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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1909, p. 4

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< 4 . • "" ; REOPENING OP VV*-" Professional, Society •-*^r ,*;<-* ̂\ ̂ T "*& DEALER iwcS flasks! We liavfe jbi ' elegant Hoi oi gaa&ks ol all kinds and are selling them at rea- onable figures. If you are going to attend the masquer­ ade dances around this vicinity this year let us iix you out. v» i 1 - | 31$; We will handle a complete stock of . ̂ AUTOMOBILE emd BOAT SUPPLIES CRAWFORD CARS ROADSTER 4-CYLINDER $1250 UP • n / In stock March 1 in show room. RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. - - McHenry. 111. The McHenry Plaiqdedler i" , FJJBLISHED EVERY fHURSDAY BT F. a. SCH REINER. (Uiettkllukball&i. Telephowo, So. m. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year , tl.150 BLx months, 75 eta. Three months. 40ctft. Thursday, February 11, 1909. IN MEMORY OF LINCOLN STATION PAYS TRIBUTE fpnQUR V'i 'l^ATE PRESIDENT. V* Address lieliyered byEx-K.leutenant.Gov- ernor W. A. Northoott, of Springfield, at Chicago Joday, Thro the courtesy of the speaker we herewith reproduce an, address deliv­ ered by Ex-Lien tenant Governor, W. A. Northcott, at Chicago today: LINCOLN. There are two great epochs in the history of the American Republic. One is the nation- building epoch and the other ta the nation-preserving epoch. The first had its scene of action in the midst of the thirteen colonies on the Atlantic sea-board and its central fig- are was George Washington. The sec­ ond epoch had its principal stage of conflict in the Mississippi Valley and Its hero was Abraham Lincoln. We recall the history of the early settlements of .Jamestown and Ply- month Bock. We see the growth of thirteen colonies peopled by the liberty- loving Anglo-Saxons. We stand with the throngs in the old £own meetings on the commons of Boston and hear the thunder-bolts hurled by Samuel Adams at the tyranny of the British. We again hear the matchless eloquence of Patrick Henry in the halls of the Vjrginia assembly, and the continental congress. Like mountain peaks loom up the figures of Washington and Frankhn. We watch in the morning twilight for the coming of British reg­ ulars along the streets in the quiet villages of Lexington and Concord. We stand amid the glories of Bunker Hill and wait with Washington and his barefooted soldiers in the snow at Valley Forge, and applaud his victory at Trenton. We witness Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga and Cornwallis' »t Yorktown. We stand iu the city of Philadelphia and hear the old liberty bell peal out the birth of liberty upon a new continent; and hear the plaudits of the world at the immortal words of the Declaration of Independence, as penned by the liberty-loving Jefferson. We see a uew nation born, dedicated to freedom and constitutional government; created by a people whose forefathers, upon the plains at Runnymede, had wrested from King John the Magna Charta, the bulwark of Anglo Saxon liberty ; a nation that was to exemplify to all history the truth, that all govern­ ment* derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. Nations are not foftde, they grow. In the beginning of this republic our forefathers left two great questions for future generations to solve. Ideas are things, and it was a contest upon these two great ideas that moulded the bul­ lets that were fired in the civil %ar. As the teaching of Voltaire and Rous­ seau enhniuated in the French Revo­ lution, so the discussion of these two great qustions ended only at Appomat­ tox, The first found an early expression in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions of 1TO8 and 1799, inspired by Jefferson. They formulated the contention that the right of, the state was above the right of the federation. Jefferson, the liberty-loving Jefferson, who had just come front.under the shadows of mon arcby, knew no centralization except the centralization of personal govern inent. He did not fully understand that in a representative government the greatest danger is not in centralization, but in disintegration. He had not come to realize that the greatest ty­ ranny is the tyranny of a petty tribe, and that in empire there is liberty. That in a great representative govern­ ment where all power comes from . the people, there is no danger of centrali­ zation. Calhoun, as' the disciple of Jefferson, carried this idea to its logical conclusion and advocated the nght of nullfication and secession, and closely connected this question with the other great question of human slavery. This contest brought into action the trans­ cendent eloquence of Daniel Webster, whose defense of the supremacy of our federal government will always be a part of our national history. It found its most dramatic incident when An­ drew Jackson faced South Carolina in it^f nullification and, with uplifted hand, swore by the Eternal that the right of the federation was above the right of any state. And tjms oommenoed the contest that ended only in^civil war. Here upon the prairies of Illinois more than seventy years ago appeared the first cloud of the impending storm. The death of Lovejoy at Alton battling for the liberty of speeich and for human freedom, inspired the oratory of Wen­ dell Phillips upon the commons of Bos­ ton, whose words rang out in favor ot liberty like the call to battle. Hie death lent strength to the noble Garri­ son in Massachuetts. It was with John Brown when he died at Harper's Ferry. It inspired the pen of Horace Greeley, whose words lighted the fires that final­ ly melted away forever ttae chains of slavery. In the midst of this storm came the colossal figure of Abraham Lincoln, "the grandest man who has come to us on the tide of time. " His origin was as humble as that of the lowly Naza- rene who bore bis cross on the far-off shores of Gallilee. As ft solitary moun tain peak towers above the plains, so stood Lincoln above his environments The centuries will ask of him as they have asked of Shakespeare, from whence came his greatness, and out of the Eternal will cOtae the answer that God gave it. * The first real Americans were those INot Coughing Today? Yd you may cough tomorrow! Better be prepared for It when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house* Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly set all doubt at rest Do as he says. He knows. NO alcohol in this cough medicine, y,c. A~yerCo.,Lo^dlWaT$. tfmt health is a great safeguard against attacks of throat and lung troubles, but wi destroy the best of health. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills, v-* who crossed the Appalachian mountains into the Mississippi Valley. Thus came Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay and thus came the parents of Abraham Lin­ coln. This host of pioneers from Vir­ ginia and the Carolinas into Kentucky and Tennessee and thence into Illinois, made the background for the figure of Lmooln and they were the men in whose midst was fought out the secofid great American confiiet. The stars shine upon no greater peo­ ple than those who live here in the val ley of the Mississippi river, greater than the Tigris or Euphrates; greater than th6 Nile, that flowed by the homes of the Ptolemies and Pharoahs, and up on whose banks sit grand, gloomy and peculiar, the everlasting pyramids; greater than the Tiber of ancient Rome, from whose banks the imperial Caesars ruled the world; greater than the Rhine, in whose valley contended the Teuton and the Gaul for the' supremacy of Europe and the world; greater than all these because it flows by the home of freemen. And Illinois, stretching from the Great Lakes on the north, to the very heart of the Southland, became the keystone of this great valley and here lived and wrought Abraham' Lin­ coln. '• • "Not rtthout thy wondrous story. Illinois, Illinois. Can be writ thy nation's glory, v Illinois. Illinois, On the record of thy years ' 1 Abraham Lincoln's name appears, . | Grant and Loffwu and our tears,- Illinois, Illinois." Lincoln was just entering public life as a member of the Illinois legislature at the formative, period, of this govern­ ment. Chief Justice Marshall was yet breathing into our Constitution, the breath of a broader National life. Those giants, Webster and Calhoun, were battling over the relation of the states to the federal government. Webster's great reply to Hayne was ringing thru- out the country like a call to battle. This great speech built the breast-w6rks behind which the Union soldiers fought from 1861 to '65. Lincoln caught the inspiration of the times and he believed with Washington and Hamilton that the right of the federation was above the right of any state. These great statesmen were aristocrats, but Lincoln was one of the people and put into prac­ tice what Jefferson taught in theory- equality of all men before the law. Withont being an arist&crat, Lincoln believed in the supremacy of the nation­ al government. Believing in the equal­ ity of men, he denied Jefferson's doc­ trine of state sovereignty. Lincoln be­ came the champion and embodiment of two great American ideas--liberty and national supremacy. He was a great admirer and follower of Henry Clay and believed in the doctrine of a pro­ tective tariff and other great Whig prin­ ciples which were inherited by the Re­ publican party and which have finally come to be the belief of a nation. Lincoln was a politician in the truest and best sense of the term. ' A states­ man understands the theory of govern­ ment and a politician the practice of government. Lincoln was both a states­ man and a politician. .There can be no successful government withont party, and no successful party without organi­ zation and no organization without poli­ ticians. When Lincoln was a member of the Illinois legislature he joined in a. combination with eight others which became known as the "Long Nine." These members, were from Sangamon county and became the early disciples of that principle of "log-rolling," by which they voted for every measure by which they could trade for votes for the removal of the state capital from Van . dalia to Springfield. Lincoln thus be came the head and front of one of the most marked log-rolling schemes known to Illinois history and he was success­ ful. As a politician he was always fair and honorable and never struck below the belt Lincoln's great power with the people lay in the strength of his expression. His words were as easily understood by, the people amongst whom he lived as the call of the bird to its mate. As true to nature as the roar of the wild beast or the gentle murmur of falling waters. Bia thought and" speech were as direct as the lightning and his humor as gentle and wholesome as the laugh ter of a little child. His Gettysburg speech and his inangnral addresses are unexcelled classics. > The hour having struck, the great stage ready, and the man come, the curtain riises upon the debates between the "Little Giant," Stephen A. Dong- las, and the Great Emancipator, Abra­ ham Lincoln. Here in Illinois with her prairies so open that truth could find no hiding place, the people listened to the immortal words of Lincoln in that great debate and they caught the inspiration of liberty. The torch was lighted and the fire of freedom spread thruout the length and breadth of the land. When Lincoln appeared at the great meeting at Cooper institute, New York, he was practically unknown in the Bast. He arrived hurriedly from a late train and appeared dusty and ill-attired, His gaunt body was covered with ill- fitting "clothes; the sleeves of his coat were short and his trousers were nearly to his knees. The chairman, ashamed of his appearance, threw him at the meeting like you would throw a boot­ jack at a cat. He said: "Ladies and gentlemen, Abraham Lincoln of Illi­ nois." Then Lincoln spake as never man spoke before, on this great question of human slavery. With a logic as in­ cisive as analyzed this great question from the making of the consti­ tution up to that time. His words were as mellow as the cadences of the Kala- valla. Here his great power of direct speech illuminated the question as it hod uoVoi bo£u iilsiufid before. Wh?n he had concluded bis masterly effort the cultured Easfhad bowed down in hom­ age to the simple pioneer that the West had already lifted up on its shoulders. Years afterward, Mr. Lincoln told a friend that at this meeting for the first time he thought that one day he might ... -.-A become president of the United States., Bunker Hill, Saratoga and Yorktown made us free from tha tyranny of kings, but it was not until the boys in blue marched with Grant to Appomattax and the emancipation proclamation came from the hands of Lincoln like the voice of God into the grave of Lazarus were all of our people absolutely free. Then for the first time were the theories of the Declaration of Independence made absolute facts. Then the storm which had been gath­ ering for more than half a century broke with all its fury and violehce. The first gun fired on Fort Sumter was the voice of destiny calling on the young republic to do battle for its life. No great army was in the field to answer to the challenge. It was not to be a mortal combat between the equipped and mob ilized armies of two great foreign powers; but under the dark cloud of impending 'war, loyal citizens asked themselves, "Would the nation die, or would the nation live?" By their fire sides, with prattling children upon their knees,. with the teaffal eyes of wives upon them, men sought to resolve their duty. The call was answered from the plow; the work shop, the hill and dale, from country and city the people flocked to arms. "They came as the waves dome when armies are landed, -- They came as the winds come when navies are stranded." And above the thunder of the mutter ing storm was beard the voice of a lion- hearted people, crying to their leader: "We are coming, Father Abraham, one hun­ dred thousand strong." You have read of those days--how the firing on Fort Sumter aroused the patriotism of the people. You have read of the news of the defeats at Bull Run and Cbancellorsville; how the splen­ did army of the Potomac wasted with disease and inaction. Then it belonged to the soldiers from the cornfields of the West to look, with Grant, into the fiery mouths of the cannon at Fort Donel- aon, and give to a faltering cause the courage of a great victory gained. It was their stubborn courage that changed defeat into vidtory at Shiloh. They waited with Grant in front of Vicks- burg until that place gave way before their grim determination. And then came the glorious news of Gettysburg; how Meade thjrew shrapnel into the ranks of Lee's defeated legions. Yon have read of Logan at Atlanta; how after McPherson had fallen he rode to the front with his long, black hair streaming in the breeze, his eyes flash­ ing, his sword drawn, that caught its brightness from the princely gleaming of bis soul, "a mailed warrior, a plumed knight,who ^plucked victory from de­ feat, even at the cannon's mouth, and with the ferocity of a tiger, compelled submission from bended knees. There may have been better trained generals, but there never was a braver soldier than John A. Logan. He was the hero volunteer soldier of that war. Then Grant, who never lost a battle, joined in the last death struggle with Lee in the Wilderness; and then was heard the -glad acclaim of £he people when the bottom dropped out of armed rebellion upon the field of Appomattax. The soldiers from the cornfields of the West joined in the grand review at Washinton, marching down the streets of the National Capitol, cheered by all Christendom. And no braver, better soldiers ever formed the phalanx of Caesar or followed the eagles of Napol­ eon. Then was lifted into the forum of the constitution to shine forever and ever like a star, the great principle of equal­ ity of all men before the law. Then the shackles fell from four million slaves and they were lifted from chattels to the rights of American citizenship. Then the Mississippi in its joyous march to the gulf, and from the gnlf to the sea, told no story of Missouri, sang no song of Illinois. In it was not heard the name of any state,, but in that cease- lesB murmur between two great oceans was heard a grand anthem to the Amer­ ican Republic; in it was heard the voice of a nation proclaiming the will of the people. It now flows by the home of no slave and no bondsman. •« Thru the blood and tears and suffer­ ing of that great war, there was breathed into this nation the breath of a broader national life. Human slavery was abolished, state sovereignty was dead, and the liberty of thought, of speech, and of publication were estab­ lished. Standing with a new generation to­ day, looking back, we see the clouds of war lifting. We ^ee our republic enter­ ing upon a career of progress unequalled in the history of nations, and yet in the forenoon of its greatness. Seeing all these things, remembering the precious price that has been paid for this heri tage, let us not.forget the words of the immortal Lincoln as he stood upon the famous field of Gettysburg: "Here Ibt us highly resolve tbatLthe dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, for the people and by the people shall not perish from the earth." The time honored saying thijt a prophet is not without honor save in his own country was not true of Mr. Lincoln. The people amongst whom he lived all lovetd, revered and honored him. What he said ahd did and was when in their midst they have cherished as the Hebrew tribes the tradition of' Abraham, and dying, have bequeathed them as a rich legacy to their children. There is no more pathetic scene in all history than when upon his departure to assume the duties of chief magistrate of the great nation on the eve of im­ pending war, his home people gathered to bid him a last farewell, and to offer their prayers to God for his safety. In that dark hour he reached out to touch the hand of his people like a little child ih the darkness reaches out to touch the band of its mother. He sprang from the common people and in all bis sorrows aad battles their tonch gave r - F; V Bavmg reopened the Riverside livery in Mc­ Henry, I am now ready to serve the public. My •intentions are to keep my carriages, buses and horses in the best possi­ ble conditioh and do your work at a reason­ able cost. Soliciting a part of McHenry's busi­ ness and assuring all a faithful and prompt ser­ vice, I am, .! Respectfully yours, R:. I. Overton MoHKNRY. ILL; - - PHONE $22 . E A S T S I D E This market carries at ail times a complete line of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Also home-made Sausages, Poultry - and every r thing that that goes to make up a first- class market. ft J. J: Blltfl, PROP. Tel. 841 AIR MOTOR! punp Guaranteed to operate* any pnmp. Best of satisfaction always. We sel I on trial. Why pay $125 when you can buy pump complete for $37*50 Wm. B&con, McHENRY. ILLINOIS. 11RS fURS V.W Highest market prices paid furs of every de­ scription. ,• Brit|£ them to us. Tel­ ephone No, 222* CS. Howard & ion McHENRY, * ILLINOIS. •V him strength and courage, the touch of Mother Earth gave strength and vic­ tory to Antaeos of old. On this centennial anniversary the people of Springfield and of Illinois with one mind and one heart join with all the people of this repnblic in paying a loving tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and America--names as insep arable and as immortal in history as the names ot Alexander and Greece, of Caesar and Rome, of Napoleon and France. : • X-i,. " '• J?* sr.- . k<?* 1 " J®*-- •<*' V'. • '.**r <>***? W-V -:„y .• v> v J -1 , 5 'v."'>* ^ -lu :,!>,« ' •, , C<*1 ^jv ' \ ^•/'*>, i *> - < •*.A.A'W. .IJaa.L.i££totel£.JfoM.. J!.Uf. ̂ fc- .Sill -t The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twent y- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered, Try it, McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 • This Bank receives deposits, pays 8 per C6ni int6i6St OB tjuiddvpOB* its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles Mid does • . . Of NEPAL BAHKHK BUSIKSS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE / Farm lands, residences aim 'Vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE^ in First Class/ Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & <>wenv Notary Public. Bankers. SfHB BEST-*?, ; • . v " ' ' ' Eowest ItAttNESS? oiled here at 751' per double set. 4T. ' f, M. A. Thelen McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. FRESHFISH is market will on all Fridays and Fast Days in a position to fur- nish to the public the finest line of Fresh Fish ever brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us fill them for you in a manner that will pleatee. :: :: E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, HI. TELEPHONE r . \ * j(a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHWESTERN - Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. Allhomecooking. $1 50 per day. - y THEOSdllCSSLf, Prne WKST McHliNRY. • • • -J. vK'n*1 ' * /sf , A- K I L L thi COUCH mw CURE the LUNGS with Dr. King's nsw Ciscwwy ™>C8E8t» ,srSS,-- AMP ALL THROAT *WD LUWC TROUBLES. OPARANTBEP SATISFACTORY OB MONEY UrWDXDi DA V!l> 0. "WELLS. M. 1>. ' ' PHYSICIAN, SUKQEON AND OCULisif ' ~ V- Office and residence corner Elm utMi ft? Gsseti-streets, J^cHenrv.. TeleDbone , 1, t. FEGER8& FEGEBS * * •> ] . % "W>; PHYpCIANlr AND SURGEONS* McHewrf- *' 't-, 111. Office at Residence, corner Court \ »- Elmstreets Telephone 333. • - B. T. SMlLEYc; ' .• LAW, Woodstock, Illinois bn®lness intrusted to Ms care wnfp properly and promptly attended to. V s- - PS. R. G. CHAMBERLIN- ' 2DKNTIST. - Qffiei Sad Residence over 1*1. J. WiMft Hours: 8:06 to 5:30. if * '*v W osr MtoHamnr. Jit. Telephone N*. 6 Office SpaoMteg ; ArMJIvD Mueller Physician and Surgeon j •i , * : - « WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telep!ioae No. 993 . • • SiMON" STOFFEL/" ' Insurance Agent for all classes of J. property ia tbe best Companies. ^ Wctt Mdtairjr, J o h n J , V y o i t a J ; ^ DEALER IN ^ ^ lleiteraJ Ht^rdwaro Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and m|^ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY; - s. - ILUNO# H . C . I V I E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AflfiNT. i atB QOit prepared tolnsureallklndnof prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Llvii. Stock insuring agalpst death from any cause. West McHenry, ! III. HELLO! Oolaff to CMcsge ffldiy? YEP! All right, I will meet you at tits BUFFET % 03 Fifth Avo. McHenry, Illinois, PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ^JBN^ARGEMSIJTS, I',- FRAMES, 'Phone 4§3 " P1PPP \ i m by can not we fill fijf1•" T ?. U * that next Grocery order for you? Ou* stock is alwayjs clean and fresh and. we know our goods will please* Call us up and let us serve you. Wm. Sitnes •PHONE 694 Heimer Block, - iicttenry m ̂ •$ (F .MEW HAVING opened a Har­ness and" Repair Shop in the old Scliiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry,where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please oiir customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and exerting the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. ; R. Sss West McHenry. 4 M ,v t. .^pr^ % ,V M £• - • ' , ... ;• i

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