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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1908, p. 5

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ami everything that goes with them. We han­ dle the celebra- ted WM. C. FREE machine which has Needles, Shuttles and Bobbin* for use in AH Makes of mowing Machine*. flcHENRY ILLINOIS 'isnD^/f SI WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE. STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK Cjjf- , ^ ***>4: jiniiiiiiiiiirinmiMimirn irn-Hivir r Hardware Store J^w ^ THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES L"«* "AND GET OUR PRICES. .'lY'Oii* \ - ' V^.r--'Mrei* - *&? .J*, Respectfully Your®, » #;•$§: ' ' ; > $ & # Pi L. McOMBER, , i . 1 ' f W e s t S i d e H a r d w a r e . • St." ."#•>« •' • ' QUR SHELVES ARE LOADED r* , - iWilh heavy, warm goods for the cold weather and prices are much lower than last season. : : : : Underwear of every description. r- . * :'"l?.^wea!ter Coats find Jackets in Men's, jBoys*, Ladies', Misses' and Chil­ li r en's/from $1.00 to $5.00 each. A ^good variety of colors. : : : -Velour, Vici, Box Calf and tent. A good selection of Tan m"- I$0*1: "JV lr ffH-- and Ox Blood* Heavy Corduroy Sheep Lined Coats. with Wambat Collar, best quality $10. GYoceries, Flour, Tea and Coffee of the l&st grades oti^,. : : : F#,v. PROMPT DELIVERY. S 111 ' . J. WALSH, PHONE 363. & vf. (F Pillsbury's Best, Early Riser Purity Flour. Qraham, Corn Meal, Whole Wheat Flour. : None Such Self Rising Buckwheat F^our. None Such Self Rising Pancake Floor. f Guaranteed to pleaSe money refunded. 1 P U M H O 5 Q A P I Cleans like a flash, Dirt, Grease and Fruit Stains. Five Cents the bari All Kinds ol --Wr West Mc­ Henry, 111* :iOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR -ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Lars Nelson and daughter, tflok the train for Chir^o Sat- arol wife of Woodstock funeral of thwr nephew KHMiKriKiu. Mr. Dicky went to Crystal f<ak« Mon- •lay. F. liar tinea went to the city Katur- day. « Minn Agaes Dflfold sfHMtt Tneaday in the city. ^ , Henry Will#! *M » mHw last week Wednesday, Jessie Whyto wm a school visitor at Crystal Lake Friday. J. F. Whylfc little daughter, Lois, < I rove to Genoa .1 miction Friday. Mrs. Peterson and daughter. Rosie, ware Woodstock callers Saturday. Mr. Senne and wife attended a fnneral at Palatini Wednesday of last we«>k. Byron Waterman and wife ate dinner with Father Reed and family Sunday. "Mr*. R. L Dufeld attended the East­ ern Star at Crystal Lake Friday even­ ing Mr. and Mm. E. L. Kimball spent Thnrsdsy night with Poplar Grove rela- Fred Wille fend daughter, Dora Cooper, were Woodstock callers Mon­ day. tives. Mrs. Emma, nrday. Mr. Senne attended the here Sunday. Mr. Ol instead and Mabel Skinner were Crystal Lake business callers Sat­ urday Afternoon. Mrs. Fr«nk Beardsley of Crystal I*ake visited her Mother, Mr. Whyfce, and family Thursday. Mrs Clarence Thayer visited her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bahcoek, of Crystal Luke one day last week. Je&nie and Mabel Babcock of Crystal Lake Apeot Satnrday and Snnday with their sister, Mrs. C. Thayer. Mrs. Grossman of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Lyons of Clinton, Wis., vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Joeephenson Wednesday. Ray Skinner of Minneapolis, Minn., visited with bis sister, Mabel, Monday. He expects to remain in Illinois during the winter months.' Mrs. Esther Smith and' Carrie Anners were in Sharon last week Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Smith called on a friend she had not seen for forty-two years. Mr. Hanson went to the city Tnesday morning to cast his vote. He expects to return the first of next week to com­ plete the repairing on bis property here. Rev. J. H. Harwood of Paradise, Calif., called at.the home of J. C. But ton and Mrs. E. B. Smith Snnday after­ noon. Kev. Harwood was the pastor of the Presbyterian chnrch forty-six years a«o. The Young Endeavorers class here elected the following officers. Presi­ dent, Genevieve Goddard; secretary and treasurer, Arline Stephenson; so­ cial cofimittee, Mildred Whyte, chair­ man, Dora Lockwood and Madalene Lynch; teacher, Emery L. Kimball. Roy Fr*d, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wille, died Wednesday at 10 o'clock. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Little Roy was born in July and the few weei(« he spent on •arth were long enough to leave a va­ cancy not easy to fill Mr. and Mrs. Wiile h ive the sympathy of their neigh- btJie ami friends in their sorrow. SCHOOL NOTES. Onear Barts has moved to Chicago. We are always glad to have visitors. Come and see our Indian exhibition. The third and fourth grades are work­ ing In fractions. The teachers attended the Northern Illinois Teachers' association meeting in Rockford There win be a sewing class from 3:30 to 4:4)0 p. m., Fridays. The class con siats of nrt^Hid, third and fonrtli grade flrta. ^ ... imntALn PARK. Fetich's for drugs. Miss Katie Knox spent Satnrday last In Chicago. M Ke't*r of Chicago visited at E. J. Hutton s Tuesday. Miss Nancy Frisby it? spending the week with Elgin relative*. Miss Alice Smith visited at I*e Lock- wood a in Barreville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. CUas. Gibbs of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Earl MoAndrews of Cherry Valley was a Snnday caller at E Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Smith and son, Josie, visited friends in Volo Snnday. John Gibbs, Jr., of Chicago spent Tuesday with relatives in this vicinity. Meters. Jan. Haxton, Geo. Fraser and D. W Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. L. Hnck went to Chicago Thursday to attend the funeral of bis daughter-in- law, Mrs John Hnek. WA>. Sntton went to Elgin Snnday to restunf his course in Ellis'Modern Busi- a«*a college at thHt place. The t'amooji Daniels Comedy company will hold the boards at the Central opera boose alt next week, beginning next Snnday evening, November 8. The following pupils of the Emerald Park school have been neither absent nor tardy during the first month of school: Mamie Smith, Cora Felmeten and Joeie Smith. Mrs. Ed Comisky returned home Wednesday evening, after spending Sev­ an*! days in Chicago. She was accom panied home by her nieces, Misses May and Kittie Connisky, and lady friend. Miss Belle Dawson, all of Chicago, who will vbit here a few days. The Barri«burg .Journal: R. J. Snt ton. brother of onr Ed Sntton, and WB Doberty, both of McHeury Co.. Ill, about 40 miles from Chicago, are here visiting at the Sntton home. They are prominent farmers in their home state and know a good country when they see tt. They pronounce South Dakota O. K. This is their tiret visit hers. *V .J," V, A- roui. Eii Lnsk made a business trip to Chi­ cago Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Dnnnill was in McHenry one day last week. ^-.V':' "• .;W. Miss Elsie Smith V^ % l3hioag» a few days last week. Miss Maude Kstinger spent Wednes­ day in Crystal Lake. Bnrt Lake of Kansas is visiting his niece, Mrs. Scott Snell. Mi<8 Lncy Dnnnill was a Chicago vis­ itor Thursday oMast week. Mias Elida Rnssel of Waukegan is with her parents for a few days. Mrs. Ciande Richardson of Elgin is viMitiug relatives here for a few days. Mr* Fr«l Dunuill spent Monday and Tuesday with her daughter* Bessie, in Chicngo. Mr*. Grace Kirwan is entertaining her niece. Miss Ruth Corapton, of Elgin thi« week, Mrs. EtfLnsk and Mtas Emma Ban- son were Wauconda callers Wednesday afternoon. • Mrs. Loa Rnssell of Chicago spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Fay­ ette Huson. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Miller were guests of friends in Wisconsin Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stone and spn» of Wanconda s|ient Snnday at the Chas. Potter home. Miss Ceiia Vasey is quite sick at her home east of town. Her friends hope for her immediate recovery; (.'barley Dunnill left Volo Monday morning for New York, where he will spend the winter with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf and children of McHenry were guests at the Harry Nichoils home Saturday night and Sunday. Snnday guests at the Sabel home were Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Ingle- side, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Emerald Park. The many friends of Mrs. George Huson who is In a Chicago hospital will be glad to hear that she is recovering from the operation and will be at home again in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimns gave a progressive enohre party at their home south of town Saturday evening There were about fifty present and all report a very enjoyable time. • RINGWOOD. C. W. Harrison went to Chicago in his auto Tuesday afternoon. Mis* Florence Caray visited relatives in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison re­ turned Wednesday from a visit in Kan­ sas. • * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whiting an the happy parents of a baby boy, born Tuesday, Nov. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and dangh ters, Lora, and Elsie, war* Williams Bay visitors Sunday. Misses Lora ami Elsie Smith enter tained about thirty of their friends last Friday evening. Games were played until a late honr, when refreshments were served. All those who attended report a fine time. U ni vers* list ch«rch, Rev. Arthur Rcb erts, pastor. Preaching next Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at the home of S. W. Smith. Friends, take notice that services are now being held in the homes of the church, last Sunday at Frank Martin's, and the meeting was well attended. It is desired that we have a goodly number next Sunday. Everybody invit­ ed. JOHNSBUBOa. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Engels ware seen here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. May of Ringwood were callers here Sunday. Mrs. Jos. P. Miller visited Thursday with Mrs. Jacob R. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Etten of Spring Grove drove thru here Thursday. Qnite a few from here attended the dance at Spring Grove Tbhrsday. Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor of Void visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John Bughner of Alva- do, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Anna Bngb ner and other relatives here. A happy gathering met at the home of Jos. Freund Tuesday evening. The guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Msrtin Freund, William Kattner, Mike Freund, Jos. P. Miller, Hubert Freund, John Meyers, Fred Meyers, John Bugh­ ner, Jacob Justen, Martin X. May, Peter Freund, Stephen Ensels. Math. Schmitt. Peter Freund, Mrs. Anton Meyers, Mrs. Anna Bughner. OSTKXD. Elbert Thomas was a Chicago visitor Inst Friday. Henry Hobart and family spent Sun­ day in Harvard. Elbert Thomas transacted business in Woodstock last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harrison visited at the home of F. E. Martin Snnday. Mies Alice Richardson of Chicago vis­ ited her parents from Friday nntil Snn- THE 0 CENTER VILLE Offers this week special prices on Fancy Groceries and Provisions as follows: Swift's best Corae4 Bee^ per pound ̂ .. . W . . i .>'< I O C : *' •' " -v '• ' Fancy Salt Pork, per i b . . . , . 1 2%Q Small Pi&tfc Hams, hick­ ory smoked, per lb.. io*/£c Large hickory smoked Hams, very best, lb. 13V2C Kellogg's Com , Flakes, per package .'-7^c Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars ."..39C Best Cane Granulated Su­ gar, per 100 pounds .$5.39 Fancy English Breakfast Tea, per pound 25c Good Combination Coffee, per pound I'lVzC New York 5tate Buck­ wheat Flour. An ounce of gold for every ounce of a d u l t e r a t i o n . P e r l b . . 4 C Gilbert Grocerv Co. Telephone 691. fr"'" 1 = ' 1 -- [He M fall iou^H ss and son last day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar visited with friends Sunday. Attorney L. W. and children visited Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hudson of Cff go came out to attend the funeral Mr. Draper, and visited at the home Jtcrnard Harrison Snnday. Mind Your Business! If yon don't nobody will. It Is yonr business to keep out of all the trouble yon can ami yon can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if yon take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria ^aadice cat of your system. S5e. at If, H. Pstsaeh's drug store, *•- ^ '"" TERRA COTTA- OCTOBER 29. M. Knox spent Saturday in Chicago. W. H. Harris of Wilmette spent Wed­ nesday at M. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Hough and children have moved to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and chil* drss oprli t Sunday with relatives near Volo. NOVEMBER 5. % Petwch's for drugs. Miss Theresa Buss was a McHenry caller Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson and chil­ dren have moved to Crystal Lake. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond vis­ ited at T. R. Anderson's Saturday. Miss Bertha Wingate of Barreville visited Mrs. Anderson Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Martin was a caller at the home of J. M. Phalin Saturday. Miss Alice Leisner has returned from a pleasant visit with relatives in Chica­ go- Mrs. H. McMillan and children visit­ ed relatives at Holoombville Wednes­ day. * Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and children were Richmond visitors Snn­ day. Mr. and Mrs. M. Conway and chil­ dren of McHenry visited at J. Buss' Sun­ day. Mrs. M. Knox and Miss Alice Knox called on friends at Barreville Monday evening. Mrs. W. Hatch well and little daugh ter of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Tnesday. Mrs. B. Cnsik and Mrs. T. R. Ander son visited Mrs. L. Lockwood at Barre­ ville Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, Flor Mice, of Griswold Lake were calling on relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Frank McMillan returned home Sunday from a two weeks' visit with her father in Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Foerster and daughter, Freya, of Highland Park spent Satnr­ day and Sunday at J. Buss'. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Nov. 2 are: Arthur Shales, George Phalin, Mary Conway. Agnes Conway, Annie Buss and Frances Knox. 8th How is Your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 San Francisco, recommends a for stomach trouble. She says: ftnde for the wondeiful effect of io Bitters in a case of acute indi- rompts this testimonial. I rinced that for stomach >lee Electric Bitters is the on the market today." lie and alterative medicine ie system, purifies the especially helpful in all lie weakness. 50c. at.N. Irng store. ludeville specialties intro- bn acts at the Central opera the engagement- of c (foe ledy company. "J- Don't Let the First Cou^i of Fall Get a Hold on Yatt A cough that gets a good start at thig season is quite apt to stay with you until spring or summer. i The Remedy We Recommend is ...Petesch's White Pine and Tar Mentholated. Wfe not only recommend it. but we guarantee it to cure and cure prompt­ ly. Just as safe and good for chi|?:,.- dren as for adults. f h' -PRICE, age THE BOTTLE, N. H. PETESCH Drtfggisti McHenry. 'Phone 274, -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 54Z :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY, - - - - ILLINOIS. & Read The Plaindealer and keep posted on local and county News in General. *. f-W:f mm-' RINGS Engagement--Wedding Signet and Jewel of all rings that all care, because with the most You must trust The first is the one ring should be selected with in diamonds you deal precious of ALL stones. to the firm selling to you and we refer you to our reputation of twenty-five years' faith­ ful and honest dealing to place your faith in our judgment in assisting you to select the engagement ring. The wedding ring, is equally important, be­ cause it is the ring to be worn a life time. The signet ring should be genuinely good and of latest design. We have very hantS- some ones to show. The jeweled rings we have given first at­ tention to the stones and second to the style of setting. Though some of our designs are most delicate, onr settings, are depend­ able, which assurer the permanent worth of our jeweled rings. £ , , • - f '• -TP BROS. ROVEL; ELOI^, fNOIS. m >>

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