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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1908, p. 5

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y- >5 y WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE FOR A CHRISTfUS GIFT THAN A PIECE OF F U R Something that will last a lifetime and alway^be appreciated. Never before, were we so well prepared to show the tnost fastidious, the most up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE). : Jacob Justen, rtcMENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR- PAINTS, THINK OF I McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. . Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. f 01RSHELVESAREL0ADED With heavy, warm goods for the cold weather and prices are much lower than last season. : : : : Underwear of every description. : Sweater Coats and Jackets in Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Chil­ dren's, from $1.00 to $5.00 each. A good variety of colors. : : : Shoes--Velour, Vici, Box Calf and Patent. A good selection of Tan and Ox Blood. : ; Heavy Corduroy Sheep Lined Coats witlj Wambat Collar, best quality $10. Groceries, Flour, Tea and Coffee of the best grades only. : : M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. (ROCKERY & GLASSWARE My stock of Crook^ry and Glassware is more com­ plete than ever. You are cordially invited to in­ spect my Holiday Line of Dresden (ftiiuwe Consisting of Salads, Cake Plates, Celery Trays, Olive Dishes, Spoon Trays, Sugar and Cream Sets, Plates, Plaques, Nut Bowls, Jugs, Cracker Jars, Etc. Hand painted under glaze in a large variety of pleasing colors and patterns. :: :: " - Nine Piece Prrsscut Berry Seta--the set consisting of one large berry dish, six nappies, one each sugar and creamer; two patterns, per set 90c and 99c Handsomely Decorated Rockingham Tea Pots, in three sizes 45C..50C..60C Shop early and get the best selection. :: JOHNSTOFFEL. J NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS ii--MM in-- •«»•••>>»>n--------l RiUUUVlfiUl. Dr. Bay was h caller Monday. Mrs. F. French was a McHenry or Friday. , James Whyte was in the city Tuesday on business. A. F. Davie of Chicago VM a business caller Monday. Arline Stepheneon «tt a duller in McHenry Friday. F. W. Hartnjan and wife were Chica go visitors Thursday. » Mies Jennie Ash ton spent Thanks Riving with her mother. Mrs. S. Senoe of Woodstock visited her parents here Sunday. W. Jay nets aud wife spent Thursday with Crystal Lake relatives. Mrs. Wagner, Frank Reed and broth er, Floyd, are on the sick list. Rowena and Caroline Wiisoa of Be bron are visiting relatives hero. Madalene Lyuch and Jessie Whyte wore in Crystal Lake Friday. Mrs. Malrenberg of Crystal Lake was in Rldgefield a few days last week. J. F. Whyte and family were Genoa Junction visitors over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Monroe Frank of Chicago spent a we<*k with Mrs. W. E Dike recently. Mr. and Mrs C. Whiston have moved from the W. E Dike farm to Wood stock. Mr.. and Mrs. Benson entertained company from Woodstock Thtuksgiv- ing day. A few of the young people held a social and dance in the hall Thanksgiv intr evening- Milton and Mildred .Taynee visited their grandmother in the city Friday and Saturday. Rufus Covant of Woodstock ate Thanksgiving goodies with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wheeler. Mr and Mrs. W. A. Levey and daugh­ ter, Loi*», spent Thursday with Mrs. Levey's brother in Harvard. The scarlet fever scare has reached our little town. It has nothing more serious >et than colds and sore throats. Dr aud Mrs. Thompson and son, William, of Chicago at* Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. E Dike Mrs. Mary Peterson of Woodstock visited with her parents Wednesday. Her sister, Mabel, accompanied her back. J. C. Bntton and sister entertained at a good old fashioned dinner his chil­ dren and grandchildren from the city Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs E L Kimball parted at Crystal Lake la9t Friday, Mr. Kimball going to McHenry and Mrs Kimball to Elgin. They both came back on the same train Friday evening and Miss Sayler accompanied them. It did not look just right, but they certainly came to an understanding before or after they left their Ridgetield home. SCHOOL NOTES. Several of the pupils are on the sick list. The 4th Jgrade are working in divi­ sion. Ruth Whyte donated a framed Indian picture. The third grade have their new Brooks readers. We have over 1U0 pictures in our Indian collection. Ethel Reed and Rowena and Caroline Wilson visited school Monday. The following stood highest in spell­ ing contest: Grade 5, Eiuuia Wei laud; grade6, Donald Kuilans; grade 7. Jes­ sie Whyte; grade 8, Madalene Lynch and Harold Lucas. voux Petesch's for drugs. Miss Edith Nicholls was a McHenry caller Saturday. Herbert Howard of Waukegan called on friends here Friday. Miss Kate Pitzen of Pistakee Bay was the guest of relatives in Volo thiB week. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Jr., of Wauconda were in Volo one day last week. Mrs. Jennie Cossman and daughter, Murl, of Re<und Lake were in Volo one day last week. Mrs. Fred Converse and daughter, Dell, of West Fremont were in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Avery of Lake Villa spent Saturday night and Sunday at the Paddock farm. Miss Bessie Dunnill and a girl friend of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dnnnill. Mrs. August Miller and son, Nick, re turned Wednesday from Freeport, Minn , where they have been visiting elatives for the past month. Misses Ella Moore, Elsie Walton and Hellen Raymond attended chinch at Wauconda Sunday forenoon. Mr and Mrs Will Hironimns and son, Chester, were gnests of friends in Wancouda Thursday and Friday. KMKRALDPARK. Petesch's for holiday goods. Miss Mary Gibbe visited the Misses Sntton Sunday. John Gibbs, Jr., of Chicago jppent Thursday at bis home. Mrs. John Gibbs and daughter, Mary, visited at John Fleming's Friday. W. J. Walsh spent several days re­ cently with friends in Chicago. L. Buck and grandson, Laurence Hnck, are spending this week in Chica­ go. Miss Mary Gibbs of River Forest spent several days the past week with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walsh and family of West McHenry ate Thanksgiving dinner at Grandpa Walsh's. Ray Corr of Woodstock and Earl McAndrews of Cbferry Valley were call­ ers at E Knox's Wednesday. R. E. Sutton, Gi E. Hoelscher and Miss Mary Sutt^i, of Chicago , were guests at the latter'a home Thanksgiv­ ing. Miss Margaret Sutton, niece, Elea­ nor Larkin, and William Sutton re­ turned to Elgin Sunday, after spending a few days at their home. Mrs. E. Comisky and son, Joe, went to Chicago Sunday to spend a week. Joe etpecta to purchase one of Murphy's Jterry cows at the Live Stock exhibi­ tion. OF k PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND is in Chicago today PROBA TE NEWS [Kuruistied by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of tit ie aud conveyancing. Money f<» loan uu real estate iu sums of Ave hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. PboneK 634, 003 ana 911.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alseoa Smith etal to B. J. Adams.'S a s of bik 10. W. McHenry .. % 510.00 Lydie A. Guff to Fannie J. Ooff, Its 0-10 "River Park. McHenry 1500.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. William H. Dnnker, 23 .. .Grafton Twp Martha L. Wendt. 19... N. Crystal Lake Charles Russell, 28. Woodstock Lucy Perkins, 80 Janesville, Win Herbert E Chestnut, 21 Seneca Twp Cassie L. Digging, 28 " Frank Pinnow, 21 Crystal Lake Ella E Jesse, 19 " Frank Tarnow, 80 .Algonquin Margaret Dicht, 21 " Patrick McBennett, 49 .T Marengo Mrs. Nora Cooney, 48 Charles Scholtz, 24 Harvard Hattie Frederick, 20 Bigfoot Dauuie D. Cornwell. 82. .Chemnng'Twp Catherine E Conn. 82 .. " Ernest Irving Pronty, 86.. Marion Wipnifred M. Vpgel, 25.... Woodstock •leHetiry Kiitertalnn K Large Company of Visitors Uiirliig the Week--Whom We Knt«rt»tn. P. P. Rothertnel was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. L. F Block {Thursday) John B Young spent Tuesday in the windy city. John F. Claxton was a Chicago vis­ itor Tuesday. Dr. D G. Wells was a Chicago vis­ itor Wednesday. W. F. Holtz attended a shoot in Chi­ cago Wednesday. Mrs. W'. F. Holtz was a Chicago pas senger Wednesday. Mrs. Nina N. Sherman is spending the day in Chicago. John Claxton and A. R Fryer spent Tuesday in Chicago. F. Masquelet attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. M. J. Walsh is a business visitor in Chicago today (Thursday)." Max Zimmermann attended to busi­ ness in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Susie Smith was a Chicago pas­ senger this (Thursday) morning. Win. Stoffel is transacting business in the windy city today (Thursday). Peter Wirfs returned Monday from a week's visit with Waukegan friends. Mrs. D. W. Gould boarded the Chi cago train this (Thursday) morning. R. A. Ackemann and Thoe. Cleary of Elgin were Sunday visitors in McHenry. Miss Dora Stoffel was a guest at the home of her parents on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Win. Schreiner and daughter, Maggie, spent yesterday and today in Chicago. Mrs. Hubert Weber went to Chicago Wednesday for a few days' visit among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Merriman entertained ten guests Thanksgiving day. All had a good time. Wm. Hay of Spring Grove boarded the Chicago train at this station Tnes day morning. A. R. Fryer of Doland, S. Da., is vis­ iting at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Claxton. C. M. Adams of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station thin (Thursday) morning. Miss Eva Miller went to Chicago Tuesday for a few days visit among relatives and friends. A. H. Gilbert of La Delle, S. Da., spent the latter part of last week at the home of John Claxton. Mrs. Wm. McCuaig of Chicago was the guest at the home of her grand­ father, R. H. Sherburne, one day last week. M rs. James Bntton of Rochester, Minn., arrived here two weeks ago and will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Merriman. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frisby and children of Austin were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby last Sunday. M. J. Schaefer, John Scbaefer and Peter Rothermel cf Johnsburgh were among the Chicago passengers from this station Tuesday morning. Mrs. Katie O'Toole and daughter, Anna, of Pittsburgh, Pa., will spend the week's end visiting Mrs. Carrie Kinney and daughter, Luella. Pioneer Resident ef Algonquin Dead. James Philp, one of the oldest settlers of Algonquin, III., died Saturday, Nov. 2K 1908, at the home of his son, James H. Philp, at Algonquin. Mr. Philp was born in Cornwall, Eng­ land, October 12, 1828, and came to Mc­ Henry county in 1849, where, with the exception of time spent in extensive travels abroad, he has resided ever since. He was a greit reader and kept himself posted on all leading questions of the day, both in this and other conn- tries, and enjoyed his travels abroad and around the world to study aud keep posted on their as well as our own current topics. Being blessed with a bright mind, he grasped and retained a great part of what be read and saw, making bim an interesting and bane- flcial citizen. Be is survivad by four children, lirfe. ASK mil! ffilM If you have not been in the habit of buying your Gro­ ceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Candies, Etc., of us and are not fa­ miliar with the grade of goods we handle, just step over to your neighbor and inquire. If there is any­ thing that your neighbor cannot tell you About Our Goods- why would it not be a good idea to give us a trial order aild convince yourself in this manner as to their su­ perior qualities? :: :: Anton Schneider --The Water Street Grocer--- 'Phone a8a. - - McHenry, 111. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. IHEO.S(HIESSLE,Prop. WEST McHENRY. AIR MOTOR PUflP Guaranteed to operate any pump. Best of satisfaction always. We sell on trial. Why pay $125 when yon can buy pump complete for $37*50 Wm. Bacon, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. EAST SIDE. A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt of every description. have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BUfll, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. C. E. Chapel) of Elgin; V. E. Philp of Huntington Beach, Cal.; Miss Annie Philp and James H. Philp of Algonquin. Funeral today (Thursday) at Algon* qnin. School Report, District 38. The following pupils received certifi­ cates of attendance for the two school months ending Oct. 20 and Nov. 20: Edwin Bell, Howard Bell, Frank Weid- rich, Mae Weidricb, Louise Williams, Elisabeth Williams. Pupils enrolled, 10. Average attendance, 9. Highest averages, Edwin Bell, 90; Louise Will­ iams, 90. FLORENCE E. HOWE, teacher. M. W. A. Election of Officers. Valley Camp No. 97 of this place will hold their annual election of officers at the ball next Wednesday evening, Nov. 9. A good attendance is desired. Peteech s for drags. m : Holiday Goods WAITING FOR YOU You said you were going to buy your holi­ day goods early this season. Now is the time to begin. Our stock of holiday goods is very complete and our low prices will make this an easy holiday time for all. :: Gifts for Everybody Including the Baby Books for Boys and Girls and Grown-ups TOILET SETS MANICURE SETS PUFF BOXES JEWEL, BOXES CHOICE PERFUMES STERLING SILVER GOODS Fountain Pens & Fine Stationery SHAVING SETS SHAVING MIRRORS TOBACCO JARS SMOKINO SETS GENUINE AflBER STEri BRIAR PIPES And Toysand TOys and "Toys COME: EARLY AND OFTFIM N. H. PETESCH Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 374. 4 Shopping for Christmas Gifts will soon have the attention of everyone* but the shrewd shoppers, those who have the knack of giving exactly The Gifts That Please are shopping in our establishment now. Why so early? Simply because oiir assortments are complete at this time and early selecting means getting the choice things before thp assortments are 4'picked over,"--besides the per­ sonal comfort assured in shopping be­ fore the store is crowded. :: :: v-^ i ' t k A small cash deposit will hold any article selected now until the desired time of delivery. :: :: :: We keep open evenings untifDec. 25. ROVELST AD BROS. JEWELLRS ELGIN, - ILLINOIS. -CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 542. :: :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR- , McHENRY, - - - * ILLINOIS. a§̂ '

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