_*. - -/ t '"-»' ,v,» - ~r" 'V>+V"S:~ . , a .^ , f c - , Tie Ndtenry Plainfalef |mj»|.lliHKn & V B.IV Y THl'noun 1 i> V P. O. SCHREINER. <3MM la Bank Building. Telephone, No. 878. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: OMfMt •150 Hz months, 75 cte. Three months. 40 eta Thurftday, August 20, 1908. A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY (Continued from first page 1 ffer* of heraelf and family. With prayers she endeavored to work on and 00, looking forward with great joy to the fntnre, when she, ae a devoted wife ttd mother, could care for her family With the fondness and love that onlv a true mother could extend. S' e baa gone from this world of Burrow, joy anu fray; She has gone to heaven in the sky. She has gone to heaven, where forever she will stay; We must live to meet her by ana by The funeral was held from her late borne last Saturday afternoon at two O'clock, Rev. E. H Beal, pastor of the |t. E. church, performing the last sad rites and delivering a very appropriate, M well as consoling, sermon. The music by Misses Kate and Florence Howe and Joseph Holly was beautiful The remains were followed to their last resting place in Woodland cemetery b> an unusually large concourse of sorrow ing relatives and friends. CARD OF THANKS We,'the undersigned, wish to heartily the many kind neighbors and friends who assisted us during our recent heartbreaking bereavement Especially do we wish to tbauk the people who answered to onr calls for assistance on the night of the terrible tragedy, aa also the singers at the fu serai. NEWELL F COLBY MRS. LAURA COLBY, MANY JOYFUL EVENTS Place Among Our Summer Report ers During; Week. EMERALD PARK. 8. Romano spent Sunday at the Park * L. Buok and grandson drove to Chi cago Tuesday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sun day at bis home here. Mr. and Mrs. J R Smith spent a re cant day at North Crystal Like. R. J. Sutton attended the F. E N W. A. assembly at Fox Lake Sunday Misses Alice McManaman and Lucy Button visited in Terra Cotta Monday Miss Geraldine Griffin of Wheaton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Armstrong John Sutton and Robert Larkin spent Saturday and Sunday with Elgin rela tivea. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Urkhart of Can I1L, spent Sunday with J. R Smith and family. Mra. John Gibbs and Mrs. P. Walsh Viiited at M. Knox's in Terra Cotta Monday. Misses June Congreve, Helen and Alice Smith spent Sunday with the Misses Claxton. Messrs. Leslie and Stanley White house of Chicago are visiting with Mrs Hill and daughter. Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Littleford of Downers Grove are spending their ho'n- •yrooon at Emerald Park Mr. and Mrs. P. Armstrong have re turned from their recent Euro^an trip and are occupying their cottage Messrs. Larry Bending nnd John O'Connor returned to Chicago Sunday, after enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gillispie and sou, Will, and Mrs. Keller of Chicago visited at H. Felmete'ns a few days this week. Messrs. Walter Walsh and Ed. Sutton Tisited relatives and friends in Elgin and Chicago from Saturday until Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Le Clair, Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Miss E. Qnell are spend ing a couple of weeks at the Birkircher home. Armstrong McCreeof St. Paul, Minn , returned home Tuesday, after spending a few weeks with H. J. Armstrong and family. Mrs. W. Van Gorder and children went to Elgin Saturday, after spending several weeks with relatives in this •icinity. .< Bnrns was gently surprised v. niiiK bv a ouuiber of her f.ieudii, cue event being in honor of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cohan and daugh ter, Anna, and Mr. and Mrs. Chamber lain of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cohan the past week Miss Pearl Bending of Chicago- and cousins, May and Cora Steinburg, of Davenport, la., returned to Chicago Sunday, after spending a few days at the Bending cottage. One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; |1.50 a vear for The Plain- dealer. Or both by onr recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near Miss June Congreve of Chicago, who has been spending a few weeks at Maple Lawn farm, left Tuesday for Sew York City. She was accompanied as far ae Chicago by Miss Elsie Nemett, who re turned the same evening. Tripp County, S. D i Government Land Opening I The government opening of H million | acres of fine agricultural and grazing I lands will probably occur about Oct. 1st. j Tbe Rosebud extension of the Chicago & j North Western Ry. is the only railway | reaching these lands, and Dallas, S D., ! is the railway terminus and the only town on the rsservation border. The U. S. land office will probably be located there. Pamphlets describing this land and how to secure a quarter section homestead, free on application to any agent Chicago & North Western Rail way. AnK- HI- The Weekly Inter-Ocean and tbfrs paper delivered for otfd year at onr "apectel dial" prios olJ$1.75 for the two Miss Lnella Kennedy of Hammond, Ind., Is entertaining Miss May Luchuian this week. Miss Blanche Colbert of Hammond, Ind., is spending the week as a guest of Miss Lnella Kinney. Two more weeks and the resorters will begin leaving for their winter homes Doesn 't this sound chilly ? A party of young people, chaperoned by Mrs. Maria Wilson, of Chicago are now occupying Tarrya a While cottage. Mr and Mrs. A. L Trowbridge and family of Dixon, 111., are occupying the Bide a Wee cottage at Orchard Beach M rs William Wilson and family and James Fields of Chicago are spending two weeks at Miss Howe's cottage at Orchard Beach Mr and Mrs James Clark and chil dren of Chicago are spending a two weeks' vacation at the Dr. Buettuer cottage on the river. Lester Griffing and Scott Sinclair of Woodstock have returned home, after enjoying a two weeks' camping expedi tion Kt Pistakee Bay. Misses Helen Hannon, Jewell Flor ence Ellison, Alice Hannou, Ollie Shields of Chicago are spending the week at the Roeedale hotel. Mr. and Mrs Robert Irviug of Chica go and Mr and Mrs. James Cassidy of Elgin have returned to their homes after a week's outing at Columbia Park. The Daily News Fresh Air Fuud en tertainment, which hae become an an nual event at Pistakee Bay, takes place at the Pistakee Yacht club pavilion next Saturday evening. All the money taken in at this entertainment is turned over to the above mentioned fund. Among the recent guests at the Dr. Carl Strueh sanatorium were the fol lowing: H W. Wilke, Mr. and Mrs Geo W. Lederer, Dr. and Mrs W. H. Miller, Omar Miller, Mrs. Anna Eich, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Iwen, Ernst Ebel, Dr A Zimmermann, Mr. and Mrs Hy Eggert, Mrs. A. Pieser, Dennis O'Keefe of Chicago and H. W Ohlhausen of Crystal Lake, 111. Charles Compton, who has been a familiar figure around Pistakee Bay all summer, having been employed on one of tbe Reed boats, came very near los ing his life in the waters of Pistakee Bay last Sunday nigbt. At about the midnight hour Fred Justen and John Scharres, who were sitting on the porch of Stilling s hotel, were startled to hear a man's voice shouting for help Tbe two young men ran to the shore of tbe lake and jumping into a row boat start ed out towards the man, seemingly in great distress. Arriving at the scene they found Compton clinging to tbe side of a boat Compton, when rescued, was almost exhausted, and had not tbe rescuers arrived just when they did the helpless man would surely have sunk in sixteen or eighteen feet of water. Compton was alone when the accident occurred and is unable to explain how he came to fall into tbe lake. It surely was a close call from a watery grave for him. The McHenry House has housed quite a number of stagers during the past few weeks and last week was the outing place of the Rosedale quartette. This quartette hails from Chicago, but was originally organized at the Rosedale hotel on the Fox, from which it took its name several years ago William Burdel, Chas Koler and Victor Dassie, members of the well known four, and Frank L. Frish, a prominent tenor singer and music publisher of Chicago, made up the quartette which furnish some lively times at this resort. The latter named gentleman, besides being connected with the music firm of Frish, Holecek & Grill, with offices at the Thalia theatre and 67 Clark St., is also the owner of a theatrical stock company which he expects to bring to McHenry some time in the near future. The company presents both musical comedies and dramas. The Rosedale quartette will be featured in the productions here. Among other noted singing organiza tions that have visited the McHenry House recently was the Reaper quar tette, also of Chicago. HONEY DEW NOTES. Last week was a pleasant week for anyone who was lucky enough to be at the club. The club bids farewell to the Mary M. and Gertrude F. for another year, when they hope to see them both once again. On Saturday the Gertrude F. started out with the intention of going to Fox Lake, but the rain spoiled Miss Kelly 's complexion to such an extent that it will take her some weeks to recover. (>n Thursday evening Mr. Frett took the party to the Bay in his six horse power gasoline launch, where they at tended a dance. They all think that when it comes to hospitality the Mc | Henry folks have everybody else beat On Wednesday evening Earl Wad hams, assisted by Frank Frett, gave a house party in honor of Misses Ahern and Murphy. Miss Ray rendered sev eral vocal selections, she being one of Chicago's beet singers At midnight supper was served on tbe lawn and everybody went home feeling at his best. On Sunday evening, Aug. 16, Mrs. Murphy and her guests left the Honey Dew Gun club for Chicago, leaving behind nothing but their beet wishes and happy memories for all the Mc Henry folks. Everybody seemed to be very happy, but very sorry to leave dear old McHenry, where two weeks of cheery nights and days were spent. The folks are inclined to belieye^ that tbe talk, "There are no fish idpthe riv- uJ? t nervous disposition. However, it made a very nice souvenir. FROM THE WEST SHORE OF FOX RIVER. C. Furlong of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at Willow cottage. The boys of Oriole camp have spent some jolly days the past week motor ing. The west shore of Fox river has been the scene of merriment the past three weeks. H. H. Fay of Chicago spent Sunday with his wife and son at Tarry-a- While cottage. Thursday afternoon, Miss Edytbe Furlong entertained the Thimble club at Willow cottage. Mrs E S Wheeler and daughter, Miss Lillian, called at Tarry a While cottage Tuesday last. Miss Jessie Furlong has returned to her city home, after a two weeks' so journ at Willow cottage. John Lehm arrived at the Oriole camp Saturday last, and while there proved himself "Johnny on the spot. " Mrs. L. F. Howe and Miss Clara B. Howe of Woodstock were entertained at Tarry a-While cottage on Sunday last. Lonis E Reiuhardt of Austin has been enjoying a vacation with his wife and children at Bide a-Wee cottage. His demonstrations of swimming re ceived hearty applause from all. On Friday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lehman celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary by entertaining a few friends. Dainty refreshments Were served and a pleasant time was had. "Shot gun operas," a new title given to the various brands of hired uielo dramas, can in uo way apply to Lincoln J. Carter« greatest Western melodra ma, 'The Flaming Arrow," which ap pears at tbe Central opera house Sun day evening, Aug. 28 One evening last week the following gentlemen, Frank Barclay, Walter Andersou, Jno Lehm, Geo. Johnson, Will Sprigginsand Frank McKliah, who are in camp on Fox river, were suddenly awakened by strains of sweet music floating across the water. Upon investi gation it proved to be that serenadere were out. The young men, being equal for any emergency, invited the friends in and repaired to their kitchen tent, returning with baskets of fruit and a water melon right from the ice. On Saturday evening last Tarry-a While cottage was a scene of gaiety. The cottagers add visitors from the Oriole, Bide-a- Wee and Willow cottages assembled at an early hour. During the first part of the evening progressive cinch furnished tbe amusement. C Furlong carried off first honor for the gentlemen and Miss Jessie Furlong for the ladies. Tbe floors were then cleared and everyone tripped the "light fantas tic" to the strains of music furnished by the Oriole orchestra, John Lehm leader. The party then repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous repast was served. The Austin male quartet rendered Bome very beautiful selections as they were departing. The hostesses proved themselves equal to the occasion OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND McHenry Kiitertalns a Vlettnm During the Entertain. Large Company o Week- Ivlioin We The Truth About It Vital Magnetism of Prof. Leach and the Great Good He Accomplishes. Never Eflsiei Magnetic flow Scientists are constantly making new discoveries, all for the benefit of man kind. Tbe people generally are profit ing by these discoveries, these new thoughts. Marconi years ago knew that wireless telegraphy was possible, and upon completion of his plans gave this thought to the pnblic. When a boy Prof. Leach was aware of tbe vital mag netism be possessed. Not knowing bow wonderfully he was endowed be gave the matter little consideration until he reached man's estate, although as a boy he had made cures of tbe most stubborn ailments, much to his surprise and de light, A few years ago he went before the pnblic as a magnetic healer, which title came nearer than anything else to expressing his remarkable powers; Tbe skeptical accused him of all manner of things, some claiming that his vital magnetism was a myth, that his treat ments were effected with small electric batteries concealed on his person. His patients, and there are thousands of them, are all willing to testify to his powers. Their names and addresses are given upon request. There Beems to be a never ending flow of vital uiague tiem in his body, which in treating, is imparted to the patient. The parts affected are the ones worked upon, and complete cures have resulted. Prof. Leach has made cures of every known ailment of man, woman and child. His fees are always moderate. If he accepts you as a patient be will help you. By addressing him at his office, room 2, Spurling block, Elgin, III., he will give you an opinion of your case without charge; neither is there any charge for consultation and diagnosis at the office His testimonial booklet is mailed to those who write for it. LOCAL NFW8 OF M'HFNRY AS 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Item* of Interest Picked Up About Our Busy Little Burg That May Concern You or Your Friend*. Don't forget to use a little of Herd rich's Tonic and Bitters in the liquor yon drink. The Plaindealer wants a correspond ent at Ostend and Spring Grove. Who will help us out in this respect? Special! Special! Ten per cent dis count on every gasoline stove purchased at J, J. Vycital's during tbe month of August Tbe uext dance at the Columbia park pavilion takes place on Weduesday even ing, August 23. Music by Johnsburgh orchestra. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the Btore V er," is not true, owing to the fact that while Guy Kelly was admiring the moon in all its glory a black bass weighing five pounds jumped into his row boat. The shock will not prove serioua as Mr. Kelly is not of a very C. d. Berner was a Chicago visitor Monday. M.J. Walsh was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. L. F. Block attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. John Welsh was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Miss Alice Knox is attending summer school in Waukegan. Mrs. Sarah Dermont is a busineea vis itor in Chicago today. Clyde Youngesof Elgin was a Tuesday evening visitor in McHenry. Miss Edna Hunter of Elgin is the guest of Miss Cassie Eldreage. Miss Lizzie Pbalen of Kenosha is call ing on friends in McHenry this week. Mieeea Bridget Doherty and Mary Knox tisited friends in Chicago last week. Miss Marie Waldron of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander left in their auto Monday on a short tour thru the state of Wisconsin. Misses Bessie aud Sophia Wentworth of Belvidere are spending the week at the home of W. D. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Warthen Kimball of Ingleside passed Sunday at the home of the former's pareutB, Mr. and Mrs. John Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward of North Crystal Lake and Miss Grace Fisher of Portland, Ore., epent Sunday with Mc Henry relatives. Wm. Stoffel returned last Saturday evening from his European trip which he makes annually in the interest of the International Harvester company. Miss Dora Stoffel left Monday morn ing for Denver, Colo. Miss Dora ex pects to spend a month's vacation in the West aud may go all the way to the coast. Chas. Biggs of Toronto, Canada; Ar chie Woods of Springfield, Mo ; Mrs. J. W Peak and daughter of Louisville, Ky , are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Spencer. Dance Saturday Night. The next dance of the season at Sfcof- fel's hall will take place next Satnrday evening, August 22, Sherman's orches tra of Woodstock will furnish the music and a good time is in store for all who attend. Floor committee. McHenry, Casper Bickler; Weet McHenry, Will Spencer; Wanconda, Frank Murray; Ringwood, Clarence Whiting; Wood stock, Ray McGee; Emerald Park, Larry Bending. Dance tickets, 50 cents. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. _ Owing to the rain of Saturday night, tbe ice cream social given by the ladies' of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church was held at the home < f John B. Frisby Sunday and was very well attended. The ladies wish to thank tbe public for its liberal patroi - age. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since tbe new postoffice rnling went into effect April 1. LOST--Somewhere between the home of Mrs. Nina N Sherman on Waukegan street and the West McHenry postoffice, a ladief' black handbag containing a small sum of money, papers aud a few other small articles. Finder will please return to Mrs. Nina N. Sherman aud re ceive reward. A genuine Indian brass band, blanket Indians surrounded by .an atmosphere of the West, are among the pleasant and agreeable surprises promised by Lincoln J. Carter, whose beautiful drama, ' The Flaming Arrow, " will be at the Central opera house Sunday evening, Ang, 28. I Opera L House flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. --ONE NIGHT ONLY-- SI, AUG. il LINCOLN J. CARTER PRESENTS SEE The Exciting Horse Race The Attack on Ft. Reno The Council Fire & Ghost Dance BIG SPECIAL CAST Professional. Society >• &.nd Bvisinesss Cards J -GENUINE- INDIAN BRASS BAND Prices, - - - 35c, 35c, 50c Seats onsaleatN.tl.Petesdi's THE WORLD'S GREATEST PARK Ktrerrlew--Chicago's Dazzling Fairyland of Amusement Devices. To see Chicago at play one must go to BlTerritw. Great cities are attractive In gay Liioudu and "the metropolis on the lake" Is never merrier than when disport ing; Itself In this wonderful park. The Roman hippodrome cannot be com pared with this great park, either in magnitude, fabulous investment or at tendance. Frequently 260,000 men, women and children are within the enclosure of the vast and beautiful resort. Instantly after one enters the white masonry of the gates and till he emerges, he is mys tilled, bewildered, entranced. Broad vis tas lead everywhere to turreted pavil- llons, circuses, theaters, ballets, "Streets Of Cairo," ball parks, casinos, water Chutes, cascades, electric launches, minia ture railways, "Wild West Shows," aerial coasters, menageries, Japanese pagodas and open air concerts by the world's fin est bands. Kivarview is a festival city, with Its Chimes of bells, peals of orgar#s, roar of trains, cooling swish of waters, dashing of fcuamlng lakes, boat whistles, stringed tiibii uinents, "torn toms," euphonies of bagpipes, chanting or Indians, hymnals in sacred plays, yells of cowboys, reports o f r i f l e s a n d c r a s h o f a r t i l l e r y , r o a r i n g o f lions, vocalizations of a million birds and animals. Jubilee singing, shouts and laughter, and sounding above all, the majestic strains of Bohumlr Kryl's great band. Its Chutes cascades, BOO feet in mid air, spray crystal waters in continuous rainbows. Gay gondolas descend in clouds of mist, dashing downward until they skim the surface of the lake, lash ing its transparent waters into foam. Laughter and shouts of delighted pa; eeiigers accompany the musical murmur the falling cascades. In a thrilling "Wild West/' cowboys of If yon have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Mrs. Anna Catherine Bishop on Tues day of this week received a check from tbe Knights of Colnmbns for $1,000 cov- eriuK the policy held by her sou, Fred, who recently passed away. The prompt ness of settlement on the part of the order in which her eon was insnred is greatly appreciated by her. She also wishes to thank the members of the Mc Henry council for their service in get ting the claim settled so soon. Lovers of the good, clean-and beet in drama will be delighted to hear of tbe appearance at the Central opera honse Sunday evening, Aug. 23, of Lincoln J. Carter's beautiful Western melodrama, presented by a company of sterling worth. and Indians exhibit feats of broncho rid ing. The biblical utory of Babylon is en acted by 1,000 young men and women in the classical costumes. In Big Otto's Animal Jungle, "Miss Dixie," young, pretty and fearless, en ters a den of lions, Jaguars, panthers and wildcats. She seizes the Jaws o(.a Nu bian lion, forces thejn open and thrusts her head between great teeth that gleam dangerously against her white throat. A na^al battle between the Monitor and Merrimac; the "Kyfhausen," the mountainous retreat of Emperor Bar- baroBsa, and Paul Revere's ride are his torical. Camel* and elephants bear laughing children; In a Flea Circus tiny insects perform Incredible feats; a pony hippo drome, living pictures, Turkish dancers, circle and giant swings, motor and sub marine boats, deep sea divers, live whales, akatlng rinks, velvet and aerial coasters, mechanical minstrels, "Thou sand Islands" waterways, Japanese tea gardens, Chinese pavllllons, double whirls, and endless delight-Imparting de- nines form streets, pikes, plalsances, Kourts and waterways. Alvervlew, an emerald forest under an opalescent sky, glistens with a silvery liver and sclntlllant diamond lakes. At Hlght this veritable fairyland has myl- ads of lights that whirl an4 flash and shimmer a rainbow hase on gay throngs. A more beautiful fairy spectacle was MVW oonoelved. Notice t To insure publication in The Plain dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this affect. Bead Tbe Plaindealer "want" at*. To anyone giving us a con tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry for one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: :: Btttric Serviced). Geo. K. Paige, flgr. DAVIlJ G. WELLS. M. U. DH YSICIAN, SUKCJEON ANU oCULl&T L Office aad residence corner Clui and Green streets, McHenry. Telephone Pio. 311 FEGEKS& FEGER8 pHYSICIANB AND SURGEONS. McHeiuy V 1 11. Office at Residence, corner Court and Elm streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois z *- All business intrusted to his care will be properly aud promptly attended to. 13R. R. G. CHAMBKRLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over 1*1. J. Walsh's Stare. Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST McUBfrmr. ILL, Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. UNHER NKWMANAi;EMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rates $1.50 per day. I11E0.S(11IESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. EAST SIDE A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt /VI EATS of every description. have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. HKH, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, I l l ino is . John Vycitefti DEALER IN GeneraJ Hardware Stoyes, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - • ILLINOIS. Well-dillluig a Specialty. 'Phooe 791. WM. BACON l)e»ler In Windmills, Pipes, Pumpa, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H. O. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ANU INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop erty ̂ gainst Fire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. A KD liave a special line of Insurance on Liva Stoi'k injuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, 111. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIKST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILL.™* COUCH IND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR COLDS8 kND ALL THROAT AND t OM TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY Mo people of Mc Henry, Lake and other counties Irop lu at Lambert Q. Seng's 2 Fifth Aye. CHICAOO? Because It Is »o home tike. rsiEiw HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where wc may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care w ith prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. PdUKe & (0. West McHenry. PHOTO STUDIO, Portraits All shapes au<1 allies. Sev eral pr< n)fs to select from. Each doi- cii Mulshed lu different sty les. Price, $2.00 .ind upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. litr a dozen hand Hiitne Phot oh and a eulargeiuent finished neatly and IW artiatieally in nat ural colore. :: Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. VVF.HT McHENRY, ILL. TolepHono, 493 Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 17. 1W0S. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Leave Chicago. 7.00 a 111 Via Eliriii 8.4a it 111 . 9.00 a ni. i2.;to p ui. * 1.00 p III 3.4f> p m . 3.45 p ni.. 5 12 p ui b.00 a m 8.46 a m. 9.10 a m . 9.00 p m.. Leave McHeury. a 111 . 7.15 h iu... Via l>es l 'laiues ..Via Des Plalnes Via Elirln • Via Des I'lalnes.. ...Via Des Plalnee.., . . . . V i a E l g i n . . . ...Via r»es Plalnee.. gtlNDAT TRAINS. . . . V i a I H - s P h i l l i e s . Via Elgin. . .. .. Via Des Pialues... Via Elgin WEEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. ..Via Des Phillies.. Via Uer, Plalnes . Via Elgin 8.32 am Via Des Plalnes.. 4.14 p m Via Des Pialues.. 4 1 4 p m V i a E l g i n 6.27 pm Via Des Plalnes. 8UNDAT TRAINS. 7.15 am Via Elgin 7.08 pu Via Des Plalnee... 7.48 p m Via Des Pialues . 7.48 p m Vie Elgin., •Saturday only. tMooday only. Arrive McHeury. ...10.17 a in . 10.17 a ui ..10.17 a m . 2.4«1 p ni . 2 2« p. ui 4.45 p m . . tt.45 p m . . .6.45 p m . 9.37 h ui .11.14 a ID . .11.14 a m . . 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. . .8 .26 a m 9.12 a ru ... .9.55 a m 9.35 a m 6.20 p m -- 7.10 p w . . 8.00 p rn . .9.55 a m . 8.25 p Ui .9.2S p m 10.20 p m WEST SIDE Meat Market Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. E. F. Matthews, WMt McHenry, HI. Sc." lli: •?