III---- J 1 - " f- Frankflasquelet ' .j: VW*?. % DEALER IN MJ*E DRW EMICA V5: If you are in need of Fountain Syringes or any kind of Syringe, Hot Water Bottles, Trusses, Shoulder Braces for Ladies, Rubber Bandages, call and see our stock. We have-a complete line. :: :: :: Jf We will handle a complete stock of AUTOMOBILE a.nd BOAT SUPPLIES CRAWFORD CARS 25 H. P. ROADSTER 4-CYLINDER $1250 UP In stock March 1 in show room. RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. - - McHenry. 111. pe Mclienry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVEKV THURSDAY BY F. G. SCHREINER. OOc« In Bank Btdldln». Telephone, No.*7*. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Y X>neyear W ® 8!x months, 75 eta. Three months, 40 ota. Thursday, February 25,1909*" AUDITOR'S MEETING Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, county of McHenry, • and state of Illi nois, will meet on Tuesday, March 30, 1909, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans act snch business as may come before the meeting. . Bills against said town of McHenry may be left with the snperyisor or with the undersigned. Dated at McHenry this 25th day of February, 1909. N. H. PETESCH, Town Clerk. TOWN CAUCUS Notice is hereby given that the anna •I township primary of the Republican legal voters of the township of McHenry will be held in the village hall at Mc Henry on Saturday, March 27, for the purpose of placing in nomination the various town officers to be elected at the coming April elections, to-wit: One supervisor, one town clerk, one com missioner of highways, one collector, one assessor, one justice of the peace, twp constables. Polls will be open from ; ^ 9>jelock p. ui. until 5 o'clock p. m. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE, FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi- dsta for the office of constable for the town of McHenry, and will appreciate the support of the legal voters at the coding primaries. 35 tf C. H. STEPHENSON. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of justice of the peace, subject to the dicision of the Mc Henry township primary, and will be thankfal for the support of the voters 35 tf " E. C. HAWIJSY. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thankfal for the support of the voters 34 JACOB R. JUSTENT. FOR SUPERVISOR. TO the voters of McHenry township: Thanking yon for your loyal support in the past, I again ask of you the nomina tion and re-election to the office of supervisor, subject to the action of the Republican primaries. J, C. LADD, 36 4T* FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, subject to the de cision of the Republican town primaries and will be grateful for the support of the legal voters of the town. 36-fcf HENRY F, SCHAEFBR, FACTS FOR VOTERS. Town election, April 6, 1900. €Jity primary, March 9, 1909. <$ty election, April 20, 1909. School election, April 24, 1909. Judical primary, April 13, 1909. Judicial election, June 7, 1909. FOR TOWN CLERK. 1 .hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thankful for and appreciate the support of the voters. Respectfully yours, 86-tf CHAS. B. HARMSEN, CAN 1>J DATKS BY PETITION We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for the village board of the village of McHenry by petition, as fol lows: For President, SIMON STOFFEL. For Trustees, DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN, JOS W. FREUND, FRED NICHOLS. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candidate - for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the Republican township caucus. The support of the voters of the town will be appreciated. • Respectfully, 38 tf * JOHN H. FREUND. FOR ASSESSOR. 1 hereby announce myself date for the office of assessor, the primary law. - 34 JOHN W. KIMBALL. a candi subject to FOR TOWN CLKKK. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of town clerk, sub ject to the primary law. 34 PKTKR M. JUSTEN, FOR SUPERVISOR At the argent request of my ffriends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of supervisor. 85 tf S. H. FREUND. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a Re publican candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the action of the town caucus Thanking the voters for their support during the past two years and assuring them that it has been and a continuance of the same will be appreciated, I Very truly yours, 32 tf JOHN NIESEN. am, FOR CONSTABLE I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of constable for the town of McHenry, subject to the de cision of the Republican town primaries, and will appreciate the support of the legal voters of the town. Assuring all those who have tendered me their sup port in the past that a continuance of same will be received with thanks, I am Respectfnlly yours, 36-tf * JOHN WALSH. F. O. Gane the auctioneer, an tees satisfaction. He guar- BY THE PLAlWIJftALER REPORTERS. J •Mum or Interest Plek*d Up Abont Oar BM; Little Bur*That Mav Concern Yon or Your Frleiul*. The Wauconda Leader says: "Frank Broughton will move to McHenry, where he ha* taken one of the Hanley farms." -• ; . . Judging froiii'the manner in which the candidates are announcing them selves, the annual town caucus this year will be one of the most lively ones in many years. The more the merrier. It is said "a ni-in who squeezes a dol lar is never known to squeea'e his wife." In looking over our subscription list we are led to believe there are some awful ly fine women in this county who are not getting embraced as often as they deserve. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Kranse entertained a company of friends at their home Wed nesday evening of last w(eek, Those present were Messrs. and Mesdatnes William Bishop, John E. Freund, A1 Kranse, George Smith; Messrs.' Will Smith and Mathias Weber. Geo. Smith, who daring the pait sev eral years has been a faithful employe at the local Borden plant, has resigned his position with that firm to accept a job in a foundry in Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will take up their abode in the Badger state city next week. Chas. G. Frett last week disposed of his bay driving mare to A. H. Kingsley of Pistakee Bay, the consideration be ing $200. Mr. Frett is a lover of good horse flesh, and thru the deal the pur chaser has received one of the finest steeds to be found anywhere in the county. Watch the label npon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from oar list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from oar lists since the new poetoffice ruling went into effect April 1. The "'Harmonica elub," whoever that may be, enjoyed a very social evening at V^eber's hall last Saturday evening. Feltz & Miller's orchestra furnished the music for dancing, all the latest piece? being introduced, to the great delight of those present. A Wauconda man complimented his straw-haired wife telling her that all angels are blondes--bat when he re turned home one night with a couple'of brown hairs caught around the lodge emblem on the lapel of his coat--he stumbled onto the lamentable, discovery that all blondes are not angels. Either run a town with a vim or jast sell out and loaf. One thing must be done--ran the town for all that it is worth; get ap steam and keep it'up. Do you want business to come to yonr town? "Then never permit jealousy to rale your actions, but work together for common prosperity and mutual ben efit. ' If yoo have entertained company frbin a distance, gone on a visit yourself, me! with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. / . "It's not much to say for a man thai he "never had an enemy," says the Newton (Kan.) Journal. "Yoa could write that over a cabbage head. It would be appropriate in an essay on mush, or a panegyric on putty. It makes a first-class epitaph above the grave of an ox. If yoa never did any thing to make any body mad at yoa, yoa have been called a man merely thru courtesy. You should apply for a place as a dummy ih a window of a clothing store." - Courtship in Church. The following incident is said to have happened in Woodstock. We do not vouch for it bftt give i,t for what it it* w^rth: A young gentleman happening to sit in chnrch in a pew adjoining one in which sat a young lady for whom he conceived a sudden and violent passion was desiroos of entering into a court ship on the spot; but the place not suit ing a formal declaration, the exigency of the case suggested the following plan He politely handed his fair neighbor a Bible (open) with a pin stuck in the fol lowing text: Second Epistle of John verse fifth-- "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as tho I wrote a new com mandment onto thee, but that we love one another." She returned it, point ing to the second chapter of Ruth, verse tenth--"Then she fell on her face and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him, 'Why have I found grace in thine eyes that thou shouldst take knowledge of me, seeing that I am a stranger?' " He returned the book, pointing to the 13th verse of the Third Epistle of John--"Having many things to write upon to you, I would not write with paper and ink, bnt I trust to come unto yoa and speak face to face, that oar joy may be fall." From theZabove interview a marriage took place the en sning week. OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM ..OF WAUKEQAN.. candidate for " JUDGE , OF THIS JUDICIAL DIS- r TKICT.: - - - -PRIMARIES--- Tuesday, April 13,1909. Professional, Society >• and B\isirvesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST 17 Office and residence corner Elm ann Oreen streets. McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEU ERfi AND SURGEONS, .t ltesideo Telephone! pttySlOIANB AND SURGEONS, McH«*ry 111. Office at Residence, corner Geortaufi E l m - - - - - - D, T. SMILEY Art properly. &ud promptly attended to. OR. R, Q. CHAM BERLIN DRNTIHT Office and Residence over n. J. Walsh'* Stm, flours: 8:00 to 5:30. WnmMoHBNitr.lLu Telephone No. 6 Office ta Spauldlng fSMg. DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEl, Insurance Agent for all classesof; property in the best Companies ' West McHenry, Illinois WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- McHenry Entertains a Large Company of Visitors During tho Week--Whom We Kntertalu. . Chas. G. Frett is in Chicago today (Thursday). - John Stoffel is spending the day in the windy city. Wm. Bonslett is transacting business in Chieago today (Thursday). Mrs. Hattie Merdith of Genoa Junc tion, Wis., has a class in painting here. Mrs. N. ,N. Sherinau and daughter, Villa, were Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. William Klapperich of Johnsburgh *pent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund. Albert Buchert and cousin, Paul Luedtke, left Monday morning for Val paraiso, Ind., after spending nearly two weeks with bis pareuts, Mr. and M/s. H. Buchert. Albert will now again continue his course at the Val paraiso university. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Freund en tertained the following company last Sunday afternoon: Mrs. Peter B. Freund, son, Edward, and daughter, Clara; Mrs. A. G. Barbian, sons, Paul and Edmund, and daughter, Mamie; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund. KNKRA1.I) PARK. P. Jr Aylward visited relatives in this vicinity Sdnday. Miss Harriet Welch of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home. Miss Agnes Carey of Ringwood was a Griswold Lake caller Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cleary of McHenry visited at. Ed. Knox's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walmsley spent Monday evening in Wauconda. L. Huck of Cbicag& came out to spend a few weeks at his summer home. Mrs. R. Sohns came out from Chicago Friday and is occupying her cottage. Mrs. E. Comiskey went to Chicago Sunday evening to remain a few clayp. Miss Mayme Knox resumed her school duties Monday, after a week's absence. Miss Florence Knox of Terra Cotta spent Monday eveuing with Miss Mar guerite Knox. Mesdames Frank Ward and George Meyers of McHenry" visited Mrs. Ed/ Knox Tuesday. R.'H. Corr and Miss Katie Corr of Woodstock visited at E. Knox's and other relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Ward's school was treated to a sleigh ride Friday by Meesra. Ray Con way and John Gibbs, Jr. They drove to Miss Knox's school at Barreville. Steam Heat, Iiot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. TI1E0.S(HIESSLE.Pri)p. WEST McHENRY. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails, in iifcrvous prostration and female weaknesses they are the Supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 Jthis Bank revives deposits, pays « per cent interest on time depos its', .ex tends all courtesies consist ent wiihgoo^.l^ineHttprme^ples and does a " "'"J&Vv, tfllHtAl BJMKJM BUSINESS reAjtectfully ^dieting public pat ronage. . floney to Loan 011 real estate and other first class security. r REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to bny -or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE 1 ftl First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. xsr4 John J. Vyoital DEALER IN Genera.! Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, ' - - ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AQENT, I :im now prepared to insure all kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. HELLO! Owing to Chicago today? YEP* All right, I win meet yon at the Lambert Q. Sea* BUFFET 9a Fifth Ave. Chicago & North-Western. MMMt I ickling in the I hroat "Just a little tickling in the throat!" Is that what troubles you? But it hangs on! Can't get rid of it! Home rem edies don't take hold. You need something stronger--a regular medicine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral contains healing, quieting, and soothing proper ties of the highest order. Ask your doctor about this No alcohol in this cough medicine. f.C.AyerCo. .Howell, Mass. Const ipal ion positively prevents good health. Then why allow it to continue? An active Jives is a great preventive of disease. Ayer's Pilk *r* livtr pills. What doe« your doctor ftp? A new assortment of. elegant !0-oent goods at Vycital's hardware store.- Entertain Company of Fifty. At their country home west of Mc Henry Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin very pleasantly entertained a company of fifty friends at progressive cinch lait Friday evening. The genial hospi tality of the host and hostess was ap preciatively a9Cepted by the guests and at the proper honr a dainty snpper was partaken of. The guests deparsed, vot ing Mr. and Mrs. Martin M royal en tertainers. . Oscillating anti-tip bob sleighs at Wm, Stoffel's, L PROBA TE NEWS (.Furnished by McHenry County Company, Woodstock, Illinois. A bstract Office In Ar nold" Block, east side public, square. Ab stracts of title apd <;onvuy>aneing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower, l'hones 634, 903 and 911.1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna K. Nickels to Barbara Smith, pt uei< sec 13. McHenry, rd §175.00 Barbara Smith to Nicholas J. Nye, same 125.00 Matt. Stelfes at w to Geo. Wirfs, undvd % Sub It It 30 Co. Oiks plat, sec IS, McHenry. r 8, (ex piece of Fr Leave Chicago. "\00a m.... 9.00 am.... 3.:t5 p m... ;{,45 p m... 9.12 p m. 8.4ft am. . 9.10 a ni... 2.60 p m.. • / ; Leave/ ' McHea*f. 7.l.ri 'i m.... 7.ir> am... 8.39 a in... 4.23 p HQ .. 4.23 p m. .. 7.15 am... 5.00 p m.. 5.00 p m... Effective Nov. 15, 1908. WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTH BOUND Via Elgin Via Des lMalne8 .'....Via Des IMalnes.... _Via Elgin-- . . Via Desl'lalnes -- SUNDAY TRAINS. . .. Via Elgin% . ..Via Des IMaiaes Via Elgin... WEEK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Des riafiies.... . Via Elgin Via Des I'lafnes.... Via Des IMalnes.. . Via Elgin....-- SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin ..'..Via Des i'laines-- ..Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ..rl0.17 a in ...10.17 a in 5.00 p m 6.40 p m . ..8i40pm ...11.14 a m ...11.14 am ... 4.66 p m Arrive Chicago. ... ,9.0>> a m .a m .. .9.55 a in 6.25 p ui 7.10 p ni ... .O.ifc a 111 6 '10 p ni ... 7.50 p in Want Column. All »dvi'rtl»enient8 iusertetl ilnUer tills head at tlie loltuwinKrateR: Five lines or letw, rente for nr»t Insertion; 16 cents for each 8tlbs«iii«iit insert on. More than tlve linen, 5 cents a ltne for Hint Inwi lion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertion*. WANTED:--A single seated, convertible into two seated, trap, linbber t.iied preferred, luqufre at this office. . .io i r tjmiK SALE:--One IJurham and one Jersey COW. Terms reasonable- Inqnire oi J. F. MII.I.KK. ltosedale, McHenry, 111". :Henry, r 8, (ex piece of Fred Peter 350.00 300.00 son). M. D. Ott & w to E&rle J. Waite. It 4, blk 8, e side Fox tllver. McHenry MARRIAGE LICENSES, Arbin V. Gat^s, 28.. Lydia M. Peters, 20. Wilbert Gilkerson, 28.... Caroline Neff, 28 Fred Steinke, 22. Bertha Haacker, 1 6 . . . . . . . George Beckiinger, 28 Mary Meyers, 18 Carl Gnstafson, 36 Susie Skntle, 25.: Henry F. Luebte, 21..... Martha Schmidt, 25 Woodstock B. S Goodwin, 25 N. Crystal Lake Edith M. Davidson, 21 Crystal i^ake . Walworth, Wis <» «« * Richmond Union Marengo . Woodstock Beloit We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op portunity and should be taken advant age of. U*OR SALE: --Property km mill. Everything In go is a iirst class business. OH nown as Ringwood food condition and is a iirst class business. Call on or address CHAS. I'KKT, Ringwood, ill. FOR RENT:--The Peter Wegener place, consisting of six rooin lionse and al«>iM one acre of laud. For further particulars in- iiuire of JOHN WORTH at McHenry House. McHenry. 111. _______,14 _ P>OR SALE: -Four summer cottages on the river front, at very low price. Also farm lands, residences, village property and lots on the river front. PERRY & OWKN, at Hank of McHenry. ! HALE: An excellent farm of acres of farming land, good liouse and buildings, located two miles north of Mc Henry. A Iso a house and ten acres of bind at .lohusburgh, cistern and good well on prem ises: Easy terms given to purchaser or pur chasers. >\>r further particulars inquire at this office. •r~"tr F°!i. UH»R SALE: A seveif-rooiii cottage, togei n- " er with a frontage of 330 feet, divided in to flvo separate lots. Ootid clsteru, cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises. Good reasons for selling. Will lie sold at. very low fiifiires If taken at ouce. luquire at (his office ',Mr 'Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yoa posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can seenre both papers for on£ full year for the very low rate $175. Read The Walndealer "want" Manure spreaders at Win Sto*el*«. - THE BEST-- Harness at the lowest pri ces. Harness oiled here at 75c per double set. :: M. A. Thelen McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Photo Studio McHenry, Elliaois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 4()3. i---1----------" 1 -- F FRESHFISH This market will on all Fridays and Fast Days be in a position to fur nish to the public the finest line of Fresh Fish ever brftu^ht into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us fill them for you in a manner that will please. :: :: E. F. Matthews, Weat McHenry, III. TELEPHONE ' . . 30a WHEN you get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar antee all of our work. :: R. MM & (0. West McHenry. We strive to please the ever in creasing demand for something better than the ordinary. To please tli£ most exacting-, a trial order will result favorably. It's aston- . tshing how much mon- " ey we can save you. Wm. Simes v ^ 'PHONE 694 Hehner Block, • flc Hciii y > V