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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1908, p. 8

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ArM * ~ no per cent discounts Winter Under-on wear during October To induce early buying and. help to unload for cash, when we at e not so busy, as later in the season all lines will keep us hustling to sell, hence: $2.00 Underwear less 10 per cent $1. $1.75 " " " " " $1.50 *« " " " " $l-ar' $1.25 " " " " " $,1:! $1.00 44 . " " " iMK" 75c 44 - " " " " r,N' 50c " " 14 " " 4',r JOS. W. FRRUND WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. BIDS OUT FOR $5,000,000 DEPOT. Cuiitriwtutii taurine on New C. fi K. W. I i*- GMraRo, . J \s : f -v William Stoffel CENTBRVILLE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. --FOR Buggies, Wagons. Corn Harvesters, Manure Spreaders, Gasoline Kngines, Gang, Sulky and Walking Plows, Twine, Wheelbarrows, Milk Carts and everything pertaining to a first-class Implement Shop. - - - - Special Attention Given to Repair Work TWO PER CENT DISCOUNT on all bills if paid within thirty days from date of purchase (excepting labor). It pleases us to please you. We invite you to talk shop with us. You are al­ w a y s w e l c o m e . - - - - - - - Contractors In various part* of tfie United States are tigmiuK oti bids for the ci>utmotion of til* n«w twiseeiiger station which the Northweatern road going to erwt on Went Mftilinon ntreet, Chicago. The specifications were complete*! a few days ago and bids were requested from rttar^e number of the largest n>n- Htrtu-tiun compauieH in varionn jiarts of the country. There are various fstiniates as to the *ize of tlu> contract, but it is probable that the construction i»f the depot and of the train shed will cost the company in the neighborhood of $.r>,(XH),000, ex- : elusive of the finishiugs and the fnr j nitnre. j The company which secures the bid ! nm-t given bond of for faithful and prompt performance of its i contract and also a guarantee of coin- ! plction by the summer of 1910, if not. by I January 1, l'.HO. The guarantee will ! probably contain a clause providiug for an indemnity for every day's delay be voiid the time set for completion. The Tiimiipli of a N«nv Idea. It has beeu a subject of comment that the.nsual fr a to res of the Sunday news­ papers showed !o little varietj'. A re­ cent departure in Sunday journalism han rnet with popular recognition aud approval. The great illustrated week­ lies and .monthlies nO longer have a monopoly of the periodical field. ('onan Dos le received 000 for the American serial rights of his last story, the highest price ever paid for similar rielits. Anthony Hope, Jack Loudon, Sewell Ford ami many other popular novelists contribute to the publication which set the pace by paying this record price. Celebrated men and women write constantly for it on all subjects of timely interest. Clever verse, wit, hu­ mor and- interesting miscellany com plete a most interesting table of con­ tents. It is profusely illustrated by the leading artists. In fact the Snuday Magazine of The Record-Herald main­ tains the highest standard of periodical literature thruont. Tt. gets the Lest at whatever cost.. T THERE MUST BE. ,$OME. RE.ASON WHY tmm*- * - ' '<• , . A DANGEROUS FRIEND IS GIVING SUCH GENERAL SATISFACTION /r I P H I L I P J A E G E R dENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, rtutton, hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This la the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLO STORACJE FREE SSSiiftSEr"- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHenry, Illinois For the treat ment of cura l i l f rhrnnii- Dineases (uervou? , a f f l ic t ions , <i i s«- . i s . s >f t l ie stomai-li . bowel* :unl Ii \ er . koui . rlif-nnI;i! Imii, ol>eslt y. ivit :irrli ;i lull,! i. i enera l c l i -b iUly , c l r i Only Natura l Methods Are Employed. Dr. Carl strueh, Prop. ioo -State Street. Suite 1409. CMICAUO, ILL "iiXjW:- • 4 "AS YE SOW, 50 .SMALL YE REAP YES THERE IS! IT'S REALLY GOOD, AND ONE OF THE BEST IN IT'S CLASS THAT TELLS THE, STORY V- Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and doen a ttllEMl BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all bnaineeH intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely Batihfact- ory to our customers aud respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first daws security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in Vint Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. liObf GOODS! of every description i- what we deal in. Kvery- thing that goes to make uj) a first-class' Harness Establishment may be4iad here. When you get ready lor that new work or'driv­ ing- harness, if you appre­ ciate quality and' good workmanship we will he pleased to give you our prices. : : : : : ; M. A. Thelen Facts For Consideration. Sickness comes to everybody and fnlly fonr-fifths of onr people anffer needlessly by adopting primitive methods fnr relief. Medicines have their virtues, but. Accomplish very little outside or. the common, everyday ail­ ments. The continual dosing aggra­ vates the case, aud makes the ailment more serious for ultimate recovery. It is a fallacy to lielieve that rheumatism, appendicitis, gall stones, nervons pros­ tration and the many other ailments along the same lines can be cured by medicines. The circulation of the blood is at fault, nothing else.< The qnickest relief and later complete cure lies in the hands of Prof. Leach of Elgin. He was born with the gift of vital magnetism. His thoughts are constantly l»eing ex tended to the ailing. His cures are many, and of ailments of every descrip­ tion. His testimonial booklet conta ins so mnch convincing proof of his accom­ plishments that every ailing person should have it. At some time you will believe in him, and will come to him. To Start Work oil Big Oitcli . Harvard Herald: In the county court before Judge Smiley at Woodstock last Monday the hearing on the petition to establish the Rush Creek drainage dis trict was taken up. The district was organized, an order from the court to this effect having been enteied. The court appointed three commissioners to make a preliminary survey and estimate as to the probable cost of the proposed work. The commissioners appointed by the judge are .fames E. Cunninghaln, Raymond Brickley of Dunham and John Dean of Harvard. Their work will be taken up at once and an effort made to ascertain the cost of establishing the ditch, which is designed to reclaim a vast amount of land in Dunham that is now of little value, the ultimate object. In ing to make it virtually the most pro­ ductive land in the entire town. Now tlmt the jietition has beeu heaj'd, the [court having entered an order and the j other preliminaries having been com J plied with, it is likely the work toward i starting the ditch will be pushed with | all possible speed . : V School Nllloit . I Forty-five inenil»ers in onr high school this year. : Our attendance all the time exceeds | last year's enrollment. 1 The physics class is proving qnite ex ! pert in experimentation. Willie Stewart, aud John Miller en­ tered the third room last week. "Burglars" made qnite a commotion J in the fourth room one day last week, j Some of the boys of the second and third rooms are interested in an arsenal i in the laboratory. 1 Miss Roggeveen has moved to Crystal Lake and comes up 011 the ten o'clock train on Thursdays now. < >n Friday evening of this week'Pro­ fessor ftoodman will lecture nt. the school buibling on "A Urain of Corn, " for the especial benefit of the botany and commercial geography classes. The lecture will begin at eiurht o'clock and ! all are invited to come and enjoy the I treat. Pnpils below the fonrth room | are not, ex peeled to be present unless accompanied by their parents or older brothers or sisters Admission free. Where Bullets Hlew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of thu civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "The good Elec­ tric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. 1 then tried Elec?tric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well." &0c. at JN. H, Peteech s drug store. USUAL PRICES WILL PREW"« CENTRAL HOUSE ONK NIGHT ONLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25,1908 A Radical Departure. The most popular illustrated weeklies and monthlies are prodnced at enormous cost. Competition for the work of the leading authors and illustrators has es­ tablished a scale of expense that is. al­ most prohibitive. Yet in addition to its many attractive features The Chicago Snnday Record- Herald fnrnishes its readers with aSnn- day Magazine which compares favor­ ably with the independent periodicals in every way and has some merits pe- < uliar to itself. The most famous writ ers and illustrators contribute to it. Fine paper and press work and bandy size make it a pleasure to read this en­ tertaining publication which marks a radical departure in Sunday journalism. KeriiM'tHl Colonial R»tiw. One-way tickets at special low rates on sale daily thruont October, from all points on The North Western Line to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Puget Sound point. Daily and Personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. Double berth only $7.0<), thru from Chi­ cago. For full particulars write S. A Hutchison, Manager, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, III., or address near­ est ticket agent. The North Western Line. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotul, Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several months I suf­ fered with a severe cough, and con­ sumption seemed to have its grip on me, v hen a friend recommended Dr. King'1 New Discovery. I began taking it, and three bottles effected a complete cure." The fame of this saving cough and cold remedy, and Inng and throat healer is world wide. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 50e. and $1 00. Trial bottle free. PIm« Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have cansiBd to l>e posted in every posi office in the country cirenin* letter to the public, urging everyone to ns^. en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on hie envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made irfthe address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pnt np in first-class manner. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelopes at the store? Real The Plaindealer "want" afa That's what our patrons say about our groceries and fruits. Are we sup­ plying you in this line? If not, why can we not receive a trial order? Our goods will satisfy, we know. : : : Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 f leimer Block, - flctlenry THURSDAY, OCTOBER ...A ONE DAY SALE OF... CLOAKS and FURS We shall have on sale at onr store on above date ii complete line of La­ dies', Misses'and Children's Cloaks, Suits and Fnrs. This sale will he conducted by a practical cloak salesman, and the garments have been especially selected for ns. This will afford the ladies of this town «ud vicinity an excellent opportunity of selecting k garment from a wide range of styles and a big saving in prioe. We guarantee to save you. from $3 to $5 on any garment you buy! Misses' and Children's Heavy Kersey Coats, beautifully trimmed with straps and buttons, ages 6 to 14 years $3.50 to $10 Many styles at $9, $t> and $7,50 The new mannish effects in blue, green and red mixtures.. .$4.50 to $10 Coats Fof Women. Yon will not have an opportunity again thissea- sou 'of eeeing so large an assortment of high class garments at such low prices a* will be shown at this sale. Broadcloth, fnll satin lined coats ranging in price............... . . ...10, 15, 16.50, lit, ao and 25 Kersey Coats from $7-50, 10, ia, 15,18, 30 and as The new Princess Direct.oire and Wooltex Be-iueleave, cloee fitting and semi fitting, will be shown in a wide variety of styles from... ,$i8 to $35 We earnestly Insist (hat you attend this •«!«, wlwflMr you wish to «r Mt, we shall be pleaaed to show yew. Remember, It's mm day, October sa F. A. BOH LANDER. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. West McHenry State Bank OF WEST MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. -OFFICERS:- EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WTCBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL# W. STENGER, Cashier. CJ1KCKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHRSTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. T% 3 percent paid on Savings Ac­counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit. /?• :sv smites when he sees our wagon back up with A LOAD OF LUMBER for he knows he can do a good job and do it quickly. A good Carpenter is as much pleased with such a job ais you would be. It means reputation for him, money saved for you. The moral, of course, is to buy your Lumber here and £et the BEST. YOURS TRULY, ttlilbur Cumber Co. & THIS STORE IS OFEN EVERY EVE- NINO EXCEPTING TUESDAY AND T H U R S D A Y BLOCK & -TELEPHONE, NUMBER 54« Best Quality Her* at Lowest Prices -OUR SECOND ANNUAL-- FALL OPENING! TAKES PLACE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1908. This day we want to see in our store every lady in and around McHenry, as you will here have tlte' opportunity of seeing all of the latest creations in Cloaks, Suits and Furs, and of bargains never before heard of. Of course you will come. Nos. 1040 and 1053. LADIES* HAND TAILORED SUITS, niadeoi fine broadcloth, cheviots and f fancy mixed goods in all the latest cuts and lengths, ranging in price Ladies' serai-fitting cloak made of broadcloth, velvet collar and cuff effect, neatly trimmed front and back, full satin lined. CastQr, black and brown only. Price, a value at.. $12, $14.50 LADIES* HAND TAILORED SUITS, niadeoi fine broadcloth, cheviots and f fancy mixed goods in all the latest cuts and lengths, ranging in price Vfc: -A , >. fcgs&jr

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