- IN THE Spring time 1 '•" . " - '"i ^ ' v:i'; ' Is >^fae time wfa# the model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., .with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact that we ha ve placed a line of vsiich goods into our store this spring that we are indeed proud of. We know pur lines are such that will please you all. Call in and see what we have to offer. - - Undertaking; and Embalming is aJso a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person al supervision. We take complete charge, fur nish hearse, and care for bodies when so wished. f- --M WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND QET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, - B. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. ---!« OUR STOCK OF Ml DRESSGOODS Is now nearly complete, we having many new novelties to offer in Dress Goods and Waistings in Silks, Voiles, Panamas, Chiffons and Novelty Weaves. :: :: :: :: :: A Fine Line of Dress Ginghams at per yard only 10c; better grades at 15c, 18c and 25c. Gauze Underwear and Hosiery. Our Shoes and Oxfords are of the most up-to- date styles. Be sure and see them. :: Hen's Work Shoes. Extra heavy soles; guaran teed Waterproof, at $3.50: just the thihg for rough, hard wear. . :: - « ~ New Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Ties. Our Line of International Tailoring Samples is ready for your inspection. It's time now to order your Suit for Easter. A perfect fit guaianteed. Over 1000 samples to select from. :: A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH, PURE GROCER IES. McLaughlin's and Chase & Sanborn's Cof fees. White and Graham Flour and Corn Meal. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. f" ftore Snaps in the Grocery Line O UE GROCERIES will give you perfect satisfaction and you ueed not hesitate to buy of us, as we guar antee everything as represented. WE OFFER: Cal. Yellow Craw ferd Peaches, Blossom Brand Tomatoes, can. 25C 5( can Choice California Apricots, lb Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb Choice Sugar Corn I A* 3 cans 25c, per can | Ul Our Pie, for making IA * pies, pkge , IUl California Apricots in syrup, can. California Peaches p e r c a n . . . . . . . . . . SS.'fi JOHN 5T0FFEU 25( 25t Lighthouse Soap Special 6 bars Nonesuch Pumpkin special, can Orange M armalade >20c jar for..". Green Gage or Egg Plums 30t \n 25t 10c 15 c 18c Toasted Corn Flket, 8 pkg.,asc NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED && OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RIUUK^IBUk Warfcer Cobb was » Chicago oaller last Thursday. t Mrs. George Wheeler returned last Wednesday from the city. Mrs. J. H. Parks was at Woodstock on bttsiiKws \m% Saturday. Herman Wiiie and iady friend visited at Woodstock last Sunday. Peter Benson and family visited with Alfred Johnson at Holcoinbville. Mrs. Mabel Merchant visited Mrs. Bennett at Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. Sophia Serine of Woodstock was a Ridgefield visitor one day last week. Mrs. Lindsley and child visited Chica go friends from Tuesday nntil Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son were Huntley visitors Snuday aud Mon day. O. Garrison of Greenwood visited his son and family the letter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Wbiston entertained tha former's brother and lady friend last Snnday. Mrs. A, Levey retnrned home last Fri day after a few days' visit with Rock- ford friends. Miss Caroline Nytnann spent last Sat nrday and Snnday with her grandiuoth er at Woodstock. Rev. Dickey filled his charge here last Snnday. He expects to move his family here about May 7. Chas. Keeler and son, Marvin, of El gin visited at Mrs S. Wakefield's from Friday nntil Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E Ford and children of Union drove over for dinner at Father Reed's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs S R Smith of Chicago visited at Father Button's from Satur day until Monday afternoon. L. A. Walkus and sons drove to Crystal Lake Tuesday morning, the boys having missed their train that morning. They attend school at that village. Misses Agnes Throop of Nunda and Edith and Marian Murphy of Woodstock spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. G Hartman, it being Mrs. flartman's seventieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman celebrat ed their golden wedding last Wednesday at their home here. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion with tulips.jonquils and ferns, Mr. Hart- man's neice, Mrs. Ben Throop, of Nun da; Mrs. Hartman's brother, J. Mnrphy, and family of Woodstock and other rel atives united to make it a day long to be remembered. At about eight o'clock in the eveuing their friends and neighbors, about thirty or forty in number, gather ed and gave them a grand charivari. Mr. Hartman had in some manner, known only to himself, discovered their intentions and was prepared when the invasion was made. After the cigars had been passed the late visitors were treated to a spied id musical program. All agreed in wishing the venerable old pair continued joy and happiness for many more years to come. SCHOOL NOTES. Our basketball has arrived. Our fourth grade is doing nicely. Come and visit us, we will welcome you. Fay Small of DeKalb visited school last Monday. Our insect collection numbers over sixty and our seed collection over seven ty. The girls won the arithmetic contest for the mouth of April. Elsie Anderson and Rosie Paterson held the highest averages for the girls and Jackson White for the boys. BMBRALD PARK. Walter Walsh was a JohnBburgh caller Sunday. EM. Walsh of Chicago was a guest at his home here Sunday. Jas. Haxton, Sr., and D. W. Hill of Chicago were at the Park Sunday. Mis« Mary Sutton visited friends in McHeury and vicinity Tuesday last. Mm E Knox is spending this week with relatives and friends in Chicago. School was closed Monday and Tues day last on account of the illness of Miss Knox. Misses Margaret and Delia Conway of Elgin visited at the home of M. Con way Snnday. C. t>. Whiting and Will Howard of Woodstock visited at E. Knox's Satur day evening. Richard Fleming of Barreville and John Petti bone of Chicago visited at J. Gibbs' Wednesday. Mias Ethel Harbaugh of Huntly was a guest at the home of J. R. Smith Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell and children of Chicago visited H. Felmeten and family Saturday and Sunday. Geo. E. Hollcher of Elgin, Geo. Cum mins and Chas. McCabe of Chicago vis ited at R. J. Sutton's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan and daugh ter and Wm. Cohan of Chicago are spending this week at their summer residence Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and fam ily came out from Chicago Saturday evening, the former end son, Will, re turning Snnday evening. XEBBA CQTTA. • Mrs, A. T. McMillan was a McHenry caller Jftonday. Mrs. Frank McMillan was a McHenry caller Monday. Mrs. J. M. Phalli^ was a Chicago vis itor Wednesday. Miss Mae Scheesel spent Snnday with Richmond relatives. Mr« T Powers of McHenry visited at T. M. Phalin's Wednesday. Assessor George Bryant of .Nnnda called in this vicinity Tneeday. Mrs. M. Knox entertained the Larkin Soap club Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Colby of Barreville was the guest of relatives here Friday. Miss Mae Welch of Griswold Lake visited at J. M. Phalin's Tuesday. Mrs. W. Lewis of Chicago spent Mon day and Tuesday at J. H. Gracy's. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville was a caller at L. Lock wood's Friday even ing. Misses Delia and Margaret Conway of Elgin spent Snnday with relatives here. Mr and Mrs. T. R Anderson and daughters visited at Genoa Junction Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farnswdrth of Chicago were the guests of friends here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pfeffer and daughter, Loretta, of Emerald Park called on friends here one evening recently. Little Harold Knox accidentally step ped on a nail Friday morning, causing him considerable pain, bnt he is doing nicely at this writing. TOlA Miss Lydia Nicholls was in McHenry Snnday. Ed Lusk made a business trip to Chi cago Tuesday. Marshall Jepeon of Wanconda was a recent Volo caller. Mesdames Wm. Dillon and John Wal ton were McHenry visitors Monday. Mrs. George Rosing of Ronnd 'Lake attended church here Sunday forenoon. Mrs. Grace Kirwan was the guest of friends at Wauconda one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rangbt of Wau- kegan spent Saturday at the Ranght farm. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were in town Saturday. Miss Mande Walton of Libertyville visited her parents here from Saturday till Tuesday. Mrs. Bennie Schafer of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pi teen, this week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond visited her daughter, Mrs. L. V. Lusk, at West Fremont Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mary Hook has closed her school for a few days on account of the serions illness of her mother, Mrs. A1 Hook. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Shulteeand daugh ter, Mildred, of Highland Park were guests at Rosing Bros.' Tuesday and Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can seonre both papers for one full year for the very low rate $1 75. OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW WHERE; THEY GO. AND RING WOOD. APRIL 28. Miss Leone Kelley is visiting at Lake Geneva. C. W. Harrison is the owner of a fine new auto. Mrs. J, Carey was a McHenry visitor one day last week. Miss Eleanor Hawley of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Hend^ickson of Keystone were Sunday callers at Qharles Bacon's. Mr. and Mrs. G. L Bacon are the hap py parents of a baby girl, born Easter morning. Master Kirk Harrison returned home Tuesday evening from a visit with friends at Lake Geneva. . RMA Tha riainrisilir "WMU' A OHM of Personal News Gathered Up by the Way aide by Th* PlaJadaaler Repre Mutative*. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting spent Wed nesday in Chicago. Mrs. Emma Givens was a county seat visitor Wednesday. Peter Leickam spent Saturday and Snnday in Chicago. O. B. Gilbert was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Wm. Bacon transacted business in the windy city Wednesday. L. E. Nordstrom was a business visit or in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Maude Kerr boarded the Chicagr train Wednesday morning. N £ Barbian wall called to Wood stock on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles were windy city visitors Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Turner waa the guest of Elgin frieuds the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs Alva Hollar bush were recent guests of Spring Grove relatives. M. J Walsh attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Wednesday. P. P. Rokbermel was a business transactor in the metropolis Wednes day. Tbos. F. Ryan of Emmett, Mich., spent a few days last week at the home of M. J. Walsh. J. C. Debrecht of Jobnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station Wed nesday morning. Mm A. G. Barbian went to Chi cago Wednesday morning for a few days' visit among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Barnard, who have a summer home at the Bay, boarded the Chicago train here Wednesday morning. Mr. and fi^rs. J. B. Trowbridge and daughter of Chicago spent a couple of days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R? N. Patchen. Miss Ada Carey will go to Elgin this afternoon to be in attendance at a dance given by the A. A. dob at the watch factory gymnasium. Mrs. C. E. Newell of Chicago is spend ing a few weeks with Mrs. Merriman, her mother in-law Mr. Newell came out Sunday, returning Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Schans,' Milwau kee, Wis.; Emilie Velapquez, Philadel phia, Pa.; A. Scans, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. W. Hose and Miss Carrie Gradt of Chicago are sojourning at the Orchard Beach sanatorium. 01 dot Phone 691. -WHAT-- 2£CtS. --WILL BUY AT-- Orten's 3 pounds of assorted Cakes. . . . 2 5 c 3 cans of Pumpkin, the very best, guar antee it, at 25c 2% pounds of Cur rants in bulk (they are O. K.) at.... 25c Seven bags of Salt (the 5c kind) at... 25C 12 packages Washing Powder, 5c pkg.. 25C 3 Cans of Marrowfat Peas for 25c 3 packages of Pan cake Flour... .... 25c 3 12-oz. pkgs. Seed less Raisins 25c 6 one-pound Cans of Soap, for scrubbing 25c Don't forget Chapman's Baking Powder, 3 cans.. 50c -THE Hli (Mury Store nr / nuuej, (X The National Pickle & Canning Company are now contracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. Seed will be ready about June 1. Contracts may be made at Block <& Bethke's or F. A. Bohlander's; or J. C. De- b r e c h t ' s , J o h n s b u r g h . m a t 8 8 National Pickle- Canning Co. Want Column. All a<lv<>rtiBement« Inserted under tliia head at the following rfttea: f'lve lines or 1kh», 26 cent# for flrtt Insertion; 16 cent* for eK'h Hubttequent Insertion. More than five line*, 6 cent* a line for lint Insertion, and 3 cent* a line for addltlona Insertion*. TJH>R SALE--Dakota and .Colorado lands. ^ Homesteads located. For further iufor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mo ll eury. 17 tf XjVJR HALE--Double store building in " McHenry, III. For laformiitlon app Mas. GKKTKOOE L. MILLER, West Metft Ul. West ly to eury, 38-tf pMJR SALE VERY CHEAP--Incubator. 250- " efcg capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph- ' ana good as new. KiNQ8L.Br ay, 111. 3Shtt ers' make HOUSE, Plstakee Four choice lots in Fegers' ad- Easy terms and pay ments to suit purchaser. Inquire or write 42 4T, THEO MEYERS, McHenry, Ills. TJH>R SALE- " dltion to McHenry. TpOR SALE- Several lots at. Rosed ale and 2 ^ buildings, one Racine motor launch ltt ft., 2V4 H. P.. canopy top. corduroy cushions. lauLeru, tools, canvas; 10-ft. Pearson Boat Const. Co. launch, 1% U. Inquire Plaludealer. P., both uearly new. 44-4* DAHLIAS--Large selection of named varieties in nearly all colors of the several var ieties. viz.: Show, Decorative, Cactus or Pom pon. 15 cents each. A few of the rarer sorts A5 cents each. F. R. GOOKMAN, 44-4t* W. McHeury. 1J*OR SALE--A quantity of tame aud upland r hay In barn. Oood horse hay. For further information apply or address H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. 4&Jft* l^AKM HAND WANTED-WI11 pay *Kvfor x month of May and iSU per montn there - after to good man. Address or call at farm of GBO. J. SATBB, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. 45-tf TJHJR SALE CHEAP--A good 1 heavy farm wagon Innult McHenry, 111. n&rrdw-tlred Inquire of A. BDRDO, 45-tf TjM)R SALE--One roan horse, nine years old. ^ perfectly sound; one sorrel mare, six years old; one full-blood Jersey cow, five years oid. AH for sale at a low price. Call at KINGSLBY HOUSE, Pistakee Bay. 46-H pAbTURAtiE-Have pasturage ^ thirty-five acres and a of about am prepared to take on about twenty head of live stock. Terms: Horses, 40 cents per ween : cows 30 cents per week. Apply to N. PETERS, on Miss Maggle Cleary's farm, south of McHenry. 4*»* » £ > . . . Fresh corn meal for family OH and plenty grannlar meal for chickens at Speocer'i milL -'r W-, if you don't already know what a perfect prescription vice we provide. Ask your physician or your neighbor. HERE You are sure of accuracy You are sure of purity You are sure of potent drugs You are sure of promptness You are sure of right prices We can till any prescription no matter upon whose blank it is written. Let us put up your physician's pre scriptions, valued family recipes, recipes for veterinary remedies, etc. What we compound will be right in every respect. TEL. 274 II. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. •VS.. Horse Goods! of every description is what we deal in. Everything that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establish ment may be found here. When you get ready for that new work or driving Harness, if you appreciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our prices. n. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. : 5 r WHEN ORDERING 1 do not overlook Frett's as the stock is more complete than ever. Here are a few off^iags ---FOR THIS WEEK:--- 10-lb. Calumet Hams, at per pound-...... .12c 12-^b. Diamond C Hams, at per pound.... 13c Home-made Pork Sausage, at per pound. ...12c IJome-made Knack Wurst, at per pound. ...10c Corn Syrup, per pail. * 38c Laurel Brand Molasses, per can...... 10c Blossom- Brand Tomatoes, per can 12/4 C Pharaoh Brand Tomatoes, per can 10c O. K. Brand Sugar Corn, per can 10c Blosson Brand Sugar Corn, per can lQc Goods Delivered at all times except Sundays. Cherries G. Frett. •Phone 542. McHenry, Illinois. - --; ' • l* If1" i f I ... <?;' * I ' yj 1 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COftMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAUE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, hoys, Vati, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished oi> application. COLO STORAGE FREE Stall i tt 3, Piltoa St. Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. & Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois ' « . & A i ̂ u Fop the treatment of cumble Chronic Diseases (nervous afflictions, dlsenn-st s of the stomach, bowels and Hirer, gout, rheumatism, obesity, catarrh, aueaiia. geueral debility, etcj Oaky Nataral Method* An Employed. Dr. (arl Strueb, Prop. loo state Street, Salt* 14«*. CHICAGO, ILL $ .'v-V •A' ...a&