Is It'Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Ctn't do it?a Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro duction! May the acquaint ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The best kind of a testimonial -- "Sold for over sixty years." Kfcdo C. Ayer Co., ILowell, Mass. Alt1" ~!1 of SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL lie Mdleiry Plaiiideiler EVERY THURSDAY BY r P. O. SCHREINER. &H»k Qaildlng. Telephone, No. *7*. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year tt-W <1 * months. 75 eta. Three moaths. iOots. Thursday, February 13,1908. l/v'4"TOR COLLKCTOK. hereby announce uiyself an a candi date for reelection to the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the decision of the Republican township primary, and hereby solicit the If support of my friends. 84 W':, JOHN NIBSIEN. THE importance of Senator Hopkins' assignment to the committee on finance is already manifest. That committee has b^QD consideration of a currency bill. It is the tneasnre offeredt»y Senat or Aldrich of Rhode Island. Some per sons and interests do not like it. West ern bankers said it was drawn in the interest of New York and Wall Street The vice president of one of the largest and most influential banks in the Unit ed States, the City National of New York, has publicly condemned the bill npon the theory that it does not meet the exigencies of the sitnation. It is presumed that he spoke for and in be half of the banking interests of New York. Thus it would appear that when Western bankers jumped at the conclu sion that the Aldrich bill was drawn in behalf of Wall Street they were prob ably mistaken, or in anv event they did not know what Wall Street actually wanted. The real troth is that it is ex tremely difficult to find two persons any where who agree on this vital and far- reaching subject. Senator Aldrich, who has been com- ' pelled to stndy it for twenty-five years past, by reason of his prominence in the United States senate, doubtless felt that the only course open to him was to pre pare and offer some kind of a measure, which would at least provoke discussion, and probably lead to the making of sug gestions that may eventually enable the committee to pat together a satisfactory bill. Senator Hopkins will play an import ant part in the performance of that great task. Notwithstanding that he is the newest member of the committte his advice and council will be earnestly sought by his colleagues. As the representative of the great middle west, with its vast financial, in dnstrial and other material interests, Senator Hopkins will be looked to by bis colleagues to furnish ideas for the drafting of a bill that will yield returns as satisfactory to his constituency and section as to Wall Street and the east. The senator can be depended upon to perform his whole duty, not only to Il linois, bot to the West. K. of C. Old Fulki' Dance. An Old Folks' dance will be given at 8toffers hall on Friday evening, Febru ary 21, under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus of this place. Floor com mittee: West McHenry, E. F. Mat thews; McHenry, Geo. R. Gilbert; -Grayslake, J. E. Wagner; Wanconda, A. Daly; Woodstock, Frank Green; Har- *ard, T. C. Carey; Nunda, Andrew Hen derson, .fr.; Richmond, Joseph I. Lang; Emerald Park, R J. Walsh; Ring wood, .1. L Conway. The reception commit tee will be composed of Dr. C. H. Fegere* Sr., Dr. C. H. Fegera, Jr , F. J. Barbi- an, John Walsh, Carl W. Stonger, Wm. Htoffel and Rev. Paul Boarke. Metz- tter's six-piece orchestra will fur nish the music and a general good time is assured. The ladies of St. Clara «-onrt of Foresters will serve supper in the basement dining hall at fifty cents a plate. All the old dances will be played during the evening, thus giving the old folks an opportunity to enjoy a treat that is very seldom afforded them in these days. Horses and baggage will be fared for fiee of charge. Dance tickets 1 •!.<»•). All are invited. Notion to Varment. The National Pickle & Canning coui- liany propone to open their pickle fac tory here this season provided a suffi- fient number of persons will interest themselves in planting cucumbers. The price, Wo for vat run, will prove quite profitable and should secure a large acreage. All those who wish to see this industry again in operation and are willing to contract will please leave their names at Bohlauder's or Block & BpthkeV. _____ Mar 26 One dollar a year tor The Weekly In- terO-ean; $1.50 a year for ThePlain- dealer. Or both by ojir recent special arrangement, $!.7S for fifty-two weeks femtio* m$rk /row *»r <n»4 WHAT IS TT What is this so called mysterious power which heals the sick, restoring to its natural vigor the body that is weak or diseased? Men and women in all walks of life are asking the question. Scientists are studying, experimenting, delving iuto the secrets of psychic aud occult knowledge, in their efforts to expiate the phenomena of drugless healing. And while they have beeb searching for the explanation 1 have been doing the work, and my patients are ready to tell you of the results. HERE IS A LADY THAT COULD NOT STAND ALONE OR WALK CURED IN 45 TREATMENTS. Prof. Leach:--I want the public to know what Prof. Leach has done for"1 me. The first time I visited Prof. Leach I could not take one step alone, and had not been able to walk for »1- rnost a year. I had no use of my limbs whatever, and I could not move iny l>et at all, and the pain was something aw ful. After taking six treatments I could walk across the room, and now I am taking my last course of treatments, which will make forty five in all, and 1 consider myself almost cured, for I am able to do most of my housework and take care of my baby. Anyone wishing further information address, Mre. I. F. Fnlmer, Tonica, III. A FREE PSYCHIC DIAGNOSIS. No questions, no examinations. If you do^not care to see me at present, write me a frank personal letter, stat ing what you can of your disease. It will - receive a» prompt and courteous answer. I am a busy man, bat if you are not enjoying good health I shall esteem it a privilege to help yon. Call on or address PROF. F. A. LEAGH, Room 9, Spurting Building, ELGIN, ILL. OR VIS' NOVEL RKMEDV. License the drinker. Let anyone at all keep alcoholic drinks for sale with out license. This in brief is the novel scheme advanced by Justin K. Orvi* of Waukegan as a remedy for evils alleged to exist in the liquor business today Mr. Orvis in an interview gave am plification to the plan outlined above He is representing the retail liquor interests of Waukeitan in the battle against local option and has posted him self on affairs thoioly. "I believe," be says, "that the liquor business should be like any other, and that if it is made so there will be nom of the evils said to exist today in the trade. 'Let everyone who will sell liquor without restraint, and yon will do away with the saloon in short order, while the gilded palace of liquor will not be pos rtible at all- There will be too many in the business. 'At the same time the commonness of the sale will act as a deterrent, if it should be deterred. 'Then, and principally, license the drinker^inetead of the man who selln him. This, I believe, would do away with the treating habit aud make every man responsible for himself alone, each man who takes a drink being obliged to pay a license fee." The theory possesses the merit of novelty. _______________ Valuable Remedy Cor Coldn and Croup W. W. Gray, an attorney at Weuat cbee, Wash., says: "I have used Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in my family for colds aud croup with good results. [ aim to alwayB keep this remedy m the house." Sold by all druggists. Do you warm the bits before puy out them in the mouths of your horses? Never thought of itV Well, put a piece of frosty steel in your mouth, and we will guarantee you will think of it in the future. Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! Having received my books I am now ready to collect taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places during the week: Mondays. J. C. Debrecht's store, Johusburgh; Tues days at Bradley & Ifoss' store. Ring- wood; Thursdays at M. J. Walsh's, store, West McHenry; Saturdays at the store of Gilbert Bros., McHenry. 32-tf JOHN NIESKN, Collector. The Blues Do you have a fit of "the1 dues," every month? Suf fer from headache, back ache. low waist-pains* creep- fttf-aca^ptioiis,, nefvoiisne^ irritability, irregularity,, or any disorder of jom natural functions? Such symptoms show that you suffer from one of the diseases peculiar to women* Don't procrast' natc* lake CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF Mrs. Sarah G. Butts, of White Plains, Va^ writes* "Cardui is certainly a pana cea for suffering women. 11 was sunk in despair. Death I is no worse than the p^ins I suffered periodically. Noth ing relieved me, until 1 took CarduL Now the paim | have gone, and I am stron ger than in 15 years." Try ft for your troubles* M all Brag Stores fc-JU German Humor. The tendency of the (3 or man comic papers to employ continuously the same characters as 'producers > of mirth" Is the subject of an article in ,a Berlin paper by I.udwig Bauer. The writer mentions as the most conspicu ous of the funny figures the absent- minded professor whose habitual um brella losing proclivities have made generations laugh. This figure bad it's origin at a time, he says, when the man of letters was a helpless person in the active world--a dreamer dwell ing in realms away from the actual and' therefore blind to his • surround ings. In this form he has been rep resented in the comic papers. But Germany, he thinks, not (be professor, has been and is being caricatured. The professor'today must be a wide awake man, for science is no longer an Is land. These are not the days for sleep and for dreams. Another abused char acter is the lieutenant who, having no foe to fight, is always shown as mak ing conquests where Amor has com mand. The old maid is another of tlie stock figures, and one pf equal impor tance is Mr. Newlyrich. Of the latter it is said: "He is always full of fear and suspicion. He knows that he has been misplaced, and he sways from side to side like a timid rope walker. This makes him really fanny, and we must laugh at his antics." LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER * REPORTERS. ItriiiK of IiitereHt IMt-ked Up About Our Ifamy L.litle llurg Tlixl MHV Concern VIM or Your Krl«*U«N. Now is the tiuia to nM» Herd rich'H Bitters and Tonic. >"C Too Slow to Be a Soldier. In a room on the top floor of a large factory a boy was amusing himself by going through the bayonet exercise with a long handled brush in lieu Of a rifle. His boss, coming quickly upon him, gave him a box on the ear for wasting his time. The sudden blow caused the lad to lose his balance aud fall down the hoist shaft, but fortu nately he kept his hold on the brush, the handle of which, getting across the shaft, broke his fall and enabled him to grasp the chain, down which he slid in safety. The boss was horrified at the effect of his action and rushed breathless and gasping with fear down the eight flights of staii's to the base ment, expecting to find a mangled body for which he would have to ao count. He was, however, just in time to see the lad drop on his feet up- harmed, so, recovering his self pos session and his breath, he exclaimed: "Want to be a soldier, eh 7 Well, you're too slow for that. Why, man, I can walk down all those stairs quick er than you can fall down the hoist shaft."--London Answers. Toward the Pole. Ice eight feet thick on the ocean and snow falling even in summer--such is the weather experienced in the polar regions. Wlifen the air is dry and still it is remarkable how low a tempera ture can be borne with ease. One ex plorer tells us that with the thermome ter ut 5> degrees it was too warm for skating. The summer weather in this region is, moreover, in some respects pleasant and healthful. Within the arctic zone there are wonderfully col ored sunrises and sunsets to be seen. They are both brilliant and impressive. But the nights--the nights are monot onous and repelling. A rigid world buried in everlasting snow, silent save for the cracking of the ice or the wail of the wind. Travelers In these re gions experience many discomforts. The keen air causes their skin to burn and blister, while their lips swell and crack. Thirst, again, has been much complained of, arising from the action of the low temperature on the warm body. "HfrA fienrae Frennd iu poufined to hier home, Buffering from an attack of the grippe. „ A few of unr local sportsmen attended the tariiet shoot giveu by the Elgin gun club in that city last Sunday. L. F. Newman in nursing a very sore foot, cansed by that member being crushed beueath a cake of falling ice. C'has. Giveils is wearing the smile that won't come off. It's a girl and the young lady arrived Tuesday morning. The management of the Central opera house has placed bill boards at different conspicuous locations about the village: Wegener Bros, of Volo have rented the Casper Wirfs saloon building on the WwstSide <nd already doing business therein. Farmers living in the vicinity of Bar. nard's Mills recently delivered to Amos Smith, near Ringwood^ fourteen loads of choree porkers It is being hinted about town that a local orchestra may be formed here at a foture date. We hope the hints will mature into a reality. .. Only Night Air at Night. Speaking of Florence Nightingale Steam heat is now being installed in the Central opera house, whi6b will be completed in time for the next perform ance, and patrons are assured comfort. Mr. and Mrs Geo Maypole of Fox Lakf were visited by the stork on Fri day, Feb. 14, which left a bright baby boy at their home. George is happy now. The Osteud Snnd iy school will hold a calico social at the home of F. Martin on Fridav evening, February 28. Fur ther particulars will appear in jhesecol nmns next week "Was She to. Blame Y "--A picture of everyday rural simplicity. Each char acter drawn-true to life. At Central opera honse Sunday evening, Feb. 28. Seats on sale at Petesch s. Rumor has it that a number of our people will be riding in new autos this summer We have not placed an order ifor ours as yet. The nearest we ever csine to possessing one was in a dream A goodly number partook of the chicken pie dinner served by the ladies of the M E church at Stoffel's dining hall last. Thursday noon About nine teen dollars was cleared, and not one of those who ate chickeu are begrudging the money spent A petition in defiance to the <&ie re cently circulated and filed by promoters of local option is being circulated by the liquor dealers this week. Just, what their real idea is in circulating said pe tition and what effect they intend it will have v e have not learned. A correspondent wishes to know the meaning of the word "per" in business parlance. Well, it is all owing to the kind of business in which one isengaged. If a man is working in a bank or post- and her efforts to keep the world j office he gets HO much salary per month healthy, it seems pertinent to make j If he is running a newspaper he gets so special mention of her mission In be j ninch per haps. half of the open window at night. In --7 the early years of her labors much un-j The National Pickle and Cannin« Co. Intelligent opposition to this method j hits already contracted for quite a nnm of ventilation because of the supposed j ber of bushels of cucnml>ers for this sea- harmfulness of the night air was ex pressed, but Miss Nightingale had one stock argument in support of her posi tion, it being the question, "What air shall we breathe at night but night air?" It was unanswerable from her opponents' point of view, even If it did not always convert them, but it did lead a countless number into saner ways of living and along the way to the present methods of treating tuber culosis--Boston Transcript. son in aud around McHenry, and th* prospects now point to the harvesting and shipping of an unusually large num ber of bushels of the creeping vegetable at the local factory this fall. The heaviest snow storm that has vis ited this section this winter fell on Tues day and Wednesday of this week. Wed nesday morning was the worst for traffic that we have experienced in many years The strong wind that prevailed all day Tuesday and Wednesday piled the snow in large drifts, making traffic im possible in many places, especially in the couutrv. Garantized Oils. The following advertisement of olive oil is the work of a Rio Janeiro firm: "Ours olives oils have garantized of fltts quality. Diligently fabricated add filtrated, the consumer will find with j Grayslake Times: The Tiroes has them, the good taste and perfect pres- leHrn^ that R pron.inent business man ervatlon. For to escape to any conter- I - ̂ T .1, . u i * 11 u . .. . . . i of t ox Lake who has two comely dangh- felt, Is necessary to requlere on any | ̂ . botles this coutremarc deposed con- ,ters 18 at Pres^nt imping out (barred formably to the law. The corks and ) ^roul home) and all because he prop- the boxes hare all marked with the erly called down two young men of that village for staying too late when they ...MEW.. HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the did Schiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a.share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them fiMl value for money rapeiv- ea and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. Patzke & (0. West McHenry. f? -^=====^ Bt JIM BECKER THE BEST STOPPING AT Mme. S. S. Torrance 'Phone 364. • West McHenry. ^ * Mies, fr The National Pickle & Canning Co, are now con tracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. They expect to secure a large acreage at this high price. Con tracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or P. A. Boh lander's; or J. C. De brecht's, Johusburgh. APR o0 Want Column. All advertisements inmtrted undt*r this head at the following rate*: Kive Uneti or lens, 26 centH for flrat insertion: 15 cento for each subsequent Insertion. More than five line*, 5 eenta a line for flrat insertion, and 3 cents a line for addition* insertions. TjMJR SA LE-Dakota and lColorado lands. A Jloniusteads located. For furt-liur infor mation a|jp!y to or address E. \V. Howe, Mc Henry. Ill 17-t.f VOK SALE OR RENT--t»W. lttO, £15, 240, '270, J 440 ;k'ion for cusli. ISO tic res for rent on shares. Buy u farm. Avoid moving. Stop li-iyiuK rent. Wlieu you drive a nail or plant a tree it will be yours. #1000 will Ret a farm $f>00 in A pinch -IOUK time on t he balance at low rate of interest. I). 1\ (juiM.AN. Wood stock, HI. 35 ~GV>U KENT--A far"' of 1Whcreslyinxon I'is- taken Lake. Also forty acres of lm.y land if desired. Fair buildluKs. Terms $3.00 per acre with privilege of usiuR fire wood. Pos session xiven March 2. For further informa tion apply to or address N. J. JUSTKN, West McHenry, 111. 34tf lire."--Case and Comment. The Housekeeping Instinct. A bright little girl who had success fully spelled the word "that" was ask ed by her teacher what would remain after the "t" had been taken away. "The cups and saucers," was the prompt reply. called on the business man's daughters. The Times is most cautiously re<ju#sted not to mention the fact that one of the young gentlemen in (juestion is a school teacher of that village. A huge block of ice weighing several hundred ponnds which has been visible » ix "T ! on top of the water tower for several Self Composed. I , . , , „ . , She-FIe is a person of perfect ease i days PR.8t- Ust s"tor<3*y to the and possession and is thoroughly at |t>on<^'lusion that it was occupying a very home anywhere. He--Yes, he even has the faculty of making you feel a total stranger in your own house.--London Tit-Bits. Fear and Danger. Nervous Old Lady (to deck hnnd on steamboat) -- Mr. Steamboatinan, is there any fear of danger? Deck Hand (carelessly)--Plenty* of fear, ma'am, but not a bit of danger. Little girls believe In the man In the moon, big girls in the man in the hon eymoon. Plane Your Order NOT*. The government postal aathoritiea have caused to be posted in every posi- offlce in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed J thereon. Every business man. farmer j or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return lo the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Gall at The Plaindealer office aud leftve.orders fpr this stationery and it wilt tft pat np in first-class manner. dangerous position so took a downward flight, landing on a pile of dry goods boxes,within a few feet of the barn of John Evanson. What it did to the box es may be imagined. It will at least save the expense of hiring a man to chop them into kindling wood. There is no telling what the ice meteor would have done had it landed on the house or barn. ComliiK Attraction. "Was She to BlameY" is a well con structed comedy drama thaf has stood the test, and no play ever written has been a more welcome visitor on return engagements. Particular attention is paid to every detail jn regard to scenes, situations and mechanical devices that go to make a perfect performance, and with an rxceptionally strong cast es pecially engaged to interpret a play of real merit, Interspersed with bright comedy, make an evening's entertain ment that you should not miss. At Cen tral opera house Sunday, Feb. 28. Auk Yoiirnelf tli« (Jnmtlim. Why not, use Chamberlain's Pain ltalm when you have rheumatism? We feel sure that the result will he promot and satisfactory. One application relieves the pain, and many have been perma nently cured by its use. Pain Balm is a liniment and is applied externally to the affected jiarts. 25 and 50 (rent sixes. For sale by all drngvista. T)im PluMMlAr P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furniahed on application. £OLD STORAGE FREE Stall i ft 3, Pulton St Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Professional* Society V and Businesss Cards DAVID <*. XV ELLS, M. L>. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND vKJULWT ^ Office and residence corner Elm *,u G reen streets, McHeury. Teleuhoua No.^SULJ, ^ FEGERS A FEGERS DHYSIC1ANB AND SUBGEONS. McHenrr 1 III. Office at Residence, coraa* Court ant Hello IXILSWIJEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, IHInoIs All b'u.siuess intrusted to his care win be properly and promptly at.tenaed to.** DR. R. a. OH AM BERLIN , DENTIST. Office and Residence over ft. J. Waleb'f Store Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. Www MOHBNRY. Iu, Telepboae No. *93 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of properly In the best Companies. Weitf McHanry, Illinois. John «J. VycitaJ DBALEU IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin aud ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'I'lioue 353. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes. Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER (ARRIAGF PAINTING, 55.00 df!d UPWARD House aixi Hi^n PaiuiiiiK and all Interior Dec orating, Hesidettce north town lineoue block west of river. Telephone No.5J54. MCHENRY. - - - ILLINOIS H.C. MEAD JU5TICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. 5 I am now prepared to Insure all kinds or prop erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etr. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, - III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE Tm LUNGS w™ Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE $i.oa Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FOR COLDS8 ^ GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Yes, .litis- is; Spines* Gro- eejpy. Yes\ yre b^ve an elegant line of Coffee, also.a full and complete stock of Fresh Groceries of every cfescriptloti. Call us up and give us yoitr order. Our goods are of the quality that brings us trade, :: :: 1 Wm. Sinies UP-TO-DATE "GROCER Heimer Block, - flcHenry J) PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes and sizes. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doz en finished in different styles. Price, S*~.0O -\nd upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views r buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Et\l«Lrg«m4»f\ta Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Framos A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for auy size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENKY, ILL. T*t*i>f\on». 493 DEMI HOTEL R. L. UNLAND, MANAGER Mddlson dirt (lark Sts., (tiujjo ENTRANCE ON flADISON »T. Stein Heit - Electric Bells is ill Ross ...Rates... 50c., 75c., and $1.00 Located In the center of the business district From Stock Yards take Wll) and Halsted Sis, car direct to corner of Madison aud Clark Sts. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.00 a m... sunt a m.?. 3.25 p m... S.4ft p m... 4.37 pm... S.4S am.- 8.10 am... 2.00 p m... Leave McHenry. 7.80 a TO... 8.17 a m... 4.23 p Effective November 10. WHK DAT TRAINS. MOKTHBOOND Via Elgin . Via JH*s IM:Lines .. Via lies I'lalnee.. Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes.. 817NDAY THAI KB. ... Via Elgin. . . . ..Via l>e& Plataaa... Via Elgin FIN DAY TRAINFL. BOOTHBOUND. 1907. Arrive McHenry. 10.17* m ... ..10.17 a m &.04 p m 6.40 p m #.40 p m Via Elgin Via l)es Plalnes... --Via Des Plalnes.. 4.83pm.....' .Via Elgin 80MDAV TKA1MS. 7.X0 a B< ; Via Elgin 6.00pa. VlaU* PlaiaMf.. 5.00pm * HVlaElfin,.^.. Arrive Chicago. .. .<.&•> a m .9.65 a m .Mdpm .. .7J0 p rn Bank of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, bays aud sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to oar care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to oar customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan | on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class. Cotnpanies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh aud salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- bnrgh Creamery Butter, Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, HI. WEST SIDE is the place to leave your order * . . . . F O R . . . . . Oysters and Fish Also an elegent - line of fresb and s a l t M E A T S f. F. Matthews, West McHenry, hi. Tel Mala 1714. ' WHY do people of Mi Henry, Lake an other countl Imp in at Lambert Q. Seng's M Fifth Ave. CHICAQOV 1 Because It to u borne Uke.