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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1908, p. 8

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* ' ' $L}* » \; Sg§pp»i;fj P*« SI# £}|/P •%'J'- ^|vV" -1*. We have a fine line of Men's and Boys' Suits on hand and if in need of a Suit, We can save you $5.00 on a Suit and give you a Suit equdl to any tailor make. - JOS. W. FREUND, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Plaindealer and any one of the fol­ lowing Metropolitan Daily Papers: : : : Record Herald Inter Ocean Tribune One full year, for only $3-50 1 Subscribe Now! No Use to Die. . "I have found ont that there is tin nxe to die of long trouble as long as yon can get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. J. P. White of Rtuhboro, Pa. "I would not be alive only for that wonder­ ful medicine. It loosens np a con^h quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the caae has been pronounced hopeless." This most reli­ able remedy for coughs, colds, lagnppe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness is sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drugstore. 60c and fl.00. Trial bot­ tle free. ADMINISTRATOR'S* NOTICK. C. J. Hendricks, Attorney. Estate of Thotuuh Hottstu, Deceased. The uudersigiied IIHVIUK LW«U appointed Administ ratrix of the Estate of Thomas Ho- gan, deceased, late of the County of McHeury and State of Illinois, hereby ({Ives notice thai she will appear before the County Court of McHeury County, at the Court. House In Woodstock, at the May term, on the first Monday n May next at which tluieall persons having claims &Kainst said Estate are noti­ fied and requested to attend for the purpose the same adjusted. All persons in­ debted to said Est ate me requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 5th dav of March, A. l>. iu«s. i&~Ut Mill* L. COBB, Administratrix. A* Advertised. I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain'b Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and found it to be all claimed for it in advertisements. Three of the fam- $ i ily have used it with «ood results in *•£' summer coixiplaiut." H. E. Howe, pub- •*yK liaber of the Presa, Highland, Wis. For druggiato. Don't forget the early closing do jour aboppiof dariog the daytime. Want Column. MR8. MARY (OVEROCKER) WHIPP Aftmt* Bring* Her Nau»« In»o tk*" H««»- 7 light at Klffln. Elgin Daily Courier: A Sunday even­ ing carousal in which five Italians and an American woiunn took part, resulted in the arrest of the entire g»nK- Charg­ es of disorderly conduct were preferred against each, and the men were fined f 1 and coets each by Police Magistrate Becker, while the woman was assessed flO and costs. The woman in the case is Mrs. Mary Whipp, formerly Miss Mary Overocker. She was married to Whipp by Police Magistrate Becker several months ago, only a few days after a trial in which Whipp was fined for creating a disturb­ ance at the woman's hoiue on Douglas avenue. A laughable feature of the trial this morning was the disclosure that Police Magistrate Becker has not yet been paid for performing the cere­ mony, and that the woman's husband deserted her a few days after the wed­ ding. The disorder was called to the atten­ tion of the police by Roeco Pachi, who got into a dispute with one of the other men over the woman. His opponent masticated Pachi's hands bsdly and he left the house and informed Officer Hud­ son of the occurrence. Hudson took the injured man to the police station and washed him up, and then took Officer Breen with him and went to the bouse at 1(W Brook street. Hudson rapped on the front door and immediately there was a noisy scramble in the house. Mrs. Whipp and a mau ran out of the back door and when Breen shouted at them to halt the man turned back into the house but the woman kept on. Breen caught the woman and re­ turned to the house where he found that Hudson, gun in hand, had the four men backed into a corner. The patrol was called and the entire bunch brought to the station. Mrs. Ben­ nett, the police matron, cared for the woman and the men were put into sep­ arate cells. This morning, in addition to the fines, Magistrate Becker gave the woman a lecture on the disgrace of her conduct, and warned her that if brought in again she would certainly be more severely dealt with. OF A PERSONAL NATURE!°° YOU GET VP WITH A LAME BACK? PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE THEY QO. AND A Grist of Peiuonul N«w* Hithorti Dp by the W*jr«ld» by VM ftmpi-m- •aatatlTm. Mrs. W. F.> (iallaher spent Tuesday at Woodstock. C. Q. Frett attended to bsslttess in Chicago Wednesday. W. D. Wentworth ia doing jorjr doty in Chicago this week. John Shaffer attended a dance at W»(k- conda Tuesday evening. M. J. Walsh was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. A. C. Matthews boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Miss Lillie Heiiner was the guast of Woodstock friends yesterday. N. E. Barbian was a business visitor at the county seat Wedneeday. Mrs. John I. Story of Chicago waa the guest of relatives here over Sunday. J. H. Millet attended to matters of a business nature at Nnnda Wednesday. O. H. Howe of Minneapolis, Minn., spent Sunday at the home of E. W. Howe here. E. W. Howe left Tuesday morning for Dakota, accompanied by a nnmber of prospective land buyers. Mrs. Clarence Draper and young daughter and Mrs. Joe. Draper were guest* of Mrs.* Merriman last Wednes­ day. . Mrs. Max Kline and daughter of Kal­ amazoo, Mich., are guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Math. Engeln. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth was at Peoria last week, attending the state eonvea- tion held by the Royal Neighbors. She represented the McHenry organization. E. L. Wagner, president of the Weet McHenry State bank, came out from Chicago Monday evening to attend the regular monthly meeting of the officers of that institution. PROBA TE NEWS ?WS I All advertisement* iiuert«d under tllU bead at the follow lii« raU» Five lines or 1«M, M nnla for Brat Insertion; 16 cents for ea»ti inMequent Insertion. Mure than (1»e Un«s, 5 cents a line'for first Insertion, and S cents a line for addition* Insertions. "CMJK SALE Dakota and Colorado lands. A Homesteads located. For further iufor matlou apply to or address E. \V. Howe, Mo- Henry. 111. 17 tf T^OR 8ALR-Double store buildluK In West x McHenry, III. For information apply to MHB. UKHTRUDE L. MiLI.KB. West, McHeury, HI. ;jN-t,f ANTPMJ Married man to work and mau T* age farm. Splendid chance for right man. G<MM1 salary and share profits. Want quick answer. Address COUNTV CI.KHK .JOH- BPH F. HAAH. County Building, Chicago, lil or call at my cottage. Plstakee Bay. on Fri­ day oi Saturday. :tt)-tf p^UKhALK VERY CHEAP -- Incubator. 2f>0 eng capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph­ ers' make and good as new. KINUHI.KY HOUKK, Plstakee Bay, III. 'ft»-tf pMJlt HALE Lawn mower, gasoline stove , stud six bushels of potatoes. MATHIAH LKICKIM, oyer I'etesch's drug store, McHen- ' V !"• __ :«-tf X^OHSALE Two good work horses. Call on A J. H. SMITH, IH miles south of McHeury river bridge on river road. fo Hi?* r> TjpOK HALE OR HKNT 1 mile south of McHenry. write Tan PI.AINDKAI.BH. McHt Eighty acres of land, mile south of McHenry. Apply to or eury, in. 3«-3t fl" '• • ft ' We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons pan se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of fl.7<r) for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and shonld be taken advant­ age of. Take advantage of our specially low rate of $1.75 for this paper and The W sskly Inter-Ocean for one year. * KINdWIXII). James Conway was in McHenry Wed: nesday. Chas. Bacon was a McHenry caller last Friday. Rea Dodge was' a Chicago passenger last Thursday. James l^add was a caller in Spring Grove Sunday. Willis Kittle of Moreland visited here last Thursday. S. Todd of Dundee is visiting James Ladd this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay entertained company Sunday. Will McCannon was a county seat vis­ itor last Thursday. Mrs. Julia Bishop spent several days in Chicago recently. Wm. Harrison is able to be around again after a long illness. Miss Katie Frisby of Sioux Falls, S. D., is calling on friends here. Ray Dodge spent Sunday evening with friends at Spring (Jrove. Ed Thompson and Orrin Wheeler were recent callers at Woodstock. Mr and Mrs. Wm. B Johonnott and son visited relatives in Solon Sunday. O. Tabor and E. Chase transacted business at the county seat Thursday. J. V. Buckland transacted business in Lake Geneva one day the past week. Frank Hawley of Ringwood spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. Several from here attended the horse sale at Woodstock Wednesday of last week. Misses Flossie Carey and Nettie Whi­ ting were Woodstock visitors last Sat­ urday. Geo. E. Adams and Miss Belle Neish spent Sunday evening with friends at Solon. Supervisor James Ladd boarded the train for the county seat Wednesday morning. Miss Agnes Carey of Spring Grove spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Math Smith of the Spring Grove Tel­ ephone company was in town on busi ness Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacon of West Chicago visited with their parents here the past week. Mrs. J. Watson was called to White Water, Wis., last Thursday to attend the funeral of her neice. Mrs. Myrtle Shales and son, Dwain, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gnerin at McHenry last Thursday. Homer Handell of Savannah pur­ chased a carload of cattle in this vicin­ ity during the past week. Miss Belle Neibh of Fox Lake has been visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity the past week. Mrs. Lowell of Nunda was a Sunday visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Edward Whiting, and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bacon returned to their home in Chicago Monday after a week's virfit with relatives here. Mrs. Erwin Herbert and son, Edwin, spent part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Neish, and family at Fox Lake. A. G. Bishop bad the misfortune to have a valuable horse break a leg Mon­ day. He recently purchased the horse of Joe May. Harry Cristy and gentleman friend of Waupaca, Wis., visited one day recent­ ly with the former's grandparents, Mr and Mrs. I. Harsh, here. While felling trees Tuesday afternoon Bert Merchant had the misfortune to be strnck by a falling tree. His shoui ders were quite badly bruised and sev eral bad scratches sustained. We hope to see Bert around again soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W Harrison enter tained a company of friends, about sixty in number, at cards last Wednesday evening. After the usual number of games had been played refreshments were served after which all departed for their various homes declaring that they had enjoyed an evening well spent. IFurnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sylvaqus E. Lambert & w to Fred C. Schmidt et at, 252.6H a In sees 7 &8 McHeury, r 8 9- Elizabeth Simpson et al to Jas. Qreen 5 a in ne cor se^neM sec tt village of Klngwood 500 00 N. I) Stevens & w to trustees of schools township 46 r 3 dlst DO 35 pt seM sec 9 McHeury r 8 20000 Herbert W. Allen & w to Wm. McOan- nou uekseH sec 4 McHeury r 8 500 00 Anna Wolf & h to Carolina Miller Its at Kocky Beach, sec 18 McHenry r« 1,360 00 Olive Edith Edwards & h to Wm. A. Harris Its 49 & 50 Orchard Beach. .. 550 00 Joseph H. .lusteu & w to Math I as P. hluke nHuwM & nwXueM sec 23 Mc­ Henry r 8 12,000 60 Lola I). Walsh & h to Richard B. Walsh Its 1, % & 3 blk 7 McHenry w side Fox river. S00 00 John Kegener & w to Eva Meyers it 2 blk 14 w side river McHenry 1,30000 George E. Yager & w to Jacob Justen pt It* blk w side river McHenry. 100 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John WetachL24. ...Monnt Horeb, Wis Rosa Eggiman, 21 .. Monnt Horeb, Wis. Louie Bottlemy, 22 Alden Winnie Van Hoozen, 19 Alden Michael Niban, 49 Marengo Hannorah O'Brien. 46 Hartland Conrad Wild, 47 Chicago Mrs. Amelia Schlattner, 26 Chicago Unequaled as • Cure For Group. "Besides being an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croqp," says Harry Wilson of Waynetown, Ind. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears, this rem­ edy will prevent the attack. It is used success!ully in many thousands of homes. For sale by all druggists. Read The Plaindealer. Horses For Sale At Col. F. J. Berry's farm, 1% miles north of Wauconda, Lake county, III., formerly the (jlynch farm, can be seen a large stock of first-class farm and general purpose horses and mares suitable for the road and all work, weighing 1100 to 1400 pounds. Also several pairs drafters, H000 to 3100 pounds, a choice lot. Also a few cheap horses. All the best ages and a useful, sound aucl serviceable lot. All horses guaranteed as represented at time of delivery. Come and see them, and Joseph Peterson, superintendent, will take pleasure in showlug stock and sell everything at low­ est. market prices. Fresh consignments from Iowa and Minnesota received anci sold at the farm weekly. Cot. F. J. BERBY, Stock Yards, Chicago. KMsey Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swanip- Root, the great kid­ ney, liver and blad­ der remedy. It is the great med­ ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years x>{ scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the " ~,m" ' eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, Brie acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's 5wamp-Root is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work. and in private practice, and lias proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell­ ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou­ ble. .When writing mention reading this generous offer in tins paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamto N. Y. The regul v fifty-cent and on dollar size bottles are uamo of &trmmp-Root. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any tftistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingliatiiton, N. Y., on every bottle. Don't make any mistake, bnt remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham- toia, N. Y., on every bottle. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from The Plitiiidci'rr ot March 10, 1883. Hon. George Gage and wife returned from their visit to Kansas on Friday laftt. Will Mead returned from Dixon last week, where be has been attending school. Mrs. Hatfield (nee Miss Mabel Smith) of Osborne, Kan., is visiting relatives and friends in this village We understand that Eugene Perkins will, about the first week in April, open restaurant and confectionery -store in Kelter's block in this village. The school sociable by the pupils of the grammar department of our public school, which was held on Thursday evening last, was well attended and was really an interesting and enjoyable af­ fair. Lame Shoulder. Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing so good for a lame shoulder as Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rnb the parts vigorously at each appli­ cation and a quick curb is certain. For sale by all druggists. Central SSuSg rtcHENRY, ILLINOIS. Sun. Evening, March 11 STETSON'S BIO DOUBLE SPECTACULAR Uncle Tom's (abin (o. THE BARNUM OF THEM ALL. ao rien, Women and Children Fine Orchestra of Ten Musicians 1 Scenic Investure a Revelation! lO-SpectKUlir Specialty Sensitions-10 Celered People Prom the Cotton Belt Sterling Dramatic Cast of Metro­ politan Artists. -EVA'S ASCENSION- Band end Orchestra. Popular Prices. Free Band Concert* Twice Daily. Seats Now on Sale at N. H. Petesdi's >3 - Y" *-- yap' • ...; Spring and Supinj OUR.USE II goods is-now com­ plete:' Suitings, GINGItAMS, PERCALES, WAITINGS,' i Freak Groceries, the following: brands of flour: CKRKSOTA, PILLSBURY BESI^ 'ANSK , SPENCESf^S. , A.^lBOH LANDER. WESts McHBNRY/ILLINOIS. F. 1 J West McHenry OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, &25,000. •OFFICERS:: EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINOS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 P paid on Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer­ tificates of Deposit. HEADQUARTERS FOR . i Lumber, Liai#^ Cement, Brick, Sewer Pipe, Goal, F'oar and Feed. We have a complete stock of all kinds of Building Material and mason's supplies and can fill esti­ mates promptly, Let us figure on your estimates* :: :: :: - Wilbur Lumber Co. ricHenry, III. 'Phone 433. P. O. West Mcltenrjr. Spring Goods Arrive Men's Sweaters We have an all-wool Sweater,ex­ tra well made, ribbed neck and tail, a big value; color, tan; spe-, cial for hunters, on sale at $2.98 Here It Is A tine, all wool, jersey ribbed Sweater Coat with blue and red border and grey body, just the thing for spring and summer wear, special price for this gar­ ment ... $1.98 Fancy Veatings for waist, per yard 25c Our shelves are loaded with spring lines and never before have we offered to the buying pub­ lic such attractive styles and patterns. See the line while complete. :: :: :: ^ Ginghams ̂ We pride ourselves on having secured such handsome and attractive patterns in these lines All the newest shades are included in this lot, plaids, stripes and plain colors atl££c, lOO, ..Tibbie Linens^ Pull 60 to 72-inch wide, full bleach Union table linen, cannot be equalled anywhere for the price. Will wash, iron and wear better tfaftn what you pay from 10 to 20 cents per yard more for. See this line, 4 patterns at per yard. 390 Spring CoaLts Weare showing in this line an exceptionally big value, half fit­ ted ba«5k with silk braid trim­ ming down front and back, full silk-lined, black only, see these, \vI?He they last at. . $4.96 * Short Lines t $5.00 black silk Shirt Waist, o n l y a f e w i n l i n e , s e l l i n g a t . . . ... .$2.50 %nd $2.93 Mercerized Linens, with stripes and checks, a big Value in the tan, pink and blue, per ya.rd.... ........&£$.48c It -.: BLOCK & BETHKE, McHENRY -TELEPHONE, NUMBER 54" " U>' •r 'i+SZ,-?:. li. -abc hk $¥• . •gsK"

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