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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1908, p. 4

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^ f V ' v . Mi/ /ia/r na/z Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leaye you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress­ ing. It ft a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. The beat kind of a testimonial-- " Hold io* «vw years." A fry J. C. Aysr Co., Haas. Also manufacturers of P SARSAPAMLLA. PI1.L5. CHERRY PeCTOBAL. yers Tie McHenrv MMrnt PUBLISHED SVEKY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. Ofltes in Bank Building. Telephone, No. *!*. TIRMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONt Oaeysar 91s month*. 7S eta. Three months. 40 Ota. Thursday, June 25, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry county: I hereby snnnnn<*e my candi­ dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry oonnty, subject, however, to the approval of the Repnhlican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of Angnst, A. D 190S, and ear­ nestly reqneet the snpport of my Repab Ucan friends thrnont said connty. V. S Lumley. Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF McHENRY COUNTY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry oonnty, sabject to the decision of the Republican voters at tbe primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1908. I respectfully solicit the support of my friends and the Bcpnblican voters at said primaries, and it elected, I will enforce the local option law as well as the general law of the state, and continue the custom estab­ lished by Ur. Lowell of turning over to the school fond all of the money that reaches my hands and that should go towards the maintenance of the schools. DAVID R. JOSLYN. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF THE 8TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT: I desire to announce that I shall be a candidate for the Lower House of Rep­ resentatives of the General Assembly, fiom the 8th Senatorial District, subject to the Republican Primaries to be held Atignst 8, 1908. In the 44th General Assembly, 1905, and the 45th General Assembly, 1907, in substantially four sessions, the 8th Sena­ torial District and McHenry county have bad the honor and the influence of filling the Speakership of the Lower House. How fairly or how poorly I have filled that position I can only leave to the . judgment of others, upon tbe record, and to the opinion of those who have served in the House. That there is a very good opportunity for tbe 8th Senatorial District and Mc- Hsnry County to fill the position of 8peaker in the Lower House for a third sncoessive term, and that it is the re­ quest of many of the present members who are candidates for re-election, are the causes of my candidacy at the pres- •ftt time. If elected, I shall vote upofi the question of the United States Senator- ship as instructed by the Republicans of Has District, in the primaries of August 8th. Very respectfully, EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF. TEKKA COTTA Willie Conway spent Sunday in Elgin. ^ lira. Cbas. Buck visited in Belvidere SViday. Mrs. L. Loekwood and sons spent Jtenday at Barrevlile. jMiss Edna Foley of Ohio was a recent * gaest at J. M. Phalin's. Mrs. G. Peck of Algonquin visited nlatives here last week. Mrs. M. Knox and son were Mc­ Henry visitors Thursday. Miss Alice Smith of Emerald Park spent Wednesday last here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson were Chicago visitors Thursday. A. T. MuMHian was the guest of Belvidere relatives Friday. Peck of Holcombville is Henry McMillan's. Miss La Nette Cavolt of Crystal Lake called on friends her,e recently. Mrs. ttobt Anderson of Richmond spent Thursday in this vicinity. G. W. Phalin of Alabama was the gveet of relatives here recently. •?" Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago •pant Sunday at her home here. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond vis- lad at T. R. Anderson's Wednesday, Geo. Vinton of Richmond was the guest of friends here last Wedneslay. Mr= and Mrs. ThoB. Powers of Mc­ Henry called in this vicinity Thursday. Mrs. Frank McMillan and Miss Flor­ ence Knox were McHenry callers last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gracy of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frisby of Chicago •iaited at J. H. Gracy's Sunday. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry spent last Wednesday and Thursday with tbe Miseee Florence and Frances Knox. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our price of |1.75 for tbe An Ordinance An ordinance granting permissions^ the Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company (a corporation) the right to construct and operate a line of railroad in and through the village of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois. Be it ordained by the Preeiden^and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mc Henry, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, as follows, towit: Section 1. That permission and au thority be and the same hereby is grant ed to the Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company (a corpora­ tion existing under and by virtne of the Laws of the State of Illinois,) its sue cessors, assigns, lessees and grantees, to construct, maintain and operate for the period of fifty years from and after the date of the passage and taking effect of this ordinance, a railroad consisting of a single track, with such curves, spurs connections, supports, columns, girders, poles, wires and other appliances, tele­ graphs, telephones and signal or other devices as said railroad company inay deem necessary for its daily operation for the accommodation of the public with such accessories as may be found useful, necessary or profitable in con nection therewith, or in aid thereof, along, upon and over the following route in the said Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illi nois, towit: On Front street, from the south village limits of said Village to Wankegan street, and on said Wan- kegan street from said Front street to Green street, and on said Green street from said Wankegan street, to Elm street, and on said Elm street from said Green street, to Water street, and on said Water street from Elm street, to the north village limits of the said Village of McHenry, and in, upon, thru and across such other street or streets, alley or alleys within the corporate limits of the said Village of McHenry as the President and Board of Trustees of said Village may from time to time hereafter grant, either by Ordinance or any Amendment hereto; provided, how­ ever, that such railroad company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall first obtain the necessary consent of the property owners for tbe operation and use of any such street or streets, alley or alleys of the said Village of Mc­ Henry ; and provided farther that said railroad - shall be constructed in the middle of the streets hereinbefore men­ tioned, and with only a single track, and without any switches, side-tracks or turn-outs other than as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The said railroad com­ pany, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall operate its said railroad with electricity, by overhead trolley system, excepting during the period of Construction, when ordinary steam loco­ motives may be used; and the said rail­ road company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall have the power to construct, lay down and erect wires, poles and other apparatus necessary for the operation and maintenance of its lines, and said company is hereby granted the right to .string neeessary wires, including an overhead contact system consisting of wires suspended from poles, said poles to be set at points to be designated by tbe Committee on Streets and Alleys, and consistent with the construction of the railroad, and to be kept painted black eight (8) feet from the ground, and white tbe balance of the way. The said Railroad company may carry on a general railroad busi­ ness, carrying freight, express, mail, passengers and all other things generally carried by railroad companies; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit said Rail road company to unload freight on any street in said village; provided, how­ ever, that all trolley wires used by said company shall be securely fastened, and properly guarded according to the most approved system of construction to pre­ vent injuries to persons or property, in case such wire or wires shall at any time become broken or unfastened. Section 3. The rate of fare to be charged each passenger shall not exceed five cents for a single continuous trip in one direction of said railroad, from one point to another, within the limits of Baid Village of McHenry, and along the line of said railroad. The surface of the tracks and road bed of said railroad company, including onfe foot on each side of the two rails thereof shall be constructed so that t^e surface of said tracks and roadbeds shall be even and level with the surface of the street on each side thereof, so that teams, vehicles and persons can cross and recross said tracks at any place within the corporate, limits of said Village. Section 4. The tracks of said railroad shall have a uniform guage of four feet, eight and one-half inches (4 ft. 8i in ) and shall be laid in the middle of tbe street, except at the turns or curves in said streets, where they shall keep as near to the center of each as is possible, according to tbe best methods of con­ struction, and in case any track is built to any car bouse or station, the same shall be made to conform to the level or grade of said street the same as the regular line through said corporation. Whenever the President and Board of Trustees of said Village shall by resolu­ tion or ordinance ̂ direct that any street, avenue, highway or alley within the corporate limits of said Village, upon which any track of said company is laid, shall be improved or brought to any established grade, said company shall grade and relay its track or tracks to conform to such established grade, at its own cost, and within a reasonable time thereafter. Section 5. Said company, its suc­ cessors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall at all times keep the space between the rails of its track, and for the distance of one foot outside each of its said rails in good condition and repair; and shall al- •. ^ •> v'< so lay and keep in good repair all cross walks between its said tracks, and for one foot on each side thereof, and keep that part of said cross walks, and its said road bed between said rails, and for one foot on each side thereof in good condition and repair, and level with the other part of said street that is used for travel; and said company shall comply with any Ordinance or Resolution that may be passed or adopted by the Presi­ dent aud Board of Trustees of said Vil. lags iu relation to tbe repairing or im­ proving of any street on which any of its tracks may so be laid and when any new improvements shall be ordered or made by said President or Board of Trustees on any street or streets on which said company may have any track or tracks, said company, its suc­ cessors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall comply with and make such improve­ ment between the rails of its said track, and for a distance of one foot on each side thereof that shall be made or order­ ed by said Village on the balance of the traveled portion of any such street or streets; and in case said company, its successors, assigns^ lessees or grantees shall fail, neglect or refuse to make such repairs or improvement, tbe same may be made by said Village, and the cost of the same recovered from said company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees. S&id company, its suc­ cessors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall, at its own expense, grade and fill with gravel on each street over which its track-is to be constructed, a space four­ teen (14) feet outside of tbe rails of its track so that the same will be in a good condition for travel for teams and vehicles, and said company shall, at its own expense, keep the filling within said space in good condition for travel for the term of one year after tbe same is so filled and put in proper repair and condition, provided said company is not by this required to gravel any portion of said streets except where filling is necessary, and in that case the filling shall at all times be with gravel from which all stones on the surface are to be removed which exceed two (2) inches in diameter. Said company before tbe construction of said railroad, at its own expense, is to widen the bridge over tbe creek on Green street so that the space for travel with teams will be fiftif four (54) feet in the clear, and make said bridge safe for travel, and said company shall erect at its own expense proper guards and approaches for said bridge, and do tbe necessary filling with gravel as above; and the approaches to said bridge are to be so filled by said com­ pany at its own expense, and made two feet wider than said bridge, and after the completion of said bridge, and its approaches as above specified, said com­ pany, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees are to pay to said Village one- half of the expense of keeping said bridge and its approaches in good re­ pair; and if a new bridge is required, or becomes necessary at any time within fifty years herein specified, said com­ pany is to pay one-half of the cost of said bridge, and tbe necessary ap­ proaches thereto. Section 6. The. cars of said company shall have the right of way of the tracks on which its cars may be run as against any person, carriage, vehicle or obstruc­ tion of any kind, except fire apparatus put on or across, or being driven or pro­ pelled thereon; and no person shall otherwise obstruct said tracks, or ob­ struct or prevent said carB running or progressing tbereon, by placing, driving or stopping or causing to be driven at a slow pace, any vehicle or other obstruc­ tion in, upon, across, along or near said tracks, in th^ way of any car of the said company, after being notified by the ringing of any bell on such cai, or the giving of any Bignal; and for any such violation any such person shall be fined in any sum not less than two ($2) dol­ lars, or more thin ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Section 7. All cars ran or operated along, over and upon said road by the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall stop at the intersection of any streetor streets upon signal, to let off or take on any passenger or passengers. All cars so run over, along or upon the tracks of said company shall at all times after dark carry, keep and maintain on the front end of the car in whatever di­ rection said car may be going, a head­ light that will at all times light up the track of said company for a distance of at leaBt three hundred (300) feet, and said company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall run at least one car over the tracks of said railroad, for the uses and purposes herein specified, every two hours in each direction from six o'clock a. m., to the following mid­ night, and no car or cars shall at any time be j-un over, along or upon tbe tracks of said company within tbe limits of said Village at a greater rate of speed than ten (10) miles per hour, and for a violation thereof said com­ pany, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees, or the conductor or motor- man, or person or persons in charge of any such car or cars, shall be fined in any sum not less than three ($8) dollars nor more than ten (#10) dollars for each and every offense. Section 8. Whenever any person or persons shall desire to move any build­ ing across the right of way of said com­ pany, and the same cannot be done withont cutting or temporarily remov­ ing the trolley wires or other apparatus of Baid company, and such person or persons shall receive from the President and Board of Trustees of said Village a permit so to do, spch person shall give said company forty eight (48) hours notice that they so desire to' move any such building across the tracks of said company, and said company shall there­ upon cnt or remove any wires or appa­ ratus necessary to allow any such build­ ing to cross its said tracks; and the trolley wire of said company is to be not lees than eighteen (18) fee t, and six (6) inches in the clear above the level of any street or roadbed wherever teams or vehicles are to cross the tracks of said company, or drive thereon, except ing at the crossing of railroad bridges or under cnlverts. Section 9. No switch tract, Sidings or turnouts are to be constructed or maintained within the corporate limits of said Village by said company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees, unless by permission hereafter granted by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village, and then only by tbe con&ent of a majority of the property owners fronting such street or streets upon whidh it tB proposed to so con struct any such switch track, sidings or turnouts. Section 10. Unless the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company shall be in operation between the said Village of McHenry, and the City of Elgin, in Oonnty, Illinois, for the accommodation of the public, and for the uses and purposes herein specified, within three years after the passage and taking effect of this Ordi nance, all rights and privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited and determin­ ed without any further action or notice from said Village of McHenry, provided, however, that in case tbe construction of said road shall be stopped by injunc­ tion or delayed by any labor strike, or other cause beyond the control of said Railroad Company, such time shall be excluded from the said three years. Section 11. The said Elgin, Wood­ stock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company shall before the commencement of any work inside the corporate limits of said Village of McHenry, execute with suf ficient sureties a bond in the sum of five thousand (|5000.) dollars, to be ap proved by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village, payable to said Village of McHenry, and conditioned that it, and its successors, sssig lessees or grantees will observe, perform and carry out ail of the provisions ot this Ordinance for tbe time herein spec ified, and that it will forever indemnify and save and keep harmless the said Village of McHenry from any and all damages, judgments, decrees, costs and expenses which it may suffer, or which may be recovered or obtained against the said Village of McHenry, on account of anything that may happen or occur in the construction or operation of said railroad, or the doing of anything authorized under and by virtne of this Ordinance. Section 12. If at any time the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Rail­ road Company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the terms or provisions of this Ordinance, or to do or perform any act or thing provided for or directed by this Ordinance to be done or performed for a period of thirty (30) days after said company, its suc­ cessors, assigns, lessees or grantees are notified in writing that Baid President and Board of Trustees have by resolu­ tion declared that said company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees are failing, neglecting or refusing to so comply with any of the terms or pro­ visions of this Ordinance, or omitting to do or perform any thing or act herein required to be performed, then if such neglect, omission or refusal shall con- tinne after the expiration of said thirty (30) days, said President and Board of Trustees may, by Ordinence duly passed, reciting such failure, neglect, refusal or omission, and the giving of such thirty (30) days notice in writing, revoke all of the rights and privileges hereby granted to tbe said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, and there­ upon said company, its successors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall forfeit all rights and privileges hereby given and granted, and also the right to longer keep, maintain or operate its said rail­ road, or keep its tracks on any street or streets within the corporate limits of the said Village of McHenry, and when* ever the right of said company, its sue cessors, assigns, lessees or grantees shall so cease and determine, said company shall remove its said tracks, wires, poles and all appliances from said streets and highways of said village, and' put the same in as good condition as the ad­ jacent parts of said streets and high­ ways, without expense to said Village, and upon a failure so to do, the same may be removed under the direction of the President and Board of Trustees of said Village, and the expense of such removal may be recovered by said Vil­ lage of McHenry against said company, its successors, assigns, lOBSQOfl or gran­ tees. Section 13. The said Elgin, Wood stock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company shall have thirty (30) days in which to accept thie Ordinance, and its accept ance of the same shall be in writing, and filed with the Village Clerk of the Village of McHenry within said thirty (30) days, and shall be as near as may be, in the following form, towit: "The Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, a corpora­ tion duly existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, here­ by accept all of tbe terms and provisions of an Ordinance duly passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, granting permis­ sion to the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company to con­ struct, maintain and operate a line of railroad in and thru the said Village of McHenry, and this acceptance shall be at all times, and in all places treated and considered as an agreement on the part of the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, that it, its successors, assigns, lessees or gran­ tees will at all times carry out and per­ form the terms and conditions of said Ordinance, and do and perform all the things directed in said Ordinance to be done and6 performed by said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, which Ordinance bears date on the 18th day of Jane A. D., 1908. Elgin, Woodstock A Lake Geneva Want Column. AU advertisKiimntb inserted under' this head at the Following rates: rive lines or texa, ii, cents for tint Insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent insertion, •ore than Bve lines, 5 cents a line for first insertlot and 3 cents a line for additiona insertions. SALE--iiakota and Colorado lands ouiesteads located. For further lnfoi niation apply to or address E. W. Howe. Mt Henry, IU. i7_tf tjVJK SALE:-- Standard bred. gentle bay mare. Also buggy and harness. Here U a bargain. $100.00 buys all. Enquire of Frkd Bm>ck, McHenry. A comfortable home .. ...een street. Apply or address John Justen. McHenry, IU. 51-tf •OUR^ :i: * "RX>K SALE OR KENT;- x on Elm near Oree "E^OR SALE:--A sow with eleven pigs. In „ quire or write to Brn Adams. West Mc­ Henry, 111. TpOR SALE CHEAP:--Three-burner vapor gasoline stove. Inquire at this office. TXTANTED: Girl for chamber work and * V girl for dining room work. Kinoslby Ho»8e, Pistakee Bay. pASTliiiAOE--Best pasture in McHenry county for cattle and stock, unused so far this season. Plenty good water. Can take 15 or 30 head. Apply H. W. Ahhknh, Michael Justeu farm, Pistakee Bay. l-2t-l* "C^OR SA LE:--8 room house, 4 lots, fruit and shade trees. Easy payments. Apply at Anton Schnkidkk's store. 50-3t Railroad Company. By- Its President." In case no such acceptance shall be signed and filed within said thirty (80) days then this Ordinance shall become null and void. Section 14. That any person or per­ sons, company or companies, corpora^ tion or corporations that at any time hereafter become the successors, assigns, lessees or grantees of the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company, shall be held and bound to have accepted of the terms" and pro­ visions of this Ordinance, and to have agreed to do and perform all thingf provided herein to be done or perform ed, in tbe same way and manner that the said Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Railroad Company are held and bound, or have agreed to do and perform, with the same rights and priv ileges to the said Village of McHenry to revoke, cancel, repeal or annul thiis Ordinance as though the rights and privileges hereunder were still being exercised, used and enjoyed by the sai^ Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva Rail­ road Company. Passed this 18th day of June, A. P. 1908 PETER J. FREUND, President of the Village Board of the Village of Mc­ Henry. Published in McHenry Plaindealer this 25th day of June, A. D. 1908. Attest: HARVEY E. PRICE, Village Clerk. ANOTHER GOOD ESSAY AS RENDERED BY MISS SADIE HO- BART. The Advantages of Versatility" Is the Subject Upon Which She Spoke--Essay Was Well Rendered. (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE.) Another advantage of versatility is that it prevents fanaticism and nar­ rowness. It refreshes the mind and makes it safe. The tendency of tbe present day to the pursuit of one line of thought tends to make one narrow and unsafe in his views and often unseats the mind from the habit of- dwelling long upon one subject. Lastly, versa­ tility puts the individual into Heaven with the greatest advantages for enjoy­ ment and development. "Unto him who hath much, much will be given,' and all the analogues of nature and grace teach that the soul will begin in another world, where it left off here and continue to develop forever. The mind then shonld be turned in its actions in­ to all directions, that it may delight itself in the vast mold of variety about us and contribute its share of nsef ulness and joy to all. L0°*! uni. NEWS OF ffl'HENfii AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up Abont Our Busy Little Baric That May Concern You or Your friends. Ice cream and soda, the same good kind. At Petesch's. John Thurlwell is home from Rock- ford. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Creech Of Chicago spent Wednesday with McHenry friends. Mrs. W. J. Conn and son of Wood­ stock were guests of relatives here Wed­ nesday. * Owing to the lack of patronage to their games, the McHenry Blues have disbanded. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Traver of Chi­ cago spent a couple of days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R, N. Patch- en. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler tomorrow, (Friday) after noon at two o'clock. Did it ever occur to you that you can bny envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at tbe store? The marriage of Miss Dora M. Colby, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Colby of this place, to Mr. W. H Waldorf, is announced to have taken place at Dodge City, Kansas, on Wed­ nesday, June 17. The sad news announcing the death of Edwin Owen Schnorr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Schnorr of Spencer, Iowa, was received here Wednesday. Mr. Schnorr was 23 years of age, con» sumption being the cause of hie death. Her many friends will be pleased to know that Mrs. Sarah Dermont has sufficiently recovered from the effects of her recent operation to warrant her removal to her home here, where she is now resting nicely aud doing very well, considering the serious nature of tbe operation. To anyone giving us a con­ tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry foi- one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :r :: :: :: ElettricScrvicc(o. Geo, K. Paige, flgr. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water. Commercial and fam­ ily trade solicited. All home cooking. Rates, $1.50 per day TtlEO.S(HIESSLE,Prop! WEST McHENRY. EAST SIDE. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. J. J. BU(H, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. ....NEW.... HAVING opened a Har­ness ,and Repair Shop in the old Schiessl-e Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. PatzRe & (0. West McHenry. -J) Chicago 6c North-Western. Effective May 17,1«K W»K DAT TRAINS. NOBTHBOBHD Leave Arrive Chicago. nobthbodwd McHenry. 7.00 a m Via Elfrin 10.17 a m 8.45 a m...... Via !>«•* Pl;iin68 10.17 a 111 M.00 :t m..» Via I)es i'luines 10.17 a. m 12.p M VIh. Rlpin .2.46 p. m *1.00 p m Via I>es I'laines 2.38 p. m 3.4Spra..: Via I>es t'lalnes 4.46 p m 3.43 p m Via KtRin S.4T> p m 5.12pm ...Via I>es I'lainea 0.46pm SUNDAY TRAINS. *.00 a na.. Via l>t s I'1 nines 9.87 a m 8.4ft am. ... Via KIriu 11.14 am 8.10a m. Via Des I'lainea 11.14 am 8.00 pm Via Elgin 4.86 p m WSBK DAT TRAIVS. McHenry. Mdthbound. ChKo. +»S.5» am Via TVs t'lalnes :8.28 a m 7.15 am via Ihw i'lainea ».B a m 7.15 a m Via EIkIu #.55 a m 8.:<2 a m Via Pes Plalm • tt.U* a in i-.. . ...a.»pm via Klein 7.10 p m Via Des l'laloes ... 8.00 p in 4.14 ps Via Pes lM nines.. 414 pa..., Via Eli 6.37 p n> ..Via Des l'unuoa ».uo p SDNOAT THAINB. 7.15 am Via Elgin SI.55 a iu 7.08 p m Via Des Plalnss SJB u m 7.4f! p in Via Des Plainea d m 7.4)? p in Via £l*iu.. 10M p u, •Saturday only. tMooday only. Professional, Society a.nd Busitiesss Cards C DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN,9UHGEON AND uCULIbT ~ Office and residence corner Elm and ureeri streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGEttS& FEGEK8 pHYSIOIANH AND SURGEONS* MeH«awy P. l}}- Office at Residence, corner OoortaaC Kim streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY A™8NKY AT LAW, Woodstock, nitons All business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. O. CHAMBKRLIN' D1BNTIST. Oftlca and Residence over IT J. Walsh's iters. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. Wsst MoHnrar. Iu, Telepheae No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. Illtaei«. Uohn J. Vyoital DEALER IN Genera.! Hardware Stoves, Paints snd Oils. Tin and ma- chi ne vfepairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, • ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings. Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. h . c . i v i e : a d JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, - ill. John D. l_odtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS' K I L L t h e C O U G H AND CURE THE LUNC8 w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CScol18 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONET REFUNDED. Tel. Mala 1714. WHY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties imp in at Lambert Q. Seng's HC Fifth Aye. CHICAQO* Because it Is so homelike. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes au>4 sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doi- en finished in different styles. Price, r .00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, rattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand­ some Photos and a 16-30 enlargement finished neatly and • W artistically in nat­ ural colors. :: :: Waukegan St., near tbe Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 49 S WEST SIDE Fresh, Rich, , Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £• F. Matthews, W«t McHenry, III. m- M

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