'%L .. -W, • i V*" ' **U* -YF"'. -* - ?" V Ji.Vr' • *««*•****»?, «-.*< „ NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS IS/lcHEIMRY, ILLifsJOIS. • • " • FRED RAYMOND'S FAMOUS COMED|f »' ^"'1 V-.K\,I >%>\ LAUGHS ,'-y. 1 s>', tfee Grea test Fun*® vent of ^ the season. ALLSPECIAL SCENERY _ ,A QREAT CAST INCLUDINQ "Miss SADIE RAYMOND AS "DAISY" FRANK F. FARR.ELL AS "ZEKE." If you have never seen 4'The Missouri.Girl/' ask your friends who have, FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTIES! 25c, 35c, 50c. |^a Clearing Sale : at tbe Paris millinery Being overstocked on Sam. mer Hats I have decided to close out my entire summer line at the following extreme* ly low prices: All liitfimiBed Hits, SOc Trimmed Hats, SI to $2 Mm Hats, 25(--$l Special Sale begins August 2 and continues until entire summer stool? has been closed out. Come early and get first choice. :: :: :: :: :: Mrs.S.S. Torrance Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois For the treatment of carable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic tions, diseases of Rtouiaoh, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gout, obes ity, catarrh, anemia, general de bility, etc. Oojy, Natural Meth ods Jimployed. •" • - Dr. Carl Stroeti, Prop. 100 State Street, Suite 1409. CHICAGO, ILL. PHILIP JAEGER 9PBOUUL. ATTENTION GUVKN TO THB SAL* OF ifjENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT 'L-Y". ... Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, - Veal, Poultry* '̂ ;;V Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honaeon Che street TA£B sad priceliats furnished oa application. * COLD STORAGE FRFE i--AM CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ^»!»s5sssa. Bun'I forget the uance at Smith '1 |all on August 7. ^ Mrs Ed Bankes of Pistakee BAy was a"caller here Monday. Mrs, Anton Meyers WfBASpring Grove caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben .Tauten were Pis- takee Bay callers Snnday. Mrs. S. H. Smith and children visited Grandma Smith Monday. Peter Lay'and sidter, Kate, were Pis- takee Bay visitors Wednesday, Fred Meyers and Mat May of Sp^bg Grove drove thru here Monday. Mr. and Mw. Fred Hnemann of He Henry were Snnday visitors here, Nick Weber and family of Spring I Grove spent Sunday at J. C. Debrecht's. Wili Adaiua and Miss Clara Lay drove to Spring Grove last Friday even- tag. Mrs. Theo. Stupe and Mrs. Eichler of Pistakee Bay were shoppers here Mon day. Lacy Movers aud lady friend of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks here. • . Misses Margaret aodHelen Adams were visitors at Orchard' Beach Tuesday afternoon. Misees Lena Smith, Eva King Mid Emma Nye drove to McHenry last Sun day afternoon. Misses Emma Bngner and Martha Mertes of Pistakee Bay were in town Monday evening. John E. Frennd and Miss Margaret Adams attended the fair at Lake Gen eva last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Frennd of Henry visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Michels, Snnday. Frank Schumacher and family of Spring Grove spent Sandfly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake R. J listen. Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs are the happy parents of twin lwby girls. The little misses arrived Wednesday morn ing. Mrs. Ed Senft and children «»f Chic* go And Mrs, Ben Meyer* and chii dren of Racine, Wis., are upending the week with Mr and Mrs Theo. Meyers I'll stop your pain free. To show yon first--before y»n spend a penny--what ray Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them --Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are doe alone to blood con gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by N. H. Pttesch. roiA Miss Frances Rosing of Pistakee Bay is at home this week. Nick Frost of Kenosha is viaiting his parents here this week. Jake Sexton of Elgin has been ia Volo several days this week. Mrs. Levi Waite of Waukegan nailed on old friends in Volo one day last week. Mrs. Charity Ranght ia viaiting rela tives in Waukegan and Chicago this week, Mr. and Mrs, C. Dillon are spending a few days at the Dillon farm east of Volo. Miss Jessie Gale- of Elgin was the guest of Miss Mary Raught Monday and Toesdrfy. Miss Fannie Sexton of Elgin is the guest of tbe Misses Bessie and^iucy Dnnnill this week. ^ Misses Anna Roseduetscher And Gen evieve Efflng^r were McHenry visitors Monday forenoon. Mrs. S. J. Russell, Lloyd, Nettie and Esther, were Waukegan Viaftors sev eral days last week. R. E Walton and son, Perry, of Wau kegan were guests of relatives in and around Volo last week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Ella Moore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra L. V. Lusk at West Fremont. Mrs. Dick Deinlien of Libertyville was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ben Rosing, a day or two recently. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Merle, and Miss Anna Compton of Round L<tke spent Sunday in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and Miss Clara of Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle of McHenry and Mrs. Ed Snyder and sons of Fox Lake were guests at the Sable home last Sunday. Man Zan remedy comes put. up in col lapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to ap ply right where soreness and inflamma tion exists. It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. GuAranteed. Price 60 cents. Get it to day. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. HOL.COM H VIL. 1.1$. Miss Mae Ames is spending A few weeks at P. Hunt's. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert called at W. Wingate'A Sunday afternoon. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Fridav jvith relatives in this vicinity. Mr. ^%1 Mrs. M. Conway and chil dren vlsffied at Jay jPoherty's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs C. Hutson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. French at Ridgefield Mrs. M. Mason And daughters. Laura and Cora of Richmond are viaiting at T. L Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. T. Flanders and child ren. Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanders, Mrs. M. Mason and daughters, Laura and Cora, viaitdd at G. WilintuH r» Siifiunj. Doctors say there is apt to be more or less typhoid fever after a very wet spring such as this hAs been. There is a great deal of snrface water that runB into wells and springs which of course carries with it the inaiduoua microbe that is tbe hobgobblin of this enlight ened age. Typhoid is not a menace to the city people in particular* for A snr prisiugly large number of cases are to be found in the country. SPRING GROVK. Mrs. F. L. Batch is entertaining rela fctves from Manistee, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Willafu Colby were Pie tAkee Bay visitors Snriday_ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richardson are entertaing Chicago relatives. Mrs. Frank Schumacher was a Chica ijo visitor the first of the week. Rae Dodge and Ada Westlake spent Sunday afternoon at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Monear of Solon spent the Sabbath at J. M. Iinerson's. Mesilaines C B and L. H. Cole of Richmond visil&d friends here Wednes. day, HowArd WestlAke has been taking a few days'vacation on account of poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Fontk And Mr. and Mrs. N. Willison are entertaining fresh air children. Mr. and Mra. Francis James of He bron spent Wednesday with Win. James and family, . Mrs R. A. Oxtoby And Miss Adp W«8tiake were Richmond visitors Tues day afternoon. " Mrs. fieatta Sweet of Rockford is spending severAl weeks with relatives in this vicinity^ Mr. and Mrs. Will Seaver And chil dren were Twin Lake and Richmond callers Saturday. Mrs Ed Hopper and children of Bar- nard> Mills called on friends here the last of the week. Anton Schaefer's new bouse in the Hesse addition will soon be ready for the tenant, J. Helms. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and son, Dale, Misses Ada and Ina James and Reed Carr spent the Sabbath at the Bay, guests at the Campbell cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oxtoby* of Oaks, N. D., Mr. and Mrs. J AS. Oxtoby And Mrs. .Tas. Harness of Solon: C. B. Cole and L. Van Aveiy of Richmond spent the Sabbath at R. A. Oxtoby's. Hundreds of people yearly go thrn {winfhl operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile Remedy. It is put up in such a form that it can be applied right where the trouble lies. It relieves the pa,in and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Price 50 cents. Sold at. N. H. Petesch's drug store. ^ KINO WOOD. A. O. Whiting of Lemoille Is visiting relatives here. Mrs Win. Hepburn was a Chicago visitor recently. Cal Coates and Miss Genevieve Fay visited HarvArd relatives Snndav. Samuel Loughridge of Greenwood was a Ring wood caller Saturday. Miss Leone Kelley spent the past few days with relatives at Lake Geneva Mrs. A. S. Holmes spent several days recently with Walter Bradley And fam ily. Mrs. Emma Grimoldby of Colorado Springs called on old friends here Tues day. Mrs. Lewis McCAnkon of Greenwood visited her sons, Will And Bert, IABI week. Mesdames W. A. Dodge and G. L. Bacon were McHenry visitors MondAy Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Bacon of ChicA- go are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Chase Robbins of Richmond visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mra. M Chase, Saturday aud Sunday. Our village was shocked Monday even ing when the sad news of the death of A. L. Francisco of Herford, Texas, was received here. Several of our villagers attended the Midsummer fair at Lake Geneva Satur day. Among them were E. A. Smith, J. V. Buckland and mother, Mrs. James Conway and daughter, Flossie, Mrs. F. Bell and son, Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johonott and Harold Bennett. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. aShoop's Magic. Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, Vr°trading, blind piles disap pear like magic by its use. Large nick el-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by N1. H. Petesch. IT MAY Bf YOU WHO NEEDS HIM Hundreds who read the announce ments of Prof. Leach each week, and need his help, put off writing him for t'ue very information they ought to have. They are of the opinion if their family physician cannot aid them no one can. His work is on a different principle than the physician's. Fore most of all it is the adoption of nature's own laws. Prof. Leach was born in Connecticut. He begAn life as A mechanic and con tinued As sock until his powers became so evident thAt he adopted magnetic healing as a profession. There are many so called magnetic healers, who use false titles and dress in gaudy cos- TERRA COTTA. Miss Emuia Conway of Holcombville spent Sunday at her home here. H. Shales and C. Buck were Crystal Lake callers last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson and children spent a recent day at Nunda. Will aud Thomas Ames were cal It rs at M. A. Conway's Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby spent Suuday afternoon at Lee Lock wood's. Misses Alice and Florence Leisnfcr of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Miss Florence Knox is spending a few dayis with relatives in McHenry this week. Miss Vera Doherty of Holcombville spent Tuesday with her nncle, M. Knox, and family. Miss Frances Welch of Griswold Lake spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Mrs Mary Wingate of Algonquin spent Sunday with her brother, A. T. Wingate, and family. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Eugene Erwin at Mc Henry last Thursday. Mrs. M. Peck and son, Frank, return ed to iiieir home in Louisiana after a month's visit in this vicinity. Miss Evelyn Sallman of Chicago was a guest at the homes of J. W. Gracy and T. R Anderson last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and child ren and Mr. and Mrs F. McMillan spent Suuday afternoon at Holcombville. Why not get in line^ Yes, it Si A special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one fall yep; fion ttet it get away jfrom yoo. * - At 40 jn l :'0 tjr* | that pkinlr tumes for advertising'purposes. Prof. Leach is a plaip, true American, honest and sincere in all he does. We quote the professor's own words, as follows: "Mine is a gift that cannot be taught. I was born to cure. At the age of two my wonderful curative powers were first noticed, and at that age I was able to alleviate suffering. By .the mere touch of the hand I can go back into a person's life and tell how long they have been sick and the cause of the ailment. I have patients all .over the U. S. and have made cures of almost ever^ known disease. I, do not claim to be able to cure everything. I DIAGNOSE F REE, and if not able to cure or at least help I do not accept the person as a patient." It is an eAsy matter to learn more of Prof. Leach, and as he gladly sends his testimonial booklet free yon ought to write for it. Yon will then form a very good idea of what he is able to do. An average of ninety requests for booklets are filled every day. The professor gives this important matter his personal Attention. Address mail to the permanent offices. Suite 2, Spnrling Block, Elgin. Chicago offices for treatiug ate iu Kimball Hall, Jackson Blvd. and Wa bash Ave , and are attended by Prof^ Leach Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons of each week. Professor f. A. Leach, E L G I N , - - I L L I N O I S . We are now in A position to furnish those .who wish it with Brick Ice Cream which we make ourselves. The fact that we buy all our cream at the McHenry plant of the Borden company warrants us to say that our Ice Cream is the freshest and purest obtainable. We will make up, on de mand, special orders of Brick Ice Creaiu of any flavor or color desired for picnics, dinners, weddings, re ceptions, dances, parties or any other occasions, on the shortest of notice and guarantee our goods to be just exactly as we represent them to you Give us a trial oijder. That is the best way we can prove our statement Giunta Bros. NLAR DEPOT Chicago & North-Western Leave Chicago. 7.00am... M*> am... 12.;#) p m.. *i.no u m. Effective May 12,1907. WUK DAY TRAINS. Arrive McHenry. .. .10.17 a in ... 10.17 a m . ..2.50 p nj 2.<i7 p MI NORTHBOHHD Vl!l F.lRiU ..Via l><'s I'lalnes Via Klein „ Via l>f!t I'lalnes 3.45 um Via l»cs I'lalnes i.4i> p m 4.00 pm Via Eltfln 0.40pro 4.57 pm Via I>utt i'lalnes. SUNDAY TWAINS. *.00 a M Via 1)<>S I'lalnes Ulan Via Kltfin. . . 9.10a m Via I»<;s I'lalnes.. «.0£pm Via Klgln 4.55 pna WKBK DAY TKAIHS. McHenry. BOOTH BOUSU. +7.04 am Via l»es I'lalnes.. 7.30am. .....Via Elgin 8..(2a m... Via l>en i'lalnes.. 4.IEi p m.. Via 1 >es I'lalnes 8.15 p m 4!23pm Via Klpln 7.10 pm 6.17 l) m ,Vla I><'s I'lalnes. . ECNDAY TKAIHS. 7.20an :..Vla Elgin .08 p m Via I tea I'lalnes-- 48 pm ,VI» IK'S I'lalnes 48 p m Via Elgin •Saturday only. •Monday only. .8.40 p m .11.37 a m 11.14 a m 11.14 a in Arrive Chicago. ' 8.30 a m . 10.10 a m .9.35 a m 7.Ki p m .. 10.35 a m ..H.ar»pa .. .9.35 O M . 10.20 p m Want Column. All fcdverttsfinents iniwirted und«T thU ht*a«l at tli« follolvliyrrAtM: five lines or lew, 86 for Ami ln«ertfton; 15 cents for e»*ti nubaequent inaction. More than Ave lines, 6 a line for ttr»t inaerttoa, ami 3 rent* a I ln«* for addition* Insertlona. r4V)li SAl.K -A choice farm of 100 acres 2H 1 miles from McHenry. % cash, balance long time at 5 per cent. 51-tf BANK or MCIIRNRY. TT\(>R SALE--Eight room house with ten lots -- IIK'UIni In WIMI Molltsiiry, a!no *0-acr*- farnt, located just outside village corpora tion, baviiig river froutuge. liood buildings. For further Information apply to J. J. BUCH, McHenry, III. 2-Jnio TjMJlt SALE--Uakota and Colorado lands. " Homesteads located. For further Infer luation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc Henry, 111. V 3 tf tr*AKM FOB SALE--One of the linest 300 " acre faruiis in Laktr comity, under the best of cultivation, situated on the banks of a beautitu I lake. In order to cl'we an estate I offer this farm at a very reasonable «g»r<- and on very low terms. Apply to K. W. LN- NESS, Riverside hotel, McHenry. J-tf TT\OK S>ALB-A good farm of 130 acres. Fair " Improvements. H mile of river freata^e. Inquire of E. W. Howe, McUenry. . 4 pit the Central, Snnday night, Aug if: Sundaes About the richest thing pi ;V- v eat yet invented is -» °tind»e served at our fountain. combination of real-cream ice cream and the most lusciooa fruits obtainable can hardly be anything but rich and palate jteiisiag. ~ J' We serve about every kind of sundae ever heard of. ' Be sides those prepared with fruits we serve maple nut and chocolate nut sundaes that are simply delicious. All sup<||t)fs» 10c, • • "M N. H. PETESCH Dnftbt - NUleiry.A - Tteeift • •• V -NOW Keep Your House Clean x We would be glad to---- "SHOW YOU n How much comfort you can get for a LITTLE MONET invested in our ...Call on... JACOB JVSTEN ' T ricHenry, III. - Ringwood Drug: Store - Our line of patent medicines is,complete in every respect and when in need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountain is ever in commission. Come in and get rid Of that tired feeling. A dish of our delicious ice cream will do it. :: :: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. GROCERY CERTAINTIES here you are certain to find the best stock of groceries at the very lowest possible prices. :: :: Green Olives, 10 ounce bottle *5^ Vanilla or Lemon Extract, 2 ounce bottle Pickling Spices, mixture of 18 varieties of best grade, per lb. .... White Wax, Lima or Green Beans, per can ..IWc RIOHHOIII Brand Sifted Early June Peas, per can - Ifc Boston Baked Beans, plain or sauce, per can Postum Cereal, large package 3HK Half-pound can Black Ground Pepper *#« Red Alaska Salmon, per can .. .'.l$c Washing Powder, three 5 cent package*. .. .IOC Defiance Gloss Starch, per ponnd (tackage j. ̂V^j.. Entire Wheat Flour, 10 pound aark. ..... 5.5 „»$c Lighthouse Laundry Soap, 10 bars for .v..V..Vl*v^J|p»© ' '"4" JOHN STOFFEL, Terms Cashlr^;- West McHenry, Illinois.