LAsk - Your *wn Doctor If he tells you to tike Ayer's Cherry PectoraJ for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. Tht best kind of a testimonial- "Sold for over sixty years." _ . Lowell. •o mtnulkotarNl of. »!ede by J C. Ayr Co All " ' t/ers SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. BAIR YHMW. Wo have no ieer«ta! Wo publish the formulas cT oil oar jnedieteeg, ^aaMBanmnnMMiM Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime, IMS*, one. lie McHenry Plaifiltiler PUBLISHED EVERY THL'HsKAr BY F. G. SCHREINER. Office ID Bank Building. Telephone. No. $78. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION i One year ©.50 Six months. 75cts. Three months. 40ctt. Thursday, March 12,1908. No member of conferees has enjoyed friendlier or more intimate intercourse with President Roosevelt than Senator Hopkins. While he was a member of the honse and chairman of the census committee of that body the senator was thrown into frequent contact with the president, by reason of the fact that the seemingly eternal question involving the reduction of southern representation became one of the president's earliest hobbies. The president and the senator did not agree upon the desirability of that legislation, but tbey learned to re spect each other's opinions and motives, ami presently arrived at a mutual under standing which has caused the question to slumber without awakening ever since. Very soon after Senator Hopkins' pro motion to the upper branch of congress he was called to the White House one day to be present at a conference be tween the president and certain persons who purported to represent certain com mercial and other interests in Chicago. These persons bad filed a protest against the appointment of a well known Illi- noisan to a federal office in the southern district. Senator Hopkins undertook to explain to the president the reasons which actuated him in advising the ap- Odd UM For Perhaps the most novel use to bread is put may be seen In one of our great watch factories, where more than forty loaves of fre§h bread are required each day. An official of the watch fac tory is quoted as saying "There Is no secret regarding the use of bread in this factory, and I am will ing to tell all I can concerning it. From the earliest times in the history of watchmaking it has been the custom of watchmakers to reduce fresh bread te the form of dough. This is done by steaming and kneading. Tbey then use this dough for removing oil and chips that naturally adhere In course of manufacture to pieces as small as a part of a watch. There are many parts of a watch, by the way, that are so small as to be barely visible to the naked eye. The oil is absorbed by this dough and the chips stick to it, and there is no other known substance which can be used as a wiper without leaving some of its particles attached to the thing wiped. This accounts for the continued use of bread dough in the watchmaking industry."--American Food Journal. FOR COLI.ECTOH. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for reelection to the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the decision of the Republican township primary, and hereby solicit the support of my friends. 34 JOHN NIESEN. FOR COMMISSIONKR OK HIGHWAYS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the fown of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thank ful for the support of the voters. Mar. 9* JOHW B. YOUNG. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensuing two years, and respectfully solicit vour support. WM. STOFFEL. FOR VILLAGK TRUSTEE, I hereby announce myself a candidate for member of the board of trustees of the village of McHenry for the ensning two years, and respectfully solicit your support. MATHJAS WEBER. FOR ASSESSOR. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of as sessor for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the action of the Republican township primary, and solicit the sup port of my friends. JOHN KIMBALL. * FOR COMMISSIONKR OF HIGHWAYS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of commissioner of high ways of the township of McHenry, sub ject to the action of the Republican cau cus to be held on Saturday, March 21, and solicit the support of the voters at that caucus. JOHN BOYLE. A Quaint Compliment. On Mark Twain's seventy-second birthday a Hartford clergyman said of him: "No wonder he finds happiness in ofcA age. Al! the aged would be happy if they were as sympathetic and as kind as he. He is continually going out of his way to please others, and the result is that he Is continually pleasing him self. Listen, for instance, to the quaint compliment he paid me the last time he came to hear me^preach. He waited for me at the church door at the serv ice's end and, shaking me by the band, said gravely: " 'I mean no ofTnse, but I feel oblig ed to tell you that the preaching this morning has been of a kind that I can spare. I go to church, sir, to pursue my own train of thought, but today I couldn't do it. You interfered with me. You forced me to attend to you and lost me a full half hour. I beg that this may not occur again.'" ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Repnblican voters of McHenry county: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry connty, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters •of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908, and ear nestly request the support of my Repub lican friends throont said county. V. S. LUMLEY, Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. pointment of the man in question. He was constantly interrupted by one of the party of dissenters. This particular man was exceedingly irritating in bis manner. He was brusque, domineering and insnlting. Presently the senator lost patience, and turning npon him with a ferocity that could not be misunder stood, exclaimed: "You are an impudent puppy, sir. You have come here pretending to rep resent certain interests and certain bodies. I want to assure the president that you represent nothing and nobody but yourself; and I desire further to as sure him that so far as you are con cerned you are unworthy of belief or credence." The senator had advanced within reaching distance of his tormentor and his hand was outstretched as if to seize him. Then a consciousness of his en vironment--the presence of the presi dent of the United States, his words and his threatening manner, suddenly overwhelmed him. He backed away from his tormentor in some confusion, and tnrning to the president, exclaimed contritely: "I beg your pardon, Mr. President; but my temper was sorely tried." The president, smiling raptuously, al most jumped at the senator, and patting him on the back exclaimed: It was fine, Hopkins; yon did it splendidly, and I congratulate you upon your self control." From that day to the present time Senator Hopkins and President Roose velt have been the closest friends. The president trusts the senator implicitly. He knows him not only to be honest bnt unselfish. Moreover, he instinctively likes a man who knows how and when to protect himself against wanton in- snlt. AUDITORS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, connty of McHenry and state of Illinois, will meet on Tuesday, March 31, 1908, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2:00 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans-* act such business as may come before the meeting. Bills against said town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or wilb the undersigned. Dated at McHenry this 4th day of March, 1908. N. H. PKTKXCH, Town Clerk. TOWN CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that the annn- al township primary of the Republican legal voters of the township of McHen ry will be held in the village hall at McHenry on Saturday, March 21, for the purpose of placing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at the coming April election, to wit One town clerk, one commigaioner of highways, one collector, one assessor. Polls will be open from l:oo o'clock p. m until 5:00 o'clock p m. TOWNSHIP CLERK. Best Healer in the World. Rev. F. Starbird of East Raymond Maine, says: "I have imed Bucklen's Arnica Salve for several years on my old army wonnd and other obstinate •ores, and find it the best healer in the irorld. I use it too with great success in my veterinary business. " Price 25c at If. B. Petescb's drng store. F. O. Gans the auctioneer He guar- aalw satisfaction. The Lucky Quarter Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health that's more precious than jewels. Try tbein for headache, bilious ness, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheer fully refunded at N. H. Petesch's drug store. These Bad Pains which (Ire jw inch exquisite suffering, every month, are canted, as yon know, by fcnak troaMe. Reiki seldom or sever cone* of Itself. It Is necessary to can tke cause, la order to stop the pains, and this can only be doae if yea will take a specific, feasls reaedy, that acts directly oa the womanly orgaas. WINE OF WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, «tatlnif ags and describing symp- !£«»». to J.adit t Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. ( hattanooga, Tenn. E 33 Philosophy of Descartes. Turning the mental \tision inward, as Bacon turned It outward, Descartes watched the operations of the soul as an object in a microscope. Resolved to believe nothing but upon evidence so convincing that he could not by any effort refuse his ascent, he found as he inspected his beliefs that he could-,plausibly doubt everything but his own existence. Here at last was the everlasting rock, and this was re vealed in his own consciousness; hence his famous "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am). Consciousness, said he. Is the basis of certitude. Interro gate it and its clear replies will be science, for all clear ideas are true. Down in the depths of the mind is the idea of the infinite perfection--the mark of the workman Impressed upon his work. Therefore God exists.--New York American. 8cience and Sound Fact. "The workings of the human mind when asleep are full of wonder," re marked a scientist who was paying a visit to an acquaintance. "Have you ever started up from a sound dream less sleep, with every sense on the alert and with your whole being thrill ed with a vivid yet indefinable feeling that something was wrong and instant action required?" "Often," replied his hostess, "and In nearly every case I have found that 1 was awakened by the fumbling of my husband's key at the front door!" Impertinent. Speaking of a man noted for his im pertinence, an acquaintance said: "Blank's impudence was second only to that of a waiter I heard about the other day. " 'Look here, waiter,' said a guest, 'this fish is not cooked properly.' " 'I know it, sir,' said the waiter, 'but you told me it was for your wife.' " 'Well, what of that?' asked the sur prised guest. " 'Why,' said the waiter, 'I knew that if the lady was your wife she couldn't be very particular.' " Realism In Art. Two artists were boasting how they could paint. "Do you know," said one, "I painted a sixpence on the ground one day, and a beggar nearly broke his fingers trying to pick it up!" "That's nothing to what I did," said the other. "I painted a leg of mytton on a stone, and It was so realistic that a dog ate half the stone before he found out his mistake!" His Narrow Escape. "I tell you, the closing of the Steenth National was a mighty close call for me." "How was that?" "Why, a friend had advised me to put my money in it and"-- "And you took his advicj??" "No, but I would if I'd had any mon ey."--Philadelphia Ledger. Not the Kind He Wanted. "Little Willie ran away to hunt red skins." "Yes?" "But he didn't find any until his fa ther had finished with him."--Harper's Weekly. face Ungallant. is my fortune, sir," she CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEF "Csrdui did wonder* for me,w writes Mrs. H. C. Larson, of Olds, Is. "I had female trouble for S years. I had displacement, which increased my suffering, the doc tor could only relieve me at times. Now, i am so mm.k better, i hardly know when ay time begias or whea U ead*." At All Druggists "My said. "Well," he replied, "poverty is no dis grace, but it's awfully inconvenient at mes." The Wicked Husband. "Why does a man lie to his wife?" asks a woman writer. Dear use, does he?--Duluth Herald. A moral, sensilUe, well bred man will not Insult me. No other can.--Cowper. Nuscuidf RHewn«tfsm oftheCfeest, BacK ddd NecK- teg il Seven ifNtmti Prof. Leach: Dear Sir--I suppose yon think? I am dead and gone I am enjoying the bent of health. I think that I am entirely well now. Yonr treatments are some thing wonderfnl; they helped me at once. The last time I was up to see you yon told me to take a vacation for a week, and I was feeling BO good that I husked more corn than any of my three men. The men said they did not see bow I conld derive so maeh benefit in such a short time. I have no pains, my neck is not stiff and I can sleep fine; my appetite is very good, and I am thoroly well. Anyone wishing to know what you have done for me, tell them to call 3 on Main 1251, Streator 'phone, or drop a line and I will be glad to answer their wants. Yours very truly, W. A SANTLEMAN, Livingston Connty, Btaokstone, 111. The above is a reply to a letter of inquiry as to the health of Mr. San tie m^n. This cure was made about eight ye«rs ago. Write to Mr. Santleman and see how he is today. PRQF. F. A. LEACH, Room 2, Spurting Blk., ' Elgin. Ill LOCAL NEWS OF M'KENR^ fg/mm -CHOICE- AS 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Let your Grocery wants be known to us, thereby being assured that your order will be filled with promptness, courteous- ness and last, but not least, with groceries of quality, some that will stand the test of the new Pure Food Law. Our line of candies and fruits is also quite com plete at all times. We can and will be pleased to supply you with Flour and Potatoes. Wm. Si mes UP-TO-DATE OROCER tleinier Block, * HcHenrv r A NEW J Items of Interest Picked Up About Our Huny Little HurgThat May Concern You or Vour Friends. Rwul Th» PUfndMlw new ad in this Jay N. Gilbert has a week s issue. Read it. George Freund and Robert Friaby are new employes at the boat factory Don't forget the public card party and luncheon at Woodman hall next Tnes day evening, March 17. All are invit ed. Bernard Mueser, the new lessee of the Riverside House, is already furnishing same in preparation to the reopening of this popular resort abont May 1. The frost is fast disappearing from Mother Earth and the tillers of the soil are already preparing tbeir farming implements for the spring work. Geo. R Gilbert is now acting as clerk at the depot. George is in every way capable of filling the position and will no doubt prove to be the right man in the right place. 4 The lid was on tight in McHenry last Sunday and 'tis Baid that some of onr inhabitants were nearly suffocated by night; but still we bave not heard of any extra doctor calls. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep 'you posted locally, bnt The Weekly Intet-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By onr special ar rangement von can seen re both papers for one full year for the very low rate $1 75. The roads in the country where snow drifts are still quite prevalent are said to be in very bad condition. In numer ous places the public highways are still impassable, bnt these conditions, it is hoped, ;Will not be experienced very much longer. Being about to move away I hereby offer for sale at my home in West Mc Henry on next Friday and Saturday, March'ISand 14, the following articles: Bedsteads, matresses, springs, pillows, lamps, kitchen utensils and dishes. Mrs. Mary L. Cobb In renewing his subscription to The Plaindealer Jos. G. Buss, who is now located at Nachusa, 111., writes that without The Plaindealer he wonld feel quite lonesome "out in the wilderness^" Jos. is acting as station agent for the C. & N W. company at the above mm* tioned point. PRINTER WANTED-The Plain dealer wants a first-class, country bred printer, one who can set tasty ads and jobs, operate presses and make himself generally useful about the office. Good wages will be paid to the man that makes good. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. tf A very pleasant meeting of the Ladies' Afternoon Card club took place at the pleasant home of G. W. Besley last week Wednesday afternoon, Mrs.Mayme Lamphere acting as hoptess. The after noon 't> honors were awarded to Mrs. Nina Sherman. Delicious refreshments were partaken of. McHenry is now without the services of a regular operator at the depot, Jacob BUHH' services in this capacity coming to a close Tuesday evening. The C. & N. W. company has several good posi tions open for Mr. Bnss and it is quite likely that he will accept one of them. The action on the part of the North Western is anything but reasonable and fair and our citizens in general feel that the action taken Is quite unjust. ADMINISTRATOR S* NOTICE. C. J. Hendricks, Attorney. Rut-ate of Thomas Hogan, Dec«»aw»*l. The undersigned having been iippoliitod Administratrix of the Estate of <3" I in mas llo- IRAFT, deceased, late of the County <IT Me Henry and State of Illinois, hereby (fives notice tlml she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court, House In Woodstock, at tlie May term, on the tlrst Monday in May next at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are noti fied !vnd requested to attend for the pur|Mise <>f having the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said Estate are, requested to make immediate pay went to the tlnderslgried. Dated this 5th dav of March. A. I>. WON. 3H-3t MAHY L. C-OBB, Administratrix. Don't forget the early closing and do yonr shopping during the daytime. ....NEW. HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Sehiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : ft. Pdtzke & (o. West McHenry. Place to Eat IN CENTERVILLE. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT for Men and Women. Meals at all hours. Din ner parties solicited. Lunch counter in con nection. Have engaged the services of a first- class cook* thus assur- yig the public prompt and appetizing service Hi GIVE US A CALLS J.N. GILBERT 'Phone 271. - Proprietor, WEST SIDE is the place to leave your order FOR Oysters and Fish Also an elegent line of fresh and s a l t M E A T S E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. Mies, S The National Pickle & Canning Co, are now con tracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. They expect to secure a large acreage at this high price. Con tracts may be ma,de at Block & Bethke's orF. A. Bohlander's; or J. C. De- brecht's, Johnsburgh. AVH ^ This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean-- |1.7ft for one year's subscription to both. BECKER THE BEST STOPPING AT. Mine. S. S. Torrance 364. West McHenry iv CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages We also handle .Tohns- bnrgh Creamery Bntter, Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, III. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honae on the street Tags and price ltata famished on application. COL|> STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 ft j, Piiltoa St. WhotoMl* Market. J) Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, bnys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrnsted to onr care in a manner and npon terms entirely satisfact ory to onr customers and respect fully solicit the pnblic patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. ^ Bankers. Want Column. All advri-itsMiiMit* InwrUnl under this liead at the foltowliigrftl«a: lines or le»«, cente for first Imertlon; IS eeilts for sutmequent Insertion. More than live Hunt), & cental a Hue for nrat Insertion, and .1 cents a line for addltlona Insertions. LM)U SALE Ottkota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. For further lufor illation apply to or address FLW. Howe. Mc Henry. III. N |7 tf l^OH KKN T The old Michael (lleury farm of 12a acres; nearly all underciiltivatioii; H mile from McHenry; fair buildings. For further Information apply tool address MISH MAUOIK CI.KAHY, McHenry, III. H#*' "CK)R SALE-- Double store building in West -- McHenry, ill. For inforwxtlon apply to MRS. GEBTBUDB L. MILLKA. West McHenry, III. 86-tf Professional, Society V a^nd Busirvesss Cards D'AVIl) G. WELLH, M.!». PH YSICIAN, SURGEON AND «XJULiHT ' Office and residence corner Elm MI Green streets, Mcllenrv. Teleiibooe No. II] FEGERS & FEGEEH AND SURGEONS, ttcBenty ci-- M La' Residence, corner Ooartan£ Elm streets. Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois A«' Dnslnens intrusted to bis care will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAMBKRUN DENTIST. Offtcc and Residence over 11. J. W(UH'I gtors, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. W B8T MCHBNHT. ILL, Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent forall classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. llllnoU. John <J. Vycitail DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oila. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds, 'Phone 648 McHENRY, - * ILLINOIS. WellHlrilltug a 8pcv«alty.> 'Phone2A3. WM. BACON I'HHlei iii Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. ( am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop- erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L THE COUCH MB CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR /*OUCHS run V#OLDS AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES PRICK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONET REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of M« Henry, Lake an other countl drop In at Lambert Q. Seng'a 82 Fifth Aye. CHICAOOF Reci* use it is so home like. PHOTO STUDIO. ortraits All shapes and sices. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doi- en finished In different styles. Price, $3.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive fipparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of building rattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand some Photos and a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and IV/V artistically in nat-Lnral colors. : Waukegan St., near the Standplp#. WEST McHENRY, ILL. T*l*phon*. 495 Chicago & North-Western. Effective November 10,1007. Leave Chicago. 7.00 a 111... U.O0 a m. . 3.25 pui... :).•.*> p m... 4.57 p m... 8.45 am. . 9.10a m... 3.00 p m... Leave Mclleury. 7.20 am... 8.17 am... 4.8a p m... 4.23 p m... 7.20 a m. 5.00 p m. 5.00 p 111. VNK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBODMO Via Klifiu ....Via Des Plaiuea .. ...Via Des Plaliies.. Via Elgin ...Via DesPlalnea.. SUNDAY TRAIN!. Via Elgin. . . . ..Via Des Plalues... Via Elgin WEEK DAY TKAIM. SOUTHBOUND. Arrive McHenry. ....10.17 a m ...10.17 a m -- 5.04 p m 6.40 pm . . 0.40 pm 11.14 am . 11J4 a m . 4.66 p m . Via Elgin - jClgl .Via Des Plaint™. --Via Des lMniuee.. Via Elgin. SUNDAY THAI MS. .......Via Elgin ... Via Des Platnea... Via Elgin Arrive Chicago. . .0.55 a m 0.55 am ..S.S0 p m .. 7.10 p m . .0.66 am ..6.90p m .7.60 p m Place Your Order Mow. The government postal authorities hav% caused to be posted in every post* office in the conutry a circular letter to the public, nrgiug everyone to nae en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer * or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his enveloj es, thus inpuring their retnrn to the sender if anv mistake is made in the add rats. Call at The Plaindealer offios and leave orders for this stationery and it will ba put up in 8nt*cUn niTntf.