\ • i HfS ;:Sfe\ " ' " :^.*... kft; *, : =R* F U R N I T U R E t' .f- * 5.^ that will fet a lifetime and always be appreciated* Never f before were we So well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. : • , V W K Z ' s»* flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. & -- WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store j ".A|T4? jiI • * THEN9SALL AND SEE WHAT { YOU FIND IN THESE LINES \ AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. • -J r- =*v IF IT'S SHOES that you are looking for call in and let us 'show you something pretty nobby. Our line of Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes was never larger nor more complete. Also have a fine line of cold weather Merchandise. Let us fit you out. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. ^Ml Groceries that are pure and health ful are the kind that we sell. If you appreciate such j;oods we will appreciate your pa tronage. We are here to serve the public and are striving to do it in a way that will be satisfactory to the trade and an honor to us JOHNSTOFFEL. & NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS BIUUPIIUK Mrs. A. Hanson was it Crystal Like Monday. F. Reed made a bnainess trip to Chi cago Friday. Rev. D. A. Dickey was at Crystal L*be Monday. A. F. Davis of Austin was in this vicinity Saturday. Mrs. Fred Wille, Sr., visited relatives at Crystal Thursday. * Mrs. D. L. Gibson visited her parents near Woodstock recently. Arthur Skinner and Henry Wille Son dayed among Gary friends., Dorothy Bullock and little brother, Miiton, are on the sick list. Mrs. A. Murphy of Woodstock spent Friday at J. G. Hartman's. Mrs. E. L. Kiuiball wag a pleasant caller at Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Nina Johnson visited friepds at Wheaton Saturday and Snnday. Albert Jacobs, who has IIWD sick for a few days, is able to be at work again. W. H. Mnnroe went to Woodstock Monday to install the H A. R. officers. Miss Emma Eichjtoff of Woodstock spent Saturday with Mrn Nellie Mer chant. Mrs. Allen and danghter, Evelyn, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin, at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. P. Hodgkinaon returned .home Friday from a few day* viNit with her nephew, John Quincy Adaius, of Mar engo. Fred Wille and daughters, Malnel and Elsie, of Crystal Lake ate dinner with his parents, Mr. aud Mra. F. Wille, Sunday. The young folks gave a ball in the Woodman hall aud Dame Rnmor has it that they are raising funds for a piano ill the Presbyterian church. Lewi* McLaughlin of Janeaville is assisting the liordeii company with fill ing their ice house. Fifteen carloads of ice were shipped iu from McHenry Saturday. There will be a storeopticon bible lec ture given at, the church next week Wed nesday to illiiHtrate for the children. The older people are invited to attend. There will be a collection taken ,John Johnstone was called to Wat rous, N. M., last week to accompany the remains of his brother back to his old home in Crystal Lake for burial. In his alwence Mrs. Johnstone, while pre paring supper, stumbled over her -sou's crutches and in falling broke her right arm just above the ell>ow. Her many friends extend their sympathy on ac- oount of so many uiiHfortunes in so short, a time and hope her recovery may be a speedy one. Dr. Freeman set the broken member and it in doing uicely, SCHOOL, NOTES. Mrs, Mnnroe visited school Thnrsday. Fourth grade is working in factor ing. A water color class will begin Friday from 8.80 to 4:15. The following have been perfect in attendance: Ray Lyuch and Olive Hes se! grave. The primary grades are starting a collection of Washington, Lincoln and Longfellow pictures and worns. Leaders iu spelling contest Jan 15: grade 5, Lucy Benson; grade fi, Ruth Kline; grade 7, Jessie White; grade 8, Ethel Thayer, Ray Lynch and Harold Lucas The following ranked first in the primary room: Grade 2, Mabel Kline, Vernon Collen, Dorothy Bullock and Ruth White; grade 3, Gertrude Hougha- wont; grade 4, Mildred Jayne. The following ranked first the past month: Grade 5, Emuia Weiland; grade 6, Ruth Kliue, Donald Knilans aud Milton Jayne; grade 7, Jessie White; grade 8, Harold Lncas. KM KHALI) PAKK. Rev. Father Bourke visited friends in this vicinity Monday. L. Hock of Chicago is spending a few davs nt his cottage. F. Walsh of Harvard spent a few days recently at lii.s home. Miss Mary Gibbs of River Forest is spending this week at her home. R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake was seen on onr streets Monday. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Tuesday with the Misses Fleming at Barreville. Mrs. E. Comisky returned home Sun day. after spending several days iu Chi. cago. Miss Mary Burke of McHeury spent Saturday and Hnnday with the Misses Knox: Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and family of West McHenry visited at J. R. Smith's Sunday. Mrs. Win. Oarey and Mrs. P. Cleary of McHenry visited with Mrs. Ed. Knox Thursday. The basket social given by Miss Mar garet Ward and pupils proved a success socially and financially. Misses Irene Frishy, and Anna McGee and P. J. Aylward of McHenry were callers in this vicinity Hauday. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago and George E Hoelwher of Elgin were gnests at the former's home Sunday. Messrs R. H. Corr and friend, Alber Emery, of Woodstock attended the bas ket social at Miss Margaret Ward's school Satnrday evening. rami Knr Knit, Caah or Sliartt*. For rent Tor the year 1909, cash or share rent, what is known as the Peck farm in the north half of Sec. 10, town ship 44, town -of Jifnnda, McHenry county, 2± miles south of McHenry, con sisting of 2H0 acres of well improved land. Will repair buildings to suit renter; 210 acres plowed land, 70 acres of very good pasture. Cash rent to be paid monthly. Write to 28 J. A. KITTLE, Kemptou, 111. K _________________ For Rent:--A six room cottage in West McHenry. For terms and further information write or apply to Fred Schnorr, West McHenry, U). .roHNSBCBOH. Miss Mayine Stilling called at her Uls ter's Snnday. Jos. May and Jos. Miller of Ringwood spent Snnday here. Mr. aud Mrs. Math. Blake of McHen ry were seen here Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Jos Thelen entertaiued Mr. and Mrs. Wm. OefHing Sunday. Miss Martha Mertes is visiting her an>it, Mra. Henry Heiiner, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Brits of Volo spent Sunday with Mr. Mid Mrs. Peter Brits. Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling and Peter F. Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller Tuesday. John Lacher of Adams, Mipn , who has been ^faiting<here for three weeks, left for home Thursday last Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Klein and daugh ter of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Math. N. Frennd Mr. and Mrs Math. Steffes and daughter, Lauretta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nitrk Weingart at Volo. Misses Mary, Josephine and Len« Pitxen of Volo spent Monday afternoon with their annt, Mrs. Wiu. Oeffling. Messrs. and Mesdames Lawrence Baer, Peter Schmitt and Peter Frerind visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frennd. Mr. and Mis. J. C. Debrecbt and little son left Tuesday afternoon for ()'Fallon, Mo., for an extended visit with the former's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mnrray and son, Raymond, and daughter, Margaret, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs, Murray's mother, Mrs. McLaughlin, in McHenry. A jolly bunch of boys and girls as sembled at the home of Miss Rena Michels on Sunday afternoon and sur prised 1ier, the event being in houor of her seventeenth birthday anniversary. She was presented with a pair of ear rings and a neckchaln. Those present were the following: Misses Lena Mich els, Lena Schmitt, Eva Huemann, Mar thaNiesen, Emma Nye, Margaret La Fontaine, Emma Bngner, Eva Kiug, Margaret Huemann, Rena Michels, Kathryn Schmitt, Martha Mertes and Susie Fremiti; Messrs. John Niesen Jos." Hetterinan. Ben Frennd, Nick Klein, Stephen May, Peter Frennd, Jos. Frennd, Will Schmitt aad Jake Stetfes. Games and all kinds of tricks were played and snpper was served. VOliU Miss Kate Frost was a recent visitor in McHenry. Ed. Lusk has htd a telephone placed in his store in Volo. C. G. Husou of Liberty ville spent one day last week attending to business here. Mesdames Edward Lusk and A. J. Raytpoud were iu Chicago one day last week. Mrs. Ed. Lusk an J Miss Hellen Ray mond were in Waucouda Thursday aft ernoon . Mr. add Mrs. L. V. Lusk of West Fremont called on friends here Tuesday afternoon. M isses Edna Sloan and Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were in ,town last Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hironimns and Miss Lucy Dunnill were in Wauconda one after noon last week. Mrs. Henry Rosing entertained her niece, Miss Pitzen, of Pistakee Bay a few days last week. Miss Maggie Dwyer of Belden, IjPis., was the guest of Miss Maude Walton the first of last week. Miss Maude Walton is spending a few days the latter part of this week with friends at Liberty ville. Mrs. Ben Stilling and danghter of Pistakee Bay called at the August Mill er home Thursday afternoon. Albert Miller has been laid up with rheumatism for the last week, but is able to be out of doors at present. A progressive euchre party was given at the Walton home last Wednesday evening. About fifty five were present. All report an excellent time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosing and son, Herman, and Mrs. George Richardson and sons of Round Lake attended church here Suuday forenoon. OSIEKO. C. E. Jecks was a Chicago passenger last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey visited at Thomas Bros.' last Sunday. Mrs. C. E. Gay lord and son, Eb, were shopping in Woodstock last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and little son visited in .Woodstock last Fri day. Mrs. Nellie Dimon and Mrs. Anna Martin visited with the former's sister,' Mrs Guy Harrison, last Friday. Abont twenty neighbors and friends of Mrs. Guy Harrison went and helped that lady celebrate her birthday anni- vesary last Friday. A general good time is reported. Mesdames F. E. Martin, Will Thomas, Warren Thomas, T- A. Abbott and danghter, Maud, attended the W. C. T. U. dinner at Mrs. J. Browu's in Ffitig- wood last Wednesday. A Horrible Hold-Up. "Abont ten years ago my brother was "held up" in his work, health and hap piness by what was believed to be hope less Consumption," writes W. R. Lips comb, of Washington, N. C. "He took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, but found no help till he used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six lx>tt,les.. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or •ore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Asthma and all Bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch. AIR MOTOR •• PUHP Guaranteed to operate any pump Best of satisfaction always. We sell ou trial. Why pay $125 when yon can buy pump complete for $37*50 Wm. B&con, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. . . . E A S T S I D E . Mem Market This market carries at all times a complete line of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Also home-made Sausages, Poultry arid every thing that that jjoes to make up a tirst- class market. :: :: J. I Bl)(H, PROP. Tel. 841 Chicago & North-Western. Effective Nov. ItKK WEEK DAY TRAINS. Ob?<££>. NOHTH BOUND M£l"nry. 7.00 a m Via Elgin 10.17 11 m SMW a m Via Des l'iaiues 10.17 a in 3.i"> p Ul Via Des IMaines 5.00 p ni p m Vhi Klttiu M0 p in 5.ia put Via Des IMalnes . .ftiO p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.4/5 a in Via Elgin 11.14 a ni 9.10am Via Des l'laines 11.14 am 3.00 pm Via Elgin 4.5.r>pm WEEK HAY TRAINS. McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. ^£0. 7.15 a 111 Vlu lies Plalues H.Uh a hi 7.15 am Via Elgin a m 8.2»a m Via Des i'lalues .9.55 a m 4.!43 p m Vlu Des Plainer 6.25 p iu 4.23 p m Via Elffln 7.10 p 111 SCS1>AY TRAINS. 7.t5ara .....Via Elgin H.55 a m 5.00 p ni Via Des I'laines H -W> p in 5.00 pm Via Elgin 7.f>0 p in | PRO PR OB A TE NEWS (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office iu Ar nold Block, east, side public square. Ab stracts of tit le and conveyancing. Money to loan on real est ate in sums of nvc hundred to ten tliousaud dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. I'hones »K14, !*M and Dlt-l KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Isabelle M. Wigntman eg, n 10 Ben Stilling, Its 10-11 Uocky Beach and rt of way I 600 01) Jos. Etten & w to John J. Stilling, eV4 neku»ec 34 & swM twH sec 35, Rich mond 13000 00 A. S. I'iirks& w to Nelson Smith, blk 5, A. S. I'arks' 2nd sub pt swM. see 32, Greenwood 450 00 Heury Keunebt-fk & w to William Uonslett.pt nw"4 sec :#5. Mcllenry, • r * 910 00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. William Hutson, proof of death made, will proven and admitted to probate. Mark and Frank Hntson appointed ex ecutors. Bond sf'^lKX). Appraisers ap pointed. Joseph A. Draper, final rejiort filed and approved. Heirship established. Distribution ordered. t MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joseph Evans, 30 Harvard Mrs Lanra Miner, 8? " Olaf Anderson, 34 Woodstock Anna Knuda, 29 TEltKA com., Petesch's for di ngs. Mrs. Geo. Hyde s|»eut Satnrday at T. R. Anderson 's. Miss Katie Hnss visited relatives in McHenry last week. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a Crystal Lake caller Satnrday. Mrs. L. Lock wood of Barreville was calling on friends here recently. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Sunday with relatives at Spring Grove Miss Annie Buss spent Saturday with ber sister, Mrs. iMartin Conway, in Mc Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and little soil spent Sunday with relatives at Spring Grove. Mrs. Jos. Buss aud Mra. John Riley were recent callers at Emil Feffer's, north of Barreville. Mrs. Anderson of Richmond spent a few days last week with her son. T. R Anderson, and family. Don't Get a Divorce. A western judge granted a divorce on account of ill-temper and bad breath Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented it,. They cure Constipation, causing had breath and Liver Trouble, the ill-temper, dispel colds, lianish headaches, conquer chills. 35c at N. H. Petesch's. , * Read Tha Plsindeel*. Ml -.r; > * ' • ' In rubber goods we pro vide a rare assortment and goods of worthy quality. You will always find here just what you want at the in est moderate price. In syringes we have Foun tain, Combination, Bulb, Hard Rubber, Patent Vari eties, Ear, Ulcer, and also Veterinary Syringes in metal and rubber. - N. H. Petesch Druggist. - McHenry. '••rii $•! ̂ ; Ml "i&s 'J EARLY RISER That's the Name Ask Your Grocer For It Why Be Without ..THE BE5T.. Family Flour•; (iraham Flour Breakfast Food Corn Ileal Buckwheat Flour Rye Flour Pumpernickel Floor West McHenry Flour and M Mills WEST McHENRY, ILL Jt'II X SPENCER, Proprietor f| I H % •'•1 39$ PICKLES m iv y*r PER BUSHEL for vat run / 5 P1CKLKS, ONE TO FOUR INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE NATIONAL:: .: PKKlf i, (MI (0. 83 $jj 'M 1 P H I L I P J A E G E R QENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Ure5sed Beef, Hutton, Hogsw Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This ia the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAUt FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. w ' ,-•! EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Otitis. S. Nortbn>p, Attorney. F.sUitt* <»f Tsiiiic Iliipsli. rw«>aso<l. Tin; uudersittued huvins l«;eu Exi'fiiliix of the Istst Will and Testimifiit of ..iaiio Hiifsli. (leofascd, l«t.«Mif t he County "f M< llt?nry aud Stiitf of Illinois, ht-nliy (fives iot.ii'1* iliitt will appear U'fon." tlie County *.:ourt of Mcllenry County. :»t .tlio Court House In Wooilstof k. at the March Term, on he first Monday in March next, at which . iine all persons hu'vlnp claims asfainst said Est;Ue are nol itied and remitted to attend for the purpose of having t he sjime adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re- uested to niuke Immediate payment to the ndersfRned. Kated this 4th day of .Innmiry. IH0H. LOUIISKV HAMSH. Kxecutrlx. EXECI:TOR> NOTICE. C. I'. Harnes. Attorney. Estate of William llut.son, I)ece;ist?d. Tlie undersigned havlus iieeu uppolut<Ht Executors of the last Will and Testament <>t William Unison, deceased, late of the founty of Mcllenrv and State of Illinois. herel>y aive notice that they will appear at the Court llonse lu Woodstock, at the March Term, on t he first Monday in March next, at which lime all persons having claims a^aiust said Estate are notilitd and requested to attend for the purpose of haying the same adjusted. All person* indebted lu saitl Kstate are r*«- guested to maVe inuneeiate piiymeut to the uudersitined. Dated tins 5th day of January. A. L>. tiWU. _ FUHK HCTSON I MASK Hcraos f «««»»»• Want Colun^n. Aii advertise aioiiC^ izi^trtUU uiuler ctiu htau At" fuhuwuiK rrnic® Kive liuce or oeiitB (or ttrjj| lonrtuni lu cfut?- fur in>c-rtivik Morv tUaii rtvt- tiai'e, 5 cents a llu«- far and 3 c«nti A itw for lUltliUOMl LX)li Sx\LR;-Oae full-blwod 1 land i'htna K)ar, luqutr^ of Oi*TlHi UUATTOS, Greetiwt>od, ill. ? ! renters. liKiuire of KOMUHV KNOX, ON* 4 ' • '• Feh. 15. _ ; HENT- Two houses with laud to suMI renters. Inuulre of mile south of McHenry. LOST:-On Monday. .>1 ou streets in West dull Roman gold watch, leave at this offloe. <SV'J Mcfieory, a ladles**. ;• jipj; Einder wilt. - **~i- ; 13>OH SALE:-Seventy Barred Hock cocks; ™ ere Is and pullets. Kinglet Slraiu. hr<eV from winners at Eljjin ana Lake Oenevt*; 19UT. i'an fnrntsli muU'S aiicl mat inn. Mv -prU«e« ciiu't t»' at* i>. Mnanijf • considered.' W. li. JOHOKHOTTT. Hiitgwooa. 111. TJV>K SALE: Between 4 and 5 unw good drj T t.„rn in the crib. Call < r address ML IOHXSON. R. K. U. No. 1. West McHenry. 5T>-M Hp fi . V*. * ! __==* _ ^ ^ (ilazier JaltiWe Siu^ere at the Ceutml J ,4^ opera bouse next Tbored*? «v«nin^ jboa*rj 38.