D A \\TViVi _ '"SiiBj mma If®! Pumitore until you have inspected my stock. Do not think that year can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote and, if quality is considered, yoa will give me your order. Yoti can find here everything that is needed to beautify Jthe home. T^e latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Bed's, Com plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Sideboards, Picture Frames, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Rugs. Jacob J usten WHEN YOU THINK OP HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOriiber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES ' AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE Int (o, are now ready. The lin£ consists of all the latest styles in Domestic and Imported Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices. Call and see them. :: Yours truly,, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. •20 THE Cash Grocery Coffee Department! Special Blend, a blend of the finest aged coffee, per pound a8c Santos Blend, a blend of selected Santos and Mara- caibo, per pound aoc Rio, a good coffee at the price, 2 pounds 25c; per pound.... 15c Tea Department! vVE SELL NO CHEAP TRASHY TEA Finest English Breakfast, equal to any on the market, per pound 806 Fancy Japan, uncolored, a fine drinker, pound 60c Other grades 40c to 50c Gunpbwder, try this, it will please you, pound 5°c Johnsburgh Creamery Butter in prints or bulk. Let us fill your jars for you. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE! West Mc Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. ••• j NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS, KIlHitMGLU. ; W. S. J ay lies w«a m Chicago Satur day. F. S. Morse spent Sunday at Rock- ford. Chan. Bollock was in Crystal Lake Saturday. N. J. Garrison was in Crystal Lake Thursday. JH. J. Garrison was'in Harvaid on business Wednesday. Fred Wille and son, Henry, were in the wiudy city Friday. Ed. Cadwallader of Terra Cotta vis ited his mother recently. Oeiald Smith came out frotn Oak Park Thursday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Josephsun entertained company from Chicago last week. Mrs. Malvenhurg visited friends at Crystal Lake the first of the week. Mrs. Olive Baldwin of Crystal Lake transacted business here Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes Manroe visited her daugh ter at Woodstock Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wheeler enter tained company from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Beardsley drove over from Crystal Lake Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Whyte. Mr. and Mrs E L. Kimball enter tained the latter's sister, Mies Sayler, and friend of Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Fern and daughter of Algonquin spent Sunday with, Herman Wiile and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake were in this vicinity on business Saturday. M rs. J. B. L^nch and daughter, Mad- alene, were Chicago shoppers Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Josephson and sister, Mrs. Desell, of Woodstock visited the latter's son in Chicago Wednesday. Reuben Hesnelgrave, Robert Knilans and sister, Rhoda, took in the sights at the fair at Elkhorn, Wis , last week Lewis McLaughlin of Janesville vis ited his brother in law. E W Merchant, Monday and Tuesday, on his way to Aurora. J. G. Hartman, wife and sister at tended the wedding of Mrs Hartman s niece, Miss Edith Murphy, to Charles Giesselhrecht at Woodstock Thursday evening. * SCHOOL NOTFS The eighth grade is carpeting. So far we have had nine visitors. Our attendapce has been excellent. Helen Carlson entered school Monday. Our enrollment now numbers forty- nine. Mrs. Has ton of Chicago was a recent visitor. Be sure your child is regular in at tendance. The lower grades are still working at their Indian collection OSTEND. Petesch's for druors. For sick headache use Masquelet' headache powders. Mrs. John Dennis of Woodstock called on Mrs. T. A. Abbott one day last week. Warren Thomas, Jr., and fofniiy vis ited with Ben Hudson and wife last Sunday. Miss Ella Thomas anil Mrs. James Rainey were Woodstock callers the first of the week. Mr. and Sire. Will Sayler of Wood stock took dinner Sunday with Mrs. Alma Thomas Mrs. Annie Martin of Woodstock spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mead of Elgin visited Friday and Saturday with Mrs. Mead's father, A P. Colby, and called on other friends. Mrs. Ethel Davis and daughter, Gertie, and Miss Gladys Pierce of Greenwood visited at T. A. Abbott's Saturday afternoon. Eb. Gaylord attended the fair at Elk- horn last Friday, and visited with friends at Williams Bay, returning home Sunday evening. Miss Alice Richardson, who is attend ing school in Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R H. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., last Thursday. They report a very pleasant time." KMKKAI.lt HAIIK. L Huck spent Tuesday' in Chicago Geo. Fraser and family spent Sunday at the Park. Chas. Cohan aud family spent Sunday at tlieir cottage. Miss Margaret Sutton is spending a few weeks at her home. Mrs Wm. Robinson spent a few days at Birkircher's recently. Mr. and Mrs Juo. Smith visited the former's parents Snnday. Alabastine, all colors, paints, oils, etc., at MHRjuelet's drug store Mr. and Mrs. F. Romano and friends are at Oak Villa this week. Marty Knox leaves tod*y for Cali fornia on an extended trip. Miss Lucy Sutton is spending a week with Chicago and Elgin friends. Ricti&rd Fleming and Miss Florence Hill spent Sunday evening in this vicin ity. Rev. Paul Boufke and nephew. Rev. McLaughlin^ called on friends here Wednesday. Percy Foreman and Ray, Corr of Woodstock called at Ed. Knox ̂ Satur day evening. Mr. Dodge fflod Clarence Whiting of Ringwood visited at Margaret Ward's school Friday. Walter Walsh and Misses Anna Fris- by and Anna McGee called on friends here Sunday evening. Mesdames Ellen Cleary and John Powers of Elgin and Margaret Kelly of Chicago are spending the week at R. J. Sottoo's. RINfiWOOD. . Petesch's for drags. S. W. Smith was a recant Chicago passenger. . Wm. Coate was a Spring Grove call er Saturday. John Carey was A business caller one day last week. Irving Herbert was a business caller in Elgin Saturday. Agnes Carey will attend school at De- Kalb the coming year. Mrs. W;-jA. Cristy of Joplin, Mo., is calliug on old friends here. Mrs. Simpson and daughter, Grace, spent Wednesday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Smith spent one day recently at Williams Bay. 1 The farmers are busy cutting their corn in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd are enter taining company ffow the East. Quite a number from Rfagwood at tended the Elkhorn fair last week. Mrs. Matthews of McHenry is visiting with her daughter, Mrs Bert McCan- non. A complete line of school books, tab lets. pencils etc., at Masquelet'« drug store. Mesdames Elisabeth Simpson and Will McCannon ware Elgin visitor Tuesday. Anna Carey returned to St. Clara's college in Wisconsin, where she will attend school. Mrs. Carter and daughter, Maria, of Jefferson, la , are visiting relatives and friends here. Chas. Olson, Irving and Fred Walker were passengers for Chicago last Thurs day morning Mrs. Lowell and children of Afgon- quin spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Eddie Whiting. Miss Lora Walkington returned, Sat urdav evening from several days visit with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John^Stecker are enter taining, the former's brother and sister from Milwaukee at this writing. Messrs. David and Earl Shales and Miss Sarah Shales of Wilmot spent Sunday with Charles Shalps and family. Messrs J. S and S. W. Brown and H. L Stephenson took in the sights at Zion City Monday, going over in S. W.'s auto. C. C. Harrison and daughter, Miss Florence, returned from their two weeks' visit with relatives in Kansas Saturday last. The Ladies' Church Aid society will serve ice cream in the park Saturday evening, Sept. 26. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Universalist ohnrch, Rev. A. Roberts, pastor. Preaching next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. A special theme will be the sub ject of the sermon. Everyone cordially ed. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, and Mes dames Charles Stephenson and Bert Mathews attended the Court of Honor meeting at Solon Mills Tuesday even ing. Gregory Vanchel, who has been spend ing his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge, left.Friday for Culver Military academy, where he will attend school again this winter. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless toher wise ordered, Trjit. MiBS Nettie Whiting commenced her first term of school in the Harsh district Monday morning, Sept. 14, with an en rollment of eleven scholars. We wish Miss Whiting success in her new under taking. _ aOHMSBDBOH. Frank Nimsgern] was a caller here Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Frank Miller Chicagoed Saturday. Misses Mary and Lena Pit fen of Volo were seen here Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. John Blake are the happy parents of a baby bdy. Alex Freund of Chicago who has been visiting a few days here returned, home Sunday. Jacob May and William Hergott vis ited Saturday and Sunday with friends in Waukegan. Mrs. Jos. Mertes and Celia Miller spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lawrence Baer. Misses Eva and Maggie Hnemann are visiting a few days this week with' their aunt in Chicago. Sebastian Bingham and daughter, Lena, of Kansas are visiting relatives and friends around here. Mr and Mrs. Joe Stilling entertained Messrs. and Mesdames John Stilling, Jeter Miller and Henry Stilling Sunday. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of |1.75 for the two Messrs. and Mesdames Math. Blake, Peter Blake, George Wirfs and John Klein spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. We ASLWEIX AS mots We make a specialty o f c o r r e c t l y f i t t i n g glasses. We are able to judge the right glasses for the right people, and if you are having trouble with your glasses permit us to adjust this trouble. We can do it. : : We do repairing at a moderate cost. Rovelitid Bros., Jewelers ELGIN, - ILLINOIS. F Are You Eating Our AND FRUITS? If not, begin today. It, is to your interest to do so. We handle nothing but the best and sell at prices that are right. Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 Heimer Block, - flcHenry School Pays At the beginning ol the term there are so many items needed by scholars that it*8 next to impossible to start out on the first day of school fully equipped--each day seems to demand something new. :: :: :: We are carrying a stock of school supplies in such variety that we can supply your needs at all times and our prices are the lowest. :: :: :: :: :: :: You will find here all the school books that are used in our public schodls as well as such necessary articles as 1 PENCILS PENS ERASERS INKS Composition Papers T A BLETS RULERS PASTE PEN HOLDERS CRAYONS Drawing Papers nuCILAGE, Etc N. H. PETESCH Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 374 -- -- -- -- W M f r M C T m M U r f l i Agents:--An opportunity to make big money; $200 monthly from an investment of $5. Ex perience not necessary. Don't reply unless you mean business. For full particulars at once write Hayden-Qriffin 6t Co., Toledo, O. TERRA COTTA. A. J. Thompson of Crystal Lake was a business caller' here Saturday. Miss LaNette Covalt of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at S. B. Leisner's. Mr. and Mrs. A T. McMillan and Mr. and MrB. Henry McMillan spent Sunday at McHenry. Mrs. Clara Miller of Washington has been a guest at the home of her annt, Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Now is the time to look at your win dows All sizes window glass at Mas- quelet's drug store. Misses Marguerite, Genevieve and Dorothy Knox were visitors at the home of J. M. Phalin last Sunday. J. H. Gracy has received an appoint- < ment. from Gov. Deneen as delegate to the Farmers' National Congress to be held at Madison, Wis. TOL.O. Mrs. C. Sabel is unite sick at present. Joe Rosing of Chicago was in town Snnday. Frank Dowell of Round Lake was In town Sunday. Jason Walton was a Libertyville caller Monday. Mrs. Norman Ladd of Wauoonda passed thru town Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls were Wanconda visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Richardson is entertaining rela tives from Palatine this week. Dan Richardson attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., last Thursday. Misses Emma Hanson and Genevieve Eftinger were Grayslake callers Friday. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent a few days last week with her parents here. A complete line of school books, tab lets, pencils etc., at Masquelet's drat? store. A. L. Hendee of Waukegan and Car- lyle Druce of Grayslake were in Volo Friday. Mrs. Chas. Raught was the guest of Waukegan relatives I'rom Friday till Sunday. Mrs. Charity Raught is again at her home on the Raught farnl, after a visit at Libertyville. Miss Maude Walton returned to her work at Libertyville Monday, after a vacation spent here. Miss Kate Rosing has gone to Liberty ville, where she has accepted a position at the Newcastle hotel. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and children and Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were Volo callers Sunday. Miss Gertrude Turner of Wanconda visited with Mrs. George Huson and Miss Reba Huson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Plutie Houghton and children of Wanconda were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Hironimus Sunday. Our prescription department is com plete with fresh and pure drugs. Have your prescriptions tilled with us. Mas quelet's drug store. GIVEN AWAY Free! Free! Free! A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 16x20 two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. G. FRETT'S New Grocery and Meat Market This is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting that experts have often mistaken them for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing into the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give away absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures, framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. All kinds of fruit pictures for the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: :: :r 9 THE Gilbert Offers this week money saving values in food stuffs and groceries, as follows: Extra Fancy Fine Brick Cheese, per*pound.. 12^3C California Hams, Smoked, per pound l'2%C Breakfast Bacon, smoked, in strips, per pound. 12%C Toasted Corn Flakes, per package 7l/*c Fancy Mustard Sardines, per can 5C Gal pail pure Syrup. ..35^ Fels Naphtha Soap, 10 bars 39C Good Rio Coffee, lb.. la^aC Gilbert Grocery Co. CENTER VILLE Telephone 691. L House flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. ONE NIGHT ONLY- SIIILM8 III! BK run SHOW The New Rural Comedy Success "ZEKE" THE COUNTRY BOY A Story of Plain Folks Strictly A high-class Production M i l Special Scenery flLL. and Effects NEW Singing _an4 Dancing T AN IMMIHI (AST Prices, - - 35c, 35c, 50c SeitsonsAitN.H.Peteki's This paper and The Weekly W* Ocean--#1.75 for one; to both.