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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1908, p. 4

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m Be Mclfenry Pidindealer *®BLI8HED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. OSm in Bank Building. Telephone, No. t7*. TCRMft OF SUBSCRIPTION: QUfw fix months, 76 eta. Three months. 40 ota. Thursday, August 37, 1908. REPUBLICAN TICKET. President WILLIAM H. TAFT Vice President JAMES S. SHERMAN United States Senator ALBERT J. HOPKINS Governor CHARLES S. DENEEN Lieutenant Governor JOHN G. OGLESBY Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Anditor JAMES S. MeCULLOUGH ' State Treasurer ANDREW RUSSEL Attorney General WILLIAM H. STEAD Clerk of Supreme Court J. McCAN DAVIS Congressman HOWARD M SNAPP Board of Equalization HERBERT S. WILLIAMS State Senator ALBERT J. OLSON Representatives EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF A. K. STEARNS Clerk Appellate Court CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY State Central Committeeman WILLIAM GROTE Senatorial Committeeman DAVID T. SMILEY Circuit Clerk THEODORE HAMER State's Attorney D. R. JOSLYN Coroner JOSEPH S MAXON Surveyor LESTER BARBER SICK MAN BY EXPRESS OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND On an improvised bed in an express oar was the way John Richardson of Volo, 111., was brought to Elgin a short time ago. He was totally helpless, with absolutely uu use of his limbs nor control of the organs of the lower part of the body. In this condition he had been for almost three years, his entire body at times becoming so rigid it was necessary to tie him to a chair. A num­ ber of prominent physicians of the state treated him, and finally his case was given up by all of them as incurable. Mr. Richardson has many friends at Volo, where he has conducted a general store for years. He was brought to El­ gin by his wife and friends and taken to the home of his brother, Wm. Richard­ son, 448 St. Charles street, where he was treated by Prof. Leach, the well known magnetic healer. The treatments con- tinned for six: weeks, and his complete cure is one of the most remarkable ever recorded. He attends to business every day, doing all the work any well man is capable of, Mr. Richardson's address is Bonnd Lake P. O., Volo, 111. InglMtd* Annexed to Fox l>ake. fljjT a special election held at Ingleside recently, that village was annexed to the village of Fox Lake. The petition to annex was circulated about the vil­ lage and met with much enthusiasm among the villagers. Fox Lake was willing to make the annexation as it means that much additional ravenue. Straage as it may seem it is declared that the one and only reason that actuated Ingleside to ask for annexation was that licensed saloons might operate within its limits. This is allowed in Fox Lake by the articles of incorpora­ tion and Ingleside as an annexation will be allowed the same privilege. The war against the blind pigs in Ingle­ side for the past year has been waged most persistently and so far as known there are none now existing there. Several of those who operated the illicit saloons were fined repeatedly and it soon became rather expensive for them to operate. The saloons are one of the things that makes the little village pop­ ular as a summer resort and so to keep up the resorters an annexation to a Tillage where saloons are licensed was the only thing to be done. August 21, 1908. Mr. Geo. A. Hunt, Sec'y., Woodstock, 111. Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your com­ mittee QU invitation's letter regarding the McHenry County Fair & Home­ coming Festival. In looking over the long list of names of the committee from the different townships, I discover many familiar names, also several people more or less related to me. As you are doubtless aware, the Harrison family is one of the oldeet of McHenry county. While it has been something like thirty-five yeais since I was a resident, I always read with pleasure any of the doings of the home people. Thanking you again for your remembrance, I am, Yours very truly, CLYDE R. HARRISON. Home address, 258 Park Ave., River Forest, 111. Oak Park P. O. Four Grain Stack* Bum. Originating from an unknown cause, four large grain stacks and a small bed on the farm of Jacob Adams, who nettles about two miles north of Johns burgh, were consumed by fire Tuesday afternoon, the blaze being first discov­ ered at about 2:30 o'clock. The imme­ diate response to the call for help prob­ ably saved the house and barn from OMtrootKm. McHenry Entertains a Large Company o Visitors During the Week Whom We Kntertaln. E. F. Matthews attended to business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. H. T. Brown is a guest bt Heb­ ron friends this week. Bernard Mueser was a businees visit­ or in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Rev. E. H. Beal boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Joseph Masquelet of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents here. Frank and Joseph Masquelet spent a recent day at Lake Geneva, Wis. Dr. C. R. Wells of Wauoonda spent Sunday at the home of G. W. Besley. Miss Lillian McAuliffe of Chicago is a guest at the home of Mrs. Mary Carey. Joseph Carey of Butte, Mon., was a guest at the home of G. W. Besley Sun­ day. Misses Rose Justen and Lena Stoffel are spending the week at the Dells in Wisconsin. Peter Moritz and son, Harry, were among the windy city passengers Wed nesday Morning. Mr and Mrs. N J Justen and rhil dren were Kenosha, Wis , visitors the first of the week. Mrs. H. C. Hankermeyer is spending a few days with Chicago relatives and friends this week. Mrs. W. Holtz and grandchild, Doro thy, spent Thursday, Aug. 20, at River- view Park, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Reunwald and children of Chicago are spending the week at the home of Lewis Oertel. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bremer of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives and friends in McHenry and vicinity. Misses Maud Cooney and Carrie Con­ nors of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Frank Masquelet. Mrs. Hans Paaske and children of West Chicago spent the first of the week with McHenry friends. Prof, and Mrs. E. C. Fisher an# chil­ dren of Dundee spent a few days last week with McHenry friends. Mrs. William Mereness of Walworth, Wis., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Colby this week. Mrs. C. G. Frett and two sons, Leon­ ard and Charles, spent yesterday aud today visiting Chicago relatives and friends. Miss Grace Heimer returned home last Saturday after spending three weeks in Chicago with relatives and friends. Chas. D. Schoonmaker of Genoa, 111., former editor and manager of this paper, was calling on friends here Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cobb and son, Sherman, of Kingston, 111., spent Sun day with Mrs. Sarah Dermont at the Park hotel. Miss Katie Heimer leaves next Mon­ day on a week's vacation which will be spent mostly among Chicago relatives and friends. Joseph Masquelet of Chicago recently spent a two weeks' vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Mas qnelet, here. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krause and Mr. and Mrs. William Bishop spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller in Zenda, Wis. Mrs. John Claxton and daughter, Le- lah, returned Saturday from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Doland and LaDelle, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Max Kline and daugh­ ter returned to their home in Chicago last Saturday after a visit at the home of Mathias Engeln. W. F. Holtz had a good day at his favorite pastime, trap-shooting, when he spent Thursday, Aug 20, at the Chi­ cago Gan club grounds. Mrs. Sarah Gifford of Dundee, R. Churchill of Grayslake and Mrs. Garri­ son of Greenwood were recent guests at the home of R. Sherburne. Mrs. Nina N. Sherman and daughter, Villa, left Monday morning for a week's visit at the Wisconsin Dells, one of the most picturesque spots in the Badger state. Miss Mary Beal is visiting friends in Belvidere. She leaves next week for her work at Price. Utah She is to teach the third grade in Price public school. Earl Stewart, the local trouble man for the Chicago Telephone company, re­ turned Monday from a two weeks' va­ cation that had been spent at his home at LaGrange. Mrs. W. L. Fox of Prescott, Ariz., and Mrs. Chas. Hubbard of San Fran­ cisco, Cal., were called to McHenry this week thru the death of their father, William F. Tilton. B.J. Wegener returned to Rhineland, Texas, Wednesday morning, after a week's visit among relatives and friends in McHenry and vicinity. Mr. Wege­ ner is well pleased .with his new southern home and iB loud in his praises for that country. Mr. and Mrs. Parker S. VJfebster of Chicago, who hav^been stopping at the Park hotel, were called to Pittsburg, "Penn., last Sunday by a telegram an­ nouncing the serious illness of Mrs. Webster's mother Mr. Webster is the vice-president of the West McHenry State bank. Misses Mae Luthman and Blanche Culbert of Hammond, Ind., who have been spending the past few days with Mrs. Carrie Kinney and daughter, Miss Luella, at their home at the dorner of Waukegan street and Elgin roads, re­ turned to their homes last Friday. Miss Cnlbert is society reporter for the Ham­ mond Daily and Weekly News at Ham­ mond. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription to both, RAILROAD TALK AT ELGIN. Elfin, Woodstock ft la Held Up For Money. Elgin Courier, Thursday, AuguBt 20: Officials of the Elgin, Woodstock and Lake Geneva road, which is preparing to ask for a franchise to operate in this city at the next meeting of the city council, are fearful that a demand for a large cash consideration for a fran­ chise is to be made of them. Their in­ formation is said to have come from one of the aldermen, who is said to have made the statement to a friend that "that road would never get in for less than $10,000." A poll of the councilmen shows them about evenly divided in favor of and against the road being granted a fran chise without a cash consideration. It is thought by the local representatives of the road that they will be able to secure a franchise without being com­ pelled to pay a large sum for it, how­ ever, and they are now working toward that end. In case a demand is made for a large cash consideration the road will abandon its attempt to get a franchise here and pass up the city altogether. In case it does it will attempt to go right onto Chicago, via Spaulding, Bartlett and other towns, making its nearest point of importance to Elgin the town of Spauld­ ing, where it-will connect with the Chi­ cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road and the Elgin* Joliet & Eastern belt line. Attempts have already been made to induce the officers of the company to build thru Spaulding and go on to Chi­ cago. M. H. Thompson of this city, who owns a large tract of land at Spaulding, has bad several conferences with the officials of the company in an endeavor to get them to build thru there. He claims that if the road does go thru there he can sell four factory sites which have already been investi gated by concerns which wish to locate manufacturing plants away from Chi­ cago, but on a belt line which would give them good shipping facilities. J. F. McGarry, one of the leading officials, stated that he was positive two of these manufacturing concerns who have been investigating the Spaulding sites would come here if the electric line was built into Elgin. He has per sonally seen representatives of these concerns and knows that they are favor­ ably inclined toward this city, but in case the electric road is not built into the city they would prefer Spaulding. The company hat) been having con­ siderable difficulty in securing frontage signatures--much more than had been expected. Property owners who are averse to having the road pass thru their residences have taken the trouble to write to property owners who live out of town and ask them not to sign up for the road. When the road has asked for frontage signatures from out of- town residents it has discovered this, and altho signatures have been secured from some of them considerable corre­ spondence has been necessitated and the work has been delayed. For this reason the road has not asked for a franchise, but things are now in better shape and the franchise is being drafted preparatory to being presented to the council. Mr. McGarry stated to­ day that it should be ready this week and expected that it would be presented to the council at its next regular session. One reason the road has not done much-in the past month has been the absence from Chicago of President R. Spear, who has been at Newport, R I., on business for nearly that length of time. Mr. Spear returned to Chicago last Monday, but while getting back in to the details of his Chicago business had little time to devote to the electric road. Mr. McGarry was in Chicago Tuesday at Mr. Spear 's request and had a long talk with him regarding the progress of the road, and expects Mr. Spear here Saturday with a party of Chicago men, who will take a trip over the prospective line in automobiles. Some definite in­ formation as to the next stepB to be taken by the road is expected from Mr. Spear. Ideal Entertainment at a Bargain. The fellow who figures on buying himself at the estimate others place on him, and selling himself at his own estimate, is conceded to have had in mind a good business proposition. But for a genuine bargain consider the price of admission to the McHenry county fair. You can buy a season ticket good for each day of the fair for $1.00; or for $1.50 you can buy a ticket admitting both yourself and wife each day, a trifle over 18 cents each admission. Buy a season ticket attend every day. Meet your friends, enjoy the best holiday outing of the year, and be happy ever afterward. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A8 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Items of Interest Picked Up About Our Busy Little Burg That May Concern Von or Your Friends. Petesch's cold cream for sunburn, 25c. Herdrioh's Bitters and Tonic oures the bines. The McHenry school opens on Mon­ day, September 7. Call on Mrs. E. W. Howe for the lat­ est in early fall millinery. Ice cream social at Anton Schneider's lawn next Saturday evening. All are invited. The new city well is now flowing at a rate of 185 gallons of pure ice cold water per minute. A new cement horse block has beeu constructed in Waukegan street iu front of the McHenry public school. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at. our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two Special! Special I Ten per cent dis­ count on every gasoline atove purchased at J. J. Vycital's daring the month of August. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh on Tuesday afternoon, September 1, tft 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received her new stock of early fall millinery. Every laJy in McHenry and vicinity should see it. The Willing Workers society will meet at the Universalist cfiurch parlors on Thursday afternoon, September 4 All members are requested to be present, Dr. Traveller, who preaches at the Methodist church next Sunday morning has been called the "Dakota cyclone." Everyone should hear him. Spccial music. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank enyelopes at the store t The Plaindealer will be sent to any addresson trial three months for twenty- cents, fiye and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless toher wise ordered, Try it. After sixteen years of faithful service L. T. Hoy of Woodstock has retired as chairman of the McHenry County Re­ publican Central committee. He is suc­ ceeded by W. E. Wire of Hebron. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. The numerous friends of Jacob Buss will be pleased to learn that he has dis­ carded hi? crutches and now navigates with the aid of a cane. His diseased ankle is rapidly getting better and Jake hopes to go back to work soon. Tripp County, 8. D. Government Laud Opening. The government opening of a million acres of fine agricultural and grazing lands will probably occur about Oct 1st. The Rosebud extension of the Chicago & North Western Ry. is the only railway reaching these lands, and Dallas, S. D., is the railway terminus and the only town on the rsservation border. The U. S. land office will probably be located there. Pamphlets describing this land and how to secure a quarter section homestead, free on application to any agent Chicago & North Western Rail­ way. Aug. 81. Notice. To live stock exhibitors. Your atten­ tion is called to the rule that entries in all live stock departments of the Mc­ Henry county fair will positively close on Saturday, Aug. 20, 1808. Take due notice thereof and see that your entries are mailed prior to that date, or made at the secretary's office in the court house on or before that date, as the rule will be strictly enforced. GEO. A. H UNT, secretary. F- O. Gang the auctioneer. Be guar- ept-Wff satisfaction • Floyd Thompson, who has for some time paBt been employed at the Oliver tpyewriter factory at Woodstock, has severed his connection with that institu­ tion and is now doing the duties of a lineman! for the Chicago Telephone com­ pany. Talking abont school calls to mind the fact that the season is nearly over. Not that our beautiful weather is past, but the time when the summer resorters can enjoy it is nearly past because of the fact that the children must go home to begin school when it opens. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since the new postofflce rnling went into effect April 1. If you know of anything we don't know, which the people ought to know if it is worth knowing, don't you know it is your duty to let us know that the people may also know that which you know and we ought to know, but don't know because yon know, but won't tet us know? If some good natured gent would quietly step to your side and slip you a cool $100 bill as a tip, wouldn't it jar you? Well, certainly it would. But this is the actual experience of one of our citizens on a recent day, Shares in the Northwestern road have g6ne up since then.. The amusement-going public of this vicinity will be pleased to learn of the engagement of the most successful and funniest of all Scandinavian comedy- dramas, "Ole Swanson," which will ap pear at the Central opera house on Sun­ day evening, Aug. 30. This play has a well defined plot, is wholesome, well constructed and adequately acted. Its incidents, both dramatic and sensa­ tional, are unusually interesting, depict­ ing Swedish life in the Northwest. The costuming is correct, the stage-mouut- ing excellent, and the cast strong thru- out. Many pleasing specialties add to the entertainment. Notice to H untcri. Owning to the fact that I have on my premises a number of tame decoy ducks, I hereby give notice that after this date no hunting or trespassing will be al­ lowed upon said premises. The law will positively be strictly applied on all persons not heeding this warning. MARTIN J. WAUIFTIR. Dated August 27-08 Hunting Strictly Prohibited. Notice is hereby given that bnuting is strictly prohibited on my premises after this date. Those not complying with said notice will be obliged to suffer con­ sequences. JOHN CLAXTON. Datfd August 27 06. Central 0pera House ' flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. --ONE NIGHT ONLY-- Sun., Aug. 30 --C. S. PRIMROSE-- P R E S E N T S "Ole Swanson" YUST FROM SWEDEN --IN FOUR ACTS-- With an All Star Cast To anyone giving us a con­ tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry for one ye&r we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: :: Electric ServfcKo. Geo. K. Paige, figr. The one great Swedish Comedy Drama. A Beautifully Staged Production. A con­ tinuous laugh from start to finish. H UP TO DATE SPECIALTIES--8 Good Singing and Danciug. The Best Swede Show on the road today, Prices, - - - 25c, 35c, 50c Seats on sale at N. H. Petesch's THE WORLD'S GREATEST PARK Klvervlew- Chicago's Dazzling Fairyland of Amusement Device*. To see Chicago at play one must ro to ltv»rrlaw. Great cities are attractive In say moods and "the metropolis on the lake" is never merrier than when disport­ ing Itself in this wonderful park. The Roman hippodrome cannot be com-, yared with this great park, either In magnitude, fabulous investment or at­ tendance. Frequently 260,000 men, women and children are within the enclosure of the vast and beautiful resort. Instantly after one enters the white masonry of the gates and till he emerges, he Is mys tilled, bewildered, entranced. Broad vis­ tas lead everywhere to turreted pavil- llons, circuses, theaters, ballets, "Streets of Cairo," ball parks, casinos, water chutes, cascades, electric launches, minia­ ture railways, "Wild West Shows," aerial coasters, menageries, Japanese pagodas and open air concerts by the world'*'fin­ est bands. XUvervlew Is a festival city, with Its chimes of bells, peala of orgar»i, roar of tfalna, cooling swish of waters, dashing ot foaming lakes, boat whistles, stringed Instruments, "tom-toms," euphonies of bagpipes, chanting of Indians, hymnals In sacred plays, yells of cowboys, reports of rltles and crash of artillery, roaring of lions, vocalizations of a million birds and animals, jubilee singing, shouts and laughter, and bounding above all, the majestic strains of Bohumlr Kryl's great band. Its Chutes cascades, 600 feet In mid­ air, spray crystal waters in continuous rainbows. Gay gondolas descend In clouds of mist, dashing downward until they skim the surface of the lake, lash­ ing Its transparent waters into foam. Laughter and shouts of delighted pas­ sengers accompany the musical murmur of the falling cascades. In a thrilling "Wild West," cowboys and Indiana exhibit feats of broncho rid­ ing. The biblical story of Babylon Is en­ acted by 1,000 young men and women In the classical costumes. In Big Otto's Animal Jungle, "Miss Dixie," young, pretty and fearless, en­ ters a den of lions, Jaguars, panthers and wildcats. She seizes the Jaws of^a Nu­ bian lion, forces them open and thrusts her head between great teeth that gleam dangerously against her white throat. A na^al battle between the Monitor and Merrimac; the "Kyfhausen," the mountainous retreat of Emperor Bar- barossa, and Paul Revere's ride are his­ torical. Camels and elephants bear laughing children; In a Flea Circus tiny insects perform Incredible feats; a pony hippo­ drome, living pictures, Turkish dancers, circle and giant swings, motor and sub­ marine boats, deep sea divers, live whales, skating rinks, velvet and aerial coasters, mechanical minstrels, "Thou­ sand Islands" waterways, Japanese tea gardens, Chinese pavllllons, double whirls, and endless dellght-lmpartfng de­ vises form streets, pikes, plalsances, teurts and waterways. Klverrlew, an emerald forest under an spalescent sky. glistens with a silvery f i v e r B i i u s c l r i t i l l a n t d i a m o n d ! A t kight this veritable fairyland has mytl- ads of lights that whirl an4 flash and shimmer a rainbow haze on gay throngs. A more beautiful fairy spectacle was uitr conceived. Want Column. All »dvcrilm iiieiitu Inaurted uudvr ttila head at the following rate* Five linen or leita, H6 cent* tor flr»t niffrti.jii, 16 i>ente (or each subsequent insertion. More than ft*# linen, 5 rente a line for flrat insertion, and 3 rente a line for adilitlona lna«rtlona. IpOK SA I,R- Dakota and Colorado lauds. 1 Homesteads located. For further infor lual ion apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17 tf CV>K SALE: A number of three-year old r heifers with calves by their sides and nearby springers. HANLV BKOH., West Mc­ Henry. III. S-tf LOST:--On Thursday, Aug. 3(1, between the residences of F. I,, ami H. M. McOmber, a light Jacket, gray and brown check with gray trimming. Kinder nlease return to F. L. Mc- Omber's store, W. McHenry. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHWESTERN -- STV;I in IIPRL Hoi and ('old Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All hom^cooking. Rates $1.50 per day. IHE0.S(I1IESSLE, Prop. WKST McHENRY. EAST SIDE A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BUGI, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Il l inois. (r ...NEW.... HAVING opened a Har ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where wemay be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our cafe with prompt ness and dispatch. : : R. Patzke & West McHenry. I Professional, Society V fvnd Bvisiriesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. it. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULtBl 1 Office and residence corner Elun and Green streets, McHenry. Teleohone No. 311 FEGEKS & FEGEKS DHY9IC1ANH AND SURGEONS. ttcHevy III. Office at Residence, corner Coort »n£ Elm streets Telephone 838. D. T. SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business Intrusted to bis care will be properly aud promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CH AMBERLIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over I. J. Welsh's Storsi Hours: 8:00 to 9:30. WBST MOHBNKT. III. Telephone Ns. 993 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the beet Companies. West McHenry, IIUMIS, John J. Vyoital DEALER IN General Hardwar» Stoves, Paints,and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON Denier in Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H. C. 1V1EAD JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. 1 am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, 111. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILL the cough AND CURE THE LUNCS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PRICK - I0o <fc $1.00. OLDS Trial Bottle ttm AND ALL THROAT AND LUWflTROUBLE!. FOR C8UV* GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY CMS, MONET REFUNDED. Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties Jrop in at Lambert Q. Seng'* 92 Fifth Ave. CHICAOOr home IM It like. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes au>t siies. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Eitcb dos- i'ii tinished In different styles. Price, 12.00 uud upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of Imiklings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen baud Nouiti Photon and a ltt-20 enlargement finished neatly and tw artistically in nat­ ural colors. Waukegan St., near the Standplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TsUphoas. 49S LMtUQl'ICK CASH OK TKADE: Automo- " hile, 4-cylinder Premeir light touring car, sealing live people. Detachable toimeau. Thoroly overhauled. Air cool; will not freeze iu winter. Makes good car for farmer. Simple to operate. W ill sell for #500 cash or tracfe for cottage or vacant lot fronting Pis- takee Bay or Fox river near McHenry. Call for demonstration. CHAS. A. SriioesBOW, 111 Canal port Ave., Chicago. TTHM NI): On streets of Mclleury, a gentle- r man's card case containing papers of value to owner. Owner can huve "same by proving property and .paying for this notice. Call at home of MATHIAS WKBER, McHenry. U^OI'NI): --On street between Frett's nieajl -P market ami the KiversHle hotel, a ladles' jacket. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Call at the home of MRS. MABY ADAMS, West Mc­ Henry, or call up phone No. 624 Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 17, 1»08. WILL DAT TRAINS. UFTO. NORTHBOOND 7.00 a in Via Elgin 8 4f> a in Via Des IMaiues ».00 a in. ..Via Des I'lalnes ... 12.30 pm Via Elgin *1.00 p ui Via Des I'lalnes 3.45 p in Via Des Plalnes-- 3.46 p m Via Elgin 3 .12pm Via Des Plalnes -- SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 a in Via Des I'lalnes -- H.4f)am. .. 0.10 a in 8.00 p m I<eave McHenry. +ti.59 a m 7 .1ft a ni -- 7.15 a m 8.32 a iu 4.14 p tn... 4.14 p III 6.2? p in -- Via Elgin. . .Via Des PlaluM Via Elgin WEEK DAT TRAlRa. SOUTHBOUND. ..Via Des Plaiiiea.. . Via I>es I'lalnes . . Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes Via Des Plalnes.. . Via Elgin ... Via Des Plaines. .. Arrive Mclleury. ... 10.17 a in . .. 10.17 a 111 ...10.17 a ui . .2.4# p. 111 . 2.211 p. ni 4.4ft p in . . 0.4ft p ui . . .0.4ft p ui . 9.37 a m . 11.14 a ui 11.14 a ni . 4.6ft p in Arrive Chicago. . N.28 a m 9.12 a 111 .. M.ftft a in 9.35 a ui . 0.20 p in . .7.10 p in .. 8.00 p 111 SDNDAT TRAINS. 7.lfi a in Via Elgin 7.0* p ui Via Des Plains*.. 7 48 p in Via Des Plaines.. 7.48 p ni ..Via Elgin •Saturday only. tMonday only. . .9.5ft a ui . 8.26 p in .9.26 p ni 10.20 p 111 WEST SIDE Mil Market Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £. F. Matthews. West McHenry, III.

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