Vite? rSfife^<s S>T>Vj«! f:j,wmmmK Our Taiior-Made Clothes Represent a progressive experience of many years of Tailoring and catering to the wants of well dressed men. THEY MADE GOOD FROM THE START, have held their pop ularity because we have kept everything, from material to workmanship, right up to date. Every season has shown some improvement and this Pall and Winter our Gar- ttients Jiave reached the stage of perfection WHICH PLACES THEM IN THE VERY FRONT RANKS OP AMERICA'S BEST TAILORING. :: :: :: Dependable Garments that come from our model work shops, are the best and safest that can be obtained--an advantage that cannot be over estimated. Besides the cleanliness, excellent quality and tailoring, our Garments have the snap and style about them that appeals at once to the careful dresser, so even at the same prices there would still be im portant reasons why you should buy our splendid Clothes. Besides the advantages named, there is still another very important one: THE PRICE--Our Garments cost you 20 to 25 per cent less than others. There js an old saying that "PARSNIPS CANNOT BE BUTTERED WITH SOFT WORDS" and you cannot build a Coat with language. Newspaper ads and advertising matter of all sorts make them anything, but after two or three weeks' wear they are nothing. Expert ad writers have the "gift of gab," but ad writers do not make the Clothes--that's the reason why people are so often disappointed in their purchases. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW that if you will order your next Suit of us, you will receive a Garment that is guaranteed in every feature. In short, you will get absolutely the best tailoring obtainable at the LOWEST POS SIBLE PRICE. GIVE US YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. ::: John D. Lodtz, McHenry Telephone No. 251. /f TO THE The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing of the home. Furnishing the home as it should be done is no small task and often means a great deal of worry and hard work. We are in the HOME) FUR NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, be only to glad too assist those wishing our as sistance,. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind thati makes the home both comfortable and cheerful. With quality and honest prices as our motto, we invite your inspection of our stock. m ja(ob justen, • Mchenry CENTRALSOUIE SUNDAV EVENINQ, OCT. 37. C P E C I A L ^ C E N E R Y t Harry Shannon --OFFERS-- HIS SELECT COMPANY IN "What Money Will Do" A 4-Act Innovation in the Comedy Drama Field CHOICE M U S I C Harry Shannon --OFFERS-- HIS SELECT COMPANY IN "What Money Will Do" A 4-Act Innovation in the Comedy Drama Field VOU will be a I millionaire in , spirits after VSEEING "WlHt Mmey Will M." Harry Shannon --OFFERS-- HIS SELECT COMPANY IN "What Money Will Do" A 4-Act Innovation in the Comedy Drama Field VOU will be a I millionaire in , spirits after VSEEING "WlHt Mmey Will M." A Great Depiction of Metropolitan n Life VOU will be a I millionaire in , spirits after VSEEING "WlHt Mmey Will M." A Beautiful Story A Tornado of Fun REPORT OF ANNUAL MEET (Continued from Pa^e Que ) TKKASURKR'S REPORT - - 1907. Debits. To bill. Oof 20 '06 $ 100 74 Reed Indie*' life cer.. 15 00 Rent gr iiita prior fair y 50 00 State »[iprnpriMtioQ..... 200 00 Froui rest rooui 8 55 Refund ath appr'u.... 8 47 Butter Bold 5 10 Unused '06 weal tickts. 1 50 Ret express prepaid.... 95 Ret drayage prepaid... 1 00 Cardona for lam used.. 9 25 Frank Brown, hay 80 00 Rental box stall 2 00 Supt. manfr bldg 58 25 Spcl entries, lot 8 80 00 Speed entrance ....... 1215 00 Sn pt, pri v i 1 eges 1360 33 Snb Saturday races 128 00 Ticket sales 4882 25 |74fM 39 Credits. By orders pd to date $7038 10 To bal on band $ 453 29 One dollar a year for The Weekly Int er-Ocean; $1.50 a year for Tbe Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for (ifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Read The Pk)nd««li*r "want" ads. Wrinkles :oine surety to weak womcn,j [who have to frown and en- Idure the torture due to the! diseases peculiar to their sex.l Nfot onlr wrinkles, but hol-j flow, lack-lustre eyes,, sallow] [complexion, gray hair, all of I Jwixicii. tell ox premature old] igc. The prevention of this flies la your own hands.1 Cure the disease that causes] [your suffering, and strength- you* weakened eonsti- [tution, with WINE OF CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF o! which Mrs. Mary Irvin, of Pam- plin City, Va., writes: "I think it I is the test en earth for all suffering women. My doctor did me no Sood. I suffered untold misery I •am head to foot, but the first dose I | of Caxdui gave me relief, and when [ I had taken on© bottle, I fe't like a | I new woman." The above seems to prove that Cardui will relieve i your pain, strengthen your consti- . I tatioo and renew your youth. Try it. j It all Druggists, *L00 E29 NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS Op CORRESPONDENTS Volo SPRING GROVE. Frank Haft' visited relatives in Sunday. Simon Michels of Johnfcbnrgh was in town Thursday. Miss Merle Hollarbnsh is visiting in Chicago this week. Jas. McLean of Hebron visited his family here Sunday. Fred Smith of Johnsbnrgh was in town Friday evening. John Weber and sister of McHenry were in town Monday. Mrs. Will James was a Richmond caller one day last week. Mrs. Wm. Campbell of Solon Mills was visiting in town Saturday Charley Hollarbnsh of Wisconsin is visiting his parents here this week. Quite a number from here attended the dance at Solon Friday evening. Roy1 Rtam'bftrd and Miss Martha Stevens visited at Salem, Wis., Sunday. Mr and Mrs. John Clark of Crystal Lake are visiting at Andrew Hnff's this week. Joe Wagner and Miss Alice Shotliff attended the play in McHenry Snnday evening. A yonng lady arrived at. the home of Mr and Mrs Win. Hoffman last Tues day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orvis and lady friend of Wankegan visited at Sainnel Orvis' Sunday. H< ward Westlake and Miss Edith Price attended the play in McHenry Snnday evening. Earl Campbell sod Mfss Elva Hollar bnsh attended the play in McHenry Sunday evening White City Comedy Co. at the Cen tral Saturday and Sunday evenings, November 2 and 3. Messrs. Math. (iHlbert and Fred Ben nett of Genoa Junction attended the dance here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Oxtoby returned home Wednesday from North Dakota, where they have been visiting telatives. Mesdsuies Joe and Win. Kattner re turned home Thursday from Iowa, where they have been visiting the past two weeks. Miss Hattie Westlake of Solon Mills, Miss Grace Sayles of Fox Lake and Miss Allie Simes of McRenry were in town Satnrday. There will be a box social at the home of James Westlake next Saturday even iug, Oct. 26. for the benefit of the Evan gelical chnrch. Ladies are requested to put their photos in the box. All are invited to attend. Don't worry abont your kidneys when yon can obtain 30 days' treat ment of Pinenles for $1.00. ' These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by N. H. Petesch, druggist. H. Hirsch has opened a wholesale and retail meat market in the John Karls store building, near the railroad tracks. He will at all times do his own billing and have on hand an elegant line of No. I beef.^He has just received a carload of choice new milch cows and close springers, which he will dispose of at private sale. A qniet wedding occurred at the Windsor Clifton hotel in Chicago Wed nesday, Oct. 2, when Will Cowen and Miss Ruth Overton, both of Solon, were joined in wedlock, the Rev. Moore being the officiating clergyman. The follow ing day tbe bride and groom, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Craine, left Chicago in the tatter's automobile for a wedding trip thru southern Illi nois, returning to Solon Satnrday even ing, Oct. 12, in which village they will make their home. The bride is a daugh ter of Mrs. Fannie Overton of Solon, which has always been her home and where she is well and favorably known. She is a yonng lady of a bright, happy disposition, popular with her friends, of whom she has many, and is in every way worthy of the young man who will be her life companion. The groom is engaged in the livery business in Solon, where he has made many friends by his pleasant disposition and courteons man ners. He is a yonng man of worth, good habits and in every way an exem plary young man, and".his numerous friends will wish him abundant happi ness thru all tbe years of his married life. HOIXOMKVILLE. Edward Bauer entered school Monday. W. Zenk was a Chicago caller Mon day. Mrs. J Doherty was a caller in Nnn- da Monday. Miss Hazel Lockwood spent Saturday at T. L Flanders'. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Powers were Nnn- da callers Friday. Miss Anna Powers "visited at Elmer Gorham's Tuesday. Mrt. W. Whiting and daughter. Nor ma. spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas and daugh ter spent Sunday at H. Silver's. Mrs. G. Whiston and grandchildren visited at T. L. Flanders' Satnrday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Flanders and chil dren spent Snnday at L Lockwood's. Ed Johnson and daughter, Minnie, of Wancouda visited at F. Da volt's Sun day. Mrs. F. Powers and Miss Anna Pow ers visited at H. McMillan s one day re cently. Miss Villa Flanders entertained a number of her playmates at her home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kroeger and Mrs, Reck and daughter were guests at Cbas. Tegtmier's several days last week. C Sweet to Eat 4 Cjid v Rowel Uiathf* C Sweet to Eat A Catdy Bowel Luatin. Lax-ets 5 Lax-ets 5 - lOHNSBCRGH. George Scheid drove thru here Fri day. John Mertes is building a nice new house. John Degan and Miss Eva drove thrn here Snnday. Mrs. John Mertes drove to McHenry Monday afternoon. Peter Blake of St. Paul, Minn., visit ed here last Sunday. John Martin of Chicago visited Mrs. George Nell last week. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams recently. t Mrs. Fred Diethorn drove to Spring Grove one day last week. Joe Hnemann has had a new chimney built on his blacksmith shop. John Oeffling and Mike Pitzen of Volo were seen on onr streets Snnday. Joe May. Joe Miller and Del Ba<;ou of Ringwood were Snnday callers here. Anton Diethorn of St. Paul, Minn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs Kresl Diethorn. Miss Anna Kennebeck and gentleman friend of McHenry called here Sunday. The many friends of Mike Schaefer will be pleased to learn that he is able to be on t again. Miss Phoebe Barts and gentleman friend of McHenry made a short call in town Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels and childreu visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller one day last week. Misses Rosa Justen and Eva Miller and gentlemen friends attended the dance at Solon Mills last Friday night. Martin Thelen, Joe Hettermann and John Tronte of Round Lake attended the dance at Smith's hall last Wednes day evening. The marriage of Jacob May and JWies Anna Justen took place at St John's chnrch in this village last Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Nick Steffes find daughter, Car- olyne, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitsen in North Dakota, re turned home Saturday. SMITH-LAY. St. John's Catholic church was the scene of another pretty October wed ding last Wednesday morning, when the marriage of Mathias Lay to Miss Anna Smith was solemnized. The cere mony was performed by Rev. H. Mehr- ing at nine o'clock and was witnessed by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Tbe bride was handsomely gowned in a dress of white silk, while the brides maids were attired in gowns of light blue silk. A wedding reception followed the church ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Smith and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay. Both are popular young people and have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy and successful life journey. A wedding dance was held at Smith's hall in the evening and was well attend ed. Many beautiful and nseful presents were received by the young people dur ing the day. VOltU Wm. Lusk of West Fremont was in town Friday. Mrs. Oliver Hook of Rollins was a Volo caller last Friday. Messrs. Stadtfeld and Raymond were in Iugleside quite recently. Harry Nicholls visited relatives and friends in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter,] Hellen, spent Thursday in Libertyville Mrs. Ambrose Raught and Miss Mary Raught were McHenry callers Saturday. Misses May Weltfh and Louise Hnson of Round Lake were in town Satnrday.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Rosing of Round Lake attended church here Sun day. Messrs. Myer and McDowell of Myer's Corners made a recent business trip to Volo. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and sons of West Fremont were in Volo Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Summers of Hainesvilie and Mrs. Allie Kapple ofGrayslake were recent Volo callers. Mrs. John Hogan and daughter, Mil lie, of Elgin were recent visitors in and around Volo. Ben Rosing and sister, Kate, of Round Lake spent Sunday afternoon with their parents here. Misses Elsie Walton and Annie Ross- deutscher were in Grayslake one after noon last week. Misses Annie Rossdeutscher and Lucy and Bessie Dunnill spent Friday after noon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Win Dillon and son, Arthur, were guests of relatives at Waukegan Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and daugh ter, Clara, of Fremont Center Sunday. Miss Katberine Dowell of West Fre mont was the guest of her consin. Miss Elsie Walton, Satnrday night and Snn day. Mrs Jennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake, and Mrs. Grace Kirwan were guests of friends at Ring- wood last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Gardinier and family of Fort Wayne, Ind , visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. S. N. Gardinier, Monday and Tuesday Mrs. Ellen Schenck of Salt Lake City, Utah, who has been visiting her moth er, Mrs. S. N Gardinier, and other rel atives of Volo,'started Tuesday evening for a visit in Janesville and Chippewa Falls, Wis. Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. Take advantage of onr specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one year. TAKE NOTICE GILBERT'S Store this week, special low pficesare offered in many lines. While they last here are a few items: :: :: :: •• The Elgin Dress Shirt, mostly stiff fronts, some soft, $1.00 quality for , ...75c Boys' and Girls' Combination Suits... 43c Ex heavy double width Flan nelettes, per yd 11 l-ac Cotton Batts, per roll 5c Men's Heavy Fleeced Under wear, per snit 90c One lot Sweaters, sizes from 4 years to «*ize 34 50c, 75c Boys'SnitH $1,2 to $5 Boys' Overcoats. :... $3 to $7 (We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent on each Karinent \. 8 pairs good Ladies' Hose. . asc 3 pairs Canvas Gloves . .25c Cotton Blankets .50c to $2.25 Royal Worcester Corsets, $1 00 qnality for 75c One lot Shoes, sizes 24 to 4, some Patent Colt skin, some Vici kid, but all of extra good quality and have sold fron $3 to $3.50, your choice of lot..$a One lot Girls' Shoes, 8 to 13, some worth $2, choice. ..$1,25 One lot Ladies' Oxfprds, 2^ to 4, some worth $2 50, choice..fl One lot Boys' Patent Colt or Box Calf, sizes H to 5. all $2 26 to $2.50 qnality, choice..$1.95 Lace Curtains, 3+ yds long, 50 inches wi<J* 1.25 to 1.65 Large h'vy white Bed Spreads 95 to 1.75 Fancy Dress Linings, 25c and 35c qnality, choice.. 19c Ladies' and Gents' Vest Sweat" ers, plain or fancy. .3 #9 4.5$ Men's Waterproof Coats $5 TO $5.50 Men's Cravenettes, for fair or stormy weather ....... $10 One lot Men's Cotton Pants, your choice QSc One lot Men's Wool Pants.... $2'!* $4 Sou may have heatd of the famous Hamilton Brown Shoes They are here, and for all ages and at reduced prices. Men's Patent Colt Skin, lace or but ton, the $5 quality for $4 The All American Shoe for Ladies and Gents.-.$!2.25«>$4: mm REMEMBER! pif A SPECIAL DIS- C O U N T o n all SWEATERS dur ing THIS SALE. (lert Bros. Dept. Store, Telephone, 271. HcHenry, III. Frankflasquelet I keep in stock all the standard Patent Medicines and Druggists' Sundries. We have a large and well selected stock of Sponges, Chamois Skins, Trusses, Supporters and Shoujder Braces, Package Dyes, Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Cologne, Bay Rum, Florida Water and Extracts for the Hand kerchief. Our stock comprises all of the popular odors. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ;; :: :: Toilet and Fancy Goods Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps, Pace Powders, Infant Powders, Tooth Powders, Satchet Powders, Toilet Cases, Dressing and Fine Combs, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Flesh Brushes, Dust Brushes, Artists' Brushes, Marking Brushes, Camels' Hair Pencils. Also handle Window Glass of all sizes. Call and see us. Your patronage is always appreciated and 110 matter how small your purchases, you may rest assured it will be our con stant aim to sell you the best goods that can be ob tained at reasonable prices. Living, as we do, just over our store we can attend to your wants at all hours, day or night. :: :: :! McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ^ - -- -- : 1 -- ; P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL AHfENTION GIVKN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on tbe street Tags and prioe lists fnrniahed 08 application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A 3, Polton St Wholesale Market. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry. Illinois IN CHICAGO DVRING WINTER For the treatment of curable I'll runic Diseases t nervous afflic tions, diseases of stomach, bowels and liver, rheumatism, goat, obes ity. catarrh, anemia, general d$ bility, etc. Only Natural Meth ods Employed. Dr. an Street Prop. 100 State Street. Suite MOO. CHICAUO, ILL. • * ^