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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jan 1909, p. 5

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•'tl F U R N 1 T U R E gp" . M Something that will jail a Hfetiine and always lie appreciated. Never before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most up-to-datfe line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Gabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE. FURNITURE. : Jacob Justen * flcHENRY, ILLINOIS -- WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF V McOmber's Hardware Store I 1 THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT ( YOU FIND IN THESE LINES j -AJSD GET OUR PRICES. ' Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. -J •v IF IT'S SHO that you are looking for call in a|nd let us show you something pretty nobby. Our line of Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses1 and Children's Shoes was never larger nor more complete. Also have a fine line of cold weather Merchandise. Let us fit you out. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. ^5 Groceries that are pure and health­ ful are the kind that We sell. If you appreciate such goods we will appreciate ^our pa­ tronage. We are here to serve the public and are striving to do it in a way that will be satisfactory to the trade and an honor to us JOHNSTOFFEL. V. | NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY 1 OUR ABLE CORPS OP CORRESPONDENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- XtliHjlMFlKl.Il. B. O. Kline drove to Woodstock Fri. <1 »y. Fred Bertshy was in Woodstdck Sat­ urday. Roy Skinner vn an Elgin visitor Friday. Mrs. R. Skinner went to Crystal Lake Friday. Chas. Bullock was at Crystal Lake Friday. Rev. A. Dickey was a Harvard caller Saturday.« J. F. White wan a Crystal Lake f-al'm Wednesday. D. O. Kline was a RoOkford buMm s.- caller Monday. Andrew Hanson wan a Crystal L ike caller Saturday. Lewis Goddard went to Crystal I,Hk> Friday afternoon. Miss Mabel Peterson was a Wool stock callei Friday. W. H. Monroe was a Wiyodatock a l l er Saturday morning. Mrs. F- W. H&rtman «it» h W W\ stock caller Saturday A. Josephensou visited with relntives- at Harvard Thursday. Mrs. Josephen8t>u was a pleasant , *11- er at Woodstock Friday. J. H. Parka of Crystal Lake wh- look­ ing np business here Friday. G. W. Ellsworth and wife board. 1 the 9:84 train for the city Friday. N. J. Garrison of Woodstock \vh< h business caller here Thursday Henry Wille was a business caiK-r at Crystal Lake one day last week. The telephone company placed a phone in the Borden factory Friday Mrs. S. Wayne of Center Point hi., is visiting her brother and faui'lv here Rev. A Dickey stepped off th^ lane-* ville train going north Monday evening. Mrs. E. B. Smith visited her hr..mer. Silas Olmsted, at Woodstock Wednes '•ay. Albert Jacobs and wife visits! re la ­ tives at Carpentersville Satord<\ and Sunday. Mrs. D L Gibson entertain^ 1 her sister, Mrs. Sam Warnock, Fridav mid Saturday. E. L Kimball has chosen K tot v Graded Conservatory Course t.>r his piuno pupils. The Royal Neighbors met at the Woodman hall Friday evening to install their officers Walter Reed will entertain the Young Endeavorers class Friday evening t ro in 7 SO to 10* clock Mr. and Mrs. P. Hoaghavcom and daughter, Elsie, went to the nn last week Wednesday. Mrs. A. Hanson and two children called on her sister. Miss Isabel John son, at Woodstock Friday. , Ed Anners started Sunday to take a load of milk from the factory heiv to the Algonquin condensing factory. Mrs. Malrenbertt of Crystal Lake is keeping honse for Mr. Button while his sister, Mrs P Hodgekinson, is visiting relatives at Marengo. The M. W. A. met Tuesday evening at the hall to install officers fur the year. They also gave an oyster supper. Their wives aud children were not in vited. The Young Endeavorers class held an election of officers The following were elected: President, Cora Lock wood; secretary and Tejymrer, Genevieve Goddard; social committee, Pearl Reed, Madeline Lynch and Jessie White. Floyd Morse came near having a seri­ ous runaway last Friday. The team became frightened and ran into a hitch­ ing post, which cheeked their spetd. Quite a good deal of damage was done to the wagon. As Mr. Morse was near the blacksmith shop Mr. Jayne soon repaired the damage. Tommy Hanson, oldest son of A. Hanson, who has bt'en treated by Dr. Gorden of Roekford three weeks for deafness, has been prononTnced incur able by the physician, Mr. and Mrs Hanson wish to thank all those who so kindly helped them financially and otherwise. Tommy will be placed in a school for "deaf and dumb as soon as he is a little older. He is only five years old but appears much older. SCHOOL, XOTES The graduates of the eighth grade will be Ethel Thayer, Madalene Lynch, R»y Lynch and Harold Lucas Leaders in spelling eonte-t Ian. 8: Grade5, Helen Carlson; grad< Helen White; grade 7, Olive Ht-^ltfrave: grade 8. Madaiene Lynch, Ethel Thayer and Harold Lncas. Report for three months: First room average daily attendance, !»1 J per cent; no. of visitors, 20; no. enrolled. 28; second room--average daily attendant e, JMty per cen t; cases of tardiuess, 4; no enrolled, 19; no. of visitors, -1. At Ihc Central. For sensation, pathos, comedy and real entertainment of a goreral nature, "The Fighting Parson," to be seen at the Central foi* an engagement of one night, Thursday, Jan. 14, hH» much the best of the race for popularity in the melodramatic field. Even the sporting element can have its appetite well satis- lied in the second act, dorintf which a pri«e fight takes place between the par- won and Kid O'Brien, an nudefeated champion of the ring. The prize for which the parson is forced to fight is the soul of the man w,honi no one thought possessed a soul. The stage mounting, which W. H. Mann has given the play, is a revelation in staue qraft. Mr. John-A. Preston has been engaged ro create the part of "The Fighting Parson " Mr. Preston will be support­ ed by Miss Sarah Marion, who has been selected for the comedy role, and a well selected cast. For Rent:-A six room cottage in West McHeury. For terms and further information write or apply to Fred Schnorr, Weat McHanry, 111. The Buckboard. "There are few persons who kaow bow the name of 'buckboard' came te be applied to a vehicle," says a writer. "It was away back in the twenties, when the transportation of goods, wares and merchandise was almost entirely by wagon. A Dr. Buck was then in charge of military stores en route to army posts in the southwest In east Tennessee much difficulty was experienced by reason of the rough roads, and there were frequent mis­ haps, mostly from wagons overturning. Dr. Buck overhauled the outfit, and, abandoning the wagon bodies, long boards were set directly on the axles or hung below, and the stores were loaded in such a manner that there were no further delays from break­ downs, and the stores safely reached their destinations. In special emergen­ cy, too, the load could be shifted or taken off in a hurry. Dr. Buck's ex­ ample was followed, especially when roads were rough, and soon much haul­ ing was done by the use of wheels, axles aud boards only. Now we have the buckboard, both iu carriage and au­ tomobile forms, conforming efosely to the original idea, though few suspect the source of it."--Chicago News. ! |R: v# • ̂ T * < • _ &&&*# a** * v"% .,,c' { \ J : Sicaiu Heal, Hot and Colli Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecoobing. Rates £1 50 per day. into. Mltltssif, PTII. WEST McHENRY. Technical 8weai*ing. The late Sir John Millals was a very keen fisherman. He used to tell a story of an old man who was his at­ tendant during a day's sport In the north of England. The old man was full of local gossip and small scandal and where the natural supply failed him he was clearly able to manufac­ ture enough of his own to go on with. "I were out with the bishop yester­ day," said the old man. referring to a. popular church dignitary, who Is ah - a good fisherman. "Ah," replied MP- lais, "he's a good man!" "Well," con­ tinued the old fellow, " 'e may be, but 'e do swear a bit when 'c's fishinY "Oh. nonsense!" replied Millais. "I don't believe that." The old man In­ sisted that he was right, however. "I'll give you an instance." he said. "I was standin' 'longside o' the bishop, same as I might be aside o' you, and 'e'd got a big fellow at the end of 'Is line that was pretty nigh pullin' 'im off 'Is feet, and I turns to 'is lordship and I says, * 'E pulls 'ard, don't he?* and the bishop says, 'Yes, 'e do.' Well, now, ain't that sweartn'T'-- Lon­ don M. A. P. AIR MOTOR PUHP I 3 ,3 3 3 Gnaranteed to operate any pnmp. Best of satisfaction always We sell on trial. Why pay fl 25" when you can buy pnmp complete for $37*50 Wm. Ba.corv, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. St. Patrick and the Roosters. St. Patrick's reputation as a snake charmer is known all the world over, but what he did to the roosters is a bit of history less disseminated. There Is a small district in the heart of County Sligo, it seems, which strenuously re­ sented the intrusion of the Scotchman. Succat (St. Patrick) had become ex­ ceedingly domineering, and it was de­ cided to put a damper on his progress. He'said to his hostess, "Wake me* when the cock crows." When he had gone to bed she whispered this com­ mand to the neighbors, and ail the populace concealed their roosters un­ der small creels so they could not lift their heads high enough to crow. In consequence thereof the saint overslept himself and was furious when he dis­ covered the trick that had been played on him. He laid his everlasting curse on the roosters of that district and they have never crowed since.--Ex­ change. The Number Fourteen In France. So far as France Is concerned, It is the numlier fourteen that has played a conspicuous and generally portentous part In her history. On May 14, 1554, the Rue de la Ferronnerle was enlarged by order of Hetirl II., and four times fourteen years later Henri IV. was as­ sassinated there by Ravaillac-J-namely, on May 14, 1610. Henri had lived four times fourteen years, fourteen weeks and four times fourteen days--I. e,, flf- ty-slx years and five months. Then Henri's son, Louis XIII., died May 14, 1643 (the same day and month as his fathers). And 1643 added together equals fourteen, just as 1553 (the year of the birth of Henri IV.) equals four­ teen. Louis XIV ascended the throne 1643. which added together equals fourteen and similarly the year of his death (1715) equals^ The Doctor at 8ea. A veteran naval surgeon, speaking of the odd things that crop out in the service, said that one of the younger medical cranks in the navy discovered much virtue in sea water, and no mat­ ter what disease came on his first ac­ tion was to throw down the patient's throat a large dose of the nauseating liquid. The crew soon learned to hate him thoroughly. In process of time he fell overboard in a choppy sea, and a great bustle ensued. In the midst of it the captain came up and anxiously in­ quired the cause. "Oh," nothing, sir," replied a- tar, "only the doctor has fell into his medicine chest!" Fooling the Youngster. "Mother," said Mr. Popley guarded* ly to bis wife, "why not take the y-o-u-n-g-s-t-e-r to the m-a-t-t-i-n-e-e to­ morrow?" "Pa," chimed in the youngster quiet­ ly, "there's only one 'f in 'matinee.'" Advice to a Wife. Advice is often too good to be taken, but a very agreeable variety was once given by James Russell Lowell to a young woman about to be married, "Always give yonr husband--your own way." A Thirst For Knowledge. Caller--I wish you wonld tell me what the real difference is between a Stradivarlus and any other violin. In­ formation Editor--Well, sometimes It Is as much as $5,000.--Chicago Tribune. The happiness of life consists In something to do, something to love and something to hope for.--Dr. Chalmers. Chirkcn Fie IMnneT. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. chnrch will serve a chicken pie dinner in Stoffel's dining hall next Thursday, Jan. 21, beginning at 11-.80 a. m. and continuing until all have been served. Dinner, 25 cents per plate. All are in­ vited, __ Read The iTalndealer "want" ill. . . E A S T S I D E . . . . Heat Harket This market earries a^ all times a complete line of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Also home-made Sausages, Poultry and every­ thing that that goes to make up a first- class market. :: :: J. J. BU01, PROP. Tel. 841 Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. IS, WON. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Leave Chicago 7.00 am Via El^m am Via Des Plalnes . 3.:ii n m Via Des Ptaiaes.. 3.45 p m Via Elftin 9.12 pm Via Des Plalnes.. SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin. . . .. Via Des Plalnes. . Via Elgin WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOOTHBOUND. Via lH*s Pl;ilues . Via Elgin 8JWa m Via I)es Plalnes. 4.23 p m Via Des Plalnes.. 4.53 p m Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.15 a m via Elgin 5.00 p m Via Pes Plalnes 5.00 pm Via Elgin 8.45 am. . 9 . 1 0 a m . . . 8.00 p m . Leave McHenry. 7.15 a m-- 7 . 1 5 a m . . Arrive MeHenry. --10.17 a m .. .10.17 a ni 5.00 p m 0.40 p m . .6.40 p m ...11.14 a m . .11.14 a m ... 4.5fi p m Arrive Chicago. . H.08 a m .. .ti.55 a m .. . 9.65 a m ... 6.25 p 111 .. .7.10 p m ,9.55 a .6.30 p m 7.50 p m JdHNSBlIiGIl. Petesch 8 for drugs. Wm Althoff Chicagoed Tneaday. Frank Freund of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Louis Althoff of Cary visited with home folks Suuday. Mrs. Newell of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Micbels, here. Miss Celia Nell entertained Mias Ag­ nes Wegener of Volo Sunday. Frank Barbian of McHenry was a business caller here Saturday. Mrs. Kate Lanres of McHenry visited a few davsjgith Miss Lena Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P. Miller enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frennd of Spring Grove Tuesday. Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Stilling, John Freund, Jos. Jnsten, Frank Miller, John Brown, John Meyers, Joseph P. Miller, Ben Jnsten and Jacob Jnsten visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Milftr Wednesday. ^ Brave Fire Laddies often receive severe bnrns, putting ont fires, then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Cute and Bruises it's earth's greatest healer. Quickly cures Skin Eruptions, Old Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, best. Pile cure made Relief is instant. 25c at N. H. Petesch's. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy mast be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to t*ke particular boUm to tiM» •fleet t THAT SHOULD BE OCCUPIED BY YOUR ADVERTISEMENT -3' !;f| You are read- | ing it NOW and hundreds \ others are do- } 1--: ~--* 1 ing Likewise* t t t t t t t t "4 ' WM IF YOU APPRECIA­ TE THE VALUE OF ADVERTISING LET US HEAR FROM YOU Advertise, Advertise, Advertise AND THEN ADVER­ TISE SOME MORE. THAT IS THE ONLY ROAD TO SUCCESS. i'vim - "Y , ~ ' V t ' 0

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