Sewing flachines I Needles, Shuttles and Bobbins for use in All Makes of Sewing Machines. and everything that goes with them. We han dle the celebra ted WM. C. FREE machine which has , no equal. : : : Jacob Justen, ricHENRY, ILLINOIS. WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, » F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. fji** OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE (0. are now ready. The line aonsists of all the latest styles ip Domestic and Imported Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices. Call and see them. :: Yours trulv, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS "S j ---.r-- k x x x x / * % -**- ' Pillsbury's Best, Early Riser, Purity Flour. Graham^ Corn Meal, Whole Wheat Flour. : None Such Self Rising Huckwheat Flour. None Such Self Rising Pancake Flour. Guaranteed to please or money refunded. PUMflO SOAP! Cleans like a flash, Dirt, Qrease and Fruit Stains. Five Cents the bar. : : All Kinds of Canned Goods E, ";r. JO"N STOFFEL. RI1NIKI11LU P. Bennett went to Chicago Monday. James Whyte went to Chicago Mon day. A. P. Peck spent Sunday with hi* family. Mrs. Will Wagner went to the city Monday. F. M. Lindsley went to the windy-city Saturday. Mabel Peterson was in Crystal I<ake Thursday, ' Miss Jessie Whyte was a Crystal Lake visitor Saturday. Mrs. O. Baldwin of Crystal Lake was in town Satnrday. F. Wille and H. Cooper went to Crys tal Lake Thursday. M rs. Allen spent Saturday with her people at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Ben Throop of Crystal Lake was a caller here Wednesday. Miss Mabel Skinner and Mrs. Smith drove to Woodstock Friday. Mrt. W, E. Dike spent Thnreday in the city, visiting and shopping. Miss Lizzie Forney spent last week Tuesday with Mrs. E. B. Smith. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield of Elgin made a business call in Ridgefield Friday Mrt. Neymann and daughter, Annie, were Woodstock callers Saturday Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mads lene, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mr and Mrs Fitzsimmons got otf the evening train from Chicago Wednesday. Ed Ford and family spent Snuday with their, parents, Mr. and Mr*. H. Reed. Mrt. Geo. Irish entertained her sister, Mrs. Sarah Wakefield, one day last week. WillJayne* and brother, Milton, vis ited with their brother and family over Sunday. Mrs. Jacobs spent Friday and Satnr day with her father, Mr. Ter«villager, in Elgin. Mrs Jaynesand little daughter and Miss Brown were Woodstock callers Satnrday. Mrs./W. H. Monroe spent a couple of days last week with her daughter in Woodstock. Mr Hanson of Chicago is repairing and painting his house. S. Thayer is assisting him. Mr. and Mrs. Oarrison entertained Mr. and Mrs. Garrison of the state of Washington Snnday. Mrs. Frank Beardsley of Crystal Lake visited with her brother, James Whyte, and family Satnrday. Mr. and Mrs. L Gibson of Peoria are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson. J. G. Hartman aud sister in-law, Mrs. Lombard, spent Monday with Mr. Mur phy and family at Woodstock. Mrs. Joeephenson's daughter in law, Mrs Wilson, and daughter, Leah, of Harvard are spending a week here. Misses Emma and Martha Hoeppner of Chicago spent Sunday with their sis ter, Mrs. W. Wefland, an J family. Mrs. J. F, White s mother, Mrs. Jack son Smith, of Minnesota has been visit ing with her daughter and family for a few days. Mrs. J. G. Hartman and her sister, Mrs. Lombard, of Aurora, la., spent Friday with their niece, Mrs. Throop, of Crystal Lake. The entertainment of last Friday night netted about |3.Y The money collected at the door was $2.V90. The money is to be nsed for the church. J. C. Button and sister, Mrs. Hodg- kinson, spent a few days with relatives in Marengo. Mrs. Hodgkinson is hav ing some dental work done in Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are happy over the arrival of a fine son, born Oct. 14. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Station Agent Lynch is grandpa again. Mrs. Ashton and daughter. Miss Jen nie. and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lew Ashton, spent the latter part of the week with Mrs. Nash of Crystal Lake. SCHOOL NOTES. The lower grades are making an odd stone collection. The upper room had only one day's absence this week. We expeot some of onr new geograph ical history books this week. The boys have 32 bead marks in spelling and the girls have 50. Would riortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2. Empire, Ga.. W A, Floyd by name, says: "Buck- leu's Arnica Salve cured the two worst no res I ever saw: one on my hand and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not bewith- >ut it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it." Only 25c. at N. H. Peteech's drug gtore. TURKA COTTA. Mrs. Jos. Buss was a McHenry visit* r Tneeday. Win McNish and family have moved to Crystal Lake. Mrs M. Gilles spent a few days last week at J. M. Phalin's. Mrs. 8. B. Leisuer spent Monday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. B. F. Peck of Holcombville vis ited relatives here last week. Mrs. Robert Andrews of Crystal Lake spent Friday with Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Mrs. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago spent Snnday at the home of S. B. Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Lehman entertain ed a number of friends at their home Wednesday evening. All report a pleas ant time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Sunday at Spring Grove. Mrs. Mc Millan remained for a few day«' visit with relatives. ENIRALD PARK. Peteech's for drugs. L. Hack spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Ed. Comisky was a recent Chi cago visitor. Wm. Burns of Chicago spent Snnday at his cottage. R. M. Fleming of Barreville was a Sunday caller here. Misses Lena and Mayme Smith vis ited at Barreville Sunday. Chas. A. Cohan and family spent Sat urday and Snnday at the Park. Miss Lucy Sutton spent Sanday with the Misses Frisby in McHenry. For drugs, paints and oil. window glass, etc., go to Masqnelet's drugstore. Messrs. Ed. Sutton and Walter Walsh are frequent Wauconda callers of late. Messrs. Ray Corr and Percy Foreman visited at E Knox's Wednesday even* ing. Mrs. Jno. Walsh and son, Carl, and W. J. Walsh were callers here Wednes day. Chas. Berkircher started Wednesday for Independence, la,, for a few weeks' visit. Miss Alice Smith spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandparents east of town. Mr. and Mrs Jno. R. Smith spent Sunday with John Smith near Mc Henry. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry spent Wednesday evening with Miss Kathryn Knox. v Ed. Counskv returned from Chicago the last of the week, after several weeks spent in the city. Miss Alice Sutton retnrned Saturday from a two weeks' visit among Chicago and Elgin relatives. Misses Margaret and Lucy Sntton visj ited Miss Margaret Ward's school Wednesday afternoon. R J. Sutton and Wm. Doherty start ed Tuesday for a week s visit with South Dakota relatives. Wiu. T. Mahoney shipped his furni ture to Chicago Saturday, having closed his cottage for the season. Misses Anna McGee, Mabel Granger, Anna and Irene Frisby and Messrs. W; J. Walsh, Eld. Sutton and Phil Aylward spent Wednesday evening at R. J. Sut ton 's. wry We Have Good Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of tha civil war. who lost a foot at Gettysburg, say8: "The good Elec tric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cnred me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well." M)c. at N. H Peteech's drng store. OSTEND. Eber Bassett and family spent Snn day at F. E. Martin's. Mrs. Wm. Thomas and daughter, Hazel, were Sharou callers Saturday. Mrs. Cropley and daughter, Leona, were callers at J. McDonald's last Fri day. Mrs. C. E. Gay lord and daughter, Daisy, spent last Thursday with Mrs. Ben Harrison. Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mra. Gny Harrison and children were Woodstock visitors last Eriday. Mrs. Nellie Dodge of Ringwood and her nieces, Mande and Mollie Potter, spent Tneeday at F. E. Martin's. Mrs. T. A. Abbot and daughter, Maud, were guests at the home of J. C Ladd of Ringwood last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith spent Sunday in Waukegan, making the trip in Mr Smith's auto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and little son were Snnday visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Mann, of Woodstock. A Healthy Family. •Our whole family has enjoyed good health since we began using Dr. King's New Life Pills, three years ago," says L. A. Bartlet, of Rural Route 1, Gnil ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system in a gentle way that does yon good. 2.V. at N. H. Petesch's drug store. PR OB A TE NEWS Offers this week money saving values in food stuffs and groceries, as follows: Extra Cheese Fine Brick per pound..I2l/2c s Good drugs means more than fresh drugs. It means that drugs are both high grade and fresh. We are particular about the kind of drugs we offer our customers, so particular that our stock is an exceptional one in every respect. If you are particular-about quality we should get along well together. W e wish to be your druggist. Watch the label upon your paper, at* your name may be next to be taken from onr list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr list* since the new pea to flk-s rating went into effect April 1. LKuriltalied l>y Mcllenry County Abstrac (3omp;uiy. Woodstock. Illtiioi*. Office In Ar nolfi Block. eaM side pwlilic square. Ab struct* of title and conveyancing Monev loan on real estate in Minis of 8ve buudrwl U> ten thousand dollui>. Time and payment to suit Iwrrower. Phones &M, f#Ki and vill i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Gorenflo, 31 Richmond Barbara Brunett, 20 Joseph Higgins. 31 Mareng Mrs. Ruth Vagar, 39 Eilwin C. L. Brenneka, 34..Hebron Twp Olive Rogers, 20. " Charles F. Lewis, 39 Belvidere Gertrude Sampter, 34 Marengo George K. Paige, 86 McHenry Mrs. Mary Stratton, 19., .... " William Schnett. 19 Crystal Lake Minnie Schroeder, 28 " Joseph G Ward, 32 Harvard Irene V. Richards, 32 " James E. King, 3.") Hartland Johanna E Burke. 24 Henry W Long. 23 Davenport, la Ida May Jackson. 33 Harvard Herman Dralle, 33 Algonqni Emma Shirley, 19 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Henry T. Brown, widow waiver of award filed and approved linal report approved, final receipts ex hi hi ted and Exr. discharged. John Mueller, bearing ou petition to remove Admr. continued to Nov. 3, rule entered against John Kennebeck to show cause, by Nov. "i, 1906, why he should not be fined for contempt of conrt. Have your eave troughs fired before the rush at J J. Vycital's. California Hams, Smoked, per pound. .... . .. . UJ/£c Breakfast Bacon, smoked, in strips, per pound.13J2C Toasted Corn Flakes, per package 7' 2 c Fancy Mustard Sardines, per can 5c Gal pail pure Syrup. ..35c Fels bars Naphtha Soap. 10 39C Good Rio Coffee, lb.. la\4c Gilbert Grocery Co. CENTERVILLE Telephone 691. N. H. PETESCH, Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 274. CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 542. :: :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . S0 VOLO. Petesch s for drugs. Will Dillon made a business trip to Wisconsin last week. Miss Lncy Dnnnill was at Round Lake all of last week. Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fre mont spent Sunday in Volo. Meed amies C. Sabel and 8. Wagner were recent McHenry callers. Meedames J. Kir wan and F. Dunnill were in McHenry last Wednesday. Misses Georgia and Marie Kapple of Gra.vslake were in Volo Saturday after noon. Mrs. John Hogan of Elgin visited rel atives and friends here Tuesday and Wednesday. a Mrs. E. G. Gale of Elgin called on friends in and around Volo last Satur day and Sunday. Miss Hellen Raymond was the guest of friends at Grayslake and Lake Villa Satnrday and Sunday. Combination water bottles and foun tain syringes at Masqnelet's drug store. Near the Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught of Libertyville were visitors at the Raught farm near Volo last week. Meedames Wm. Clough and B. Duere of Wauconda spent Wednesday as guests of Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Compton of Elgin were guests of the former's mother. Mrs. Richard Compton, last Thursday. Mrs. August Miller and son, Nick, left here last week for Minnesota, where they will visit relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raught enter- j tained Mr. and Mrs John Sutherland 1 and children of Wankegan Satnrda> ( and Sunday. j RINGWOOD. j Miss Dora Coates was in McHenry Monday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Munshaw of Elgin is visit j ing at Mrs Will McCsnnon's j The Ladies' Aid is planning for a | chicken pie dinner and bazaar Dec. 1ft J. E. Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., was calling on Ringwood friends the first of the week. Miss Bessie Harvey of Park Ridge vis ited at the home of W A Dodge the first of the week. Ray and Agnes Dodge entertained about 30 friends Saturday evening in honor of Maude and Mollie Potter. Misses Maude and Mollie Potter of Fairfield, Neb., left Wednesdayenening after a week's visit at the home of W. A. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. W E. Bradley and daughter, Winifred. J. E. Cristy and C. W. Harrison went to Woodstock Mon day in the latter's auto. There will be a halloween social at the home of Mrs W. A. Dodge on Fri day evening, Oct. A program will He given and refreshments will be ser ved. Proceed? for benefit of Ladie-t Aid society. sick headache try Masqnelet's CUT GLASS is not only beautiful but a Pleasure to Possess Nothing adds more to the dining room than beautiful pieces of Cut Glass. Our Display is always a beautiful one for two reasons-- first, because each individual piece is beau tiful in itself, and second, because we have ^o much of it that you can always select from a variety of sizes and shapes. The Same Quality that is attained in everything shown in ROVELSTAD'S is found in our Cut Glass. In other words, a Quality that is sure and dependable and, too, as in everything else, you will find our prices to be just reasonable. ...Visit us when in Elgin... RO VELST AD BROS. JEWELERS ELGIN, - - - ILLINOIS. For sick headache headache powders. AIMIUMI Game Dinner He ld . The delightful weather of last Thurs day brought out a large crowd to the annual game dinner held at the Illinois hotel, Fox Lake, better known as Mnehrcke's hotel. This being campaign year the event also proved quite a po litical gathering, politicians coming from far and wide. There were repre sentatives of the Republican. Detno- Now, What Do You Know About That? Oliver correspondent to Woodstock Sentinel: A number of the lady em ployes at the shop representing the Democratic sentiment undertook a jour ney to a Democratic rally at Ale Henry Tuesday night. It seems that the chauf- teur with so fair a companion at hie side became so intensely interested that he got on the wrong road and made cratic and even the Prohibition parties I first stop at Crystal Lake. When the present, but all bad a fine time, the host doing everything possible to make the occasion an enjoyable one. Otto Muehrcke presided over the arrange ments for the day, assisting J. C. Diesner, who now operates the hostelry. The combination was a good one and their efforts were crowned with signal success. One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; #1..W a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special I arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks f genuine news front far and near. party finally arrived at McHenry they found to their utter dismay that the Mr* vices bad already been concluded. We would suggest a married choaffeur on occasions of this kind. ! If you have entertained company from j a distance, gone on a visit yourself, mtt j with an accident, have mcknewor death (in the family, entertained at a party, : bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general , interest, hand or mail it to this office . for publication. All itetti* will ha 1 thankfully received.