wwm. :~i '$s WE NEED THE ROOM While they last we offer good first class Groc eries at following pr!ces. Bring this List with you ? . ;T> C. Sugar, New Orleans, cookiug Sugar @ per lb. 2}c Best Granulated Sugar. per hund red., ..... tM# FANCY COFFEE Combination Coffee, good eaongh for anybody, per pound .. 9c Grinding 1c per pound extnu Best Mocha and Java Coffee, reg ular 36c goods, .pe^fsawwL TEA .. • 4 : Fancy uncolored Japan Tea, tegu- lar 40c goods, per |)ound..... 18c Best ttnn Powder Tea.ttOc qnalifcy SOAP Brag Soap, per bar.... 84c American Family Soap, bar.. .3fc Grandma's Washing ^Powder, 10c size 2fc DRIED FRUITS Extra fancy Turkish Dates, per pound 8c Extra fancy Layer Figs, lb 6Jo Maooorina and Speggetti, lb... 5c Regular 12i quality. CRACKERS NATIONAL Biscuit Co. GOODS Uneeda Biscuit 3$c Graham Cracbers, 10c sise.... ."He Oat Meal Crackers, 10c size. ...8!<3 CANNED GOODS Campbell's Soups, Chicken, Toma to, Beef, Vegetables, Oxtail, all varitiee, regular 10c sellers, per can. . . . . . 5c LOOK--C6ME TAKE THEM AWAY--Best Mason Jars, quarts, complete with cap and rubbers, I doten in box, per dozen 29b Lowest price on record. Largo Water Pitrhers, regular price 2ftc @..... ........ 18c Cuepidores, tegular price 20c at each -- 7|c Large Stone Jars, 10 gallon size, worth $ 1 00. each.. , ,49c For packing meat, cucumbers, etc FLOUR PilUbqrys Ftoffi, 501b. bags, at p»*r bag , ...... ,... |1.19 Primrose Floor, every bay guar a n t e e d , p e r b a g . ; . . . . $ 1 . 1 8 Fancy Bye Flour, 251b bags, per bag ; ..... ..'. 4®c TOMATO CATSUP Pure Waldorf brand, pints, at per bottle 6Jc Some sell tt at 25c per bottle. Crosse & Black well's Pickles, im ported in full pint Jars, either mixed Gherkins or Chow Chow, regular 45c goods, per bottle. ..35c CHEWING aUM Pepsin Chewing Gum, 5c package Cracker Jack, per package 8$c EXTRA SPECIAL Large galvanized iron Pails, 18qt. regular price, 85c at^each. 9c LAHPS Six only, hanging Lamps complete with shade, chimney and wick, worth 00, the first that call for them may take their cboioe at each 89c TOBACCO Square Deal Plug, per pound. .19c Plow Boy Smoking, 10c pkg.. .6ic Plow Boy Smoking, 5c pkg 8c Good Cigars, per box of 50. .$1 35 Another one, 100 in box, at. .$1.00 Everyone now selling at 5c each. GILBERT BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. |J^MI NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORIfS OF CORRESPONDENTS 1GENT BKLOWinyother M DO MOT IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU to write for our big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete tine of high BICYCLES, TIRES and SUNT!) fit £3 at BKLOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world DO NOT BUT A mmrCLE at any price, or on omi kind of terms, until you have received ©ur complete Fro® CiU- logaM illustrating ana describing every kind of high-g rade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICES ana wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen 's profits. wm SHIP om APPROVAL •unthout a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and allow lO Days ftee Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get lwl1i'h valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rftkt* Affmnt in every tow a and can offer aa opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. Prloo i 1Z30 per pair. tntroduco Wilt Self m Sampte for Only .50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES 2"kZ VI .80 4 4 PER PAIR NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT LET _ „ OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER *4.6S) MO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS, CAC TUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can M vulcanized like any other tire. . Two Hundred Thousand pairs now id actual Qi Over tpenty-Hw Thousand pairs sold last year. DOtOmPTtOMi Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding-, very durable and lined inside With * special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and wliicn closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of Setters from satisfied customers stating that their tires liuveonly been pumped uponee or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than M ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holditig Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on aspJu.lt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread -which prevents all air from being squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these Notice the thick robber trend "A" tad puncture atrip* "B" •nd "D," also rlna strip «H" to prevent rim catting, 'thin tire will MtlMt any other make--SOFT, ELASTIC and £ Ait * JULDING. tfies is 18 50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rid. of only $(-80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.I) Ydu do not pay a cent: until you have examined and found them strictlyas represented- We will allow a dlwuui ' "*" .. .. ^• mu CASH WITH OliOK on approval. nt of 5 percent (thereby making the price S4.65 per pair) if you send £K and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel ff!i pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal ncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned plated brass h pancturecloset . .. W OCR expense if for any reason thev are not satisfactory on examination. We are pei fee!ly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a batik. Ask your Postmaster, (inker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look &Ber than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial Older at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. MlMTA DfBiVrC built-up-wheel* saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and VCMm everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual tiricescharred by dealers and repair men. Write for our big Sl'NDKY catalogue. £L_ *s#»S«r' 151,1 wnle us a Postal today. DO NOT TIHXK OF BUTIKO a OO nOl WW At * bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until vou know the new and Wonderful offers we are making. It only costs h postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. « •EAQ CYCLE COMPANY, Dept. "J L" CHICAGO, ILL. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, goat, obes ity", catarrh, anemia, general de bility, etc. Only Natural Meth ods Employed. - - - - - Dr. Carl Strueti Prop. i ii 100 State Street, Suite CHICAUO, ILL. 1409. i OUR ADS PARK * Lb Hack spent Tuesday is Chicago. "A Prince o*f Sweden" at the Central. Sunday, Ang. 18. tM Knox of Chicago called in tbttf *i- cinity Wednesday. / Mr*. Johu Gibbs Thrited relatives in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox spent San day at John^Phaliu's. * Miss Mary Major of Chicago visited at W. Boiger's Sunday. Miss Hattie WelHi of Woodstock spent Sunday at Wni. Welch's. " Mrs. S E. Glfrmaiu of Chicago has been visiting at L flack's Mm. Germain* of Chicago visited at the Hnt-k cottage last week. Mrs. H. Bending of Chi«ap» is Spend ing a few weeks at the Park. Miss Margaret Gillee visited St P. Walsh's a few days this week. C, W. Welle 0/ Webster, S. D , is a gaeetof J R. Smith and family. . C. Chamberlain of Chicago visited his sister. Mrs. C. A.'Cohaa, last week. P • Misa Margaret Walsh entertained Mrs. N. Biggy of Chitiago Thnrsday. Mr. and Mrs. Meiler and children of Chicago are occupying the Beaney cot tage. Mrs. Wm. Robinsop of Chicago is spending a few weeks at the Berkircher home. Messrs John Sntton arid George Arm strong spent Saturday and Sunday at Elgin. Mrs. Geo. Abbott and children of Chicago are spending a few weeks at J. R. Smith's. Misses Anna Frisby and Mabel Gran ger visited Miss Mae Welch at Griswold Lake Thursday. Miss LiMsiq Gorman and friend, Mr. Kadetn, of Woodstock visited the Miss es Knox Sunday. Messrs. B. Miraglio and M. Divitto and Miss Anna Divitto are guests at the Romano cottage. Mrs. G. T. Scrivner aud children re turned to Rogers Park after a Ave week sojourn at the Park. Misses Alice McManamitn, Irene Pris by and Lucy Sutton visited the Misses Knox Thursday last. Mescrs. Geo. Armstrong and Wm. Cohan returned to Chicago Sunday af ter a few weeks' outing here. Misses Edith and LaNette Whiting, Margaret Ward and Lillian Dalke cal led at R. J. Sutton's Wednesday last. Miss Alice McManatnan returned to Chicago Sunday after spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here. Wm. Mahoney and Misses Nellie Bigge and Loretto Walsh of Chicago visited at the Mahoney rottige over Sunday. Messrs. and Mesdatues C. W. Gibbs of Chicago and John .Walsh and family of McHenry are camping in the Park this week. D. W. Hill and daughter, Laura, W. K. Burns and son, Wm., and Messrs. J. Armstrong and J as Haxton spent Sun«- day at the Park. Miss Margaret Sutton of Elgin spent Snnday at her home. She was accomp anied by her niece. Miss Beulah Larkin, who will spend her vacation here. About twenty five young folks were royally entertained on Monday by George Phalin in honor of that gentle man's sixth birthday anniversary. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup Contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs and cronp yield quickly. Sold at N. H. Peteech's drug store. Those who have heretofore exhibited farm and garden products at the fair are requested not to make the mistake of %vitbolding their exhibits this year because their exhibits are not up to the usnal standard for McHenry county Bring along your exhibits and help to make a creditable showing, and remem ber that the other fellows are np against the same proposition that you are. BOLCUMBV11.LK. . f Snnday, Aug. 18, at the Central. Mrs. E. Flanders is visiting her daugh ter at Richmond. W. Gilbert and Chas. Harrison spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. Bartz of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hont wm Lake Geneva visitors Snnday. W. Zenk and H. Smith were business callers in Elgin Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Zenk and children called at G. Zenk's Friday. Mrs. Stolphe and children spent Sat urday and Sunday in Nunda. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Gotta spent Wednesday at Jay Doherty's. Miss Alice Evanson of Chicago is vis iting ber cousin, Miss Vera Doherty. Misses Macie Dake and Anna Frisby spent Tuesday with the Mimes Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell of Wood stock visited at T. L Flanders' Friday. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Terra Cotta spent last week with relatives in this vicinity. • Misses Etta and Anna Powers spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. W. Gilbert. Misstfe Hettie arid Florence Randall were callers in this vicinity Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hildebrandt and Miss Jessie Winkleman were McHenry visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. F. Powers and nieCe, Miss El eanor Phalin, visited relatives^ la Mo- Henry Thursday. The Harvard baud has been secured to play at the McHenry county fair on Wednesday and Thursday. The Har vard boys are better equipped than ever to dispense first class music, and those who come to hear them play will soft be disappointed. TIKSA COTTA, Mrs. Secure M. Leadi's Proof of (ures •S9' • . BMA The PlalBdeator. Will Conway called on Mr. aid H. A. McMillan Sunday. ' . Greatest Swede play on the road. Snndav, Ang. 18, at the Central. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch and daugh ter spent Snuday at J. M. Phalin's. Mr. and Mrs. J Grant of Dundee were Visitors at Chas. Buck's Sunday. Miss Frances and Master Eddie Knox spent last .week with relatives in Ale- Henry. Miss LaNette Covalt of Nunda spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mc Millan. Miss Rnby Peck of Chicago visited relatives in this vicinity Saturday and Snuday. Mr. aud Mrs. E. Knox and daughter, Dorothy, were Sunday visitors at J, M, Phalin's. M isti I&eanor Phalin spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Powers, at Holoombville. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hyde spent the latter £>»rt at the week with Mr. and Mrs. T Attdersnu. W. Ames spent Sunday at Palatine. Henry and Frank McMillan were Mc Henry visitors Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Laplaut and daughter, Martha, returned to their home in Chi cago Sunday after two weeks spent in this vicinity. \ The attention of sheep men is called to the premiums offered for grade sheep at the McHenry county fair this year. These premiums are liberal and are de signed to show the value of pure bred sites. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blood. Try them for rheu matism, kidney, bladder trouble, lum bago and that tired, worn out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. In response to invitations issued them a merry party of boys and girls gather ed at the home of George Phalin last Monday to help him celebrate his sixth birthday anniversary, Games were played until about five o'clock, when they were called to partake of a dainty lunch which had been spread on the lawu and consisted ot lemonade, cake, ice cream and fruit. After luncheon the company disbanded, wishing George many happy returns of the day. Those presrut were: Misses Marion Conway, Julia Pfeifer, Mary Frisby, Agnes Con way. Genevieve Knox, Mildred Welch, Florence Carey, Marguerite Pfefier, Edna Phalin, Eleanor Phalin, Frances Knox, Margueiite Knox, Florence Knox, Eleanor Conway, Irene Conway and Mary Conway. Masters: Andrew Nelson, Leo Conway, Francis Frisby, Thomas Pbalin* Thomas Frisby, How ard Phaliu, Eddie Knox and George Phalin. uuusricm Mrs. D. Kline was in Nanda Tuesday. D. O. Kline was in Algonquin Mon day. Mrs. Riley was in Woodstock on busi ness Friday. Rev. D. A. Diekey was in Woodstock on business Tuesdaf. .. Hugh Parks vinited' his grandfather at Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parks were Mc Henry visitors Sunday. Mrs. Fred Wille and children of Nan da are visiting at F. Wille's. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- alene, were in Chicago Tuesday, Miss Etta Levy and Mrs. Rose God- dard were in Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Shales and daughter of Nnnda visited at W. Jayne's Monday. Miss Sophia. Wille and brother, Aug ust, were Woodstock visitors recently. Miss Mabelle Skinner visited her sis ter at Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Miss Dora Hudson of McHenry visit ed at Mr. Stephenson's Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Mamie Jackman of Woodstock is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe. Miss Johnson of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. A. Hansen, here last Wednesday Mrs, Ruby Smith and son, Gerald, of Anstin are visiting the former's father, J. C. Button. Mrs. Schumacher of Chicago-and daughter, Mrs. Maschen, of Salt Lake City, Utah, are visiting with their son and brother, Chas. Schumacher, in this vicinity. Those who anticipate making any ex hibits in any of the departments of women's work are requested to prepare their exhibits early and if possible to mail their entries to the. secretary be fore the fair. I'll stop yonr pain free. To show yon first--before you spend a penny--what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail yon free, a Trial Package of them --Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headache, Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due aioue to blood con gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by N. H. Petesch. The Ladies' Aid society will give MI ice cream social in the church parlors this week Friday evening. Uhe society is still in business. They have decided to keep the 25-ride commutation tickets from here to Chicago to accommodate those citizens who have to make occas sional trips to Chicago. Station agent Lynch kindly cares for these tickets, giving the entire profits to the Aid so ciety, which is doing so much for the public interest of our village. Round trip is $1.50 and those using the tickets are responsible for their safe return. See and hear little Carroll Mason, the famous child actress, as "little Eva," with Harinonnt's Uncle Tom's Cabin Vital magnetic healing drags, no operations. Prof. Leach, Elgin's vital magnetic healer, has made the most remarkable cures in the past eleven years that have ever been heard of in the middle west. His cures are accomplished very easily and quickly. Every form of disease re sponds readily to the treatment. IB! t* its New booklet containing many testi monials of his cures of prominent per sons, who doctored nnctasingly Jor years, has just been issued. It ali^coh- tains much other valuable information. Your request will receive Prof. Leach's personal attention, and copy of booklet promptly mailed to yon. All diagnoses are made without charge. Mention is here made of enree of per sons residing nearby: Henry Pugle, Woodstock, 111., severe case of stomach trouble. Thirty treat ments. Chris Locker, Flannagan, 111., appen dicitis. Fifteen treatments. R. J. Young, 743 First street, LaSalle, III., stomach trouble and neuralgia of the heart. Thirty treatments. Mrs. R. J. Young, 748 First street, La Salle, 111, female trouble. This lady could not do any work and was unable to sleep. Mrs. A. Engleking, Hampshire, III., ring sore on limb. Fifteen treatments. Mrs. A. O'Halloran, 862 Chestnut street, La Sal le , 111. , abscess on left kid ney. Entirety cared in thirty treat ments after doctors said she conld live but a short time. This cure was effect ed a year and a half ago. Prof. Leach never fails on stomach, liver, bladder, female trouble, gall stones or appendicitis. Rheumatism is successfully treated in all forms. Address »11 mail to Professor f. A. Leach, Room 9, Spurting Building, E L G I N , - - I L L I N O I S . fANOf (ANDIES! We are proud to announce that we have one of the finest lines of fancy candies ever brought to town and want you to sample it. OUR ICE mm Is also of the kind tt)at has won for us a great reputation. We want you to call and test it. Giunta Bros. NbAK DEPOT Chicago & North-Western. mwfmntt I 'if: 'J 4 '1 %• Effective May 12.1907. WBBK DAT TRAINS. OK. NOKTHBOUND McHmtry. 7.00 a Via Kl£>n 10.17 a to « 4.r> a HI. Via I)<« IMalnes 10.17 a m I2.;j0 p tn Via FlRln .8.50 p 111 •1.00 p in Via I his I'latnes SW7 p m 3.45 p no. Via I)ft.s I'lalnws 4.46 p nt 4.00 PM Via KIRID 6.40pin 4.57 pm Via DesPlalnes 0.40 pro SUNOAT THAINS. *.00am Via Des 1'lalues 9.B7 a ui H.4.5am Via Elgin 11.14 a ai 9.10 am Via PI allies 11.14 am 2.02 p m Via Elgin 4J>5 p m VIII DAT TBAISS. SOUTHBOUND. OWCI^O. . . . V i a D o s P l a i n e s S . 1 S 0 a m V i a Elgin 10.10 a m , Plal Leave Mclfenry. +7.04 am 7.30 am 8..t2a m 4.23 P m 4.23 pm.... 6.17pm.. . SUNDAY THAINS. 7.20 am Via Elgin lS.HSam 7.08 p m........ Via De« I'lalnes &£5 p IE 7.48 pm Des Plainer .....IJSpm 7 48 p m Via Elgin. . , . MJO p m •Saturday only. +Monday only. Via l ies Plalnes 9.!i5 a txi Via lhts 1 Haines 6.15 p in Via Eliiin 7.10 p m Via lh*s Plalnes 7.63 p m PROBA TE NEWS [Furuisiieu by M*" 1 * iiry ' '<>iii;ty Abstract Oompauy, WoodsUx'k. Illiuois.l REAL ESTATE TRANSFEK8. Allen P Colby & w to Oora A l<'landers, pt wttsett sec 21, McHenry, range 8. 61960 00 Harriet E Prat t e t a l t o Susans A An derson, It 19 * estort's subdvu, sec SO, McHenry, range » 1300 00 MARKIAOE LICENSES. Richard Hutchinson, 84.... Woodstock Elizabeth Hutchinson, 84 Chemnug Frank Petrig, 39>. .Hebron Rosa Burger, 29 Habron Life tn For twenty-firs cents yon can now In sure yourself and family against any bad resnlte from an attack of cholera or diarrhoea during the summer months. That is the price of a bottle of Cham berlain's Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that has never been known to fail. Buy it now, it may save life. For sale by all drug gists. • This paper and The Weekly Inter- Ocean--11.75 for one year's subscription $"v*• * V--v* ' f* 'h\ and ' j * ' Sundaes People tell us that our Sundaes are in some way better than the best served elsewhere. We think tl^ere is a reason ' ^ for it. We use the very best materials \v| to be had and are particular about hav- J ing everything absolutely fresh. Our Ice Cream is a pure cream product and its smoothness and richness is particu*-'g larly noticeable in these delicious Snndaoi N. H. PETESCH, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. •••'A.;: ' \ J V $ V \ " {? -NOW- Keep Your House Clean We would be glad : to- "SHOW YOU" How much comfort you can get for a UTTLE MONEY invested in our • •t;^36 *! T , i SCREENS ...Call on... J A C O B J U S flcHenry, III. . . •- & ;; J) < ? >' 'A •M', Ringwood Drug Store % . • Our line of patent medicines is complete in every respect and when in. need of anything in our line just drop in and let us supply your wants. We can do this in a manner that will make you smile. Our Soda Fountian is ever in commission. Come in and get rid of that tired feeling. A dish of our 4elicious ice cream will do it. :: :: S. W. BROWN, Ringwood, Illinois. m Groceries! T H E F R E S H E S T A N D MOST COMPLETE line TO BE FOUND IN THE TOWN OR COUNTY. - * r ̂m . K i •M • - v'A: -ami John Stoffel, #EST McHhNRY, ILLINOIS. m- ! . *' \hr% .\k \.. SA , t d!: "a**&£: 1; Wk. * , * '•>* \ *. . ... ' •!' 1 . ^ i-L r . 1.... - ( .. •'>. -*-1 ;, >k. , r