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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1908, p. 4

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-y >"\ v? 'wtt - >> V ' " ' • jt- j >' -V V:r-W f^-v"4 - TT" "v (. ' *v -e\- * r ' 'x 'i t ' •• -f <:&-%> $* ^ *** - v «*t; - ^ : ̂ « Wf WSHTOT 1̂ ' p-" KU.^ y;*^ 'aa I,. f: • the stereotyped, though none the less heart­ felt, compliments of the sea*son to one and all. Whether our friends are celebrating the holidays amid snow and ice or beneath gently whispering palms, the gladness of the season is certain to give us that feeling •f in our hearts which makes us think of the angel chorus. May we hope that you will join with us in making the New \ear one of the happiest and most prosperous of all. Frank Masquelet fe 4 mMl. That's the Name Ask Your Grocer For !t Why Be Without ..THE BE5T.. Family Flour Qinhum Flour Breakfast Food Corn flea! «• Buckwheat Flour Rye Fiour Pumpernickel Flour West NcHenry Floor aod Feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILL JOHN SPENCER, Proprietor. W", 1T , t" »' ^ V ' hi" 'i'l P.#' 4 tadies, Httenlion! We have taken the local agency for the Becker & Wad" €o. of Chicago, one of the leading Cleaning, Scouring and Dyeing houses in the United'States, and are able to quote II the following prices: Hand Dry Scouring. Ladies' Silk Waists, e%ch $l.oo Ladies' Skirts, e'ach. $l.oo Ladies' Dresses, each $2. .~>o Dyeing. Ladies' Silk Waists, each $1.00 Ladies' Skirts, each $1.00 Ladies'Skirts, with drop $2.50 Dresses, each .$l.v>0 Long Coats, each $1.1H» to $1.5o We are prepared to make all sizes of buttons for ladies' apparel. All work is guaranteed to be highest standard of 'quality, which we know will please our customers. :: :: :: :: J. D. LODTZ, Tailor f|e McHenry MMiler " PUBLISHED KVERY THURSDAY ®JA" f% JFvJQ. SCHREINER. v: OBceln Bknk Building. Telephone, Mo.«71. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I One year.. n.oo Six months, TScts. Three months. 40ou. Thursday, December 31, 1908. CONCERNING COUNTY SCHOOLS AH Furnished The Plalndoatar by Supt. G. W. Conn. LOCAL HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. ItenM of Internet Picked Up About Our Busy tittle Bnrg That May ConcernX«u or Yoer Friends. Cotter gears atWm. Stoffel'i. Read The Plaindealet Read The Plaindealer "w*n*"»«ls. F. O. Gane the auctioneer. He guar* antees satisfaction fcj, f' THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their liberal patronage during the year 1908 and hope that the same may be accorded us during the coming year. Assuring all that their patron­ age has been and will continue to be ap­ preciated, we wish you a Merry Christ­ mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. :: :: : : Respectfully, J. J. Vycitai, The Centerville hardware Man. Minn Adaline Morris and her pnpilsr observed Christmas time in ail appro priate manner. They prepared a Christ­ mas tree and a special program for the occasion. After the program had been rendered and the gifts distributed the pupils and their guests. about sixty in number, retired to the basement of. the school, where refreshments were served in model fashion. Ail report an un- nsnally good time and the patrons and parents all agree that this was a very proper and commendable thing to do, altho onr fathers and mothers did not do these things This community be­ lieves in customs and traditions and reveres its ances'or-as t-iocerely as any other in our county, but it also be lieves in progress and continual better­ ment of conditions. Miss Morris teaches in the Schuyler district, number 82, in the town of Grafton. The directors are John McCoy, A. N. James and Tom Johnson. The local Farmers' institutes to be held at Hebron and Alden on Wednes­ day, Jan. 6, promise to be unusually successful. By holding these meetings on the same day the people will have the privilege of listening to four speak­ ers, while the expenses incurred will be but one-half what it would be if the "circuit plan" were not resorted to. As planned at the present time Prof. Charles and Mrs. Harrison will speak at Hebron in the foreuoon and afternoon and Mr. Ames and Prof. Gilbert will speak at Alden in the foreuoon and 'afternoon. In the evening, Prof. Charles and Mrs, Harrison will speak at Alden and Mr. Ames and Prof. Gilbert will speak at Hebron. Their subjects will be as follows: Mr. Ames, "Some Float­ ing Straws;" Prof. Gilbert, "The Social Consciousness of the Farmer;" Prof. Charles, "Agriculture in the Elementary Schools;" Mrs. Harrison, "Domestic Science " The musical numbers of the program will be supplied by local par­ ties. There will be one hour, from 3?30 to 4:30, devoted to the interests of the boys and girls at the Hebron meeting. During this period Mrs. Harrison and others will hold a round-table meeting for the girls and Prof. Charles will con­ duct a round-table for the boys. Don't forget the date. No farmer, farmer's wife or child can afford to miss these meetings. Do not confuse these meet­ ings with the county institute to be held at Harvard on Jan. 8-5). These meetings are simply preparatory to the county institute. Public improvements and improved social conditions are largely responsible for the fact that the farm lands of this connty have increased in value nearly 200 per cent in the last forty years. Yet, strange to say, a large number of these people who were the beneficiaries of this increase in values fought these same improvements, sometimes, to the bitter end. Human nature is certainly enigmatic. Today, many men oppose the erection of improved school build­ ings and yet the last nail is hardly driven before this same fellow pnts an­ other five or ten dollars an acre on the price of his farm, especially if he is favorably located. Railroads and trol­ ley lines often pay nice damages for the privilege of cutting some man's property in two and then wake up the next morning to find that the "damaged" party has raised the price of his prop­ erty because of the "public improve­ ment." This is all right. Let private enterprise pay for privileges, but don't place the school, church and state in the same category with these. "Render unto Caesar" the just tribute. The "township unit" idea shonld not be confused with the plan for consolida­ tion. The larger unit provides for lesB directors and enlarges the unit to the size of the congressional township. The school buildings will remain as-they are and the children will attend the same schools they now attend. If the town­ ship unit were adopted this night and went into effect tomorrow morning, the children would trudge away to the same schools as heretofore and the people would not be conscious of the fact that there had been a change. Don't criti­ cize this movement too severely before giving it a close study. Home have rushed in "where angels fear to tread" and are now facing some facts and logic that have put the wouldbe critic in a very embarrassing attitude. Reports continne to come in that show a growi tig sentiment for this plan. This is espe­ cially true where the parties have given it careful thought. (••••CM «------ WHWHMMMHIWIMWWMMWM Use Herdrich's Bitters and Tonic. They make good blood. The Empire quartet with the Geor­ gia Minstrels Jan. 2 and 8. . Have you made your New Year reso­ lutions? If not, do it today. A "baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oobb on Thursday, Dec. 24. • Miss Margaret Ward*' the clever entertainer, with the Georgia Minstrels, Jan. 2 and 8. The Heimer Sisters, introducing the Notre Dame cathedral chimes, with the Georgia Minstrels, Jan. 2 and 8., The McHenry 'Broilers," in new songs, new dances and new wardrobe, with the Georgia Minstrels, Jan. 2 and 8. A young man at Todd seminary, suf­ fering from scarlet fever, was taken to his home in Chicago in an auto ambu­ lance, which came from Chicago for him. Yon'II find something that will inter­ est yon if you'll take the tronble of looking up J. D. Lodtz's advertisement which appears on another page of this issue. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store? Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can seenre both papers for one fnli year for the very low rate $1.75. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Items Clipped from The Plalndeatrr ot January 4,1884. We learn that Stephen P. Smith will build early in the spring on his lot north of the Riverside House a brick building, three stories high, suitable for a store or other business. At the New Year's party at Grand ball, Parker House, one hundred aqd thirty ̂ couples are reported, and all pro­ nounce it one of the most pleasant and enjoyable parties ever held in that ball. The music was superb and everything passed off to the entire satisfaction of all. Slocnm's orchestra, composed of seven pieces, furnished the music, and we hear it highly spoken of by those in attendance. The New Year's party at the River­ side House was attended by one hun­ dred and twelve couples, and had it not been for the severe storm which set in early in the afternoon the attendance would have been much larger. The musio by Nevins' Military band could not be surpassed. It was composed of six pieces, including Major Nevins, the champion drummer, and S. L. Dean, the oldest and best prompter in the state. The drnm in a quadrille band is a new feature in this «ection, but all who heard it pronounced it superb. They also introduced the chime bells, another new feature which was grand. The drum solo, by Major Nevins, was attentively listened to and loudly ap­ plauded at its close. The hall was in splendid shape, the supper all that one could wish, and in short the party was a success in every particular, and one of which Mr. Yager has just * cause to feel proud. I Operj L House McHenry, 111. Third MurrvHer of H. C. Shipley Presenting with the stereopticou; views taken during a tour of the world, showing the manners and cus­ toms of tjie people as they appear at home. Seats now selling at usual prices at Petesch's drug store. ^Central houses « January 2d and 3d t I t • J ; m GIVEN BY THE EMPIRE STOCK CO, OF MCHENRY H NEW ACTS SOIMC3S DANCES SCENERY WARDROBES THE NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL CH1HES # FREEZINNA, KINO of the AIR The McHENRY BROILERS The LATEST INDIAN NOVELTV The EH PI RE QUARTETTE BRONCHO BUSTER JIM J Seats on Sale at Petesch's ^ . A A »•« t't'i .•» A rft «•« >*1*1 .•» »•« »•« A .•. A A A .<>. 'J' *X * " X *4*" *4." *4." '4,"+' 1̂ ,1 iji 'J' 1̂ 1 1̂ 1 IJ.I III Ifjl • JOHN J, UOOWRY, Attorney. STATE OP ILLINOIS < sa McHenry Couuty t lu the Circuit Court of McHe|ry Comity, State of Illiuols, .January Term, A. H. 1JWH. George ^leyers, Plaintiff 1 Tres- vs. I puss McHenry Light, Heat & Power Com- ou the uany, a Corporation existing aud do- ) case fug busioesH under and hv virtue of | on the Laws of the State of Illinois, be-| proui- feudant. J lses. Notice is hereby given that the above Is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is uow pejiding in said Court and that process for said defendant, lias been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at Its Court room in the CJty of Woodstock, Couuty of McHeury and State of Illinois, on Monday, the llth day of January, A. b. IH09, In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my Hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock, this Uth day of •December, A. b. IttOd. TBBO. HAMRR. Cterk. j Circuit. Court Seal. | 25-4t PROBATE NEWS •••••••• MMMM MMtMl MM M»M«MMMMM •••«•»•! [ Furnished by Mcllenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Klock. eitst side public square. Ab­ stracts of title aud conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate lu sums of five luiuured lo ten thousand dollars. Time aud payments to suit borrower. Phones £«, yo3 and 9)1.) REAL KSTATK TRANSFERS. Henry E. Vuiudel & w to Charles M. Pussey, 252 88 acres iu sees 7-H, Mc­ Heury. r a.. .. 128000.00 MARK!AUK LICENSES. Aluion E. Beach, 4J. .JeffertfOD City, Mo Carrie L. Miller, 13.. VViu. O. Parker, 30.. Edith Seuger, 80.. . ('bri8 J. Scburidt, 43 Klgin Mrs. Roth Livingston, 35 Harvard For Keut -- A six room cottage iu West McHenry. For terum and farther information write or apply to Fred fceimorr, W«t McHenry, ̂ .Hnntley, ill Hartland Guards Protect Express Train. Woodstock Sentinel: If oar citizens would take the trouble to be at the rail­ road Htation any night at about half past eleven o'clock they would see a novel sight. It is the arrival of an exclusive express and mail train, which passes this station at 11:86 p. m. daily, guarded by armed men at the various approaches to the eight or more cars making up the train. This train is made up ehtirely of express and mail cars, and since it was installed about four weeks ago no thru express or mail is forwarded froia Chi­ cago on any of the evening trains run­ ning west on the Elroy division. No passengers are permitted on this train. At each station armed guards step from the car platforms to the ground on each side of the train and vigilantly protect the approaches to the train. Upon a signal from the conductor the guards remount the car steps and the train speeds on to the next stop. Want Column. All advertiBemtmtii Inserted under this he*d At the following rate* Klve lined or leim, 86 cent* for flrai Insertion; 16 vents for each subsequent insertion. More thau live lines, 5 cents « line for tlrst insertjop, and 3 cents % line for additional maerttops. tj>OR SA LE - Dakota and-Colorado lands. 1 Homesteads located. For further Infor­ mation apply to pr address P- w- Howe, Mc­ Heury. in. |7 tf STATE OF ILLINOIS, I aa McHenry County ( a- C. P. BARNES, SOLICITOR. IN CHANCER Y, BLFJLTO <^DIET TITLK. In the circuit court of McHettry county to the January term A. L)., 1908. Anton EtiKein, complainant, vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Horace Long, deceased, The unknown heirs or devisees of James M. Kellogg, deceased, The unkuown heirs or devisees of Chris­ topher Walkup, deceased, The unknown heirs or devisees of Ellas A. Thomas, deceased, The unknown heirs or devisees of Jacob V. A. Wemple, deceased. The unknown heirs or devisees of John V. Wemple, deceased, The unkuown heirs or devisees of George Wooster, deceased. And the unknown owner or owners or un­ known person or persons interested in the following described premises, tow It: Sub-lot. number two (2) of lot number five (5) of the County Clerk's plat of block num­ ber nineteen (10); all of lots number eight (8) and nine (it) in said block number nineteen (til); also sub-lot. number two (2) of lot num­ ber twelve (12) of said County Clerk's plat of said block number nineteen (IU); said County Clerk's plat being recorded in the Kecorder's offlceof McHenry county. Illinois, in book 2, of plats, on page 40; said block nunilter nine­ teen (10) being in the original plat of the Vil lageof McHenry, on the west side of Fox river; said original plat being a subdivision of the southeast fractional quarter of section number twenty-six (26), in township number forty-tive (45) north, of range number eight (8) east of the third principal meridian and situ­ ate, lying and being in the County of Mc­ Henry, in the State of Illinois. OKKBNDANTS. Notice is hereby given that, the aUtve is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit, which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said Count y returnable to the said Court at Its Court Room In the city of Woodstock. County of McHenry and .State of Illinois, on Monday, the 11th day of January, A. I». 1H0K. lu testimony whereof 1 have liereunU) set my hand and affixed the seal or said Court, at. my office in Woodstock this tfrrfcday of Decem­ ber, A. D. UTOH. THICO. UAM'KK, Clerk. | Circuit Court Seal. POH KENT: Farm of *87 atcreft af. Foi x Lake, four uilles east, of Spring drove. For particulars, address MKB. F- W. HATCH, Richmond, 111. 24-6t* WK SA l,Jv Seventy Barred Kock cock- erels ind pullets, Kinglet Strain, bred from w)ii]f*rs ^t Elgin and Geneva, IM07. Can furplsh tuples aud females of either mating. My prices can't be beaten, quality considered. W- 4). JOPOMKOTT, Ringwooa, Hlr »-tf tf*ORSALE OH TRADE o» ;:«j tsjrms,a IH-horse power Marr-Scott steam traction englue. All complete jj.pd lp good order. 27-8T. SIMON STOWBJ.. PjMJK RENT-IW jicre farm. knot*P as the *- Hubert Simpson farm, % pillf west of Ring wood; good buildings. Cash rent for term of 3 or 5 years, gee Chits. Harrison, Ringwood, III., or R. LAWSON, Elgin, III 27-4t " . <*; . J " "CVjR HALE:--Between i «nd 5 tons good dry f corn in ttw crib. Call or address l(. JORPfOa, B. FTC. WO. I, McBwrf. K-tj KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOB CSldI" AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. . . .NEW. . . . HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in fclte otd Kohifessle Build­ ing iti West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : : L R. Pdtzke & (o. West Mchenry. Professional, Society V and Bvisinesss Cards New Year CANDIES & NUTS We have received a choice line of Christmas candies and nuts for Christmas and want the public to know the same. We also handle a fresh and com­ plete lint1 of Groceries and Fru i t s a t a l l t imes . Give us a call. :: :: Wm. Si ines 'PHONI: 694 Heimer Block, - flchenry DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYBIOl AN, SURGEON AND OCULIST ^ Office aud residence corner Elua and Green streets, McHeury. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEGERS PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, McHenry *-• til. Office at Residence, corner Oourtaad Elm streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodfctock, Illinois I x All business intrusted to his care will be properly aud promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAM BERLIN DENTIST. Office end Residence over IT J, Welsh's Sterej Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WBST MOHBJNKY. III. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all claosMof property in the best Companies. Wut McHenry, Illinois FRESH FISH This market will on all Fridays and Fast Days be in a pos i t ion to fur ­ nish to the public the finest line of Fresh Fish ever brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us till them for you in a manner that wilJ please. :: £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - • 30a J o h n J . V y o i t a l DEALER IN Qener&l Hardware Btoven, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of nil kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H . C . I V 1 E A D JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCI: AGENT. I am now prepared to insure all kindsof prop­ erty .itiainst Eire. Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Lire Slock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Loc l t z MERCHANT TAILOR. PIUST-CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se< cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op- portunity and shonld be taken advant­ age of, Not Ire of Annual Mevdiig. The annn&l meeting of the McHeury Canning cotnpauy will he held at the eity hall on Satnrday, January 9, at two o'clock, p. ui., for the election of officers and other bnsiueeH of iuipor ^titire. Every stock holder is-nrgently requested to be present. Jan. 7 C. L. PAGE, Secretary. "Broneho Buster Jim," with the Georgia Mix»tr»ls Jan. *9 and 9, HELLO! doing to Chicago liiday? YEP! All right, I will meet you at tbi Lutert Q. St* BUFFET 9a Fifth Ave. PHOTO STUDIO. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty* fiye cents, and will be discontinued ft the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered, Try it. Mannre spreaders at Wm, Stoffal'a. -asaass? .r<-. itv vV . #-

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