^ vi; ffc . "v-si *. > "£9rv DEALER >Ai^ i»:W We invite you to visit our store where you will find all kinds of Family Medicines. Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brush es, Window Glass, Etc. Also have a fine collection of Jap anese China and Glassware, suitable for wedding and birth day presents. :: :: :: :: :: :: d!f mi A!% * \ '• M?'- EARLY RISER That's the Name k ,• >?** 4 • •- * Ask Your Grocer For It i Why Be Without ..THE BEST.. Family Flour QndMn Flour Btockwheat Roar Breakfast Rood Corn fleal Rye Flour Pumpernickel Flour WEST McHENRY, ILL dim Feed Mills JOHN SPENCER. Proprietor & 15* K- • * C ' *4% •;i $ :yM •%: v. ;§.CJ •:W -CENTERV1LLE- Grocery and flarket i(S- -*Mf • ' .,tv- Always a fresh ant! c6m- plete line -of the choicest of Groceries and .Meats. Phone, 542. :: :: :: CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, PROPRIETOR ILLINOIS. P H I L I P J A E G E R ^ OliNUkAL COnWISSION MERCHANT ||V SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SaLE OF Dressed Beef, rtuttoir, ilogt, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs Thl# Is (he oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on applieati&t.. GOLD STORAOE FREE iitiU i * j.Futton St. Wkolmlc Market. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. The McHenry PUinieiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY W P. Q. SCHREINER. OfBee la Buk BalMtaf. Telephone, No.STI. TERM* Of SUBSCRIPTION! One year W.B® Sii months, nets. Three month*. iOctt Thursday, January 7, 1909. & Proving His Motto. "Well, sir," exclaimed the millionaire, ••what do you want this morning?" "I've come again to ask for your daughter," said the poor but ambitious young man. "Haven't 1 told you six times over on as many different days that it Is out of the question? What do you mean by bothering me in this way? You are making a nuisance of your self!" "If I seem to be more persistent than circumstances warrant, 1 must Insist that you. sirv, are to blame." "Me!" shouted the indignant old man. "I don't understand you." "There," said the man who loved his daughter as'he pointed to a motto over the banker's desk, "is my excuse for coming here day after day, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.' Do you believe In that sentiment, or have you put it up there simply to de ceive people?" After he had scratched his head awhile the mean old plutocrat said: "Yes, I believe In that I haven't succeeded yet in making you under stand that my daughter shall not be come the wife of a fool, but I am going to keep on trying till I do! Good morn ing!" And that time he did It--Strand Magazine. What the Cat Had. The teacher of the Sunday school class was telling tlie little boys, about temptation and showing how it some times came in the most attractive form. She used as an illustration the paw of a cat "Now," said she, "yoa have all sees the paw of a cat It Is as soft as vel vet, isn't It?" "Yessum," from the class. "And yoa have seen the paw of a dog?" "Yessum." " "Well, although the cat's paw seems like velvet, there is nevertiieless con cealed In it something that mirts. What Is ltr ' No answer. "The dog bites," said the teacher, "when he is In anger. But what does the cat do?" "Scratches," said a boy. "Correct" said the teacher, nodding her head approvingly. "Now, what has the cat got that the dog hasn't?" "Whiskers!" Bald a boy on the back seat--Home Magazine. Forecastle Gourmets. "Scouse, or lob scouse, a parson's face sea pie. Junk, tack, slash and duff --there's a meal ye can't beat no- wheres." said the sailor. "Yes," he ,went on, "ye can talk about yer ris'de veau, yer rol au vent, yer mouses and other French dishes, but they ain't none o' them in it wltji sea fare dished up t>y a good sea law yer. "Scouse is soup, soup made o* salt beef. Add some good sea vegetables to it, sitch as spuu sprouts and split peas, and .ve get an extra fine soup, what Is geuer'ly called lob scouse. Pot au feu is slops beside a rich lob scouse. "Foller up yer scouse with a parson's face sea pie. That's a pie made of bul lock's head. Good? Why,. friend, there aiu't nothin' like it on earth. "Junk is salt beef. Junk ain't no brain food. It don't strengthen the mind like a correspondence course, but. by tar, I'd ruther have It than caneton a la presse or a supreme de sole. "Tack and slush is the sailor's bread and butter. What if ye do have to break yer tack with a tack hammer, and what if yer slush is sometimes strong enough to queer the compass? Sailors need strong food, for they must do their work."--Cincinnati Enquirejv, Bible Blunders. Some curious errors have crept Into the Bible at various times, giving names to the editions containing them. Here are some instances: The "Un righteous" Bible, from the misprint "the 'unrighteous' shall Inherit the kingdom; the "Placemakers'" Bible, "blessed are the placemakers' " (peace makers); the "Printers'" Bible, "the •printers' (for princes) have persecuted me;" the "Treacle" Bible, "Is there no •treacle' (balm) in Gilead?" the "Vin egar" Bible, "the parable of -the 'vine gar"' (vineyard); the "Bug" Bible, "thou shalt not be afraid of 'bugs' (bogies) by night;" the "Breeches" Bi ble, "they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves 'breeches;'" the "Idle" Bible, "woe to the 'idle'" (idol), and finally the "Wooden Leg" Testa ment, so called from the frontispiece depleting Satan limping with a wooden leg. Just a Fish Story. We cannot refrain from recording the most curious capture pt a fish that has come to our notice. The circum stance was retailed many years ago by Mr. Heathcote, one of the great au thorities on the fens. A Mr. Richard son of Peterborough was skating on the dikes when the ice was very clear, and he noticed a large pike swimming in front of him. The fish was terrified by the apparition and swain in front of the skater until it stopped from sheer exhaustion. The skater broke the ice and took out the fish with his band, which proved to be a pike weighing twelve pounds. It is a story difficult even for a fisherman or a local histo rian to cap.--London Outlook. Not Disturbed. Nassau William Senior, the English political economist, was a frequent guest <gf Lord Lansdowne at Lans- downe House and on one occasion was busily writing, quite abstracted as usual, in a room full of company when Tom Moore was singing. The scratch of his pen was not an agreeable ac companiment, and at last one of the company asked very politely, "You are not fond of music, Mr. Senior?" "No," he replied, "but it does not disturb me in the least Pray go on." " ; Arc Doctors Any Good? Foolish question! Yet some people act as if a medicine could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine in tfee world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult Mm frequently, trust him fully. If we' did not believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and «0Msf we would not offer it to you. Ask your doctor. No alcohol in this cough medicine. A/t«, Careful About Worry. • physician was recently attending a patient whose husband came to see him concerning her condition and greeted him with the words, "Mr. Irving, do you think there is any need tor any unnecessary anxiety about my Wife ?"--Argonaut,.,, Guessed It. ( Guest (suspiciously eying the flat tened pillows and the - crimpled sheets)---Look here, landlord, this bed has been slept in! Landlord (trium phantly)--That's what it's meant for! inot believe doctors endorsed Ayer's Pills for constipation, biiioiisiu-s., sUk- wt would nut offer them to you. Ask your own doctor about thi<. jar ^>•5 - ' -V'^ , $*v„- Renovated. Puffer--What's happened to my meer schaum pipe? Mrs. Puffer--Why, dear, I noticed it was getting awfully brown and discolored, so I put a coat of that whits enamel on it Variety Visitor--Why do you make some of your pies round and some of them square? Wife--Because, my husband has been "^complaining of sameness of his diet lately. . A Little Card Trielc, \ i A Russian priest was so Tfevoflsd to* the amusement of card playing that he played up to the last moment be fore commencing the church services On One occasion, having a particularly good hand dealt him, he thrust the cards into his pocket, intending to re turn and finish the game after the service. Unluckily the cards fell out on the church floor, to the extreme scandal of the congregation. The wit ty priest, however, was fully equal to the occasion. At the conclusion of the service he beckoned up one of the choristers and asked him the names of several of the cards, which the boy knew correctly. He then suddenly asked the lad the name of the -next saint's day, which the child could not tell. "See!" cried the priest, turning to the congregation. "You teach your children the names of every card fn the pack and leave them ignorant of their religion. Let this be the last time I am compelled to bring playing cards into the church to shame you And picking up his hand he made an honorable retreat--London Answers. Jesters must be content to UNtf* Proverb, A Bad Break. "It beats the Dutch," said a young broker, "how much trouble a fellow's wife's most charming girl friend can make for a fellow--or for a fellow's wife." Then he explained what ap peared to be greatly In need of ex planation. "I went home for dinner the other night," he continued, "with a friend who was married recently. The wife's old chum was there and met the husband for the first time. " 'Really,' she said on presentation, 'I quite feel that I have known you. You see, that picture of yours in foot ball costume that Jennie always kept on her dresser so long was .very fa miliar to me.' "Say, you ought to have seen the face of that friend of mine. But he finally found his voice; "'But, my dear Miss Smith,' he re plied, 'I never was a football player and never had on a football costume.' "Then you should have seen Miss Smith's face."--New Tork Globe. Animals Are Not Proud. Professor Schuster asserts that ani mals lack moral feeling entirely, none of their acts being Immoral or moral In the broad sense, and that they have no trace of a sense of shame or of honor. Their courage, he declares, is "a mere Impulse of nature," and of moral cour age they know nothing. He continues: "And animals have no pride in the sense of man's conception of that qual ity. They are not proud of their kind, of their kindred, of their individuality. They neither have an individuality nor are Individual. Animals are not proud because they have no consciousness of the scope of the value of their kind. Of their enterprise or of any other form of their capability. They are neither supercilious, proud nor the contrary-- that is, grieved, wounded or depressed in regard to a possible pride." Where Beggars Have Trades Unions. Begging is a vocation in China and beggary an institution. In every prov ince there is an organized beggars' trade union or guild--in some districts several. These guilds have presidents and officials and are in evefy respect thoroughly well organized. There Is a membership fee of about $4, and all members swear to abide by the rules. The chiefs, or "kings," as they are called, are under the protection of the magistrates, and their power is con siderable.--Wide World Magazine. The Age of Artificial Beauty. Writers on topics concerning wom en's matters wouid fain have us be lieve that the present is the age Of beauty. The fact Is that never before have the arts of artificiality been so widely adopted among all classes as they are today.--London Opinion. Has to Take Them. "I can take 100 words a minute," said one shorthand writer to another. "I often take more than that" re marked the other in sorrowful accents, "but then I have to. I'm married." Worth Two Men. "Len made the glee clnb." "Why, his voice is cracked." "I^know, but it split the other night, and he's singing duets now."--Yale Record. And Now He Doesn't. Howell--Do you like congregational Singing? Powell--I did until the cats In our neighborhood adopted the Idea. STATE OF ILLINOIS. I aa McHenry county f8S- v V. P. BAKNE8, SOLICITOR. IN ClfAKCKRT, BirX TO QDIKT TITUS, In the circuit court of McHenrr cuuuty to the January term A. IX, 1CK& Anton Eageln, complainant, vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Horace Long, deceased, • Thw unknown heirs or deviser* of .fames M. Kellogg, deceased, The unknown heirs or devisees of_ Chris- tonber Wulkiip. deceased, > • lift unknown heirs or devisees of RU&s A. Thomas, deceased, " The unknown heir*or devisees of Jacob V. A. Wempie. deceased, The unk nown heirs or devisee* of ,Tnbn V. Weruple, deceased. The unknown heirs or devisee* of George Wooster, deceased, And the unknown owner or owners^r un known person or persons interested in the following described premises, tow it: Sub-lot number two (2) of lot number live (f») of the County Clerk's plat of bloe.k num. I>er nineteen (Hi); all of lots number eight (M) and nine (W in said block number nineteen (19); also sub-lot number two (2) of lot num ber twelve (l:;) of said County Clerk's plat of said block number nineteen (H»); said County Clerk's plat. Iieing recorded in the Recorder's office of Mcllenry county. Illinois, in book a. of plats, on page 40; said block uumber nine teen (19) beni£ in the original plat of the Vil I age of McHenry, on the west side of Fox river; said original plat being a subdivision of the southeast fractional quarter of section number twenty-six (26), in township number forty-five (4f>) north, of range number eight, (rt) east of the third principal meridian and situ ate, lying ami being In the County of Mc Henry, in tile State of Illinois. IJKlt'KNDANTS. Notice is hereby given that the.atnove is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit, which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the Sheriff of said,County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the city, of Woodstock, County of McHebry and H.ate of Illinois, on Monday, the lith day of January, A. D. liJOH. Ill testimony whereof I have hereuut.0 set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my offiee in Woodstock this 3rd day of Decem ber, A. D. 190H< TBBO. tiAMBB, Clerk. \ Circuit Court- Heal. • t- , •• ... %* *:? ' . RXK<'OTOR'J«-NOTICE. •• • '.V Otias. S. Northrop, Attorney. Estate of Isaac Harsh, Deceased. The. undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will ahd Testament of Isaac Hand), deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that, she will appear before the County Court of M.-Heyry County, at the Court House In Woodstock, at. the March Term, on the first Monday in March next, at which time all persons 'having claims .against said Estate are not i lied una requested to attend for the purpose of having the .same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, to the undersigned. lotted tiiis 4th day of January, UK». 2#-$ Lodusky Harsh. Executrix. EXECt'TOIi H NOTICE. ' C. P. Barnes, Attorney. . Estate of William Hutson, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of William Hutson, deceased, late of the, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear at the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Term, on the first Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notilied ana requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re- quested to make Imrneeiafce payment to the undersigned. Dated this ">th day of January, A. D. lflOfl. M-at Frank Hctson i F „ £ sx * Mark Hutson . Kxefutors' Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or Jens, 26 cent* fur (tmt insertion; 15 centh tor each Mubsieijuent insertion. More than ttve lines, ft cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. TpOR SALF, Dakota and Colorado lands. 1 Homesteads located. For further Infor- Howe, Mc- 17-tf mation apply to or address E. W. Henry. 111. F°R RENT: -Farm of 287 acres at Fo* ulles east of tddress Mrs. Lake, four miles east of Spring drove: V. \\. Hatch, For particulars, Richmond, 111. 24 6t* C>OR SALE:--Seveuty Barred Rock cock- erels and pullets. Ringlet Strain, bred from winners at Elglu and Lake Geneva, 1U07. Can f ot-uish males aud females of either mating. My prices can't be beaten, quality considered. W. B. Johonnott, Kingwood, 111. 26-tf Tj^OR SA LE OR TRADE--Oil easy terms, a * 13-horoe power Oarr-Scott steam traction engine. All complete aud in good order. 27-at Simon SroffitL. tj*OR RENT--120 acre farm, kuowu as the A Robert Simpson farm, \ mile west of Ringwood; good buildings. Cash reut for term of 3 or ft years. See Chas. Harrison, Ringwood, III., or R. Lawson, Elgin-, III 27-4t. Between 4 and 5 tons good dry reSM fti. Johnson, R. F. I). No. 1, West McHeury. 25-tf TjVJR BALE: •*- com in the crib. Call or address M. llimilllnHWWMWWIMWWWWHMMWllfllHI. PROHA TE NE WS 1 [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. If press notices and large box receipts have anything to do with the success of an attraction, "The Fighting Parson" surely will get the prize. Ever since its first performance, press notices have been showered upon it and the box office receipts have never been reached by an other attraction pl*vinar in the popular priced houses. W. F, Mann, producer of "The Fighting Parson," has arranged for his newest success to appear at the Central opera house on Friday evening, Jan. 15. For tank heaters, oorn shelters, etc., Office In Ar nold Block, east side public square. Ab stracts of title aud conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate iu sums of ttve hundred to ten thousaud dollars. Time and paymet^ts to suit borrower. I'hones 834, 90il aud 9U.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. May Melander to Henry Sever, Itf 10, Plstakee Beach f 10 00 Walter Bolger & w to T M Lilllberg, pfc se^seX sec 32,1 acre, & right of way Nunda,r8 25000 Fred Scbroeder guardian to Hannah Schroeder, e HseH&ptwHseM sec ifcl Nuuda, r 8 MOO 00 Ben Sttlttng to (Jeo Sayer, its 10-11 Rocky Beach & right, or way 100000 MARRJACE LICENSES. Roy James DeMotte, 27....... .Chicago Lucia Alzina Stevens, 89 ..... Marengo Charles Christ, H8 Spring Grove Mrs. Bertha Kretchmer, 41 " Jesse L White, 22 Galeua, III. Rose M. Brandt, 26 ' " Lynn A. Stone, 24 Woodstock Lucyle Hurley, 22. " Paul Kunde, 25 .Union Rose Zickuhr, 23 '.. ' " Theodore Fletcher, .. .Delton, Wi«. Dora Borgen, Madison, Wis. TKKKA cotta. T. R. Anderson spent Sunday With relatives in Richmond. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock visit ed her cousins here Thursday. Miss Frances Welch of Gr is wold1 Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Phil Kane of Tuscaloosa, Ala., visited at J. M. Phalin 's one day last week. Misses Katie and Theresa ftuss visit ed relatives in McHenry the first of the Week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, Howard, spent New Year's day with Mrs. Thomas Phalin in McHenry. Carl Bergman returned to his home in Chicago Sunday evening, after spending a week with ins grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S B. Leisner. Messrs. and Mesdames M. A. Conway, M. Knox and son, Vernon, attended a surprise party at the home of Walter Bolger at Emerald Park Sunday. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, <|ogether with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of |1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. ^ Notice! To insure pubf^ntion in The Plain- dealer copy mnp in tbe office no later than Wejrson noon of each week. Advertise^ the mo* are asked ink OT This Bank re elves, deposits, buys and sells F» «ign and Domestic ' ftBi does a £ ' «tnnAt BIIKIM NSDKSS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to <"r care in a manner and upon terns entirely satisfact ory to our cmtomers and respect fully solicit tie public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate : nd other first class security. Spcial attention given . to collection* .,v.,,. INSURANCE f§| ifli-iftrst CiasH Companies, at"%lie; lowsst ratal. 7ours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public, -t'1 Bankers. : • \;7- 2'- Robes I point willi great pride to the elegant line of Blankets j and Robes that I now have on exhibition at ray estab lishment and respectfully invite your inspection. If you are the possessor of a Pur and wish to have same made into a coat, leave your order with us and have it doib- right and at reasonable figures. :: :: M. A. Thelen McHENRY, ILLINOIS. --i FRESH FISH This markH will on all Fridays and Fast Days be in a position to fur nish to th« public th£ finest line ol Fresh Fish ever brought into the fcqwn. Send or telephone ^oiir orders and let us till them for you in a manner that will please. :: :: £. F. Matthews, West McHenry, 111, TELEPHONE . , Professional, Society |f iktid Bvismesss Cards DAVlDti. WELLS, M. ». ~ P E O { i A N D O C U L I S T * 7~. OfBce and residence corner Mm and Ureenatreete, McHenrv. Telephone No. an ' * 3S& PEGER8 A FEGERS ' AND SURGEONS, McHeury *«.„ R®s1dence, corner Court streets Telephone 333. '"Sm IK T. SMILEY y^TTOKNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, lHinoi«&|S* All business intrusted to his care will' properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN bentist. * Off lee ami Residence ever fl, J. Welch's Store, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. "-Wkwt MoHxmrr, itt, - A 1 V» "\ Telephone No. 19} , SIMON STOrrEI^ri Insurance Agent for all classesef property in the best Companies. West McHenry, IHinoln U o H n J . V y o f t 3 i DEALER IN * ^ Generekk Ha.rdwart - ' Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 54,8 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. H.C.MEAD " JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from any*cause. West McHenry, - III. J o h n D . L . o d t z MERCHANT TAILOR. , FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS HELLO! doing to Chicago today? YEP! A88 right, I wMI meet you at"the. Lambert Q. SH| BUFFET 9a Fifth Ave. Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAIT^, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 493 KILL THE COUGH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8i!SsHS AMP AIL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. At tliM Central. For sensation, pathon, comedy and real entertainment of a peroral nature, "The Fighting Parson, to be seen at the Central for an engagement of one night, Friday, Jan. 15, has much the best of the race for popularity in the melodramatic field. Even the sporting element can have its appetite well satis- lied in the second act, during which a prize fight takes place between the par son and Kid O'Brien, HQ undefeated champion of the ring. The prize for which the parson is for< «d to fight is ^ffae soul of the man whom no one thought possessed a soul. The stage mounting, which W. H. Mann has given the play, is a rev^ation in stage craft. Mr. John A. Preston has been engaged to create the, part of The Fighting Parson" Mr. Preston w.u be snpport ed by Miss Sarah Marion, who has been selected for the comedy role, and p well selected cast. (Say! Why, can not we till that noxt Grocery order fL'i'youy Our stock is always clean and fresh and we know our goods will please. Call us up and let us serve you. 'PHONE 694 Meimer Block, - flcHenry (F Miss F. HiltebrAnd wishes to An nounce that she has removed to rooms in the M. E. parsonage, where she will be pleased to have her friends call* Orders taken for suits, coat* waists and skirts from Ctyw. A. Ste\ »q* a Bim - ••X -• v* • • " ; • ,Vl- ft*, go to Wa». Stofftl'*, to take partten * • , -<j> 'Kk«5Sy ..NEW.... HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Schitissle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : R. Pdtzke & to. West Mcllenry. • w S . •..T'.JS? v v * • " • . "V" -.1 i ]'* i