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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1908, p. 4

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I nr t f Z1 The Jar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap­ plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing* day after day. jars ^ and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals \ the torn membranes. The best kind of a testimonial -- " Sold for over sixty years. IA by J. C. Ayer Co., IXJWJII. *"»- Alio manufacturer!-of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIOOR. W* fcavp no secr»t« ! We publtah r0, .n„ia^ of nil our mediol&m. yers Biliousness, constipation retard r®- •isoverir Cum these, with Aye?- $ FJHS. rue NcHeiry Plaintfealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. O. SCHREINER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No.878. T6RM8 O f S U B S C R I P T I O N : One year tl.60 dfx mouths. 75 eta. Three months. 40cts Thursday, February 13. *9©8. FOR COLLKCl'OK. I hereby announce myself as ft candi­ date for reelection to the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub­ ject to the decision of the Republican township primary, and hereby solicit the support of my friends. 'M JOHN7 NIKSKN. CHANGES IN BAGGAGE RULES. Railway Companies Make ChaiiK** '•» Kf- ftrd to LuKKite*. WHAT IS IT What is this so called mysterious power Which heals the sick, restoring to its natural vi«or the hotly that is weak or diseased t Men and wouien in all walks of life are asking the question. Scientists are studying, experimenting, delving into the secrets of psychic and pccnlt knowledge, in their effort* to explain the pheuouiena of drugless healing. And while they have been searching for the explanation 1 have been doing the work, and niv patients are ready to tell you of the results. HERE IS A LADY THAT COULD NOT "STAND ALONE OR WALK CURED IN 45 TREATMENTS. Prof. Leach: - I want the public to know what Prof. Leach has done for me. The first time I visited Prof. Leach I conld not take one step alone, and had not been able to walk for al­ most a year. I had no use of iuy liiubs whatever, and I could not move my feet at all, and the pain was something aw­ ful. After taking six treatments I con Id walk across the room, and now I am taking uiy last course of treatments, which will make forty five in all, and 1 consider myself almost cured, for I HUI -ible to do most of my housework and take care of my baby. Anyone wishing further information address, Mrs. I. F. Fulmer, Tonica. 111. A FREE PSYCHIC DIAGNOSIS. No questions, no examinations. If you do not care to see me at present, vrite me a frank personal letter, stat­ ing what, you can of yonr disease. It will receive a prompt and courteous answer. I a pi a busy man, but if \ou are not enjoying good health I shall esteem it a privilege to help yon. Call on or address PROF. F. A. LEAGKT I COIIIII 2. Spurltng Building, ELGIN, ILL. OF A PERSONAL NATURE LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Itfiim of Interait Picked t'p About Onr lln«y I.Mil* Burg That May Courern Vou or Your frliiiuta. Valentines, Valentines, At Petesch's. If yon have a dog and wish to take him on a railroad trip with yon 011 or under the new railroad law yon will be compelled by the railroad companies to check the canine as so much baggage and he will ride in the baggage car with the rest of your luggage. Not ouly must the animal be checked but he must bear a tag Bhowing the name and address of tbe owner. After yon have attended to all these preliminaries if your pet weighs more than tbe miuiiuum weight of titty pounds yon must dig down in yonr jeans for excess baggage on the poor brute. And besides this you will not be allowed luore than two dogs at one time in the baggage car. These are some of the new baggage rales and regulations which were re­ cently adopted by the Western Passen­ ger association and are set down iu bold black type in W. P. A. circular No 2.r»l, just issued. The rnles become effect­ ive Deovuiuar 1 on all the lines. As re­ garding dogs they are entirely new, as up to the present there have been uo set regulations as to the care of canines and tbe little brutes have been usually turn­ ed over to the tender mercies of the bag­ gage man in the cars, who merely looked out for them while enronte. The new circular is the most complete. Not only has the subject of "Dog" been treated in a thoro manner, but right at the beginning of rnle No. 1. a clear and coucise paragraph tells what baggage is composed of, for the benefit of the agents checking it. It says: "Bag­ gage consists of wearing apparel and such personal effects of panseiiKers as may be necessary for their journey, and will be checked upou presentation of proper transportation, and 011 h when inclosed in receptacles which will insure safe transportation, such as trunks, va­ lises, telescopes, leather tiat boxes, satch­ els, medium sized boxes, (containing personal effects and provided wit h suit­ able handles), sailor or emigrant bags. " No single piece of baggage exceeding forty cubic feet in measurement or 2fiH pounds in weight (except foreign bag­ gage) will be accepted for checking. One hundred and fifty pounds of bag­ gage will be checked free for each pas­ senger holding an adult's ticket and 75 ponnds on each half fare ticket. The Chicago Op«ir» That there is uo abatement of public interest iu "The Man From Home," which already holds the drama long run record for every city in the Unitet States outside of New York, is showi by the fact that the management of tin- Chicago opera house is preparing for the 2(H)th performance, to be given on the night of Tuesday, March 8. The sale of tickets for this special perform­ ance begins this week. "Born an<l raised in Chicago" is the way they are advertising the wonderfully successful I Tarkingtou-Wilson comedy drama now j and there is no symptom to iudicatu that it is going to die in Chicago. Ofch er cities are demanding it. and the leaii ing manager in Australia has offered W m. Hodge a large sum of money to bring the «ntir« production over to that conutry for a long rnn. A notable change was made in the cast last week, whet) Henry Jewett, succeeded Eben s, JPlympton as the (iraml Duke Vasili. ; s Mr .lewett tils the role perfectly. He '?:* is widely Jtuown as an actor, having hu<i long experience in England and Anii i ica. Dnrmg the past two seasons he has been starring in one of the two Liebler & Co's productions of th<- *• "Squaw MaD," Wm. Faversham bei at the head of the other. Perforiijftin > - of "The Man From Home" are gh »every night and Wed nesday and Sat day afternoons. At the Wednesdt.> matinees bargain prices prevail, the b.-t seats (telling for #1.00. Mail orders .-u.- given prompt attention. Don't forget the early closing and do yyy ibeppffg during the daytime. PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND WHERE THEY GO. A&riM of P«»rHoiial New* Gathered t'p hy the Wayside The Plaiuriealer Kepre- Kentati ve*. Rev. Edward A. Cobb of West Baden, Ind , was the guest of his mother here I he first of the week. Mrs. Irwin Mason and sons, Harold and Marshall, spent Tuesday last with Mr. and Mrs. Merriman. Joe Wheeler of Chicago was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wheel er. several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Brink spent Sun­ day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brink, at West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colby of Wood­ stock were the guests of the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Spnrling, here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. A. McCoy and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. H. Calhoun and sou of Chicago spent Sunday at the former's cottage down the river. The following people from a distance attended the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Con­ way: Messrs. ami Mesdames John Demliuer, Will Bolger, Chas. Gibbs; Mrs. Bigge, Misses Katie Bolger, Elean or Kelly; Messrs. David Fitzgerald, J Fitzgerald, M. Jacques; Rev. Patrick Burns, all of Chicago; Messrs. and Mes- ilames John Bolger, D. II. Corr, Ed. Long; Misses Eliza and Katie Corr; Messrs. J, D. Donovan, Ben Stoffel, J. P. Alt, John Donnelly, Emil Arnold, J. Gillis, John Cooney, D. F. Quinlan, A1 Kennedy, Richard Long, all of Wood stock; Mr and Mrs. George Bolger, Mrs S. Knox, Misses Delia, Minnie aud Mar­ garet Con vay, May me Costello, Margar­ et Aylward. Celia Frisby; Messrs. Ed. Brahun, Thomas Frisby, alt of Elgin Mrs. T. Hayes, Miss Geneva Russell; Messrs. Frank Walsh, Fraftk Fitzgerald, Martin aud P. Russell, all of Harvard Fi 07 Oans t he auctioneer. He guar antees satisfaction Use Herdrich's Tonic and Bitters They tnake good blood. Before bnyiug a cook stove or heater see Vycital's line and get his prices, tf Yon 11 find the best articles ever of­ fered for 10 cents at Vycital's tf A baby girl came recently to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dra per. Good spring wheat wanted at the West McHenry mill. John Spencer, proprietor. tf The new Snlloway bill, which allows the widows of soldiers $12 per month instead of has passed the house. If you are an office seeker, let yonr friends and the public know aliont it thru the columns of The Plaindealer. C E. Jecks of Ostend can be seen al most, daily, hauling wood into town. The wood is bringing the owner and ffi.50 per cord. Onr valentines range in price frotp one cent to a dollar *nd we have an ample selection at each price. Select today aud avoid the rnsh later. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox are happy iver the arrival at their home Tuesday »f a baby boy and Mike is as tickled as a youngster with his first pair of red- topped boots. Ben Shapiro severed his connection with the Barbian Bro». cigar factory, where he has been employed during the past five months, last Saturday and left town the following day Mrs. F. L. McOuiber very pleasantly entertained the Ladies' Cinch Pleasure club at her home yesterday (Wednes- lay) afternoon. Mrs. D. G. Wells won he prize offered. Light refreshments followed the games. A teacher in the Grayslake school aught the janitor in a lie au<V asked him, "Where do you suppose yon go if you tell lies?" He answered, "Well, I don't know; but wherever I do go I sup­ pose I will still be making fires for school teachers." Notice. The firm of Gilbert Bros, has dis­ solved partnership by mutual consent. All accounts must, be settled ny Feb. 20 Payable to G ILBERT BKOK . J. N . G L L U E R T . G. R. GILHKRT. to the seashore goes to fish with artfnl hooks; the flirting girl goes anywhere she thinks there is a man; the dressy girl goea to Paris to bay a dress and fan-; the beauty goes npon tbe stage to show her handsome looks; bat the girl that gets the husband stays right at home and cooks. A newspaper has 3,000 readers for each 1,000 subscribers. A merchant who puts out 1,000 handbills gets poe- siblv to 400 people to read them--if the boy who is trusted to distribute them does not chuck .them all under the sidewalk. The handbills cost as much as a half colnmn advertisement in tbe home paper. All the women and girls and half the mer. aud boys read tbe ad­ vertisements. Result--the merchant who uses the newspaper has 3,500 more readers each week to each 1,000 of the paper's subscribers. Theie is no esti­ mating the auionnt of business that ad­ vertising does bring to a merchant, bnt each dollar invested in advertising brings from $20 to $100 worth of busi­ ness to the iuvestor. lucehsed over the passage of the state law which compels them to work their telegraph operators eight honrs instead of twelve, railroads of Illinois are said to be planning the dosing of their small­ er offices. The law goes into effect March t. and by that time, according to railroad authorities, the smaller station buildings will only be occupied by tick­ et agents and section hands. This clos­ ing of stations is believed to be the plan of the railroads to equalize the expense of employing three instead of two operators for every twenty fonr honrs, in compliance with the new law. Tbe men taken off in one place will be used in another, and in this way the supply will be made to meet the demand. Whether or not the lessened number of offices will mean a greater number of wrecks has not been discussed. Taxed! Taxed! Taxes! Having received my books I am now ready to collect taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places during the week; Mondays, J. C. Debrecht's store, Johnsbnrgh; Tues­ days at Bradley & F.»ss' store. Ring- wood; Thursdays at M. J. Walsh's, store, West McHenry; Saturdays at the store of Gilbert Bros., McHenry. 32 tf JOHN NIESEN, Collector. . . N E W . , 1̂ HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Sehiessle Build ingin West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share ol' your patronage. Our aim shall atqjl times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. MM & (o. West McHenry. I Professional. Society V and Bustnesss Cards DAVID G. WFLL8, M. D. The business men held another in­ teresting meeting at the McHenry Pleasure cl^'s-rotjms Tuesday even ing. Various subjects were discussed, but among the most important actions taken was the decision to have the new organization incorporated. A delinquent subscriber, who had be come indebted to a paper in the rforth- ern part of the state for nine years, re­ cently paid up and, saying that he never aiiowed a man to give him more favors than he returned, paid for niue years iu advance. There is a moral in this, dear reader. Frank Kaiser of Ostend had the mis­ fortune to tip over at the Borden factory after he had unloaded his milk on a re eut morning, and while hitching his team to the wagon after it had been righted one of the horses kicked him, in­ juring his knee. Dr. H. F. Beebe was called. A. O. Rnpp, at one time publisher and editor of the McHenry Journal, bnt who since leaving McHenry has made his home at Chenoa, 111., takes the part of Ichabod Crane, a teacher, in the produc­ tion of "The Deest.rick Skule" to be given at Chenoa by local talent tomor­ row (Friday) evening. Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when onr digestive organs are working prop­ erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu­ late the action- of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel­ ing good when he nses these pills. 25c at N. H. Petesch'S, F. Masqnelet's, Mc­ Henry, G. W. Beslejr's, West McHenry, drug stores. .Memtorlal Services and Basket Social. The W. C T. U. of Ringwood will hold memorial services for Miss Frances Willard at the M. W. A. hall in that village on Friday evening of this weefr. February 14 The services will be con­ ducted by Rev. DeLong of Greenwood The services will be followed by a bas­ ket social. Baskets only 15 cents. Aii are invited. Wrinkles fcoaae surely to weak women who have to frown and en- [dure the torture due to thel liseases pecttiia# to their sex/ lot only wrinkles, but hol-1 [low, lack-lustre eyes, sallow! [complexion, gray hair, all of I Iwhich tell of premature oldj ige. The prevention of thi Flies lb yout own hands.1 [Cure the disease that causes] L yout suffering, and strength- your weakened const i- ' tution, with CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF of which Mrs. Mary Irvin, of Pam- plin City, Va., writes: "I think it, > is the best on earth for all suffering women. My doctor did me no good. I suffered untold misery [ (rora head to foot, but the first dose I of Cardui gave me-relief, and when I 11 had taken one bottle, 1 feh like a i new woman." The above seems' to prove that Cardui will relieve i your pain, strengthen your conati- | tution and renew your youth. Try iu J At all Druggists $100 1-2C Labor conditions in Elgin are said to be the worst in years. Idle men by the hundreds are seen loaming the streets daily in search of something to do Many have taken to the ice fields during the past few weeks, but there are still uiany who are willing to do almost any­ thing jnst to get to work. C. H. Ostran'der of Fox Lake was in town Tuesday, making this office a pleasant call and also renewing his sub­ scription. Mr Ostrander informs us that he has purchased the Elgin Walton ian club house and grounds, and is now remodeling the buildings. The consid eration, Mr. Ostrander informs lis, was $10,000 cash, and he has thus acquired one of the most valuable pieces of prop erty on the lakes. The lives of the stiudy inhabitants of the Tennessee mountains, their loves fends, daily tx-.cnpal ions aud customs are an enthralling subject of interest to an outsider, so different from other parts of the country are they, and no section of this country furnishes a more pontic and romantic subject for the pen of the writer. In "Knobs o' Tennessee Hal Reid has given a thrilling picture of it all and has added his greatest sue cess to his already long list. The play will be seen for one night only, Feb 1ft, at Central opera house. Spring Grove Journal: Last Friday noon a livery man from McHenry, out with a traveling man for the Pittsburg Plate Glass company, had a narrow es cape whi!«> attempting to cross the railroad tracks near tbe station. The fast train was coming, but the driver did not see it till a sharp whistle gave the warning. With a jerk on the lines the driver got his horses turned so that the fast flying engine missed the lurwB by scarcely two feet. Both men were badly frightened, as they might well have been. Auk Yournelf the tjiie»tl<»n. Why not use Chamberlain'sPain Balm when yon have rheumatism? We feel sure that the result will he prompt aud satisfactory. One application relieves the pain, and many have been perma­ nently cured by its use. Pain Balm is liniment and is applied externally to the affected parts. 25 and 50 cent sizes. For sale by all drnggiets KntertaliiH at Hook Parly. Miss Myrtle Wattles entertained a number o^ her yonng friends at a book party at her home on the West Side last Saturday evening The gue«ts were very pleasantly entertained by their hostess and all present voted her au ideal entertaiuer. Refreshments were served. The Weekly Inter Oceau and this paper delivered for one year at onr special deal" price of $1.75 for the two. BECKER THE BEST STOPPINQ AT Mme. S. S. Torrance 'Pftone 364. • West Menry. Chicago & North-Western. Effective November t'ft. 1807. WEIK DAY TRAINS. otefo. NORTHBOUND McHenry. 7.00 am Via Eluio 10.17 a ui 9.(K) a m. ..Via I)es Plalues 10.17 a ni IJ.25 p in Via Des Platnes 6.04 pm 3.45 p m Via Elftln.. 4.57 p m Via I>es Plaines.. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.45*a m. ... Via Elgin. . . Via l>es Plalnes.. 9.10a m 2.00 p m... Leave McHenry. 7.20 a m Via Elgin.. WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOOTHBO0ND. B.40 p Ui .6.40 p ID .11.14 a m .11.14 a m . 4.K5 p ni Arrive OhlcaKO. Via Elgin H.Sfi-a m 8.17 a rn Via Des Plaluos «.r>5 a w 4.23 p m .Via Des Platnes tt.20 p m 4.23 p m ViarElgin 7.10 p m 8DN1)AY TRAINS. 7.20 am Via Elgin 9.55 a ni 5.00 p m Via Des Platnes 6.30 p m 5.00 p m Via Elgin 7.50 p m Want Column. AH {fiKfcricd UIIB tttrted inc following rate*: Five llnea or lent, 26 cents for limertion; i5 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than ttve line#, 5 cent* a line for limt insertion, and 3 cent* a ilfie for adtlitiona insertion*. WUR SALE Dakota and Colorado lauds. ^ Homesteads located. For further Infor­ mation apply to or address E. VV. Howe. Mc­ Henry. III. 17 t,f T7HJK S A l.E OH KENT A twenty-acre fartii located In t he town of Hurlon. McHenry county. Dwelling on property. Kor further Information ,apply to or address MKS. MAKY K. ADAMS. West McHenry, III. 527-41 "CX>K KENT--A far»»> of HB HCres lying on Pls- tiik£e Lakn. Also forty acres of hay laild if desired. Kalr buildings. Terms fct.00 per acre privilege of using fire wood. Pos­ session given March 2. Kor further informa tlon apply to or address N. J. .IUSTKN, West McHenry, III. 34tf PHYSICIAN, SUEGEON AND Office and residence corner Bun ant Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. KEGER8 A FEGERS OHY8ICIANB AND SURGEONS. r in. Office at Residence,corner CourtanC Elm streets. Telephone 333. (r Notice to Subscribers Under the now postal rulings subscriptions to newspapers are not .permitted to become more than^ne year in arrears, under penalty of paying postage on each at the rate of one cent per each paper sent out. Under the circumstances TJHK PLAINDKALKR will be compelled to strike all names off the subscription list after April 1st that are more than one year in arrears, and place the names of those in arrears in the hands of a collec­ tor for collection. We are quite desirious of re­ taining all our old subscribers and will be pleased to have them call and settle. Don't delay this matter but call and square your account at once, thus insuring furthur delivery of this paper. D. T. SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, I'l^ota AH business Intrusted to his care win D« properly and promptly attended to. PARKER S. WEBSTER T AWYER. 701, 702 Rector building. 122 Mon -w roe street, Chicago. Telephone Centra 4531. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DKNT18T. Office and Residence over n. J. WaUH'« Stow. Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. WEST MCHHNRY. U I.. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. % West McHenry. Illinois. J o h n U . V y c i t a l DEALER IN General Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. ' I'hoiie 253. WM. BACON Denier In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 ind UPWARD House and S ign Pa in t ing and a l l In te r io r Dec- Residence north town line one block orating west of river. MCHENRY, Telephone No.254. ILLINOIS H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared toinsure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS ..A WORD TO THE.. LADIES! j 1 . : When about to prepare Breakfast, Dinner or Supper and you are at a loss to know just what to serve make us a call. Our shelves are loaded down with Suggestive Table Delicacies and Fresh Groceries. Our line is ever fresh and comprises the desirable grade. Why can we not fill your next order?" :: Wm. Simes UP-TO-DATE GROCER 11 el mer Block, - flcHenry Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrnsted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to onr customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class seenrity. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Banker*, j Clias. 1.. a Victim A t h i s q u i e t b u t p l e a e a u t c o u n t r y borne Tnesday evening ('has. L. Page was given a complete surprise by twen ty five of his friends Tbe invaders had come prepared for a good t iuje and if auyone \ eut home dissatisfied with tbe treatment received they have failed to express themselves to this effect Pro­ gressive cinch was chosen as the even ing's diversion, after which refresh­ ments were served. KILL THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 with Dr. King's New Discovery for COLSI18 JSSIL AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. PHOTO STUDIO, Portraits All shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished In different styles. Price, $2.(X) and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views < buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Ettltt.rgemer\ta Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every Instance. Finished in black and wliite or colors. Framoa A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan Ht., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TtUphom, 493 The tennis girl goes out to play her nerve-producing game; the flippant teir! goes out larking because her life's too tame; tbe reading girl-betakes herself into a world of booke;*tbe scheming girl P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riuttoit, Hogs, Ve*|, Poultry, hides,' Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest bouse on the street. Tags and [frice lists furnished on application. COI.U STORAUK FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall i A 3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market. DEMI1K. HOTEL R. L. LJNLAND, MANAOER Midison dnd (brk Sts., (liuijo ENTRANCE ON ilADISON ST. Stem H<it • ElectrR Bells h ill Runs 5oc- ...Rates... 75c., and $1.00 CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- burgh Creamery Butter, Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. WEST SIDE I^ocated In the center of the busluees district From Stock Yards take 7#th and Halsted Sts. car direct to corner of Madison and Clark Sts. t Attention, Stork holders! Owing to the fact that an insufficient number of stockholders to the McHenry Cunning company were present last Saturday to hold a meeting, another attempt will be made to meet next Sat­ urday afternoon nt 2:20 o'clock at the village hall. The stockholders are most urgently requested to be on hand next Saturday if they desire that tbe busi­ ness be continued. T#E MCHENRY CANN&G CO, is the place to leave your order FOR Oysters (Hid M Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. Tel. Mala 1714. WHY do people of M<. Henry, Lake aa other countl imp in at Lambert Q. Seng's DC Fifth Ave. CHICAOOr Because it to so home l|k •.

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