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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1907, p. 5

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O THE D OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS wm in town town Represent a progressive experience of many years of Tailoring and catering to the wants of well dressed men. THEY MADE GOOD PROM THE START, have held their pop­ ularity because we have kept everything, from material to workmanship, right up to date. Every season has shown some improvement and this Fall and Wintei our Gar­ ments have reached the stage of perfection WHICH PLACES THEM IN THE VERY FRONT RA*FKSPF*A^EFTICA,S BEST TAILORING. :: :: ;; . :: :: ;; :: :: Dependable Garments that corjje from our model work shops, are the best and safest that can be obtained--an advantage thatcannot be over^ estimated. Besides the cleanliness, excellent quality and tailoring, our Garments have the snap and style about them that appeals at once to the careful dresser, so even at the same prices there would still be im­ portant reasons why you should buy our splendid Clothes. Besides the advantages named, there is still another very important one: THE PRICE Our Garments cost you 20 to 25 per cent less than others. :: There is an old saying that "PARSNIPS CANNOT BE BUTTERED WITH SOFT WORDS" and you cannot build a Coat with language. Newspaper ads and advertising matter of all sorts make them anything, but after two or three weeks' wear they are nothing. Expert ad writers have the "gift of gab," but ad writers do not make the Clothes--that's the reason why people are so often disappointed in their purchases. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW that if you will order your next Suit of us, you will receive a Garment that is guaranteed in every feature. In short, you will get absolutely the best tailoring obtainable at the LOWEST POS­ SIBLE PRICE. GIVE US YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. :: :: ::: I John D. Lodtz, McHenry Telephone No. 251. it TO THE Newly Harried Ones! The first question that confronts the newly wedded ones is the furnishing of the home. Furnishing the home as it should be done is no small task and often means a great deal of worry and hard work. We are in the HOME FtJR- NISHING BUSINESS and will, at any time, be only to glad too assist those wishing our as­ sistance. Our line of Furniture comprises the kind that makes the home both comfortable and cheerful. With quality and honest prices as our -ttotto, we invite your inspection of. our stock. JACOB MEN, • MfflRY Chicago & North-W oSSSL 7.00 a m.. 9.00 a m. 3.26 p m.. 3.4ft p m. 4.57pm. 8.45 a m. Effective November 10, 1907. Will DAT TRAINS. McHenry 7.20 8.17 :.vVavMlia Via Des Plsinea. .. . Via Elirln. .. .Via Dee PI allies. BUND AT TRAINS. Via Elgin. . . .Via Deti Plalnes.. -- Via Elgin IIU DAY BOOTHBOUND. mX?, ...10.17a iij ...10.17 a in ...5.04 pm : ySSK ...11.14 am ... 11.14 a no . . 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. am Via Elgin 9.55 a m am Via Des Plalnes 0.M a m l> m Via Des 1'I allies . .4J50 p on P m Via Elgin 7.10 p m 7.20 a m. 5.00 p m 5.00 pm. ::::::: viaVDe9p!aiS«.: Via Elgin 6 30 p 111 .7.50 pin Want Column.' Bank of McHenry This Bank receive®, deposits, buys Mid sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a ««tRAL BAXKUM BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. -- , INSURANCE la First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Tours Respectfully / & Owen, Notary Public. * Bankers. HAVE you placed your order for yournew winter har­ ness? If not, let us figure with you. We are turning out some of the finest work ever seen i n Mc­ Henry and want to do your wok. New harnesses are being b e i n g t u r n e d o u t here right along and our customers are pleased. Come i n and let us give you our prices. :: .:: «n rtfr, irth, 111 III* S. CkoVori Alt adv-rtijieinents inserted under liiiu iienu at the following rated: FIvb llutn or leiui, <6 cunts tor OrM nta (or each aubseq line (or ttrat luxartiou, a line (or * -- SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. F°H SJii-TiT"10 jraddrea« FEr further lnfor W. Howe. Mc- 17 tf XX7 ANTEK--Men to out about !800 cords of *v wood. Is all hard wood and easy out ting TV 111 pay $1.50 per cord. O. E. JECKS, at li. H. RicLardson farm. West McHenry Phone 573. IS-tf -A foui roll pOR SALE 1 liusker. nearly new Will be able. Inquire of E. P. FUANDKKB, Henry. reason 98t Mc pOR SALE CHEAP-Good Round Oak heat ng store, wood and coal, with twogrates and 1 joint-pipe, all lu good repair. Apply to BKAI.. West McHenry, III. -- " E. H. i est McHenry, I 17-tf PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by Company, Woodstock, lllfnols.] McHenry County Abstract lu REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Stephen H Freund & w to Carl Strueh, 2.62 a lu ne^iswH sec 24 McHenry, r 8. $982.00 Albert L. Howe & w to Arthur L. suler. It 53 Orchard Beach Bra- McHENitY, ILLINOIS. 280.00 MAKKJAOE LICENSES. Walter Year he, 18 Marengo Rosa Behnfee, 20 Marengo Lee Miner, 21 Woodstock Mae Shepberdson, 19 .'.Woodstock Otto Schmidt, 38 Woodstock Anna Meyer, 88 Indianapolis, Ind. Humplj Dnmptjr. Next Snuday, Nov. 17, the greatest of all pantomime plays, Humpty Dumpty, by the original Saville company, of metropolitan entertainers, beaded by the peerlesspautomi me clown, Geo. H. Adams, famous as the greatest langh provoker in the world, will be at the Central opera honse, affording oar amusement lovers an opportunity of witnessing a wonderfully clever and original production of the above grand old play by a company of artists who can fill the bill. Beantifnl scenery, Parisian gowns that cost money, a cho­ rus of handsome girls that can sing and dance, full of mischief but not foolish. Up-to date song novelties that never mis*) half a dozen encores. Among them is oar origins! "Bneter Brown" etu>rns, the "Dog" is fci it, too. Every feature swell and high class. If you miss it you will be sorry. Jacob Pi Miller was a caller her# FPU day. Mrs. day Mrs, Sunday. Mr Kuittle of Chicago Was in Monday. WIII. Blake and lady friend here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kline moved Ingleside Tuesday. Rev. H M. M eh ring was ft visitor Wednesday. J. C. Debrecht was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. Kingsley of Pistalree Bay made a short call here Mondav- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller visited at Geo. Rothermel's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John and family visited at Pistakee Bay Snuday. The telephone men of Spring Grove are working in town this week. Mat Thefen and Fred Bishop of Mc­ Henry drove thru h^re Tuesday. John Huff and Peter Scbmifctare busy hauling coal for the new factory Misses Rosa Justen and Tina Pint of McHenry were seen on our streets here Sunday. Mat Weber of Volo spent one day re cently with Mr and Mrs Mathias Lay and family Mr. ami Mrs John Pit*en and family of Volo visited at Mr. and Mrs. Win, Oeffling's Snuday. i Mes-rs Math, Hnbert and Mike Freund and their families visited with Mrw. Susan Frennd Sunday. Make preparations to attend Thanksgiving at StoflM's hall Weiiiifwiny evening, Nov 27, Jacob R .1 listen had the misfortune to fall and break his leg last he is doing nicely at this writing. While Hhredding corn at Jos. Fremiti's last Saturday Henry Schaefer had the misfortune to get his arm caught in the rolls, sustaining injuries that fated rhe amputation of the hand and a part of the arm. Drs. Fegers & Ferers performed the operation. He Fought at Gettysburg- _ David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes trie Bitters have done me more good than any medicine 1 ever took. For several years I had stomach trouble and paid out much money to little purpose, until 1 begun taking Electric Bitters, would notpake $600 for what they have dono for mo." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great alter ative and body builder: best of all for lame back and weak, kidneys. Guaran teed by N. H. Petesch, Frank let, McHenry, Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. 50e. TERRACOTTA. Gordon Flanders of Kansas is visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. L Lock wood entertain? ed company Sunday. Mrs. W. Hatch well of Costal spent Monday at Chas. Buck's. Miss Frances Welch of McHenry Sunday evening at J. M. Phalin's Mr. and Mrs. O. Peck of Woodstock spent Sunday at Henry McMillan's. Mr E. B Perkins of McHenry is painting and papering at A. T. McMil Ian 'a Mrs. Frank McMillan and Mrs. G. Peck and daughter were Holcombville callerg Saturday evening An elegant supper will be served at the Thanksgiving dance at Stoffel's ball on Wednesday evening, Nov. 27. On last Sunday, November 10, a party of young people gathered at the home of Miss Florence Knox, the occasion, be ing in honor of her 12th birthday anni versary. Miss Knox was wholly on aware of the event, but was not long in recovering from the shock of the sur prise and making her guests welcome. Dinner, which consisted of all the del icscies of the seas >n, was served, and was followed by games, siuging and music until the hour for departure ar rived. The guests expressed themselves as having had a most enjoyable time. Many gifts were left as tokens of re­ membrance. Those present were: Miss­ es Frances Welch. Eleanor Phalin, Ag nes Conway, Marion Conway, Vera Doherty, Edna Phalin, Eleanor Conway, Mary Conway, Mary Burke, Frances Knox and Florence Knox. BOLCONBVILLK. W. Harrison spent Tuesday in Chica go. Miss Lulu Colby called at W. Gil­ bert's Thursday. F. Powers was a business visitor in Chi<«go Monday. ? Miss Vera Doherty spent Sunday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Mr. and Mrs. 1$ Tegtmier visited at H. Walters' Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Hollarbush of Spring Grove spent Sunday at B. Silver's. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and chil­ dren were Sunday visitors at Geo. Whis- ton's. Miss Bridiret Doherty of McHenry called on relatives in this vicinity Sat­ urday. Geo. Zenk and daughter, Esther, of Ridgefield were callers at W Zenk'slast Friday. Mrs. White of Grayslake is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Powers, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilbert went to Chicago Monday. Mrs. Gilbert will re­ main for a week visiting relatives and friends. ' ' Remember every penny tured Inton this office between now and Jan. 1 en­ titles you to one vote. Help your favor­ ite along by snbscribiug for The Plain- e.ilrr, a paper that contains all the news all the time. You cannot keep posted on local doings unless yon join The PlaindeaKr family. SPRING GROTK. Martin Schmitt visited at Jobnaturgh Sunday. Francis James of Hebron was ia town Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. James was at Richmond Saturday. George Hollarbush visited at McHen ry Sunday. Frank Schumacher started with his peddling wagon Tuesday. Ray Thomas of McHenry visited at Jake Hollarbush's Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr visited at Wauconda the first part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hollarbush were visiting at McHenry Saturday and Sun­ day. Mrs. James Foulke and sister, Miss Price, were shopping in the city Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nimsgern and children were visiting at McHenry Sun day. Stoffel's hail West McHenry, Wednesday eveuing, Nov. 27. • Mr. and Mrs Harvey Wilson and son, James, of Richmond were visiting at ft. A, Oxtoby's Sunday. Mrs. Sarah WiMon And daughter Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, were visiting »t Trevor, Wis., Saturday. , The harvest home exercises were w attended aud ail eujoyed them very mnch. The neat sum of |&5.00 w realized. A small party of young people gath­ ered at the home of ,T. B. Richardson Saturday evening in honor of Miss Ells. All reported a most enjoyable time, but while on the way home Ray Moss had the misfortuue to have his bnggy tip over, aud M\ss Hel» n Mots, who was in the rig, suffered a broken collar bone. She is getting aloug as well as can be C«)<U mid Croup In Children. "My little girl is subject to colds,' says Mrs. W»u. H. Serig, No. 41, Fifth street, Wheeling, W.Va. "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but I cured her with Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy without the aid of ft doctor, and my little boy has bet prevented many times from having the croup by the timely use of this syrup. As soon as he shows any signs of croup I give him Chauilierlain's Cough Rem­ edy for three or four days which pre­ vents the attack." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. RING WOOD. Thanksgiving dance at StoffeVs ball on Wednesday evening, Nov. 37. The Ladies' Aid society of the Ring- wood M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Clarence Tut tie next Thursday after- Supper will be served. SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of the •landings of the pupils of the grauimi and .98.8 room for October: For September. Grade VII VIII. Karl Bradley Jennie Beatty Mary Bell Grade VI. Leo Adams Leon Dodge Harry Stephenson Grade V VI. Margaret Fay .. . Gertrude Fay VO.O Viola Beatty .• 86.7 Ethel Harrison 84.6 Grade V. Francis Adams 87 7 Gdmund Randall 84 Frank May 83. The following are the names of the pnpils who were neither absent tardy during the month of September Arthur Peet, Karl Bradley, Mary Bell, Jennie Beatty, Harry Stephenson, Leon idge, Willie Lawrence, Elsie Smith, Ethel Harrison, Ethel Watson, Viola Beatty, Loonie Smith, Gertrude Fay Margaret Fay, John May, Frank May Francis Adams. For October. Grade VII VIII Karl Bradley 87 4 Jennie Beatty 86 2 Mary Bell 86 Grade VI Leon Dodge 91 Lora Smith 88.5 Willie Lawrence . 86.5 Grade V VI Margaret Fay Ethel Harrison Gertrude Fay Grade V Edmund Randall Frank May Francis Adams. The pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month were: Jennie Beatty, Leon Dodge, Lora Smith, Willie Law­ rence, Elsie Smith, Ethel Harrison, Vi­ ola Beatty, Lonnie Smith, Gertrude Fay. Margaret Fay, John May. Frank May/ Edmund Randall. W. B. JOHONNOTT, Prin. T* "V;*7 A Significant Prayer. May the Lord help you make Buck- len's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N C. "It quickly took the pain ont of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time." Best on eartb for sores, burns and wounds. 25o at the N. H. Petesch, Frank Mapquelet, McHenry, Geo. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug stores. Place Your Ord?r Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poei- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up is first class manner. ...'MUSICAL • • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Our line of Pia- all the old and Reliable Makes. Don't invest until you have seen our Stock We still have a few exception* ally good Bar- gains left in our ||Uf ^ line of Pianos and Organs that you should see. The long Winter Evenings will sooi^be here and you'll want for some sort of en* tertainment . What better or cheaper enter­ tainment can be had than a Pho- no^j'afih? :: :: flake the home cheerful by put­ ting in one of these machines The cost is small and you'll never regret the mon­ ey expended for one of these fun and joy makers. MOIU OillCitf; il N.A.Huemann WEST flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. . .c xi. i.***. <>.. dx .t '

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