1 myr 17 Years * Experience in"the shoe business lias taught us to have a line of men's work shoes built accord ing to our idea. Special $2.25 Shoes The' upper leather made of heavy calfskin stock, the soles of best oak taxi sole leather. Special Last which voti will not find elsewhere a*nd is much superior in comfort to the ordinary lasts used in work shoes. Try a pair. Jos W. Freund, West McHenry, Illinois OUR NEW LINE OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING SAMPLES IS HERE AND WE BELIEVE IT TO BE BY FAR THE FINEST WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO SHOW. WE WANT EVERY MAN IN McHENRY TO SEE THE DIS PLAY AND^GET OUR PRICES. Phone No. 363. M. J. Walsh A SPECIAL PRICE ON ALL SIZES OF ^VIAL rKlV/C Ul^l /ALL. ur :: field latioi NOW IN STOCK A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT FROM FORMER LOW PRICES WILL BE GIVEN ON ALL PURCHASES OF FENCE MADE ON AND BE FORE SEPTEMBER TEN. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, F. L. McOmber, WEST SIDE HARDWARE. 1̂ . > Now that the School Days are here once more it is up to the boys and girls to supply them selves with the general School Necessities and we are here to fill their wants with an ele gant line of School Books, Drawing and Writing Tablets, Pens, Pen Holders, Pencils^ Crayons, Inks and, in fact, everything nec essary that goes to make up the scholar's school outfit. A quarter of a century's ex perience has put us wise as to McHenry's School needs and we are stocked up accordingly G. W. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS cause women some df their most excruciating ly- painful hours* Mrs* Lula Berryv o! Farming- ton, Ark!, writes: "I suffered with terrible cramps every month, and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 to 9 hours* On a friend's advice I took ?CARDUi WOMAN'S BELIEF and as a result am now relieved of all my pains, and am doing all my housework/* No mat ter what symptoms your female trouble may cause, the most reUsMe? scientific remedy for them, is Cardui. Try it* At all Druggists E3I< Auction! V. S. LUMLEY, Auctioneer. The undersigned, having decided to quit farming and move to Elgin, will sell at public auction on his farm, 24 miles west of McHenry, near the old .Tames Sayler farm, 7 miles east of Woodstock, on Thursday, Sept. 19 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., Hharp, the following described property, to-wit: 115 Head of Live Stock Consisting of 30 Milch Cows Comprising my entire dairy, all of these cows being splendid milch cows either for dairy or home purposes, and fpll- blood and high-grade Jerseys; 5 high- grade 2-year-old heifers, 5 yearling heif ers, pair brown stallions, 154 hands high, fine drivers and broka to all har ness; single driver, broke to all harness; span black mares, 1200 pounds each; span brood mares, 1200 pounds each; bay mare, 900 lbs; span general work horses, 1400 and 1500 lbs; 3 yearling colts, well-bred roadsters, eligible to registry; 2 sacking colts, finely bred, eligible to registry; 10 store hogs, 48 shoats, a fine even lot. Hay, Qrain and Hacbinery. 50 tons timothy hay in barn, 5 tons alfalfa^ 300 bushels oats, 40 acres good corn in field, 2 lumber wagons, pulver izer, double surrey, single buggy, road cart, corn planter, 2 harrows, check rower, seeder, 2 riding cultivators, gang plow, roller, weeder, 3 sets double har ness, 3 stubble plows, 2 breaking plows, Osborn gram binder, mower, Osborn corn binder, hay rake, 2 sets bobsleighs, feed grinder, Keystone corn husker with power and jack complete, buzz saw, milk sleigh, milk cart, spray pump, 100 grain sacks, 2 hay racks with hog rack attachments, 20 milk cans, heating stove, quantity household furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. Plenty to Eat and Drink at Noon Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 9 months will be given on good ap proved notes at 7 per cent ; 2 per cent off for cash on sums entitled to credit. No property removed until settled for with clerk. W. A. SAYLER. Fremont Hoy, Clerk. Health In the Canal Zone. The high wages paid make it a mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skilled workmen need ed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restrained, however, by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing ones--those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well kdowing they are safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitters on hand. Cures blood poison, too, biliousness, weakness and all stom ach, liver and kidney troubles. Guar anteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet, McHenry; (J. W. Besley, West McHen ry, druggists. 50c. Notice. My wife, Minnie Coates, having left my bed and boards I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by her from this date. G. H. COATKS. 5 3t Ringwoed, 111. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St., says: "I appeal to all persons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Discovery the only remedy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's rec ommendations." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold enre the world over. Cures asth ma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhage of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at N. H. Pet esch 's, F. Masquelet's, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug Btores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. lSconoinic&l Facts. Any man who is living today without a telephone in his home, at a cost of a few cents per day, is refusing to economize. It saves its cost and we have rates for all purses. Chicago Tel- , ephone Company. BOLOOXBTILLI. Miss Lulu Colby spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Gilbert. Wm. Doherty attended the Libertjr- ville fair Thursday. M. H. Conley of Chicago spent Sun day at W. Gilbert's. Mrs. A. P. Peck went to Milwaukee Friday to attend the state fair/ Mr. and Mrs. ,Tas. Powers and daugh ter were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs John Kelly and son of Fox Lake visited at John Powers' last week. Mrs. W. Zenk and children and Mabel Doherty spent a few days in Elgin last week. Mrs. Jay Doherty spent Thursday with her sister, Miss Minnie Knox, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty of Mc Henry spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Hollarbush and daughter, Alva, of Spring Grove spent Sunday with M rs. H. Silver. Mrs. Frank Hoffmeister and Miss Minnie Hoffmeister spent last week at C. Knoblanch's.. School opened here Monday, Sept 9, with Miss Etta Powers as teacher and an enrollment of twenty pupils. Mrs. Mary Laughliu and daughter, Katie, Mrs. Murray and children &nd Mrs. R. Laugh-lin visited at W. Doher ty's Monday. It is a well known fact that persons living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pineules at night usually relieves back ache. 30 days' treatment $1.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. TERKA COTTA. Merton Gracy is quite sick at this writing. Claude Colby of Nunda was a busi ness caller here Friday. Miss Theresa Buss attended the fair at Libertyville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Wednesday at Spring G^ove. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood entertained a number of friends Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin, daughter and son spent Friday at Griswold Lake. Mrs. C. Colby and daughter, Edna, were callers at L. Lockwood's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan and granddaughter were McHenry callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter were Richmond visitors Sun day evening. David Powers and Mia? Mabel Doher ty of Holcombville were Sunday visit ors at Frank McMillan's. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daugh ters, Dorothy and Eleanor, of McHenry were Sunday callers at M. Knox's. Don't be afraid to give Chambferlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is the best medicine made for these dis- es. For sale by all druggists. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys* Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys ̂ nce ttvery three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the * blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. *#" Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working ir. pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. it used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most Histmssfn^ cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar £iz-B®|SSpHi: es. You may have sample bottle by mail gttmo .* R^n^R-rot, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamton, N. Y, Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and theaddress, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. BIN6WOOD. Cbas. Carr was a windy city visitor last Friday. Charles Bacon was a county seat Vis itor Saturday. Mrs. French of McHenry is spending the week here. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was a recent Chicago visitor. Gus Adams of Greenwood was a call er here Monday. E. A. Smith spent Wednesday at the Milwaukee state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Loughridge are the happy parents of a baby girl. Miss Belle Carey of McHenry visited Miss Evelyn Carey the first of the week. Messrs. S. Beattey and Erving Her bert were Spring Grpve visitors Mon day. Mr. and^Mrs. Thomas W%&h of Grays lake were Sunday visitors ̂ at Ed Whit ing's. Miss Geneve Fay is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. J. Kemer- ling, at Harvard, Mrs. Olson of Chicago and Miss Erma McCannOn of Greenwood are visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McCannon took in the sights at White City in Chicago Mon day. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COfUVlISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hide^ Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Wholesale Market. 5* CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois For the treatment of curable Chronic Diseases (nervous afflic tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, gont, obes ity, catarrh, anemia, general de bility, etc. Only Natural Meth ods Employed. - W1 Dr. Carl Strueh, Prop. • 00 State Street, n«» ite 1400. CHICAGO, ILL. • . - v ; If you want anything in the following lines at tlie lowest living prices: DRESS GOODS, SHOES, HATS and CAP5, FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. F. A. 'Phone 291. WEST McHENRY. OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. SOFFICERS:! EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOflESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3percent paid on Savings Accounts and Time Cer tificates of Deposit" Building material nRE you contemplating building this season? If so, it will be to your interest to consult us as to the material to be used. We would be pleased to supply you with anything you may need in the line of building material. Our priccs are within reach of all and satisfaction is always guaranteed. Don't forget us when you get ready to build. We carry a* full line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc. IDilbur Cumber Co. TO CLOSE OUT Here is your chance to get a pair of finest made Oxfords for less than cost. All our Oxfords, for Ladies and Gentlemen. at these low figures: A few pairs of Misses' patent leather 3-strap Sandals, sold at $1.25, now 90c Ladies' patent leather button and fine kid lace Oxfords, sold at $2.00 and $2.25, now.$1.50,$1.65 Ladies' patent colt, button Ox fords, cuban heels, turned sole, $2.50 Shoe, now $>*75 Ladies' patent colt, lace Oxford, blucher style, hand-turned sole, military heel, kid trimmed top, sold at $3.00, now $2.25 All Men's $3.50 patent leather Oxfords, button or lace, to close at $2.50 All Men's $3.00 Oxfords, patent leather and gun metal, button or lace, to close them out quickly, at $2.30 GRAIN BAGS! Extra heavy Amoskeag A No. 1 Grain Bags, each ..... ... 25c \A/aist Slaughter! We have taken all our Ladies' long-sleeved, lawn and linen Waists that sold at 98c and $1.15 and placed them in one lot, now is your chance, to close out quick ly at 49c WRAPPERS! Ladies' Wrappers, made of heavy 84 thread percale, full cut, deep flounce, extra vwhl made, a regu lar $1.50 Wrapper, at $1-39 BLOCK & BETHKE