ICLED BY OUR AJPLE ytOj? A? 'bti Xpf}R£$lk>&hkNtS & Red Dragon Tea • 1 1 1 1 1 i , . . " " 1 1 1 1 ' . - • CAN now be obtained at my store, having secur­ed the agency for this celebrated brand. Thife tea is well and favorably known to most of the housewives in and around McHenry on account of its pleasant aroma and excellent cup quality, and is just^as good or of better quality than you can get from tea wagons or mail order houses for the same money. It is put up in hermetically sealed thus preserving its aroma and flavoff.^ g; £-quote a few mail order house prices on ,i - mail order house terms. Uceeda Biscuit........ %...... .4|o Gnhaui Crackers per ptejj.. --»c Oatmeal Crackers per pkg 9c Select Sodas per pkg Jkt San cared Japan Tea per lb.. .39c Combination C<>lfee per lb. 15c Puetnm Cere* 1. per 30 oz pkg. .80c JOHN Terms Cash. f . 15o .82c Choice Cal. Prunes, 3 lbs Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs-- Fancy Cal. Apricots, per can. Cal. Yellow Crawford Peacheo.22c Peerless Milk per 20-oz can..9|c Eagle Milk per can 15c Standard Early Jane peas, can 10c West McHenry, Illinois. r We are alive to your interests. Your interests and ours are identical You t jjeed p$int this spring, we need your money WE HAVE Bradley & Vrooman's V "Crown Cottage Color*' l+X ' A'4\ best paint made and can give you value received for your money. • Call and see. We have a stock of fine varnishes for all kinds of work and brushes to put S t e i n o n w i t * . - n # " - . * » - • f ' " r.«.> : " *• .. .* % f,« * >*• • • •- * " F. L HcOHBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE Ahi The Moderh ttousewife gives more attention to her bathroom than to ^*«^ny other part of the home. Her pride in jier bathroom is shared with ho* pride in the 'fixtures when they bear the trade-mark *9tM4wd*. Bathrooms equipped with this famous wire are models of ' mmluxu2y *nd cleanliness, spot- l e s s i n t h e i r snow-white par­ ity, modern in e v e r y r e s p e c t and a constant delight, to the heart of every woman. We'll be glad to talk with you about your bath­ r o o m , s u b m i t prices, present designs and aid you with sugges­ tions. Make yoar b a t h r o o m t j i e rival of your par­ lor for cleaaK- ness and invit­ ing appearance. When the bath Ware It is ready for th* critical Illustrated catalogues free upon request. is fitted with every visitor s MANY FISH KILLED IN SAG. Bojri and M«n Tftke Pickerel wnd C«rp In : v; Larg* Qnmitttlw, The biff drainage ditch, eight miles long, extending from near Ivanhoe north thru the "big sag," at^the mammoth Fremont marsh is known, since its com­ pletion has drained hnudreda of acres of land until it has become tillable and at the same time developed into a prime fishing ground. . The ditch was dng abont a rear ago at a groat expense to the farmers. It cost in the neighborhood of a thousand dollar* a mile to construct it. Even at this figure it was a paying investment, as many acres of hitherto marshy bar­ ren land are made cultivable. Now the ditch baa developed into a boon to • the boys of the neighborhood thru which it passes in as much as it has made for them a most excellent fish* ing ground. Instead of a swampy waste, the "sag" is now largely valuable land with a wido ditch partially filled with running water coursing thru it. Tbis ditch has in the past few months become well stocked with fine pickerel, carp and other fi*h Some fishermen have caught aa high aa forty and fifty pickerel in a day. Fish have been taken weighing as much as six pound*. The drainage ditch is the finest fish­ ing ground in' Lake county today and runs thru a neighborhood where fishing was formerly unknowu. In the old days the "sag" afforded no fishing. The ditch is about twenty fe*t wide and car­ ries from a foot to four and five feet of water. Boys take the fish in large quan­ tities, evjn spearing and shooting them when the game warden is far off. It is supposed the fish come from Fox Lake and the other lakes with which the ditch connects thru Squaw Creek. The Rlcli*«t Mull In the World. The richest ja^an in the world cannot have his kidn«y« replaced nor live with­ out them, so it is impo* taut not to ne­ glect thew ot'uaoH. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign of danger the symptoms will disappear aud your health will be restored, as it strength­ ens and builds up these organs as noth­ ing else will. Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., writes: "I have used Foley's Kid­ ney Cure and take great pleasure in stating that it cured me permanently ^®r spent JSnndjay of kidney disease, which certainly would have cost me my life." G. W. Beslev. PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry Oountjr Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .> Patrick 3 Cleary & w to Wm J Harris ^: ^ et al, pt swM sec 1 w Fox river and 4 eHseMsec2& nwMnwM sec 12 and i - nekneM sec 11, Nunda $1700000 Anton Schaefer & w to Wm Rao en, It 9 & pt It 8, O Hasse's addn Spring O rove lCOOflO Jolin M Walsh & w to John W Pfan- nenstill, sHseMaeM sec 2K & pt «»H seMneK sec 28 Vfc sec 2? & pt aHnwH sec 27 & pt nViswVf m; 27 & pt nwj*se)* sec 27, in all 85.25 a lit Mc­ Henry HC0000 Florence Sayler & h to Geo II llanly etal. property at McHenry.... ..... {20109 Ellas H l'altner & w to Uusjwv Ftoaw- denberg, part of Coon Island ,... 2500 00 MARR1AOE LICENSES. Charles A. Pope, 26 Woodstock Lena A. Knuteon, 29 .Woodstock Harry Woodbury, • Hebron Luella Paul!, 20.#»...Hebron R a y S l o e y , 2 1 . . . . . . . . ? . H a r v a r d Anna Condon, 22 • - • Harvard George R. Keeiiet30..Chicago Mary G. Marx, 11 ... Hartland To News--No Pure Drug Cough Care Laws would be needed, if the Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is--and has been for twenty years. The National Law now requires that if any poisons voter into a cough mixture, it must be printed on the label or pack­ age. ITor tbis reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison-marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and none in tba medicine, else it mast by law be on the label.-- And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. T*ki­ no cbauce, particularly with \onr < Wi­ rt ren Insist on having Dr. Shot^M- Cough Cure. Compare i-ar^ftHv Dr. Shoop package with others a»»rt . No poison marks there! You emi al­ ways be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply iffn«»\ to aocept any otl er. S«»W l«v N. H Petesch. VOtA*. Henry Htndfel l was a Chioitii'» visitor last Tuesu^y. Mr. Burkett »nd son of Wfet Frfeuiout were in Volo Friday. Mrs. Earl Townsend of Round- Lake was at home Tuesday. Charles Parker made a' business trip to Chicago last Monday. Will C'ough of Wauconda was a bosi- TOS8 caller here Monday, Mrs. John Miller of McHenry made a business trip here Friday. Misses Frances and Kate Rosing ware McHenry callers Sunday. | Miss Compton was the guest of mends in Milwaukee over Easter. Ed. Graham of Long Lake transacted business in town last Tuesday. Mr. and Mr«. Elfing of Litertyville were in town one day last week. Messrs. Fuller and Turubull of Wau­ conda were in town Wednesday. Mrs. Will Etten of Spring Grove WHS the guest of relatives here recntlv Messrs Smith and Dowell from Round Lake were Volo callers last Tuesday. W. M. Frost visited relatives' in Chi­ cago a few days the first, of the w*ek. Miss Millie Rossdeutscher of Ingleside was the guest of her parents here Easter Sunday.. 'v Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frost and da obi­ ter, Kate, were McHenry twliet* last Wednesday. • Miss Anna Miller was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderbooiu at Fort Hill last Sunday. „ Misses Mary Raught and Lnnra Granger attended Easter services at Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. Charles Parker and Mn». William Dillon spent last Tuesday with Mrs. L V. Lusk at West Fremont. Beginning next Sunday there will be preaching at the Volo M. E. church at 2:80 o'clock every Sunday afternoon. Misses Catherine JJo.^veil. Clara Bur­ kett and Master Raymond Lnsk of West Fremont were in towu Snudsy. The Price of Health. i**f^e price of heaith in a malarious district is just 25 cents, the c&ttof a box of Dr. King's New^Life Pills," writes Ella Sla.vtosi. of Noland. Ark. N«-w Life Pills cleanse and gently impart new life aud vigor to the system. 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed at N H. Pet­ esch's, Frank Masquelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley V, West McHenry. JOHNSNIRQB. , The farmeia are very busy plowing this week. Mrs. Nick L Frennd and children went to North Dakota on Tuesday. Frank Niesen «»f McHenry i^ent Sun­ day with his sister, Mrs George Nell. Misses .losie Lay aud Hnrbai'4 A!f. hoff spent V'ouday with Miss I^ena Mill- er. Mrs. .fose|ih Uofherinel and children of McHenry ^|»ent Snoday with relatives here. Mrs. Kate May is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frennd, nt Spring Grove. Jacob St-haelef werit to North Dakota on Tuesday to work his farm t here the couiiug season. Mrs. John Mertes spent Saturday afrernoon with her sister, Mrs. Henry Heiiner, of McHenry. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steflfes and daugh- afterooo» with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietrich. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring GroveTspent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams. Mrs. Mat N. Freund and daughter, Tillie, spent Sunday evening with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Klein. Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or |at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will write bim. The samples prove their merit. Checks early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia Sold in 5e aud 35c b'txes by N. H. Petesch. Have yon seen The P1aindea»*-r> line of 11*08 calendars? If notl sw at once. Our prices are tht? V#k.i evei^ Herbes Bros., McHenry Improper aetion of the kidoeys mn«»s backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine- ales" is a kidney remedy that will re lieve these diseases. Plaaaarft to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Peterch s drug store. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers onesyear for |8.60. Order at once as the tirero of this offer is limited , " Conghs and colds contracted at tbis season of the year shonld have immedi­ ate attention. Bee's Laxative Congh Syrup contains Honey and Tar and i« unequalled for hoarseness, croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers en­ dorse it; children like to take it. Con­ tains no opiates. Moves the bowels. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. C Sweet to Eat 1 Candy ' -M'-vr Lax-ets5 KM Kit A I. II PARK. Mr» l£. Knox visited at &. J. Sutton's Monday. Miss Katie Knox called cn friends at Wauconda Sunday. Win. T. Mahoney of Chicago called ill this vicinity last Tuesday. Mrs. H. Ulrich spent the patit few days at Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs E. Larkin of Elgin yi* ited over Easter at R. J. Sutton's. Miss Ellen Walsh of McHenry visiteid Mies Benlah Larkin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Gibbs of Chicago visited relatives here Saturday and Sua- day. John and Margaret Aylward of Elgin visited in this vicinity a few days thia week. Miss Alice Smith returned from Terra C ut* Monday after a few weeks spent there. Win. Robinson of Chicago is visiting' his friends, Chas. and H. Berkircher, this week. Mifsrs Mary and Margaret and R. E Sutton of Chicago spent Easter at their home here. Thi>s. Bolger completed his business course at the Elgin Business college and retnimd to his home here last Friday evening. '• - Miss Hattie Welch returned to her home Saturday after»spending the past few months in the employ of Siegel Cooper in Chicago. Thousands have prononnced Hollis- ter s-Rockf Mountaiji Tea the greatest healing power on earth. When medi­ cal science fails, it succeeds. Makes you well and keeps you well. Ask your druggist. Miss Katie Knox and school will give a basket Social and program at their school on Saturday, April 6. Ladies are requested to l>riiig baskets containing lunch Tor two. A general invitation is extended to all.. Tell your friends about it and bring thetu along when you come There is a good time in store for al). Don't forget that this all happens next Saturday evening. RI IKiEFlKl.ll. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Dufield spent last Saturday at Nunda. G. C. Ross was a Woodstocfr visitor the first of the week. Mr. Bnttou and sister entertained Rev. Hall over Suuday. The W C T. U. meets with Mrs. S. Wakefield* Tuesday, April 9. Mr. aud Mrs. Kline and daughters spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. E. Smith visited Woodstock friends la.*t Thursday and Friday. K»*v. David More It of f Chicago will preach here next Sunday, April T. Mrs. Wheaton of Chicago visited with Mrs. Leroy Skinner last Thursday. Mrs. S, Wakefield visited her sister at Woodstock from Wednesday until Sat­ urday. Mrs. Mamie Jackman of Woodstock visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Ford and son spent Suuday with her parents, Mr. aud Mr*. H. Reed. Mrs. Nettie Suiith and Mrs. Jordiy were Woodstock visitors Monday aod Tuesday. Mrs. Eva Jordy returned to her home in Iowa Wednesday, after a short visit with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crichton of Al­ gonquin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Le­ roy Skinuer Sunday. Hurried meals, lack of exercise are the mainac uses of dyspepsia. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite. Sold at N. H. Peteech's Drug store. HOLCOMHV1L.LK. Miss Nellie Doherty visited relatives in McHenry last week. Miss Victoria Olsen and neice called on Mrs. B. F. Peck last Friday Mrs. Hoffmeister of Chicago is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Knoblauch. Miss Ester Zeuk of Ridgefield wa# caller at W. Zenk's last Saturday. Mrs. White of Fox Lake is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas Harrison enter tained their cousins from Nebraska Tuesday. Mesdames Silver and P. Hunt attend­ ed the bazaar at Mrs. Hutson's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby of Barre- ville visited lit W.l & Xiilbert's last Thursday. ,2* Mr. and Mrs. McVUHau and children of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with Mrs B. F. Peck. There are many tonics in the lai As by the papers you can see; But none of them can equal ,*'• j. ^ f Hbllister's Rocky MoHnuin Tflfr Ask your druggist. Vou'll like our service Ole want your trade Cef's Combine mi PRICES CREAM Bawm powder With least labor and trouble It makes hot-breads, biscuit and cake of finest flavor, light, sweet, appe- tizing* digestible and wholesome. s, ^ Greatest Aid to Cookery • >"r> M ' . ' r -y • S4* { /P This is an age of combination and we should like to enter into an unwritten agreement to this effect with all the careful drag buyers of ̂ the locality. : v IVe see to it that every drug or »other article supplied is of high­ est possible quality and sold at the fairest possible price. The buyer merely to agree to make this his " . regular trading place and to tell 1}% us if he ever finds the slightest cause for dissatisfaction. J, We are carrying out our part of such an agreement all the time in the belief that the public will do its part. , We have evidence that the combination ^ getting stronger all the time. N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS P JS NOW open and doing ^ business arid we will be pleased to have the ladies of McHenry and the surround­ ing country call and look over elegant display^ iThrn ipears of experience M the business jve believe we can pease you. Let us extremely you our low prices. feONNEfS AfS STYLISH LACES # SpMMtot Buck. West McHeaiy That's the time when every house wife finds that her carpets have become badly worn during the winter months and must be replaced. We have a fine line of Rich­ ardson's superlative carpets which caj^r not be beaten. :: :: :: * iu RUGS, LINOLEUM, AND i LACE CURTAINS One line of rugs is the finest we haf^te^il able to show in many years. Linoleum in any .grade and width. We want to fill your lace curtain wants to. For the low­ est prices and best goods' give us a call. i.* ,\ * "'3o -- ft® r?ir Justen > % ^flcHenry's Furniture Hkn jfe Vs 4 tr ccltbrated Art W«ll Paper Mills' tine of samples to select your paper from. Complete line KALKAMO A sanitary durable calcimili^V The -pirrect wall finish in all coiora. CMI-NAMEL In all'shade the finest varili^lb makim old furniture and wood- look like new. .! Warren Paints line of paint brushes ̂ nd every­ thing required in house cleaning tim^ S» W, BROWN. v&i":

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