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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1908, p. 5

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D on't buy PiEI $¥dmm immf 'gmesH-H A & §J§&d v :• Furniture until you have inspected my stock. Do not think that you can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote and", if quality is considered, you will give me your order. You can find here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com plete Parlor and Chamber Buits, Sideboards, Picture Frames, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Rugs. Jacob Justen WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF MTcOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. We have inaugurated a special sale for the displacement from our shelves of all summer goods. We mean to clean out our entire stock. Scarcity of room to store them thru the winter forces us to do this. Come while the selections are good and avail yourself of this opportuni­ ty to secure some extra special bargains in all lines of summer merchandise. :: :: Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. J) Groceries Always a Fresh and Complete Line on hand. JOHNSTOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS fUDufcflEI.U. S. Thayer weut to Cary Monday. Hugh Parks was a Ridgefield caller Tnenday. Mrn. Hanson and sons were in Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Wagner was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. W. Weiltttid and son, Willie, spent Monday at Elgin. Mrs. J. B. Lyne'j spent Saturday in the city shopping. Mr. an.l Mrn. Fred Reed ppeot part of last week in Elgin. Mrs. E. Smith was a Woodstock caller this week Tuesday. Miss Lillie Honghawpnt iq visiting relatives in Michigan Mrs. W. E. Dike nnl wife were Lake Geneva callers the 19th. Miss Hboda Knilans is visiting friends at Sharon. \Vis., for a few days. Mr and Mrs. S. Merchant spent Sun­ day with relatives at Woodstock. Miss Ada Anders of Crystal Lake vis­ ited Mrs Geo. Wheeler Wednesday. Misses Emma and Martha Hoopper were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday.-. Mrs. Grace Yanke entertained (woof her lady friends from the city receutly Miss Lizzie Forney is entertaining her consin from the city for a few days. Mesdanies J. G and F. W. Hart man were Crystal Lake callers Monday after­ noon M iss Hazel Marks of Iowa Falls, la., visited Mrs. E. Smith Monday and Tuesday. Miss Lulu Davis and a lady friend purchased tickets for Harvard one day 11 ht week. H. Cooper and wife returned Sunday from Wintield, Kan , where Mr. Cooper parents reside. Mrs. Underwood of Lake Geneva spent Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs Blanche < Whin Mr and Mrs Wollive and son of Elgin visited at. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Wat erman's recently. Mrs Sarah Wakefield returned home Sunday from a week's visit with her children in Elgin. Mrs A. Stephenson and daughters Arline a»d Edna, w« re Woodstock choppers Tuesday. The Misses Jessie and Hellen Whvte visited relatives near Hebron from Fri day until W' dnesda> Mr aud Mrs A. Murphy and dangh ter of Woodstock called at .1, G. Hart man's Sunday afternoon. Last Friday W. H. Monroe started for Detroit, Mich , to visit his daughter Mrs Ira Jayn»s, and family. Mrs. Fred Iieed and children spent Thursday at Crystal Lake with rela tives, who are camping there. E. L. Kimball is here and will enter npon his second year as principal There will not beany change in teachers School opens Monday, Aug. 31 The Borden's bottling factory opened last Wednesday. Martin Anderson's milk was the first to be received in the separating rooms. Mrs. Hodgkinson returned Tuesday from a visit of several weeks spent among her children in the western states Her many friends are pleased to welcome her back Mr and Mrs. P. Benson and two chil­ dren, Ruth and Thurston, are visiting with LaGrmige friends. Miss Edna Netson returned with them, after spend ing the summer months with Mr. Ben son's family. Among ttoe many who attended the chantauqua at Crystal Lake were: N. J. Garrison and family, Mr Whyte and family, Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Skinner and family. Misses Mad.-ilene Lynch and Jessie Whyte. For Sore Feet. "I have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve 0 be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr W. Stone, of East Poland. Mai tic. It is the proper thing too for piles Try it' Sold under guarantee at N. H Petench's drug store 2.V. voui. Joe Rosing of Chicago was in Volo Sunday John Myer of Wanconda was in town Sunday. Miss Kate Frosf was a MeHeury vis 1 tor "Tuesday. * Mr* S. S Torrance of McHenry was m town Thursday. Mr and Mrs S. J. Russell were in Grayslake 011c afternoon last week. John llironimns of Waukegan is spending a few weeks around Volo Mr« John Richardson entertained company from Des Plaines last week. Pete Frost aud daughter, Adeline, of Chicago spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Volo. Miss Maude Walton of Libertyville visited her parents here last Thursday and Friday. Mr. aud Mrs. Snell and children were guests of Wanconda relatives Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Walter White and daughter, Marie, of Long Lake were Volo callers Tuesday evening. Miss Ella Moore was the guest of Wanconda relatives during the Soldiers' and Sailors' reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ranghtof Lib ertyville are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught. Mrs R. E Walton, Perry and Lillian, of Wankegan visited at the John Wal ton home a few days recently. Arthur Inglehart of Winnetka spent last week with his cousins, the Misses Francete and Clara Rosing, at their home here. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can secure both papers for one fall year for the very low rate fl.75. KINO WOOl). Joe Siieg Chicagued Wednesday. Janes Green was a pleasant caller in Lake Villa one day recently. Miss Mary Knox of West McHenry spent Snnday with Miss Ida Adams. Miss Mary Moore of Chicago speut several days with Miss Agnes Carey. J. t) Smith and son, Howard, spent Sunday with friends at Deertield, III. Leo and Francis Adams are spending several days with relatives in Chicago. Tom Thompson aud Wni. McCannon were on the street* in McHenry Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs Jauies Bell and chil­ dren tfere Snnday callers at Spring Grove. Leo Murray of Elgiu spent Saturday night and Suntjay with John Carey and family. Miss Maying Knox of West McHenry visited with Mi-s Nettie Whiting Satur­ day last. Misses Ethel Wright and Alice Buf- ton of Wilrnot, Wis., spent several dayo with J D Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. C E H. Tnttle and daughter, Edith, and Ernest Ingalls were Marengo callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A A. Martin of Mason City. Iowa, and Mrs. Jordan and daugh­ ter, Elsie, of St. Paul, Neb , spent Sev­ eral days with W E. Smith and family. Mrs. Clara Schnitzins of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sheldon of Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Z. A. Rutherford in Ring- wood. Ed Whiting, _ Win. McCannon and Win. Beck returned from their western trip Tuesday evening. They seemed well pleased with the country. John Watson ami Wm. Loughridge staid for several days 'onger. C. H. Cristy and sister, Miss Mae, returned to their home in Waupaca, Wis., Friday last, after a week's visit with their grandpareuts in Ringwood. Mr. Harsh accompanied them home, where he will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. atod Mrs. J. E Schnitzins and daughters, Gertrude and Clara, returned to their home in Savaunah, Mo., Mon day, after Visiting two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Z A. Rutherford, and sister, Mrs. Geo. Hohenstein, of Ringwood. Mr. and Mr*. E. A. Smith and daugh­ ter, Clara. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith and daughters, Lora and Elsie, Mrs. J. D. Smith and children, Emily and Howard, Mrs. Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin and Mrs. Jordan and daughter, Elsie, spent Monday at Lake Geneva and Williams Bay. Dr. A. D. Traveller, D. D., district superintendent, will preach for the Methodist people next Sunday after­ noon. Communion will be adminis­ tered . This is the first time we have had an opportunity to hear Dr. Trav­ eller If the church is not ready the services will be held at another place, to be announced later. Everyone invited. Dr. Traveller has been called the "Da­ kota cyclone." PAltK. Petesch's for drugs. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday at his home. R. J. Sutton is visiting relatives in Elgin this week. Geo Armstrong spent a few days last week in the city. Miss Beulah Larkin is visiting at R. J. Sutton's this week. H. Bending is spending a few days this week in the city. Mrs. M. Gilford of Dundee visited at E. Knox's Thursday last. W111. Bourke of Chicago visited in this vicinity Wednesday last. Miss Mary Gibbs went to Chicago Monday to remain indefinitely. R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake wafl a caller in this vicinity Sunday. Ray Corr of Woodstock spent a few lays last week visiting iu this vicinity. F. Roinaao and son, Salvator, were visitors at "Oak Villa" cottage the past week. yuite a few from here attended the Soldier's and Sailor's reunion at Wau couda Friday last. Misses Nettie Whiting of Ringwood and Amy Yager of McHenry visited the Misses Knox Sunday. Misses Irene Frisby, Anna McGee and Mabel Granger of McHenry called on friendB here Tuesday. John Armstrong and family closed their c-ottage Tuesday and returned to their River Forest home. H.J. Armstrong returned to River Forest Monday, after spending several weeks at the Heaney cottage. Messrs. Jas. Haxton, Jr., Geo. Fraser, W. K. Burns and son, Win , and D Hill spent Sunday at the Park. Misses Margaret Sutton of Elgin and Bessie Morrisy of Dundee visited at R. J. Sutton's Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knox and family of Chicago are guests at the home of the former's uncle, E. Knox, and family. Miss Hattie Welch, and W. Dewey of Woodstock, Alice McManaman of Chi cago and Earl McAndrews visited at the former's home Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Welch entertained the fol­ lowing guests at her home south of here Tuesday afternoon: Mrs. Laughlin and Mrs. Phalin of McHenry, and Mesdames P. Walsh, J. Gibbs and E. Frisby. Ire Cream 8orlal. An ice cream social will be given un­ der the auspices of the Lady Forester society of St. Mary's Catholic church on Anton Schneider's lawn, near the river bridge, next Saturday evening, August 29. The members of the society extend cordial iuvitation to every one to at­ tend. Ice cream and cake will be served for the small fee of 15 cents. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the event will take place Sunday even­ ing, AND FRUITS! If quality and price are inducements this store should be your trading place when it comes to buying Groceries and Fruits. Our line is al­ ways PURR, PALA­ TABLE and FRESH. Let us supply you. Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 Nelmer Block, - flcHenry To lie Ladies! Having purchased tho Paris Millinery of Mine. S. S. Tor­ rance I wish to announce to the ladies of McHenry and vi­ cinity that my fall stock has arrived and is ready for in spection. I earnestly believe that this display is one of the grandest as well as largest ever brought to McHenry and respectfully ask the millinery buying public to call in, see the display and get my prices. MISS L HILLED, Successor to Mme. S. 5 Torrance. West McHenry, - III. JOHNSBURGH. Petesch's for druars. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Frennd of Mc"- Henry were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bremer of Chica­ go visited with Mrs. Scheid Sunday. Quite a few from Spriug Grove spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weingart of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frennd of Chicago spent Sunday here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frennd and Mr. and Mrs. Math Freuftd spent Sunday with Mrs. Martin May. Albert Nye of Ohio is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. N J. Nye. Misses Katie and Maggie Blake of Mc­ Henry are visiting a few days this week with Mrs. Christ Blake. The ball game was very well attended last Sunday, the score being 14 to 4 in favor of Johnsbnrgh. Rev. H. M. Mehring celebrated his 50th anniversary into the priesthood here last Sunday. He officiated at the nine o'clock mass, which was attended by the largest congregation that has ever assembled at St. John's church. The only disappointment of the day was the fact that only a few of the vis­ iting clergymen were present, but out­ side of this there wasn't a mar in the day's program. Over three hundred people took dinner at St. Joseph's hall served by the ladies of St. Anna's soci­ ety and equally as many dined there at supper time. The event is one that will long remain in the memory of those who were present. Suuiiuer Resorts. Eruil Kocher and Frank Gracer of Elgin were Fox Lake visitors Sunday, Colvin Browu of Elgin enjoyed a pleasant outing at Fox Lake last week. Jos. J. Freft of Chicago is spending a two weeks' vacation with his family at German Village. James E. Jacobs of Elgin has let the contract for a new summer cottage to be erected on the banks of the placid Fox near Pistakee Bay. The Columbia Yacht and Motor club house at Fox Lake was the scene of a j delightful lawn musical and dance last ] Saturday evening. Mayor Busse and a party of friends of Fox Lake njade a recent trip to Ft. At­ kinson, Wis., to inspect the modern dairy barns on ex Governor W. D Hoard's farm. The mayor is planning to erect a new structure of the kind on his dairy farm at Fox Lake. Next Attraction at the Central. The press thruout the neighboring cities has unitedly pronounced this company one of the best managed and cleanest productions now en tour. All who have witnessed it have been de­ lighted, which accounts for the large patronage which is being accorded on all sides. That "nothing succeeds like success" is evident and a full house at every appearance is justly due them. At the Central opera house on Sunday evening, Aug. 30. New songs, dances and specialties and an abundance of special scenery assures an evening of enjoyment. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. The Plaindealer wants a correspond­ ent at Ostend and Spring Grove. Who will help ns out in this respect? And Beauty Promoting may be Accomplished by One and the Same Hethod. A P P L Y PET ESC H'5 COLD CREAH every night on retiring and the skin will not only be nourished, whitened and beautified, but protection against injury from sun and wind will be afforded. You can enjoy your out-of- door sports without fear of skin injury. This is a delightful, refreshing, cooling cream that , you'll enjoy using. Price, 35 cents. N. H. PETESCH Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 274. GIVEN AWAY Free! Free! Free! A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 16x20 two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. G. FRETT'S New Grocery and Meat Market This is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting that experts have often mistaken them for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing into the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran­ teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give away absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures, framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. All kinds of fruit pictures for the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: :: & WE ARE MI as the first Jewelry Store in Elgin because we hold to principles that make us deserv­ ing of the patronage of the public. : : ' : FIR5T We show the New in Jewelry, Cut Glass, Brass Goods, Silverware, China ware and Clocks when the styles are new. : : : : Our assortments are complete. We afford Choice Selections. : : : : : SECOND We have established a Quality that is Abso­ lute. This means a Quality that is all it should be. It goes deeper than the surface. It is genuine. This quality is in everything we have to sell. It is dependable. : : : THIRD Our prices are neither high nor extremely low, but are in every instance decidedly reasonable. Paying our prices is indulging i n E c o n o m y . : : : : : : Rovelstad Bros. Jewelers. - - I6J Chicago St., Elgin, 111. PR OB A TE NEWS I Furnished by MeHeury Couuty Abstrac Company. Woodstock. I l l inois . ] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry C. Roberts, 38.. .N. Crystal Lake Bessie A. Philp, 26 " " " Geo. A. Ben, 24 Huntley Bertha L. Hensel, 22 " August Broderuian, 26.... Loherville, la Johanna Caulke, 25 Woodstock Geo. Brinkerhoff, 22.. Bowers Hill, Penn Mrs. Blanche Harris, 27 " " " Get yonr "Fly Shy" of the Wtlbnr Lumber Co. A NEW CHEMICAL DISCOVERED --: -- •* -- That you can put vu tu«- top ut jour stove as you would stove polish, but you dotit have to polish it. Just paint it ou and one applica­ tion will last mouths, even if your stove be­ comes red hot every day. It's called STOV- 1NK ktid Is absolutely ffuarauteed to keep your stove iu Hue eouditlou without any work. STOVIN K sells for twenty-live eeats aud will give i*ore stove satlsfactiou than * do*eu boxes of stove polish. Ala*> <lmln>}t just as water dissolves salt. JOHN J. VYCITAL. Bead Th* Plilroi--Mr "mat*

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