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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1908, p. 8

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6 per cent. Iiut we can make you more than 6 pet", cent, on your money if you invest in a FUR COAT, OVERCOAT, SUIT, UNDERWEAR, FELT BOOTS, MIT* TENS, CAPS, or, in fact, anything in tli£ Warm line of Goods at our REDUCED PRICES than buying next fall. Call and see, W. FREUND, WEST WlcHENRY, ILLINOIS. *4W- Plaindealer and any one of the fol­ l o w i n g M e t r o p o l i t a n Daily Papers: : : ecord Herald Inter Ocean Nf' f, ' - ^ ,«V^ . >4f • - ; ^ 4 V-, V ' Tribune t v Wh" One full year, for only $3*5P w-Jlk* I Subscribe Now! Not As It Read. * A certain M. P., as proud and fond as a man should be of hts beautiful young wife, was Just about rising to speak in a debate when a telegram waa put into Ills hands. He read it, left the house, jumped into a cab, drove to Charing Cross and took the train to Dover. Next day he returned home, rushed into his Fife's bedroom and. finding her there, upbraided the aston­ ished lady In no measured terms. She protested her ignorance of having don© anything to offend, hiifu. "Then what did you mean by your telegram Y* he asked. "Mean* What I said, of course! What are you talking about?" '"Read it/or yourself," said Wft. < She read: "I flee with Mr. X. to "Do­ ver straight. Pray for me" For the moment words would not come. Then, after a merry fit of laugh­ ter, the suspected wife quietly remark­ ed: "Oh, those dreadful telegraph people! No wonder you are out of your mind, dear. I telegraphed simply: 'I tea with Mrs. X. in Dover street' Stay for me.' "--Pearson's. OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY. GO. A Grldt of PrrtuinKl News Up bjr th« W«y«l4« by The I'lnliMUjHler Repre- Mutailfta. - • :>^r;- '* .To*. J. Mertes was » Chicago visitor Monday , ; ' ', +r situoi) vStoff el "was a Grayslalte visitor uf sdnssd&y. Dr. D G. Weil* was h busicew visitor in Chicago Wednesday. . M ichael aud John 3n«ten Were county seat viHitors Wednesday. Mrs. Martin Theien boarded the Chi­ cago train Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walsh of vBlgin epent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. J Hanly. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Salisbury of Hock ford were guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. J* Hanly a few days last week. Miwi Mary Blackman of Chicago spent a few day*;the first df the week with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Schreiner, here. When Doe* Deacon Dawn? \ E" W Howo ,(jft Chit;aK0 Tuesday As there must be a point baek along with » P*rt? o( prospective land buyers, the line of ' our descent where con- bound for Colorado. Mr. Howe expects sciousness began--consciousness in the to be absent about a week. animal and self consciousness in man ! Everett Sherman. Lew Hammond, -so there must be a point where rea-j j^ter Gritting, .John MeGee, and son began.- If we had ali the missing j (jjenn ThoiuaH of Woodstock attended links in the chain no doubt we might the leap yemr mrty beTe lmt Saturday approximately at least determine the point or the form in which it first dawned. The higher anthropoid apes, which are, no doubt, n lateral branch of the stem of the great biological tree that bore man, show occasional gleams of it, but reason, as we ascribe it to the lower orders, is more a kind of symptomatic reason, a vague foreshad­ owing of reason ratheivthan the sub­ stance itself. For a long time the child is without reason or any mental con­ cepts, and all its activities are reac­ tions to stimuli, like those of an ani­ mal. It Is merely a bundle of Instincts, but by and by it begins to show some­ thing higher, and we hail the dawn of reason and its development from the animal' plane into the human.---John Burroughs in Outing Magazine. evening. Waueonda correspondent,_ to Liberty- ville Independent: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiinan entertained at their home Son- day. Misses A^uetfs and Cecelia Geary and brother. Euiniit, Minxes Mayme and Kat« Knox and Menwrn H. J. Sehaffer and J. K. Knox of McHenry were in at- tendence. Percentages In Shopping. " "mere goes one of the 5 per cent," said a "conversational floorwalker In a big department store as he Indicated a slender, active woman who was mak­ ing rapidly for the street. "You must be right, of course," re­ marked'his visitor, "but what do you mean?" "Why, I divide women shoppers Into four classes--first, those who do not in­ tend to buy; second, those who intend to buy, but don't know what they want; third, those who know what they want when they leave home, but become absolutely confused when they get among the goods, and, fourth, those who know all the time what they want, go direct and get it and get out as soon as possible. "The fourth class, don't you know, constitute only about 5 per cent of the whole, and that woman's one of them. They arc. a blessing in a way, but un­ fortunately they don't turn In as much money as classes two and three."-- New York Globe. Attractive Show. Here are a few selections from"" a circus poster recently displayed in Am- bala. India: "1. Some horses will make as very much better tricks. "2. The clown will come and talk with that horses, therefore the audi­ ence will laugh itself very much. "3. Boys will jump and roll in the mud. "4. One man will walk on wire tight, he doing very nicely, because he is professor of that. "5. Then will come the very much better dramatic. 'Notice.--No sticks will be allowed in the spectator, and.he shall not mak­ ing the smoke; also we don't make it only the fourth class. N. B.--The circus is the very much better; therefore he come to see that." The, Navel Orange. For a product of nature a California toavel orange as it graces the breakfast ^liable or the push cart is about the 5 most artificial thing in the world. It is also a very striking illustration of i'tfae fact that while beauty may be only skin deep it counts for a whole lot. To begin with, the navel orange \of California is an exotic, reaching its . present habitat after devious wander- ; Ilig. And, be it ever so sweet tasting, If lis skin has bad Its beauty marred it scarcely ever gets farther than the ' orchard where it grew. Not only that,' but even the most comely ones before they are boxed and shipped are brush­ ed by machinery and polished and -otherwise fussed with to give them a beauty which mere nature never would have provided.--William R. Stewart to v-technical World. * Ignorance Not Bliss. ""•There is a certain gnawing unoer- raifoty about failing on people who gtpeak a different language from their Mervants." remarked the woman who does. "You can never tell whether they are saying, 'Make another cup of "tea, Katie; 1 have company,' or 'She pjways, drops In about tea time, con­ found her! PoUr some more hot water "--New York Press. 6 ' Saw For Himself* A man carrying a looking glass said to a newsboy, "Come here ,a ml look Into this glass and you will see a don­ key." "How <Ud you find that out?" »etort- Cruel 8orl«®. The talk In the village hostelry had been on the subject of vegetable freaks, but at length it veered round to goats. "Did ever jrou keep a goat, BUI?" inquired a gray whiskered gentleman in a corner seat. "Did 1 ever!" answered the little man addressed with rustic familiarity "I bought one last Christmas what nearly brought me to the work'us. Eat anything, from tins o' blackln' to flatirons. that goat would. Lucky thtng for me the spring killed It." "I didn't know the seasons affected goats." observed the gray whiskered gentleman. "Who's talkin' about seasons?" came the reply. "It was the spring of our alarm clock what 'e made a meal of one day as done it!"--London Express Generally the Caea. "I wish you would mention this to Jinks. It is highly important." "I'll mention it to him today." "But how do you know you will him today ?" "I'm bound to bump Into him. I owe him money."--St. Paul Pioneer Press. No Mercy. Mistress--Sarah Jane, what has hap pened? Sarah Jane--Oh, mum, I've fallen down the stairs and broken my neck! Mistress (firmly)--Well, what ever you've broken will be deducted from your wages.--Sydney (N. S. W.) Bulletin. • Read Tba Plaindealer "want" i PROBATE NEWS f i i (.Kurui^tiod by .McHenry County Abstract. Company, Woodstock. 11 liriofs.] KKAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph C. Holly tu< hiirlott.e J. Mad­ den It 4 l>lk 20 iMt'llonry, w of river #88500 KjttJ'StWiu KbfciIdson & It to F. H. Sclinu H, 5 Kosedule. st-o 2f> McHenry 2000 00 Cliarie.s <'liam()ion to John 1\J. l'otter et ill hiMid in swM sec rt Me Henry rtt 500 CO MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank O Leary, 23 Marengo Julia Murphy, 23 Hartland Chnrles W. Wood, 54. ..S&ratton, Neb. Mr* Flora L Bolton, 58 ...... Huntley Charles W. Looniis. 26..Clinton, Wis. Mat,tie Watts, 8<j ..Clinton, Wis. Albert H., 25 ..... Woodstock Frances A. White, 20 . .....Woodstock Huns Panlson, 24 Woodstock Emma Symonds, 24 ....... Woodstock VVuj. H Hughes, 35 ...... Clinton, Wis. Es.-belle VanValger, 24 . .Clinton, Wis. Emil Kitzrow, 34 ; Harvard Johanna Lewerenz, 31....... Harvard James A: Hollarbush, 38. ."Spring Grove Annette May Norton, lb... .Greenwood Fred Kahle. 29 Huntley Minnie Ac km an. 27. Marengo, The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption had me in its grasp; and 1 had almost reached the jumping off place when I was adyised to Jry Dr. King's New Discovery; aud I want to any right now, it saved my life. Improve­ ment, began with the first'bottle, and atter taking a dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again," says "Geo Moore of Grimesland, N. C. As a reuie dy for cotighs and colds and a healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New Discovery is supreme. 50c and #1 00 at N. H. Petesch's, F. Mas- quelet's, McHenry, G. W. Beslev's, W. McHenry, draggists. Trial foottle free Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon , of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to t.ak« particular notice t,o this effect. Sufferingfand Dollars Saved. E. S Loper of Manila, N. Y., says: "1 am a carpenter and have had many The Giraffe's Neck. severe mts healed by Bucklen's Arnica Lamarck thought that the giraffe ob- 'Salve. It has saved me suffering and tained Its long neck by transmission I dollars. It, is by far the best healing of parental stretching to reach the ! ^ive I have ever found." Heals burns, leaves of trees and that each new gen- j BOrr8, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and eration literally "began where the last left off." I say literally because the young giraffe was conceived, so to speak, as continuing at the branches which its parents could just reach and then stretching its neck to reach , leaves inaccessible to the parents. So H settle your account, with The Plain to say. it began eating where the par- dealer, as we most comply with Uncle ents left off.--Pall Mall Gazette. j Sam's demands by asMng each and -- j every subscriber to pay his or her paper piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. quelet's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. I McHenry, druggists, 1 The first opportunity yon have call Women as Well as Men Are lade if Kidney aa| „ v Bladder Troubia. ^ V KfStifey trouble preys upon the ifrfnd, discourages aud lessens ambition -r beaut}-, vigor and cheerful- •ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis­ eased. -i • Kidney trouble has j. become so prevalent that it is not unconi- 1 mon for a child to be born afflicted with isrtak kidnevs. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet Afflicted with bed-wet­ ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi­ culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to s habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser­ able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. 11 is sold, by druggists, in fifty- cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi­ monial letters received front sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtou, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad- Iress. liinghaniton, N. Y., on every Don't make any mistake, but rempni- ber tjie name, .Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root., and the address, Binghara- ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Aiming and Hitting. { Mr. Kidder--I think a woman's club to be successful should nlm at some- j t h i n g f a r r e m o v e d f r o m f e m a l e s u f - j frage. | Miss Strong--I don't agree with yon.1 sir. That should be its sole object j Mr. Kidder--Yes, but it's more likely to hit that object if it alms at some­ thing else.--Philadelphia Press. : in advance Ofltnia! Publication. Report of the condition of the West McHenry State Bank at West McOenry, State of Illinois, before the commence­ ment. of business on the l!\tb day of Feb­ ruary, 1908, as made to the Auditor of Pnblic Accounts, fot4he Slateof Illinois pursuant to law. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $89,2(^1.34 Overdrafts : 130.14 Other Bonds and Securities, including Premiums... 8,500,00 Furniture and Fixtures 746.44 Due from National Banks .... $0,832.71 Checks and other cash items.. 111.00 Cash on hand a. Gold Coin 585 00 " Treas.Certificates 2920 00- b. Silver Coin. 680.00 " Treas .Certificates 2270.00 c. National Bank Currently 1840.00 d. Legal Tender and Treas. Notes... v.. 1905.00 e. FractionaK^ttrreticy, nick­ els and cents . 118 48 Total... $109,852 11 LI A15ILITIKS.' Capital Stock paid in $25,000. Undivided profits . 3,868.35 Time Deposits, Savings 4Q.352 90 Certificates... 4,670 50 Demand Deposits, Individual.. 35,885.86 Certificates 1080 00 Total $109,852.11 State of Illinois, I County of McHenry, )' ' I, Carl W. Stengku, Cashier of West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the bes^ of my knowledge and belief. Carl W. Stknghu, Cashier. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. I); Charles of Harbor, Maine, speaking ot Electric Bitters, says, "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us.". It deserves to be a favorife every­ where; , It gives quick relief in dyspep­ sia, liver complaint, kidney derange­ ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak­ ness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it. especially nsefnl as a spring medi cine. This grand alterative tonic is sold nnder guarantee at N. H. Petesch's F Mat-quelrt's, McHcnry, G. W. Bea- ley's, West McHenry, drug stores 50o. If yon are contemplating au auction salt- this fall F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. ,T. Walsli or ,T. W; Freund at Went McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. (4an-i may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or tel«gr»ph. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription to both. fr We are closing out all odds and ends in DRY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, WRAPPERS, SKIRT^ <X>MPORTERS, ETU., at COST AND I» Ei/J 'V. t Ladies' Skirts that sold at $4.50 and $5.00, now at $3.(10 Ladies' Skirts that sold at $3.50 and $4.00, now at $2.50 Ladies' Skirts sol*"? nxic! ()Q jit *j, 50 Comforters that sold at $1.39, now at^ v »/.Vil^ . .$1.00 Comforters that sold at $1.75, now at .--$1.25 Comforters that sold at $2.25, now at ; r.. . . . . . . . . $ 1 , 7 5 Comforters that sold at $3.50, now at.........,.. .$2.50 Ladies' fl.-lined Stockings, seconds, 25c-35e graqe. . 15c Ladies" wool Stockings, seconds, 40c and 50c grade. 25c Bjpys' heavy cotton Stockings, seconds, 25c grade.. 15c Men's gray, wool Underwear that sold at $1.00, now 65c Boys' gray, wool Underwear that sold at 40-50c, at. .25c Misses' and Children's cotton Underwear that sold at 20c to 35c, now at ... 15c Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers that sold at $1.00 and $1.15, now at. v ......................75c Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers that sold at $1.39 and $1.50, now at.. .$L00 See our 9c Counter for Enamel Ware, Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, during this Sale. P. A. BOHLANDER. West McHenry State OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:; EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-Presidcot. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President CARL W. STENGBR, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOrtESTIC AND FOREION EXCHANQE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 percent HEADQUARTERS FOR Lumbef, Xime, Cement, Brick, Sewer Pipe,'Coal, Flour and Feed. We ,h<ave a complete stock of all kinc^s of Building Material and mason's sujpplies and can fill esti­ mates promptly. 1*8*"Let us figure oti your estimates*' :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Co. ricHenry, III. 'Ptioae 43a. P. O. West McHenry. J} paidjpn Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit. & Wor»«. | "At least the audience didn't hiss." I remarked the playwright after the un- Bucoeseful first night. j "No," replied the manager sadly; "they were too sleepy."--Llppincott's Magazine. Safe. Eloper (In a loud whisper)--Are you ! sure the rope ladder is firmly at- | taohed? Eloperess--Oh. yes. 1 wou't fall. Papa and mamma are at the top holding It.--Cleveland Leader. It may be the censns idea that a woman who is merely the mother of a family has no occupation, but the Job keeps her pretty busy just the same - Indianapolis News. Keeping Open House. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working prop­ erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu­ late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel­ ing good when he uses these pills. 35c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's, Mc­ Henry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Think of what it means! $1.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for om year. It'» • Nptcial deal. Big Reduction Sale DUCK COATS- Full Sheep »kin lirird, dnrk with fur In »-• dnr«<v collar at $3.25. 4 00. 4-a5 and 4.75. Thtw nre Coals at, $4 0(1 to $(».5(1. ^ CANVAS COATS -Here is a splendid ofTor. Coats that »nl«1 at ^1 '.Ht $1.('•!». $2 25. now at 98c, $1.25, $1.50 CHILD'S WOOL HOSE Extra luavv ribbt*d FIOSH, se«;ondH in 25c \vonl to «-lo><« (beni our quickly we have placed them on sale at 15c, or two pair* for 25c WRAPPERS -Be»»t 84 percale Wrap- per«, all sizes at $1.39 SNAPS! SNAPS--Bf^t American Cal­ ico at 6ic. Wool B*>d Blankets, $4,00 OWING to the mild winter we f ind our die lves loaded with WINTER MER­ CHANDISE and in order to reduce our stock for inventory we are going to make a big 1 t In prices on all Winter Lines. T&lre advantage of this offer at an early date as the prices wU1 lioW goodlOuly as long as the Mer­ chandise lasts. ::: ::: ::: MEN 'S. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR-Here is an opportunity for you to lay in a supply of Underwear at a big saving on all.-- SNAPS: Men's fleeced Underwear now 38c Children's at 12c. 15c. 19c. 25c and *8c. Ladies' Shirts or Drawers 3gc FLANNELETTE BARGAINS^ helettes. Lot one going at -We have made two lots of all our Flan- . 7$c. Lot two now ,c BLOCK & BETHKE, McHENRY. TELEPHONE, NUMBER 541.:

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