7 • - & " • ^T-y -^s v4*:' t 5?' t-^^v'-sS." «& ^ * *** (ii-..1 Vq 'j;?-' '*2-"$'-. Needl««f Shames and Bobbin*'..for use in All Makes at bewtngMachlnet. and everything' that goes with e>- them. We han dle the celebra ted WM. C. FREE machine which has no equal. : : ' Jacob Justen, J TIcMBNKY, - - - ILLINOIS. VTS' • ' ii i n i i ' •••• - '"' S£ JJ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF iMcOrnber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT VOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND QET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yourh, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE ! (0. I are now ready. The line consists of all the latest styles, in Domestic and Imported Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices- Call and see them. :: Y6u rs truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. WAV*;:- ! Pillsbury's Best, Early Riser, Purity Flour. Graham, Corn Meal, Whole Wheat Flour. : None Such Self Rising Buckwheat Flour. None Such Self Rising .Pancake Flour. Guaranteed to please or money refunded. P U M H O 5 0 A P 1 Cleans l ike a flash, Dirt, Grease and Fruit Stains. Five Cents the bar, All KfHite jyTOiigflfcd Qooda West Mc- Henry, 111. JOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NE ITS AS CHRONICLED AY OUR ABLE CORPS, OF CORRESPONDENTS MiftWI • KMKKAI.I) I'AHH, * Petesch s for drugs. D. W. Hill * Chicago spentHuiiday at, the Park. _ Miss Anna McGeeof McHenry vtaitoil here Snuday. It. E. Sntton of Chicago *l*»nt Sunday at his home here. Ed Farrell of ('liicafp finiteil relative^ ht-r« over Sunday. Misses Anna and frene Frisby of Mc-. Henry visits! the Misses Suttou Sunday. W. .1. Walsh and P. J. Aylwarii were Sunday evening callers in thin vicinity. Waiter Walsh of McHenry drove thrn here enroute to Wau«*mda Tuesday evening. Mrs R'l Comisky and Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin are spending the week in Chicago. Misses Alice and Margaret Sutton vinited;Mrs. Mike Conley of Terra (5ot- ta Thursday. Miss Margaret Sutton returned to Elgin Wednesday after ainonth spent at her houie here. Miss Edit»i Whiting and brother, Clarence, of Ring wood visited at Ed Knox's Sunday.., • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heane.v ofvhi-. onvu spent Saturday -and Sunday at their cottage here. Miss Margaret Aj'iward of E1«in vis ited relative* in this vicinity a IV w days the hint of the week. Miss Mabel Powers returned to h»-r home in Elgin Wednesday aft*>r cj»end- ing a week at It. J. Sritton V fOLU. Petesc.h 'a for druas. Mrs. Chas Parker was in Wsnconda one afternoon last week. Miss Lydia Nicholls spent part of last week with her sister in McHenry. Mrs. Nick KretRchmer and son. Frank, spent Sunday with relatives in Volo. Mesdautes Ed. Lnsk and .lack Stad- ftdd were in Wanconda Thursday after noon. Ed. Rexes of DesPlainen is visiting Mr and Mrs. John Richardson this week. Miss Genevieve Effinget was in Bur lington, Wis , for a few days' visit recently. "Mrs. Will Hironiinns and Miss Nellie Vasey were Wanconda callers Thursday afternoon. Miss Kate Rosing of Libertyville and Miss Edna Sloan of Ronnd Lake were in Volo Snnday. Pete Frost and daughter, Adeline, of Chicago were guests at the Frost home here Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Kate Townsend of Grand Rapids, Wis . is visiting Mrs. Richard Cowpton and Mr. and Mrs. .lames Kirwan here. Paul Avery of Lake Villa and Miss Georgia Kapple of Gray slake were Snn day guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Lola Avery. •=1/ Kl N<1 WOOl». W. B. Foes Chicagoed Tuesday. John Carey attended to business mat« tors in the windy city Friday. ; Chas. H. Stephenson was a recent county aeat. business transactor. Ole Wolkes was a Imniiiess caller in Hartland Station oue day re«;eittly. Misses Ida and Vera Adams are visit ing with relatives in C'hicago this week. Mrs. .1. Adams and daughter attended the fnuei-al of Mrs. S. Pierce at Spring Grove Wednesday. Win. Seaver of Spring Grove is put ting up two cement block milk houses for Smith Bros, this week. Frauk Hawley and sister, Mim Elea nor, and Karl Bradley of Elgin spent Saturday and Snnday with their j>ar- euts. Miss Lora Walkington entertained about thirty of her friends at a pro gressive cinoh party Saturday evening last. A very enjoyable time is reported by those present. John Watson and Wm. ijougli ridge, with their families, departed for Red- field, S. I)., Tuesday evening, where they e*pect, to make their future home. Their household furniture also was ship!>cd the same day. You can save many a doctor bill by having a bottle of Petesch's cough syrup iu the honae. Petesch's Syrup of White Pine and Tar mentholated i« one of the lawt ivmgh remedies to Im» had, sw*»thing and healing. For yonng and old. At Petesch's. 25c the bottle. JOVfNSBURGH. John'Piizeu of Volo made a short call here Sunday. A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs. Peter Kreund • %ir H!!.i Mi*M: Math. Blake of McHen ry were seen h«re Tuesday. Nick Barhian and Jay Gilliert were callers here one day last weHr. John Dugen and Math. Blake of Mc Henry were callers herf Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry D«gen visited with Mrs. Math Stiaefer Sunday. Al Reese and .Frank Nie*en of Fox (jake were busiues* callers here Wetlnee- day. A atone Thelen left one day last week for a visit in Iowa, returning thia week Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Joseph Hneinann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nieeen in Mc Henry Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkle of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller. Jacob Rot.hermel left on» day last week for St. Paul, Miun., where lie in tends to visit all winter. Sebastian Bngner and danghter, Mary, who have Ijeen visiting around here for about six weeks, left for their home in Kansas Wednesday. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr i«atron« can se- eure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of fl.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of, KlUUKflEilH Miss Mabel Skinner was a Woodstock caller Monday. - A. F. Davis of OfataAfto WW *^Rldge- lield visitor Tuesday. Will Anners of Chicago visited his brother, Ed , recently. Mr. and Mrs. Kim 1*11 spent Snndsy With McHenry friends. Harold Schroeder lK>ught a ticket for the city Sunday afternoon. E. Merchant moved his family from here to the' Good house in Crystal Lake Friday. J. H. Parks and son, Hugh. of Crystal Lake were iu Ridgetield on business Saturday. < Mr. and Mr*. F. Hartuian entertained relatives from Wo«Klstock at dinner Saturday. Mrs. H. Fanning is visiting her grand- daughter, Mrs. Mabel Merchant, and family in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Liudsley's parents from the city spent Sunday and Monday here, returning Tuesday morning. Mivand Mrs. Wilson and daughter of Harvjtra* spent Sunday with the for- msr s mother, Mrs. Joaephenscn. Mesdames A. Hanson, D. Kline and H. ("oo|»«r were (Crystal Lake sh.ogpere and callers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Winston and danghter, Myrtle, of VVitodstock are visiting with Cltas Whixtou and wife for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kimball and children of Poplar Grove spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball. Mrs. E Hardy man and two children, Grace and Tom, of Beloit visited the former's mother. Mrs. Risley, and sister, Mrs. Kline, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett and the former's brother, James, of Woodstock called on their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bennett, Friday. The little son of Herman Wille, who has been very sick, is some better. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wille hope he will regain his health. Mrs. A. Dickey and little daughter, Edith, spent a few days last week in the city with the former's mother, Mrs. Kankle, and sister, Miss Edith. Mrs. Dickey returned home Monday evening. STHOOI, NOTES. We have seventeen bird nests. There will be no school Friday. * Robt. Kimball visited school Friday. The eighth grade is just finishing dia graming. Clarence Anderson's hand is improv ing. He was bitten by a horse. Mildred Jaynes ranked first in the fonrth grade and Elsie Anderson and Rosie Peterson second. Gertrude Haughawout and Markie French averaged highest in the third grade, Vernon Colleu in second grade and Edward Lncas third. Oue dollar a year for The Weekly In ter Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by onr recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of tha civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says; *'The good Elec tric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to' little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. 1 now take them as a tonic, and they beep me strong and well." 50c. at N. H. Petesch's drng store. OSTKKD. C. E Jecks was a Chicago visitor last Friday. R. H. Richardson was a Woodstock caller last Monday. Mr. an J Mrs. Edgar Thomas and son spent Sunday in Woodstock. Miss Hazel Thomas went to Sharon, Wis., Saturday to take a treatment. Mistten Maud. Ablwitt and Daisy Gay- lord were shopping In McHenry Mon day. Mr*. W. A. MartittlA spending a few days with her son, F. E. Martin, and family. C. E. Gay lord and wife called on Joseph Draper, who has been confined to his lied for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davis were made happy by the arrival of a ten |K>nnd girl last Monday evening. C. E. Jecks accompanied his sister, Mrs. R H. Richardson, to Chicago Mon day, where she will take treatments for lung trouble. The many friends of Sadie Hobart will lie glad to learn that she is able to again start teaching school after her recent illness. The uiauy relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman called and gave them a grand surprise last Sunday, it being the fifth anniveisary of their wedding. The many friends and neighbors of Mrs, Bernard Harrison went ?in and helped to celebrate her birthday. After a sumptuons dinner, the remainder of the day was spent in viuiting, after which all departed for their many homes, wishing Mrs. Harrison many happy returns of the day. Plane ViMir Order Mow. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- olllce in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to pse en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if auv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pnt up in first-class manner. Photos iu all styles and atr all prices. Take advantage of the nice weather while it lasts. Place your holiday order for a dozen photos and one of those 16x20 water colors now. The best value ever offered. Hi lie photo stndio. Phone 403. * .W'C Grvcery (o. Offers this week monev saving values in food stuffs and groceries/ as follows; Extra Fancy Fine Brick Cheese,- per pound. .\%%c California Hams, Smoked, per pound. ......,. .U^c Breakfast Bacon, smoked, in strip®, per pound-I3^c Toasted Corn Flakes, per package -7^c Fancy Mustard Sardines, per can 5c Gal pail pure Syrup. ..35c Fels Naphtha Soap, 10 bars 39c Good Rio Coffee, lb. .13%c Gilbert Grocery Co CBNTERVILLE Telephone 691. Don't Let the First Cough. %'M'\ of Fall Get a Hold on Yqu ss*r." A cough that gets a good start at season is quite apt to stay with you until spring or summer. The Remedy We Recommend is ...Petesch's White Pine and Tar Mentholategt*. We not only recommend it. but we guarantee it to cure and cure prompt ly. Just as safe and good for cbil- dren as for adults. •M t:J44 PRICE, 35c THE BOTTLE. N. H. PRTESCH Druggist* McHenry. 'Phone 374^ (r 918 Clock Fr»«. Geo." Yager announces that he will give as a prize to the person who rolls the highest score on his alleys duriug the month of November a $12 clock, nnder the condition that such person has rolled at least twenty-five games during said month. The clock is now on exhibition at Yager's billard hall an is surely worth going after, Ramem ber, you have all of next month to win the prize. Would ilortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire, Ga., W. A. Floyd by name, says: "Buck- len's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw: one on my hand and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight iu gold. I would not be with out it if I had to mortgage the farm to get it." Only 25c. at N. H. PeteschV drng store. TACT'S RELIGION. • Consistent Christian with He Spet Upon His Record of Private Con duct and Publio Service. To dispose of questions which should net be asked as speedily as possible let us say that Mr. Taft is a member of the Unitarian church. That was the church of his parents, and he has never separated himself from It. His wife, however, is aa Episcopalian, and he worships more eften beside her la her church. These sre the facts, which are utter ly tad absolutely unimportant. The matter ef a ma a'* religion has no right ful place in oeuaideratioa of kls fltn«»s for the presidency. The constitution of the aatloa, ordained and established "to secure the hlessla#s of liberty to euraolves til our posterity," expressly place* the very sufceeuon of swaft thought outside the pai# of patriotism. No words oaa he clesrer than these frost eur oeaatry's fundamental law, "Ne religious test ever shall be re quired as a qualification te aay efllee or public trust under the United States." The numerous queries about Mr. Taft's rellgtoua belief shows simply the extent to which his saesiles hare gene to rouse seae prejudice against hlu Since there was ne spot upea his whele clean reoor4 ef private conduct aftd public servlo* te which they could point te Taft's detriment they display ed their wUUafneee to deecead to anv depth et petty, cowardly, contemptible attack that might de hist harm- Philadelphia North Americas. Had! a Close Call. lira. Ada L Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel, Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several months I suf fered with a severe cough, and con sumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, and three bottles effected a complete cure." Th.e fame of this saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at N. #• Petesch's drng store. 80c. and |1.00. Trial bottle fret, -CENTERVILLE Grocery and Tlarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Hhone, S42. :: :: :* CHAS. Q. PROPRIETOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Engagement--Wedding 13 Signet and Jewel The first is the one ring- of all rings that should be selected with all care, because in diamonds you deal with the most precious of AL/L atones. You must trust " '|t to the firm selling to you and we refer you | p to our reputation of twenty-five years' faith- ;s ful and honest dealing to place your faith/ in ou# judgment in assisting you to select the engagement ring. The wedding ring is equally important, ber cause it is the ring to be worn a life time. The signet ring should be genuinely good and of latest design. We have very hand some ones to show. The jeweled rings we have given first at* tention to the stones and second to the style of setting. Though some of our. designs are most delicate, onr settings are depend able, which assures the permanent worth of our jeweled rings. ROVELST AD BROS. JEWELERS ELGIN, - - - ILLINOIS. v.' - • £ One Doctor--Only One No sense in running from one doctor to< another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thing, for your cough Carefully, deliber ately select the best cough meuicme, then ta^e u. to it Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J.C.A^erCo T o well, Mass. tor voui i on >ti pat ion? Why no* stick tothe^ua^ ^ reliabie family laxative--Ayer s Hibi Ask doet* u he approves this advice. HEAD 1 and keep posted on local and county News In Generali^r!:. ; 5* ' x ' V "* .Kivf* 1