We can save ̂ \ .00 Siftctrity Clothe* -Copyright r l t j Cloth* an Overcoat or guarantee them better Tailor-made Garments. rtfwr. ^ and see the new Fall Line! GJest ItlcBenry iilikie :vl V v „;,You might want Beltings Belt facing*j \ "'Bel t Hooks; Machine Set Screws ...or] Machine Bolts; or Husking Pins for? u* !iFour Milwaukee or McCormick Husker; or a letter Carrier or Wheelbarrow to; v iclean your barn; or a large wood Stock r ?•«' ?Pump; or an End Gate for your Wagon;] ^ |or a Tank Heater; or a Corn Sheller; dr j a Manure Spreader; or a Buggy orj /Wagon; or Twine to tie your stalks;, or| 4^iBHre, lightning or Tornado Insurance. - • If yoij. do, w£ h^ve them all in stock. 'f, p 1 • t % *" ft** William CENTERVILLE, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. caLl. and see. fy-t PHILIP JAEGER OENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT action Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Pobtfry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furniihed on application. COCO STORAUE FREE St«H 1 * 3, PaittoB St. W IwIimI* Market. CHICAfldf ILONOIS. J W'-'i | Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect - fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan s on real estate andother first clasn security. Special attention given I to colleciawMH. , INSURANCE •4 First Class Companies, at the / lowest rates. Yours Respectfully §K' i • • & I Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ^ • 4wfci T Blankets Robes I point with gmat pride to the elegant line of Blankets and Robes that I now have on exhibition at my estab lishment and respectfully invite your inspection li you are the possessor of a Jftir and wish to have same made into a coat, leave your order with us and have it done right and at reasonable figures. :: • . M. A. Theien McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN* AND WHERE WE GO. WsStaiy Kntertitlii* a Large Company of ^liltow Dnrlng the WMk-Whou Wo Ktttert.alu. Win. Bonslett spent Wednesday in Chicago. ^ ' Mrs. C. H. Fegers. spent Tuesday in Chicago. : Geo. Owen of Elgin was a recent Mo* Henry visitor. - Mrs. N. J. Juaten wss a Chicago vis itor Wednesday, Milton Ott was a Woodstock visitor today (Thursday). Gilbert MoOtuber is a Chicago visitor today (Thursday), Mrs. Fred Schneider is in Chicago today (Thursday). Ben Stilling was a Chicago passenger Tuesday morning. Ed. Martin of Woodstock spent Wed nesday in McHenry. L. F. Block was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. , B. Mueser attended tobusinesa in Chicago Wednesday. 7 - Geo. H. Hanly was a Chicago passen ger Tuesday morning. N. A, Hnemann was a business visit or in Chicago Tuesday. C. S. Howard was a recent business visitor at Wilmot, Wis. >s C. L. Page is attending to business in Chicago today (Thursday),* Mrs. E. E. Hassett passed' Hnnday with Woodstock relatives. Detective Benthusen of Nnhda was here on business Tuesday• Sheriff Wand rack of Woodstock was over on business Wednesday. Mies Lillian Ponse is spending the week with Chicago relatives. Atty. V. S. Lumley of Woodstock was a caller in towu. Tuesday. J. Oibboney of Rockford spent Christ inas at the home of Geo. Meyers. O. N. Owen and' daughters spent Christmas day with Elgin relatives. W. C. Moss and J. W. Bell of Spring Grove were recent McHenry visitors. MiHs Mary Engeln was among the Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Mrs. L. F. Newman and daughter, Nellie, are spending the day in Chicago. Mrs. F. L. McOmber and daughter. Corabell, were Chicago visitors Monday. Victor Meyers of Evanston was a guest at the home of his parents Christmas. Howard Wattles went to Chicago this (Thursday) morning for a few days' visit. . , Mrs. William Hutson spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Ridgeiield rela tives. Miss Marie Weber of Evanston is spending the wee£ with McHenry rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Math Jungen spent Christmas with Mrs. B. Lanres and family. Misses Hukla Bsuman and Blanche Cornish of Solon, were recent McHenry visitors. Miss Katie Bach was the guest of Miss Leach at Crystal Lake the first-of the week. Harry .Faller, Jr., of Waucouda Is spending the week at tbehome of C, E. Lamphere. " V . Isaac; Wentworth passed ® few days this week at the home of his son, Jacob, in Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thurlwell of Rockford were recent guests of Mc Henry relatives. ^ Miss Florence Howe wen| to Chicago Tuesday morning for a few 4ay«^ visit amori ir r^lotiywa Mesdames Ella Lamphere and C. B. Curtis of Elgin passed Christina* with McHenrv relatives. ^ James B. Ynle of Chicago spent the latter part of last week with his brother, Stewart Yule, here. ' » Harry Bending of Chicago psw>d the latter part of last, week at the home of his brother, L. P., here, ^ Geo. Stevens and daughter, Agnes, of Elgin passed several days last week with McHenry relatives. Will Stephenson of Sedgwick, Alber ta, Canada, called at the home of Robert Sherborne one day last week. Miss Pearl Bending of Chicago passed a few days last week at the home of her brother, L. P. Bending, here. Edward Frisby of Chicago is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frisby thru the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Driscoll and son, Leo Smith, of Elgin are spending the week with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Vtrs. Will Schneider of Woodstock passed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Block. Mrs. Henry Antholtsand little daugh ter of Glen Ellyn panned the latter part of last week with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Nina N. Sherman and daughter. Villa, and Mrs. Charles Sherman are guests of Chicago relatives this week. Mrs. Margaret Bonslett and grand son, .Leonard Frett, were among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morn ing. Mr. /intLMrs. John Davis of Elgin are spending the week at, the home of the latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead. Mrs. Eugene Andruss of Algonquin. Mrs. Estella Foss and two sons of Woodstock spent Christmas' at the home of Mrs. Nina N. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Harrison and fam ily of Ringwood ate dinner at the home of Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherburne, Christmas day. Dr. S. S. and W. T. Wells, Miss Mollie Ryan and Mrs. E. J.Hamelof Chicago were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Germer, Mrs. Edyth Germer and daughters, Lulu and Angela, of Chicago were guests at the home of N. H- Petesch the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Verbeek and little son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eggert and daughter, Lillian, of Chicago were guests at the home of J. J. Hille from Thursday until Sunday last. Joseph Masquelet of Chicago spent Saturday and' Sunday at the home of his brother, Frank, here. Mr. Masque- let at one time fcanght school at Johns- burgh and while in McHenry shook hands with many old acquaintances and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marshall of Mor ton Grove spent a few days the latter part of last week at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mey ers. They were accompanied home by Miss Mary Meyers, who will visit them for a few days. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Harked For Death. "Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tear ing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope bad fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. "The first dose helped me and im provement kept on nntil I had gained fi8 pounds in weight and my. health was fully restored." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 50c and ft.00. Trial bottle free. * s Plan Your Trip to California. Now. Where you can enjoy outdoor life ajriidst a wealth of flowers and foliage, with sunny skies and balmy air auit where there are many opportunities awaiting the prospective settler in this garden spot of America. The best train service and most direct and in teresting route is via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. Choice of routes. For particulars and full in formation apply to Ticket Agents, Chi cago & North Western Ry. , Dec. 81. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--11.75 for one year's subscription to both. Womea as Well u Ren An Made » 'miserable to KNny ai " <! Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble press upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambi lion; beauty, vigor and olieerful- ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has V! become so prevalent , it \ 8 that it is not unconi- // n,on *or a child to be UjlvaiP- born afflicted with weak kidneys, If the child urin ntes too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi- ; culty is kidney trouble, and the first ; step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit,as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy, The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample botLit by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Piiughainton, N. Y., be Sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, J)r. Kilmer5*^-£»wguijy£^&oat,..and ,the ad* ilrt $s, Bjngliahiton, Y.-,' ou 4eyery bottle. • . Borne ot Swamp-Root. Place Tour Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poai- office in the country circular let ter to the public, urging everyone to nse en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. This Is Worth Reading. Leo F; Zelinski, of <18 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I 'ever hadj with Bncklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold nnder guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. TO OUR friends and Customers wisli to ertend our sincere •1 and wish you a happj^;:^./ thanks for your patronage dur 2 * prosperous New Year. WEST McHENRY, 5LLINOIS. -k Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to ihis effect. Keerl 4ii'in<liii|r. Until further notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. Wm. Bonrlktt. Watch the label npon your paper, as your name may be next to be takeu from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr lists since the new postoffice rnling went into effect April 1. m FURS Highest market prices paid for furs of every de scription. Bryig them to us. Tel ephone No. 222. CS.t1owiird&Son McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Ha.ppy New Yea.r Will Be Yours If you start right in the first week of the New Year to SAVE MONEY and keep doftng; so! rioney spent cannot be recalled, but a part of what you earn during 1909 can be saved weekly,. Will you make the start? Our Savings Department will help you •^deposit a DOLLAR or MORE today. We increase the amount with 3 per cent interest. WEST MdEKY STATE BANK /A 2: COMPLIMENTS of the REASON Ulilbur Cumber Co. f,*l •> ̂ •v; vv * . i I. yt ^ • •'.. J t7 i v ; - ' (F Cloak Salel All Cloaks, Ladies' and Children's, must be soldi Cloak Sale! While they last at unheard of cut prices. Come see for yourself. Cloak Salel Ladies' Coat that sold at $14.50 now on sale at the low price of $ 10.00. Cloak Sale! To sell them quickly we will offer our $13 number for $9 Childrenrs Coats! Sold for less than manufacturer's cost. See them. Thanking the public f$r it^Jiberal patronage Tor I9(% r. mp a'alit # ^iftinuance of the same and, wish you jail ^1|iappy and, pros- p f r 6 t t s ; N e w ; , r j C / • < - : : BLOCK & BKTHKE 5" * t> SKA. % H* .-•* , ' '• Clean, up-to-date 1908 Children's Coats selling at Bargain Prices. Children's Coats now selling at iZ.1% R50. *3, & m. ALL MUST 00! Thanking the public f$r it^Jiberal patronage Tor I9(% r. mp a'alit # ^iftinuance of the same and, wish you jail ^1|iappy and, pros- p f r 6 t t s ; N e w ; , r j C / • < - : : BLOCK & BKTHKE 5" * t> SKA. % H* .-•* , ' '• We need a big knife to cut the prices on our en tire line of Coats. $14.50 Coat m "owpp# *$10.06 r- $12.00 Coat $9.00 ' ' ' ' 1 $16.00 Coat s *••""57.75 $5*75 Coat now $4.00 .'V5 J , - ̂*• - .i'feS 'mm?. 'vV »r;. *v