I: ••".̂ •. " • : • V - ' *, ' •:/•>•. IlV-.i ~"v tv ,•>§» U.'tf j: Vienna. Anstria. YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, Valued at $335,060. ANY" S£BU 1 Cu I w ,000,000.1 Kansas City, Mo, NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, Valued at *1,200,000. ii'ti You Should Be one of the owners of all these great buildings. They now belong to about 1,000,- 000 people who are scattered all over the world in every walk of life--Clergy, Bank ers, Farmers, Merchants, Wage ICarners, Etc.--a number of which are among the leading citizens of McHenry. Those people are called the New York Life Insurance Company who now own over $500,000,000. This great company was incorporated in the year 1841 and started active business four years later. During its 63 years of marvelous history it has honorably carried out every contract it has ever made. During last year alone (1907) the total income was $102,158,301.31, and during the same period last year (1907) the policy holders received for Mutual Policies, Death Claims and Policy Losses, over $/2,000,000. Notwithstanding the financial flurry, they received in 1907 over $5,000,000 in divi dends, If you are Married or Single, Male or Female, you should have an Insurance Investment Policy with this great company, thereby securing for yourself a sure Savings Bank for your later period of life, 10, 15 or 20 years from now. Or should you die before, your polic)7 will be paid in full, at once, to those who are near and dear to you. There is no better way to teach old or young to save. Ask one of your neighbors why he insured with the New York Life and he or she no doubt will say: BECAUSE it is the Great International Life Insurance Company of the world, which files its Detailed Annual Re port with the Department of Commerce and Labor of the United States; with the Insurance Department of the State of New York, with each of the State Insurance Departments in the United States and with the Governments of most of the civilized countries in the world. BECAUSE it is a purely mutual Company. There are no stock-holders. All its 'assets and earnings belong exclu sively to policy-holders, who incur no personal liability. BECAUSE its policies contain one condition only--the payment of premiums. If the premiums are paid and the policy becomes a claim by death, the Company will immediately pay the claim. Thus the insured leaves to his widow or to his estate a legacy and not a law-suit. BECAUSE its policies cannot be forfeited after premiums have been paid for three years, the insured receiving either extended insurance or a paid-up policy. BECAUSE its policies may be reinstated at any time within three years after non-payment Of any preminm on satis factory medical examination and payment of all back premiums with interest. BECAUSE I can borrow money from the Company at five per cent per annum, after my premiums have been paid for three full years. BECAUSE the policy provides for payment of CASH VALUE at any time after premiums have been paid for three full years. BECAUSE it is the most valuable estate I can leave behind me, more certain in its results than land, houses, stocks or bonds, as its value does not rise and fall with the market. BECAUSE after the second year I can draw my profits every year in cash, or leave it with the Company and receive additional interest on same, but withdrawable on any future year I may desire ;«or I can get for each year's profit addi tional paid up insurance. BECAUSE it has an honorable record of sixty-three years, during all of which time it has steadily increased its strength and prosperity. BECAUSE it is the only American Company issuing policies that are incontestable as soon as the first premium i paid, and free from all restriction as to residence, occupation, travel, manner, time or place of death. BECAUSE I want the very best--the most privileges and the fewest restrictions--and the New York Life policies furnish it. The Company does not invest in stocks or industrial enterprises. It believes in the greatest possible pub licity, and publishes promptly the only Detailed Annual Insurance Statement. Wouldn't you like to become a member of this great institution, or at least know more about it? If cut out this coupon, write your name plainly and mail to McHenry postoffice; Paris, France. NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, Valued at 11,300,000. Cut. this out, . MR. E. J. COHAN, GEN. AGENT NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Dear Sir:--Please call when in my neighborhood and give me rates and further in formation regarding New York Life Policies, and oblige, - Respectfully yours, . Name Street or Road Near Buda Pest, Hungary, V. * NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING^ Valued at 1650,000. Vv-ssifcsr .. . w nmmwMmsm A\vf, j 4'^ / Omaha, Neb. NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, Valued at $650,000. t M*y W'! 'f*'-' -if- >*•- dSS. % *4 Montreal, Can. Valued at $349,498. NEW-YORK iilFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, e Minneapolis, Mima. Valued at $600,000, NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING. '-Vi yr.' ' Berlin, Prussia. Valued at $855,000. NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING, $ t I I l l l $ t St Paul, Minn. Valued at $450,000. ~ NEW-YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDING. si. ' L Ll.k,,