rnrn̂ M '•inWfr' <T\ %>&'.% 7; NEW MILEAGE BOOK, IProfessional, Society V and Bvrslnesss Cards D A V I I > U . W E L L S , M , D . pHYSlOi AN, SURGEON AND OCULIST *• Office and residence corner El in Mad streets, Me Henry. Telephone No* 811 FEGER8 & FEGGR8 f^BYSfCIANH AND SURGEONS, McHenry * 111. office at Residence, corner Oo art Nad Elni b tree is. Telephone 338. D. X. SMILEY A ffcoRNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois **• All business Intrusted to his ein wll) be pN|Mrl| and promptly attended to. PARKER 8. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701,7<B Beetor building, 128 Mon *•* roe street, Chicago. Telephone Centra 4581. " DR, R. G. CHAMBERLIN DKNTIST. OMImaad Residence over II. J. Walsh's Star*: R,y., Hours: 8:©o to 5:30. • Wadet Mcoamr. Ufa '• , . , . . . . .jij. .. .• . TttoplMM Ne. *93 SIMON STOFFEL f ; , I n s u r a n o e A g e n t f o r a l l c l a s s e s o f ; ijwopertyin the beat Crimpa&ies. , Wwt McHhut, lllinala John J. Vycital DEALER IN General Hardware 'Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Then tell him about Ayer's I Cherry Pectoral. Tell him i lies # it cured your hard cough. _ 1 Tell him why you always keep I h In the house. Tell him to asl his doctor about it. Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. The best kind of a testimonial-- " Sold for over sixty years." A Alio manufacturers of * SARSAPARILU. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. yers We tax e no seereta 1 W» publish the formulas of all our medicines. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec- v orating. Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No.254. McHenry. - - - Illinois K I L L t h e C O U G H AND CURE THE LUNCS w,tm Dr. King's Now Discovery fORCSSSf8 *sS2ft. ARB ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES , GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MOHEY REFUNDED. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime wllf luasien recovery. Cently laxative. rue Mclieary Piiiileaier PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Building,. Telephone, No. 97t. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION* One year.... : S1.60 dlx months, 75eta. Three months. Mots. * Thursday, November 14, 1907. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. (toms Clipped from The Plaindealer ot November 15, 1888. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes an<1 sires. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz ers S«i*sli6d in different styles. Price, 13 .00 auci upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views r buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. En!&rg»m«rti!< Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. frame s A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up #n» ftwn • v»* ytvvuiv, wuav*uvusv, v«., Waukegan St,, near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Tala»KoiM, 499 CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of freeh and salt MEATS and Sausages We alee handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. WEST SIDE A fine new fence adorns the premises to be occupied by Thos. Walsh. £. Lawlns is bnsy repairing and put ting in shape the building recently oc cupied by The Plaindealer, and will move his goods in early next week. Breyer's comedy company has been playing to full houses at the Kiyerside hall every night this week, and in every instance has given unbounded satis faction. Mrs. Hill is the name of a new milli ner who has leased the store one door • '.rest of Fitzsimmons & Evanson's, near ttie depot, and put in a foil line of mil linery goods. We learn that L. Bonslett has pur chased tbe corner lot just west of the Parker House and will bnild a fine new brick store there in the spring. Thus it will be seen that our town is slowly but surely improving. The Plaindealer office has been re moved to the rooms in Bishop's block, opposite Perry & Martin's store, up stairs, where onr friends can hereafter find ns, and we invite them to call and see us in our new quarters. Joe. M. Frennd has leased tbe meat market of Joe. Frett in this village, for one year, and will be fonnd there here after, with a supply of meats of all kinds. Frett was obliged to change his line of business because of poor health. Mise Clara B. Owen starts for New York this week, where she intends op ening a studio. While her many friends in this section regret her departure, all are glau to know that as an artist she is fast gaining that prominence that in a short time will put her in the front rank of the best in the world. Why not get in line? Yee, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cento, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. Preparations for the bazaar to be giv en at Woodman hall during the after noon and evening of Thursday, Dec. 5, are now in progress. Aprons, all kinds of fancy work, etc., will be on sale, and a general good time is promised. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter-Ocean for one year. isjjthe place to leave your order * FOR Oysters ana fish Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S E. F, Matthews, West McHenry, 111. Weakness Women cannot possibly be strong, while suffering from any of the diseases peculiar to their sex. Even if you do not feel weak, the weakness of your system Is there, and St a const and anger. P ut strength into your frame with * CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF It gives you strength, where you most need it. It relieves pain* It regulates unnatural irregularities. It has been found s snort successful cure for to Try it I* MeJPat K« (Jm th« Rlrat of •a* Mm» Mala, - December mileage books will be put in by the lines of the Western Passenger association, on a decision remhed at n meeting held in Chicago. There will fee two kinds, cme for 1000 miles and the other for 20&0, for $20 and $40, respec tively. ' While the books will be on a STcent basis, tfi6rf~65e 'will be eoAr«tttenf~Tor the public from the fact that they will be good for bearer. This means that a commercial bouse, for instance, can pur chase a number of the book* and that they can be uf-ed at any time by any body they are handed out to. It will also permit the bearer of the book to !><*y for the fare of his family or friend by simply handing over the book to the conductor and telling who are in the party. The new method will make identifica tion unnecessary nnd nave the bother incident to the former plan. The old books, which went practically ont of existence when the 2-cent rate in the different states in the territory went into effect, could only be used by those who purchased them and had, their names attached The 1000 utile books will be good only on the lines from which they are pur chased, while the 2000 mile book will be interchangeable on all lines in the Western Passenger association--which means Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and other nearby states. The latter fea tare is a departure from the old plan, for all mileage books were not inter changeable among the lines in the asso ciation. Auction. Having decided to dissolve partner ship we, the undersigned, will sell at public auction on the James Larkin farm, one mile southwest of Ingleside and J mile north of Big Hollow school house, on the Fox Lake and McHenry road, the following described property, on Tuesday, Nov. 10: Twenty five head of cattle--15 cows, consisting of 6 new milkers, 9 springers; 7 heifers coming 2 years old; 1 heifer coming one year; 1 bull coming 3 years; 1 bull coming 1 year; 15 tons timothy hay in barn; 200 bn. oats; 100shocks corn cut with binder; 20 milk cans. Terms of sale: Sums of $10 and under, cash; over $10 a credit of 6 months on good bankable note bear ing 6 per cent interest per annum. No goods to be removed until settled for. Sale commences at 1 p. m. sharp. Larkin Bros , Proprietors. Walter White, Auctioneer. A Hard Debt to Pay. "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off,"writee G.-8. Clark, of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue from death by Dr. King's New Discovery. Both longs were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry hacking cough quit before the first bottle was UBed, and two more bottles made a complete cure." Nothing has ever equaled New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lnng complaints. Guaranteed by N. H. Pe tesch, Frank Masquelet, McHenry, Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. women* At ailDruggists E32 " .. V . . At the Central. One hundred-and fifty laughs in one hundred and fifty minutes is guaranteed to all who go and see Geo, H. Adams in Saville's Hutnpty Dumpty production at the Central thwater next Sunday, Nov. 17. He is a man who has made millions langh. He is recognized all over the world as the "king of fun mak ers. " He is surrounded by a talented chorus of handsome girls, all beautiful ly costumed. They will introduce all the latest song hits and dancing, a spe cial feature being an original "Buster Brown" chorns introducing the .funny "Buster Dog," etc. Magnificent special scenery carried by this company en hances the beauty of this phenomenal production. The entire performance is liberally salted and peppered with high- grade vaudeville acts which keep the interest warm from start to finish. Ev ery feature is strictly up to date and calculated to please old and young, men, women and children, of every nationality. ThankHffiving Dance. Plane for the Thanksgiving dance to take place at Stoffel's hall on Wednes day evening, November 27, are now under way, and from present indications the event promises to surpass any holi day dance ever held in the hall. The music will be famished by Metgger's full orchestra of Woodstock, and Mr. Metzger promises to bring the best that Woodstock can produce. The floor committee will be as follows: West McHenry, W. C. Evanson; McHenry, Chas. J. Heimer; Emerald Park, Ed Sutton; Ringwood, Clarence Tuttle; Solon, K. S. Krane; Richmond, Lou Burton; Woodstock, J. E. Harding; Ge noa Junction, Frank Bennett; Waucon- da, Will Geary. Supper will Le fur nished in the basement dining room at 50 cents a plate. Dance tickets $1.00 Horseeand baggage cared for free of charge. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all. ' We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with onr own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. If yon are contemplating an auction •ale this fail F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Freund at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. The Weekly Inter Oceaur -iand this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. R1UUA.F1BX.14. T. Bennett was in Woodstock Friday ,.«J. Miller was in Chicago Saturday, p. O. Kline was in Chicago Saturday. J. C. Button was in Woodstock Fri- day. .. .. Miss Ltoaie Furney went to Chicago Friday. . • Mrs. Monroe waa a Woodstock Visitor Friday. , Mrs Shephard was m Woodstock over Sunday. • _ Miss Florence Monroe spent Sonda; at home. .< Mrs. Weyland wi«* ^ Woodstock Tuesday. v Mrs. Lew Johnson was In Woodstock Thursday. -- Mrs. Wilbur Levy returned to-Chica- go Tuesday. E. L. Kimball was a Woodstock call er Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bartz were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mrs. Lucas and children are visiting relatives at Elgin. Mrs. Geo. Irish was^ calling on Dundee friends Thursday. ' --------t-W- ^ John Oakroot of Chicago was calling on friends Tuesday. * v Mrs. R. L. Do field was a Nunda call- er one day last week. ; Mrs. J. B Lynch waa in Harvard aAd Janesville Wednesday. Win. Bennett of Woodstock visited his parents here Sunday. Mrs. Malrenberg of Nunda visited friends here over Sunday. : ' Mrs. Jackman of Woodstock la visit ing her father, W. H. Monroe." Grandma French visited friends at Rockford a few days last week. Mrs. Jaynes and three cnildren spent Saturday with her sister at Nnnda. A. Murphy of Woodstock shipped a carload of stock-from here Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Dickey are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter. Arthur Skinner was shaking hands with friends in- Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Ericson is on the sick list. Her mother from Woodstock is caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and AnguBt Wille visited Mrs. E. Senne at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. John Dufield and Mrs. Manny qf Woodstock visited at R. L. Dufield's recently. Mrs. Stephenson and daughters, Ar- line and Edna, were McHenry visitors Saturday. Miss Lnra Davis of Austin has been visiting her grandfather and ahnt for a few days. Miss Johnson of Woodstock called 011 her sister, Mrs. Hanson, on last week Thursday. Mrs. T. Smith and daughter, Mrs. Jordie, of Iowa were calling on friends here recently. Rev. Cameron of Chicago, a student of McCormick seminary, took Rev. Mr Dickey's place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Irish and baby of Harvard spent Snnday at the home of the former's father, Geo. Irish, here. Mrs. S. Wakefield has been spending a few days with her1 son, A. Keeler, at Barrington, returning the laat of the week. Mrs. Eva Lynch and children. Miss Lola and Ray, and granddaughter, Eva Merchant, were Chicago shoppers Sat urday. SCHOOL NOTES. Come and see onr work. Our pictnres will be here soon. A. K. Carmichel called Wednesday. Our penmanship class is doing some good work. Mrs. Lynch and Miss Lolo Lynch visited Bchool Thursday. The fourth grade geography class is building a bamboo house. Mr. Kimball and Miss Johnson are very painstaking in their work and all visitors are fully repaid for the time spent in visiting their rooms. PRACTICE 100 fXUMlM fitife Time leetfed to Attend PMieits it tW Office--Cblcd^o Patients " Trinsfefred to 1 Prof. F. A. Leach, Elgin's magnetic nerve and stomach specialist, finds his time too limited to give proper attention to the Chicago office, and for this reason has transferred his Chicago patients to tbe Elgin offices, three additional treat ing rooms in the Spurling rooms having been engaged. Calls will be made in any part of the state, nights or Sundays, but only In cases where the patients are unable to come to Elgin for treatment EPS®genaent« can be made by phone or letter. Many times. Prof. Leach has made calls at a distance on patients who have lain in bed for months, and after one or two calls the patients havp been able to come to Elgin for additional treatments Thousands of permanent cures have been made. several days a McHenry voi.au Miss Edith Nicholls is attending school at McHenry. Miss Elsie Smith spent last week in Chicago. Mrs. George Ruson was visitor Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lola Avery and Miss Elsie Smith were in Nunda Saturday. Miss Kate Frost of Chicago is visiting her parents here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls are en tertaining Jack Walton of Chicago, Albert Frett of Chicago is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mat Miller this week. Mesdames Wm. Dillon and John Wal ton were Grayslake visitors Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Howard of Grant was a guest at the Raymond home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rosing and Miss Kate Rosing of Roqud Lake attended church here Sunday. Miss Emily Dowell of Wankegan and Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fre mont were in Yolo Sunday, Mrs. Earl Townsend of Round Lake was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanson, Sunday. Mrs. Frank Wickwire and children of Oak Hill, 111., visited at the home of the former's brother, Jas. Kirwan, last week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf have moved their household goods to McHen ry, where Mr. Znelsdorf has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Hironitnus entertained about forty of their friends at a pro gressive euchre party last Tuesday even ing All present report an enjoyable time. Miss Mary Raught entertained a num ber of her girl friends at an Old Maids' Thimble party last Saturday afternoon. Those present were: Miss Olive Ben- well of Chicago; Misses Laura Granger, Ella Moore, Hellen Raymond, Naomi and Celia Vasey. Everyone present re ports "more fnn than a circus." Notice! To insnre publication In The Plain- dealer copy mnst be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular to this effect. -M, h JSuiW4!'/ £: flo yon receive prompt and Courteous at- •* tention? Is just exactly what you desire# forthcoming without argument as to some thing "just as good" i* Are your packages. ^ neatly wrapped and aire you insured satis- f faction--money back if you are not satis-:iS'2^ fled? Such are our methods. A per-*"- son trading here is entitled to best at tention we can give. We feel that his or ^ . Iter intefest should be placed before our":' A ^ Own. We believe that our splendid busi-i ; .;t iness is the result of such methods and we|^'^ ever study to improve our service that! " !®^®tomers may find increased pleasure andfrL,, satisfaction in trading with us. WE' WOULD LIKE;YOUR DRUG TRAJ)F, N. H. Petesch, Druggist, McHenry, III. -- 'Phone 274. vs fr Prof. Leach is a gifted healer. He did not learn the art of healing from book study. Siuce childhood he has had the power to cure disease. Many who call themselves magnetic" healers have learned a simple system of mas sage. Anybody can massage and rub and use hypnotism, but it remains fof- A gifted person to name your ailment, tell you the cause, and then by the laying on of the hands cure your disease. Prof- Leach never fails on stomach, nerve and female trouble, gallstones and appendicitis. He will not tnke cases he cannot help or cure. This can be easily proven, as he diaguoses free of charge. Diagnosis is made by touch of the hand. If he cannot help you he will tell you so, and will advise you what to do and it won't cost you anything. If you will send your name and address to permaoent offices, room 2, Spnrling Building, Elgin, 111., he will mail you, free of charge, a booklet ex plaining his method of treating and testimonials of some of bis most remark able cures If you do not find test! monials sufficiently convincing he will send you names of reliable persons cured of tbe same ailment as yours, and you are welcome to correspond with them and see what he has done for them. EMKRALD PARK. E. Comisky is spending this week in Chicago. Miss Katie Knox epdot Saturday in Chicago. H. Bending of Chicago was at his cot tage this week. Rev. P. Bourke visited friends in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. D. W. Hill and Mr. At wood of Chica go spent Sunday at the Park. Miss J. Dalton of Chicago<is the gnest of J. Gibbs and family this week. Wm. Kinns and family have moved from the Aylward farm to Howell's Vil la. Louis Comisky of Chicago spent last week with his nncle, JB Comisky, and family. ( ' Messrs C. W, and B. Berkircher re turned Saturday after spending a week at Crestaline, Ohio. Ray Conway was surprised by a num ber of his friends last Saturday even ing. He was not long, howererv in re covering from the shock, a"nd be enter tained his company right royally. Mrs. Wm. Robinson returned to Chi cago Sunday evening after spending a week at the Berkircher home. She was accompanied by H. Berkircher, who will speud some time in that place. Think of what it means! $1.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for one year. It's a special deal. Boy Your (iroccries Rip Buy for Cash and you will be buying them right. I sell for Cash *t Cash Prices. Re-cleaned Currants, per pound 13c New Seedless Raisins, per pound 13c New Hallowi Dates, per pound10c F a n c y Imported Layer Pigs, per lb. ... 15c Coffee, 3 pound can, best Blend... ^. 98c Fancy Egg Plums in heavy Syrup..., 19c Wisconsin June Peas, per can 13c Fancy Green Gage Plums in Syrup.... 19c Fancy Red Alaska Salmon, per can.... 17c Spencer's fresh Graham Flour, per sack3oc Red Dragon Tea, per pound 45c Pure ground Pepper, per £-lb. can. Columbia Apple Buttery per pint jar.. .aoc Columbia Apple Butter, per quart jar. .35c Johnson's, Wisdom or Lighthouse Wash ing Powder, regular 5c, per pkg 4c JOHN STOFFEL. a Tel. Main 1714. W H Y do people of Mi llenry. Lake an other couuti irop lu at i.ambert Q. Seng's M Fifth Ave' CHICAOOr Because tt Is so home like. "SI The Stove Q\iestion Is solved here to the highest degree of Satis faction. A fine line to select from at honest price*, n? F. L. McOMBER. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. FALL WINDS nake it necessary to dress warmer. Our line of Underwear and all warm goods is very complete. Men's heavy tieeced Umicrwear, good quality.. ..50c Men's heavy wool Underwear, good quality $1.00 Men's heavy wool Und'w'r, best grades $1.25 to$1 75 Ladies' cotton fleeced Underwea> .. ..... ,25c to 50c Ladies' cotton fleeced Union Suits 50c Ladies' wool Union Suits .11.00 to $2.25 Children's cotton and wool Underwear, ,35c to $1.35 Extra heavy 12-4 cotton Blankets $1.50 to $2.50 Smaller sizes from 50c up Good quality iTlanuelette, 28 inch wide at 10c Extr quality Flannelette, 82 to 8t> in. wide. 12$ to 18c Our line of Dress Goods is complete in all staple and novelty weaves 30c to $1,50 yd We have a fine line of Ladies' Cravenette Coats all new models, for .$5.00, $7.00, $10 00 and $12.00 Men's Cravenette Coats, the celebrated Priestly and Kenreign brand* from $9.00 np Mittens, Gloves, Caps. Duck Coats, Etc. Bail band Felts and Rubbers. Try onr Chase & Sanborn or McLaughlin Coffees. Goods delivered. 'Phone 368. J ••ter.-zzte ft r :>Jf- c. * ' -V .v/VS jgHUi