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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Feb 1908, p. 5

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JACOB JUSTEN, MchENRY. WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. (F ClearingOut Odds and Ends of stock and all Winter Goods is our aim for the next Hodays. We will offer sopie tempting Bargains in all lines of goods. Our Ladies' Dress Skirts must go. We will close them out at £ the former price. Come early and get your chr ice. The $5.00 quality for only $2.50 We are offering some very low prices in the International Clothes, styles, i educed from $1.50 to $8 per Suit Don't fail to see the samples. All goods made to your measure and a perfect tit guar­ anteed. Fresh stock of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal. Groceries,, Tea, Coffee, Etc. Goods delivered. 'Phone 363. Yours Truly, -- n. J. Walsh. I Your Money back If not Satisfied at the Cash Grocery. Strawberries. in syrup, extra quality, per ran *oc Maine Corn, None Such, extra fanc y, pur can ..15c Green Gage or Egg Plums, per can '®c Jama, Blossom brand, one pound glass jar .... . aoc Orange Marmalade, one pound glass jar '®c Red Ripe Tomatoes, hand packed, per can '®c P. & G. Naptba Soap, .T bars • • • 33c California Prunes, large meaty fruit, per poond ,oc Colambia Apple Batter, pint jar 20C Colombia Picalette, pint jar , a5c Sifted Early Jane Peas, per can '5C None Soch Pnmpkin, No. 8 can . • 15C Horseradish, new, per bottle IOC Sweet Corn, extra standard, can. 12iC Crystal Domino Sngar, 5 pounds 45C Royal Seal Oats, per package I4C Rolled Oats, brat qoality, per poond $€ Fruits, Vegetables, Bakery Goods, Crockery and Glassware. JOHN STOFFEL. \v ******** ntmniTiii i i i t i innnmmnmn NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONIC LEI) BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ring wood. Mrs. Dorkee was a Woodstock visitor Monday. J C. Ladd was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Miss Ellen Halt spent Saturday with home folks. Miss Charlotte Madden called at "Mc­ Henry Monday, Mr* Clarence Tattle was a McHenry shopper Monday Clarence Whiting of Woodstock spent Snnday with home folks. Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Avlward were visitors st. Ingleside Monday. Mrs. Thomas Walsh of Grayslake is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed Whiting. Martin Hall of Manitmv<><-. Wis , is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs D Hall Miss Lor* Walking ton spent several days with relative!) at Greenwood re­ cent ly • Carroll Cristy of Wanpaca, Wis , je visiting his graudpartmts, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Marsh Mrs Auk>8 Smith is caring for Mrs. Wilson at McHenry, who is very sick with pneumonia Mr and Mrs Bert McCannon are the happv parents of a fine Imby hoy, born Monday, Feb. 10. Earl and Miss Sarah Shales of Wiluiot spent Sunday with their brother, C. H. Shales, and family. Messrs. and Mesdames Will Beck and Will McCannou were Richmond vinitqis Monday afternoon. Misses Lora and Elsie Smith spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C W. Sooth- wick at Williams Bay Mr. and Mrs. I. Merchant and Mrs. L. McCannou of Greeuwood were visit­ ors at. Will McCaunon's Tuesday. Mrs. H. W. Allen spent. Monday and Tuesday at Npnda with her father and mother, Mr ami Mrs Geo Parks. J. Beuuett and daughter, Margaret, and sons, Harold and Russell, of St. Charles were calling on friends here Sunday. Ernest Ingels had the misfortune to lose the end of one of his fingers the first of the week while workiug on the ice at McColluui's Lake. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, bnt The Weekly Inter-Oceau gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangemeut von cad secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate $1 75. W. A. Dodge aud S. Robinson were Chicago passengers Thursday morning. The latter returned the same evening, hot Mr D<>dge visited his daughter, Mrs (4. L. Bacon, and sister, Mrs W. Lawson, at Park Ridge, returning Sat­ urday morning. KMKKALII PAKK.' Miss Mayme Knox spent Saturday at Woodstock. D. W Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottJigA Miss Alice Smith is speudinit a few weeks at Terra M iss Mayme (Jostello visited Miss Irere Frisby Wednesday. Miqjs Alice Smith visited Miss Irene Frisby at McHenry Sunday. Mrs Ed Knox visited Terra Cotta- friends a few days this week. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox visit ed frieuds at Wauconda Snnday. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago is spend iug a few weeks at her hnue here Mr and Mrs. Geo. Bolger of Elgin spenUThursdav at Walter BolgerV MisB Edna Colby of Barreville visited at J. R. Smith's Sunday and Monday. Miss Eleauor Kelly of Ch'capo was a recent visitor at the home of R. J. Sut too Messrs. L. Hui k and Theo. Schiessle of Chicago spent a few days recently at Ihe Park. Mr. and Mrs. John IVmling of Chica­ go visited at the home of W. Bolger Thursday last, Mr and Mrs Win Bolger of Chicago, Miss Nancy aud .las Frisl y called at R. J Sutton's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bolger of Chicago spent a few days last week with rela­ tives in this vicinity. Miss Mayme Costello of Elgin and Raynaud Whiting of Ring wood called at R J. Sutton's Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Chan. Gilibs returned to Chicago Sunday evening after s|tending a few days with relatives here. Miss Mayme Kuox is teachiug in Miss Ward's school this week on acconnt of the sickness of the latter's mother. Mr and Mrs. Robt. Sohns returned to their cottage here the first of the week after spending a week in Ch cago Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special-- a very special rate $1.75 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get a way from you. A large number of friend* of Miss Mary Gibbs perpetrated a t-ur prise > n her on Saturday evening last. Miss Gibbs was quite equal to the occasion, however, and euiertained her frieuds right royally. The evening was devot­ ed to games of various kinds, after which a dainty lunch was served. The guests departed after voting Miss Mary an ex­ cellent hostess. PROBA TE NEWS [•Furnished by Company. Woodstock, 1 i t McHenry County Abstract IDoiS.) Mi RKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Albert L. Howe & w to .Jotau .1. Mot.zer, I t Ml Orchard Beach. McHenry. f 185 00 i i-hael L. Worts & w to Mathias Worts JS a in se*« sec 32, McHenry 1300 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES: Edward H. Wood, 22 Darieu, Wis. Olive B Rood, 20. ...Aliens Grove, Wis William W. Williams. 27 Joliet Nellie Clara Easton, 23 Marengo Bring or send your news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for yOo. JOHNSBCKGH. John Heuipler is very ill at thie writ­ ing. Mrs. Hubert Karls is nursing a sore arm. Mrs. Barbara Smith spent Monday at McHenry. Miss Margaret Adams Chicagoed Wednesday. Mike Pitzen of Volo visited friends her Sunday. Mrs. ,loe Stilling visited with home folks Snndav. A Jos. J. Michels had his ice bouse filled last Saturday.. J. C. Debrecbt was a Chicago passen­ ger Thnrsdav. Mrs. .lo-t Schaefer visited at Spring Grove Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. Joa Thelen were out visiting Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund were seeu in town Sunday. Peter Wagner of Volo made his usual call here Sunday. Henry J. Schaefer of Chicago spent Sunday at home. •• S H. Freund was here on business one day last week. Peter Williams of Spring Grove was a caller her* Monday... Mr. and Mrs John Mertes were Mc­ Henry callers Sunday. Mr ami M rs. Mat Schaefer drove to Spring Grove Mondav. Mr and Mrs. Mat Steffea spent Snh day with relatives here. Mrs. John Schaefer spent Monday with Mrs Mat S< haefer. Mr. and Mrs Nick Jn«ten of Mi-Hen ry drove thru here Mondav Roller skating is the main sport, now adaya among the young folks, Geo. Wirfs and wife enjoyed a pleas­ ant sleighride last week Friday George Stilling of Pistakee Bay was a pfaasant. caller in town Monday. Anton May and family of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday. Peter Niesen of Chicago s|>ent Satur­ day and Sunday at his home here. Valentines varying in price from one cent to fl , r»o each at C. M Adams'. Mrs. Mary Miller is slowly recovering from her illness at the present writing. Frank Freund and family of Spring Grove Visited with Mrs Kate May Sun day Mrs. Margaret Schaefer and daugh ter. Margaret, drove to McHenry Men- day. Mr. and Mrs S M. Smith entertained a number of relatives last week Thurs­ day. Louis Althoff of New Muenster, Wis., is visiting home folks here for a short time Joe Nett is employed as bar tender for two weeks at Jos. Freund's at Wan­ conda. A fine line of new and up to date la­ dies' back combs and barettes at C M. Adams'. Peter B Freund and son Ed, of Mc­ Henry were callers at Jos. Michel*' latst Sunday. John Miller and daughters. Lizzie and Clara, of McHenry were pleasant callers here Sunday. Mrs. Joe Michels and son, George, called on her sister. Mrs. Freund, Sun­ day afternoon. Martiu Young and family and Michael Schaefer spent Mouday with John and Mary Schaefer Mss. Michels visited Sunday and Mon­ day at the home of her daughter, Mrs John S Freund. Misses Mary Morilzand Rena Niesen of McHenry were seen ou our streets one day last week. Harvey May and family visited with the former's pareuts. Mr. aud Mrs. John M. May, Sunday. Jacob Rotheruiel returned home last week after a week's visit with friends at Stacyville. Iowa. Mrs. Anna Bugner afed daughter. Em­ ma, spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. C. M. Adams George Nell returned home last Sat nrday night after a visit of several days with relatives in Chicago. Mr. aud Mrs Jacob Jnsten and the latter s mother. M»s Anton Meyers, were Spriug Grove cullers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Mat Steffes were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Win Etteu, at Spring Grove one day this week. Stephen Huff entertained Messrs. and Mesdames Jacob M Freund, Win. Et- ten and Joe Etten last week Friday. Mrs. Cas|»er Adams and Mrs. Krum- pen aud daughter, Mary, visited with Mrs. Mary Miller Monday afternoon. Ladt Sunday evening two big sleigh loads of young folks from McHenry passed thru here, aud while here they attended the roller skating rink. The dance held by the C. O. F. last Wednesday evening was attended by a great number of yonug and old people; it was held at St. Joseph 's hall. The music was furnished by Nett and Klein and a most delightful time was had by all who were present. Those present from McHenry were: Messrs. and Mes­ dames Nic Barbian, Math Heimer, John Miller, John Buch, Math Niesen and Anton Engeln; Messrs. Joe Heimer, Jr., and Math Weber. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Estate of John Mueller. Deceased The undersiKued liaviufr been appointed Administrators of the Kstate of John Muel­ ler . deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of I l l inois, hereby (five notice that t l iey will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the 4P r" Tern), on the first Monday in April next, at which t ime all per­ sons having claims aeainst said Estate are notif ied and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersign­ ed Hated this l l th day of February. A. I) . 190s. John Hiibmann John H. Kcnnkbkck 'M-31 Administrators. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time nnleM other wise ordered. Tiy it. VOWH.-- £ » ' Ed Mills of Wauconda was in town Thursday afternoon. Fred Wagner of Fremont Center was a Volo visitor Friday night Messrs. Jack and George Nicholls called on friends at Rollins Sunday. Mesdames Stone and Hironimus were Roilnd Lake visitors Sunday afternoon. Wellie Moore of Waukegan spent Sunday with his mother and sister here. Mrs Wm Dnnnill is ill at present. Dr. Fuller of Wanconda is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosing of Round Lake attended church here Sunday fore no^n. Mr and Mrs L. V. Lusk aiul sons and Miss'Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and daughters, Clara aud Viola, of Fremont spent Friday aud Saturday at C Sable's. Ea Lusk of Round Lake has purchased the store here formerly owned by Harry T. Fuller of Wauconda He is well and favorably known thruout this vicinity and his friends wish him success in his new business venture. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own. at the exceedingly low rate of *1 75 for one year. This is a rare op. portunity and should be taken advaut- age of l*ast Friday evening Mr and Mrs. C. Sable entertained a uuuiber of friends at a progressive euchre party. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames .lames Kirwan. Ben Rosing, Sylvester Wagner, A J Raymond aud John Ros ing, and Miss Hellen Raymond and Fred Wagner of West Fremont The Illinois Federation of Women's clubs has placed a circulating library at the home of Miss Mary Raught near Volo All are cordially invited to use the books. When the library has been read and is sent ou all readers will be expected to help pay the freight ou the Itooks This is the only expeuse what­ ever. The library consists of 54 Itooks by well known authois Miss Raught will be glwd to have auyoiie couie aud exauiiue the Itooks at any time. HOI . lOMKVl t . l .K . A. M-agistu was a caller at P. Huut'B Monday Miss Nellie Johnson spent Sunday in Barreville Mrs F. Weudt visited at A. W. Pet er's Sunday. Fred au;l David Powers were callers in Chicago Tuesday. W. May of Chicago spent Mouday evening at W. Gilbert's. Mrs A Johuson entertained her bro­ ther from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs L Beckley of Nunda visited at W. Gilbert's Sunday. Miss Etta Powers attended the teach­ ers' meeting in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and daughters were Suuday visitors at L. Lock wood's Mrs. F Dorue of St. Paul, Minn., spent the last of the week with her bro­ ther, W. Gilbert. Mr. aud Mrs. F. Bertschy aud chil­ dren visited relatives in Greeuwood sev­ eral days last week. May Form I'unri Hunt Cliil>. Summer resorters along Fox river and hx'.al power Istat owners are considering the advisability of forming a Fox River Power Boat club here this spring. All the resorters aud local owners of such craft who have beeu approached on the subject have signified their willinguess to join and Intost such a club aud it is not at all improbable that our citizens will have an opportunity of witnessing power boat races right here at home next summer. Mr. Hunter, the local boat manufacturer, informed a Plain- dealer representative that there are now seventy power boats owned by res­ idents aloug the shores of Fox river. To many this statement may seem unbe­ lievable, but it is a fact nevertheless. We sincerely hope that the plan will materialize, as in that event "there will be something doing" along the Fox next summer. Corettorii Kiijoy AiiiiiihI I-VbIIvhI. St. Mary's court C O. F. held their annual festival and dance at Buch's-hall on Tuesday evening of this week, the event being attended by over one hun­ dred. Neighboring courts were well represented aud the eveniug passed off in a most enjoyable manner Danciug was indulged in, music being furnished by the McHenry orchestra, and not a dull moment was experienced during the entire evening The night was one set aside for real joy and amusement, each and every one present clearly designat­ ing that the efforts of the members of the C O F. to entertain .their fami­ lies and friends were duly appreciated. At the customary hour, midnight, re­ freshments were served, the enjoyment continuing for an hour or two afterward. The event, which never fails to please, this year fully came up to expectations, as the smiling faces aud happy laughter plaiuly indicated. Didn't Know Tliey WVr« Com I lie Without letting her know that tb*y were coming, two sleighloads of school­ mates and f.iends from here drove to the home of Miss Ag'iies Dodge, uear Ringwood, to visit her last Thursday evening. This time, however, the sur­ prise was effective both to the conspir­ ators and victim, as, while passing thru Ringwood the intended victim was over­ taken, aud naturally the merry party were not long in disclosing their secret. When the victim's home was reached all were prepared for au evening of pleas­ ure. Music, singing, dancing and games were indulged in and the evening's pro­ gram »vas concluded with dainty refresh ineuts A fine time was enjoyed by all Valuab le Keu iedy fu r Colds *n<l Croup . W. W. Gray, an attorney at Wenat chee. Wash , says: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in my family for colds aud croup with good results I aid* to always keep this remedy in the house." Sold by all druggists. i The Drvigs ? You Use V*. m m m • m m m + % % Should be pure Should be fresh v.. Should be of right potency Should be dispensed carefully Should cost you but a fair price Should be bought amid cleanly surround- f ings. Everything at our store is as it £ should be. You can place utmost confi- § dence in our goods, and our methods will § appeal to you. : :: :: § We would like your trade. N. H. PETESCH, Druggist 'Phone 274. - - McHenry, III. WORK AND DRIVING Harness! It will pay you 10 purchase a BLANKET or ROBE at the ex c ee d i 11 g ly low prices we are selling them at this time. Let us- give you our prices rosy*, Satisfactory work always H. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. CENTRAL m McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Sun., Feb. 16 HAL REID'S MASTERPIECE, Knobs OTennessee by an excellent company headed by the charming actress PEARL LEWIS A play full of pathos and tears, comedy and laughter Prices:25,35,50c SEATS ON SALE AT PETfcSCH'S. Read This Paper

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