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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1908, p. 7

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.THE is the time when the model housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact that we have placed a line of sue 11 *utc our store this spring that we are indeed proud 01. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Gall in and see what we have to offer. - - Undertaking and Embalming is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended to under our person­ al supervision We take complete charge, fur­ nish hearse, and care for bodies when so wished. 3aeoi)3u$ten -- if WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, Pi L. McOMBER, •West Side Hardware. s --I 190$ Summer Dress Goods Snisine Silks in Black and Colors, 27-inch, par yard.. ,.. .4?|e Habntai Silks, White and Cream, 27-inch, per yard..., 60c Hahntai Silk, White, 3fl inch, per yard. 85c Taffeta, Gnaranteed Silk, Black, 86-inch, per yard.. $1.00 Better Qualities, per yard $1.10 to $1.40 Printe 1 Foulards, nice pattern*, 27 inch ... .25c Printed Batiste, with borders, 82 inch • . .20c Challis, Dimities and Lawns in plain and fancy colors. 6c to 85c Oar line of Wool Bnitiugn is very complete in the new weaves and shades, p«r yard 25c to $1.25 Summer Corsets in P. 1$. and American Lady. Our Shoes and Oxfords are the right Style. In Tan, Brown and Black. Call and see them. " Men's Hats in the proper shapes and colors for ilia dressy yonng man $1.00 to $3.00 Underwear, light and cool for the feot days-- 10c to $1.00 Groceries of the best quality always in stock, Try oar 26c Coffee. , .4i lbs. for $1.00 Best quality Oatmeal, per pound ®° A. complete line of Pickles in balk and bottles--Sweet, Soar, Dill, Mustard and Relish........ 5c to 25c Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. We have this celebrated brand of Floor in stock at the lowest price for cash » 49 and £4#lb. amika. ...Pre-lnventory Cash Bargains.., Ooaaet Catsup, 8 bottles. ̂ . w. t|c Mince Meat, 3 packages......age Crown Baking Powder, lb..... 15c Evaporated Apricots, lb 19c Evaportated Peaches, lb ..... 13c Celluloid Starch, 4 pkgs..... .35c Layer Raisins, lb ..... .*§e Lighthouse Soap, 6 ban.. .. 215c Tomatoes, can... ,10c Anchor Oats, family ^fae... ...a5c Cal. Crawford Peaches, can. ..35c Free Peaches, can. 19c Cat Apricot^ can. .19c Green BesMt 9 nans . , ,39c Stone Jars, nearly all sizes, at per gallon.. VERY SPECIAL--Columbia Baked price, 8 c a n s . . . . . . . . . . • • • » • * • * « . high grade goods. . . . . . 7 c special ... *§c West Mc­ Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS TERRACOTTA. F. L. Colby of Nonda called at M. Knox's Friday. \ F. Bergman Sr., of Chicago visited at S. Leisner's Sunday. Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. . - Wm. Oowlin of Nnnda wail It teller in this vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McMillan were McHenry callers Sunday. Mrs. T. K. At^teraouf MM UMRUO called in Nnnda receutly. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Atoderson were Richmond visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B Leisner visited friends at Nnnda Tuesday. Mrs. J. Lee of McHenry called at W H Grant's Monday evening. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday at her, houie here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bergman of Chiergo spent Snnday with relatives here. Mi*s Helen Smith 3f Emerald Park called at L. Lock wood's Monday. Mrs. J. M. Phaiin entertained the Larkin Soap club last Weilnesday. Misses Irene and Eva Da vol! of Hol- comhville visited at F.* McMillan s Mon­ day. County Supt. G.. W. Conn and Supt: A. M. Shelton visited school last Wed­ nesday. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry called in this vicinity Monday, and %t tended the townsuip exercises in the evening. A. T. McMiHan received a telegram from Iowa Tuesday announcing the se­ rious illness of bis brother-in law, E. Fox. Mr. McMillan left for Iowa Wed­ nesday morning. The following 8th grade pupils receiv­ ed diplomas: John Bolger Eleanor Phaiin Walter Couway Irene Davoll Neil Doherty Marguerite Knox Kert Knoblac Florence Knox Will Powers Those who received diplomas for at­ tendance during the year are. Arthur Shales Eleanor Phaiin Eddie Knox Florence Knox Lester Lock wood Edua Phaiin Annie Buss Frances Knox Hazel Lock wood Mary Conway For three years' attendance: Arthur Shales Eleanor Phaiin Florence Knox Edna Phaiin Frances Knox TOIA Miss Mande Eatinger spent Monday at Elgin. Miss Lncy Dnnnill spent last week at West Fremont. Mrs, John Rosing is visiting relatives at Goshen, Ind. ^ Messrs. Do well and Smith of Ronnd Lake were in Volo Thursday. Miss Edith Ritter of Stoffel's Lake was in Volo Saturday evening. Misses Anna Miller and Elsie Walton were in Warw-otida one day last week. Mr- and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and danghter of West Fremont spent Sunday here. Miss Fanny Sexton of Wanconda was the gnest of friends in town Saturday night. Mrs. Lena Bohr of Chicago is staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable, this week. miss Anna Compton has gone to Elgin where she will visit relatives and friends for a time. Miss Rnby Cooke of Wanconda was the guest of Heiten Raymond Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Charity Ranght has returned to Wankegan after several week's stay at the Ranght farm. Decoration Itaj Dancw. Yourself amfrriendsare most heartily Invited to attend a Decoration day dance to be held at the dance pavilion, Lily Lake park, near McHenry, Satur­ day evening, May 30, '08. Floor com­ mittee: McHenry, Arvil Yager; West McHenry, Jake Brefeld; Johnsburgh, John OefHing; Volo, Henry Stadtfeld; Fox Lake, Peter Bowers; Wanconda, Ben Martin; Round Lake, Charles Dykes; Lily Lake, Lester Tiffaney; Nunda, Geo, Jones; Ring wood, Joe Lawrence. Chobaroff's concert orchestra of five pieces will furnish the music. Say, hoys, if you are out for a good time, this is the place yon want to set sail for on the above mentioned date, Coine to the place where the rich and poor mingle in perfect harmony, where old and yonng enjoy themselves, where the best of dance floor may be lonnd and dance to first-class mnsic. The onty real place of enjoyment in this part of the country. Refreshments of all kinds served on the grounds. Join the merry crowd at this, the next dance. Tickets, 50a , J. W. BONSLETT, Prop. DaWHkt* Grave* Next Saturday. Inasmuch as no arrangements have been made in McHenry for the observ­ ance of Decoration day, the few old soldiers left will meet the school chil­ dren at the school grounds at 8:80 o'clock sharp next Saturday morning and march to the cemetery, where the graves of the departed heroes will be decked. We respectfully ask the chil­ dren and all other patriotic citizens who want to join the procession to come with plenty of flowers. As regular services will be held at Ringwood and the old soldiers have been invited to participate, they ask the school children to be at the meeting place promptly at 8:30 o'clock as the start to the cemetery must be made at Ihat time to give the l>oys in Mae ample time to reach Ring- wood. OLD SOLDIERS. Low Round Trip Batm to Danitr, Colo rada Spring* and Pueblo Via Ctal- eago, Union Pacific A North West­ ern Line. On sale daily June 1st to September 30th. Return limit October 31st, Two fast through trains to Colorado daily. The famous Colorado Special, only on* night to Denver. For booklets, and full information, of the Horth W •WW" KKR8ALD PARK. Margaret Ward was a recent visitor here. L. Hack is spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Mary Gibts spent the Sabbath at home. Margaret Sntton spent Saturday and Sunday at home. George E. Hoelscher of Elgin visited friends here over Snnday. ***"" r!nnnell of Elgin visited the Misses Sntton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Flaherty of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Miss Lncy Sntton is spending the week with friends at Elgin. Joe Comiskey is spending the week taking in the sights in Chicago. . Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. C. Whiting, W. Dewey and Ray Corr spent Snnday with friends here. Win. Dewey of Woodstock viaiJed at the home of Wm. Welch Sunday. Win. X. Burns and son spent Sunday at their cottage at Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith spent Sunday with the former's parents. Miss Mary O'Rourke of Elgin was the guest of Mrs. E. Knox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (lomiakey spent Sunday at the home of Ed Comiskey. Misses Margaret Ay 1 ward and Annie Frisby visited at E. Knox's Tuesday. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry visited with Marguerite Knox Monday even- ing. Robt. Sutton and Millard Larson spent Snnday at the home of R. J. Snt­ ton. Miss Hazel Look wood of Terra Cotta visited at the home ©f J. R Smith Toes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and chil­ dren spent Sunday at the home of Peter Walsh. H. Bending returned to Chicago Wed­ nesday, after a few weeks spent at his cottage. Messrs, Hill and Prey of Chicago en­ joyed an eating at summer homes over Sunday. Miss Lena Smith took part In the township exercises at Terra. Cotta Mon­ day evening. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Felmeten. This vicinity was well represented at the township exercises at Terra Cotta Monday evening. Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Rosen- crans of Woodstock spent Snnday at the home of Jno. Phaiin. John Ay 1 ward of Elgin spent Sunday here and by his brilliant playing won the game for the Prairie White Sox against the Terra Cotta Tigers with a score of 8 to 5. Cora Felmeten, Mamie and Josie Smith were neither absent or tardy in attendance at school during the sixth month, and Cora. Felmeten and Josie Smith have the same record 'for the seventh month jnst completed CONCRETE ON THE FARM. Dlrmtioui Given .For Mixing the Uni­ versal Building Material. Good Portland cement is finely ground and uniform in color; yellow streaks in it denote an nnder-burning. The Band should l>e sharp and not too fine and free from dirt and organic matter. For the best results use dry sand, and if necessary dry it out before using, be­ cause cement when applied to a wet sand takes up the moisture quickly, forming little balls and causing weak­ ness in the finished concrete. Crushed rock is largely used in mak­ ing concrete. The screenings should be separated from the crushed rock before mixing to guard against pockets and irregular proportions, and the cement should be first mixed with the screen­ ings, adding the stone afterward. Wet the stone a few hours before using be­ cause dry stone will take moisture too rapidly for the cement mortar. Gravel makes a good concrete when it is clean and has one part of sand to two parts"*5f rock. The large stone should be discarded or crushed before using. The gravel should be tested so as to know the exact proportions of sand aud rock and used accordingly. The four recognized mixtures of con­ crete, with their respective proportions of cement, sand and crashed rock, and the kinds of construction for which they are suitable are as follows: 1. Rich, 1-2-4, floors, fence posts. 2. Ordinary, l-2f 5, walks, thin walls. 8. Medium, 18-6, heavy walls, piers. 4. Lean, 1-4-8, tooting*, where little strength is needed. In each case the rock is just twice the amonnt of sand. The complete mixing of all the ma- terials is a factor which decides the strength of the concrete. Too much stress cannot be laid npon the thorough mixing of all materials. Measure exact amounts each part.-- FEED R. CRANE, Addressing Illinois Farmers' Institute, reported by Arthur J. Bill. Warning Notice. All parties found or seen hunting, fishing, boating or trespassing, without my permission, on Lake Defiance, with­ in the lines of the N. W. i of the S. E. i of section 6, township 44, N., range 9, E. 3rd P. M., will be prosecuted to the extent of the law, and all boats fonnd trespassing within the above lines on said lake will be'eaptured and held as hostage. See Illinois statutes, chapter 56, section 7. M. KELTER. March I, 1906. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty - fiye cents, and will be discontinued at apply to any ticket agent Uhe expiration of that time unless other ~~ June 11, J wtoe ordered "" ̂ " •GREAT- (learitolt at the Don't miss it. The greilicsi saic history of this city. 1 lb Pails Plow Boy Smoking^... .83c Cigars, worth $1.75, per box 95c Old Mill Tobacco '. .... .3^c Spear Head, per lb 39c Horseshoe Tobacco, per lb 39c Fine Cnt Tobacco, per Ih. 29o Bird Seed, pkg, ....... , 56 Ground Spices, per lb...... „.. J. 19^ Saner Kraut, per cat,. «... 5c Pickles, per bottle........... ... ,5c Ammonia, per bottle,... ...... 5c Blueing, pet bottle 2|c Molasses, per gal 29c Soup, per can.................... 2c Salt, per bag ............. . 8£c Coffee, per lb.. . 10c Leaf Sage, per pkg. ,... .ic Lamp Burners.. ... 3c Salad Oil, per bottle 10c Noodles, per lb 5c Shelf Paper, 2 for. 5c Macaroni, per pkg flc Lamp Chimneys, No. 1 .. ,3c Lamp Chimneys, No. 2.. 4c Sardines, i size ,3c Sardines, i size 4c Succotash, the finest, can 10c Farina, per pkg 5c Chapman's Baking Powder, lb.... 15c Polk's Best Pumpkin, can 5c Pure Fruit Preserves 10c Borax, per pkg 5c Lantern Globes *. 5c--8 for 10c Lawn Grass Seed 15c Baker's Cocoa 3 for 25c Matches . .2$c Mince Meat, 10c size..... 5c Chewing Gum, Yucatan-Sen Sen. .3c Eagle Milk., I8£c Salmon, 25c size 15c Cookies, 20c kind 4 lbs 25c Loaf Sugar, per lb Be Biggest Bargain of All -Look at It: Pickles, large, sound stock, per gallon aoc 0.IS. Hat 'Phone 691. HORSE GOODS! of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establishment may be had here. When you get ready for that new work or driv­ ing harness, if you appre­ ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our p r i c e s . : : : : : : M. A. Thelen Pickles, a The National Pickle & Canning Company are now contracting for Cucumbers at 75 cents per bushel for vat run pickles. Seed will be ready about June 1. Contracts may be made at Block & Bethke's or F. A. Bohlander's; or J. G. De- brecht's, Johnsburgh •-MAY 28 National Pickle- Canning Co. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be nett to be taken from onr list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one bundref names have been taken from our lists sineejihe new postofHce ruling •put. went into effect That Make Perfect KS* There are hundreds of little details that must have careful attention in gll drug stores if there is to be perfect service. We realize this and seek to allow 110 small matter to es­ cape our nouce. xi juu i-ittuv, you'll see just how painstaking helps the peo* pie who patronize us and just wh^ those who once drop in here become steady customers. No drug store can sell you betted goods than •we'sell and no drug store can provide more satisfactory service. We would like^^ance to prove these statements to you. : V J ; mm "5? ' >4' . ' i :sM N. H. McHenry, HI Druggist, 'Phone 274. (F 4*."' I » I4-.. f ciaP . V f- H * $ V'V * ^ -i * ^ -- * -w : CHARGES G. FRETT, 'Phone 54a, HIIMIItimilllllHIIIIIIIIII |Mor\t d'ore Ossogvie BELGIAN STALLION i Color--Dark Bay; Height--18 Hands; .Weight--2000 lbs.; Age--6 years. Will make the season of 1908 at the follow­ ing places: Mondays, at Nunda; Tuesdays, at Algonquin; Wednesdays, at farm of Chas. Knaack; balance of week in McHem-y and vicinity. Alt mares parted with before the usual time <>f foaling will be considered in foal. For further information as to terms, etc., address McHenry Belgian Horse Co. McHenry, - - Illinois. --iHiiiiiiiiiMiinfituMOTt'iitmimMiiill P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF J] Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, j Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and pries lists furnished on application. COLO STORAGE FREE "'j' \ CHICAGO, ILLWfOlS: : '.If'iAi 1 *• "• ,* 1 r • HMIIMMIMIIIIi fr Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois / ̂ 8 V-.» Fur tht» treatment of curable CbrnuU* Disuses (nervous afflictions. diseaM-s . of tth< stoiusicb. bawtib an J Uver, gout, fln'uuiut isui, ob*?slty. o^tturrb. tl. biUiy. t'U-> Omky NMwral Methods Are Ewpk»y«d. Dr. (irl SM, Prif. 100 State Street. Suite M«»- CMIC AUO, ILL ' v ' : T- • - . . . - - . { _ . n *

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