CM new Harness HAVE you placed your order for your new spring har ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen in Mc- Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come in and let us give you our prices. :: :: m. Jl. Cbelen, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Ji Children To succeed these days you must have pienty of grit, cour age, strength. How is ̂ it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Y©y know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. THF CHILDREN ENNRTPTPOSSIBLY HAVE GEEDL HEALTH iirilP<8 the brwels are m proper condition, i or- Tfri any consultation giving smftit laxative doses of Af ex's Pill*. AH vegetable.sugar-coated. OfWtMtM Lake to Wng* ITwAidait MurrUfe, C. Ay»r Co., IiOtrjIl, i/ers mumflMiturars of HAIR VCQQK. AQUE CUBE. CHERRY PECTORAL. tTe bate rc« eer«t»! W»publish the formulae of all our medicines. Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a mmi BARKING BUSINESS. W« «ndeafbr to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect- folly solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. fie Misery Miteler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. Office in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 278. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: year Six months, TScts. Three months. ...V.60 40 ott. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We alee handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. Thursday, May 33, 1907. THERE is no use in threatening Bryan with defeat. He is used to it. IF J. Edward Addicks goes to he will find it desirable to curb clination to mix into politics. Russia his in- OYSTER BAY is now making its an nual preparations to dazzle the world by its output of clams and epigrams. AT this season Grover Cleveland is al ways brought forward to respectful at tention, as the man who made finhing famous. SNEERS at Lawyer Delmas do not al ways take into consideration the fact that he tackled an exceedingly difficult piece Of work. IT would be less difficult to enlist an army of 12,000 Cubans if it were pos sible to give at least half of them the rank of general. SENATOR DEPEW has come out in favor of woman suffrage. He seems to have no fear of any "rambunctious" woman "up the river." IF peace could be accomplished by means of a well-capitalized enterprise Mr. Carnegie would no doubt have it on hand in a very short time. As both are Presbyterian prohibition ists the governors of North and South Carolina have nothing left to say but "It's a long time between cigars." BRYAN always can be depended upon to condemn himself out of his own mouth. He now says of Hearst that "we are going in the same direction." IF the Central American republics went to war over a mnle we wonder what woold be the effect if Missouri were to ahip p. earload down there. "WHAT will Secretary Taft dot" asks the Chicago News. Well, if he wants to retain the President's good opinion of him he will proceed to "do" Foraker. MR. HUGHES may look on his strng gles with the New York legislature aB valuable discipline for a great official who may at any time have Cougrt HH on his hands. A KANSAS farmer has built a brick incubator with a capacity of 1600 eggs. None but a millionaire Kansas farmer could afford to have that many eggs at one time. Why Not give us your next order for that steak ? We would be pleased to fill it for you. We know that we can please you as we handle nothing but the best. Buy ypur meats where you know you are being given a fair deal and honest prices. That is what we do Here every day in the week. Our line of Sausages, Salt and Smoked Meats is always freak and up- to-date. £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, ill. "WOMAN," says Mr. Taft, "must not think that to benefit mankind she must necessarily become a wife and mother.' Certainly not. Good cooks help a lot in this hungry world. THERE would be no danger of their extermination by the encroachments of explorers if the eskimos had sufficient business sense to put up a chain of lunch counters along the route. A BALTIMORE physician makes the astonishing statement that Americans have too much nerve for their own good. Possibly his neighbors have al ready commenced borrowing his garden hose and lawn mower. PATENTS Heart Strength Heart Strength. or Heart WeakneM, meant Nerva Strength, or Nerve Weakness--nothing more. Pos itively. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it self. actually diseased. It is almost always a bidden tiny little nerve that really 1« all at fault. *hi» obscure nerve--the Cardiac, or Heart Nerva --nimply ueedi, and must have, more power, mora Stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fail, »ud the stomach and kidneys also have Ihese katne controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Bhoop * Restorative lias in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. l)r Shoop's. Restorative this popular prescription--is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; It strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, stfppgi! gestiou, strengthen tp«e nerves-- re-£»tabili ihesa as Deeded, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative N. H. PETESCH, Jacob Bielhart, father of the Spirit Fruit cult, is preparing to shake the world*8 civilization to its foundations as neyer did John Alexander Dowie. Beginning in June, he will open a campaign for the total abolition of mar- r:ags and the substitution of his own peculiar doctrine of spontaneous love. He will call a meeting at his oriental palace at Wooeter Lake, in June, to which all of Lake county will be invit ed. There the people will be called up on to abjure their marriage vows, which "Father Jacob" will absolv#. This will be the opening shot in a pro posed world-wide crusade against mar riage by the peculiar prophet who be lieves that the mother shall choose who shall be the father of her offspring. The colony now has two children, off spring of spontaneous love. Nameless, parentless, all members of the colony uniting to support them, they toddle about the Sybaritic temple and listen to learned theories while Father Jacob and i Nibal Singh, an JEastern pundit, con verse in high-flown terms of religion and philosophy. The colony is one of the most remark able in the world and has not yet eeen its growth, its rise t»nd possible decay. The eyes of the world are soon to turn to Wooster Lake. h, j Like the cowboy who rode into the town with the cry, "Hurrah for trou ble," Bielhart is now going out to stir the world. The cowboy, according to the legend, found trouble and a plenty. Bielhart expects to also and is prepared. When he was driven from Lisbon, O., two years ago, at the instance of the state's attorney and an infuriated pop ulace, he thought he had trouble, but what he is expecting to stir up soon will make the trouble of the past look like a poor imitation of the good. The start will be in early June, when he will call a great meeting, inviting the whole of Lake county to gather at !ais farm at Wooster Lake, and will ex hort them to cast off the jnarriage tie for good. * For two ybars he has lain dormant. But all that time his plans have been slowly formulating. He has, during the two years, built his home and is ready for the one great effort of his life. In twenty-five years, he Bays, there will be no such thing as marriage^ Peo ple will come to realize the falsity of the marriage vow. "The preachers," he smiled ironically, "will be against me, for they will so miss the marriage fees." There are two "love children" at the farm. The elder is a sweet faced little girl of six, the daughter of Bielhart's own sister. The other is a boy three years of age, and the only name he knows is "Buster Brown." Bielhart lovingly placed his hand up-a on the little one's bead and said, "Be cause the words 'I pronounce thee man and wife' have qever been spoken to these children's parents, are they to be damned?" For the phrase "free love," to which Bielhart has ever objected, he has un consciously coined another. He used it with his own lips in conversation. It is "spontaneous love." Explaining his mode of life to the best of his ability, at directly put questions which he could not evade, he admitted that he did not believe in the permanent mating of man and woman. "For who," said he, "can tell whom he will love in two years or eyen a year or a month from now? Love is the passing passion of the hour." It is the Bielhart idea that the moth er and the mother alone has the right to choose who will be the father to her offspring. When he has done with the world, he expects to see love making as free as the mating of the birds. It is a crime against progeny, he says, to cause a man and woman to live to gether onoe love between them ceased. They cannot beget perfect chil dren. There is not a doubt in the mind of this man but that'he will live to see the whole world) brought to his way of thinking. He expects to cause a com plete reversal of,the entire human sys tem, and in but twenty-five short years, He is himself a peculiar personage and with no mean amount of magne tism. He has been a laborer, farm hand. Second Day Adventist, faith heal er and hospital nurse. He began life as a harness mender. He went to work for a Kansas farmer and ran away with Lis daughter. Later she divorced him for non support and returned with her two children to her home at Lacaygne, Kan., where she now lives. Bielhart even claims to have mixed the first batch of pre-digested breakfast food over a gas range that Battle Creek ever knew, and in thta way started a number of millionaires on their way to wealth. Spirit Temple, the home of the Spirit Fruit cult, is richly furnished within with a splendor almost oriental, inter mingled with a strange air of usefulness in twentieth century style. The walls and myriads of halls with doors every where and endless passages are all strangely dyed in delicate colors that harmonize strangely in the semi-light. The home is all the work of the mem bers of the colony. Every particle of the work was done by their own hands enuring the past two years, and the home nld not be duplicated by contract for $100i0Q!L_--^ of Pnnjab, India, tentate and arisflQ^ g at the Spirit Fruit farm ke\ near Long Lake. The and his followers. He is said to be in sympathy with the work. Bielhart stated that-he had many fol lowers in India, and that a colony of them was very anxious to come to Lake county this summer to join him at his home, and that In all probability they would do so. Wonderful Eczema Ciir*. "Our little boy had eczema for five years," writes N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa. "Two of our home doctors said the case was hopeless, his lungs being af fected. We then employed other doc tors but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bitters; bought a bottle and soon noticed an improve ment We continued this medicine until several bottles were used, when our boy was completely cured." Best of til blood medicines and body build ing health tonics. Guaranteed at N. H. Peteech's, Frank Masqnelet's, Mc Henry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenr; druggists. 50c. JOHNSBCRGH. J. C. Debrecbt was in Chicago Mon day. Miss Mayme Althoff of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller, Jr., are the proud parents of a baby boy. S. H. Smith spent last week Wednes day and Thursday in Chicago. Rev. H. Mehring boarded the train for Chicago Tuesday morning. Quite a few from here attended the picnic at Lily T<*ke last Suuday. Charles Boss and lady friend of Chi cago attended church here Sunday. Misses Margaret and Helen Adams went to Chicago Thursday morning. Mrs. Jos. May and little daughter of Rmgwood were callers here Monday. Mrs. Jim Conway and daughter of Ringwood were in town last Saturday. Mrs. John Wiedemann and Mrs. Mil ler visited with Mrs. J. Debrecht Sun day. Mrs. Fred Meyers and children of Spring Grove were callers here Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer of Chica go spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Reed and Miss Snsie Nimskern of Spring Grove were shoppers here one day last week. Mrs. Peter Schoewer and daughter, Annie, of McHenry were callers here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and the latter's sister. Miss Lena Smith, spent last week Tuesday In Chicago. Mrs. C. M. Adams entertained Mrs. Joe Diedrich of McHenry, Miss Lnlu Frennd of Chicago and Mrs. May and daughter, Lizzie, of this place Tuesday. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea would make them well. The greatest tonic known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. *sk your druggist THE action of practically all the Ohio Republican leaders in endorsing Secre tary Taft for the Republican nomina tion next year will go a long way toward the great secretary's success in securing that nomination. Secretary Taft has been the closest and principal counsellor to President Roosevelt in his so-called "trust-busting crusade" which has made the administration the most popular ever known since James M on- roe was elected president by all but one electoral vote. While other states with favorite sons" will make an effort to land their "favorite," yet with the great popularity of the present adminis tration and its tremendous power back ing Secretary Taft, his nomination, as things now stand, must be considered as a foregone conclusion. Don't Pay Alimopy to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guar anteed by N. H. Petesch, Frank Mas quelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 25c. Try them. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Trv it. cause wwten some dt their most excruciating ly painful hours* Mrs* Luia Berry, ct Farming- ton, Ark* writes: "I suffered with terrible cramps every month, and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 to 9 hours* On a friend's advice I took CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF and as a result am now relieved of all my t pams? and am doing: all my housework." No mat ter what symptoms your female trouble may cause, the most reliable, scientific remedy for them, is Cardui» Try it. At all Druggists e3i! Want Column. All advertisements inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for Drat insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 8 cents & line for addltiona insertions. TjVOK RENT--8 to 10 acres on south side of ** mill pond, uear the stand pipe Good for canning products. O. N. OWBN. 36 Bank of McHenry, 111. "E^OR SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands ^ Homesteads located. For further infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc Henry, III. 38-tf TOOK SALE- -A house an a c very cheap; part cash, 41-tf TBAJ d lot near the river, balance time. ANK or MCTTKNRY. Ti*OR RENT--80 acres of land, 1 mile south r of McHenry, 60 acres hay, balance plow land and pasture. Inquire of JOHN KNOX, West McHenry, 111. 4#-tf tiVJR SALE--The property south of River- -*• side and near the river, known as the Stebblns property. For further information address MRS. C. L. SANDBKRG, Plainvilte. Kan. 46-et T7H)R SALE--A good road horse. For fur- ther Information apply to or address E. W. Howe, McHenry. 4ftf RENT--Pasturage for cattle or horses. *• For f urther information apply to or ad dress H. O. MEAD, West McHenry, III. 4&-8t* ANTED--Party to rent and manage the new 88 room Columbia club house on north shore of Fox lake. Apply for particu lars to HAHT HANSON, 300 Wabash Ave., Chi cago, 111. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from The Plaindealer «l May 94, 18ft3. cr^t>w stayu at Wooster JL elder SinsthS^ orient, a sort The Mew Pure Food and Drn( Law. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drue law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. G. W. Besley. We give you the news of town and county, and give it to yon right, while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele graphic news of America and the cabled news of all the world. $1.55 for both papers one year Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine- ules" is a kidney remedy that will re lieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give* satisfaction or money refunded. "Relief in every dose." Sold at Peteech s drug Store. Everyone knows that Spring is the season of they year when the system needs cleansing--Dade's Little Liver Pills are highly recommended. Try them. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug s t o r e . • • ' • • • • • • This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--|1.55 gets for both one year. Special deal, i \ Artists have no trouble in securing models. The famous beauties have dis- cat ded corsets and have become models a railroad magnate of the Harriman of the Far East, and an associate of Indian princes. Saint N, Singh himself is a globe trotter, Indian journalist, socialist and free thinker, and he is giving Jacob Bielhart, of Spirit Fruit notoriety, some thing of the ideas of the orient and is imbibing the radical ideas of Bielhart in face and form since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your drug gist. • Decoration day next Thursday. Make your plans to observe the day in Mc Henry. " Of all the fruits there are in the land, That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask you druggist, If you want to live at peace with your neighbors now is the time to coop your hens and other fowls. The new brick yard is now running full blast, and bricks are being turned out at the rate of 18,000 per day. The mother of Peter Smith, who keeps the McHenry House, died at her home near Johnsburgh one day la$t week. , Dr. S. F. Bennett of Richmond has received and accepted an invitation to read a poem at Marsha^town, Iowa, on Decoration day. The damp, cold atmosphere of the present spring has caused so much neu ralgia and rheumatism that people are literally aching for warmer weather. We were treated to a slight snow storm Tuesday morning. We predict that Vennor will make himself unpop ular with the general public if he keeps on this kind of way. Burglars forced an entrance into Smith's jewelry store last night, but failed to secure any plunder for their pains. They gained an entrance by prying open a window on the north side with a piok, which instrument they left (probably in their hurried depar ture) as a memento of what they might have done. Another letter received by the Rev. Joel Wheeler from Houlton, Me., dated May 14, says: "The weather here this spring 1B enough to make one wish to go to a warmer climate. We have not had one drop of rain this season. The snow is gone, the dust is three ipches deep and the frost is not out of the ground. Very little plowing has been done and no seeding." My Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives oil Rural Route 1, Fort Eld ward, N. Y, says Dr. King's New Discovery is my b*«t earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of incipient oonsnmp tion for my Bon's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this ac oomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over €oughs and colds is simply marvelous.' No other remedy has ever equalled it Fully guaranteed by N. H. Peteech, Frank Masquelet, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every port- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everf&ne to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-blase manner. Read The Plaindealer. OPERA HOUSE. June 2 FLORA DEVOSS .-IN- THE OMEDY DRAMA MERELY MARY . JANE HEADED BY flora DeYoss THE EVER POPULAR COMEDIENNE Piensiog Specialties Between Acts --PRICES:-- 25,35,50c Professional. Society and Bvisinesss Cards DAVID G. \VKLJ>. M. H. • OHYKlCf AN, SUROFON AND .KWLlsT Office and resident- corner Elm Green street*. McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEORRtf pHVSICIANH AND SURGEONS, McHenr* * III.. Office at Residence, corner Court an C Elm streets, Telephone 388. NEW SHOE STORE Having opened a new shoe store in the Schnorr block in West McHenry I hereby ask the public for their patronage. Besides handling a full line of shoes I also do repair work of all kinds, in which line I consider myself an expert. Buy your shoes of me and I will repair them free of charge. L t ScMtrr Building, West McHenry The West Side FruirtCandy _Store That is the place to buy. We handle the finest line of candies and fruits to be found in town. Lama's box candies, the best that money can buy, are here in plenty. We also handle all kinds of vegetables in season. Peanuts are roast ed right here and are fresh. Our soda water fountain is open and we want you to give it a trial. Giunta Bros. NEAR DEPOT BcrtbaCxara Privau fiospital FOR WOMEN Offer*a flr»t.«-la»» Pilfate H»me rorLa*i«a la delicate health wUfclag Me*leal •r Sargit ai Irratairat or quiet borne ar eumaM>4all<>KN <<Mriatr input. Tfnd»i ear# bmtonrd IIIIOB THF patientx intra»t«-d to UN by other phy-trUs* < ircuUm on ap- Blication. N- Atlanta .Nrrert, I hlrsgo. State l.iceBM. l«l«pa*a« Sean* D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business Intrusted to his care will be properly ami promptly attended to. PARKER 8. WEBSTFlB T AWYER. 701. T08 Rector building, 122 Moo- ^ roe street, Chfeago. Telephone Central DR. R. «. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over fl. J. Walsh'i Star* flours: 8too to 5:30-. ' WBST MCHBNBY, Ir^r.. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all cfosstts of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTKR * AND PAPER HANGER (ARRIAGf PAINTING. 45.00 anil UPWARD House and SIRH Painting audall Interior Dec- orat ing. Residence north town line one block wes'i of river. Telephone No. 2;>4.., MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS J o h n U . V y c i t e d DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, No. 094. Office in Heim- er bldg., Oenterville D. A. W1LLEY, M. D. (. VETERINARY SURUEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wen-drilling a specialty. 'Phone SfW. WIN/1. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL Tel. Mailt 1714. WHY do people of Kit Henry. Lake an o ther count! drop in at Lambert Q. Serif's 02 Fifth Ave- CHICAQO? Because It Is so K I L L THI COUCH «» CURE T H E LUNGS wm< Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C CONSUMPTION 0UGHS arid /OLDS Price 69c & $1.00 Frets trial. Surest and Quick est Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY SACK. HOLLISTER'S fiocky M&yntain Tea iusgets A Bmy Medioine for Busy People. Brings Goldea Health and Kenewed Vigo*, •npciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live •Ciiiney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impur 1. Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, HeadaHi backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in ta> ,-orm, 85 cents a box. Genuine made bj '.UBTKR DRUO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. <.DEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE BEE'S L A X A T I V E . ' The red latter •••IT bottle. fniiw* tty •mimuh CECUMS* c o n t a i n i n g HONEY-TAR AD oMfk (Traps coatalalag iptitoi coastl* •at* th* MweU. Bw'i Laxativ* Honer sai MTN tlu bowclt ui contains HO --'**T» N. H. PETESCH. Hurried meals, lack of exercise are j the main causes of dyspepsia. A Ring's j Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids ' digestion, improves the appetite. Sold j at N. H, Peteech's drug store. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes an'i sizes. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz en finished in different sty lea. l'rice, 12.00 iuid upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, sneh as group pictures, views ' buildings, cattle, machiuery, etc. Eitl&rgemervta. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Fr*m«T, A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd slies made up for any sice picture, certificate, etc. Wankegaa St., near t he Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY. ILL. T*l*pKon*. 495