McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1909, p. 5

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• f f ' ' V , r »- ... Vv * , V- V i??'ft»tiiniT-iri • ; '*••". : - ( " ,, "< J 4 .*, ,. i- • ^ v ^ \ *„ V] ?t - p*! r;, ii; x > '% - /vvjv -* T-• |F^WT^f*p f • **%1 ^T.;s*«f f" j r\ ,7 :;; -r~ :?$/* - 4 f} 0mm ' Wc-% iv :Jr. • ' : • .. 1 "•* #n'. «,•« '#*& Sf:- K w ^ - - i* f »>;% > ' " V , •» 1 , *i *"* < „ " t;< Gtovis , ; Vt¥J' ,..:- ** of Ihe ways of con­ veying the story is to toad valentines. '* We have all of the new kinds and old kinds. Card Mounts, Boxed De- , signs, Floral Effects, £ost Card Valentines, Etc. ' • • • ' " • ' • - - ^ y . - r . T Make out your list of those to whom yon wish to send valentines and Select fitting Ones before the rush betfaa. '"?S-&•? 1 V •>% ' V' ,-'1 N. H.Petesch Druggist ̂ Tel. 274 F U R N I Something that will last a lifetime' -€nd always be appreciated. Never * before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most i|p-$0-date line ef Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, 1 i" ' . : ^ # # and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. : rtcHENRY, ILLINOIS: --~ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF r McOmfoer's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES _ AND OET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBERr West Side Hardware. * NONESUCH PURE FOOD PRODUCTS For None Such wife to please N«ne Such hnaband and to feed the None Sock children. None Such Corn, fanciest Maine pack. No. Scan.! 15 None 'Such Yellow .Crawford Peaches in heavy nyrnp. >5 Norte Such Hominy, No. 3 can io None Such Salnion can... .. .35 None Such Saner Kraut, can. .is None Such Baby Beets, can io None Such Pumpkin, can io None Such Self Rising Pancake Flour, per package , , .BO None Such Oatmeal, plrg...... |o None Such Farina, pkg... Noiie Such Catunp, pint bottle a| Strawberries,in syrap, Re<l Cherries, can. 15 Sweet Potatoes, No. 3 can. . .\. 10 Yellow Free Peaches, can.. ....aa i ,, - Egg Plains, No. 21 can.,,^..^ 15. Cove Oysters, No. 8 can,, . .. ,t. 15 Silver Silk Saner Krant, «an... 10 A p r i c o t s . N o . 3 | c a n . . . . . . . . . 3 0 Special!v 4 pounds 15c Coffee 506* 4^*0 It Isn't poor Coffee, either. Pnre Horaeradish, bottie. . to JOHN STOFFEL West McHenry. Telephone 301 mmnin NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS nwnmhmmm^NNMMMMMMMH V »i •*' -J . ' > •Ml ' " >. ^***^* :f » fis ,*.* " / W r ^ *v * „t ' i. 'r-^S.'y- " VOlA Peteach's for drags. '. Misp Elsie Smith spent Thursday In Oiicngo, Miss Kate Effipger was in Wanoonda Saturday. Mrs. John Boring spent Saturday in Waukegan. , Miss Emma Bacon of Roseville was te town Tnesday. Jack Walsh of McHenry was a Vok> caller ThurRday. Miee Frauces Miller spent Thursday afternoon in McHenry. Dr. Wells of McHenry wu called to Volo one day last week. Frank Hironimas made a business trip to Libertyville Thursday. Born, To Mr. and Mrs. Nicola* Bower, Thursday, Feb. 4, a son. Nick Frost of Kenosha, Wis., iaspend­ ing the week with relatives here. Messrs. Everett Stone and Dave Pot tor of Wanconda were in town Sunday Mias Kate Frost was the guest of rrla tires at Bound Lake several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. SneH and children ppent Bgnd&y with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkle. Miss Bessie Dnnnill of Chiongo was at her parents' home bere a few days last week.;. . Messrs. Fred' Converse and Lewis Lnsk of Weat Fremont were in Volo Wednesday. Mesdames Ed. Lnsk and Wm. Van derboom spent last Tnesday with friends in Ringwood. Ohas. Potter is qnite sick at his home near Volo. His sister of Elgin is here to assist in caring for hiiu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimnsand children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Vasey gave a pro gressive euchre party to about eighty friends last Thursday evening. It is re­ ported that everyone enjoyed them selves. . ; ' TERRA COfTA. Mrs. Maiser was a Crystal Lake call­ er Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Merchant were Mc Henry callers Sunday. Miss Florence Knox has been on the sick list the past week Mrs. H. H. Bay of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at S. B. Leisner's. Mrs. Prank McMillan visited rata tives at Spring Grove la»t week. Mrs. E Knox of Emerald Park visit­ ed at C. Martin'8 last Wednesday. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and children spent Thursday with relatives at Rich mond. Mrs. Jos. Buss and danghter, Annie, visited, relatives at McHenry the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs* Harry Rrandingham of Chicago were recent guests at the Leisner home. Mrs. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of S. B. Leisner. Several of the farmers from here at tended the Wattles farm sale west of McHenry last Satnrday. Wm. Bonslett and daughters, Mary and Bernice, of McHenry were callers at J. M. Phalin's Sondsy, Mrs. J. M. Pualio and Mrs. C. Mar tin spent a recent day with the letter's parents at Griswold Lake. KM KHALI) PAR D. W. Hill of Chicago Park Sunday. P. Walsh is reported seriously his home at this writing. Miss Alice Smith of Prairie Grove spent Sunday at her home. Miss Minnie Martin of Wanoonda vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walmsley Sun­ day. Jas. Hughes and family have recov­ ered from their recent siege of scarla­ tina. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox spent Satnrday at Crystal Lake and Wood­ stock. Walter Walsh is at home spending a short vacation from his school duties at the state university at Urbsna. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener are entertaining a young son at their home. The gentleman arrived on Wednesday, Feb. 3. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith entertain­ ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle and family at their home Sunday. OSTKND. N Mrs. Belle Richardson is spending the week with her relatives. Earl Mann of Woodstock visited friends in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gay lord visited in Janesville. Wjs-, the fore pait of the waa at the iU at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dim on spent Satnrday and Sunday at Gny Harri­ son's. Mrs. William Thomas and Mrs. War ren Thomas. Jr.. visited at E. Draper's last Tuesday, Zell Colby and Miss Alva Hollarbnsb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas. Jr., Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Guy Harrison and chil­ dren went to Chicago Friday morning, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Francisco and son spent Saturday and Snnday with their oncles, Warren Francisco and Henry Hobart. . Pl*ca Tvnr Order Mow. The government postal anthoritiee have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to nse en­ velopes with a return card printed iheiDun. Every business man, fmmor or person of afty occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pat tip in ftrst-cLsss manner. BlUUKVIIUl. ' Mrs. James Whyte went to Cyrstal Lake Friday. ... ^ ^ Mrs. J. B Lyaeh was a city shopper last Wednesday. ; * Clarence Thayer moved into the Han­ son flat Tuesday.» J. C. Button was a Woodstock caller one day last week. Mrs. Harry Coo|ier waa a Crystal Lake caller Friday. , Mrs. Lewis Johnson In* a caller at Crystal Lake Monday.; Roy Skinner and family were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Mrs. J. Johnstone was a Crystal Lake caller last Wednesday. J. F White and son wete Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday. W. H. Monroe was a caller at Crys­ tal Lake one day last week. Mrs. Josepheneon called at her sons borne in Woodstock Satnrday. v F. Wille and A. Hanson A. Peterson were at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Allen and little daughter visited with her parents at Crystal Lake. E. L. Kimball attended the teachers' meeting at Crystal Lake Satnrday. * P. B. Hoaghawout and daughter, Pearl, were Chicago visitors Saturday. R; L. Dofield and wife attended the funeral of S. R. Brown at Cary Satur­ day. A. P. Peek and wife and eon, B. F. Peck, and wife went to the city Mon­ day. Mrs, Silas Olinstead of Woodstock visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Smith, Monday. Mrs. W. S. Paynes and children call­ ed on relatives at Crystal Lake one day last week. Gerald Smith of Chicago visited his grandfather Tn&day and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. W. H. Monroe was called to the city Monday to attend the fnneral of a near relative. Arthur Skinner and Clarence Thayer were business callers at Crystal Lake one day last week, Mrs. Andrew HaMOU And sons, Thomas and Earl, were calling' on Woodstock relatives Satnrday. The Missionary society met with lira, E B. Smith last week Thursday. About 10 ladies were present. The subject was Corea. Mrs. Smiley of Woods took was present. Si Reed and Chas Bullock have rent­ ed the Peterson flat and moved their families in last week. Roy Skinner will move in the house Mr. Bullock vacated, and it is understood Mr. Ris- ley will occupy the one Mr. Skinner moved ont of. Mrs. Ashton, who has for several weeks been confined to her bed, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Dikes, pansed away early Saturday morning, surrounded by her children. The funer­ al was held Monday at 10:30. Rev. A. Dickey oflicating. Burial at Crystal Lake cemetery. To know her was to love her. Miss Leach and Miss Erwin had a very lucky accident, last Saturday. The ladies were preparing to start for home with the team when the horses became frightened by a freight train standing on the crossing. The carriage was so badly damaged that the ladies had to borrow another. Mr. Kline caught the horses. When they had been quited down to a walk the ladies drove to their homes in Crystal Lake. SCHOOL NOTES. Mrs. A. Levey visited school recently, Agnes Risley has moved to another school. Each room Will have a valentine box Friday. Emma Wei land and Olive Hessel- grave are again ia school. Many are absent from the primary room on account of colds and measles. The following were leaders in the spelling contest Feb. 5: Grade 5, Hel­ en Carlson; grade 6, Rachel French; grade 7, Jessie White; grade 8, Ray Lynch. . - RiNowoen. Petesch's for drngs. - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stacker, Feb. 6, a boy. Miss Ellen Hall is entertaining friends from Chicago. Mrs. Hawley of Barring ton is visiting her son, Ed., and family. Miss Flossie Carey was an Elgin vis­ itor Saturday and Snnday. Mrs. Wm. Beth waa a caller at Mrs. Wm. Hutson'a last Thursday. Miss Emily Smith spent Satnrday tod Sunday with Richmond relatives. -• >The Willing Workers' society will hold a bazaar at the M. W. A. hall Feb. 86. Messrs. Ed. Hawley and O. Wolkos were Chicago passengers Monday morn­ ing. Misses Lora Walkington and Edith Tuttlewere McHenry callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Foss and fam­ ily spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. Munshaw in Elgin. Miss Hat tie Westlake of Solon spent several days the latter part of the week at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Me- Cannon. Misses Clara Smith and Agnes Dodge spent Friday evening with Misses Het- tie and Flossie Randall and attended the basket social at the Cherry Valley school. The Ladies' Aid society will hold a Valentine social at the home of Mrs. Wm. Coates Friday evening, Feb. 12. A short program is being 1>reparel, aft er which an oyster supper will be served. An invitation is extended to alL • . - " ; •%, The remairs of Peter Bowers, who Coming! LOUIS WILLIAMS The Electrician -IN- The Wonders of Electricity filtn No. Intertiment (ourse With an elaborate and costly display of electrical appara­ tus, machinery and working models, showing what elec­ tricity has accom­ plished in the past, what it is doing to­ day, and what it may do in the fu­ ture. MOST UNIQUE and NOW ert UiMistM WED., FEB. R Prices 15. 35, 35 AflomiieMt! Having opened a new Har­ ness and Repair Shop in the Bonslett building, I am now ready to serve the public. WiU have on hand at all times a complete line of Harness and Horse Goods, which are placed on sale at the lowest figures. Soliciting a «4b&re of the business, Lam, Respectfully yours* G. A. Barker Bonslett Block - McHenry, 111. Chicago & North-Western. away at Kenosha, Wis., the first of the week, were brought here for burial Wednaatfy. Leave OhiotiHO. 7.00 a is.*.. D.00 a ri.,.. u.&p m... 3,45 p n».. 8.45 a i«. 8.10a is.... 8.00 p a».... Leave McHenry. 7.15 a m.... 7.15 a t«. Arrive McHenry. ...10.17am ...10.17am ...6.00 pm .. 6.40 pm . .0.4Op m 11.14 am SflTectlve Nov. 15, 1906. !X%BBK DAT TBAfM. MOBTHBOUKD ..ViaEljfin ... .....Via Dm PI allies .... ....Via DesPlalnes.... Via Elgin 5.12 p m........ Via DesPlalnes-- SUNDAY TEA IKS. Via Elgin ..Via Des Plaiass 11.14 am Via Elgin-..'. 4.86 pm Will DAY THAIOT. SOUTHBO0ND. Chicago. .. Via Des Plaines #.08 a m Via Elgin. 9.66 a m _.5S>a .ViaDes Plaines 8.5ftam 4.23 pta Via Des Plaines MS P m 4.23 p ia P...Vi& Elgin 7.10p m SORDAT TRAIBS. 7.15 a Mi, Via Elgin 9.86 am 6.00 p a.. ..... Via Des Plaines § 80 p m &M p Via Elgin 7.80 p m Want Column. All fcdvtrtihcmentc liuwrted under this head lithe following r*t«a; Pite llnw (>r lew, *6 cents for first liuertlon; 16 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. Ho re than live lines, 5 cents a line for ttrst Insertion, and 3 cents a line tor additional insertions. BX>K KENT ^ renters. IIHIU mile south of McHenry -Two houses with land to suit Inquire of EDMUND KNOX, one •- '* Feb. 15. inOR SALE:--Between 4 and 5 tons good dry E corn In the crib. Call or address M. JOHNSOtf, R. F. p. No. 1, West McHenry. 25-tf FOR SALE:-Property mill. Everything in is a first class busine«s. CHAS. PBBT, Kingwood. Property known as Kingwood mill. Everything In g< Ci ;ood condition and all on or address 111. 32-tf. U«OR KENT:--The Peter Wegener place, Jt: consisting of six room house and altout one acre of land. For further particulars ln- jnire of JOHN WOBTS at McHenry House, McHenry F( in. 34-tf OK HALE:--About twenty-five acres of farm land, located In Johnsburgh. 1-or further information apply to MRS. EVA MEYEKS. McHenry. iffi-LM T.MHt ^Al.K: Four summer cottages on the -T river front, at very low price. Also farm lands, residences, village property and lots on the river front. PERRY & OWEN, at Bank 84-tf PERRY & of McHenry. tt<OR SALE:--An excellent farm of 64H r acres of farming land, good house and buildings, located two miles north of Mc- ..... ^Jy,v anH A# 5i«Ed lit- Tlmst>urgh, cls'tern and good weli on prem­ ises. Eitsy terms given to purchaser or pur- chasers. For further particulars Inquire at »his office. 32-tf XT^OR SALE:--A seven-room i r p,r ottage. togeth­ er with a frontage of 330 feet, divided in­ to five separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door building* on premises. Good reasons for wiiia*. W ili be at vwy low finure>! If taken at oaee. Inqntre ai this o«ce. f 1 1,1 i'-C* YOUR DRUG 3TORE fe"We ' tssmiie that if you were io our place you would feel it a duty • to protect and promote our, eats in ever 3rway. ̂ v ' v Therefore we try to conduct a store in which you will have as perfect protection in every way as we should expect were we trading at your drug store. ̂ We want your trad# and we ask for it on the b^sis of good goods, good^etvi< ̂wvd reasonable pri.!«s. N. IT. Petesch Druggist. 0* Tefephose • - McHenry. -ftl ' v S V..' ,/ v} • ^ C ' J! '4 ' % ' J :. k"v A'lVe found the FLOUR That makes the BREAD That comes on TIME," T&e good wife said. * If you would know ber secret, here it is: Riser This is the Flour You Want * • r ' made bv John Spencer McHenry Mill# -y /• K ' S , ' e l •' V. ' -5 !i v.;-t ii. * ^ : V % " - • - { •;.f ***, i* ? , - 1 J j Winter Goods must go! We #ill make Special Prices on all Win* ter Goods to close them out quickly. W|? need tie cash. ' * Men's Heavy fft&nMI Shirts 1,t C Men's Heavy Mitts, 1.00 quality.',^.*. .85« ^ Men's Heavy Coats, 3.00 quality ., #.2.3S^ Men's Heavy Coats, 2.50 quality.. . .2.0^; \ Men's Heavy Coats^ 2»00 quality.. i 15 per cent discount on all Dress GoocjUl ^ for the next ten days.»f ai - 41, - Underwear, Overshoes, Felt Bobts aid , « German Socks at reduced prices. :: ? Our new line of Clothing Samples is no\f,-\W ready for your inspection. A big * count is offered on last season's line» ' Call and see them. :: :: M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. ' • t - L 1 "/"'f.. 'M. ' -• fj •' ; '•»! :V PICKLES PER BUSHEL for vat ran J *5^ PICKLES, ONE TO FOUR INCHE5. delivered to our FACTORIES AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE .:: NATIONAL::: : , PKKU & (AlUIINt (0 t r.,1 ^ a ' ; f, Hp P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL CO/IMISSION MERCHANT SPBCIAL. ATTENTION OIV*I» TO THK SALJS OF Dressed Beef, riattMi, H^fs, VAII, Poultry. Hides, Etc., Butter and EMS This is the oldest house on tbe street Tags and price lists fnnftritti eo application. COLO STOftAOE FREE r^HICAOa, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 * 3. Falto* H> WhoteMte l«iarkct.#. r lK, v-« r h .. ISAv? , " •>» A ' , C ,, •i, * - 1 - -'ft,: Wfk- v. % -•% ^ *' •: r1" % 5 JJ . 1 '5 'j 0,. i m ; i . - w t y . - f t k ' ... ,'Jf J j. >\ / S.-J , *i. ^"'-4, yj ' ^ |V' ^ % ->>.v * *•,.*< y.

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