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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1908, p. 4

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77?/ Nervous ? Then your blood must be in I a verv Md condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it -- Ayer's Strsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This 1» the flrtt question your doctor would ask: "Are your bowels regular?" He ktii)v\> that dally action of the bowels is absolutely esfumtitt! to recovery. Keep your liver activ t» ai,«l yttor bovrols regular by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. A by 3. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ma»» Also manuflkoturer* of HAIR VIGOR. AGCJE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL yers W« fcovs no secret*! We publish formulas of all our medicines. Recent dispatcher from Washington indicate that the cost of the Panama canal will be very much greater than the original estimate. Colonel Goethals (the army engineer in charge of the work) stated dnring the course of a hearing before the committee on inter- oceanic canals, that it is practically im­ possible at the present time to form an intelligent estimate of the ultimate cost. Colonel Goethals was asked if he thonght t,lif fost would be #300,(KM>,000 and he replied that it probably would be at least that much. Then he was asked if it would cost $500,000,000 and he replied that it might, cost that gigantic snni. It is a curious coincidence that Senator Hopkins, while still a member of the house of representatives, predicted that no engineer who had undertaken to es­ timate the cost of the Isthmian canal, whether via the Panama route or the Niearaugna route, had covered the sub­ ject with sufficient thoroness to estab­ lish beyond question the final approxi­ mate cost of the waterway. Senator flie Mclfewy Waiiealtr PUBLISHED EVERY T13UKSDAY BY F. G. SCHREiNER. Bank Building. Telephone, No. ITS. : TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: .On** yen* :..... W -6® mootha. 7Sct«. Three months. 40 eta. Thursday, March 5,1908. fog COLLECTOR. . I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for reelection to the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub­ ject to the decision of the Republican township primary, and hereby solicit the f-:. rapport of my friends. 34 John Niesen. 1 FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIOHWAYS. . I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will bethank- ful 'for the anpport of the voters. Mar. 9* Jott;< B. Young. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensuing two years, and respectfully solicit your support. Wm. Stoffel. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensning two years, and respectfully solicit your support. M athias W eber. AIDITOUSMIJIOIING. Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, will meet on Tuesday, March 31, 1908, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2:00 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans­ act such business as may come before the meeting. Bills against said town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. , Dated at McHenry this 4th day < f March, 1908. N. H. Petesch, Town Clerk. TOWN CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that the annu­ al township primary of the Republican legal voters of the township of McHen­ ry will be held in the village ball at McHenry on Saturday, March 21, for the purpose of placing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at the coming April election, to-wit: One town clerk, one commissioner of highways, one collector, one assessor. Polls will be open from IKK) o'clock p. m, an til 5,-00 o'clock p. m. Township Clerk. CONVENTION CALLED. e*v«lb I>lst Congreiulonal Aurora. to M««t In A Republican convention for the 11th congressional district of Illinois is here­ by called to meet in the city hall in the city of Aurora on Tuesday, Mareh 24, 1906, at 1 o'clock p. ui., for the purpose of selecting one presidential elector and two delegates and two alternates to thf national Republican convention to be held in Chicago June 16, 1908, and to transact such other business as may properly come before it. The congressional committee suggest* that the county committee in their re­ spective counties meet and select the delegates for said congressional conven lion and issue credentials therefor. The basis of representation in said convention shall be one delegate for each 200 votes, or major piart thereof, cast for Roosevelt in 1904, on which basis each county is entitled to the fol­ lowing number of delegates: Counties Vote Delegates Dr. Page 4,078 20 Kane 12,688 «a McHenry .1,409 Will 10,001 S» H. T. Rockwell, Chairman. C. F. Renich, Thos. M. Hull, John T. Clyne, Congressional Committee, Plitoe Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thns insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaiudealer office leave orders for this stationery and It will be pat np in first-class manner. Hopl&iiAcj nb that idea that the cost would amount to a sum many millions of dollars in excess of ttae highest estimates of the engineers. He was quite sure that the Nicaraugua route could not be utilized at a cost of less than three-quarters of a billion of dollars. He gave as his opinion that the Panama route would involve an outlay of not less than a half billion of dollars. Since that time Senator Hopkins has be­ come an active member of the commit­ tee on interoceanie canals and has play­ ed an important part in the preparation of legislation for the continuance of the work on the isthmus. Of all the mem­ bers of the committee who heard Col. Goethals' startling admission it is prob ably true that Senator Hopkins was the only one who was not surprised. He has been prepared for such an admission for a long time. Perhaps he did not ex pect it to be made at the present session of congress, but Colonel (ioethals is an army engineer, blunt, straightforward and outspoken, and no consideration of diplomacy or exigency could for a mo­ ment prevent him from telling what be deemed to be the truth. Besides, Col. Goethals was never responsible for any of the original estimates of the proposed cost of the canal; they came from other engineers. His job is to build,the canal regardless of cost and be feehjaftt to be his duty to tell the truth abouTthe cost. Senator Hopkins is not an engineer and does not pretend to possess either the experience or skill necessary to compile estimates of cost that will show approx­ imately how much must be spent to carry on the great public work to a suc­ cessful conclusion; but the senator pos­ sesses an abundance of that quality which is known and admired as "horse <*ense." He was one of the few legisla tors prominently identified with canal legislation who did not delude himself into a false belief. The senator's theory is that the canal must be built honestly, and that it must be built as quickly as possible. The cost is a matter of con­ cern. There is no donbt about that, but it is not so important as that a canal shall be open to navigation before the expiration of the year 1915. Senator Hopkins has made the canal his person­ al concern and he doubtless will see to it that it is constructed honestly and rapidly. 0 Before buying a cook stove or heater see Vycital's line and get his prices, tf WINE OF CARDUl F. o. Gaus the auctioneer. ADtees satisfaction. He goar Here is a Woman Who Hag Been a Great Suf­ ferer and in Twelve Treatments Has Been Made a Weil and Hap* py Woman. To the public: I wish to state my caaefor the bene­ fit of others who might be afflicted, f was suffering for years with stomach, liver and rheumatism. I <lnct,nred with so many but found little relief. One of my neighbors advised me to take treatment of Prof. Leach, and in January 1908, I began to take treatment of Prof. Leach. After taking twelve treatments I went home and from day to day I gradually grew better, and to­ day I feel better than 1 have for years. I feel very gratefulto Prof. Leaoh and I hope he may live long so that he may heal others also. y Mrs. Anna Brevick, Kinsman, 111. If yon are sick and suffering and have tried other forms of treating disease and have received no benefit, why not try Prof. F. A Leach, and his science of healing? Hundreds of people who have j given up in despair after having doc- ! tored for years and received little or no | benefit, have gone to Prof. Leach, and j Uuder his treatment are enjoying better | health than for years. ] It co^ts you nothing to find out your j diseases and whether he can help or cure I you. He does not take cases he cannot I help or cure. Call at his office and be convinced. Letters of inquiry will re­ ceive prompt attention. Yonrs truly, PROF. F. A. LEACH, Room 2, Spnrling Building, Elgin, III. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped fram Tlie Plaindealer of March 1883. Weakness Women caonolpoesttlyfce strong, while suffering from • any of the diseases peculiar I to their sex. Even if you do M not feel weak* the weakness • of your system is there, and m I s a c o n s t a a d a n g e r * P u t f t strength into your frame • with M Tickets have been issued for an Easter party at Gilles' hall, McHenry, on Mon­ day evening. Music by Mudgett's or­ chestra. An Easter party will be held at the McHenry House in this village on Mon­ day evening, March 26. Music by Ring- wood quadrille band. The sociable at E. M. Owen's on Wednesday evening last was a most pleasant and novel affair and drew out a large and happy crowd* Chas. Kuhnert of Johnsburgh has a new ad in our paper today. Mr. Kuh nert has a full stock of goods for the spring trade which he is selling as low as good goods can be bought anywhere. The suit in which the town of McHen­ ry seeks to compel the county of Mc­ Henry to assist in paying for the iron bridge across the Fox river at the village of McHenry has been decided by the ap­ pellate court against the town. H. E. Wightman is again funning the Riyerside House alone, E. W.* Wheeler having moved oat. Mr. Wightman can always be found on hand ready to wait on all customers in the best manner pos­ sible. The pleasant little village of Crystal Lake was on Wednesday, February 28, the scene of quite an interesting cere­ mony in the marriage of George Drury of Fox Lake and Miss Lorinda Skinner of Nunda at the home of the bride's parents. George Clark of this village, who for some time has been contemplating going West, has abandoned the idea for the present and has taken an interest in a provision and vegetable store at 75 W. Adams street, Chicago. The firm will be known as Paine & Clark. Beethoven's. Oddities. Beethoven useil the snuffers for n toothpick. It was one of his peculiar­ ities that he never allowed his servant to enter his study. He Insisted that this room should remain exactly as he left it, no matter how deeply the dust lay on the precious musical manu­ scripts. He seldom looked in the glass when he tied bis stock. Half the time he forgot to brush his hair. Every morning he carefully counted out sev­ enteen beans from the coffee canister. These served for his breakfast. When he composed, he would pour cold wa­ ter over his hands, and often people below him would complain of the wa­ ter that soaked through his floor. . Niagara. Niagara is a corruption of the Seneca word "neagara," meaning "across the neck," an allusion to a strip of land be­ tween the lakes. The * name has been subjected to many changes since the discovery of the cataract, more than thirty different readings being found in the writings of the various early ex­ plorers and geographers. What He Would Do. Grandpapa -- Tommy, Tommy, you aren't behaving well. Do you know what 1 should do if I were a little boy like you? Tommy--Yes, grand­ papa. you'd do the same as I do. 'cause If you didn't yon wouldn't be a little boy like me. The Universe. The heavens themselves, the planets and this center, observe degree, prior­ ity and place, insisture, course, propor­ tion. season, form, office and custom, and all in line of order.--Shakespeare. Itfcueres regulates unnatural found Druggist* LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER ^REPORTERS. U*ms of Interest. Plttked Pp Atoot Our Biiajr Lttite Burf Thstttftf Concern Ton op Your friends. * Born, to Mr. and -Mrs. James Unghep, Tuesday, March 3, a son. If you are an ofiJoe Meeker, let your friends and the public know about it thru the columns of The Plaindealer. Quite a number of local markstnen attended the shoot at Jos. Micbels' place at Johnsburgh Tuesday. Some fair scores were made. The new band held its first practice meeting Tuesday evening, and from the enthusiasm shown the boys mean to make a go of it. The Plaindealer will be sent to any addretjp on trial three months for twenty fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wiee ordered. Trv it Owing to the fact that there was not a quorum present, the regular monthly meeting of the McHenry business men was not held Tuesday evening. It is truly a shameful condition of affairs. The first opportunity you have call and settle your account with The Plain dealer, as we must comply with Uncie Sam's demands by asking each and every subscriber to pay his or her paper in advance. After Apjril 1 the names of all sub­ scribers who are one or more years in arrears to The Plaindealer will be taken from our list. This we must do to com­ ply with the new postal law. Pay np and save trouble. Astfs a Good Deal. "How about the rent of this house of yours. Flitter? Doesn't the landlord ask a good deal for It?" t Flitter--Yes. He often askt Ave and six times a month for it Did it ever occur to yon that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the stores? We print 500 good grade envel opes with your return card for $1.50. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our |*atrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should b« taken advant­ age of. ___________ An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer, who reside south of town, passed away during Sunday night, the funeral taking place from St. Mary's Catholic church Tuesday morn­ ing. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community. We are in receipt of a souvenir postal from E. M. Comiskey. The postal is a view of W. J. Blair's bnffalo ranch near Dalhart, Tex., and was sent while on board the White Sox special that left Chicago last Saturday. E. M. will m<ike the entire training trip with the Sox, and it is needless to say that he is in his glory now. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. The marriage of Miss Retta May Wray of Richmond to Mr. Harry Strain of Harvard was solemnized at St. Pat­ rick's church in this village Tuesday morning, the Rev. Paul tiourke offici­ ating. The ceremony was witnessed by only a few of the nearest relatives and intimate friends of the young coup­ le. The young couple left on the 4:28 Chicago passenger, amid a shower of rice. The nsnal water nnisance is again being put up with by residents along Green street, between Elm and Pearl, This nuisance has become an annual one and the residents along the street are becoming almost impatient. The home of Dr. D. G. Wells is reached only by wading thru water that varies from one u) several inches in depth. A great deal of money has been expended on this very proposition in the past few years, but thus far no results have been shown. Loading Freight by Cards. "I don't know whether the practice Is still kept up lu the far south, but I remember how tickled I was at seeing the method used in loading goods luto freight cars down in Mississippi some while ago," said a railroad man of St. Louis. "A lot of strapping black fellows will be on the job under the supervision of a white man, who will be issuing or­ ders with great volubility. 'Put this aboard the king of diamonds; take this to the ace of hearts; load this on the ten of spades; this to the Jack of clubs,' and so on, and then you'll notice each one of the long line of freight cars has tacked on it some one of the tifty-two curds composing a full deck. The Sen­ ega mbian loafers for the most part were ignorant of letters and figures, but every man of them knew the paste­ board emblems which be had often handled in games of seven up. That next to craps is the chief diversion of the colored sports of Dixie."--Balti­ more American. The kangaroo readily jumps from six­ ty to seventy feet. The highest record­ ed leap of a horse is thirty-seven feet Best Healer in the World. Rev. F. Starbird of East Raymond, Maine, says: "I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for several years on my old army woupd and other obstinate sores, and find it the best healer in the world. I use it too with great success in my veterinary buHiness. " Price 25c at N. H. Petesch'h drug store. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "sfetiiftl Awl" price of #1.76 for the two. '• ' • ' • ....NEW.... HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the oia Seniessie Build ingin West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch, : ; . : : R. Patzke & Co. West McHenry. (Professional. Society V and Bvxsinesss Cards DAVID a. WELJjS, M. I>. ;, PHYSICIAN,SLlttlKON AND OOUU*»"; Office and residence corner Mu» »*** Ureeu streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEGEB8 PHYSIC!ANH AN1) SURGEONS. McHenry r 444, office at Kesidetice.corner <Jourt»oc 1 ?te^s&cseas. D. T. SMTLfeY A TTOKNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, Illinois ** All busiiit^sH intrusted to Uis care W"1 be property ami imxnptiy attended to. fr BECKER THE BEST STOPPING AT Mme. S. S. Torrance 364. • West McHenry. Mies, fo The National Pickle & Canning Co, are now con­ tracting. for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushekfor vat run pickles. They expect to secure a large acreage at this high price. Con­ tracts may be made at Block & Bethke's orF; A. Bohlanderls; or J. C. De- brecht's, Johnsburgh. APR.2o Want Column. All fcdvurti*eiutmt* fnncrted uiuh r this lu-ml at Mi following r&toH: Five lines or let*g, sift rent* for flrMi insertion; 15 oentH fur each snbxequeiit in*ortiou. More than lire Un«>», 6 cents a line for timt innertion, and 3 cents a line for additiona Insertions. •EMJIt SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. -*• Homesteads located. For fnrtlier in for­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, 111. 17 tf t>OR SALE--A rubber-tired single top b«K- -1 gy. In first-class condition. Will sell at a big bargain on account of moving away. For further particulars call on Mkh. J. J. Huntkh, West McHenry, 111. 37-4t Tj^OIt RENT-The old Michael Cleary farm of 123 acres; neariy ail under cultivation; H mile from Mclleury; fair buildings. For further information apply to or address Miss Mauuik CREAKY, Mclieury, III. M* T»x«a! Taxeti! Tax**! Having received my ttookn I am now ready to collect taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places dnring the week: Mondays, J. C. Debrecht'a store, Jobnohnr,gh; Tues days at Bradley & ITohh' store. King wood; Thnrsdays at M. J. Walsh's, store, West McHenry; Saturdays at the store of Gilbert Bros., McHenry. 32 tf John Niesen, Collector. Hs Could Not Will. "Can you lend uie a liver, old fel­ low V'~ "Surely I can." "But will you?" "Ah, my will power ha9 utterly de aerted me these days!"--Town Topics. Motoring. "Motoring la the very poetry of mo­ tion." "Except when you have a smashup!" "No; even then--It's blank verse!"-- London Opinion. Two Enigmas. "Why don't we see men like the nov­ elists describe?" "I give It up. Why don't we see girls like the Illustrators draw Louisville <tk>urier-J ourual. P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Bee!, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street application. COLO STORAOE FREE Tags and price lists furnished on Stall i a 3, PaKoa St. WholcMte Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. vs L„ L I>R. JR. Q. CHAMBER LIN DKNTI8T. Office rnce over ft. J. WMrt'i Store. Honrs: 8:00 to 5:30. West M tjJi *01 Kir. T1.1.. Telephone Ne. . ! SIMON St"OrFEL _ . Insurance Agent tor all classes of property in the best. Companies. West McHenry. JoPvrt Vycital ftRALF.H IN General Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds, 'Phone 543 McHENEY, - V ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a 'Specialty. 'Choix' WM. BACON iwder in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps. Fittings. Well Supplies. Flt-st-cla-ss Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 dlld UPWARD iiunse :111<i Sigh I'limling :imi »ii i nterior i >er- orat ing. Uettidence north town liueone ItUx'K we*, of river. i Telephone No.2f>4. McHenry, - Illinois H. C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AQENT. 1 aiii now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Ktc. Also have a. special tiue of Insurance ou Live Stock lusuring.against: death from any cause. West McHenry, - III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PR^3ES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L the couch ra CURE THE LUNCS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE FOR 800 & $ioa 1 Ull V#OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUABANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. PHOTO STUDIO. ortraits All shapes aud sizes. Sev­ eral proofs (4) .select froi(i. Kacli doz­ en finished in differeutstyles. Price, $2.<M) and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a <lozen hand some Photos and a Hi-20 enlargement , finished neatly and • W artistically in nat- nral colors. :: :: Waukegan St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Tel«pKon«, 49 S DM H0IE1 R. L. UNLAND, MANAOER Madison and (lark Sis.. Chicago ENTRANCE ON HADISON ST. Steam Heit - Electric Bells it ill Runs 50c. • • • 1^9 tes* *« 75c., and $i.«# Located <n the center of the business district From Stock Yards take and Halnted Sts. ear direct to corner of Madison aud Clark Sts. Chicago & North-Western. CHOICb ^ _ • Let your Groc^tv wants be known to us, thereby being assured tbat your order will be filled with promptness, courteous- ness and last, but not least, with groceries of quality, some that will stand the test of the new Pure Food Law. Our line of candies and fruits is also quite com­ plete at all times. We can and will be pleased to supply you v^h Flopr and Potatoes. •- ^ Wm. Simes ,' I P.TO. DATE «««fCRR „ Heimer Block, - flctlessry jj " Bank of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sella Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BAHKIM BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all bnsiness intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to onr customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections.... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. CENTER VILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle Johns- bnrgh Creamery Batter. Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. Leave Chicago. 7.00 a in. •MM) » m. p m. 3.4T) p m. 4 .r>7 p m . u.ioara... $.00 p m... I.oave McHenry. 7.20axn... 8.17a m... 4.2H p nr. Effective Noveml>er 10.1VW7. fBCK DAT TRAINS. KOHTHBOUND Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes ... ......Via Ues Flalnes... Via Elgin . Via !>es Plaines... -- SITHOAT THAJN8. Via Elgin ..VIS L>es IMaiues.... Via Elgin W»BK DAY TBAI1W. SOUTHBODND. WEST SIDE Neat Met is the' place to leave your order . . . . . F O R . . . . Oysters M fish Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. -- Via Elgin j, .Via Ot»s Plaints... .Via l»os IMaiues.. p tn.. Via Elgin •OK 1>AY THA1NB. 7.20 am, jj.. Via Elgin 5.00 pm.. Via Dea Plaines.... 6.00 pm A. ..Via Elgin Arrive Mclli'iir* ...10.17 a m ...6.04 p m . .4.40 p m . .S.40 u ui ..11.14 a m .11.14 a . 4.5ft p b) Arrive Oltlcago. ..., JI.55 a m . .t.ftsam ...r120 p m .,..7.10 p m ....{.55 a m ....fl.iJO p in .. ,f.G0 p m • •• 4; Tst. Mala 1914. WHY do people of lb Henry, Lake as other couatl irop in at Lambert Q. Seapr* W fifth Ate. - cmcAoot, it ft* Boms (KM. 1 *

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