< «• Otd Coins Discovered, kr' V* Worldngmen in de-molishing the old * smelter boose of the first United States mint, on Seventh street, Phila delphia, have uncovered a number of relics of the early days of the repub lic. These relics consist of a number of foreign and domestic coins, dating as far back as 1793. Some of the in- teresting finds are & number of test coins that were experimented with by the officials in the olden times. These . coins are similar to Chinese money, . i . each containing a hole in the center &T" that was filled with various kinds of $Ei't: metal to bring up the value of the IA'AW ":S coin. FTITI or Ono. CITT or Touoo, I „ Liraaa COCTT. C v- a Tmii 3, Csim inskM o«tk that M to iwlir partner of the firm of F. J. Chikk? & Co.. doing ouilneM la the City of Toledo. County and 8MM ttforeauld, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every caae of CATABRS that cannot be cured by the UN of Hau<>S CATABRH CUB*. FRAITK J. CHENBT. Sworn to b«fore me and subscribed ia my preteuM, thUSth day of BecaiBbar, A. D„ 1886. j--*--i A. W. GLEASON, 1 f KOTABT FCBLIO. H Jr •"CaAMTji Care ip. Ukea internally tnd oeta directly on Ttos blood and mucuui aiufacM ot IM system Bead for free. _ , F, J, CHENEY ft CO-, Toledo, O. Sold by all Dro«nrutta. 75c. w|itoii4U' ~ - * -iffaradiy, i'UlB for coaetipa!Soo. <«• Delicate Shade of Meanhifl. A keen retort is credited to the Site Dr, H&ig-Brown, master of Oharter- houae. HI 8 brother-in-law, Dr. Porter, the master of Pefcerhouse, another famous English school, wrote him, inquiring his precise meaning In a certificate that a boy's character was "general- ly" good. "When I eay generally," he replied, "I mean not particularly." Starch, like everything else, la be* tng constantly .improved, the patent Starches put on the market 25 ' years ago are very different and inferior to those of the present day. In the lat est discovery--Defiance Starch--all in jurious chemicals are omitted, while the addition of another ingredient, in vented by us, gives to the Starch a strength and smoothness never ap* proached by other brands. There isn't anything chickenhearted about the game rooster. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dls trees from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearts Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau »*>», Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TOHPID LIVER They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Pennine Must Rear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. CARTERS ITTLE IVER lelp the Horse No article Is more useful •bout the stable than Mica Axle Grease. Put a little on the spindles before you ' 'hook Bp" -it will help the horse, and Mug the load home quicker. MICA AXLE BREASE ttwm better thaa **» other grease. Coats the axle Willi a hard, smooth surface of powdered mica which reduces ltictiou. Ask the dealer for Mica Axle Grease. S«M4#ACOIIPAT I«I«C|H lUI A Charles M. Schwab EX-PRESIDENT U. 8. STEEL CO., AND SEN. JOHN W. DANIEL, of Virginia These are my references. I guarantee a square deal. Offer an investment with 25% profit guar anteed in twelve months, if taken at once. Write immediately, as such opportunities are rare. W. R. WHARTON, Skidoo, California. FIVE MONTHS IN HOSPITAL. Discharged Becauee Doctors Could Net Cure. Can Offer You an investment that should double your awney quickly. For Information address W. H. SILLS P. O. Bm 1246 GOLDFIELD, NEVADA Ofk Mule ifit\J Team BORAX All Dealers. Sample, Booklet and Parlor game "Whii," 10c. Pacific Coast Borax Co., Chicago, 111. Return this with 50 one- cent stamp* and I wiU mail you a Dollar of \Vo!coU'i» Pain -- _ - P a i n t p o w - *iTK"fuirdirections to make Hixty 26-oent bottles. Pain Paint stop** instantly; removes Headache. Toothache Neuralfna, in one minute; cools faster than lc«; tarn* will not blister. A spoonful taken four time* a day kills I>vn*psia. 40 yearn by agents. M. WOUWlT Wsle»U Tark. Ha* Been Taken In With Our $30 AN HOUR MERRY GO ROUNDS We »1m> manufacture Kaxcle Dailies. Strikers, etc. QBBbCHJitiJLr-SPlUJtfAN CO.. iieneral Aiuuaement Outfitters. Dept. M. HURTHTUNUWIKUA, N. T. Lnl P. Broekway, 8. Second All, Anoka., Minn., says: "After lying for five months in a hos pital I was dis charged as Incurable, and given only six months to live. My heart was affected, I b a d s m o t h e r i n g spells, and some times fell uncon scious. I got so I c o u l d n ' t u s e m y arms, my eyesight was impaired and the kidney secre tions were badly disordered. I was completely worn out and discouraged when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, but they went right to the cause of the trouble and did their work well. I have been feeling well ever since," Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Something New in Tablecloths. She had come into the store to buy tablecloths and she stated in the be ginning that she wanted something "new." The salesman was patient and showed her everything In stock, but nothing suited. 4 "Oh, dear!" she exclaimed, fussily, "haven't you anything different?" The clerk brought out one of the discarded tablecloths that he had put back on the shelf, and said with an air of interest: "Here is one of the very newest de signs, madam. You see, the center is in the middle and the border runs right around the edge." "Why, yes! Let me have that one," she said eagerly. A. N. K.--A (1907--43) 2201. Laundry work at home would be much more satisfactory if the right Starch were used. In order to„get the desired stiffness, it is usually neces sary to use so much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric is hidden behind a paste of varying thickness, which not only destroys the appearance, but also affects the wear ing quality of the goods, This trou ble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance Starch, as it can be applied much more thinly because of its greatc er strength than other makes. Not to Be Watted. Ben Cary had near his house a swamp, which was a breeding-place for herds of man-eating mosquitoes. Some enterprising neighbors, who learned of the crude oil treatment, went to Ben and tried to persuade him to exterminate the pests. "Exterminate 'em?" said Ben. "Not much. Not much. Why, Mis' Cary an' I Just paid $32 for screening the side piazzer that she's been pestering me about for years. How we goin' to get any good of It, If we kill off the skeeters?"--Youth's Companion. Sheer white goods, fact, any line *rash goods when new, owe^much of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered, this being done in a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Home laundering would be equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to starching, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient strength to stiffen, without thickening the goods. Try Defiance Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at the Improved appearance of your work. Signs of the Times. In the household department of a farm magazine we find the following communications: "I am willing to exchange a well preserved copy of Browning's poems for some geraniums." "I have a complete edition of Byron, containing all his poems and letters, which I shall be glad to exchange for some watermelon seed." Sailing Days Not Over. ° Just at a time when every one who Is at all interested in the sea and Bhips Is talking over the Lusitania, her size and her record, it seems a curious reminder of old times to catch sight of a new gold sign in the win dows of a skyscraper down at Bowling Green which announces a "sailing service to Australia' and New Zea land." His Job. Bishop Potter was staying with a friend in a country house. On Sunday morning as he passed through the li brary he found a small boy curled up in a big chair deeply interested in a book. "Are you going to church, Tom?" he asked. "No," he replied. "Why, I am," the bishop said. "Huh!" the boy returned, "That's your Job." Give Defiance Starch a fair trial- try it for both hot and cold starching, and if you don't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return it and your, grocer will give yon hack your money. Old Church. The one thousandth anniversary of the founding of St. Peter's church, Chester, England, finds the structure in good condition, portions of it hav ing been rebuilt in 1440 and 1673. Lewis' Single Binder -- the fa mom straight 5c flkugar, always best quality. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Lots of people are poor subjects for a mind reader. esc 5--SOo* S-JACOBS OIL CONQUERS PAIN PM STIFFNCM, SORENESS^ SPRAIFT OH MHJI8K, NOTHING IS BETTER THAT YOU CAN U6EJ UmHtAGO'S RAIN, RHEUMATIC TWINGE, YOUR BACK FEELS LIKE A RUSTY HINGE; SCIATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES SPOIL, FOR HAPP1NES8 OSE ST. JACOBS ON. mSm „ NOR WAY'S BOY CLAIRVOYANT. " > • Traced a Body to a River, Sa/e • London Retort. Anextraordiay ease of dtim^oe by a child has caused considerable interest here, telegraphs our Christian- ia correspondent. About a fortnight ago a man living in the Oesterdal val? ley disappeared suddenly from his home, and all search proved vain. The child, John Floettum, 14 years of age, was sent for eight days after the man's disappearance. The boy walked around the house where the man had lived and got a photograph of him, which he carefully examined. Sitting at a table, with his left hand covering his eyes, he drew some lines on a slip of paper, the lines indicating where the man had walked. The perspiration poured down the boy's face, and he often stopped. When at last tye "saw" a place where the man had sat down under a big tree, he was exhausted and had to give up for the day. People were sent out to search, with the boy's sketch as their guide. The whole population of the district fol lowed, and excitement was high as the crowd followed the course the man had taken, step by step, as indicated by the boy. Night came on before they reached the tree, and the search was adjourned till next day, whea the boy himself led the party. He took them to the tree, and there found the lost man's handkerchief. From the tree the boy went straight to a river, but again he became so exhausted that he had to give up. However, as soon as he came home he said he could plainly "see" where the man was. Early next morning the search party, with the boy, took a boat, which was steered according to the* boy's directions. After a while he suddenly rose and said, "Here he lies." A search was made and the body was found at the bottom of the river on the very spot the boy had pointed out. The boy only three months ago dis covered that he possessed this ex traordinary sense of clairvoyance. During this time he has given many proofs of his strange power. A man went to him and told him that he had lost a gold ring in a field last autumn as he was loading hay on a cart, and the boy soon told the man that the ring could be found among the hay on his farm, pointing out the very place where the ring was immediately found. The boy has achieved other feats equally remarkable. 1 Monfcey. Monkey was the name of a diminu tive slave who was the pet of Andrew Jackson. Monkey was a Jockey and a Judge of horse flesh, and If Old Hickory had any weakness at all it was for horse flesh. Because of him any victories oil the turf, Monkey was permitted many privileges, one of which was to Indulge his firm con viction that the two greatest men on earth in the order of their greatness were Andrew Jackson and Monkey. A man named Brown who was op posed to the Jackson wing of the par ty in Tennessee had the temerity to offer himself for, governor. He re ceived only a handful of votes. A few days after the contest was settled Mr. Brown was in the market at Nash ville. Monkey was also there, with a big basket on his arm. Monkey so carried the basket as to push Mr. Brown off the sidewalk. The irate politician raised his cane and shout ed: "Don't you know who I am? How dare you push me?" The little negro looked up innocently and cried: "Well, if it ain't dat Mars' Brown wat dun made a little 'speriment for guvnor, Jes a little 'speriment." MIX THIS YOURSELF RtCIPE FOR SIMPLE HOMC-MAM KIDNEY CURE. Old Turkish Joke. Among the many anecdotes related of the old Turkish Joker, Nasir-Eddin- Khodja, is the following: Khodja went one evening to the well to draw water, and looking down to the bot tom he saw the moon. Quickly he ran into the house and got a rope with a hook attached to the end of it. This he lowered into the well. The hook caught fast on a stone. Khodja pulled desperately, the hook gave way and there was the joker flat on his back staring up into the sky. "Upon my soul," he exclaimed, per ceiving the moon, "I have had a bad fall, but I have put the moon back in its place." Royalty's Cats. Cats hold as high a place as dogs in the hearts of our society animal lovers. Queen Alexandra owns sev- ersl fine chinchillas and Persian cats. Princess Alexander of Teek and Prince Maurice of Battenberg also possess valuable specimens, but the real cat fancier among the royal fam ily is Princess Victoria of Schleswig- Holstein, and the only royal cattery is the one now established at Cumber land .lodge. This has been arranged on the most up-to-date principles, aud has curtained windows and a front door with a knocker and letter box. The portals are surmounted by a crown and the initials "V. S. H." Giant Boy. Greene county, Pennsylvania, has produced a prodigy in Stanley Wright., Its youngest school teacher, who, for height and avoirdupois it is believed stands without a peer in the state. Young Wright is a product of Richhill township, and though only 17 years of age, stands 6 feet 7 inches in his hose, weighs 265 pounds and is still grow ing. He wears a No. 18 shoe, which he has made to order. Torpedo Boats of the World. An English government report shows that France now has 39 submarine tor pedo boats in service and 50 under construction. England ranks next, with 25 built and 15 under way. The figures for other nations are: Russia, 13 and 15; United StateB, 8 and 4; Italy, 2 and 4; Japan, 5 and 2; Ger many, 1 in course of construction. Flying 3,000 Miles. The most wonderful bird flight noted is the migratory achievement of the Virginia plover, which leaves its haunts in North America and, taking a course down the Atlantic, reaches the coast of Brazil in one unbroken flight of 15 hours, covering a distance of over 3,000 miles at the rate of four miles a minute. Inexpensive Mixture of Harmless Veg etable Ingredients Said to Over, come Kidney and Bladder Trouble Promptly. Here is a simple home-made mix- tare as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily news paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidney trouble if taken be fore the stage of Bright's disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Here is the recipe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known physician is authority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism by forcing the Kid neys to filter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, de composed waste matter, which cause the afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescription. NO STAIN ON HIS RECORD. That's Where the Driver Had the Best of the Preacher. A New York clergyman, who often spends his vacation in fishing the streams of the Adirondacks, was on one trip adopted by a handsome set ter dog, which insisted on following him from camp to camp, as he moved along the stream. v One day he met a party of men working upstream with a native guide. The guide Immediately recognized the dog as his own property. "Trying to steal my setter, are you?" he shouted at the clergyman. "I'll have you to jail for this! There's a law in the woodB just as big as you have in the city." The clergyman endeavored to ex plain that he was an unwilling com panion of the dog, which had refused to be driven away, but to little effect until he added a two-dollar bill to his arguments. •It's queer what strange things hap pen to a man up here," he said to the stage-driver who later carried him away from the woods. "That Is the first time I was ever accused of steal ing & dog." "Yes, sir," replied the driver, sym pathetically, and added, after a mo ment's pause, "For myself, sir, I have never been accused of stealing any thing."--Youth's Companion. The Sinful Human Heart. A clergyman was addressing a youthful class In Sunday sohool. To illustrate the idea of regulating the sinful human heart he took out his watch and held it up that all might see it "See this watch," he said. "Just Imagine that it does not keep good time--that it goes all ways but the right way. What ought I to do with it?" Instantly a little boy held up his hand. "I know!" he shouted . "Sell it to a friend." Saw It Come Out of a Cow. A little city boy and his sister Dorothy were taken to the country for the first time. The two children were happy as the day was long. In the late afternoon they watched the cows come home, heard with delight the tinkling cow bells, and the little boy even went to the barns to Bee the milking done. At supper, just as Dorothy was lift ing her glass to her rosy lips, the boy cried out: "Oh, Dotty, don't! You musn't drink that milk. It's not fit to drink. It came out of a cow; I saw it." Stretching Rings. A jeweler in Third avenue, New York city, advertises "Wedding rings purchased here will be 'Btretched to any size without extra cost," His en terprise is based on a knowledge of human frailty. "The girl often hap pens to balk," he says, "and the fel low gets it in the neck. The ring for that intended may not fit the finger of the next intended; BO I stretch it for nothing. I have stretched rings as many as five times for one man." Why not use rubber rings? OLD SOAKERS Get Saturated with Caffeine. When a person has used coffee for a number of years and gradually de clined in health, it is time the coffee should be left off in orders to see whether or not it has been the cause of the trouble. A lady in Huntsville, Ala., says she used coffee for about 40 years, and for the past 20 years has had severe stomach trouble. "I have been treat ed by many physicians but nil in vain. Everything failed to give relief. Was prostrated for some time, and came near dying. When I recovered suffi ciently to partake of food and drink 1 tried coffee again and it soured on my stomach. "I finally concluded that coffee was the cause of my trouble and stopped usiug it. I tried tea in Its place and then milk, but neither agreed with me; then I commenced using Postum, chad it properly made and it was very pleasing to the taste. "I have now used it four months, and my health is so greatly Impfoved that I can eat almost anything I want and can .sleep well, whereas, before, I suffered for years with insomnia. "I have found" the cause of my trou bles and a way to get-Tid of them. You can depend upon it, I appreciate Postum." "There's a Reason." Read "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. A.Chicago Woman's Observation 'While Visiting in Baltimore. (From Chicago Tribune.) While visiting recently in Balti more, Maryland, 1 discovered some thing which I know will be appreci ated by western women. Baltimore women, you know, have a national reputation for beautiful complexions, and soon after my arrival there I was eager to leam what they used in ar tificial treatment of the skin, and I went to considerable pains to ascer tain. The society women whom I met had no trace of powder or rouge upon their faces, but at the same time had most beautiful, soft, velvety tinted complexions. Well, this Is what I dls- covered -they use no powder or rouge, but a wash which is always prepared at home in the following manner, and is used universally by the most beau tiful women there. It certainly works wonders with even the poorest skin: Obtain at a drug store Rose water, 2 ounces; Bay Rum, 1 ounce; Eppo- tone, 4 ounces. Put the Eppotone In a pint of hot water (not boiling), and after dis solved, strain, and let cool. Then add the rose water and bay rum. , You now have the finest thing for the complexion that money can buy, and enough to last you for months, at very small cost You . will never find it necessary to use face powder, as the wash givefe a most beautiful, soft, velvety tint to the skin. Try it and see. MRS. A. D. Chicago. IN LIFE'S BRIEF SPAN. Experiences, Joys and Sorrows of the Human Existence. The loves and friendships' of Indi viduals partake of the frail character of human life, and are brief and un certain. The experience of a human life may be shortly summed up: A little loving and a good deal of sor rowing; some bright hopes and many bitter disappointments; some gor geous Thursdays when the skies are bright and the heavens blue, when Providence, bending over us in bless ings, glads the heart almost to mad ness; many dismal Fridays, when the SUiokc of tOrUient beclouds the mind and undying sorrows gnaw upon the heart; some high ambitions and many Waterloo defeats, until the heart be comes like a charnel house filled with dead affections, embalmed in holy but sorrowful memories; and then the chord is loosed, the golden bowl is broken, the individual life--a cloud, a vapor, passes away.--Matthew Hale Carpenter. 8 K I N S O R E E I G H T Y E A R S . Spent $300 on Doctors and Remedies but No ReHrf Cuticura Cures in a Week. "Upon the limbs and between the toes my skin was rough and sore, and also sore undA- the arms, and I had to stay at home several times because of this affection. Up to a week or so ago I had tried many other remedies and several doctors, and st>ent about three hundred dollars, without any success, but this Is to-day the seventh day that I have been using the Cuticura Reme dies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so that I can again attend to my business. I went to work again to-night. I had been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cuticura Reme dies within a week. Fritz Ilirschlaff, 24 Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y., March 29 and April 6, 1906." In Indignatidn. "It Is said, doctor, that you treated your landlord for liver trouble and he died of stomach trouble!" "Infamous slander! When I treat a patient for liver trouble he dies from that! Understand?"--Translated fpr Transatlantic Tales from Fliegende Blaetter. That an article may be good as well as cheap, and give entire satisfaction, is proven by the extraordinary, sale of Defiance Starch, each package con taining one-third more Starch than can be had of any other brand for the same money. Wisdom of Solomon. In a dog case at Felixstowe, Eng land, one witness testified that the dog whose loss was being sued for was worth $125, while another swore it was worthless. So the judge award ed $62.60 damages as a fair average. $100 a Month Can be made by any bright man or woman who will act as my representa tive in this township. Here's an un usual opportunity. Write to-day. H. W, Cole, 1149--15th St.,. Washington, D. C. It's easier to run up a bill than It is to run down and settl®. ALLUfiOL j 1-£.K CENT ANfegetaWe Prepare! (onforAs- siraifaiiiif ite Food andR^ife t tng tlte Siomarhs aoiBovdsof Promotes Dtg.estion£lKerfuli ness ar.d Rest.Conla'msceittwi Opiutu.MorpIiLie nor^toaali NOT NARCOTIC. c?/?MDrj»mrnam Jmstfesi JW OtrJird Sl^r * mkhtmxrimr. COTOMk For Infants and CMIdrenu The Kind You Havi Always Bough! Bears the Signature Aperfeci Remedy forOwsBpt-l tion, Sour Stomacii.Biarriraj Worms.CoiiYuisKms .Feverish- j ness and Loss OF SEEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW' YORK. Atb months old Guaranteed Hmfcrthe Foodj Exact Copy of Wrapper. SsB For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAUR COMWNT, NEW ROFM CITY. >\v,. One trial will convince you thai' Sl09ilV<S Liivinveivt will relieve soreness and stiffness quicker and easier than any other preparation sold for that purpose • ; Ir penetrates te the bone, •quickens the blood, drives away fatigue and gives strength and elasticity to the muscles. Thousands use Sloan's Liniment ' 'w > sprains, contracted muscles, stiff joints, cuts, bruises, burns, cramp or colic and insect stings • i J PRICE 254,50*. 6*1.00 Dr.Carl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass.U.SJL^V Revillon Freres, inc. invite trappers, collectors and shippers to send all their raw furs to Revillon. Because we are the largest manufacturers in the world we can afford to pay highest prices lor Pay Highest Prices for Raw Furs all your raw skins. Write to M to ear forecast for the COM- fog season. It wilf make money for you. D o n ' t d e l a y , b u t write to-day. Addresa KEV1LL0N FRERES, be. W West Mtii Street New fork Citj ..&! _ -I W. L. DOUGLAS SS.OO & $3.50 SHOES THESWORLD FCFEG»8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRICES. ***** IC #1/1/1 ( TO *ny on9 mrhocmn JNPOVW W. I. \Dougtam doom not makm « MOM ) MOF A 93.SO MMKM*< fllrnarnH Ithmn any othmr manvrmoturmr* THE RKASON W. L. Douglas shoes arc worn by more people In all walks of life than any other make, 1B because of their excellent stylo, casy-tttting, and superior wearing qualities. The selection of the leathers and other materials foreAch part of the »hoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most coinpleteorganization of sup •rintemients.foremenana • killed shoemakers, who receive the highest wa>^s paid in the shoe industry, and whose workmanship caunot be excelled. If 1 could take you into my large factories at Br.vkton.MaJ8., and show you how carefully W. L. IK>nglas sht»es are made, yon would thon understand why they hold their shape, ttt better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other mate. .00 and SS.OO OUt Edam Shomm cmnnot bm mouattmd at any L iAUTION! The uenuine have W.X. Douglas * " Caution ! The genuine have W.Tj. Douglas name and prioe stump-*! ou No Substitute. Ask your dealer for W. L. If hr cannot supply vou. mum dire-i to iactory. Slioo* geut everywhere by mail Catalog free. WJUDougla*, Brockton, Mat PERIODS OF PAIN MISS ADELAICENICMOLS While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that something is wrong- which should be set right or It will lead to serious derangement of the feminine organism. Thousands of women, have found relief from all periodic suf fering by taking Lj'dia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, which K\^ \ ( i " II 1® made from native roots and herbs, NNfe-A, - I J J as it is the most thorough female l»» S regulator known to medical science. It cures the condition which causes so much discomfort and robe that period of its terrors. Women nvho are troubled with painful or ir regular functions should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and be restored to health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West 22nd ""Street, New York City. writes: Dear Mrs, Fiukham:-"If women who suffer would only rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. I feel greatly indebted for the relief and health which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy."- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases. Headache. General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminiue system. For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydia B. Pi ok ham't Vegetable Compound is excellent. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to 'write Mrs Pinkham, at. Lvnn.Mass. From the symptoms^iven, the trouble JUAT- l>e located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advtseU. FREE To oonvinee :«iy woman th;vt i»u\- #ine Antiseptic v, a improve aer h;ai:h and do all we for it. Wo send her absolutely free a large t box of raatine with bodk of ins tion3 and g -nume testimonials, li your name aud address on a postal o c l e a r . ? * • aitd 1 aid bnrne at PAXTINE feclion.--. *3 u:i"' ; .-.••larrb. p.- t\uarih und .rtaiumu.-., •.-.aseit by tt nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat < mouth, by direct local treatment Its t ativt? power over these troubles is e . ordinary and gives Immediate rti Thousands of vromi u are using and : ommcndijig it every day. 50 orut- d ruggi« s or by rua.il- Kerne nib. r. ho wi - IT COSTS YOl- NOTHIJil! TO TBV TH£ K. FAXIOJi CO.. i*. ffrf We Want You To represent us. If you have nhiluy to sell TH«J B**SI Mioing Htockn »O California AUII' Nevada, we will pay you welt «*ver> <we«k and establish you ou your own W<» only handle reliable "Stocks" Itiat should • protit-maktrs for iuveslor*». \ou cau earuf" bijr. (juick uiorwy- also enviable stttnd-s. in^r. Write us tod&y. with refereuees, control Kevad* "Mautukiuut Oriental, "Mara rill a Mines,** ud "C&I*. flow wSjC CODS." Also buy AWL sell ail listed uiiuiaa: stocks. ;• ALBERT H. BEACH QTK» ; K " Establish*-.! 18S6. Smrtty lUildtnj. loa iwilMl lo*As<eiea-Nevedle Sledk' " PATENTS • urn *. C«!»•••. !"»:•* 1 *5WW* ae>. WuUatfM. l» ft Unit* trim. Iwrawlo*. MitbMMfc 4 . • •